Showing Posts For evolverzilla.2359:

Necromancer raise dead???

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


And this don´t worked very well in GW1. You want this on GW2 on a more open world evironment. In GW1, well, it´s ok. People just roam alone and having a minion master hero was ok for crowd control.

In GW2 it will not worked so well. Imagine in WvW. We already have a lot of culling. Imagine 100 minion master necros with 10 raised zombies… 1100 objets just on one screen.

And in PvE. Thos events on cursed shore. Only necros will go because they can raise an army and just wait form them to finish the service… Like bots…

Not a good idea.

Profession mechanic:The Medium

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


@redrx and Tipsy
Stop you two to just talk kitten. Just because I don´t agree with you two… OOOO you are not construtive…

I´m being construtive from the very beginning. How did you TWO put the Mediun on the lore? Yes you need to think this from the beginning. A game needs an epic lore. WOW, Diablo, Skyrim. All sucessful games, all have a big and interesting lore. Duke nuken 3d, hell yeah, the last… OMG throw this on the garbage please. Look how the difference of the history and how these worked in DN3d and DNF.

Even Anet… they send us a lot of lore even before the betas. So before even they have skills more structured, chars and classes well defined.

Rangers use NATURE spirits, not charrs spirits.

And just because I don´t find it lorewise. OOO you don´t like it, admit… Act like an adult then I will learn to respect you.

And look at the picture. Yeah it´s my ritualist from GW1. And he completed most of my HOM and he is very cool looking.

Medium are not a lorewise. They will have to rework part of this lore to create
1 – Humans, ok, they already have spirits roaming free…
2 – Norns, ok, they already believe in spirts, of the wild, but spirits
3 – Sylvaris, humm I really don´t know, they die and be part of the dream, but one event has a golem talking about sylvari soul battery or something like this.
4 – Azurans, you have to make azurans that don´t believe on eternal alchemy and that when they die they spirits not join the eternal alchemy…
5 – Charrs that are Shamans but they are not flame legion and are accepted by today charr society (this will be really dificult, they needed to really cast out the shaman class).

And even, ritualist was a Cantha exclusive profession. How this transpired on Kryta.

Stop doing only yhe lazy way… Let´s use a name for a class, make some cool skills and bang, a new class.

And just for information. You talk about the necros using dark magics… Look at the summoned spirits of a ritualist. They look like tormented and chained, so ritualists use tormented slaves spirits to help them. For me it is evil.

And IF you two don´t accept criticism, don´t start a topic on a PUBLIC environment. All this talk is about the medium, not something different that need another topic.


(edited by evolverzilla.2359)

No people of color represented ingme

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


I don´t see any rainbow azura. Why? What Anet has against rainbow people? [ironic mode off]

Why you can´t see so much difference is: elona, cantha and kryta are continents far apart. Kryta is like europeans, pale skin, european faces. Cantha is like Orient, olive pale skin, oriental faces. Elona is like Africa, black skin, african faces.

Jesus, why people need to be so racist that they think everyone is racist?

Profession mechanic:The Medium

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Lore is not relevant?

Well let´s make an sniper? Why not? Just a rifle and 5000 range. Or maybe an heavy weapon soldier with a gatling gun?

Lore is always relevant.

Didn´t you play EotN? I believe not. Someone named Pyre Fierceshot started the human/charr friendship showing that not all charrs are violent animals. And the real problem are the Charr Shamans. If you start a Charr one question is about who was your parent, and one answer is “A SORCEROUS SHAMAN”. And there even a lot of lore before GW2 with ghosts of ascalon and destiny´s edge. So it is 250 years of lore to change the charrs. and remember, there is a bigger threat than just flame legion.

And sylvari are not meditative about spirit powers, they are just a curious race, remember they have only 25 years in this world. Even with the dream EVERYTHING and not only spirits are interesting for them.

So you just propose… throw in the garbage a lot of time and money (did you know they pay writers to create these “non relevant” lore?) creating a lore because you are “in your words” chaotic and not a lore master".

Profession mechanic:The Medium

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


who says charr or sylvari cant be gifted to be a medium?Im not gonna go this road.its like talking why minions of 1 necromancer are used for good and others for evil..but should it be banned from game because its actually pure evil dark arts?Or is it?
I would think sylvari engineer or necromancer is stranger as medium infact..
or a sylvari plant attuning to fire..see,you can make problems everywhere if you want it..

1 – Like i said in my original posts, the only charrs allowed to “use” spirits are the shamans, and they are flame legion, so any medium will be on the evil side.
2 – Just like GW1 there are good necro and evil necro… I don´t really understand your point here, just because someone is using a bunch of meat doesn´t mean they must be bad…
3 – I don´t see why a silvary cannot be an engineer or necro, one is a high skilled on equipments, learned everything it needs living near the azurans, so they must be the second best enginnering users. The other is a magic user, and sylvari are strong attuned with the magic in Tyiria.
4 – And about attuning to fire? Really? Did you study a little biology? Every living body has WATER in his cells. And this WATER is a fire kittenant. If you put a LIVING plant in direct contact with fire it will need to evaporate all the water before getting on fire. Just like EVERY HUMAN BODY. So all this fire attunement is bad for every class, like air attunement (eletric shock), earth attunement (silicosis caused by the breathing of a lot of dust particles)… So if you want to go that way the only element an elementalist can use is water because the others will kill him, in every race.

If you want to create problem please try to use something GW1/GW2 lore related.

Profession mechanic:The Medium

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


And how and Atheist charr or a Silvary will channel the spirits?

There is a charr spirit of Baelfire, but only the Shamans are allowed to cast spirits. But shamans are charrs enemies… Did it will work with atual lore? How?

And Silvary? There is and silvary spirit?

And azurans. They believe in their death they will join the eternal alchemy and spirits are just etereal energies of “bookas”.

I can´t see how a medium will work with atual races lore.

Guild Wars 2: Greenlight-ish feature? (Steam)

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Did you two know about user feedback?

If they leave to community something they will simple crash everything, because two people on the same room don´t like the same thing. Lot´s of time pople come here asking for something, when Anet do something other people come here to ask to remove and go back.

Why, because most people ignore the everything if it´s not messing up with their game.

Every change need to be a CORPORATE change based on gaming feedback because everytime people will just kitten and will want opposite things.

Grounding corporate decisions on what everyone wants will just make things worse.

bad memory... Where is my build saver?!

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Guild Wars 2: Greenlight-ish feature? (Steam)

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


GW2 is not one of those DLC games. Every content they put in the game will be used for everyone, and they can´t isolate who has or don´t some content in separete servers so if you don´t have something you don´t crash.

And updates and improvements on a MMO are persistent ones. They are about balancing. graphic glyches and even bugs used to abuse the game. So giving people the cance to SKIP updates can leave space to more and more bug abusers.

So, If they need to put something in the game they will do, voting yes or no…

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


I know opengl TODAY is much more complete than 10-20 years ago, but in computer time 10 years is like eons, and people jut create a huge directx base. So opengl will need more time to change minds. Maybe Valve change this showing the benefits of open source software, working togheter with proprietary developers but it will take time.

And about Loki.

Try piracy on a 90% market and try piracy on a 10% market. It will be a huge money difference.

Let´s see. Let´s imagine 1 million user. 90% windows, 10% linux (like Loki´s time). And let´s imagine a 50% piracy. On the first case we will have 450.000 paying customers. If they buy a 60 bucks game they will gain 27 million dollars. It´s a lot of money to pay for development process… Now to linux. 50.000 paying customers for a 60 dollar game. 3 million dollar. Well, it´s a lot of money but i don´t know if this will pay all trouble for distribution, production, rights, etc…

So Loki went bankrupt for piracy, there aren´t enough buying customers to pay the development costs. And even most linux users will never buy a proprietary software (even without piracy).

I´m not comparing linux piracy with windows piracy, both are bad and both have a lot of users. But linux piracy is more harmful than windows piracy.

Expanding… For an MMO game like GW2, piracy is not a problem, if you don´t pay you don´t play. But for most developers piracy is a big cut on their “game”.

(edited by evolverzilla.2359)

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


No, most companies don´t create linux games for 2 reasons
1 – Directx is a well known and documented library for game development with a huge base. Opengl was really obscure on its past and make Directx the best flavor for someone needing a more faster and stable development.
2 – Remember Loki. He went bankrupt. He was porting a lot of games to Linux and Linux Users pirated the games instead of buying the games. If it´s people forcing companies to work only with opensource games like some claimed that time I really don´t know. What I know is that it closed a huge amount of doors wanting to make good games on linux.

Respawn Timers in Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


My reason for wanting this:
It is not very fun for all parties involved to no be able to play the game. Laying dead for extremely long periods of time while one or two members take down a boss doesn’t encourage people to “play better” I found it makes people rage and become even more careless.

A respawn timer is a good idea, on a FPS DM game. This is a MMO and with a great cooperative role.
What you said in my quote is just your biased point of view. In my point of view I saw my guildes and party mates learning how to evade and play better, changing their MF gear for more survavility or GC builds (kill faster, die less). And learned how to effectively helping downed players using some skill or using two people to heal faster.

So what you see about rage and people not learning nothing or being careless, I see people being more focused, getting better and be more cooperative than just leave the downed to die because it´s faster to respawn.

It's FotM Lv 28....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


The only problem of seeing other people level is, they will kick everyone faster than saying “I have a main char with lv 48 frac and farmed AR gear for my alts so I have 30AR with a lv5 frac char.”

I get it....I'm dead. Thanks.

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Adine, the problem is, it´s not a complaint sector. They call it Suggestions for one motive, to people suggest something so the DEV´s can have some community feedback and ideas about their game.

And the OP are just complaining about everything already discussed in this forum:
1 – No more rez-rush –
2 – Spinning death camera –

And if I waste more minutes on search tool I will get more and more posts discussing the same thing.

So there´s not a suggestion here, just someone annoyed about something complaining.

I get it....I'm dead. Thanks.

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


And your suggestion is?

Easier Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Just a hint:

Allways found my story mode groups there.

Kicking on the last fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


What the moderator failed to mention (or allow players to mention, since she immediately locked the thread) was that being kicked from a party usually erases all party chat from your chat window. So I’m not sure what kind of screenshot they expect people to provide. Often you can’t even remember the exact spelling of their name…

They have LOGS to look at, and they even asks you for the time you run the dungeon and your timezone, they look at their logs.

If you actually follow the link of the post I replied to, you’ll see the moderator specifically asked for screenshots and player names.

Because it will be faster to find what happened than just browse all the log. They will at least have some information to help.

10G/HR CoF Path 1 Farming [Guide]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


People stay away from rangers because most of them are autoattacks players. A few of them at least put a signet of earth on the shortbow. A lot of them use condition damage instead of berzerk. A skillful ranger can put a lot of damage with longbow before all the cooldown. can use quickening zephir to autoattack while waiting the sequence, rapid fire, barrage, rapid fire. Can buff your party with horn and give some regen.

It´s not optimal for the faster runners but it´s really good for a 10min run.

Kicking on the last fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


What the moderator failed to mention (or allow players to mention, since she immediately locked the thread) was that being kicked from a party usually erases all party chat from your chat window. So I’m not sure what kind of screenshot they expect people to provide. Often you can’t even remember the exact spelling of their name…

They have LOGS to look at, and they even asks you for the time you run the dungeon and your timezone, they look at their logs.

Just give them everything you have. And btw, take kitten before running every dungeon, it´s not necessary but will help a lot the GM´s.

10G/HR CoF Path 1 Farming [Guide]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


It´s beause you know only unload, try backstab and heartseeker (less health, more damage)… All of them spammable and without cooldown.

@Rising Dusk
It´s not a fallacy, it´s a direct response to a fallacy, just because someone can take more damage it not make him the better dps. Simple as that.


You have a good point on warrior buffs, it make them almost as good on damage as a thief. BUT one or two thieves on a cof run can cut a lot of time because if a buffed warrior can do almost the same damage as a thief and have more survival chance, a buffed thief can do much more damage and take the boss down faster than a MW party.

No, they will not nerf just because people learned a new metagame. They will just try to balance the content, just like the DR system. Only if there is bugs, or are abusive system or just something “ress run” line old cof p2.

(edited by evolverzilla.2359)

10G/HR CoF Path 1 Farming [Guide]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Sorry, I don´t play thief, but I have a friend list of really good thieves to call in for cof runs because they add a lot to the run and cut good time.

And having more room for mistakes just tell us that warrior are not the best dps, so in a DPS dungeon they are not the optimal to use.

P.S. My main CoF runner is a engi, bomb FTW…


Tks for the info.

10G/HR CoF Path 1 Farming [Guide]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


1 – Thieves has the best single target damage it´s a game mechanic and whatever you do it will not change this fact. If it´s not true every warrior will be best than an thief because every warrior has the same thing as you.
2 – In COF you don´t need AoE, you need single target every time.
2a – Turrets and Godforgeds, don´t need to kill in the first turret, single target them an kill them fast.
2b – First boss, you IGNORE the effigi, so only the boss is the target.
2c – Run as hell, a thief can use shadow refuge and help all party to do this part.
2d – You only need to kill the accolytes, fast… so single target dps
2e – Run with a ball, mesmer portal…
2f – Focus on the gate and a thief can kill in 3 to 6 sec even with the godforged there. Most time you don´t even need to use heal skill kitting the mobs.
2g – Last boss, single target DPS.

Now tell me where do someone need AoE on CoF runs?

Improved Fast-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Well if it´s an OPTION system so you can choose, fast targeting, doube tap or a one button down/up system it´s really ok for me. And now I understand your point on this.

Improved Fast-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Or you could just press two times the skill button when cast ground is on. I´m an grenadier enginner and I´m used to do this. Press once, targetting area, press twice cast (I´m using a 5 button mouse and put skill to mouse button 5).

Yes, it´s implemented.

Mini-Pet Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


If they add an option to not show and not receive packets from minipets of other people I´m all for this.

I don´t need more kitten in my screen to lower my fps and clog my connection.

10G/HR CoF Path 1 Farming [Guide]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


I’m still holding out for the 5x Rangers version. That would make for interesting reading. Or maybe 5x Engineers. That would be cool too.

Already done, not the optimal party but can be done in 8min without much hassle. Ranged poison pets, zerk builds, rampage and quickening zephir, only longbows (shortbows in cof is for kittens). The running parts just use axe+warhorn+rampage as one. Sorry I don´t have videos because my videoboard kittens.

A 5x engi has only one problem a well balanced party. Not everyone can be zerk because you need some melee and engis are not really good at this. But changing a warrior for a engi on a run can be a good deal. When warriors are on cooldown or havin to autoattack the engi just bomb and CD the bosses to their death and with a GC build you can put a lot of damage whitout cooldown. The last boss an engi can poison bomb the boss mitigating his regen.

Expansion zones, up-scaling to Level 100

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


OCD??? Need everything to be done in order? Why? If you want to make whatever you want in an order it´s what you want.

What if I want to get to 100 in a 1-15 area? Or level my 70 char in an 90-100 area folowing the zerg?

Why all the hate on thieves?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


OP mentioned that he was kicked from CoF runs because he was a Thief.

Does this actually happen to anyone else? ._.

I’ve pugged CoFs, CoEs and Fractals at least dozens of times each and haven’t ever been kicked just because I play a thief.

Maybe I just happened to be lucky so far?

Yes and no.

It´s because you pugged randons most of the time and not those high efficient runs parties. Two friends of mine play thieves, they are very good at this and even get downed but done a lot of damage before. Most of the time they are kicked.

For me it´s not a real problem a random thief on my party if I´m not doing a real fast run, but in fast runs I prefer a warrior and if I have to take and thief i pick one that I know well.

Skillpoints/karma account-wide as currency

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


So you want two SP systems (yeah it will have to be like this), one account wide when you buy something on Myani and other char based when buying skills.

When you buy something they have to sum all SP from all your chars and… How many points it will take from every char? What if you need to spend some points in a skill but buyin your bloodstone you spend all of them and then another has a lot?

It´s not viable. From logic point of view.

The only way to make this work is making something like GW1. You trade your SP for an item, this item is account bound and when you have sufficient items you get them with one char and then you trade it for something.

Skillpoints/karma account-wide as currency

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


A good idea, in part.

Skill point account wided. No. Its not currency, its used to buy skills to an specific class and only for that class. and you don´t even have to go to a merchant to do this. Even with the Myani thing you will have to get every skill. If you make this account it will be easier to make new chars, just use the wasted skills points from other char to get the better skills.

Karma account wided. Yes. You can use your karma to buy gears that will be used for every char in merchants, and you now have all those liquid karma that you can put on bank and use with every char.

(edited by evolverzilla.2359)

Why all the hate on thieves?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


One god thief will not change a sea of bad thieves. People will not waste their time on dungeons runs (because they have to be as FAST as possible) trying thieves until they found a good one.

So if you really want to play a thief you will have to accept this, NO ONE will do anything to force people to accept thieves in their party and ANET will not give thieves uberpowers so everyone will want a thief in their party.

And before you even start, yes I know how thieves play, 90% of them are just kitten, most just make thief to invisible kill in pvp/wvw and don´t have a clue about PVE. And I know how good thieves play and have a very good damage and their stealth habilites helps a lot on dungeons runs.

Fractal timewasters..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Learn better communication skills and use them. The mechanics of the fractals are not that difficult to grasp… but the mechanics of teamplay seems to be far out of the realm of many players capabilities… and those failings mostly revolve in the arena of poor communication and worse execution.

Read the highlighted part to exaustion. When it is imprinted on your soul read the rest.

Anet is not responsible for people stupidity and never can fix this.

PvP -> PvE conversion

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


For me PVP needs to be something without any customizations, so less “customizations packets” to clog my internet connection, less things to load on the fly (system used in gw2), less things to be rendered, more fast paced action.

Allow Thieves To Use RIFLES

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


My biggest suggestion in the whole wide world would to allow thieves to use Rifles.

Currently i think thief has the least amount of weapons to choose from. …

What? Did you ever tried to play as engineer? Having only pistol, rifle and shield? And don´t come with all those bundles, the engi have to lose utility skills to have them, and the engi can´t change weapons on the fly they need to get out of combat to change.

And give a stealth class a head shot? Are you sure you are in the right game?
aren´t you wanting a FPS instead?

CoE Champ Wolf Question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


It´s faster an very easy with more dps than people running waving hands over their heads. Almost all the time one of the partymates got a rare and even I got an exotic onte time.

But it´s just my opnion about chance money>farm money.

Scaring new comers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Newcomers normally don´t use gw2lfg…

Was asked for gold when joined a group.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Did you read any post? For your post i imagine not… Read first then auto-answer your question.

Was asked for gold when joined a group.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


It´s not just a sensitive thing…

Let´s make some examples.

I have a group where we can do CoF path 3 very, very easily. So we start selling spots. Another group wants to just shut our group off. So they can use LOTS of ways to exploit the way we sell and get one or two of us banned. Even if for a week. They will have a week without competition.

And if it start happening so often most groups will simply move on or even stop playing the game. So less people will do this type of work. there will be never a good competition and the prices will be ever high.

On the other side, with a more oficial response for Anet. More people will simply do more and more runs, we will have a something healthy competition. It will be some balance and more options. Even more dungeons runs.

So if it´s just common sense I can kill the kitten who shot my cat whitout being jailed. Yeah it´s excessive but commom sense never work well and leave lots of speaces to exploit.

Travel to main towns should be free... or not

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Yes, he made this sugestions, not talking about WP costs in general, not whining how absurd is to pay to travel, not other thing…

He talked about: a more easy free way to travel to LA so people will find it easily or remove tottaly the portal on PVP.

And what you talked, about free travel to cities I adressed ON MY FIRST POST and get reprimanded.

So if I got reprimanded for being on TOPIC… it´s absurdally logic don´t you think.

Except, if it´s tottaly not what OP is talking about.

And if I was OFF TOPIC and not read what he post on his first topic, adressing the same thing you adress now, why are you ON TOPIC and I´m not?

Travel to main towns should be free... or not

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


I totally agree, there should be no charges on waypoints inside towns. Leave the PVP portal as is and remove the fees inside towns. I would like to see the fees removed from all waypoints honestly, but simply removing them from towns would be a huge improvement.

He was completely on topic. He may have focused on the fast travel system as a whole rather than specificly towns/pvp portal, but he still remained on topic and wasn’t vying for attention. To be perfectly honest, i can’t make heads nor tails of half of your posts. The original poster was completely clear about his goal and suggestion as well.

Like second post from OP.

Have you read my post? Or just the title? I know you can travel in main towns for free by using the PvP tab.

What I say is:

  • people not aware about this pay to travel to towns
    - so either travelling to town outside the PvP tab should be free, or there should be no way to travel to LA from the PvP tab, the portal should bring you back to where you were before entering PvP.*

He was talking about taking off or not the PVP portal because other players don´t know about this. NOT ON WP costs in general. If it was WP costs in general he don´t reprimand me in his post.


Even YOU because: WP inside town is FREE and you can even use Azura Portal to travel from LA to every other major citie. SO FREE TRAVEL from one city to another AND free travel from one WP to other inside a city.

WP inside cities free: they already have it
Travel to major cities free: already have it, use PVP portal and azura portal from LA.

So you are off topic and demanding something already in the game.

(edited by evolverzilla.2359)

Underworld & Fissure of Woe - True Endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


That actually does sound like a lot of fun. Actually going out to find your own path in the dungeon instead of a set path that most people tend to skip anyways would be very interesting. Instead of a linear path you maybe get a chest reward which yields different drop rates depending on which event you do. The Exploreable paths are fine atm, but a third option for “Open dungeon” for a group could be quite fun. Find every nook and cranny in the dungeon and explorer it entirely.

This is much better than just get some OLD, and out of actual lore, dungeons and put in this game, having to explain everything from the beginning and even have to create more and more lore just to explain why it disappears for 250 years.

The idea of a bigger dungeon, with more party spaces that people can do randomly… it´s really cool, bot will look more like GW1 and create more elitist way to play than an open cooperative way to play.;

Pet Agony Resistance and Fractal Weapons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


I prefer a pet acessory system just one or two slots to put an acessory to gave them agony resistance, or more power, or more toughness.

Was asked for gold when joined a group.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359



It´s not ME you need to convince it´s wrong. If you can´t understand that will be better for you to just shut off. I´m trying to help people get your earned money and don´t get problems because of this. There will be a lot of things that people can do to simply SHUT the selling spots, because they dislike it, because they want to compete or just for trolling. Getting a OFICIAL POSITION from ANET will help you.

And it is just starting lookin like people are just trying to get some attention, because my purpose was WELL explained and they keep complaining to me.

Thank you.

(edited by evolverzilla.2359)

Was asked for gold when joined a group.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Hi everyone,

As explained in another topic ( selling dungeon spots is allowed.

On the other hand, if you are invited and THEN asked for the gold and kicked, that could be griefing. In any circumstance, please exercise extreme caution.

Thanks for your understanding.

Just something more elaborate. Even IF you are advised about it being a paid party before accepting you in. It can be considered grefing IF you kick players that don´t pay?

(Yeah I imagine the answer of this, based on your response, but I imagine most people will try to exploit your answer…)

Adding more to help.

Before accpeting someone in your PAID party, PM the person first and be sure to receive your money, then you let the person join IN.

(edited by evolverzilla.2359)

Higher rewards for soloing champion mobs

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


I don´t remember where I see this, but some developer said about better drops on most disputed mobs. Correct me if I´m wrong about this (not my poor english). So increasing the population on maps can give you better drops and the chance to party and get even better drops.

Travel to main towns should be free... or not

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359



He write something in his subject and something not so concise on his post. So some had to assume something. (Now said just look like some “pleasse attention to my post” subject).

And if you want to reprimand someone about this so stay on topic. Even you are talking about charging travels and not about mantaining the PVP portal to LA or not.

If you are reprimand me about not understanding the OP you are on the same reprimand.

Travel to main towns should be free... or not

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


I read your post, just don´t understand your point based on your inicial part. So what you wan´t is that ANET remove the go to LA portal on PVP?

Why? Just because people have a hard time discovering one thing? well so just remove all minidungeons, and remove jumping puzzles too, maybe remove mystic forge, discovering in crafting items…

Discover things is ever a good thing, removing things to explroe or discover is lose a great amount of fun.

Are Eles even viable in late game dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Where I write about DPS??? I write AoE skill. Elem has 2 big AoE skills, with a good amount of DPS and one of them can even be shared with more dps oriented class. If you don´t know what I´m talking about you don´t know nothing about elem.

And I don´t remember of another BIG AoE skill that do more damage than elem. Sorry if I´m wrong about this.

Was asked for gold when joined a group.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


blah, blah, blah… Read my posts, you are just trying to get my attention or trying to troll me. Posting this wall of text… i will not read…

I´m not defending something clearly wrong BUT PERMITTED FOR ANET, you can join a party and if you get kicked from it you can REPORT the player and DEMAND A BAN.

If I need to explain myself more I will just start imagine if people are being more stupid every year…


Server Transfer Queue System

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


These suggestions are Brilliant!

ArenaNet is shooting them selves in the foot with these server caps. I mean I would pay right now to transfer but I cannot simply because accounts are home-bound there. Are all of those players even active?

If you don´t know, Internet is a network, and like all networks it has LIMITED RESOURCES. Removing the server caps will just create the most incredible lag you can imagine.

Let´s look… On an simple PvE content, I spend 25kBps (250kbps). In LA overflow it can go to peaks of 70kBps (700kbps), Imagine for just ONE instant if there is no cap on servers. A map with 10000 players at same time consuming 700kbps (and more people in the same area more packets, so 700kbps is just for illustration). 7000000kbps, 700000kBps, 700MBps… It´s more than most pratical limits for Gigabit ethernet. Now imagine the full limit of IP network connections 64000 connections at the same time. It can drive crazy most of those fiber optics networks.

With a 3million copy sold… 64000 players is easy to imagine.

And I´m just talking about NETWORK. Not talking about processors, memory, disk space…

So limiting population is not stupidity, is a way to lower they costs and mantain the paramaters inside HARDWARE limitations.

You had the best idea ever for this. Thanks.