Showing Posts For Vick.6805:

Sonic Periscopes are Annoying

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I honestly think the KB on the periscopes is hilarious. I don’t think any of my characters has ever been knocked on their butts so often before.

However, the Molten Alliance events that spawn around the periscopes are nothing short of tedious. The veterans that spawn (especially the Protector, but also the Shaman) are annoying even for a down-leveled character in exotics, but they’re nearly impossible for a character in mediocre gear that is at the appropriate level for the zone.

The KB on the periscopes is less humorous while trying to finish one of these events. Focus it down fast, because the combination of the periscope plus the event veteran will be deadly. And even once it’s down, keep an eye on the periscope wreckage, because the periscopes often respawn before a solo player can finish the event. Yay!

Trading Post Armor Type Filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Yes, please, for armor type filter!

Severe Lag Spikes, Constant Disconnects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Playing on Kaineng.

Experiencing lag across the entire game, including high population zones like starter zones and into zones that have next to no one in them, like Lornar’s Pass. It doesn’t seem to matter what I am doing; it’s not zone-specific. Some of the problem is a terrible ISP, but it’s definitely been worse since the March and April patches.

Loading times for LA are ridiculous ever since the overflows were removed.

Experiencing random disconnects which say the game lost connection to the host server, and I get kicked to character select. This happens sporadically. Sometimes it’s several times within an hour, and sometimes it’s once per night. Last night, one of my guildies had this happen three times within 15 minutes. It typically allows me to log right back in, but it’s very disruptive. This happens to me most frequently during dungeons, and seems to happen often when the dungeon objectives change after finishing a boss fight, ending a mid-path event, etc. This is extremely frustrating, as it will occasionally not only prevent me from receiving rewards, but it inconveniences the entire team.

Rarely, the client crashes entirely, although I don’t recall what the error was in that case, but I think the message was something to do with not being able to connect to the log-in server. At one point when this happened, I wasn’t able to log back into the game for about 15-20 minutes, and I checked to see if it was downloading new info, and it wasn’t. It just couldn’t connect.

Elite Heritage Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


It doesn’t matter whether you earn it in gw1 or gw2. The only thing that matters is that you earn it.

If it doesn’t matter where/how you earn it, then I have to agree with some of the other replies that it makes more sense to add it to the gem store or NPC vendors in GW2. Even though I played GW1 and have the HoM completed, I don’t think it’s appropriate for ANet to add further content to the existing HoM rewards.

As someone who very much enjoys mixing and matching armor pieces into fun sets, I like your armor concepts, and I support anything that gets more armors into the game, but I think any new content should be available to everyone playing GW2 without going back to the old game.

I just said ‘where’ (as in which of the two games) NOT ‘how’.

I agree anet should not add further rewards to the hom but I’m getting sick of people camplaining about the HoM in general.

‘How’ a player would earn these new armors is directly linked to ‘where’ they would earn them. Earning a reward in GW1 would be a completely different process than earning it in GW2. The two are linked, whether you said it outright or not.

Complaining in general is out of control on these and most other forums, but your aggressive posts aren’t going to help, no matter how frustrated you are.

Jungle Worm is underscaled

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I agree with Rising Dusk. If anything can be done to tweak the scaling for all of the starter zone boss chains, I think it would benefit everyone who does the events.

When I’m there for the Maw event, for example, there are so many players there that:
A) I can’t see the majority of them due to culling. They pop in and out as I move around during the event. This is really unrelated to scaling, but it’s disorienting at times.
B) Unless you know where they are and immediately attack when they become vulnerable, you won’t even get an auto attack in on the dragon totem, veteran Sons of Svanir, etc.
C) If you help close the portals and/or kill the ice elementals, by the time you run to the shaman, he’s already at less than 30% health.

With the fire elemental and wurm, my guildies will occasionally announce that the event is starting in guild chat. In the 90sec (overestimation) it takes to load into the zone and run to the location, the event is over.

This is on the Kaineng server, which is admittedly high population, but it seems like scaling could handle the high population better than it does right now.

Excessive lag lately?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


Mega lag, random disconnects to character select, and occasional client crashes since the March patch. The April patch made the problems even more frequent.

Elite Heritage Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


It doesn’t matter whether you earn it in gw1 or gw2. The only thing that matters is that you earn it.

If it doesn’t matter where/how you earn it, then I have to agree with some of the other replies that it makes more sense to add it to the gem store or NPC vendors in GW2. Even though I played GW1 and have the HoM completed, I don’t think it’s appropriate for ANet to add further content to the existing HoM rewards.

As someone who very much enjoys mixing and matching armor pieces into fun sets, I like your armor concepts, and I support anything that gets more armors into the game, but I think any new content should be available to everyone playing GW2 without going back to the old game.

Levelin is so long and slow ! Any advices ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


Try different ways of leveling. If your issue is that map completion is lonely, you have several options:

Ask in map chat if anyone wants to group with you to do map completion. Good way to meet other players if you’re on a medium or high population server.
Join a guild that does map completions (as a group) regularly.
Level in WvW. This can be slow, but it’s rarely lonely.
Level in fractals. Admittedly very repetitive, but again, you’re in a group.
Level in dungeons. This is probably the fastest way to level in any case, plus you’re in a group.

With anything you do in PvE, use food buffs for the +10% exp gain.

Tip: super fast Veteran Slayer monthly farm

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


Running one full set of 3 fractals + Jade Maw finished mine for me. The Fall of Ascalon fractal is especially good.

Omni-infusions are extremely overpriced

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


Ascii, while your suggestion is valid, if the player is min/max’ing to the point where they “must have” the extra 5 stat points, I suspect they would also want the additional 5 AR from infusing both rings. Even though AR only affects fractals, in my experience, min/max’ers would want full functionality from their BiS items.

I agree that the versatile infusions are excessively expensive right now. If ANet really thinks these recipes that require 250 t6 mats are reasonable, then the drop rates for t6 mats needs another slight adjustment, including the mats like passion flowers that are treated as part of t6.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Revamp Cof dungeons and remove boulders trap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vick.6805


Rather than removing the boulder trap, make it so that players cannot teleport past it, so that people actually have to learn how to do it, rather than relying on portal.

Agreed that CoF needs an overhaul, but I have to say I’m also happy that HotW path 1’s final boss can’t be glitched out anymore. Cheers for progress!

Need help for AC p2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vick.6805


While I have not experienced the bug with Detha firsthand, it sounds like it might be related to the in-combat bug that players occasionally experience in non-instanced PvE. I’ve reported it several times in-game, but the bug has persisted since launch.

A short explanation: Every now and then, a player will finish a fight, either by killing the target or by breaking aggro and allowing the mob to reset. However, the game will not register that combat has ended, leaving the in-combat UI indicator active, as well as leaving the in-combat debuffs to movement speed, waypoint usage, etc., in effect.

Is it possible that something similar is happening with Detha as with human players? Is it possibly an issue with the in-combat scripting rather than her individual NPC scripting?

Just a thought.

Toughness vs Vitality

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


Many of the arguments for either toughness or vitality have already been noted above, but one that often gets overlooked is that toughness is part of the game’s aggro formula, which Dasorine touched on.

If you are playing a character where you want to avoid aggro, focus on vitality. If you are playing a character where you want to have a better chance to draw aggro, focus on toughness.

If you’re playing a DPS character and you find yourself drawing aggro from your tankier group members, you can try trading out toughness for vitality to see if it helps.

Elementalist Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Making the elemental weapons behave more like Engineer kits (perma-summons) would be interesting.

As this is about the thousandth thread asking for Ele weapon swaps…again, I vote no. If we get the swap, we’re going to have other things nerfed to compensate, and I think it works well as-is. Out-of-combat swaps would be fine, as that shouldn’t affect combat balance.

How to get the star next to your name?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t know if this still works, because it’s been a while since I tried, but if you’re in a group, ask one of your teammates to call target on you. That used to let you see your name tag, title, etc.

Gaming Mouse for GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


I use a Razer Hex. I have dodge and skills 6-10 mapped to the six thumb buttons. My TS push to talk is the button just behind the mouse wheel. The second middle button there isn’t mapped, because I have to contort my hand to reach it, so I prefer to not use it, but I’m not even sure what I would use it for. I suspect that people with smaller hands wouldn’t have as much problem reaching it easily.

It’s one of the simpler gaming mice, but I love it.

Map Doesn't fit anymore

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


The map has not been updated since the karka event. However, you can still get to the point of interest by running down the rocks (to the west of the new bridge, I think) to the base of the ruined lighthouse.

I suspect ANet will update the map once the new lighthouse is complete. I just hope they keep the scaffolding on the lighthouse tower so we can climb it!

Please relax mail suppression

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


When I’m in a dungeon with guildies, and want to pass out consumables to my four teammates, it is aggravating to have my mail suppressed after two messages.

It’s admittedly a minor inconvenience, but are two messages really excessive?

Been having issues with /join

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Like many people, I’ve been using for finding dungeon groups when my guildies are otherwise occupied. Due to groups filling up very quickly for the more popular dungeons (especially CoF), I typically will type in /join and copy+paste the group leader’s name from the website. This prevents issues with non-English letters and possible misspellings.

However, the /join command seems to be inconsistent lately. Normally, if the player’s group is full, there is a message pop-up saying that. If you don’t type the command properly, it says “Unknown Command.” If the player’s name is wrong, it’ll say “There’s no player using that name” or something similar. Recently, I type in /join, paste the player’s name (with the necessary spacing), and the game occasionally makes no response whatsoever.

Just figured it might be worth a look.

Flame and Frost feels like a trailer to me

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Vick.6805


I believe, originally, the WvW content was supposed to be in the earlier patches, which is why they had said it that way. When they announced that they needed to delay the large patch, they changed it to 2013.

This is why they have become so non-committal with timeframes, because when they try to be transparent, people give them grief for being honest about needing more time.

It certainly doesn’t seem like ANet is intentionally misleading people the way BW did with SWTOR’s patches.

End every event with a "karka-like" chest

in Living World

Posted by: Vick.6805


The way the Lost Shores event was implemented caused such outrage that I really hope ANet doesn’t repeat it. The one-time events are far too restrictive in how the player base can participate.

However, being rewarded for participating in these long-term events is a good idea. For these living story events that stretch out over several months, I really think they should gauge participation based on the related achievements, similarly to the new daily system. If you complete a certain percentage of the event achievements, you get a chest (similar to the daily reward or Jade Maw) once the overall event ends. This gives players absolute flexibility in how and when they participate, as long as they know what the required completion level is for the achievements to get the final reward.

Flame and Frost feels like a trailer to me

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Vick.6805


From what ANet has said, it will be a massive patch over the March and April updates.

Sigils on 2handers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


The equalization between the min/max damage ranges and the addition of the second sigil on 2-handers should have happened by now.

I’m still curious what the logic was behind doing it the current way. The only thing I can think of is that it might have something to do with the prioritization of sigil procs between mainhand and offhand weapons, which obviously wouldn’t function the same way for 2h weapons.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Remove condition stack limits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


If they can’t increase the number of stacks that the game engine can handle, then perhaps they could reduce the number of stacks each condition-related skill applies, but make those stacks do a higher amount of damage to equalize it. That would allow more people to apply more of the condition without needing to change the limit of 25.

Just a thought for an alternate solution to the same goal.

Vote on the profession you'd like to see next

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think the Mimic is the most unique proposal, and has the most appeal to me, but it needs a better name (maybe something related to Chimaera or another mythical halfbreed).

Daily/Weekly Gated Content excludes Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


Regardless of the OP’s particular situation, if ANet truly wants GW2 to cater to as many player types as possible, they could easily break out of the “daily” mindset entirely and make it a more flexible process:

Take the new daily categories and add them as options to the Monthly achievements. Increase the each objective’s requirements to an amount that is reasonable for a month. Take the rewards for a month’s dailies and add them to the Monthly achievement. Rewards are given for a certain number of categories being completed, the same way the dailies are now, with additional achievement points given for additional completions.

In that situation, each player can play as he/she pleases and everyone gets rewarded. They even have similar time gates in place on the rewards, since that seems to be inevitable in MMOs these days.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Give PvErs a reason to Spvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Each player will decide what they think is fun, and play the game accordingly. Not everything needs a reward or incentive.

Gamers need to go back to the mindset of playing games like we did with old-school consoles where the reward was just having a good time.

COF 30 token bug....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


It’s obviously not working as intended if players are experiencing inconsistent results from running the same dungeon (in this case, CoF).

I’ve run CoF paths 1+2 with three of my characters (six paths total) back-to-back (didn’t need to wait for DR to reset as long as I changed characters) almost every night for the past two weeks. Paths 1+2 can easily both be completed within 30 minutes. For all but one of those runs, I received the full reward for the dungeon. The one exception was a random run where my guardian only received 30 tokens, and I am certain that the daily timer had reset.

Now, if DR is intended to affect alts, then I should have been receiving 30 tokens on characters 2 and 3 for the entire 2 weeks. If DR is not intended to affect alts, then I should have received all 60 tokens for the run my guardian completed. The third opinion I have heard is that the DR resets for alts if you wait a period of time (most commonly cited is 2 hrs, although I haven’t seen any official substantiation of that). However, that has clearly not been the case for the past two weeks.

One way or another, it is not consistent, and therefore I don’t see how it could be working as intended.

[POSSIBLE SPOILER]New Flame and Frost Character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


As long as they don’t reintroduce Alesia or Kormir, I’m OK with it. They’re two of the most useless characters in the history of games.

I find it odd that Angel is saying they’re going to all of this effort to avoid temporal paradoxes, when the personal story itself represents a HUGE temporal paradox as currently implemented: “Yay, I fixed the world…and…wait…the ‘Death, Good’ Brigade is still here?!?”

I hate personal stories. Did I fail the game?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Vick.6805


I find myself totally indifferent to the story once I get to Fort Trinity. Everything up to that point has been great, and I’ve done parts of all five races’ various storylines.

The introductory stories with each race are well done and entertaining. The intro stories were done in such a way that you can see them actually happening as part of the world.

The mentors for the three orders are well done (especially Tybalt), but once you get to Fort Trinity, the story just stagnates and I find it harder to accept that the events aren’t affecting the world around my character.

Then, when you finish the final level 80 story quest…and absolutely nothing is affected…the personal story becomes meaningless and the feeling of success is diminished to nothing.

As a result, I’ve finished the personal story on my main, and with each subsequent character I intend to stop progressing the story once the character gets to Fort Trinity. That is the point in the story where the game seems to be positioned in time, and nothing that happens after that has any impact on the world whatsoever.

Dual/Multi Speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I’m more concerned with alternate trait setups than the armor/weapon slots. I’d love to be able to change from support to DPS depending on the situation without having to go back to town.

Second weapon set for Ele and Eng.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


The Ele doesn’t need an in-combat weapon swap. I haven’t played Engineer enough to really have an opinion. As far as out-of-combat weapon swap…you’re basically asking for weapon storage slots that take them out of your inventory.

So, in order to be fair, why not just have weapon slots available for every weapon that a given profession can use, for every profession? Put one slot in the weapon skill tab of the hero panel for each type of weapon (two slots for cases where weapons can be dual-wielded) and allow the player to equip weapons from those slots easily while out of combat. When a new weapon is equipped, the previous weapon is put into its slot. This would prevent anyone’s weapons from wasting bag space.

Honestly, an Ele with five weapons in their bags is much better off than warriors who carry around all of their various weapons.

Dual/Multi Speccing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Build specs and template load-outs were one of the best and most unique things about GW. I really hope ANet brings that flexibility back, even if you can only change builds in town, and I hope it’s a flat gold cost at the trainer (to avoid inflation). Gem store FTL…

Trying to Remember a Hidden Cave

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think you may be remembering the Windy Cave, although it has shadow imps rather than flame elementals. The rest of your description fits.

A plea to nerf Dwayna (Arah p4/Seer path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vick.6805


I believe the goal is to create boss mechanics that allow a variety of groups (with even more variety in individual player builds and skill levels) to defeat a boss with similar levels of challenge. Therefore, I suggest the following:

Take her stealth healing mechanic and make it slowly decrease in potency over time. Take her offensive damage output and make it slowly increase in potency over time.

This leaves the current mechanics relatively intact, while providing two different ways to master them:

A high DPS group can overwhelm her self-heals and take her down quickly to prevent her damage from taking them down due to lack of support and healing.

A group with more supportive builds can play a waiting game and outlast her self-heals while doing what DPS they have. Then, when her healing potency is reduced far enough, their DPS will eventually take her down. However, they have the added factor of increased incoming damage, so their support builds will be put to the test as a result.

No group will likely ever fit entirely into either DPS or Support, but any hybrid between the two will find success (provided the mechanics are understood and mastered) when the team’s DPS can overwhelm her healing at the same time their support can withstand her damage.

Just my 2c. I hope this might help with figuring out how to fix the fight permanently.

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Take Signet of Inspiration and make its out-of-combat passive effect a 25% speed boost. Its in-combat passive and active effects would remain as-is.

Fun doesn't have to be hard

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t want to dispute anyone’s opinion of ‘fun’, because each person has a right to what they enjoy.

But, honestly, I think the downscaling needs tweaking. When I take my level 80 into a low-level zone to hang out with a friend, I don’t want to feel like I’m ruining the experience by two-shotting every mob that comes near us, which is exactly what happens with the current downscaling.

Upscaling has the same concerns. The bump up to level 80 still leaves a character at a major disadvantage due to lack of level 80 gear. If fractals and WvW are going to be ‘accessible’ to low-level characters, then the upscaling should be slightly more effective, while still leaving incentive for the low-level player to gear up.

Back to roots or why PvP should be endgame.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


At the end of day PvP endgame is easier to manage for developer and way more entertaining and rewarding for us players.

Overall, your post indicates that you are dissatisfied with the existing PvP, and you have very little interest in PvE. Therefore, you think ANet should stop spending time on things you don’t like to develop more content that you do like. That point of view is highly objectionable to me, as you seem to think your opinion is representational of the overall player base. I don’t feel that is the case.

I have nothing against Counter-Strike, but it is a completely different genre of game. Comparing its success to GW2 is not comparing like objects. Buying Counterstrike, you know you’re buying a PvP game. As much as ANet would like GW2 to be an e-sport, it is marketed as an RPG, so they’re telling you outright that they have already determined that the primary appeal of the game is PvE.

I don’t entirely disagree with your arguments, but I think you’re taking the suggestion too far. There is no reason to stop developing the PvE endgame. Balancing PvP and PvE released content is key, and creating a crossover between the two is even more important, which is why (IMO) we have WvW. And, honestly, from what I’ve seen so far, ANet has done a decent job of mixing up the new content they’re releasing for each. They just haven’t found a style of sPvP that is as successful as GW’s.

Least friendly MMO out there?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805



I honestly think this is one of the friendliest MMOs I’ve ever played…

First, make sure you’re typing in /map and not /say. /say has a very limited range, so it’s possible that the people you’re typing to can’t even see the messages. In anything other than PvE, make sure you know the proper chat channels.

Second, join a guild. From your post, it really doesn’t seem like you have a community to belong to, and that makes a huge difference in social aspects of the game.

Honestly, if you still find that your general experience is that bad, I would switch servers, because the game community is going to vary depending on the server you’re on.

Hope you can resolve this, because it sounds like you’re missing out on a great aspect of the game.

Daily: Dodger

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


I suggest trying the red oozes in Metrica Province, if you’re having trouble dodging attacks due to lag.

They have a visual wind-up, and they follow up with three fireballs in a row. If you’re standing at a moderate distance from them and dodge directly away from them as soon as you see them fire the first fireball, you should get dodge credit for at least one of the fireballs, even if you’re lagging. If you’re lucky, sometimes you can get credit for two dodges at the same time.

They also don’t do much damage, even to low-level characters, so you shouldn’t be in any danger of lag-related deaths.

Good luck!

Staff: Why so unfair?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


The base staff skins aren’t bad.

My opinion is that staves need the same particle effect and aura effects that the rest of the weapon types receive. Why do we have so many attractive particle effects on other types of weapons and such mediocre ones on staves? It makes no sense. The best example I can think of is comparing the Corrupted Branch to other Corrupted weapons. The staff’s particle effect is hardly visible unless you zoom in and look for it.

Commander tags visible to nearby enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Actually, having the commanders be constant targets would be good, IMO.

It adds a strategic element to the game (protecting the commanders), requires the commanders to be competent individual players (purely because they’ll be targets), and being targets will discourage players who don’t know what they’re doing from wearing the title just because they had 100g to waste.

Ultimately, though, I think the commander/squad mechanics need to be improved to make it worthwhile before they start adding things like this. The whole commander system is pretty sad right now.

Legendary Pistol

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Yeah, hopefully the game will move beyond the flower and rainbow phase in Legendary designs.

Add *something* to Lyns

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


While I understand that the request seems over the top, the way Lyns has been handled is in no way fair to the average player.

IIRC, ANet only made the announcement that Lyns would not have the keys approximately a month after she was disabled. A month is a long time for players to assume anything (whether she would or would not have the keys) and the sudden disabling in the first place left many players with unused commendations that had been intended for Lyns’s BL Keys. Whether or not the keys were an exploit is debatable. In any case, ANet once again put something in-game that they didn’t fully think through first, dangled a carrot, and in this case, many of us are stuck with a currency that has much less value now than when we invested (legitimately) in the first place.

One way or another, the OP’s valid point is that Lyns’s current inventory has very little value for anyone with large quantities of commendations, assuming they have no use for the weapons. Requesting additional options is hardly inappropriate, despite the low chance that the request will see any results.

I also think the assertion that a relatively low portion of the player base uses the forums is accurate, although no one’s going to be able to prove it one way or another. I think posting announcements such as this as part of the client launcher would be a much more reliable way of disseminating information. But, I suppose that’s an entirely different topic of discussion than what the OP intended for this thread.

New dailies Horrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Two suggestions for Daily Dodger:

Metrica Province: red oozes have a ranged fireball attack that is very easy to 1) see coming, and 2) dodge repeatedly. And, if for some reason you’re not good at dodging, they don’t do much damage, so if you only aggro one, you shouldn’t have any problems healing through the fight.

Kessex Hills: Ettin hammer swing. Very visible wind-up and easy to dodge.

As far as veteran kills: there are so many veteran mobs out there that you just need to learn where they are. The easiest to find are the veteran oakhearts and pinesouls, which happen to also be useful for the dodging daily, as their wind-ups are easy to learn.

It will be nice when we get to choose 4/6, but I don’t think the new dailies are unreasonable.

Flying Broom

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


It is no different than walking/running normally, except visually you are riding a broom that is floating a few feet off the ground.

It is not a flying mount.

Female human characters with GS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


With the Mesmer, I really don’t see any issue, as many of the GS animations make it clear that it is wielded with magic, and therefore the character’s physical strength is irrelevant beyond being able to carry it on her back.

I understand your point more with Guardian, as their attacks are more physical. However, I would expect that ANet researched how a woman would have to maneuver with a weapon that was just barely within her ability to lift when they were designing the character animations. There’s only so much they can do with the animations to make it more plausible, because it IS improbable that a woman could wield some of these swords. Then again, wielding some of these gigantic swords is improbable for anyone.

Unfortunately, it boils down to voluntary suspension of disbelief (i.e. ignoring the stuff that doesn’t make sense). There’s only so much you can do to make some of these things realistic.

New Player Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


At level 80, the first step I’d take is doing map completion for all of the level 80 or almost-level-80 zones (notably Orr and Frostgorge). The map completion gives you random exotics which might save you the cost of one piece of armor. Even if you don’t get lucky with the stats you want, many of the named exotics are valuable on the TP, giving you more starting cash toward the armor you actually want.

To Spend Karma or Not To Spend

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


Solandri’s suggestion is probably the most efficient method for upgrading armor and weapons as you level, especially now that there are effective uses for karma at level 80, such as the new Orrian Jewelry Boxes. Just be sure to avoid the low-level rare armor, because those prices are usually far higher than what you’d want to pay for gear you’ll only use for 5-10 levels.

Fotm question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


I haven’t tried it, but it probably is possible to switch characters part way through.

However, that alt would most likely need to be the appropriate fractal level to get the daily reward you want. Even if your group is doing level 10 difficulty, if your alt is only level 8, you’ll get the level 8 daily reward chest.