The centaur DEs in Harathi Hinterlands scale pretty well for large groups, and they seem to be relatively continuous.
As long as you have some friends around, having both champs actually sounds like a fun fight.
“More violets, less violence” has the opposite effect now that I’ve heard it a billion times.
Rather than adding weapons, I would love to see some of the current weapons tailored for classes that currently can’t use them. Some examples:
Warrior: Staff w/ a bo staff martial style
Ranger: Rifle w/ sniping skills
Mesmer: Daggers similar to Gambit’s deck of cards
Thief: Warhorn w/ mid-range buffs
The camera is the single worst aspect of the UI because of these collisions it perceives. The worst ones are where it continually zooms in and out because the camera can’t find a sweet spot to stay put. It’s awful.
And PLEASE give back first person PoV, even if it’s only out-of-combat. I’m a screenshot addict, but that doesn’t mean I want my character in all of them.
I agree that my change would be DE scaling:
I disagree with instancing events. That completely removes the intended come-and-go-as-you-please social aspect of DEs.
IMO, DEs need to be able to scale down to solo difficulty or scale up to zerg difficulty on the fly. At the moment, they’re supposed to, but they don’t. Most events seem to be set up for a range of 5-10 people, and even 10 people can usually burn things down so fast that the event is gone if you blink at the wrong time.
The enemies shouldn’t just increase in number, they also need to improve in stats, AI tactics, skills used, maybe Vet or Champ designations, etc., as SevenSigma alluded to. I would go so far as to say that DE difficulty should scale exponentially, rather than proportionately, to the number of players involved. The loot should scale the same way. An epic number of people should create an epic event, even if the premise is just killing wurms in a farmer’s field.
EDIT: Discussion of outward scaling for DEs is being discussed here
(edited by Vick.6805)
+1 GADefence
It would make sense if that was the problem.
This would be an excellent incentive for not farming the same routes ad nauseum.
If the dungeon armors are previewing as literally identical, then your preview window is bugged and you should report it.
Ranger armors do tend to be similar with the overuse (IMO) of trenchcoats, but they’re not identical.
Hard Mode would be very fun for dungeons. However, I hope they don’t implement timers as part of it. ANet did that with Factions missions, and rushing through everything was not fun for me, nor was having to redo missions for having taken 10sec too long. Also, timers might encourage DPS-race mechanics which would be counter-productive for a game that is trying to cater to various play styles. I know my main is not spec’ed for her optimal DPS, and I would regret having to give up the support/DPS hybrid style.
GW used death limitations to boot players from instances rather extensively, in much the same way the OP is suggesting. From what I remember, all of GW’s elite areas (UW, FoW, DoA, Urgoz, and Deep) were set up very similarly to GW2’s dungeons, with task-oriented progression, but used the kick-on-party-wipe mechanic. DoA was essentially four separate dungeons that just happened to offer additional loot if you completed them back-to-back (an anti-solo-farming incentive which was well thought-out IMO). The alternative was vanquishing, where the party was booted at 60%DP.
I think removing the armor repair anvil in HM would be a good start, especially since that’s how ANet had GW2’s dungeons set up originally. I don’t necessarily see a need to remove waypoints, but rather deactivate all but the first during boss fights (same as having them be contested in general PvE). That way, as a team progresses farther into a dungeon, it becomes less functional to simply respawn and run back during boss fights. It would also encourage teams to actually clear trash mobs, rather than run past.
I joined MkS during this past summer, and I have already experienced firsthand that this guild is somewhere you can put down roots for the long-term. And, as Kousei mentioned, our members absolutely run the gamut in RL backgrounds.
Rather than resting on its laurels during the interminable “when it’s ready” anticipation months, MkS spent its time with its members who hadn’t completed their HoMs in the original game. We helped several GW veterans reach their HoM goals, and even finished several players’ HoM goals who had very little experience in GW. This helpfulness was my first glimpse of what it means to be a part of MkS, and the same mindset has now shifted full-force to GW2.
Any given evening, we have people in many parts of the game, from those of us who are altoholics and crafting addicts to sPvP’ers to impromptu dungeon runs, strategizing in WvW, even guiding each other to the most obscure places on the map for fun things to do.
We also enjoy our infamous Nekkid Runs through the countryside (if you see a sudden mob of Asura boxers or Sylvari planties, that’s probably us) which have happened on several risque occasions, with enthusiastic community participation.
There is a ton of fun to be had in GW2, and we intend to take full advantage of all of it. Feel free to jump in there with us!