Showing Posts For Vick.6805:

Molten Pickaxe Reset Back to Inventory Again?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


Eh talking about “unsoulbinding” items just makes the point even more apparent. This system is extremely messy, conveluted and relies far too much on the gemstore.

At this point, the entire game’s selection of quality of life items relies far too heavily on the gem store.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


I guess I was wrong.

At least with a gem cost it will be prohibitive to use. I still don’t like the idea.

I understand your concern, as it’s an unusual game feature, but the original GW allowed you to change traits and skills at will while you were in town, and then they became locked once you went into a zone or mission. It was one of the best aspects of the original game.

Then again, the original game had far more strategy and depth to build-crafting, overall, which has been kittenized into a gold sink and downplayed through very limited build variety in GW2.

I’m not even sure the consumable re-trait item they just added to the gem store will be useful, honestly.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


Customizations for the Hall of Monuments.

I think it would be fun to treat the Hall of Monuments instance like our own fortress of solitude. Even people who don’t have the HoM linked back to GW should be able to unlock the HoM instance and customize it with player housing-type items.

The only change that would need to be made would be allowing you to bring a party inside to show off, and guests obviously shouldn’t be able to access the reward merchant or tame the various animals.

Supposed precursor (token) crafting leak

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think a token system would be a good move, but I’m hoping that the tokens and/or precursors themselves remain tradable.

Looking at the list, I think having options for each ingredient would be a very smart thing for ANet to do, so that people who play the game in different ways could take advantage of the ingredients that most closely reflect their personal play style.

Eles and walls

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805



You have got to be kidding, but assuming you’re not just trolling:

One of the TWO things that eles are good at over and above any other class (the other being AoE CC), and you’re whining about it? Really?

If the Ele is bothering you that much, focus fire him. Eles are defeated by a stray sneeze most of the time when they’re singled out. And, even if you don’t manage to kill him, you’ll most likely get him away from your wall.


Keep in mind that lightning hammer also has a static field, and other classes can provide water fields. Just in case you ever want to try running another weapon set while zerging. But, I agree with you that I find staff to be most effective in groups.

Let's boost Northern Shivpeak to 15th place!

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


I’m confused, I just assumed this was a “make Devon feel the pain of being on the bottom of a league” thread. However that idea was not even mentioned until half way thought the thread. What is the OP’s problem with NSP?

I strongly suspect the OP was simply obeying the “do not call out ANet staff” part of the forum rules.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805



I don’t care that all their skill types have been stolen by other classes…I just want my Rit back with its amazing play style.

I would say Monk, too, but at least Ritualist is still in the realm of (vague) possibility.

Thieves need rifles next Anet :I

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think the combination of max range with the thief’s escape utilities would be a bit much.

Most of the time, when a thief is in melee range, they can escape at any time they choose. Give them a 1200-range head start, and you’d never even have a chance at catching them.

ANet would have to figure out a way to reduce escape effectiveness on a Thief when the 1200-range weapon is wielded, otherwise it could be inherently imbalanced. Infiltrator’s Arrow is already sitting on that fence as it is, IMO.

Mad King's Clock Tower.... Changes

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t think private instances are necessary.

I think the other players with gigantic characters were part of the challenge for me, and I still feel badly for all the crap people gave them for wanting to complete the puzzle on their favorite characters.

The most difficult part of the puzzle was memorizing the first half of the puzzle and then getting out in front early on so you could see what the heck you were doing. lol

Besides, it was really cool to wait at the top and see who else from your pack of lemmings would make it.

[Bug] lightning flash. Help

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Lightning Flash really needs an overhaul. I haven’t noticed this particular movement bug, but the skill is buggy in general.

Unless you’re on even terrain, the skill often has no effect whatsoever other than playing its animation.

It’s a shame, because its mobility could be fantastic, if you could count on it working as well as Infiltrator’s Arrow, for example.

SAB Achievement Miscalculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Just wondering, are you waiting til the timer runs out at the end? I think the achievement doesn’t pop until the timer runs out and you are ported to the next zone.

^ This. You have to wait for the counter to get to 0.

My Writ of the Merciful has bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Writ of the Merciful does not make the symbols provide the regeneration boon.

With the trait, you receive a direct heal each time the symbol pulses while you are standing inside it.

Hope that helps.

Well played Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


Devon -

Depending on what the meta achievements are, people may not be able to complete them given the current match-up style anyway.

Matches are so imbalanced right now that the three WvW dailies are sometimes extremely difficult to complete, let alone meta achievements that are supposed to last an entire league’s duration.

So, you’re either on a large server that steamrolls opponents in WvW, but you can’t get in because of queues, or you’re on a small server with no queue but you constantly get steamrolled. The third option is a medium server that occasionally has queues, but at least has a chance of taking a few objectives once in a while.

Honestly, it sounds like the medium server is the best bet, but that is still contingent on how the league match-ups are going to work, because even medium servers generally can’t counter the sheer numbers of the stacked servers.

And, no matter what server it is, if they don’t have night coverage, they’re going to suffer a nearly insurmountable score deficiency when playing a server that does. That is, by itself, punishing servers simply for who is playing on the server, which is truly absurd.

With all of that said, the two primary problems are (A) the randomized match-making system, and (B) the fact that WvW still has next to no strategies that can counter a significant difference in numbers among the three participating servers.

Unfortunately, your league system relies on those same mixed match-ups, which are exactly what so many people here on the forums are expressing that they dislike.

If you can fix the consistently imbalanced match-ups, you’ll have far fewer complaints about WvW in general.

how is the AOE cap hurting zergs?

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


Remember that the AoE cap doesn’t just impact offensive skills, it also affects support abilities.

For example, if you have a group of five vs a group of ten, obviously the advantage is with the group of ten, BUT:

Assuming the group of five has one player built for group support, the group of five is going to see much better and more reliable support from that player, because they know that all five of them are going to get ALL of the support in all cases.

No matter how many supportive players the group of ten has, it is always an unknown whether the player that actually needs the support is going to receive it, because you have ten people randomly selected for five effects (per skill). As the game is right now, that group of ten needs at least two, if not three, supportive players to make sure they’re applying enough support for the entire group.

[side note: This issue with the ten-man group will no longer be the case for Elementalists in the upcoming patch, since our buffs will prioritize party members. I’m not sure if that change will also affect other classes’ support abilities. Hopefully it will.]

If the AoE cap was removed, one supportive player could easily support an entire zerg. Take Healing Rain + Cleansing Water, for example. You could have one supportive elementalist traited properly, place a Healing Rain and mass remove conditions and heal 50 or more people simultaneously with one skill. That doesn’t even take into account the combo finishers that could be used with the same field. It wouldn’t matter if the smaller group could do more DPS due to the AoE cap being removed, because support would receive the same benefit.

At some point, it would just spiral out of control as to how many players each skill could potentially affect. I would much prefer limits on skills with decent server performance (esp considering how bad lag is as the game is right now anyway).

Honestly, I’m not sure if removing the AoE cap would be good or bad.

Essence of Luck - When to Stop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


If you are wondering how long it will take you, check out the wiki chart,

You wont be maxing it out anytime before xmas that’s for sure, its basically going to come down to when you’ve had enough of salvaging.

chuckle This completely reminds me of trying to build lucky and unlucky titles on GW1, and building lucky benefited your account a bit as well. Entirely insane to max out though.

Nah, it just required a couple hundred plat and several weekends AFK on the boardwalk 9-rings game, and that ended up working toward lucky and unlucky simultaneously.

The insane part was figuring out how to keep yourself entertained when you’re AFK all weekend. :P

Gift from Scarlet

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


I wonder if new accounts get these. If they do, it would almost be like ANet is trolling them. “Ohh a present from someone”. Opens. BLAM!

OMG, this made me laugh. Just the idea of a brand new player opening a “present” just to get blown to smithereens even before leaving the starter tutorial…and then wondering wtf just happened.

That may’ve just made my day.

Cutoffs for Raw Materials When Salvaging

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think the reasons that the level ranges seem inconsistent or tricky is that depending on your salvage kit, anything you’re breaking down could have a chance at a ‘rare’ material salvage.

With lvl 67+ rares and exos, obviously that means a chance for t6 and ectos. However, with lower-tier items, my interpretation has been that the ‘rare salvage’ is that you could get the next tier up from what you would normally salvage judging by the level of the item itself.

What I just typed sounds convoluted, but hopefully it’s clear enough. :x

Still able to craft celestial armor?

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


Mastruq, I believe ANet mentioned that they intended to increase the mastery caps on the other crafting professions to 500 before the end of the year, but I don’t remember if they actually came out and stated point blank that we would be able to craft ascended armor. It seems like a safe assumption, though.

@OP, if you have another exotic armor set right now, you may want to hold off on crafting an exotic Celestial set and focus on crafting the Charged Quartz Crystals every day to stockpile them, as I suspect they will be an ingredient in the ascended Celestial armor. That’ll likely give you a headstart when the ascended armor is introduced, and even if they’re not used in the ascended pieces, you’ll be able to use them to craft exotics to get up to 500.

It depends how eager you are for your Celestial gear.

Excited For World 3/4/5? Comments to World 2?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


Tribulation is supposed to be tedious.

Well, don’t know about that. Challenging, yes. Tedious, hrm. Don’t get me wrong, W2 tribulation had some very clever spike and tribulation/no cloud placement, but the length of it is discouraging. It is especially discouraging when you consider that things like lag and disconnects can ruin the experience for so many players.

Either make W3 shorter, or have save points in case of disconnects.

It was specifically stated by the dev that it was supposed to be. He also expected a very small percentage of the population to actually be able to finish it.

The words from the release page were “ridiculously challenging”, which is not the same thing as tedious. “Tedious” means “too long, slow, or dull”. Feel free to look it up.

“Challenging” allows room for enjoyment. Once someone describes content as “tedious”, it means they’re not having fun.

No part of any game is ever intentionally tedious, and if it is, the devs don’t know what they’re doing.

Diving Master

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Kristijan, the goggles in the aetherblade puzzle definitely did work for me a couple weeks ago. I’m not saying it couldn’t have become bugged since, but you may want to retry that one and see if it pings for you.


in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Vick.6805


The crazy theories are some of the best parts of the previews, IMO.

Big thing imprisoned at the end of TA path 4.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Vick.6805


It looked like a gigantic devourer to me.

Frostgorge Fear

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


This would actually make for a funny Mad King prank.

Naked backside - armor bug. 18+

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805



I remember something similar was posted a loooong time ago. Looks like this armor bug is back.

Meteor Shower (Elementalist Staff Skill 5)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Occasionally, I’ll see an achievement visual pop up on my UI with no sound, and then as I’m fighting a random mob some time later (5-10 minutes) the sound will play.

So, it may not be an issue with the sound cutting out, but rather an issue with the sounds having a serious delay from when they’re supposed to play.

Don’t know if it’s the same issue with the combat sounds, but maybe the added info will help figure it out.

Soft Wood Planks

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


Since it came up:

Brisban Wildlands is a good zone to gather Soft Wood, and you’ll also pick up a ton of Iron Ore and Silver Ore, plus some random cooking mats. Starting in the SE corner of the zone, run north to the NE corner, west to the NW corner, then run SE back toward Skrittsburgh and gradually angle back toward your start point for a full circuit.

The western half of Iron Marches is a good area for Hard Wood, and you’ll also get cooking mats, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, and Platinum Ore.

Takes 20-30 minutes for each zone, and yields about 30-40 logs, dependent on your server’s node spawns.

Excited For World 3/4/5? Comments to World 2?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


I am looking forward to the next SAB Worlds, even though I’m not as much of a SAB fanboy as some of my friends.

However, I seriously hope that the future zones require less time in one sitting. In W2 Tribulation Mode, you’re talking about the possibility of sitting there for hours for one zone. That just becomes tedious. Even keeping the frustrating aspects of each zone, if they were split into smaller pieces, allowing the player to take breaks, I think people’s opinions of the content would be far more positive.

Is sylvari "blood" drinkable?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Vick.6805


Geez…now I need to go home and check if the name “Vegan” or “Vegetarian” is taken, then put it on a Sylvari.

Unfortunately, someone probably has it on a Charr already.

the crossing

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


His other option is to buy it from the TP, assuming there are any still available.

OMG, not Scarlet again

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Vick.6805


The next time Scarlet invades Sparkfly Fen, can Tequatl just jump out of the water and eat her?

Recoloured versions of awful skins

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Vick.6805


This thread isn’t about dyeable weapons…it’s about the new dungeon rewards…

For some people, the blue glowy Nightmare weps will be the best thing ever. I don’t think we have the necessary information to determine if the rewards are worthwhile yet. Frankly, I’d be very surprised if there isn’t other rare loot in the end chest as well.

Scarlet & the Mad King?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Vick.6805


I would love a cinematic in which the Mad King puts the smackdown on Scarlet.

That would make my year.

Every NA tier is a BLOWOUT.

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


Hit the kill switch on random matches and the League. Problem solved.

Most tiers were competitive before matchups were randomized.

^^^^^This (over 9000x)

The match-ups may’ve become stale back then, but they were far better than the lop-sided nonsense we have right now.

Alts vs Focusing on 80s

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


The altoholic route makes gearing up with BIS items somewhat tedious (now that ANet is using time gating).

However, it also adds a ton of variety to the game that you don’t get otherwise. You also have many opportunities for side-stepping farming restrictions, which offsets some of the issues with gearing up.

Thief cleansing that is non-stealth

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Now we all know why the Sigil of Generosity is so expensive.

the crossing

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t think you’ll lose out on anything by waiting until Halloween. At very least, the supply will rebound a bit once the recipe is re-enabled, and I think it’s unlikely that it’ll be even more expensive to craft than it was the first time around.

Basic material prices, problem and solution

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


Judging by the TP prices, there are fewer players exploring mid-tier zones (compared to starter and lvl 80 zones) therefore fewer people gathering mid-tier materials, leading to lower supply and higher prices on the TP. The new ascended recipes have made it even more apparent because of the sudden demand.

Mid-tier materials having a seemingly disproportionate value compared to higher tier materials is not an issue unique to GW, and I don’t necessarily see it as a problem. On the other hand, it’s definitely a ‘problem’ for people who want cheap crafting without gathering anything themselves.

So, perhaps people who are looking for cheaper crafting and/or profits on the TP will actually go out into mid-tier zones and gather. Imagine that.

I do agree that the discrepancy with needing 4 logs for a soft wood plank is no longer necessary and ANet should consider reverting it.

I do not agree that we need a material up/downgrading system.

Living Story Notification Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Same issue. I thought maybe it had been removed with the last patch, but that certainly isn’t how it has been with previous LS updates.

US Leagues - 4 instead of 2! Please!

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


Your priority should be making WvW fun again, not making it “organized” and “competitive” while still using a match-up system that has discouraged a large portion (at least on my server) of your WvW player base.

This league system is basically added reason to not play WvW for two months.

I prefer stale match-ups with three servers that are on-level with each other to dynamic match-ups that are entirely imbalanced every week. So does every single person I’ve talked to in-game.

I'm getting so tired of this...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


Agreed with everything in the OP.

These are some frustrating issues that need to be resolved.

Bloodstone dust

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


Please make champion bags have a chance to drop the Dragonite Ore or Empyreal Fragments instead of the Dust. Or, have different types of champion bags drop different materials.

My feather duster can’t keep up.

Thank you.

Maybe do something else except riding the champ train.

I don’t champ farm except during Scarlet’s invasions. That’s the point. It’s far too easy to get the dust.

Next Halloween. What do you guys want?

in Living World

Posted by: Vick.6805


I want another Mad King jumping puzzle. The first one was amazing.

Elementalist's Teleport Fails Too Often

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


No, Infiltrator’s Arrow clearly does not work the same way as Blink and Lightning Flash, because it works in far more places. I’ve tested it on all three classes in the same places in WvW. Lightning Flash is the worst of the three, as it fails at the vast majority of the locations where it would be useful. Blink is somewhere in the middle, and Infiltrator’s Arrow is the most effective of the three.

If Blink and Lightning Flash could be changed to work the same way as Infiltrator’s Arrow, they would be far more useful, especially since they can’t be used nearly as often as IA.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t mind the buff, and the cap points are…ok, i guess…although I wish the terrain had used underground and water approaches to the points more.

But, I don’t think any further importance should be placed on these capture points. The buff is enough. There’s no need for capture rewards or score, IMO.


in Living World

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think he’s in cahoots with Scarlet as well, even if it’s just to save his own circuits.

Oh, and once Scarlet gets done with him, he’ll become Mega-Tron.

on new BL map changes

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t like the new capture points so far.

1)All people want to do is rotate through the points and gank each other, mostly because:

2) The Bloodlust mechanic is not clear. I play with quite a few WvW veterans, and most of them misunderstood how the Bloodlust mechanic worked (they thought you had to keep three of the points capped at all times to retain the buff). This could be made clearer.

3) I think the terrain could have been better utilized to grant access to the capture points from the water trenches and subterranean paths, rather than always having to be above-ground when approaching the points. The closest thing to this is the coliseum point, which has two access points from the surrounding water, but even there, the player is completely above ground approaching the point. This would go a long way toward allowing ambushes and more effective hiding and escape routes.

4) The water trenches are aggravating, as they make movement more tedious than it needs to be. If you are moving directly from one capture point to another, you are probably trying to move across the trenches. However, the trenches are just wide enough that they cannot be jumped from level terrain, even with a dodge-jump.

Some minor stuff, but they’re things that might be possible to improve.

A bunch of RPers just beat Taco

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


So many Warbanners! :P

Well done, TC.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


As much as I’m looking forward to some of these Elementalist changes, what I’d really like to see is developing the profession to the point where it isn’t dependent on the Water and Arcana trait lines for the vast majority of its viable builds.

Less orbs, more GvG please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Just give people a venue for GvG…I really don’t see why ANet is fighting so hard against it.

The only issue I have with GvG in WvW is that it will occasionally give that map a queue, when a large number of the people in the map are GvG’ers or spectators, rather than actually playing WvW. Other than that, I think people should be able to play the game as they please.

Bloodstone dust

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


Please make champion bags have a chance to drop the Dragonite Ore or Empyreal Fragments instead of the Dust. Or, have different types of champion bags drop different materials.

My feather duster can’t keep up.

Thank you.