Since Gamescom is taking place on the European soil, they want the Euros to win. And by including BLU, who is naturally a superb shoutcaster, if voted to the NA team will make the odds to the Euro’s favor.
Unless BLU gets really good in short span of time. One can improve in a constant play for 1 month.. And there are classes that are easy to play.. See, this game is simple and 4 people can carry a person.
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
The Broomstick is a mount, isn’kitten
show us more of your chars!
Oh dear, did the update take away all your dyes too?
sorry got the joke (if it was a joke).
yes got only abyss in my dye panel.. all the dyes except yellow and orange were removed.
nope. they were consolidated to one panel and got dye refunds. just chose abyss to dye all of my chars.
i love the wardrobe system. now all my characters look pimped. here’s mine
share yours!
i joined a fractal and i wasn’t able to reply to their chat because of this issue. i hope they didn’t find me rude or snobbish.
bumping 12345678
just transferred to NSP from kaineng 4 days ago. do i have to submit a formal application to join your guild?
Just transferred. Wanna try something different. Any guilds recruiting?
Dont level up your Artificing, Huntsman and Weaponsmith to 500 coz ascended weapon drops on WvWvW and Fractal chests. Level your Armorsmithing, Tailor and Leather workers to 400 now coz Capitalists will capitalize on this new addition (unless there is an ascended armor set drop).
the next logical step to this is THE guild ladder and the Individual Rated Profile List.
Say THE guild ladder, the ladder that only matters. And the Individual Rated Profile List., somewhat a ladder but contains stats like player kills, caps etc., which functions like Kuntz’ Thirdparty Project on GW1 called G-Stats.
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
Dodge is one of the good things that they added in this game. For in GW1, you will surely get hit by any kitten once youre locked and focused. the only way to negate that is by evasion/blocking which is basically negating damage without doing anything but clicking a skill. Dodging promotes spatial awareness and timing. You don’t have that in GW1. Endurance mechanics is ok and it should not be visible to other people how you manage your endurance or how is it filled or not. It will make things not predictable and formulaic.
Totally off-topic but it’s been bugging me: Where is Jonathan Sharp?
His vision of sPvP as a LoL clone has failed. sPvP is fully integrated in GW2 as a PvE package.
I’m settled on my current title Avenger and will not rush farm to any level for the remaining days. Suits well with “I Will Avenge You!”.
Can you retire capping points too?
This is good coz there are PvP skins that can’t be gotten in PvE.
Based on the numbers, she was running close to full knight gear.
yeah, but i remembered she mixed it with some other nomenclature that i forgot that got her that stats. good vita, good crit dmg and good precision. 3.5k toughness too.
i think it was pvt.
i’ve had an ex guildie which had this. her precision is close to 50, +crit dmg about ~50% and a whopping 3.5k armor. i think i got removed from their forums so i could not check what she posted. HP is at 15k.
But anyone of you running this type of DPS guard?
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
sPvP now is PvE.
Champion Legionnaire is the new Champion Hunter
Numbers are objective. If you pay for something that increases your dps and if it is only available to people who shell cash, that is pay to win, coz you will kill pve mobs faster than the others, or you will pwn in wvwvw better than the others.
Skins are subjective. if you pay for something that i think is uglier than what i have, then it’s obviously not paying to win. it’s not pay to win and the sad part is that you paid to lose, in my books. If say Bitfrost will be available for 30,000 gems in gemstore, i won’t buy it coz it makes my guardian effeminate. And if you buy it for your male guardian coz for the prestige, I will still think that it is ugly or inappropriate for male guards, unless you roleplay a gay guard or something.
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
to be able to pull off this kinds of threads, you must be an assssshole and good at the same time. looks like you’re not an asssssshole.
only saatarcoeny or whatever he is called pulled it off months ago.
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
Wait is it true that when the new flamekissed armor is released, it will be cheaper?! How is that fair to those who bought it earlier? O_O (just read it somewhere here, too lazy to skim back and quote).
Fair? How about those who bought gems with cash when the rate was less than 1 gold? Do you think the change now is fair for them?
Its just ridiculous, that just the massive whining of a forum minority gets so much influence on Anet, that they instantly change something so drastically like what they do noew by directly removing somethign from the shop and changing it.
This is not the forum minority who whined about ascended armors months ago. These are the new batch of forum posters want things to be expensive, hard to obtain, those who are concerned about the bs “prestige” from acquiring expensive kittens.
The forum minority of the past for sure wants the better T3 to be in the gem store. Better legendary skins.
First and foremost, Guild Wars 2 is marketed as an MMO with 2 types of PvP. And certain people in A.NET tries hard for the sPvP to take off as a rocket of its own. But in this regard, that GW2 has also other player bases (RPers, PvErs, Hardcore WvWvWers), it seems like sPvP can’t take of on its own. The cake is being halfed or quartered. Compared to LoL which has no MMO side, GW2 sPvP surely doesn’t look like what people expect it to look like.
What will work as a PvP in this game is WvWvW-> GvG. Because it is Guild Centric. It carries the Lore. And 20v20 carries the Massive-ly in the MMO genre. And the community that it will create will shoot off to the moon. For Guilds are social avenues. It is a community. If people will see in a community ran ladder that this guild is the best, people would wanna join it just for the sake of carrying the guild tag. People will talk about it. Guild drama will ensue. Guild rivalry will be forged. And since the gauge to prove that which guild is the best is played massively, people will be enticed to make gvg team A, B, C. See that’s 60 people already involved. And in business perspective, numbers count. higher number the better.
It is also not far that RPers will RP the guild rivalries based on GvGs. Guild members who are exclusively PvE would provide even the pot money when time comes that WvWvW GvGs will be lucrative to betting.
The current state of rewards in sPvP is very individualistic. The ladder is only 1 person per place. It is so egocentric. Guid Wars 1 had guilds on the ladder. And Guilds are composed of more than 1 person. So you are rewarding more than 1 person under the name of the top 1 guild.
And you are boosting the egos of more than 1 person if your Guild is popular, notorious etc.
So yeah, it seems like RP/PvE and WvWvW GvG are the most compatible pairs for Guild Wars 2 to go to the Next Level. And sPvP is just a novelty avenue. It could be chipped off from the package and let it be run like LoL. sPvP, to be able to stand by itself and prove that it is a good PvP game, must be separated from GW2 and be a Free To Play game. How to monetize it, follow the LoL model.
That’s how sPvP will become an esport. But it doesn’t offer anything groundbreaking so it has to compete in the same playing field with LoL.
It should stop parasiting on the real cash cows that is PvE and WvWvW/GvG.
Or come to think of it, for now it is better for sPvP to stick with the package with PvE+WvWvW because it looks to me that it can’t take off as its own.
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
frostgorge is 2 gold per hour. kitten place to farm.
skins like the T3 light armor or a legendary skin won’t give you STAT advantage over other players so they should be put in the Gem Store.
sign that balance in this game is a joke.
logic dictates that if youre unkillable you must have no damage, and if you have ultraelectromagnetic damage you must die in 2 hits. and if you are in between that means you cant or may kill the unkillable, you die to a good glass cannon and your damage sucks compared to the glass cannon. idiots guide to balancing classes.
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
it’s been more than 1 year and still people ask if GW2 will become an esport.
IWAY was the only reason i played guild wars one. will they bring iway in guild wars two?
FUUUCK NO. They can’t even bring back the beta IWAY skill.
A.NET, why did you listen to these people who want kitten in your game to be expensive as kitten?
A.NET, you were doing the right thing to offer a better and cheaper version of kitten. And you didn’t man up to your kitten.
A.NET is a wuss kitten.
level 90 zones?
they can add hard zones without raising the level cap.
it’s called capitalism
Esports and legendary weapons are like oil and water. Won’t mix. Do you see basketball players wearing gold chains and furs when they’re on court? They just wear shirt and shorts.
Arena.NET could capitalize on WvWvW to increase their gem sales.
Say they hire the dominating guilds on the top server to server hop and people would follow them. Say BG dies and the BG crew who carry decided to transfer to Dragonbrand. Then the bandwagoner follows.
Gem sales soars out of the transfers.
of course they have to do this covertly.
end game is to dress up your pve doll and toss it with other pve dolls in an arena called wvwvw.
can i get an invite?
there should be an option to invite someone to duel in the open world.
Only 3
1.) Final Rest
2.) Deathwish
3.) Scythe Skin
if 8v8 is zergy, what is WvWvW?
im at 2,380 hours and i have 16 gold in my bank.
People at above level 30 should get an instant precursor of their choice. Or if A.NET be stingy, any ascended weapon box.
cap it at 20. much better.
I hope they make new legendaries with requirement of something like:
-15k achievement points and map completion (Gift of Will)
-cleared personal story, and beaten 4 EXTREMELY difficult encounters unlocked afterwards (much like FF14’s hardmode primals) (Gift of Power)
-have completed every metaevent and jumping puzzle in the game (Gift of Courage)
-completed every dungeon in the game without wiping once (Gift of Wisdom)(Only one with wisdom, power, will and courage is worthy to wield a weapon of legends).
Then after getting all 4 gifts, you need to take them to the end of a level 80 (your own reward level) FotM, accessing the special instance called the Grove of Legends, where you proudly pull the weapon from its pedestal (you can’t make a legendary weapon, its an item from the past).
Now that would make a weapon truly legendary.
that’s called truly Grind-ary.
do we need to spend like 200 gold again to reach 500? coz that’s just crap.