Showing Posts For Vick.6805:

You know you play too much SAB when...

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


I popped out for a quick Fire Elemental kill and was impressed by the graphics and music.

lol, yep.

Super Adventure Box Teaches Skills!!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


She isn’t a fan of Asuras.. she thinks they’re ugly. lol. She likes the Norn a lot, though. I have a Norn Ranger named Aubree Swiftpaw, that’s her favorite.

Hah! Aubree likes the epic race!

The Norn are the best.

Aubree is creating her own Norn mini-legend with this thread.

Fantastic idea, but you overdone it.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


I prefer they make it super difficult and gradually scale it back (if absolutely necessary) than have them be conservative and have another boring afk/auto-attack style fight.

The devs already said in one of their posts that they’ll adjust the boss fights (timers, difficulty, etc) as they see how players are able to adapt to the fights.

Possible solution for turret griefing

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think 15s might be a tad restrictive with all the complaints about skill lag, but the base suggestion is good.

Fastest Possible BL Key Run? (22m?)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think part of the reason it hasn’t been nerfed is that the devs are fully aware that the RNG for the chests is so abysmally bad that they aren’t worried about key farming.

survey: would u buy map completion items?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Absolutely not.

The only reason you would “need” map completion is for legendaries, and the entire crafting structure of legendaries is that they require participation in just about every aspect of the game (with the exception of spvp). Selling map completion for WvW totally removes that portion of crafting your legendary. Besides, if you refuse to play WvW, how are you getting your Gift of Battle?

Not everything should be available for gold. Some things should actually need to be earned in ways other than farming.

Weapons made from Gift of ____

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


Gift of Metal – a shield that throws sparks when you are attacked
Gift of Wood – an axe that transform’s the character’s arm into a tangle of branches (possible name: Ent’s Revenge)
Gift of Ice – a spear that freezes the water around you as you swim (I would love if this was an upgrade recipe for Al’ir’aska)
Gift of Lightning – a longbow that replaces arrow animations with lightning bolts
Gift of Water – a trident that surrounds the player with a whirlpool animation
Gift of Energy – a laser speargun
Gift of Nature – a mace that rotates through elemental auras, similar to the 4 Ele attunements
Gift of History – GW’s Bone Dragon Staff with footsteps of grasping necrotic arms (like necro scepter #2’s animation)
Gift of Music – a scepter that looks like a flute and can be played while ooc
Gift of Darkness – dagger with a black aura (like Liadri’s)
Gift of Light – a white version of the Anomaly
Gift of Stealth – shortbow with a camo effect that covers the player
Gift of Color – a torch that allows you to select the color of the flames
Gift of Souls – a necro-themed warhorn that trails spirits
Gift of the Moon – a yin-yang themed sword that is half bright white and half black aura
Gift of Spiders – a greatsword that leaves a trail of spiderwebs when it swings
Gift of Weather – a pistol that fires randomized elemental projectiles

I think that’s one of each weapon type.

And, as a more lighthearted one:
Gift of Entertainment – a Triforce focus that glows red, green, and blue

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


I play primarily for the achievements, and I love jumping puzzles, so SAB is usually fun.

There are parts of world 2 that could be made less frustrating (such as z2’s buggy checkpoints), but my main issue is that world 2 just takes too long.

It’s a shame, because I’d love more of the yellow skins.

Why Nobody is Playing in 4 Words

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


Rocky launch

Difficulty spikes

Inadequate rewards

Can’t farm

Also, I’m bad at the maths.

Don’t beat yourself up.

Parts are extremely fun.

Learn from World 2.

Next Worlds even better.

SAB-Tribulation Mode Titles coming?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


Glutton for Punishment would be an awesome title IMO

agreed. and very fitting.

What happens to old sold-out Super Weapons?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


I would not be surprised if the blue set is available in the future releases.

My reasoning for this opinion is that ANet doesn’t expect the majority of people to grind tribulation mode for the other four color variations. They said on the release page that they expected tribulation mode to only have a limited audience.

So, if the blue weapons aren’t available at all after this release, what would the average player be grinding for? Achievements are all well and good, but they hardly qualify as incentives for most people. I think we’ll see the return of the blue weapons with future releases just because they are SAB’s primary reward.

Taking it one step further, I expect that all five color variations will be available once SAB is made permanent. I just can’t see ANet making such a popular piece of content (and its rewards) entirely temporary.

Skill Change: Elementalist, Staff, Air Magic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805



I like these ideas, but if the 1 and 2 skills are switched like that, the blind effect needs to remain on skill 2. Chain lightning with a blind effect would be well worth the cast time, but an auto-attack with a blind effect would be kinda unfair.

If air does get a DPS increase, I don’t think it needs to be a lot.

Gust definitely needs a second look to make it more effective.

Add Miniatures to the "wallet"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


That’d be really nice…and I don’t even like minis all that much. :P

Make condition builds more pve-friendly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


IMO, the only place where condition builds are at a true disadvantage in PvE is world bosses that still have the generic 25 stack limit on them.

I love to see condition-dealers in my dungeon groups. You just have to be careful not to have too many of them in one group, because the stack limits are restrictive. Even that isn’t too much of a problem.

Frankly, I’m more wary of zerkers, since most people can’t play them well enough to avoid taking dirt naps most of the time.

Ways to encourage non-DPS builds.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Overall, some good conceptual ideas and things that ANet could definitely build from. My 2c:

Time should be on your side.
This could be implemented just by allowing stacks of defiant to automatically decay over time, and decay faster the longer the fight goes. The defiant buff is one of the reasons why supportive characters are so useless against most of the current mechanics.

Environmental weapons with fixed damage.
Environmental weapons are very cool, and I like fights that use them, but the devs would have to be careful not to over-use them. Even if they equalize DPS across the whole party, that still gives the advantage to the heavy armor classes and removes all strategy related to weapon skills.

Conjured weapons to have creator’s damage output when others are using them.
This would actually make conjured weapons much more useful, IMO. This is similar to how Ritualist Spirit Weapons worked in GW2. Good idea. The same thing could be done with supportive conjured weapons, such as Ice Bow, where it uses its creator’s healing power no matter who uses it.

Allow more condition stacks on bosses.
Agreed. Condition builds need to have more ways to contribute against bosses, even if it means that the bosses have some sort of condition resistance buff.

High DPS boss, very interruptable.
I think this would be a reasonable trade-off with the decaying Defiant buff. As the fight stretches out, the boss does more damage, but is more susceptible to control.

Bosses with perma Retaliation, effected by players defense.
Does armor reduce retaliation’s damage, or is that what you’re suggesting? Retaliation is currently my least favorite boon in the game, as there is no real counter for it unless you’re playing one of the classes with boon steal/strip (or have the sigil). I don’t mind bosses that apply it occasionally, as it can be removed strategically, but I’d rather not see this boon at all.

Don’t spread the above strategies.
While I agree with encouraging non-DPS builds, we also can’t go too far with it. Eventually the pendulum swings to the other extreme, where we’re punishing DPS builds.

Fastest Possible BL Key Run? (22m?)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


@ Behellagh

The devs posted a while back that key farming like this was acceptable, which is why people aren’t concerned about posting publicly here on the forums.

If the forum search tool worked, I’d look up the post for you.

SAB-Tribulation Mode Titles coming?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


Unfortunately, there haven’t been titles for most of the legitimately challenging content in the Living Story, and it’s unlikely to be any different with SAB.

Not sure why, but the general LS meta achievement titles seem to be the only ones ANet will put in.

I would’ve loved a title for Lighting Up the Darkness.

Why Nobody is Playing in 4 Words

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


Too long. That’s it.

This. What he said.

R Click - "Sell Item on TP" - UI bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Since one of the recent patches (several weeks now, but I don’t remember which patch it was)

right click item in inventory
select “Sell on TP”
brings up the TP window
the “Trading Post” panel icon is selected to the left side, but the “Sell on TP” UI is shown.

Mail item to... changes To: field

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


I’ve only started noticing this issue recently, but it has become rather annoying, as I send mail to guildies on a regular basis.

SAB world 2 zone 2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


It doesn’t help that the trampolines between the two bugged checkpoints are horribly inaccurate.

I feel your pain, Saber.

Sanctum Sprint JUMP EXPLOIT !!!!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


It is not an exploit. It is a shortcut.

And, to be honest, there are “worse” shortcuts in the race path than that one.

2 Options. Choose 1.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


  1. would be my preference.

A combination of both options (obvious leaning toward #2) is what we’ve mostly seen so far, and it has not gone well. Every release has had notable bugs. That really is no way to release new content, and it’s creating a very negative aura around the 2-week LS cycles.

Fix the core issues first, then spread your LS updates far enough that you can make them flawless and keep the community positive. There might be people that complain about “not enough content”, but you cannot allow them to push you to release content before it is ready. You’ll end up with more negativity from poor QA than you will from “not enough content”.

Downscale ascended to exotic for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


Camps and sentries should reward the Empyreal Fragments.
Towers should reward the 10 Dragonite Ore.
Keeps should be 20 Dragonite Ore.
SM should be 50 Dragonite Ore.

The amount of time and coordination needed for each location needs to be taken into account, and since each location’s reward can only be received once per day, it’s not going to turn into a farm fest.

And, even if it does turn into a farm fest, it’ll be the first time WvW has a reward worth farming.

The counter to stealth no one uses.

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.

SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sight

and, so on. Need I say more?

They did something similar in GW1 with bloodspike builds. Unlike every other damage mechanic in the game, lifesteal didn’t have a hard counter.

Neither did spirit weapons.

Please revert the WvW matching system

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


The randomized match-ups are good in theory, but have removed the balance that stable tier-based match-ups had.

While playing the same servers repeatedly became somewhat stale, constantly being matched up against servers that you can’t compete against is even worse, and is resulting in a general abandonment of WvW for entire matches. In my server’s case, this has been the scenario for several weeks, and it is gradually getting worse.

Honestly, from what I’ve observed, the difference between servers isn’t so much a gap in skill as it is a gap in numbers. There is nothing in WvW to compensate for a server that has overwhelming numbers. There is nothing to discourage zerging in general. In fact, zerging is the prevailing “strategy”. There is also no strategy that can compensate for a server that has night coverage versus a server that does not.

Pitting a much lower-tier server against a server that has both night coverage and overwhelming numbers results in a near-total abandonment of WvW for the remainder of the match.

TL;DR: Please change the match-up system back to the tier-based system we had before, or limit the deviation in the match-ups to a smaller range. The current match-up system is strongly discouraging play in this area of the game.

Legendaries tradeable, Ascended are not

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vick.6805


The way I see it, the account bound crafting is forcing people to craft, instead of improving crafting to the point that people to WANT to craft.

I don’t see any reasonable explanation for the time gating at all.

Why Nobody is Playing in 4 Words

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


for me i like it,i love it….they should make it permanent content, but a lot more difficult


They should add a spike trap right at the tribulation cloud in the hub cabin, just so people know what they’re getting into even before they start.

What is in the Water?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805



ANet left a floater!

Time Limit + Player Cooperation=Fail

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


Yet another troll thread complaining about content that hasn’t even been implemented yet.

Give it a chance, and THEN complain if it is warranted.

LvL up effect.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Since this is about bugs with the level-up effect, can we please also have it fixed so that it doesn’t interrupt everything your character is doing for them to throw their arm up in the air? It’s very very very inconvenient when in the middle of a fight.

So, raids?..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


GW had areas that allowed groups of 12. I would love to see similar areas in GW2.

There’s so much possibility for teamwork and interesting mechanics with larger groups.

As Mesket said, we’re talking about organized teams, not zergs, and mechanics that are built around needing teamwork, rather than artificially scaling up from a solo-able event.

EDIT: To be blunt, Guild Missions aren’t even close to what we’re requesting. They require very little coordination and only limited teamwork. They are another example of content that ends up being a zerg.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Will there be changes to Scarlet's attack?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


For these particular invasions, have the game track the champ loot bags each player qualifies for, and they only receive them once Scarlet is dead. That way everyone has an incentive to balance farming with actually completing the event.

The event’s difficulty is fine as it is, and the rewards are spectacular. The rewards just need to be given upon completion.

It’d also be nice if an event that is easily equivalent to clearing an Orrian temple could reward more than 5 Dragonite Ore.

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


Just remember: higher hp doesn’t necessarily = more challenging content

I agree. Unfortunately damage and defense scaling reaches a point where it no longer conveys a sense of progression and challenge. For example, once creatures start one-shotting every player, it doesn’t matter how much extra damage they do. We’re also looking into how to meaningfully extend the scalability of FOTM.

Anthony -

Please discuss the scaling problem with the team that created the Aetherblades. They are probably the most legitimately challenging faction in the game at the moment, mostly because their AI and skill sets allow them to work together against the players, rather than just increasing HP and number of foes. Most PvE mobs act as single entities no matter how many of them there are, whereas players start to function as a team without necessarily even realizing it.

Please avoid stun- and KD-locks. It’s ok for enemies to have some of these, but lockdowns are more aggravating than challenging, IMO.

Please create boss mechanics that encourage survivability instead of max DPS. There is a lot of emphasis on DPS right now, and very little on support and survivability. Perhaps an encounter where there is no DPS involved at all? Instead, the player focuses on positioning and avoiding damage, possibly using environmental weapons to damage the boss. The Thermal Core in the Molten Weapons Facility was an enjoyable example, although there was DPS involved. Another example is the barrage phase when fighting Horrik in the Aetherblade dungeon. Most bosses don’t require players to worry about positioning at all, other than pushing the boss against a wall to maximize DPS.

Looking forward to see what your team comes up with.

We all know what will REALLY happen.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


*It has been gathering liquor in the depths

it is faster, harder, louder

it has returned to party and to get hammered

it is Tequila The Funbliss… and it has arrived*

best april fools day prank. Tequatl starts hosting beach parties with each arrival. free chest at the party’s end.

they should do what ‘adventure quest worlds’ did for one of their april fools, they had weapons that were pieces of paper with a sword drawn really badly on, the final weapon was the pencil used to draw it

I could totally see ANet doing weapons like that. In GW, we all ran around as paper Gwen dolls for a day for April Fools.

Oh, and if Teq starts hosting parties, he needs to lob around a gigantic beach ball that the zerg has to somehow return. Rewards based on number of successful volleys.

YAY Another Back Skin!...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


Yay, yet another back skin… and yet another I will delete at the moment I obtain it.

Any chance we will ever get a “lore-friendly” back item? AKA no wireframe backpacks, flapping wings, or flowers? How about a sword sheath, a shield, or gasp a cape/cloak?

None of the backpieces we’ve seen so far have been outside the possibilities of the game’s lore, however loosely tied in they may be (SAB). I believe you meant “realistic,” rather than “lore-friendly”, but you are talking about realism from a medieval Earth point of view, whereas when discussing a fantasy MMO, realism is entirely a matter of point of view.

For example, my Sylvari thinks an eternally-blooming flower growing out of her right shoulder is perfectly realistic. She is a sentient plant, after all.

I like your suggestions, but perhaps you can offer them in a way that doesn’t put down what other people enjoy in the process.

What EXISTING weapon would you like on Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vick.6805


I would love to see the shield added to our arsenal. Give us a block and something weird and wacky.

At the moment I would like to see less GS in the game.

I like the shield idea, and I would LOVE to see less GS in the game. The shield skills would just have to have a necro theme to them. Maybe something like:

Shield #4 – Dark Aura – Reduces incoming damage by 10%, grants Retaliation (5s) and Stability (5s), and has a 30% chance to steal life from incoming damage sources when hit. Duration 5s. CD 25s.

Shield #5 – Best Defense – Throw your shield in a line, summoning one immobile flesh wurm at each target hit (limit 3; wurm duration 10s). CD 40s

Of course, if they made the shield available to necros, you know the Ghastly Shield skin would triple in price.

Staff Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vick.6805


While I missed ANet’s comment about upcoming staff changes, it makes me wonder what type of support they’re going to add, since they nerfed staff’s healing capabilities. Staff’s CCs are already very good. Adding skill functions that generate team-wide boons would be fun, although other classes already do that well enough.

It’d be nice if it was something unique to Elementalists, rather than a “Jack-of-all-trades” version of something another class already does well.

Champions of the Unfought.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


I would love if they put someone on going through and adjusting the rewards for these champ mobs slightly depending on just how hard they are.

I posted a similar suggestion a while back suggesting that the rewards should scale with the exp bonus based on how long it’s been since the specific mob was killed.

I think that’d be a good incentive for the exploration ANet wants.

Ways to aquire Dragonite Ore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


I hope they balance the ways to get Dragonite Ore and Empyreal Fragments, because right now the fragments are far easier to obtain.

The fact people are making ore out of Dragonite is absolutely sickening and absurd. What did the Dragonite do to you?

Dragonites cry ore (it’s even the correct color). But if he’d stayed Dragonair like I told him to, he wouldn’t have all kinds of nonsense weaknesses and he wouldn’t end up crying so much!

Please Spend A Little Time Underwater

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Agreed, I really like underwater combat, but I think it could use some love.

1) utility skills unique to underwater (can’t be used on land)

2) elite skills unique to underwater (we already see this with Tornado becoming Whirlpool, for example)

3) equal variety of underwater weapons as on land, and the weapon skills need to be varied as well so that they correspond to the profession’s build options on land

4) more combo fields/finishers underwater

5) breathers equivalent to land headgear (exotic and ascended, more stat choices)

6) dps adjustment across the board so that underwater combat doesn’t take 2x as long as land combat

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


So, if Kodan are added to the game as a playable race, are they going to have a cultural elite that transforms them into a Norn? :P

Soft Wood Planks

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


I’m not really sure how to feel about the quantity of wood available. Yes, there is less need for it overall in crafting, but from what I’ve seen, people also tend to gather less of it (I assume because there’s less need it’s been dirt cheap for so long). Right now, all of the wood types except green and elder are as expensive as any of the ores, so hopefully people will start gathering wood again so it becomes less expensive.

However, as someone who likes to gather my own materials, it drives me crazy that wood nodes are obviously less common than ore. Admittedly, an exception seems to be Elder nodes, which are plentiful. I don’t like feeling as if farming gold and buying materials from the TP is more efficient than doing my own gathering.

I don't trust these shop keepers

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


A few of my guildies were enjoying the “Finally, a customer!” line while observing that perhaps the shopkeeps would see more clientele if they didn’t have spike traps under their welcome mats and/or set up shop somewhere that you wouldn’t have to be clinically insane to look.

And, yes, I fully expect one of the W4 shopkeeps to hulk out on us when we smash something. Or, perhaps the W3 end boss will be the shopkeep union president. :P

Tequatl Rising too little content?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


I for one will enjoy having a two week breather where I can go back to playing the actual game.

As an achievement completionist, these two-week cycles have become somewhat cumbersome.

YAY Another Back Skin!...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


DCUO has a very cool wardrobe system where every “look” you encountered or purchased etc. is stored forever for your character and you can mix and match infinately from the pool you have. I DO NOT find any plausible reason for ANET not to do the same in a game where cosmetics are as important as stats..

From what I heard, ANet said something at PAX about creating some sort of PvE locker using the a similar type of setup as the achievement skin unlocks do now.

Will Tequatl maintain the 2½ +½h spawn timer?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vick.6805


Also, as these guys are pretty much the source for dragonite in any appreciable amount…

I really, really wish we had an alternate source for reasonable amounts of dragonite ore. The world bosses do need unique rewards, but not everyone can sit around waiting out spawn windows. In any case, right now the bloodstone dust and empyreal fragments are far easier to obtain.

-edit- Solved I suppose?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


In order for the achievement to give credit, you have to stay at the end boss until the counter reaches zero. I almost missed one of my completions because of that. It may be what happened to you as well.

Not particularly fun for people who leave zones as soon as the boss is dead. :/

[Game Breaking Bug] Staff ele

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Fortus, I’m also typically running a staff ele, and a few things I’ve noticed that may help:

With Meteor Shower, the number of meteors you summon is directly related to how long you allow the cast to go. Therefore, if you allow the cast to progress beyond about 5% of the bar, it will go into full cooldown, and you may only get 1-2 meteors out of the skill.

Ice Spike and Eruption are the other two staff skills that I’ve noticed this cooldown issue when breaking the cast. With them, it may very well be a bug.

The other glaring evidence of this bug is the conjured weapons, which have much longer cooldowns. If you dodge too soon after pressing the button to summon the conjured weapon, the weapon will not appear, but its skill will go into its full cooldown. This becomes very apparent if you are using Summon Ice Bow in fire attunement:

For ANet to attempt to replicate:
1) equip staff
2) enter fire attunement
3) press utility button for Summon Ice Bow twice rapidly (once to activate, once to place the ground target)
4) immediately press skill #4 twice (once to activate, once to place the ground target)

More often than not, this will result in using Fiery Escape, which negates the ice bow summons and places ice bow into its full cooldown.

What it SHOULD do is allow the player to quickly activate ice bow, summon the extra one, and immediately activate and place the ice storm #4 skill on the ice bow.

This problem has been in effect ever since the cast times and after-cast times were adjusted in one of the major patches. Hopefully it can be fixed, because not being able to use skills rapidly is a major disadvantage.

Loving moto's backpack plush and boom box

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


…that music makes me want jam pencils into my ear drums and then jump out of a 50 story window.

lol. I have to agree. The SAB music is horrible. Then again, it’s a perfect representation of most of the terrible and repetitive old-school game soundtracks.

To be fair, I also know people who have gone Akitten SAB just for the purpose of recording the music, so to each his own.