-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson
My precious butterfly
Given the lagginess on the internet* the last few days, I would not jump to conclusions.
I was guiding a friend through SW jumping puzzle and after he jumped/dropped in totally wrong places a couple of times we figured out we were out of sync and he saw me running/dropping/ in wrong places all the time. We had to coordinate using voice communication in the end.
TL;DR: stay vigilant of course, but I think what you describe is probably lag
*there are some routing issues on the www the last couple of weeks, not ANet servers fault.
Someone in this map proposed that travel should be free instead of repairs and I agree 99%.
The game needs some mild gold sinks for the sake of the economy but travel is, imho, too obtrusive. I would like it to be cheaper, maybe not free, but how about:
- free/very cheap on current map, or
- free/very cheap in current area (Kryta, Maguuma)
And armor repair would become the sink instead.
This eould mean that careful play would pay off, the pointless time wasting of free repairs would not be there anymore, and even better new/leveling players would be less affected by the sinks by design (you barely have to repair armor as you level up since you are getting new pieces constantly).
I for one believe that Cantha – or other Asian-themed content (maybe Dominion of Winds, which is… well… right in the middle of our known world now, isn’kitten is in the works.
There are so many themes outfits and items in the (gem) store:
- outfits: Hexed, Ancestral, Shadow Assassin
- weapons: Belinda’s Sword, Jade Weapons
- minipets, potions: Monkey King, lantern
- other: Marjory’s hairstyle
We get Cantha mentioned, we see parts of thereof (mostly jade sea)…
All there, all taunting us…
Edit: Hilarity of forum auto-censor: writing “isn’t” right nest to “it” …
(edited by cherrie.8907)
Itis in your BEST INTEREST as a gamer NOT TO PRE-ORDER.
Pre-orders HURT the gaming industry, allowing developers and/or publishers to sell games on hype alone and the game quality suffers.
Also, keep in mind that while NCsoft gives you 6 month of return right, it counts from the moment of purchase. So if you pre-order months in advance, you might not be able to get a refund when you actually start playing, FOREGOING YOUR CONSUMER RIGHTS.
This happend to me actually – I pre-ordered GW2 on the first day, in April. Which meant that when they introduced Ascended and I decided to cancell my accountgs, I could not get a refund. It was over 6 months after my pre-order (a show of support and trust that ANET would stay true to their manifesto) and only 3 months after I started playing, but I was already unelligible for a refund.
Edit: clarified what was the point of brining my peronal experience here: pre-ordering means giving up your consumer rights, too.
(edited by cherrie.8907)
Hell no.
As others said it so eloquently, go play another game if you don’t like this one.
TL;DR: New dailies are much more obtrusive to normal game-play than old one were and in general, take much more time. Together, the combination is very disappointing.
Rewards are much nicer though, but I would prefer less obtrusive dailies: preferably, the limitations removed (instead of “View vista in Kryta”, view any vistas; instead of “Kill Boss X”, kill any World Boss etc, with the necessary amount of tasks increased if needed, for balance (f.e. 2 vistas or bosses instead of one, 6 events, 20 nodes gathered).
My main problem with the new dailies is that I used to be able to complete a daily, no matter what I decided to do. Now, if I want to complete dailies, I am directed to a very specific area of the game.
Some tasks are worse than others: vistas or gathering are usually fast enough, but things like events or fractals – or worst, specific bosses – take a lot more time and detour from my preferred activities.
I especially dislike the specific world boss one needs to kill: sometimes, due time constraints, this achievement might not be possible.
Another problem I see is that some of the tasks might be impossible to complete for people who are new(er) to the game.
Rezzing them / doing it after the instance was complete was a bug.
But it won’t work for me the intended way either now.
I have tried for this one multiple times.
3 times so far, I found 7 survivors (while solo), talked to all of them while the achievement icon was still up. I then went the route for 12 survivors, found no one, went back to re-check I did not forget to talk with anyone…
And I never for the achievement.
I know other people manage to do it but given the fact that I did re-try this one in case of human error, I believe it is bugged at least for some people..
Only reasonable explanation is that this is that this is a elegant trolling attempt, which in all honesty very much did sink in. Otherwise Anet probably should take a very good look at the credentials of the so called economists they apparently employ.
Well… This is the problem: both the economist and the Monetization Director are doing a great job of making sure NCSoft gets high profits.
Nowhere in their job description is making players happy.
Economist’s goal is to remove the abundance of Candy Corn from TP.
Monetization Director’s goal is to make sure as much gems sell as possible. There we go.
Players’s enjoyment is nowhere in their equations.
ANet has officially gone crazy. Time to jump ship.
already ahead of you, just waiting for this sinking ship to pass Wildstar Island.
Edit: I just realized anets plan. this isn’t a collect material intended item. We expected to BUY the materials
And if you don’t have enough gold, you’re supposed to trade gems for gold.
Welcome to Gem Wars.
I’d like to know that one too!
Dearhearts, please understand that making the jumping puzzle a PvP area is a choice dictated by technical limitations Anet has.
The reason why the clokctower is a PvP area now is because that was the easiest way for them to control other aspects they wanted to change without writing new specific code (removing buffs, skills, limiting player numbers per instance etc) – PvP instances already have this code background available, so they used it. PvP gear and random teams are a side-effect.
Of course I’d prefer to be “my own PvE self” in the Twoer, and I’d prefer to play with friends, but choosing between a ball of charr and norn on my screen or sudden swiftness that ruins my jumps and other problems from last year I can honestly say it is not a step backwards. Anet did bets they could. I just wish they could write some more code not to use PvP for it, but I see it as fair trade.
Vocal minority?
Players against players?
Atmosphere? Of what, a ball of charr and norns?
Sweetie, if you play to compete with other players in everything, please keep to PvP and PvP aspects of this event.
Mad King’s Tower was never, ever a competition with other players, but yourself – you get no reward for beating other players, but reaching the top of the tower.
I see no loss in atmosphere whatsoever, but what I do see is a rare occurrence where ANet actually listened to player feedback and did the best they could.
The only reason Mad Kings Tower is a PvP area now btw is because this was the easiest way for them to make all necessary changes to happen (removing skills, buffs, traits).
PvP gear is a side-effect.
Again, if you need competition that badly, please look at the other areas of the game that are designed in competition in mind.
Tower is where you face yourself – and some lags.
I like hard puzzles too – while frustrating, they are rewarding once you get to beat the “perfect mirror”.
However, definitely not time limited in availability, so I can’t agree with you.
If it was open all year long, sure.
It seems like you are loading for too long
Try lowering your graphics settings… this might help, however you also might just be out of luck here.
Sorry but the anet promotion of zerg mentality has removed the skill mechanic from the game.
Unfortunately, this is true.
I gave up on the fight during the LS week because of the overflow bull.
I’d still want to experience him but no way I will waste my gaming time to randomly wait for him to spawn.
For US servers look for TTS.
That’s a good point you’re bringing up.
However, people entertain themselves with this farm and keep on playing and in the end, this is the only thing that matters for NCSoft.
Unfortunately, any argument that is about the “good qualities” of the game will always loose to what makes people pour in more hours and money.
Yes, he should be instanced: a principle of good game design is not to place the fail conditions of an encounter beyond the player’s control.
How open world in GW2 works (overflows etc) and how Tequatl fight does, as well, does mean that fail conditions are outside of players control.
Guild missions are largely different: it is impossible for a random person to fail, or largely contribute to a fail, in them. Because of how random they are and because they are trigered on guild’s whim, there is little worry with overflows, scaling to unrelated people that aint contributing, afkers on crucial equipment and other problems that make Tequatl fight particularly annoying.
That being said, he would be a great Guild Quest!
But makes very badly designed world event.
What Stx said.
Tequatl revamp is a good attempt at a raid-size encounter and I’d love to face him with an organised group, but not in the open world.
Level of organization required puts him far beyond what normal visitors to this area can randomly achieve.
You can’t assemble to defeat him when he appears, you need to camp him and you need to use overflow overtake to achieve that.
He is prone to griefing or just simple lack of knowledge by random players that happen to be around there, in a place they are kinda.. supposed to be (turrets).
Again: keep him, but in an instance, where he belongs.
Open world version should be on par with what random players can achieve or should not exist, because encounter success requirement should never be placed outside of player’s control.
(edited by cherrie.8907)
Any TTS equivalent in EU or guilds that do regular attempts to kill him?
I think this is an idea worth discussion for sure. But i have a question:
Would in game polls affect the immersion for the player?
I’m sorry, but I need to chime in.
You worry about player immersion in a game that has disco-ball wand, a pink unicorn bow making characters leave horseshoe footprints, jack-out-the -box scythe mining pick and some other notorious gem-store items?
You really don’t have to.
Game poll would be part of UI anyway and that’s how it should be treated.
Noone is complaining the Settings window is breaking their immersion. Or mini-map. Or “Switch character” button.
(edited by cherrie.8907)
Chris (and ANet…): First of all, if you want to have a meaningful discussion with your players base, you really need to stop alienating yourself with all the PR talk your official posts are riddled with. Your first post here… it was difficult to read without cringing: if you want honest meeting of minds, stop being dishonest up from.
Please take a look at how Digital Extremes handle their forums for Warframe.
They are honest and upfront. There is almost no PR talk (that I can assure you a lot of your “most dedicated fans” are allergic to by now, one and a half years after your Manifesto – but since you read the forums you should know that!). And they have a brilliant “Weekly hot topics” where their Customers Relation representative highlights what was hot on forum and what team thinks about the feedback / what they plan to do.
Also, they never hide their mess-ups with – again – wall of PR garbage. They are not afraid to bluntly admit: guys, we kitten up, badly. We are sorry, here is what we are doing about it.
It saves a lot of bad blood, but also actually opens grounds for ACTUAL conversation.
Unfortunately – let me state it again – what ANet seems to be doing alienates fans. Stop it. Don;t let PR spin doctors edit your posts. Honestly, we can see through them. They are silly.
Warframe forums require login. While the game is free, to lessen your hassle, copy of latest (October 4) Community Hot Topics: This is how it’s done!
(edited by cherrie.8907)
I agree with a lot of what you’ve posted.
Dailies are not bad per se, they are an incentive to get players to log into game. It’s understandable they are there.
However, they are very obtrusive: they should not interfere at all with what players feel like doing (maybe with exception of Living World dailies), so there should be do “Ascalon Events” or “Shiverpeak killer” etc; just stuff you can complete at any place you decided to play.
They are also an annoying time gating mechanism, which brings us to…
Ascended stuff / Alting
One of the reasons I left one year ago and why I might drop out now after a few weeks back in game.
I will never, ever understand why devs decide to go for alt-unfriendly approach: everyone I know and their mother has alts, alts make new goals for players and alting should be encouraged as it’s the absolutely best way to keep players in game. Even players who have a very strong main do plat other chars from time to time, I would be hard-pressed to find a single person I know or knew who has one character exclusively.
Ascended, among other things, absolutely kills alting. You can’t go more wrong that this.
Charr armor fix will not get Nexon overlords any money, so don;t count on it anywhere soon.
Devs are too busy developing store items right now.
There already is an extensive topic about corrupted files crashes and many possible culprits mentioned.
However – if you continue to encounter this error after repair and especially with different diles – I would start from extensively testing your RAM with a booting test (http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/306732-30-test-faulty-chips , RAM tests that can be run after Operating System starts might not be able to diagnose all the problems).
Because of how GW2 stores data (all files are compressed and unpacked when needed), GW2 is very suspectible to RAM errors that otherwise go unnoticed (when an unpacked file doesn’t match the checksum, it usually means corrupted data on healthy systems) so you might be playing other games without much or any problems, but you will get constant “corruped file” crashes here.
Basically, GW2 has no way of determining how serious the change in file is and what effects of using it would be, so it opts for safe approach: crash and force user to repair archives. This means GW2 assumes the corrupion originates in the source file (on your HDD), which is a good assumpition again – on healthy systems.
If you see any bad sectors in the memtest, the only walkaround to continue playing GW2 without going through the crashes all the time is buying new memory.
(edited by cherrie.8907)
Maybe s/he had a life :o
Holiday for example, nice summer trip.
I agree, the design is unfortunate.
There already is an extensive topic about corrupted files crashes and many possible culprits mentioned.
However, I would start from extensively testing your RAM with a booting test (http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/306732-30-test-faulty-chips , RAM tests that can be run after Operating System starts might not be able to diagnose all the problems). Because of how GW2 stores data (all files are compressed and unpacked when needed), GW2 is very suspectible to RAM errors that otherwise go unnoticed (when an unpacked file doesn’t match the checksum, it usually means corrupted data on healthy systems) so you might be playing other games without much or any problems, but you will get constant “corruped file” crashes here.
Basically, GW2 has no way of determining how serious the change in file is and what effects of using it would be, so it opts for safe approach: crash and force user to repair archives.
If you see any bad sectors in the memtest, the only walkaround to continue playing GW2 without going through the crashes all the time is buying new memory.
Guild Wars 2 goes on the same list of misinformation and misrepresentation in false advertising the same way that Diablo III duped its fan based.
“We took everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and brought it to Guild Wars 2”
And that is why your PvP is more dead in a 1 year old game than a game that is 8 years old.
Quote for the win…
Not to mention advertising the sale of apples that changed to oranges after release, conveniently just when preorders exceeded refund time, or “How ANet thought me never to preorder anything and never ever trust a single word they say” (which was backed by the “We listened to our most dedicated players and introduced gear grind to the game… er, no lets not call it gear grind, it’s such a bad word – progression! You there GW1 people waiting for our game for 7 years? Of course you are not our most dedicated playrers”).
A real successful, good game does not need spin doctors to advertise, just saying.
The numbers look strange to me, especially the sold copies vs users playing.
It woudl suggest that only 17% of accounts have gone inactive / got banned.
Average hours played according to this information is 1h24min per player per day.
It would suggest that there are a lot of people who log in for short time only, for one reason or another (it woudl definietly help to have medians and so on), but might explain the high retain rate.
On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.
That’s like saying you shouldn’t sub Aion back in 2010 because it support Guild Wars 2. You really have no idea how companies work do you?
You just want to pick up fights and insult people, don’t you.
If you ever listened to other people, you’d know how prelevant oppinions like “Buy Gems to support ANet and GW2” are. Well, it would be nice if the people who who do just that knew “how companies work”, as you put it.
Because apparently, as sad as it is, the best way GW2 could have gotten an expansion faster was and is NOT to buy gems as declining profits from initial sales and shop is what motivates NCSoft to give green light – ie fund – new expansion.
I actually do have somewhat statistical evidence, look at the amount of time between the 2 million and 3 million sales announcements. And where is the 4 million announcement? It isn’t here, because sales have slowed down.
That’s about the best evidence I can give though, Anet is very tight lipped, and I would be too. Enemy at the gates (consumers) and all
I’m not saying I’m right, but one can logically deduce that sales of the game have slowed. Hell, I hope I’m wrong even!
Another evidence is the fact that NCSoft has given green light for expansion.
It;s been stated previously by either ANet or NCSoft representative taht they are not thinking about expansion yet because sales still go nicely for the base game alone.
On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.
Tywin Lannister:Any man who must say “I am the king” is no true king.
If you have to boast, you probably can’t prove it, most people can pick up on that.
GW1 skill system was, to some extent, repeated in The Secret World and quite succesfully I’d like to say.
Classes – one of the sources of imbalance – are not present in TSW; instead, every player can use every combination of skill with same effectiveness.
There are 9 (main) weapons, you can equip 2 at a time to have access to active skills they are linked to (you can only use active skill from of the weapon you have equipped). Passive skills you can use regardless of what weapon you have equipped.
While tehre are less skills in TSW than in GW1, deck (TSW name for build) building is much more in-depth and I have yet to see the great imbalance I remember from GW1, or from GW2 when I still played it.
Add to that the fact that TSW treats it’s players as more intelligent than the chair they are sitting in and dungeons are actually great: no, GW2 has not hooked me up either, it was a gaming dissapointment of the decade for me, but TSW hooked me up from day one so much that I bought Lifetime AFTER they went F2P.
As others have already said, this one has been beaten to death already.
Not much to be honest.
For me personally: absolutely nothing, why incorporating some elements I absolutely hated in other games I played.
The only people being handed anything on a silver platter are the big guilds, IE YOU. The small guilds have to work far harder to gain influence for upgrades. What should have been done is influence costs scaling based on the number of players in the guild. That way the big and small guilds would have to put in the same amount of effort.
That’s the sound the Hammer made when you hit the nail on the head.On that note, I’m in 2 Guilds. A small 10 man Guild and a Guild with 60+ players on. The 10 man has about 5k influence after saving (for the past few days), the 60+ player guild has OVER 40K.
It’s obviously more efficient to zerg in every aspect of this game. Now guilds.
I’ll play Devil’s Advocate.
Why should big guilds compromise for small guilds? People who form bigger guilds have put more effort into making their guilds. Why should their reward be the same as someone who poured less effort into their guild?
If you want to make things “fair”, then the cumulative work for both sized guilds should be the same. Otherwise, it just sounds like small guilds just want to be entitled to everything.
Also, you are able to represent more than one guild at once. Thus I don’t see small guilds “dying” because of this. If you have a small guild with your friends, should they leave your guild for the sake of the game, they aren’t really friends to begin with.
First of all, it should never be a question of compromise: good design should not create additional friction in the community at all.
You are saying bigger guilds put more effort into developing themselves, I beg to differ: bigger guilds generate influence much fater without any additional effort by theuir players.
You are not able to represent more than one guild at once, either!
You can only represent – thus earn influence – for one guild at a time.
Many bigger guild, especially the more serious ones (and especially now) require their members to represent at all times. The more influence is required by a guild (for bonuses and now for missions), the more restrictive they are about that “Represent us” business.
So yes, the changes are very damaging for small guilds.
What I find the most upsetting is that ANet seems to be refusing to learn on mistakes.
Many features they now introduce have been tried out in other games already (gear gating, guild missions that favor big guilds) and were deemed by majority of players everywhere as destructive for the fabric of the game.
Especially the guild missions now go against how many people play.
They seem to cater only to very big guilds.
Requests to make the forum redirect to the page users were viewing before logging in have been posted on this forums since beta.
Use the back button; on most modern browsers if you right-click on the browser back button, you see a list of last visited pages, this will take you to the page you wanted to visit faster.
Unfortunatelly, ANet opted for a custom forum software but did not decide to give their forums proper support.
This game is doing better then any other MMO i’ve ever played. I can get a group for any dungeon, any path, at any time of day within 5 minutes.
If someone can name one other MMO anywhere that can even do HALF as well as that then I will eat my hat. But I think my hat is safe, even the biggest MMO out there, WoW, has a 20+ minute wait for most people.
The Secret World
Didn’t they lay off like half their staff and go free to play in almost record time?
They didn’t go Free to play, they went Buy to Play, but I do not know anything about the staff stuff.
Okay, not free to play but they did cut out their monthly fee, and yes, they did lay off a significant amount of staff….and the head of the company resigned, if I’m not mistaken. Not really a successful game, from all indications, though it has a strong fan following.
It’s not a blockbuster, true, no idea why, advertising must have sucked for it.!
Tbh I wasn’t even aware of that game before someone brought it up on this very forum, in topic about GW2 dungeons, as an example of great dungeon design.
Since GW2 turned into a failure for be around then I went to try TSW out and trully, the dungeons are on top of their game, genre-wise. Skill system is much closer to GW1 than GW2 too, imho. I severly dislike the itemization factor, but you can’t have everything.
Back to topic, I am not playing GW2 anymore so I can’t speak for open world, however I still log in from time to time to look at the bots teleporting between the nodes while ANet announces they got rid of the bot problem and to catch up with the friends that still do play.
My character is in 5 guilds, small to quite big, all groups of friends I played GW1 and other games with. All the guilds were buzzing with activity back in November. Now they are dead; people didn’t leave, they are just never online anymore and the few I see on all moved to other guilds. So from what I can say, a lot of people who used to be very excited about GW2 left. Have more come to take their place? No idea, but the exodus is enormous for me.
This game is doing better then any other MMO i’ve ever played. I can get a group for any dungeon, any path, at any time of day within 5 minutes.
If someone can name one other MMO anywhere that can even do HALF as well as that then I will eat my hat. But I think my hat is safe, even the biggest MMO out there, WoW, has a 20+ minute wait for most people.
The Secret World
Misconception – no gems appear in the in-game economy purchased for gold, they are all initially purchased for real money.
Please keep that in mind.Given how likely the people spending gold on gems is greater then the people spending money on gems, I find that extremely hard to believe.
And even if it were true, it does not change the fact that a majority of gem-store sales can be attributed purely players using in-game-earned gold to buy the gems rather then buying gems with real money.
So a rising demand for gems does not increase Arena Net’s profits by very much.
As others have already pointed out, someone has to first buy gems for real money, always. There is no way around it. The only way gems end up on the market is for them to be first purchased for real money by players.
Every single gem on the market has been purchased by real money.
Hence your premise is completly incorrect.
They make real money with those sales, while I’d guess at least 70% of gem-store sales purchases are made with gems purchased with gold.
Misconception – no gems appear in the in-game economy purchased for gold, they are all initially purchased for real money.
Please keep that in mind.
Jski… “Well the idea is to be in a guild i think you would get it by the name GUILD WARS.”
Please, I beg you, show me the real Guild Wars element in GW2.
PvP is one of the poorest aspects in this game and WvWvW is simply put a joke.
The whole idea behing guild quests was to give guilds something new to do and putting them on Art of War 5 completely ruins this premise.
“Life choose have a cost ALL of them.” I think you mean “life choices” and frankly put, if you’re talking about “life choices” when it comes to what kind of guild you are in an online game, maybe you should empty your bucket.
Your take on condition and balance: you yourself give absolutely no arguments either, hence your point is mute.
OP on the other hand at least mentioned some problems, like broken class mechanics (broken since beta, I may add). If you don’t understand the premise of condition builds problems, learn your game. Really, go read up on that.
RNG very forgiving… I’m not even going to go there.
I am however guessing that your main background in MMOs are other NCSoft games of korean making, like Lineage or Aion. While of course there are exceptions and personal tastes should not really be discussed as it leads nowhere, I suppose you should become aware (and NCSoft too, would be nice) that Western market for MMOs differs greatly from the Eastern one and Western players are not really fond of RNG that much. Read up the forums, I think there must be awhole separate graveyard thread for all the “Enough RNG” threads.
Dungeons/Fractals: “they have said” – words are cheap. They have said they are not making grindy games and look what they brought us. Also, “they are going back” for the past half a year to fix broken class mechanics or improve non-fractal dungeons and nothing there worked out, either.
Again, preferences are personal things but if you want to discuss it, have arguments.
OPs arguments are not the best in the world, but you really don’t have any good ones either.
Enjoy the game tho, glad you like it.
I waited for it for years to get a disappointment of the decade.
I don’t understand why anyone wants a legendary. The only thing legendary about them is the grind involved.
Because this game offers you nothing else to do “after 80”?
Atm you can grind for Legendary (and I agree, for casual player it’s 2 years + and it is NOT an exaggeration).
For the OP: I don’t even play GW2 any more and I know the point about ANet “removing all the bots” is a bs. The bots now are invisible / teleporting between points of interest (chests, nodes etc), there are still hordes of them.
While the point of a single mentioned boss bh the OP might not be true, GW2 simply put has very poor, unimaginative, uninteresting dungeon mechanics.
I personally opted to play a game with loads of itemization (a mechanic I deeply hate), but one that offers entertaining dungeons and raids. I mean, kick kitten dungeons!
? I actually think gw1 is more of a singleplayer game. You could do everything with heroes. Even PvP could be done with heroes!
Heroes were only added in GW Nightfall and for the longest time you could only take 3 of them with you.
Only when GW1 started dying out because of lack of expansions and approaching GW2 the option was added to make full hero parties.
Also, you could have always soloed GW1, with hench. This was a challenge on it’s own.
I still remember hunting Maw the Mountain Heart on my Mesmer with hench only, journeying from Camp Rankor back in Prophecies.
Also during the registration (at least during the early pre-purchase period) it said we will be able to change them in the future.
So why is “I thought it asked me for something else” a better reason to allow a name change than “It actually said this name is not permanent and we will be able to change them in the future”?
Quit threads don’t lead to productive discussion therefore reported.
whining in a thread.. so therefore reported….
So what else should we do on a game forum then
let me guess, substantial and productive discussion??I guess that would be an alien concept to you!
Yeah, because OP only whined about quitting and gave no opinions / constructive criticism whatsoever…
Oh wait…
To those who don’t like leveling, why do you play MMOs? Why did you play Guild Wars 2 in the first place?
Because i liked GW1, and the devs promised me that everything i liked in GW1 will be in GW2?
Yeah, i know, they didn’t really keep that promise, but i can still hope.
I don’t think they ever said anything of the sort. It should have been clear the moment that there were 80 levels announced that the game was going to be very different in terms of character progression.
Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and puts it into a persistent world that’s got more active combat, a fully-branching, personalized storyline, a new event system to get people playing together, and still no monthly fees.
Mike O’Brian, GW2 manifesto.Everyone is different; lets say someone didn’t like something about Gw1 that another person does; then what? Its subjective, can’t please everyone.
Name, lore and no sub, these are the only things GW1 and GW2 have in common, hence it’s pass subjective.
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