They need to give us, the players, a reason and incentive to play in ANY zone that we want. And make it all equally rewarding for a time spent, risk vs reward. If I want to play in Fireheart Rise, I should be rewarded as much as I would if I decided to play in Sparkfly.
Instead, they have made adjustments and pump out living story that funnels people out of the world and into one or two zones. Most of the game world is dead.
Curious why develop direction and the main focus has turned to living story, instead of making the world seem alive, as was the goal? If you visit any zone that is not connected to the current Living Story, you find an empty zone.
I am currently standing in Fireheart Rise, I see no one. I see events kicking off, expiring, failing, dead friendly NPCs because no one is doing any events. The world feels dead. If you are not playing in the small handful of zones…Queensdale, Kessex, Frostgorge, sometimes Orr. Thats about it.
I am curious what anyone thinks why the development direction went to living story, instead of giving us a real reason to play the game in these zones, when the whole idea was to create a living world. I truly feel that Living Story has had the opposite effect on the game. Its sad to see such fantastic content and dynamic events go to waste.
Why do I see more and more ‘xpac’ threads popping up? Arenanet has no plans for it. They are currently entirely vested into the living story.
They have not hinted at any traditional expansion.
First, my game client has been crashing more frequently with this update. I would either initiate an xfire broadcast(which never used to happen.) Or I would pack pedal and cast a utility spell, and it would crash.
However, after each crash random audio plays. Sometimes its a commercial, for insurance or a car, one time it was the soundtrack and audio for a GW2 ad.
Subject : Pacing of the Living Story using the latest two patches as examples of what I think should and shouldn’t be done.
My biggest gripe I think with the story in the Living Story is the pacing of it. As many discussed before, me included, we’re getting too few tidbits of story per patch to make it worthwhile story-wise. So it feels like there isn’t any progress at all. The back to back releases of Tower of Nightmares and Nightmare Within are a prime example of this.
So you’re saying that the contents of each release are too light, and that you’d rather the two thematically related releases be part of a single build?
Yes. Ive been saying this since Day 1 with the living story. We are fed crumbs of the story instead of a chapter. I’d much rather be given a chapter or two for a month, than a few sentences every other week (and I get the feeling you would prefer that too!)
If I do them, its because its where everyone else is. No one is out in the world doing anything else. I realized this during the second southsun patch..southsun revival or whatever. I was in Orr, looked around and no one was near. I asked in map chat “where is everyone”…one person responded saying “all are in southsun. the zone will repopulate when its over”. Never happened.
So, if I don’t want to to play a quasi single player MMO, I go where the crowd is, which is the LS zone of the week. Its funny, that most of you are begrudgingly participating in the content as well…most.
I started out loving GW2 but have been playing less and less and going back to playing WoW more and more. Why? It comes down to grind mainly but a few other things as well.
…a few things that GW2 has going for it.
1. Graphics. The world is stunningly beautiful.
2. Dynamic events are much more interesting than static quests and are a hell of a lot of fun when the number of players is just right requiring actual tactics and not facerolling.
3. Action combat is fun! I love not having to stare at hotbars and cooldowns. Too bad I usually can’t see anything due to over the top particle effects.
If ANET addressed the grind and just a few of above issues, I’d be feeding my money into the gem story regularly. As it stands, I’m finding pandas and pokemon pet battles more fun and Blizzard has been getting my money instead because shinies are actually attainable within a few months of casual play.
It’s a shame because everything is in place for GW2 to be a home run. But it just isn’t mainly due to grind.
Snipped. I agree with the positives and Im astonished that they are not playing to their strengths a bit more with the game.
-Gorgeous world, probably the best looking, most diverse, expansive and explorable MMO game world to date. But the LS updates funnel us into one or two zones, or instances. I forgot what some of the other zones look like because I am always following the LS carrot.
-Dynamic events are the CORE of this game. The absolute CORE. While these LS updates have DEs, we are still plagued by the first issue(being funneled into zones). I would rather be rewarded for experiencing all different kinds of DEs across the entire game world, not just a few zones. Instead of adding LS, they should expand on these DEs. Some of them were so fantastically written. But once we were given a carrot to go do something else that yielded better profits, thats when zones began to empty (early on too..November 2012)
-The combat has so much potential. When I first read about the combo fields, that was a one of a kind mechanic. I hadnt seen that before in a game. Arenanet has/had so much potential with this. Requiring dungeons to utilize these in order to overcome encounters would be great. Instead, we just spam and spam and spam, and then avoid trash mobs. The spell effects are also really well done. I cannot say enough for the art team and graphics team.
I recently came back for 2-3 weeks. Participated in the CDI living story discussion. Had a nice back and forth with some of the devs. Played through the last LS as well as part of the current(which isnt half bad).
I can tell you why I am going to quit AGAIN (probably starting today).
I simply cannot do the achievement grind anymore. Even though this is something that was touched on in the CDI, I don’t think its something that will be changed within the next month or two. Probably several down the line. All of the patches are drivin by achievements and zergs. Nothing more. And it has burned me out, yet again. If I wanted to break off and go out into the open world, I find no one. Because everyone is either in Dungeons, WvW, Lion’s Arch, or in the current FoTM zone of the week for LS.
Plus, I can no longer create forum posts and must wait 5 minutes between posts. This place is run like a prison sometimes. No other official game forum is this ‘strict’. I will probably receive an infraction for this and probably a perma ban, which will solidify me not returning to the game ever again because it will further tell me what kind of company I am giving my money to.
NCSoft Q3 quarterly earnings report was just released and GW2 revenues are down 15% from the previous quarter. We now know what was the impetus for the Collaborative Development stuff that appeared in early October. Is that going to make any difference? The numbers show that the Living Story content has not been enough to stop the continuing decline in sales – if anything, the decline has accelerated.
I think at this point the only thing that can turn it all around is a new box expansion. The longer they wait to do this, the more radical the expansion will need to be to get people back.
I think Living Story IS the reason why people are playing less, myself included. Living Story is just an achievement grind, and follow the zerg. Nothing more. They need to give us real stuff, traditional content patches. The CDI was good to have, and we talked about some really good stuff. I hope some of it is implemented. Two things that would make me play GW2 more these days is if the cadence was adjusted and if they removed achievements from Living Story to maybe one or two achievements, not 10. Achievements are driving these patches. Any time you have achievements driving your content, it becomes a grind, a “not fun grind”. I.E. People doing the same repetitive tasks over and over and over for..what?
LOL unlike the OP, I actually looking forward to a sub based MMO. Why? you may asked. It is because like a lot of people I am sick of all the so called free to play MMO. I always end up spending more money than I am on a sub based MMO. Also I am sick of the RNG and P2W rubbish.
As far as GW2 goes, it is fairly good value for money. Sadly, maybe because it has no sub, Anet don’t seem to be able to afford to make an expansion like a sub based MMO lile WoW which has just announce yet another expansion. Something that no doubt will help them to bring back a lot of old players and new alike.
As far as B2P, I think only Ever Quest Next is following that model. Every other new MMOs are either sub or f2p.
GW2 is not pay to win. Its good value for box price, and a few gem purchases, but falling short with LS updates. The current one isnt bad, could use some work. As far as EQN goes, im stoked for it.
To spice up the rewards from dungeons, how about adding really nice skins/items that have a reasonably low chance of dropping from bosses? We already have the tokens and coins and more as a secured reward for completing the dungeon.
I think this could give an additional and different reason to do dungeons that adds some excitement.
I’d thought that it would be great. Discuss?
Id support this.
I did it solo.
Climbed the 3 levels, entered all the mini instances; completed the explorer achievement and killed the last champ without dying a single time.
Pro-tip: Hang that zerk gear in the wardrobe and use your pvp set.
Ill say it again…this better not be some ill-conceived attemp at making me get another gear set. I geared my thief for zerker. I don’t want to get a PVT set or something.
Note: I do support different gear sets and builds to promote diversity. I just chose zerker for my thief and I dont want to have to acquire another set to complete this content. What happened to playing the way I want to play?
You are doing it; and, as consequence, are effective as your choice is.
Don’t get a defensive set if you don’t want to, but as it should always be and unfortunately it is not; using a pure dps set is putting you up to some real risk. Get friends or go slowly.
Going slowly does not help. Running into a pack of 8 regular mobs and 2 vets is punishing if I am alone. Or running into a champ.. Yes people have soloed the champs, but not everyone.
Last night I was with a group, but was seperated because we all went into an instance. Came out and I was alone. So I waited 10 minutes to see if more people would come. None did. I trecked on and found my self surrounded by the scenario I told above.
So this tells me that if I cant stay up with the zerg, I need to build defensive to run solo. So again I ask, why is arenanet suddenly making open world content like this largely unattainable for zerker builds?
I did it solo.
Climbed the 3 levels, entered all the mini instances; completed the explorer achievement and killed the last champ without dying a single time.
Pro-tip: Hang that zerk gear in the wardrobe and use your pvp set.
Ill say it again…this better not be some ill-conceived attemp at making me get another gear set. I geared my thief for zerker. I don’t want to get a PVT set or something.
Note: I do support different gear sets and builds to promote diversity. I just chose zerker for my thief and I dont want to have to acquire another set to complete this content. What happened to playing the way I want to play?
Many people have suggested playing outside in favor of video games and I just want to say that not all people have the luxury of an outside space or even safety to do that.
I know several people who live in high rise flat building with / with out a balcony or or even a safe outside space for young kids.
In a scenario like this video games can be a very positive experience, certainly more than the TV.
It can also be a bonding experience for parents and kids- I mean really how lucky are you if you can share interests with your kid?As for the whole addiction thing- Parents are the ones to be the example and set the rules- kids learn from that and they are very flexible at such a young age
You know best OP- but GW2 is a very good choice for a game
We used to make wings and attach them to ourselves jumping off the roof of houses. Maybe your friends in the high rise flats can do the same.
I hope we can get a more through discussion about the matter after the arc is finished. You are in the process of learning and i am courious about what you learned, which ideas you had had to be revised and what your overall vision was against how it ended up.
Yeah, we’re learning a lot about integrating story with gameplay with the two-week Living World release cadence. It’s exposing issues with our writing process, presentation, and development methods that we’re working on improving with each release.
I’ve been formulating a LW season postmortem in my head that I am looking forward to sharing internally first, and then one day discussing publicly if I’m given the opportunity.
I don’t want to put words into your mouth, nor do I want to get you into trouble…but from some of your responses it sounds like youre not a huge fan of the 2 week cadence. It sounds like you would rather be afforded more time for quality writing, character developing, and story telling vs getting stuff out the door in a few weeks.
I dont expect a response(even if I am correct). Just know that you are not alone! We would rather you guys have more time to do what you feel is best, rather than be on a public deadline for every single patch.
Can we try to keep responses concise? Getting hit with epic walls of text for just over 9000 damage hurts my eyes. Id like to stay with this thread but the bibles you guys are writing..makes it difficult. Can only imagine what the folks at arenanet go through reading these, however detailed and constructive they may be!
Id love for more classes and a new race. But their development focus is on LS.
never please. if you want that go to wow.
Wildstar is coming. Go to that. I will be leaving GW2 behind for it most likely, pretty much because it takes arenanet months, or an entire year to realize the depth of their mistakes and to come up with any changes.
But yeah, Gw2 is not designed for instanced raiding. As Colin said, their whole design is based around open world dynamic event fighting where you work together as a community. instancing content off like this doesn’t bode well with that objective.
If the players that enjoy instances are already in instances… How does this work against that? They have instances, people who like instances will play in instances. They are already not in the open world. All this would do would allow those people who plan to be in an instance to play together… bringing one part of the community together instead of forcing them into small groups.
I think you are referring to personal story and dungeons. True. But thats the extent of it. Personal story, is..well personal. Dungeons are dungeons, a staple of any MMO. Aside from EVE, where the game is based around PVP and economy, if an MMO does not release with dungeons, its not worth its spit.
Concerning GW2 and instanced content outside of these two, Anet feels that giving too much instanced content would be counter to the core philosophy of the game: banding together in the open world to tackle the difficult challenges.
If you begin to instance the hardest, and most rewarding content, to a specific raid size(10,20,40), then this goes against the open-world style of play they are
trying to foster.For this game, and this game only, I agree.
I am referring specifically to dungeons and fractals as the content the group I play with enjoys the most. What I would like does not need to be the hardest content, the most rewarding content or for a specific size. I would like scaling dungeons basically, but the real goal of this is to facilitate large (10-20) group instanced content. It may go against the play style they’re trying to foster if you’d like to think of it that way… but we’re already doing that. We’re already locked away in our dungeons and fractals. I’m merely suggesting that it’d be nice if we were provided options to play these instanced content together… is this such a bad thing?
Once again, understand what I’m saying and don’t read into things that are not there. I do not care if it is or is not difficult. I do not wish to see this be more rewarding than any other aspect of the game. The purpose is to facilitate large group instanced content, to allow me to play with ALL of my friends and guild mates, not a fraction of them.
I hear what youre saying. Im simply telling you a possible reason why Arenanet has not put this something like this into the game yet, as per Colin’s post in the Collab Dev thread.
If arenanet was a fan of instanced group/guild content, don’t you think they would have done it with guild missions instead of making it open world content?
Sadly theres no hope for anyone here. But you can save your son Try to discourage him from games a bit. Im not saying video games are bad and are the cause of violence(I think that argument is stupid). But too many kids spend their childhoods inside and online rather than outdoors getting dirty. My childhood consisted of basketball until it got dark out, baseball busting barn windows, man hunt at night, building forts…getting dirty.
Today, kids are just on the computer. Be the example and one of the few parents(myself included) that would rather the kid go outside and track in mud..than sit on his butt playing video games all day.
This game would not implode overnight if arenanet removed the TP. All that would happen would be people earning their gear and crafting materials through PLAYING the game, rather than funneling real $$ into the game to purchase these items. You would also see an increase in trade chat transactions.
Thats about it. And if you seriously think that removing an AH from an MMO is self destructing, then the developer has failed. The game should not be revolving around economics. They are important, but not at the core. Gameplay, combat, bosses and FUN are the core of the game. Not dollars and cents. If you are willing to have a complex AH and economy at the expense of gameplay, youre doing it wrong.
And no, to reply to someone..GW2 is not necessarily about gear drops. Its about farming and grinding for crafting materials. You can get these by playing the game as well, instead of using the TP.
(edited by cesmode.4257)
You didn’t mention what server you’re on. I know in Tarnished Coast, there are usually some people around willing to do events. You do have to talk in map chat sometimes to get people there, however.
Same is true on most servers.. Have to talk in map chat.
But sadly, living story pulls most people out of the world and into one or two areas at a time. Or if there are level cap people in the area, they are probably either map completing or achievement grinding for the LS and just passing through.
LS had an inverse effect on the world.
never please. if you want that go to wow.
Wildstar is coming. Go to that. I will be leaving GW2 behind for it most likely, pretty much because it takes arenanet months, or an entire year to realize the depth of their mistakes and to come up with any changes.
But yeah, Gw2 is not designed for instanced raiding. As Colin said, their whole design is based around open world dynamic event fighting where you work together as a community. instancing content off like this doesn’t bode well with that objective.
If the players that enjoy instances are already in instances… How does this work against that? They have instances, people who like instances will play in instances. They are already not in the open world. All this would do would allow those people who plan to be in an instance to play together… bringing one part of the community together instead of forcing them into small groups.
I think you are referring to personal story and dungeons. True. But thats the extent of it. Personal story, is..well personal. Dungeons are dungeons, a staple of any MMO. Aside from EVE, where the game is based around PVP and economy, if an MMO does not release with dungeons, its not worth its spit.
Concerning GW2 and instanced content outside of these two, Anet feels that giving too much instanced content would be counter to the core philosophy of the game: banding together in the open world to tackle the difficult challenges.
If you begin to instance the hardest, and most rewarding content, to a specific raid size(10,20,40), then this goes against the open-world style of play they are
trying to foster.
For this game, and this game only, I agree.
never please. if you want that go to wow.
Wildstar is coming. Go to that. I will be leaving GW2 behind for it most likely, pretty much because it takes arenanet months, or an entire year to realize the depth of their mistakes and to come up with any changes.
But yeah, Gw2 is not designed for instanced raiding. As Colin said, their whole design is based around open world dynamic event fighting where you work together as a community. instancing content off like this doesn’t bode well with that objective.
Teq is ok. He lands, no one cares, he flies away.
So what’s the problem?
I want to fight him. I want his loots.
I dont want Teq 1.0
I dont want Teq 2.0
I want somewhere in the middle. What was arenanet thinking with 80 man requirement?
Yes mj.
And seriously, people are complaining about not being able to run this tower without effort? You went through it once, know what’s coming, build accordingly. Drop the zerk gear, bring condition removal, bring swiftness, bring stun breaks, bring stability, bring blocks. It’s a zerg, you don’t have to deal max dps. Build for survival and try again. You don’t even have to maximize the build as if it were PvP/WvW. Oh yea, and pay attention to the spores before their red circles appear. Just don’t go near em.
Drop the zerk gear? So now I need to gear a certain way to do this?
I can rebuild my thief for more survivability, infact he has decent vigor uptime when dodging. But theres limits. My gear is zerk.
If I need to get some PVT gear to get through this, or knights gear…if I need to get a single new piece of gear to do this, then the patch fails. Horribly.
So the vibe im getting here is…Hurry! Get it done now while people are still doing it and clearing it! Otherwise if you wait until the last minute, you’ll have to solo because no one else will be running it anymore! Drop whatever youre doing and get to the living story!
Its an interesting idea, I’ll give them that…having us progress through levels. But it really needs to scale better. Patches like this make me want to quit again.
It supposedly scales but the game is still incapable of scaling anything once it has spawned which means anytime a big enough group runs through it leaves a death trap behind. It’s like the mines on a bigger scale, anyone who just runs through won’t have a problem but anyone behind them will probably be downed by one of them.
Well if thats true, then this patch is truly borked. If you’re late to the party, good luck getting through.
The idea of tier’d open world content like this is good. But poorly designed. 9/10 people need to be part of a group to go through it. Unless you are one of the few amazing elitists that are probably decked in ascended gear. Not to mention, once you go into the instanced portions and come out, you lose the ‘zerg’ or the open group you were with. So…you wait ? Thats bad design.
I am a mediocre to above mediocre player. Im not elitist, I cannot solo Lupi or anything. But I can definately hold my own and solo enough content in the game. But I cannot solo this. You do need a group. Most people need a group.
But is there anything really wrong with that though? I find this content is fun because it’s designed to be beaten by a group but it’s still possible to run into random people.
I mean the LFG group tool exists for a reason.
Normally, no there isnt anything wrong with that. But Im finding that the community is quite hypocrytical now.
All across these forums, If someone says “the game should be like X”, that person is met by a swarm of responses like “Well not everyone likes X”. “Well I want dungeons to be a bit harder!”…“Well not everyone likes harder. Some people like speedruns”. “I want open world content to require more strategy and less zerg”….“Well, not everyone likes to cooperate. Some people like to zerg to farm $$”.
Get where Im going?
The game and every patch since release has been launched so that everyone can complete it, regardless of gear and skill. Which is why GW2 has been dubbed an easy game to play. Now that theres content that is difficult and only soloable by a small minority, you all are saying “welll thats ok!”. Yes, I agree. But I also see some hypocrits in here(no necessarily talking about you).
Now that content suits THEIR needs, its OK. But when someone wanted the content to suit their needs in a different way in the past 14 months, they were told “Well not everyone is like you”.
Why is this different now?
Edit: If the game were like this all along, Id be fine with it. But every LS patch has been completable with little to no group requirements, and so that the average joe(if he has the time to cram all of it in) can do so.
(edited by cesmode.4257)
The idea of tier’d open world content like this is good. But poorly designed. 9/10 people need to be part of a group to go through it. Unless you are one of the few amazing elitists that are probably decked in ascended gear. Not to mention, once you go into the instanced portions and come out, you lose the ‘zerg’ or the open group you were with. So…you wait ? Thats bad design.
I am a mediocre to above mediocre player. Im not elitist, I cannot solo Lupi or anything. But I can definately hold my own and solo enough content in the game. But I cannot solo this. You do need a group. Most people need a group.
So I went through the Tower last night. Rolled with a group of about 8-10. Went down a few times. Got rezzed every time. I did some rezzing. Have to be situationally aware. Bring heals and condition cleanses. I only made 1 adjustment to my utilities, otherwise stayed in my dungeon HGH/FT build and it worked fine.
I think this content is challenging, which is good. Stick with the group and you’ll be fine. Don’t expect zerker to win this one for you.
Quite difficult sometimes. I was with a group and we were giong well. Then we all decided to stop and go into the instanced portions. When I came out, I was alone. I hung out at the instance for about 10 minutes and only saw one other person. We decided to give it a go…only to meet a wall with two vets and 8 mobs. My buddy went down quick, I went down a minute or two later.
Guess we should have waited another 20 minutes.
Tunnel vision much, look around on you tube are clip showing ppl solo floor boss’es.
They must have ascended gear.
Thats the trick..Icwhatudidtherearenanet
LOL and its a big LOL, dude go look how much ascended gives you stat wise.
I was half kidding. But then again, there was a few times last night where the mob had a sliver of health. Maybe that 5-8% might have helped?
… one can only wonder!
The living story content is and always has been poor unfortunately. Bold and ambitious idea, but its just bad. A few bits of story and lore disjointed from anything else(aside from the last two or three updates), a huge achievement grind that drives content, achievement grind that isn’t even fun.
I will pay 60 dollars for an expansion of quality. Zones, skills, races, classes, dungeons, new endgame systems, additions to WvW, more personal story, open world content..I will pay 60 big ones man. I will not spend a dime in the gem store for the stuff that is being released.
Tunnel vision much, look around on you tube are clip showing ppl solo floor boss’es.
They must have ascended gear.
Thats the trick..Icwhatudidtherearenanet
It took a zerg of 40 people 7 minutes to kill the spider queen and you claim to solo it…. I doubt you soloed the champion wurm since from that zerg of 40 around ~25 made it alive after killing it and you claim to solo it…. Cool stories uncle Kelnter. Tell us more.
You know what is event scaling? it simple means more players=higher difficulity, less player=lower difficulity.
Whit 40 players around bosses can 1 shot you, thats a matter of fact, try to go at it whit 2-4 ppl and you will see the difference(tho whit 4 it will propably scale up to champ status).
The event scaling…pft. How come I was alone near a blocked passage with 1 or 2 vets and 6 or 7 regular mobs? Is that arenanet’s idea of event scaling? One person to take on that? No… Im good but that is just too much with the amount of CC, AOE conditions and hallucinations they put on me.
No, the event scaling in this LS is borked.
Everything is solo-able even the champions when you learn the fights. This is very close to perfect from Anet. The mobs are hard and interesting, you can zerg or solo the open world area and all the instances are easy solo and scale for those who want to go with a group. I did everything with my full rabid necro and my zerker thief. I had to change my skills many times and go slowly on my thief but I soloed the spider and the wurm and made it to the top twice. I died a few times, mostly because I made silly mistakes or because I tried to rez someone, but paid for the armor repair and the travel golem and continued.
It took a zerg of 40 people 7 minutes to kill the spider queen and you claim to solo it…. I doubt you soloed the champion wurm since from that zerg of 40 around ~25 made it alive after killing it and you claim to solo it…. Cool stories uncle Kelnter. Tell us more.
Id agree. It took a group of 5-10 people about 10-15 minutes, many deaths.
I’m guessing you didn’t run into any blocked passages, guarded by champions.
This is exactly what makes it not soloable.
I have been waiting for twenty minutes for other players to come along and help clear the path. Guess it can only ever be completed during peak times or as a group.
The instances are fine as a solo player, getting to them is essentially impossible as a solo player though.
Yerp. This is what I said in mapchat. Good idea, fun, challenging. Scaling is terribad or non existant. You need to wait for groups of people to come along and beat champions or get passed a blocked wall that is surrounded by 8 or 9 regular mobs and a vet or two.
No, it is NOT solo friendly if you are doing it ALL by yourself.
So the vibe im getting here is…Hurry! Get it done now while people are still doing it and clearing it! Otherwise if you wait until the last minute, you’ll have to solo because no one else will be running it anymore! Drop whatever youre doing and get to the living story!
Its an interesting idea, I’ll give them that…having us progress through levels. But it really needs to scale better. Patches like this make me want to quit again.
It’s perfectly soloable. I literally just did it on a level 50 up-level.
I doubt it.
If you get separated from a group, or enter the instanced portion and come out..and if you are then alone, you need to wait for more people. And you can be waiting for a long time.
I didnt want to spend 45 minutes on just the first portion, only to die at the very end because I got separated from the group. Now I need to respawn at the beginning?
No thanks. Fun event, good idea. But this kind of killed it for me. This might be another LS I completely skip.
Just curious if Arenanet realizes that a very small percentage of the playerbase is doing tequatl these days. Since Ive been playing the game again, no one on my server has tried it.
I know you wanted to make something difficult, but you kind of took content away with the change. Any plans to modify it again to make it doable?
You most likely wont get instanced raiding like you have in WoW. If you were expecting this, you didnt do your homework.
When I think of endgame, I think of the following:
-max level content
-content that has longevity. This does not mean time gating, it means that people will WANT to experience the content over the course of months.
-content that challenges you. You have leveled to max level and should have a good understanding of your class. Combined with gear, you must test your skill. Combined with your skill, you must test your gear’s meddle.
-content that is either solo OR group/guild content. It does not have to be exclusive to one. Rift’s chronicles are a good example of solo content that would be fantastic(FANTASTIC!!!) in GW2. Im so sad that there isn’t something like this.
-content that gives you the best rewards in the game for completion. End game is simply that..end game. It should be hard. If everyone could do it, I wouldnt consider it endgame. Now, Im not talking about raids, but if everyone could complete the endgame content, it is merely just ‘content’ to me.
See, I don’t need a final boss…which is my point. I could care less about a final boss. It’s what makes it more of a game and less of a world to me. That’s why I like zones like Hirathi and Straits of Devastation better than other zones. Because it’s less about a big boss and more about an ongoing war.
But other people do and you should acknowledge it. Does Anet want to lose those people or will it give them a proverbial carrot?
I for one like some of the temple events but only under one condition – at most five participating players. Wish they would just swap temple priests with arah priests, that would mean more fun for zergs and for dungeons crawlers!
That’s an interesting comment…that I should acknowledge it. I’ve lost count of how many times that I’ve said that the game I want and my point of view probably doesn’t represent the majority.
However, I do believe that most people thinking dungeon runners and raiders and people who want end game are a huge majority…and that I don’t think is the case.
It is my belief there are more people who solo these games and want unstructured solo content, than there are people who want challenging group content. I can’t prove it, but it’s what I believe.
There’s no real evidence for either side at the moment, but WoW is the single most successful MMO in existence and pretty much every MMO that comes out apart from GW2 has raids. So there must be a substantial demand for them.
Yes I know most WoW players don’t raid, but it’s an iconic feature of the game.
Also, wouldn’t having a MMO based mostly in solo content defeat the purpose of it being a MMO? The 2 Ms ate what makes ESO different from Skyrim.
Okay so WoW has raids and WoW is successful. Baseball stadiums have hot dogs, but hot dogs aren’t why people go to the ball park. The fact is, before you can get to raids in WoW you have to do a whole lot of other stuff and people who do that often don’t go any further.
But there’s another bit of information here that can also mislead. How popular WoW is is completely irrelevant to traditional end game. First, WoW came out at a time when there was almost no competition. They were piggybacking off the mad success of an RTS with the same name. The company had a ton of money to advertise their product that didn’t come from that product.
So it’s popularity is partly based on timing, and partly based on the deepness of its pockets as well as what actually is in the game.
I think it’s a mistake to look at WoW as a winning game combination based on any single factor of it. If I had to guess, I’d say timing was the biggest factor of WoW’s success. Certainly the MMO field when it came out wasn’t rife with competition and there were absolutely no free MMOs.
I’ll agree with this. But I will contradict when I say that Blizzard’s ability to mtaintain 7+ million subscribers for…8 years is not necessarily due to lack of competition or timing. Many MMOs have come into the market since WoW with as much hype as GW2, and faded into the mists.
WoW launched at the perfect time.
But, WoW is also successful because of the fantastic lore they have, and they play off of that lore instead of creating new lore(except for pandas..really, not in their lore too much. A few lines is all). But also because of endgame. Things to do.
Cont’d on next post.
I completely agree. Server sub forums…even if it is just for recruitment. Id love to go to a sub forum where all the talk there is server specific..recruitment, organizing temple runs, etc etc.
But this topic will be moved to the suggestions thread or something
You can come try out our guild via guesting and see if its for you =)
Feel free to ask questions, here or ingame
Thanks for the offer, but prefer to stay on SoS if I can since I feel I have bounced around enough…and if I were to transfer, I dont want to go to blackgate. I don’t want to be on the most populated or the best WvW server. Somewhere in the middle.
Thanks though!
This is off topic. But I just realized there was a CDI thread for ‘game modes’ that I completely missed!! Oh no!
I would have some good ideas for those!
@medieval: I agree with your post, but when did they add in skills as you say? There are no new skills in the game, aside from a healing skill that is associated with an LS event.
I do not have any new skills on my thief or mesmer…if new ones have been added, please let me know because this hasnt happened yet.
I sent you a PM here on the forums.
Im not sure what you mean by want the game to be in polish language, as an option?
Regarding what others have said: They focus so so so much on living story, and not enough on anything else.
When was the last time dungeons got a good revamp? Not just one..but multiple?
When was the last time there was reason to just go out into tyria and explore, not related to any achievements?
When was the last time you DIDNT see the champ train?>
When was the last time Orr was significant?There is another english word “polish” that has nothing to do with Poland. To polish means to make smooth and glossy by using friction, usually in terms of metal or gemstones (though it has MANY other uses). The implication here is that the game has many features that are quite close to being well-done; all they need is a bit of polishing. Smooth out the rough edges. Hope this helps.
HAHAHAHA omg…I feel like such an idiot. Yes yes, polish as in ‘refine’. I am american, I speak english, and I am a fail hahahahahahaha. I thought the OP wanted GW2 to be translated in Polish hahaha omg. Wow…stupid me.
Nevermind folks! nothing to see here!
Living Story is our expansion. ;(