Showing Posts For Vick.6805:

New WvW Weapons aren't Mystic Forge-able

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t see any difference between spending large quantities of WvW badges for weapons to throw into the mystic forge than any other method of doing so. The badges are honestly earned, so why would it be inappropriate?

Champion Weaponskins

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


And staff users get Monsoon…


…certain weapons being totally ignored and/or half-kittened is getting really old.

Jubilee - Sovereign weapon

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t really care for most of them, but there are a few that are decent. As usual, the greatsword is one of the better ones.

I’m hoping Dulfy’s pics of the staff are just poorly timed, because the staves always seem to get the shaft (pun intended) on particle effects.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I have 4 characters with +45 AR and I approve the OP’s message.

I hate doing dailies…

90% of all people do….

…and 73.6% of internet statistics are made up. Don’t project your opinion on other people. We’re capable of speaking for ourselves.

And, I happen to disagree. I think dailies are fine the way they are. The players’ mindset about dailies somehow being mandatory is the problem, not the dailies themselves.

The ever-annoying reality check argument applies here, too:

This is a game. Nothing is mandatory. If you don’t enjoy it, why are you doing it?

Will the Queen fight in the arena?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


perhaps something like:

My name is Jennah, descendant of the line of Doric, Matriarch of the City of Divinity’s Reach, and Queen of Kryta. Loyal servant of peace and devoted enemy of the Elder Dragons. Leader of a displaced race; mediator of five. I will see harmony restored to Tyria, and the threat of the Elder Dragons ended forever.

Will the Queen fight in the arena?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


if I get to take Caladbolg as my prize.

I used Caladbolg already. It was cursed so that I couldn’t drop it and it scared my ranger pet away, leaving me alone to kill the badies with a cursed weapon. It wasn’t a nice experience :o

That sounds harrowing indeed. I just wanted to mount it to a plaque in my guild hall. :o

As for Queen Jennah fighting…do we get to take her armor as town clothes if we win? I’m sure she has spares.

Will the Queen fight in the arena?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


I want to fight Trahearne in the ring.

Pretty sure the training dummies in LA present more of a challenge…

Wait until he summons multiple copies of the necro elite pet and a few shades, all at the same time :p

Heh. So ten training dummies? xD

But he has the Caladbolg. I thought he was a great commander now?

I’ll fight him if I get to take Caladbolg as my prize.

Will the Queen fight in the arena?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


I want to fight Trahearne in the ring.

Pretty sure the training dummies in LA present more of a challenge…

10 years is not normally a Jubilee

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


Actually, you are right. Every 7 years was a Sabbatical year, when loan debts and slaves were released, and every 49-50 years was a Jubilee when all the slaves and ancestral lands were released/returned to their families. Some refer to the Sabbatical as a lesser Jubilee and the 50 years as the great Jubilee, which is what threw me off.

… that’s great and all, but Judaism, is not a religion that exist in the world of GW, so I don’t see how it could pertain to that.

As Unknownhero noted, Tyria wouldn’t recognize the Webster’s or Oxford dictionaries, either. As this discussion is centered on defending the use of “jubilee” based around RL definitions, Caerulei’s post is perfectly valid.

ANet will have to publish a dictionary in New Krytan for a more lore-centric discussion. :P

Only 6 domes ???? why no instanced ??

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


Actually it’s two minutes. And the map capacity of Crown Pavilion is limited to 75 before it starts to create overflows.

Is there a way for someone to indicate if they are an observer or participant?

75 is still a lot of people and a ridiculously long time to wait for a match. Assuming you are #75, and you zone in during the #1 match, there is the potential for a queue just shy of 2.5 hours. That seems very unreasonable to me.

Champion New Bags--> WvW?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


This sounds like it has the potential to cause all kinds of chaos in WvW as the masses try to exploit the new loot system.

Two dyes are the same color

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I was about ready to say the first one looked a little brighter. It is extremely slight but it does look a little brighter to me at least…


They’re not quite the same, but very, very close.

Flame Shaman quest Buged in Plains of Ashford

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I haven’t seen this event up on Ehmry Bay for a while either, which is unusual, but I haven’t spent enough time there to know if it’s actually bugged.

Deposit/Use/Purchase More Than One At a Time

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


For the sake of those of us who have no desire to develop carpal tunnel, [b]please please please please[b] consider the following:

Allow us to enter an amount of an item we want to purchase at vendors (like in GW or like GW2’s BLTC interface).

Allow us to ‘insert all’ (or something more than one at a time) with any interactions like the campaign support baskets.

Allow us to right click a consumable and have an option to type a number of that object to use (for example, clicking a hundred karma bottles vs right click and auto-use 100).

Thanks for the consideration.

What disaster will befall QJ?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


One of the screenshots looks like a destroyer-themed lava area, and with the huge hole in the ground under the new arena, I’m hoping the destroyers make an appearance.

Maybe we’ll see Marjory, Kasmeer, Braham, and Rox team up to help us defend the jubilee.

Braham’s ex-gf seems really shady, too, so I kinda expect to see her as a villain at some point.

Doesn't new award system stimulate"skipping"?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


Skipping mobs has pretty much been the state of the game for dungeons since launch, mostly because ANet has left so many holes/pathing exploits in various dungeon paths. The best example right now is jumping the gates in CoF p2. An older example was jumping from p2 to p3 (i think) and getting both rewards in HotW before that got fixed.

I’m sure ANet is aware of how many of the dungeons allow skipping, and they’ll adjust the rewards accordingly. The dungeons that are effectively gated to force groups to fight mobs will be the ones that are worth more, and I think that’s fair.

well done Anet, well done indeed

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


“oh i am casual player , i don’t care farming , SO YOU SHOULDN’T AS WELL” that’s their attitude

Uh…CoF is the casual player’s dream…absurdly easy and fast farming…

why is everyone against the idea/fact of farming CoF1 by other players? how does this affect you? if someone wants to run CoF p1 100 times a day then so what? It is their choice how they wanna play the game and not yours. I personally try to run CoF p1 once a day for the tokens for my future alts…but I really don’t understand all the hatred against CoF farmers…

The main problem is that even with diminishing returns, CoF hands out disproportionately large sums of gold with respect to the time put into it when compared to any other content in the game.

I’m not going to claim to be an economics expert, but all of the additional gold from CoF farming without a relatively equal sink will eventually create economy-wide inflation that hurts everyone. Casual and hardcore alike end up having gold that is worth less than when they started. That is the economic downside of such an easy farm.

The other downside for the overall playerbase is going to make me sound elitist, but I’ll say it anyway. CoF zerker farming is training people to play their characters lazily. Admittedly, there are players who can play glass cannon character builds successfully no matter what content they attempt, but there are many more who do not have that level of skill. There are far too many players who complain that other content is too difficult simply because they can’t approach it as a CoF-type zerker faceroll. I’m hoping that when people have to play other dungeons, they will also have to relearn how to play their characters intelligently.

I’m not averse to farming at all, and I’m not saying I haven’t farmed CoF at times, but CoF has been abused for far too long.

TL;DR: IMO, CoF has created inflation so that everyone’s gold is worth less, as well as a player base with expectations that all content should be a CoF-type faceroll.

Scaling loot tables with exploration bonus

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


This is intended to be implemented in tandem with the changes ANet is making to Champion mob loot:

Would it be possible to increase a given mob’s loot table chances proportionate to the mob’s exploration experience bonus?

Since ANet is constantly looking for ways to encourage people to explore the game world, I think this would be a good method for both PvE and WvW. The longer the mob is alive, not only would it reward additional exp, but it would also have a higher chance at better loot.

In PvE, it doesn’t encourage farming, as killing the mobs resets the bonus. There are champ mobs in the world that most people won’t find unless they’re looking. That means they have incentive to explore areas where most people don’t venture.

In WvW, the loot chance might scale faster, as there is generally much faster turnover than in PvE, and fewer champions outside of WvW objectives. That would provide incentive for WvW groups to take down well fortified keeps and towers that require extra effort.

Utility skills in Elite slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805



Depending on which of my characters I’m playing, I tend to forget I even have elite skills because they’re hardly ‘elite.’ An extra utility skill would be far more useful.

Although…a rework of the elite skills to actually make them ‘elite’ would be even better…

This would be too powerful. Just to name a few examples:

Mesmers traited to have damage reduction and damage boosted with every mantra charged.
Necro’s traited with boosted wells.
Guardians traited with boosted spirit weapons.

To me, uber-powerful and/or strategic is kinda the point of an elite…

If a character’s trait setup gives them benefits for a particular kind of skill, that should also affect the elite skill slot. The player has given up other options for the extra benefits in that skill set. For example, for an Elementalist to trait for glyphs and not receive those traited benefits on their Glyph of Elementals (as is currently the case) is absurd, IMO.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Ebonhawke's pipe organ.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I wasn’t able to interact with it at all last time I was there.

Ehmry Bay

Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


What will happen to Jugs of Liquid Karma? Will they stay in my bank or should I drink them all now?

Does it matter, drink ‘em anyways, since now you don’t have to save them for a certain character.

Actually, now that it isn’t character-based…these karma consumables will likely become obsolete. It would make far more sense to simply award a given amount of karma rather than a consumable that serves no purpose.

Digital Deluxe Edition and New Update

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


Honestly, I expected the elite skill and trinket to be more useful. The mini and the banker didn’t really mean anything to me.

All in all, it was $20 that would’ve been better spent on gems for things that actually benefit my account.

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


I agree to the extent that there has been too much emphasis on mini-games recently, and I think the two-week cycle is too fast to allow players to enjoy the content at their own pace (the releases seem somewhat frantic).

However, I also think most of the content has been fun.

New Fellblades?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


Those pink runic fellblades are freakin’ awesome!

Next all we would need is a way to dye the runes….please.

Yay perma finishers! Now about my minis...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


The Polymock arenas are in the game (it’s a shame you can’t explore them anymore), so it’s quite possible that Colin’s original idea for Polymock will happen at some point.

The new Portal item.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


I’m hoping it functions as a personal waypoint:

The first time you use the item, it would leave a marker anywhere in the world. On second use you can either place a new marker or teleport to the previously marked spot any time you want.

Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


This will be a giganticus improvement.

Kudos, ANet.

Edit: Any reason in particular Pristine Fractal Relics were excluded? That seems odd.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Queen Jennah assassination incoming?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


We just had an assassination already, I doubt they’d do it again so quickly.

A kidnapping? That I could see.

Considering that Jennah is a Mesmer and can apparently use telepathy with Logan, I don’t think a kidnapping plot against her would last very long. Like, maybe 20 minutes?

Nah. One of the dragons kidnaps her and goes into the Collapse with her. The chase to rescue her is on a long jumping puzzle were you have to jump around on bits of old brick walls and sewer pipes while avoiding the dragon’s minions. And when we finally get to the end, Logan’s there to tell us that he got there first and discovered that THAT Jennah was only an illusion, the real Jennah must be elsewhere down there and we have to keep going.

Only if I get to roll an Ascalonian plumber…


Will the SS Survival and Aspect Arena...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vick.6805


…Cutthroat Polititcs achievements still be available after August 6?

Right now they’re listed under the Cutthroat Politics LS menu, which would typically be temporary only. But, with the new mini-game rotation, Southsun Survival is listed as being available. I am going to assume Aspect Arena will be in the rotation at some point as well.

Does this mean we’ll be able to finish the current achievements even after August 6?

Hey Anet! Buying stacks.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805



I ended up deciding to pay more for the Dragon Bash candy on the TP just so I wouldn’t have to sit at the vendor for hours clicking “buy” AND CONFIRMATION MESSAGES for 20k individual purchases.

Oh, and Thirst Slayer is giving me Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Change Experience Scrolls to Free +19 Levels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I’d support it giving a set amount of exp (equal to the first 20 levels perhaps) for any character.

I’m disappointed that I can’t really use it. My lowest alt is already lvl 21.

For now, I’ll just save it until I make a ninth character. :P

Anyone else want a dervish..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Nope. I’d much rather have my ritualist back. I was always terrible with my dervish.

But, I wouldn’t begrudge anyone getting their favorite class back. Sadly, mine was the monk.

How to fix the major flaw with his game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


A few specific things you should work towards:

1. There should exist a class that can heal and cleanse others.
2. Some classes should be throttled by different kinds of resource management.
3. Some classes should have all abilities available and not need to switch between sets.

My only response is to offer friendly encouragement that you to play the game further and give it more of a chance. Your first two points here make it very clear that you haven’t spent much time in the game:

1. Guardians and Elementalists excel at precisely the play style you outlined in your post (damage/control/healing). Other classes can be successful at it as well. Remember that just because there isn’t a dedicated healer archetype doesn’t mean you can’t create an effective healer within the existing system.
2. Thieves have initiative, which is exactly the type of resource management you’re talking about. While the basic skills are typically “throttled” with timed cooldowns, all eight professions have resource management involved in their class mechanics. The management is just often handled with timers rather than slowly regenerating blue bars.

I’m not sure what you meant by #3, but I think you’re saying that you want a class with access to all of its 50-some skills at the same time. With the current setup, that would be impossible to balance with the other classes, so I can’t help you there.

Honestly, I think your best bet is playing the Elementalist, which has access to 20 weapon skills at a time, can do very well with the play style you seem to enjoy, and using your attunement dancing effectively takes as much skill as any typical resource management you might want.

Hope this helps!

(edited by Vick.6805)

Starting Female Light Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I could see why the starter light armor for female humans/sylvari/norn would be off-putting for some people.

It honestly doesn’t bother me (although I think the garter’s an odd choice), but I would’ve expected the starter armors to be something a tad more nondescript so that the player could then choose what direction they wanted to take their character’s armor.

Will elementalists ever have to give WXP?

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


As an Ele main, I had no idea this bug existed….

Does this affect the actual utility skill as well, or just the downed skill? I run Mist Form all the time, and use it frequently. If this bug affects the utility skill as well, that means I’m constantly resetting my WXP counter, which is totally unfair to anyone who manages to kill me.

I also don’t think it’s a problem with Mist Form itself, but there’s no way it should count as a rally in the WXP calculation. Since Mist Form is really the only useful downed skill we have, I’d rather not see it nerfed or removed.

Idea for character birthdays

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I like the thought behind this suggestion, but a lot of consideration would have to be put into limitations as to what skins it could unlock to prevent it from making prestige items an obsolete concept.

Question about Unidentified Gray Dye (Rare)

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t know about the crafter having better odds. That seems a little unnecessary.

But, honestly, something that costs so much to craft should not even drop common dyes. It should be at very least a masterwork-tier dye with a good chance at a rare.

Block feature not working in guild chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


If someone chooses to ignore another player, that means they don’t want to see that player in any capacity, whether it’s guild chat or any other channel.

Only the person who used the block feature would see one-sided conversations, which wouldn’t cause any confusion because they’d know precisely why it was happening. Besides, one-sided conversations happen all the time in my guild, because some people have mics and others don’t. It’s not a big deal.

Guild officers aren’t always going to be able to resolve an issue where you just think someone’s annoying, nor should they be expected to. Annoying people may or may not be breaking any rules.

Sliding more dangerous than a fall

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Maybe we should convince them to introduce a parachute in the gemstore for modic 600, to avoid getting killed in such stupid manners…

Use the kites! :P

On a serious note, this particular bug is annoying, but avoidable. Hopefully ANet will fix it soon, but in the meantime, you’ll eventually start to recognize the slopes that you should just jump to avoid taking ridiculous damage from the bug.

Nightmare Armor Dye Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I was wondering about this, too.

My warrior is a male sylvari, and he has had the same issue with the sylvari T3 chest and T2 legs. For me, the un-dyeable areas show up as if they’re supposed to match the sylvari’s skin tone (my warrior’s is a dark bluish-grey).

Matching the sylvari’s skin tone might seem intentional, but I’ve never had that issue with the TA chest or other cultural armor pieces on my sylvari Elementalist, for example, which leads me to believe it may be an issue with the heavy armors.

The Big List of Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Dungeon tokens and all other forms of currency should be tracked the same way karma, laurels, and gold are at the bottom of the inventory screen. There’s no need for them to take inventory space.

Damage meters are fine as long as they are exclusively personal, as you’ve said. The minute they’re public, I’ll go play something else. People drive me crazy with their obsession over those things.

I disagree with the desire for an inspection option, unless it only shows the cosmetic details. I don’t necessarily want other people looking at my gear and thereby being able to criticize it for not being what they consider ideal. If someone wants to know what a specific skin is, all they have to do is ask.

It is possible to repair during fractals, although it requires a workaround to do so. If the person who needs to repair goes to character select and logs back in on their character, they’ll load in LA, which allows them to repair and then reenter the fractal without resetting anything. IIRC, this does not work for the person who started the run; as with any other instance, if that person leaves, the rest of the party gets kicked out.


in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


If you have a ticket for a fused weapon, you can still redeem it for a weapon at the BL Weapons Specialist NPC at the trading post in LA.

However, the tickets are no longer available, so if you don’t have one, you’re out of luck.

New Armor skins in the gem store (possibly)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


The phoenix armor is Kasmeer’s armor that everyone’s been asking for since she first appeared.

All three are very nice armor sets.

Do you have screenshots of the male versions? I hope those are just as good.

It's time to tank and hoard ectos?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


Yes, the celestial recipes require the same number of ectos as any equivalent 400-tier crafting recipe.

I don’t think the CoF nerf will drastically affect ecto prices, because people will find alternate ways to farm them. Also, as others have speculated, a respectable portion of ectos come from farming the meta events.

Since ANet wants ectos to be a prime trading item, my opinion is that the ascended armors will require ectos in some form, possibly through intermediary recipes like the Gifts for legendaries. I think there will likely be a spike in ecto prices because everyone’s going to want top-tier gear all at the same time. However, I don’t expect that increase to be permanent, because the demand will drop off as people get their characters geared.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Karmic or Guilded Infusion?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


Karma seems to add up very quickly if you play the game on a regular basis, and ANet hasn’t really given any bulk uses for it other than legendaries.

IMO, the gilded infusion is far more valuable. Even with the upcoming change to boss rewards, a permanent % increase on all money drops is going to add up.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Double loading screen when entering WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I agree with Wolfie. I’m not sure why entering WvW would need to act any different than using any waypoint, since it always spawns you in a location specific to each of the four maps.

The only thing I can think of would be if the initial loading screen puts you in the wvw server, which then has to determine which home server you’re from, thereby redirecting you to the proper spawn point. That seems like it could be streamlined, if only by making it into one loading screen instead of two (rather than changing the process).

Issue with Sylvari and [Radiant Mantle] art

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805



In other games, that would be normal, but it’s very unlike GW2’s armors. The HoM heavy armor has the same scale issue on male sylvari.

Shatterstone still bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


The search function isn’t allowing me to find the older threads to resurrect them, so I apologize for the repost.

Shatterstone (Ele scepter water #2) is still completely broken. It does not execute its skill animation, does not inflict damage, and seemingly has no effect whatsoever when used, except putting the skill into its cooldown timer.

Are dungeon armors going to be worthless ?

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


As with any armor piece, a portion of a dungeon armor’s value is its stats, and the other portion is its appearance. The importance of either portion is determined by the player.

I don’t think the dungeon armor will be useless once ascended armor is released, for the reasons that have been listed in other posts, but it just won’t be the final goal. Even at that point, though, the appearances of the various armor pieces will hopefully still hold value for transmutation.

I need the propaganda

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Vick.6805


No offense to any Americans but the campaigning in this update is exactly what american politics looks like to the average European. Let’s go down the list:
1/ Ads that trash the opponent instead of playing own strengths
2/ online campaigning
3/ elections rigged by the person with most money
4/ candidates literally buying votes
5/ exact same promises (the minigames)
6/ apparently only 2 parties ???
7/ irrelevant issues hijacking the vote

None of that happens in that scale in Europe. From European view the US has a vote between right-wing and extreme right-wing which is hardly a vote if you really consider it. This in-game election looks exactly the same to me.

Pretty much.

I’m American, but after I spent a year abroad in college and witnessed some of the European elections, American politics are revolting in comparison. I can only imagine how bad it looks to those who didn’t grow up here.