-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson
I am going to jump into this thread wo reading most of the posts because there’s a bit too many.
In my opinion, AoE is absolutely not the problem.
The problem is ANet has lost grip on balance long, long ago, if they ever had it, which is actually surprising since they decided to drop secondary classes and link skills to weapons because – they said – it will hep them balance things out.
for one, Anet seems utterly unable to balance the classes and traits as they are.
Raising the cap will set these efforts back even further.
There is absolutely no need to rise level cap, nor was there ever need to add ascended gear or add more levels to it.
Pity they already announced they will do both anyway.
So, that means we should avoid users stationed in Italy because they could continuely screw everyone over and nothing would come of it?
More like the whole EU :o
OP spreads rumors with no basis in fact. Please respond…
NCSoft policy is to give full refunds up to 6 months after transaction, however a refund like that permanently removed associated keys from your account.
If you refund the game, this means your account is locked until you add a new key.
If you refund any Gem purchases, your account is locked forever (to my knowledge, did not explore any further possibilities of that with Support).
So yes, it is entirely possible the OP got full refunds on all purchases made in the last 6 months.
Let me use this occasion to point out to a sad fact that this meant players fro pre-purchased early and decided to leave with FotM, were not eligible for the refund anymore.
But exploiters and hackers – yes, they are eligible for refunds of payments they issued in the last 6 months.
(edited by cherrie.8907)
Once you understand time zones its actually not hard. CET is GMT + 1 except for summer where it is CEST which is GMT + 2, by this time, we (the Brits) are on BST which is British Summer Time which is GMT + 1. right now we are GMT which is CET – 1
so if it is 7pm CET it is 6pm GMT. additionally keep in mind there is always a 7 hour time difference between PST and GMT… except for summer…. :P
I hope this is sarcasm post, or, with all due respect, you win the “most self-centered poster” award for this thread. Do you really think this is about making it easier for you Brits? LOL.
Noone (who’s not living on the Isles) cares what time you’re on.
It’s about the standard that lets everyone easily calculate when the events start, no matter is their country observes summer time or not or what day precisely do they start / end this, and this differs A LOT. So please…
(edited by cherrie.8907)
This suggestion is repeated each and every event and I really can’t wrap my head around why ANet PR team keep ignoring it or decide to use CET.
Guys, you are doing business worldwide, global timezone standard is GMT. Use it.
If you don’t feel the need to use it, spend 30 minutes of your time researching how complicated time zones actually are and why you should do it because for me, your ignorance is simply baffling (I can’t think of any other reason for you continuously refuse to use or add GMT time to your release notes than ignorance).
(edited by cherrie.8907)
Came across my first bug today, where a bad buff (blindness) kept repeating it’s cool down. 1 bug in a week of solid play. If it had been any other game I would have come across a shed-load of bugs.
Well done and congratulations Arena.net on a game that is worthy of GOTY.
now look around the subforums and see the actual amount of bugs.
Some of them – many of them profession related – were being reported since Betas and never reported. Or a PS bug that made it impossible for anyone to finish one of the lines for over a months. The fact that you don’t see it or it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it’s not there – it is, in a great, serious multitude.
And Legendary wepons wont ever have Infusion slots (main reason to have ascended weapons)
I am 99.98% sure they will, otherwise they wouldn’t be top of the game.
Since Ascended > Exotic and Legendary == Best Gear, Legendary == Ascended when A weapons arrive. I’m pretty sure Devs actually acknowledged that, as well as the fact that is ever a higher tier of weapons arrives, Legendary would be “upgraded” again.
Because there was no gap needing filling.
It’s just PR talk, just like Crystin Cox saying dyes are meant to be character progression and you ain’t expected to collect them all (despite store dye bundle saying “Collect the mall!”)
Don’t believe in words, believe in actions.
Did you guys all forget about Wildstar?
Yeah.. it has potential and I was planning to play it because of one of the best trailer in the history of gaming I’ve ever seen (seriously, if they fail at game development, they should make animated movies…) but since it’s NCSoft, after GW2 fiasco of the year (personal oppinion) I am planning on sticking on to Secret World.
You forgot Aion.
No I didn’t, Aion’s no longer run by NcSoft (or at least it isn’t in Europe as Gameforge runs it here).
I’m really really hoping this isn’t going to be another case of a games publisher completely screwing over a game for short term gain… much like EA has done to any of the software houses they’d brought, or even what Perfect World did to Star Trek Online.
Only Aion EU is not run by NCSoft.
Aion in Asia is still a major title, it might vry well be NCSofts biggest title there, bringing great revenue, however it failed on western market so miserably it went F2P and NCSoft decided nto to bother with running it cross-regions themselves.
GW2 becomes less and less player friendly, that’s all.
Hello there.
just a quick message to let you know that this issue has been passed on to the team so they are aware of this and working on it. We understand that it is kind of hard to report in such circumstances but we would encourage you to keep trying, if you see some more. You can also make a screenshot and send it along with a report to Customer Support through the ticketing system.
Thanks for your reports and patience!!!
If you guys didn’t close every topic on forum with a word “bot” in it before you actually read it, you’d be able to “pass this issue to the team” about a month ago.
I personally made a topic on this forum about this issue soem time ago highlighting the fact that it’s almost impossible to report them via in-game means nor here because they dissapear so fast you can’t right click check their name or account name bla bla bla (and good luck noting character name like Lld hthth).
But you did close my topic with a reply “Please report via in-game means”.
Also, what are in-game means of reporting even there if in-game bug reports seem to be totally ignored?
I’ve reportied multiple bugs these oinly to see a Dev, not a Mod who might not be informed about everything, replying in a topic here 3 weeks later that “they’ve just been made aware of the issue”.
it’s abyssmal what’s going on with your Q&A.
NCsoft has some of the best, biggest server farms in the gaming word.
Not sure if ANet got their own for GW2, but I can asure you making a test server is not a problem of hardware and bandwith for them.
I think the reason for no public test server is that they don’t want the content of the updates to leak before due time. PR reasons.
But grind is such a bad word and we don’t make grindy games, it’s progression and in a fun way, too!
Oh in case you missed it, collecting dyes on your characters is also a progression, don;t forget to collect them all (preferably using out store, hint hint, unless you missed the hint of us lowering the drop rate!).
Yes, it’s grind but it seems that at the moment grind is the only idea Anet has to keep players in-game.
Which makes little sense in a game advertised as not grindy.
There are 3 Greatswords: Sunrise, Twilight and Eternity.
Check requirements for Eternity though…
As for the rest: i agree, however Devs didn;t anticipate them being obtained as quickly as they were anyway. Maybe they will add more, and maybe their designs will not be immersion-breaking this time.
GW1 sold over 7 million copies. Not as many as WoW, but still one of the most successful PC games of all time.
And if GW2 sold 2 million at launch it’d be interesting to know how many of those sales were to GW1 players. ANet knew or hoped they had a ready made loyal fan base and tbh communication was better during development than it is now. But it’s GW1 players that were duped.
I didn’t expect it to be the same for obvious reasons but I did expect them to continue with their core game philosophy had I known they would they would slide into the same tired old MMO format and WoW clone bracket – that spells doomed to fail – I sure wouldn’t have bought GW2.
My sentiments exactly.
Frankly, I am pretty sure majority of the pre-purchases were made by GW1 players and people they (we) convinced to buy the game, because most other MMO players were in the No Holy Trinity? Ain’t gonna Work! Only 8 skills on a bar? not gonna work, that game is fail before release! boat.
Frankly, who else apart from die-hard fans pays full price for a product they won’t have in their hands for ~5 months? WHich means that by the time they actually get to play, even NCSoft long policy of full refunds up to 6 months after purchase will run out? GW1 fan-base did.
And personally, as a person who purchased her game on April 11 and thus couldn’t get a refund when last update was announced, I can adamantly say i won;t pre-purchase any game ever again, thank you ANet. Definietly nothing your or NCSoft’s.
I’ve played through several MMO’s, arpg’s, and other games with friends and family. Everyone has different preferences around games but most know a good game when they play it. Everyone thought GW2 was a good game. The greatest thing about it was that they were blazing a new path and correcting glaring problems in the genre. Principally, this was around players playing cooperatively with other players as everyone was sick of the culture of WoW. But, it was also around jettisoning the gear grind and vertical progression. Vertical progression actually tends to produce a lot of the behavior and culture problems you see in other MMO’s. Long story short, I would have recommended it heartily to others before the last patch but will no longer recommend it above any other MMO. Now, it’s just another MMO after all, so it would come down to visual aesthetic or something about the combat system perhaps.
I find it weird that people repeat vertical progression without knowing the meaning of it. Do you need rares to get exotics? No. Well then it’s not vertical progression.
I find it weird that people don’t understand that vertical progression is about the increase in power level. You “progress” by acquiring the new tier of gear with the higher stats. No, you don’t need rares to get exotics, but no one is talking about that, we are talking about vertical progression.
so essentially you’re kittening about there being gear with different stats even though the difference is minimal? Okay. Get out of MMOs then. I’m sorry that it’s not communism where there’s only one type of gear and everybody gets the same stats.
Please get out from anywhere where intelligent, cultural people are having a conversation.
I find it funny how people like you actually argued the exact same thing about healers and tanks – because every other MMO has them! You can’t have an MMo without healers and tanks! or without quests! oh wait..!
It’s actually quite saddening to watch how people can’t think out of the box.
MMOs are not about gear and it’s depressing that the whole genre made you think there’s no other way.
Know what I heard? I’ll sum it up like this. He spent countless hours grinding out gear in GW1, and only for fashion since the only difference was the looks, but he’s against grinding the ascended gear for a stat increase.
How does this make sense? It’s ok to grind out trivial things to him like the look of the armor, titles and emotes to unlock in games but not for a stat increase? Sounds incredibly selfish to me.
I’ve stopped reading here.
You must be one of the most egoistic, self-centered people I’ve had the dubious pleasure to read on these forums and it’s an achievement.
Your complete lack of ability to look at things from any perspective other than your own is astounding, so I have no sympathy for you, either.
I hope your PC crashes in perpetual playlist of all GW2 ascended-gear-complains videos.
I would not recommend on my own but I would offer my insights if they asked.
Overall, I find the game decent and probably only worth looking at at this point in time because it has no monthly fee, but I personally prefer to pay a sub and have a great game, than battle with bad design on so many levels plus the horrid cash shop.
I think GW2 is the most overrated game on the market right now, which is sad really. The game simply does not deliver.
Not worth recommending anymore.
The good
- graphics
- sound
- no monthly fee
- no holy trinity
- interesting class mechanic and not-too-bad combat
- jumping puzzles
- quaggans
The bad – far more than good and far more severe
- it’s still a fantasy MMO and overall, it has exactly the same feeling as all of them out tehre
- prevelant and still expanding RNG (Mystic Forge reminds me of the worse element of the worse game I;ve ever played, Chaos Machine in Mu Online…)
- moneygrab store and in-game tactics
- poor overall story (writing is good on the low level, but when you look at the world from the distance, very unimaginative and cliche)
- dungeon design – GW2 has the absolutely worst dungeon design in any game I’ve played the last 3 years; mechanics are unimaginative and in most cases depend solely on huge morale pools and huge hits; trash are unnecessarly hard, rewards are not worht the effort, plus most dungeons in game are not worth doing at this point
- poor socialization
- grind
- poor cosmetics mechanics, aimed to grab even more cash
- no in-game support; so you’ve been trying to beat an unabalnced dungeon for 4h and it bugged out on you? Good luck trying to exploit-fix it or going in again hoping it won’t bug out again… Unacceptable for me in 2012
- no account restoration policy at launch, and 3 months after launch still! So you’ve been hacked? Sucks to be you…
- no reimbursement policy – so you’ve lost a huge amount of in-game gold / materials / effort because of the bug in game that was even confirmed? Sucks to be you, we don’t have reimbursement policy either. Also unacceptable in 2012!
And on top of all that, broken promises.
I kinda feel like almost every aspect that made the game trully unique and great was taken out, leaving “the same old”, but underdelivered.
Your modem at home only changes IP in your subnetwork, the authentication prompt you mention will only trigger when your public IP (ISP-assigned) changes.
Korrigan, if a webdeveloper sells a client a custom webshop software and it changes into a blog in 3 months, client has right for refund and argument “But he had a web-shop for 3 months!” doesn’t hold. I, for one, did not buy this game to play for 3 months.
Also, NCSoft issues refunds up to 6 months after purchase, which means that a lot of people who pre-purchased can’t even get them any more while they played as much as everyone else.
I am definietly not giving ANet (nor Nexon, nor NCSoft) any more chances based solely on promises.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Stock of an entertainment company going down in times of crisis is not strange at all. Look for example at dreamworks: https://www.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NASDAQ:DWA
And here I see an upwards trend: http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/overview?symbol=036570.KS
NC Soft makes many other games and how can you know? Perhaps Lineage 2 or Aion is bringing down the stocks.
People cut on entertainment to buy essentials, e.g., food and clothing. Why making such an analysis if things go bad or good? Why care so much if Anet goes bad?
Aion is booming in Asia still. It failed on the West, true, because it’s not cut to Western audiences.
Just want to know if i am able for a refund still. I bought the game on 13 of july. Just before the last BWE, I know normally after so a time there is no chance but due to the massive redirection the game is going and the fact this max level gear no grind crap has now become false.
yes you are: NCSoft issues refunds up to 6 months after purchase.
AS i wrote you editing, for what i remember the 6 months timeframe is not public.
If it’s not public, cannot be applied, and you can pretend your refund regarless of what they say. Until they send you a public document everyone can read, proving it.
Basic law.
Maybe* but if you bring any law that states differently than their company policy, they refer you to their Legal Department in Boston – been there:
As you have suggested legal action, we in support are unable to discuss this issue further, and all correspondence will now need to be done by your legal council and our legal department. Further replies to the support department concerning legal issues will be closed with no further response.
ATTN: Legal
6801 N Capital of Texas Hwy
Bldg 1, Ste 102
Austin, Texas 78731
(edited by cherrie.8907)
The amount of bitterness is proportional to the amount of wrongdoing (perceived).
What your calling “wrongdoing” other people may call it “doing the right thing”! Don’t you understand that?
I’m not saying adding Ascended gear is a wrongdoing Don’t you understand that?, I’m saying selling me a product saying it will have A and not B to change the nature of the product so that it has B not A is a wrongdoing. Don’t you understand that? It’s called scamming. Don’t you understand that? And as I said before, I can’t get my money back because they made the change more than 6 months after initial pre-purchases. Don’t you understand that?
Edit: not to mention that I did add the word perceived in my original post.
(edited by cherrie.8907)
cherrie, i suggest you to check your email when your gw2 account was created ( i guess it was the same day you bough it) or just the email confirming your purchase. Check if you truly passed 6 months+1 day.
The quote I posted is from my exchange with the support so yes, I ain’t get my money back from NCSoft. April 11th + 6 months is October 11th, over a month ago.
The day I created my account has nothing to do with it because – for NCSoft Support – is the purchase date that matters. But in either case, my account was made on April 11 since I bought it off their site.
You truly bough the game more than 6 months ago?
Uhm… yeah?
Pre-purchased on April 11?
Why is that so hard to believe?
The amount of bitterness is proportional to the amount of wrongdoing (perceived).
I personally would be off the forums by now, as much as I am out of the game fror a week now, if it wasn’t for the fact that I can’t ge ta re-fund because I pre-purchased too early.So since I’m stuck with the product, I’d like to see it back to the state that was marketed to me, or at least some real communication adressing the true issues.
You’re wrong. If you prepurchased online, you can have your refund. Guaranteed 100%, try.
Up to six months after purchase.
I pre-purchased in April.
Your ticket has been escalated to me as a supervisor for NCsoft Payments and Account Support.
In regards to your refund request, I do have to report that the information that you were provided with previously was correct, we are unable to extend refunds on purchases that are greater than 6-months in age.
The amount of bitterness is proportional to the amount of wrongdoing (perceived).
I personally would be off the forums by now, as much as I am out of the game fror a week now, if it wasn’t for the fact that I can’t ge ta re-fund because I pre-purchased too early.
So since I’m stuck with the product, I’d like to see it back to the state that was marketed to me, or at least some real communication adressing the true issues.
I don’t agree with your comprasion, I think it misses the point.
First of all, real life if a kitty and it’s not true that those who work harder are rewarded.
If you think so, then you’re living in a bubble.
But also in real life if you really want to measure who “worked harder” professionally, you should look at sports or various competitions.
And there you will see that the subject of equal starting point is taken extremely seriously, down to milimeters and miliseconds so that you can really measure who is the best by their achievements only. Because it’s implied taht those who win actually worked hard to get experience and skills.
To sum it up: I actually believe that people who advocate for better gear for more grind in-game are the actually lazy ones that want to use shortcuts to get anywhere.
And if you look closely, you’ll see that ANet actually agrees: gear in sPvP stays unchanged.
That’s a great decision, but I do believe that this should apply to PvE as well, for the same reasons. If you and your friends beat a dungeon that me and my friends can’t, I want to be certain this is only because you’re better players: better at teamplay, better at your class, whatever. Not because you farmed more. This is what I see as fair and this is the kind of game I wanted to play.
I like one-time events as they keep the world fresh, dynamic, and engaging. I disagree that they should reward players who can make it. Rewards, if any, should be cosmetic (like the witch hat).
The Halloween one-time was mostly fine (design-wise, the mass DCs sucked) because – while enteraining – it didn’t take anything tangible from people who couldn’t make it.
Now this event… well. Terrible.
1. Leave half the servers the way they are now.
2. Take the other half of the servers and disable FotM.
3. Block server transfers from one version of the game to the other.Keep both groups happy. GW2 Regular, and GW2 Light.
(and for your coders… IF GW_Client=Regular THEN Agony_Enabled=True.)
No, don’t disable transfer. Leave it on.
But if you’re on no-FotM server, your Ascended gear has Exotic stats and your Infusion does not work (no stats).
Then we could see which option is really more popular and not just ad hoc, but over time: giving players enough time to understand what Ascended gear and Infusion really bring with them.
It’s funny because it’s true.
Still sad.
There were (promised) mertis that made the game like no other.
Unfortunatelly, it all came down ugly.
A great merit of GW2 was the horizontal plateau of power which meant leveled field of play for everyone.
You beat a challege, won PvP, finished a dungeon? You did so not because of your gear, but because of your skill and teamplay.
This – the biggest, most important merit of this game – is now gone.
What’s left?
Pretty world with dull main story, gold-grindy achievements and gear grind.
No in-game support, no account restoration, not even reimbursement for losses caused by bugs in the game.
Boring, outdated dungeon mechanics (with all my respect: if you find GW2 dungeons engaging, you must have missed basically every MMO that did it half-well during the past 5 years).
Dungeons gated by gear too, one of the worse mechanics ever: tried before and dropped in shame (WoW, LotRO).
Okay, it has jumping puzzles. And Quaggans. Not really enough to keep me in game.
No, I’m not seeing the game through it’s hype, I’m seeing it for what it is. And it’s poor.
But it already started long ago with armour boosters etc.
Let me be precise: it started when the current Monetization Director took over, with experience in one and only one model of a cash shop: Pay2Win cash shop.
It’s a personal effort after all , if you are a casual gamer who maxed his exotic set and have probably second BiS inslot why would you want ascendant gear for +5+10+20 stat ? Where will you be using that “hardcore” gear , once a week in wvw or the daily dungeon ? It’s the same previous mmo argument and here it comes: play harder ( work harder ) then the rest get an extra edge it’s just like in the real life or is it not ? No one is forcing you to do it you will still be competitive either way. So why cry about an extra +5 stat you don’t need and won’t use ?
This is a little hard to follow but I’ll try. You’re suggesting that because I want a gear plateau I’m not hardcore or competitive? Well I suggest that because you want a stat advantage you are neither. Stat advantages are a refuge for the skill anemic to obtain the thrill of a victory they “earned” by repetitive easy tasks before the challenge even took place.
I want an even playing field so I can truly measure my skill over others and “in yo face! son!” them with 100% assurance that it was my own skill and experience that got me the victory. I’ve been competitive since I first saw a row of quarters on an arcade fighter. Sorry but your argument is irrelevant and indicative of the slow decline of challenge in gaming.
This, very much so, and very well said.
I want players’ skill and experience to speak for them, not gear.
Especially in any kind of PvP, but as a primarly PvE games, in PvE as well.
All the lot with Legendary items don’t impress me at all.
What impressed me? All-Mesmer runs in end-game instances in GW1.
I want my party members to take me in because of my skill, not because of my gear.
If I stay alive and you die all the time, I want the satifaction of being better and/or more experienced than you. The fact that my gear has +1000% resistance won;t give me that.
My friends and I love these changes. And I am almost certain that most of the people whining are the GW1, GW2Guru guys. lol
You and your friends are 1%.
I can say 1% of the population only, likes the changes, because even if it is a little off, if you count the guarentee that they will be out of this game within a few months and back to WoW, it is like they never exist in this game in the first place.
The 1% that destroyed an MMO genre
Much more than that, I am afraid.
How many of Anets (up until now) long-standing, dedicated customer base likes those changes? It’s much close to the 1% here
Uhm…one can get infraction for just quoting for what they said? Why?
Because A.Net doesn’t like being called out when they lie. I’m sure they will use some mumbo jumbo about “out of context”, and “That is not really what the president meant.”
Actually: if so, why is this topic still open?
They do not remove every single negative post, actually most of them is still here, that’s why this topic is so long.
They even stopped removing off-topic posts from this thread! All the posts about getting refund, how to get a refunt, I got a refund, get a refund for example: they’re still here.
Normally every topic that has “run it’s course” and “derailed” is closed. But not htis one, for some reason.
I actually think it’s being left open for a purpouse: so that whoever made those stupid decision can clearly see what the feedback and the reactions are.
I wonder how many times the word “disappointed” has shown up on the forums in the past 3 days as opposed to all the days since the game went live
I wonder how many times the word “betrayed” has shown up anywhere directed at ANet since release of GW1.
I just found out that in Europe, it is legal to re-sell used licenses
Oracle has found itself on the losing side of a judgement by Europe’s top court, which ruled on Tuesday that software licences can be sold on a second-hand basis, even when the software in question is downloaded rather than sold on physical media.
The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) applies to the whole of the software industry operating within the EU, not just Oracle and UsedSoft, the German reseller that Oracle sued. It follows an opinion in April by CJEU advocate-general, Yves Bot, who also said that the same resale rights should apply to downloaded software that apply to software sold on CDs or DVDs.
“Where the copyright holder makes available to his customer a copy — tangible or intangible — and at the same time concludes, in return [for] payment of a fee, a licence agreement granting the customer the right to use that copy for an unlimited period, that rightholder sells the copy to the customer and thus exhausts his exclusive distribution right. Such a transaction involves a transfer of the right of ownership of the copy,” the CJEU said in a statement (PDF).
Therefore, even if the licence agreement prohibits a further transfer, the rightholder can no longer oppose the resale of that copy.
I’m pretty sure NCSoft will argue this does not apply to games but really, software is software.
I’m probably in the agree to disagree crowd, but I cannot understand how this can cause this much vitriol, anger, negativity etc.
This ascended gear thing from what I’ve seen is more people concerned about the direction of new content then having this thing put in right here right now only a short time after launch. I wouldn’t be too concerned, and you’ve all made your point here which I’m sure ANet will consider, and because of how the system works, your dollars supports, or lack of it, guides the direction of development. Cheers.
The anger and negativity comes mostly from the fact that the game was sold as A as opposite to B, but has now changed to B.
While some people – like you, I suspect – don’t mind gear grind, others are (for many different reasons) opposed to it and bougt the game because it promised no vertical progression. This is a 180 degree switch for us that is a deal breaker.
Think of it: if you bought a fuzzy littleball of fur that was supposed to become a small dog of a social, domesticated breed only to discover when it grows up it’s big, half-feral dog, how would you feel, apart from scammed (unless it actually didn’t bother you)?
Oh, and to top that off, NCSoft has a 6-month refund policy.
Guess what that means for fans who pre-purchased in April?
And guess who was the most likely to pre-purchase in April? Would that be the most impatient fans following the development closely and hooked up on ANets promises, by any chance?
It’s just one month after we’re not able to get out money back anymore.
To make that all worse, company’s communication over this issue is scandalous.
I got a refund:
You know, the first time you posted this I believed you were just showing it to, I don’t know, let us know it works and it’s not a hassle to get your money back. By now, and about 15 posts of that same link in 15 different topics over the course of 3 days later, I just think you want some kind of pat on the shoulder.
In case you haven’t noticed, search on this forum is utterly useless.
So if people keep on asking the same question – probably because it’s impossible to find anything on these forums – we continue to give answers.
I am interested in hearing if anyone actually gets a refund. It might be time for us all to apply for one.
I’ve got a refund, my friends got a refund.
However, their current policy is to only give refund after up to 6 months after purchase.
So guess what, if you pre-purchased early, you’re probably out of luck, like I am on my main account (bought the 2nd one for my boyfriend in July).
Just an observation here, but you’re going from a company (Anet) who you feel have gone against their word, indulged in “false advertising” etc to a company (Funcom) that are the undisputed masters of broken promises and lies. They are also a company in very deep financial trouble that may not last much longer, short of a buyout or a miracle.
I hope they wont because the game is really good.
If they fail, then maybe finally I’ll give up this time-consuming hobby.
Actually, I think I’ve found a game yesterday.
I’ve remembered that among all the bad feedback about GW2 dungeons I’ve read a very good post describing The Secret World dungeons and I’ve decided to check it out, and gods, I don’t care about GW2
The bad first
- it’s a subscription MMO
- it has gear progression
- it’s not fantasy genre
- the graphics are much worse that GW2, especially at the beginning of the game (seriously, play through the first 30min because even the look of game changes, at least for me!)
- character models are not as “sleek”
The good
- gear progression seems less grindy than in GW2 now!
- it has a very Lovecraft, World Of Darkness RPG feeling which I love
- it’s a game for manutre audience
- story is actually serious, deep, dark and mature
- skill system is more similar to GW1 than GW2 is – it’s extensive, unlimited. Did you like Magic the Gathering? Skill system is very similar to that, builds are even called Decks!
So yes, ANet, because of your 180 flip, lack of respect and communication, apparently I will be playign a subscription MMO with a vertical gear progression.
But guess what, it won’t be your MMO, because a company that flipped, broke promises, disrespected me and lied is not getting a penny out of me any more; a matter of principle at this point.
Is it possible to get my money back, as this is not the game I pre-ordered?
Yes, however currently they only offer refund up until 6 months after purchase.
So if you were a loyal fan and pre-purchased right away, you’re screwed – probably.
LOL, some of you are so dramatical.
If you don’t like progression and time sink, MMO’s are clearly not for you.Nice observation Sherlock… Did you also consider the fact that many of us came (with reservations) to GW2 because “someone” promised that this would not be a “traditional” MMORPG in the sense that getting to max would not require grind, the rarest items would be unique in apperence, not stats and that the game would not have a treadmill?
Actually I wonder how you landed here? Oh, I also wonder why anyone calls a gear treadmill “progression”? (To me the concept is an epitome of de-evolution, not progress)
Couldn’t have said it better.
Hey guys, everyone still pissed about this? Good
Arenanet still not responding to their players? That’s bad.
More and more people still getting refunds for their game? That’s worse.
Arenanet still not refunding the biggest fans who preordered day 1? That’s callous.
My ticket was escalated to a Senior Customer Support Representative on Friday so I’m not expecting an answer before Monday, however as far as I’m concerned, all return policies in EU count from the day of delivery, not sale.
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