Legendaries are a luxury object. And thus prized as a luxury is to be expected.
They were a luxury object.
Ever since lost shores, they are the target “goal” of endgame — Don’t try to dispute this, it’s in the countless dev Q&A sessions.
As such, it is ANet’s duty to make sure average players can gradually work toward one on a timescale which is annual rather than generational
And I did NOT dispute that they are and endgame goal. They are also a luxury item in that they are NOT essential in beating any part of the game. If you’d bother to read what I wrote, espescially the definition of luxury and what parts are applied to legendaries…
I wonder if there are people here who actually READ the posts I make instead of pulling out a one liner and than throwing in a comment.
As an endgame goal it is surely not Anets duty to assure that every player can get them in a short time span.
Long term goal…
There have been people who posted how long it took them to obtain there target items in gw1.
There have people who posted how long it took them to have their endgame goal items in other games. In those games the items were not merely cosmetic.
Google up how long it took e.g. WoW players to achieve their first legedaries after the game was released. ANd thos items actually gave a massive advantage in actually playing the content, not only in cosmetics.
dev q&a november 16th quote: With Isaiah Cartwright:
The gap we’ve talked about is more the game in time we everyone to have achievable goals that players can look forward to. Legendary are very long term goals and we want to make sure they are layered in with other interesting goals a player can accomplished while on their way to finishing a legendary.
I specially highlighted the quote.
Source :
(edited by goldi.3129)
Legendaries are a luxury object. And thus prized as a luxury is to be expected.
legendary is a tier
That tier will be unavailable to other players for some time every tier jump we will have.
See what happened with triforge and amulets?
Well imagine having a better armor of any other player for about a month every time a tier get release or lvl cap upgraded.
I never wanted a legendary before november 15 as many other players that doesn t like those skin…
Wrong game. Legendary is mainly cosmetic. Check the stat difference between the legendary weapons and exotics in the same slot.
And what you mention is the gear spiral- again wrong game.
Wrong, legendary evolves as new tiers are added, as such it is not just A tier, it is THE tier.
As for it being a luxury item, what a hillarious comment, so we should have a cast system like real life? rich v poor? I don’t know about you, but I play games to escape from real life stress and economical nightmares.
The Legendary’s should be a symbol of experience and dedication, not a symbol of wealth.
Again, this game has no (real) gear spiral.
I also will refrain from now on to answer posts that are just based around insults and emotions and completely lacking arguments.
Healix, Arenanet not telling is the root of the problem. I do not believe that the silence of the developers means something is “OK”. If the law in my country, or those that make the law, does not tell me explicitly that putting young kittens in the microwave is not allowed, does not mean that it must therefore be allowed.
My only point of reference is the User Agreement and the Rules of Conduct. If I believe something is an unintended game mechanic inside the game, I don’t use it. If I believe something is an unintended game mechanic outside the game, which affects what I do inside the game, I don’t use it. However, Goldi, DarkSpirit and others who argued the opposite, have valid points too. Maybe they’re completely right. I don’t know. This is why I am requesting guidance. To know what I am allowed to do, and to avoid any hostile discussions back and forth about it on this forum. I’d like to know the boundries. What is permitted, and what is not. It’s unclear for those in favor and those against, and it’s creating a divide between players. I’m OK with the outcome either way.
And since we only can post our oppinions as we interpret their EULA an official statement would be nice to end that discussion once and for all like you said
Legendaries are a luxury object. And thus prized as a luxury is to be expected.
legendary is a tier
That tier will be unavailable to other players for some time every tier jump we will have.
See what happened with triforge and amulets?
Well imagine having a better armor of any other player for about a month every time a tier get release or lvl cap upgraded.
I never wanted a legendary before november 15 as many other players that doesn t like those skin…
Wrong game. Legendary is mainly cosmetic. Check the stat difference between the legendary weapons and exotics in the same slot.
And what you mention is the gear spiral- again wrong game.
Legendaries represent more than luxury and cosmetic, this is where you are wrong.
There is no other achievement in game on par with a legendary. Remove Legendaries from the game and 90% will plain quit as this is the only thing remaining for someone who already completed the world, dungeons, and got bored with WvW.
Anet knows this and let the market madness continue as we keep struggling with 0,00001% drop rates. There must be a carrot at the end of the stick.
lux·u·ry (lgzh-r, lksh-)
n. pl. lux·u·ries
1. Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.
2. Something expensive or hard to obtain.
3. Sumptuous living or surroundingsDefinition of luxury.
See point 2 and 1 which applies completely to legendaries.In no sentence did I say that legendaries are NOT and endgame goal. I merely said they are not essential for any content in the game as according to luxury definition.
I repeat. Remove them from the game and 90% will quit sooner than expected. They are much more than what you think. I’m sorry if you fail to see that.
Its almost every player carrot on the stick. (Even though many denied that because they already gave up, yeah… they right click them preview as well when nobody sees them).
Maybe you didn’t read my last sentence of the post you quoted…
Carrot on stick is the key concept here… they are not essential to the naked eye, but they are. Without them or the idea of having one eventually makes the game old fast.
What else is there for us, the players who are here since release and already completed most of the game content?
Why exactly are you posting in a thread thats sole purpose is to make legendaries easier to obtain, therefor by your argument removing the carrot and making players quit…
Looks like you took my first quote way out of place.
As to your second point, if that is really your problem (I started on headstart as well) open the achievment tab and you will without doubt get pointed into several directions
Legendaries are a luxury object. And thus prized as a luxury is to be expected.
legendary is a tier
That tier will be unavailable to other players for some time every tier jump we will have.
See what happened with triforge and amulets?
Well imagine having a better armor of any other player for about a month every time a tier get release or lvl cap upgraded.
I never wanted a legendary before november 15 as many other players that doesn t like those skin…
Wrong game. Legendary is mainly cosmetic. Check the stat difference between the legendary weapons and exotics in the same slot.
And what you mention is the gear spiral- again wrong game.
Legendaries represent more than luxury and cosmetic, this is where you are wrong.
There is no other achievement in game on par with a legendary. Remove Legendaries from the game and 90% will plain quit as this is the only thing remaining for someone who already completed the world, dungeons, and got bored with WvW.
Anet knows this and let the market madness continue as we keep struggling with 0,00001% drop rates. There must be a carrot at the end of the stick.
lux·u·ry (lgzh-r, lksh-)
n. pl. lux·u·ries
1. Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.
2. Something expensive or hard to obtain.
3. Sumptuous living or surroundingsDefinition of luxury.
See point 2 and 1 which applies completely to legendaries.In no sentence did I say that legendaries are NOT and endgame goal. I merely said they are not essential for any content in the game as according to luxury definition.
I repeat. Remove them from the game and 90% will quit sooner than expected. They are much more than what you think. I’m sorry if you fail to see that.
Its almost every player carrot on the stick. (Even though many denied that because they already gave up, yeah… they right click them preview as well when nobody sees them).
Maybe you didn’t read my last sentence of the post you quoted…
Legendaries are a luxury object. And thus prized as a luxury is to be expected.
legendary is a tier
That tier will be unavailable to other players for some time every tier jump we will have.
See what happened with triforge and amulets?
Well imagine having a better armor of any other player for about a month every time a tier get release or lvl cap upgraded.
I never wanted a legendary before november 15 as many other players that doesn t like those skin…
Wrong game. Legendary is mainly cosmetic. Check the stat difference between the legendary weapons and exotics in the same slot.
And what you mention is the gear spiral- again wrong game.
Legendaries represent more than luxury and cosmetic, this is where you are wrong.
There is no other achievement in game on par with a legendary. Remove Legendaries from the game and 90% will plain quit as this is the only thing remaining for someone who already completed the world, dungeons, and got bored with WvW.
Anet knows this and let the market madness continue as we keep struggling with 0,00001% drop rates. There must be a carrot at the end of the stick.
lux·u·ry (lgzh-r, lksh-)
n. pl. lux·u·ries
1. Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.
2. Something expensive or hard to obtain.
3. Sumptuous living or surroundings
Definition of luxury.
See point 2 and 1 which applies completely to legendaries.
In no sentence did I say that legendaries are NOT and endgame goal. I merely said they are not essential for any content in the game as according to luxury definition.
(edited by goldi.3129)
Legendaries are a luxury object. And thus prized as a luxury is to be expected.
legendary is a tier
That tier will be unavailable to other players for some time every tier jump we will have.
See what happened with triforge and amulets?
Well imagine having a better armor of any other player for about a month every time a tier get release or lvl cap upgraded.
I never wanted a legendary before november 15 as many other players that doesn t like those skin…
Wrong game. Legendary is mainly cosmetic. Check the stat difference between the legendary weapons and exotics in the same slot.
And what you mention is the gear spiral- again wrong game.
There was a post about this from Mike O’Brien when the same question was raised just after release.
US dollar prices are displayed exclusive of sales tax, which is then added on to the price you pay later in the checkout process.
Euro prices are displayed inclusive of VAT, which is charged at 20% because ArenaNet’s EU operation is based in the UK, which has %20 VAT rate.
10 Eur / 1.2 = 8.3333333 Euros.
So Arenanet get 8.333 Euros when you spend 10.
Current exchange rate is 1 dollar = 0.75 Euro. When the game launched mid 2012, the exchange rate was actually 1 Dollar = 0.8x Euro, very close to what the 1 to 1 conversion works out at without the VAT.
It would be unwieldy to continually adjust prices based on exchange rate fluctuations, so 1 to 1 seems to me to be a perfectly sensible conversion.
At this juncture I should point out that if you buy in GBP, then you are getting the short end of the stick, because in that case they are charging more than just the cost of the VAT extra.
Thanks for the clarification regarding VAT
I understand, what will happen if I purchase in USD instead of EUR?
Will I be able to use the gems while playing in Europe?Nope…if you are from Europe you get charged in Euro period. You cant pick your poison.
You could still buy a gem card for dollars I guess. And don’t mistake me, I’m from europe as well
obviously there are diffrences, but there is no doubt they are no where near this clearcut
In other games usually the VAT did a main part of the price difference between € and $.
Legendaries are a luxury object. And thus prized as a luxury is to be expected.
Sadly this kinda of math has become the norm in online games over the last few years.. I don’t see it disapering anytime soon, regardless of how idiotic it is.
I’d guess that different taxes (don’t know the correct tax name here) in different regions influence that course as well- a bit atleast.
Dear John, as you are Anet’s champion on this part of the forum, and highly respect your opinion, can you please offer some guidance on this issue.
- Zicore
- Gold Wars 2
- Others programs developed to offer even more functionalities than the above.My concern is that it is possible for players, through a third party tool, to be notified for every item they are selling on the TP whether they are overbid or not. For me, this crosses a big line, which caused me to stop crafting and stop doing anything TP related. Others have indicated this sentiment as well, as you are probably well aware (see closed thread on this). Just to be clear, the point of this thread is not my opinion on whether these programs are “right” or “wrong”, or whether they violate any party of the EULA/TOS. For the purposes of this thread, those questions are moot.
The point of this thread is guidance.I seek guidance because it feels wrong to me to use these programs (again, whether it feels right to someone else is not the point of this thread). In the same way, I’m not sending my ranger pets up a WvW battlement with the “guard” skill, because I don’t think it’s intended for them to be gravity defying vertical climbers. Unfortunately, there’s no guidance yet on this issue either, but it certainly does not impact the game in the same way as the use of third party tools for the TP.
So I would like to ask: where is the line? What kind of third party tools, or more specifically, what third party functionalities are we allowed to use to compete on the TP?
Since I have voiced my oppinion on that matter in several threads I will just agree with your point of that a clarification by Anet would be nice and add a lot to keep the tone in this sub forum friendly.
By the way, Zicore, I don’t think you should have released this to the community. The community doesn’t appreciate this and you will get backlash after all your hard work. You could have used it to just benefit yourself instead of people who don’t appreciate your work even though it is free. I have created a similar app in C# (but using .NET Framework 4.5 instead for async functionality) before I found out about yours but I didn’t want to release it because of this reason.
Here is the entire thread where I was trying to defend your app until it had to be closed:
I suggest you stop adding more powerful features to your app before you get cursed and spit on for all your hard work.
There were also ppl in that thread who supported the idea (and your argumentations)- so just like the OP, keep up the good work and don’t let yourself get discouraged by some raging forum warriors.
As long as such tools are kept informal only (not directly influencing the game course by automated ingame actions- I always assumed that the points of reading out memory in the eula are assuring that such won’t happen) and you don’t try to earn money with them I am sure Anet sees them as what they are meant to be.
Contributions by the community to add more complex to the minigame of the tp (as everyone has access to those tools the markets would become much more interesting).
Yes, because I like gambling and getting all the colors eventually (buying them would feel like some kind of self cheating). Its always nice to get a dye you don’t have yet- even if its just a 20c dye.
Couple of problems though:
1. Players control that market
2. If we were to step in and do that, we would inflate the economy and the extra value you were getting in real terms would be negligibleThis sounds like the same garbage I hear about minimum wage.
The minimum wage is much higher where I live, approaching 40% higher. The prices are NOT 40% higher.
The wealth gap is simply lower, and fewer people are absolutely desperate.
if you peg quest rewards to some % of the price of a charged lodestone, I guarantee the misery index WILL decrease, no matter where the prices go.
Now if you want inflation to stop, you need to put in higher drop rates for in-demand goods, and gold sinks which do not include “the key materials for the vast majority of visually striking skins in this game”
Mimimum wage affects is that people are guaranteed to get a fair (mimimum) wage for their actual work. It does not effect the average or above average income -as noone compares it with mimimum wage- and that it does therefor not affect prices is a given.
So I do not understand what you want to say with that point.
We also don’t have any terrible inflation ingame- see the very good discisusion that we had awhile ago in these forums. There is also a post about the necessarity (or lack of) of more gold sinks on this very page.
You don’t fix inflation on the prize of a ffew (luxury and very rare) items, but on the whole market.
(edited by goldi.3129)
How is botting the TP ok and botting mobs isn’t? It’s an unfair advantage over other players. period. Unless they implement these features in-game.
The mentioned tool only provides information. A player must still act based on those informations.
A bot would take automated actions.
that’s a notification program, not a bot. a bot would go one step further: take those notifications and place bids for you. I expect it’s that human bidding component that makes that notification program legal.
Yes but I think his point is, with the notifier, it is relatively easy for a human player to react upon his item being “uppercut” (it’s what I call it) almost immediately and uppercut the new price himself. So the phenomenon observed by OP can be easily attributed to the notifier since it’s a relatively popular program.
As I’ve pointed out before is it currently impossible to for any human player to relist 35-50 or so buy orders within the time frame this bot works on. So even if you have a program that notifies you, you simply wont be able to relist as fast as this bot does it.
Also, I feel like I’m reciting myself here, no human player would show this kind of systematic, bot like behaviour. ea; 10 at the time, same interval, 10 at all listings at the same time, no buy orders above 3s etc.
You don’t know if its several players or one player → response to “no human could outbid that fast” You also don’t know if he is -like you- making the circuit on his orders and simply outbids you while you make another bid.
I put up bos in the same pattern most of the time as well → response to systematic.
I also don’t bid over a certain limit where I know my profit will be too small to make it worthwhile. Don’t forget that this game shares a tp over all servers before you cry bot, simply because you get outbid on – probably not market niche-.
Don’t start a wichunt because other people play the same markets you do.
You’ll find something. . .
I’ve been looking for ages. Hence the thread.
No you haven’t. Otherwise you would have seen that you can sort in the item categories on gw2spidy (which API is used by what you linked as is also MENTIONED there) after the profit margin field.
The rest you have to find out yourself.
5% listing, 10% when its sold. If you sell to a b/o you pay both as well.
You buy something cheap and sell it quickly for a profit.
Markets are volatile- just look for an item where you can place the highest buyorder and still sell with the lowest sellorder for more than 15% difference (the tp fees).I would need a piece of third party market-scanning software for that. Does Zicore’s do it? I am struggling a little with the interface.
You buy something cheap and sell it quickly for a profit.
Markets are volatile- just look for an item where you can place the highest buyorder and still sell with the lowest sellorder for more than 15% difference (the tp fees).
Th price dropped by a silver in a whole day and I had to pull mine.
I think I succeeded in doing the opposite and lost 7 gold.
On the weekends the markets are always very unpredictable with the huge influence of “weekend” players
Luxury in the means that a legendary (which the mentioned precursor is a requirement for) is only eyecandy and not in anyway necessary to suceed in any part of the content.
By your definition, a huge component of the PVE endgame is centered on acquiring “luxury” items… yet we aren’t supposed to say anything if it is seriously unbalanced and not fun? Uh-huh.
And by the way, you must not understand the economy of GW2… because skyrocketing precursor prices drive up the prices of ALL decent gear… including stuff that would seem to be not “luxury” by your definition.
You didn’t understand a single word of my posts.
Also please share your wisdom how the increase of precursor prices affects the rest of the economy. I am sure we all can learn something from you.
edit nevermind, I just saw that you didn’t even understand why a precursor is called luxury.
(edited by goldi.3129)
It’s not that you can’t reach it. It’s that: it takes ages of doing things you don’t like or millenia of things you like while some people get in in 1 try OR in 1 random mob in fractals OR for 20% of the price (karka) OR exploit AND that it’s becoming harder over time while we keep getting more bad news about how “there won’t be more events like Karka for a while” (so no more chances while some ppl got 2 in the same chest and went to overflows and got 1 more and then got a bag in mail 1 week later) and the scavenger hunt is 3 months off at least (with who knows how much work from scratch that takes who knows how long and that you probably can’t speed up with the gold you have until then). AND ALL THIS when we could have an easy fix until then (and even after they finish the SH).
Long term goals should have the same “effort” requirement for everyone all the time, the time and the “long” varying BY A LOT if the person is investing in TP over long periods of time or playing 8h/day (and the occasional, “oh look 0.5% drop from a monster I just saved myself X amount of time”). No, we are not currently in that situation, we might be after SH (but that can be messed up if they somehow make it un-finishable faster than X days).
This is coming from a guy with an average of 9.6h/day since launch (without taking out the AFK time, but that isn’t over 10%).
You obviously haven’t played MMOs where the best equipment (be it statwise or due to eyecandy) was BOP.
Meaning you had to grind the same raids for months hoping on rng (that the item drops) and again rng (that you win the roll or have more dkp than the others who need that item). That is in answer to the “everyone should put the same effort into it”.
Tbh, I have not been around long, only since december, but in that time I have seen a unbeliveably rapid increase in the prices of precursors.
I am far from what you would call a casual gamer, i invest more hours into the game per week then most people, i did 0-20 fractal in 3 days etc, good days i make about 12g and this is running constant fractals/jormag/shatterer I am definatly not lucky when it comes to sellable loot, and i doubt im the only one.
Atm and since december the price of the intresting precursors have been rising more per day then i can possibly make, and like I said I play a unhealthy amount of time per day..
I just don’t see how any logic could justify the current rarity of the precursor.. to me the idea of the precursor is to serve as reason to keep grinding the other 75% of the legendary.. a motivator if you will.. but at current that motivator is pretty much unobtainable unless you:
1: get that one in a MILLION precursor from Mf, which also requires absurd amounts of gold to fuel i might add.
2: get that one in a gazillion precursor from a major chest or random mob.
It is one thing when the materials you need 200+ for etc go up fast in price, because you can buy them over a long period of time, you don’t need to pay for the entire stack in on go.
The problem with the precursor is its a single SUPER rare item, and that gives it far to much power in the market..
quite honestly, tp users might find it unfair, but I feel that any given account should only ever be able to have 1 precursor of the same type in theyr possession, this would make it far more difficult to manipulate.
I’ve seen the posts about scavenger hunts etc (4 months ago -.-), and the post where anet claims they will take steps if need be… I am no economist.. but even to me it is painfully clear that steps need to be taken when a no-lifer like myself has no chance in hell at keeping up with the day to day rise in price of the precursors.
I can’t speak for everyone but getting a legendary is one of the main things that keep a player intrested while waiting for new content.. and when that legendary is near unobtainable, well then there is a obvious flaw in the system.
So the – as you put it- SUPER RARE items have prizes that reflect that rarity? Shocking. As you say it a legendary is a long term goal that everyone can eventually reach.
You are playing 2 two months now. Thats not exactly long in the region where you should complain about not reaching long term goals.
I will never understand such threads in which people seem to insist that they have the right to certain endgame items for almost nothing.
I can’t say that I’ve EVER seens someone claim they have the right to certain endgame items for almost nothing… except for poorly disguised attempts at strawman arguments by defenders of the status quo.
So, what it boils down to is this: People are whining because they think something is expensive. Tough luck.
No that isn’t what people are complaining about. Precursor prices continue to increase about as fast as some people make money. 200g then 300g then 500g then 700g then… ? Meanwhile, all the cash they are saving is suffering from inflation across the board. So they are just spinning wheels. You show a notable lack of empathy for what is really happening.
I should show empathy towards people that whine about luxury stuff?
The entire game is “luxury”. What are you even talking about?
Luxury in the means that a legendary (which the mentioned precursor is a requirement for) is only eyecandy and not in anyway necessary to suceed in any part of the content.
Food ingredient constantly double or triple in price. When you know what the “normal” price of an item should be, stock up. Same thing for lotus root, black pepperkorn, orrian truffles etc etc etc. All of the items you use. Actually, with the 28 jan update it’s quite logical snow truffles went up in price, as ppl now spend less time in frostgorge sound (and more time in Orr, which is why Orrian truffles went down).
Please don’t try logic when its far easier to cry “market manipulation”.
On a serious note everyone should try your approach before running into the forums and jumping onto the marketmanipulatorhunt.
Oh, I am with you 100% on this, but this was market manipulation. Check gw2spidy, all the stock was bought up within an hour.
It was maybe a try. The 20k bos checked ingame are a 5k wall at 1.16 and the rest is in small bits. Price is down to 1.75 in sellorders as well.
I will never understand such threads in which people seem to insist that they have the right to certain endgame items for almost nothing.
I can’t say that I’ve EVER seens someone claim they have the right to certain endgame items for almost nothing… except for poorly disguised attempts at strawman arguments by defenders of the status quo.
And what would you consider this thread than? Don’t you think those players would whine about 300g dusks at well?
There have been countless posts with the content of “I’m a casual gamer, I will never see a legendary” in these forums.
I also don’t think that a living economy (as the one in gw2 is) needs any arguments to be defended.
We have a player driven economy like it or like it not
Yes I complain that what most of us consider an end game goal (which we started working towards thinking it reasonable, thought reinforced by multiple “we are watching the situation” type of comments) becomes progressively (up to 35 times in some cases) harder and longer to obtain and is becoming less and less fun. Like grinding 1k gold wasn’t bad enough, now we need to grind 1500g because TP players who like that sort of thing are willing to pay 700g for Dusk. Ferraris are not going up in price up to 1,5 Million $, and again, this is not RL so GTHO with your Ferrai examples. And YES I would deny them their profit, what happened to “in this game we don’t want players making money for nothing”, I guess this doesn’t apply to gambling which Anet seems to love since that is their definition of “a new reward system” (laurles) besides the 1% increase in power you get from an ascended ring that you need to wait a month for. But what I would do is irrelevant, keeping the MF way for getting a precursors would still be ~300g for 4 rares for the lucky ppl even after prices will drop.
You also seem to forget Anet agrees, mostly, since we are getting SH (well depending on what that is and how long it takes).
If you can’t see that ferraris have a limitless supply as there can simply be produced some more so the prize is kept steady… now if you take vintage ferraris you can compare that prize development more likely with precursors.
What you are seeing on the precursor market is also a typical development in games. The economy is getting older, the players from the first minute have more and more gold (simply because they played like 1k hours for example). So the prizes rise for the luxury goods.
And like several people have already stated- even with a monopoly (only anet would know if thats the case in pre markets) the power lies at the customer- he can simply decide NOT to buy when he finds an item overprized.
Noone ever said a legendary should be something everyone could attain without putting serious effort into it.
I will never understand such threads in which people seem to insist that they have the right to certain endgame items for almost nothing.
Sit tight and wait for the Scavenger hunt, use the time to get all the other requisites for a legendary… roll a twink or whatever….
Food ingredient constantly double or triple in price. When you know what the “normal” price of an item should be, stock up. Same thing for lotus root, black pepperkorn, orrian truffles etc etc etc. All of the items you use. Actually, with the 28 jan update it’s quite logical snow truffles went up in price, as ppl now spend less time in frostgorge sound (and more time in Orr, which is why Orrian truffles went down).
Please don’t try logic when its far easier to cry “market manipulation”.
On a serious note everyone should try your approach before running into the forums and jumping onto the marketmanipulatorhunt.
I think DR could be introduced by adding phantom sellers – for every 8-15 of something posted that are at least 15% above the highest buy offer, 1 of those items is offered by a phantom seller for the same as the lowest of those 10 items – and phantom seller items are both invisible and move first when a buy comes in.
It would slow down the rate of sales for players AND remove 100% of the coin in that transaction from the economy rather than just 15%, making the TP a vastly more efficient gold sink.
Best of all it would be just as invisible and difficult to nail down by players as the open world DR.
That would destroy the TP. Imagine you buy a phantom Dusk? Or a phantom anything worth some golds.
There is no DR in TPVP or SPVP either- the tp is not interacting with the gameworld alone like grinding something for hours, but with other players. That is the capital difference and the reason why you can’t really put it in the same kettle.
I think it’s fair to judge inflation on the items that are worth to think about in end game. Maybe the precursor example is a bit limiting, but it’s the best example for what i meant to say
Precursors are a high demand-low supply item. The demand is rising steadily as more and more people find a legendary the only long term achievement they hace to look forward to.
Which leaves them with two options for attaining the precursor. Play the mystic forge lottery or buy the pre. Since the lottery is as the name implies a lottery most people play it save and invest a fix amount of money for a preditable result.
And we only have quest rewards, de rewards and vendor sales in means to add to the inflation. Those are always only small amounts. On the other hand you have the 15% tp fee to take money out of the economy.
If you regard those factors you can never come up with the afore mentioned 20% inflation rate vol criticzed as well
Sure. Let’s all not look at numbers anymore. Or logic, for that matter.
I didn’t mean you but the OP
The trend of people crying “market manipulation” on everything that is too expensive for them is becoming a bit boring.
As vol has stated, there was a ban wave.
I think Anet should ban all people who play the TP minigame (market manipulatior for sure all of them!), the people who grind dungeons and the people who PvP. I don’t have a reason to ban the NPCs as well…yet.
If you can’t accept that than sorry, MMOs are not the place for you.
It’s a good thing Anet does not have that ideology or they would not be able to maintain a healthy game. For us, it’s a question of when and whether action is needed based on the experience of the majority of players.
If ANet wouldn’t follow that route they wouldn’t have introduced a TP- espescially a globally linked one. Every item would be available for a fixed price from an NPC.
And the majority of the players is not on the forums and don’t think every item they can’t afford is being manipulated either. You stated your opinion- nohing more. I stated how the economy works in every single big MMO on the market.
Supply and demand as well as prizing in the “interplayertrades” are completely done by the players.
edit Charismatic Ham did a post in the direction I was going- and put far more effort into it while I was writing mine
The “Trading Post is PVP” is an argument used to justify market manipulation because it frankly has nothing to do with PVP. It’s supposed to be a tool to create abundance through the exchange of goods from players who don’t need them to the ones that do. You may as well say LFG is PVP and that while it enables some players to be kittens, it is fully consensual because players are in too much of a hurry to find friends who all want to play the same game multiple hours a day.
I’ve been playing for a month and while I’ve gotten a fair number of yellow drops, I don’t think any of them combine together as a reasonable set and I have still never received a single orange drop. If it wasn’t for the TP I would not have access to dungeons or fractals and would probably even be in a bit of a slog without a duo partner in Orr wearing blues and greens.
The problem with the market being inflated (whether by people dumping gems into gold and inflating the supply of currency or by manipulation) is not that someone won’t get their Legendaries in four months instead of six, it’s the rise of prices in ordinary items for casual and beginning players.
Wrong. Like Nike said the TP is a Minigame like PvP. In the regards that it is a part of the game that you CAN participate in- you don’t have to.
Go and farm some karma and get the tempel exotics if you don’t like the prizes for exotics in the tp for example. Or run dungeons and aquire the exotics via tokens (No you don’t need exotics for dungeons you can even run them with rares, masterworks or blues).
The tp is the quick and lazy way and it comes with a prize.In every MMO that has a market you will see people who enjoy PvP, PvE or economies. It is a basic part of the game, again, like Nike said. And like I said noone is forcing you to participate.
The prize of ordinary items is not rising due to market manipulation but due to the fact that the game is growing older and more and more money is flowing into the economy from sources like selling trash to vendors, event rewards etc etc.
Not every prize that increases is due to market manipulation. And if the prize stabilizes after a time, than the old prize was simply too low- if the people are not willing to pay the new prizes manipulation ends very quickly with a hefty loss for the wannabe manipulatorNo, the TP is not and should not be a legitimate “minigame”. TP competition is an emergent factor from having an in-game economy. This is something that can be controlled and needs to be going forward to keep the game accessible to new or inexperienced players and ensure that progression in equipment is reasonable and in line with the needs of most players.
You can say all you want that you can run dungeons in blue gear but it’s an unrealistic expectation. Expert players will always be able to trivialize them but those who are less into it need every advantage they can get. Groups will kick players for not having full exotics. You cannot say that blues and greens are valid dungeon gear for most players. And yes, you can say learn2play all you like. You can even justify it by saying that it is generally the highly skilled, superheavy players that pay most of the money to keep the game running, but it’s a poor attitude for the game to take in the long run.
Yes, prices do inflate over time as more money enters the economy. The problem is when the rate of inflation is too high. That is not the same as market manipulation and is just as bad no matter which causes the other. Moreover, you’re forgetting that there is no cost to maintaining goods on the TP and no limit to the number of items that can be kept there. If at any time players are unwilling to pay high prices (whether or not these are caused by manipulation), it is the seller that benefits from waiting.
Like I said in every game where you have a central place for economic transactions (aka TP, AH, GTN or marketplace) there are ALWAYS people who enjoy applying the rules of the real world economy to the ingame economy.
If you can’t accept that than sorry, MMOs are not the place for you.
The “Trading Post is PVP” is an argument used to justify market manipulation because it frankly has nothing to do with PVP. It’s supposed to be a tool to create abundance through the exchange of goods from players who don’t need them to the ones that do. You may as well say LFG is PVP and that while it enables some players to be kittens, it is fully consensual because players are in too much of a hurry to find friends who all want to play the same game multiple hours a day.
I’ve been playing for a month and while I’ve gotten a fair number of yellow drops, I don’t think any of them combine together as a reasonable set and I have still never received a single orange drop. If it wasn’t for the TP I would not have access to dungeons or fractals and would probably even be in a bit of a slog without a duo partner in Orr wearing blues and greens.
The problem with the market being inflated (whether by people dumping gems into gold and inflating the supply of currency or by manipulation) is not that someone won’t get their Legendaries in four months instead of six, it’s the rise of prices in ordinary items for casual and beginning players.
Wrong. Like Nike said the TP is a Minigame like PvP. In the regards that it is a part of the game that you CAN participate in- you don’t have to.
Go and farm some karma and get the tempel exotics if you don’t like the prizes for exotics in the tp for example. Or run dungeons and aquire the exotics via tokens (No you don’t need exotics for dungeons you can even run them with rares, masterworks or blues).
The tp is the quick and lazy way and it comes with a prize.
In every MMO that has a market you will see people who enjoy PvP, PvE or economies. It is a basic part of the game, again, like Nike said. And like I said noone is forcing you to participate.
The prize of ordinary items is not rising due to market manipulation but due to the fact that the game is growing older and more and more money is flowing into the economy from sources like selling trash to vendors, event rewards etc etc.
Not every prize that increases is due to market manipulation. And if the prize stabilizes after a time, than the old prize was simply too low- if the people are not willing to pay the new prizes manipulation ends very quickly with a hefty loss for the wannabe manipulator
(edited by goldi.3129)
If he bought say, 10k at 1.99 he now seeks to bait people into outbiding his bidwall- at 2.38 he’d make roughly 4 copper win (2.38*0.85-1.99) multiplied with 10k.
That could be one reason.
Another could be that the item was undervalued (if he can place a bid 35c over the highes bo without tipping into the sellorders that could be the case) and he simply wants those 4k of items (for what he thinks is the real worth) without having to fear people outbidding him.
My money would be on option 1 though after you said highly traded crafting material.
The prize of those have been constantly on the rise- in the last month they have started at 4.72 and now the prize is over 6 silver apiece.
The only recipe I am aware of that uses them are runes.
The rune combining lottery is like the name says a lottery and with the constant rise it would be even more dangerous/unrewarding.
So I am wondering if I have missed anything and there is a new recipe that uses them?
Also the rise happened before any bot ban waves, so those bans could have been a factor but surely not the only one?
Whenever you switch to a new zone hit the first vendor and buy the appropriate tools for your level? Buy two packs of each and check every login if you have a reserve pack.
Not really hard to do. Gathering in GW2 is the most enjoyable I have encountered in many MMOs so far.
Not forcing you to gather everything to level your skill and no race/camping of ressource nodes so noone else can have them.
Those orders have been placed before the rule that is now in place was introduced. Anet has mentioned that those bos will be eventually taken out of the system.
And the information that is essential for the automated tools is provided by Anet as a gesture of goodwill. Or was so far. Without the access no automated search with high profit analyzes and therefore no buisness model
If youd create the analyzis without the automatimns than your golden.Hmmm….this brings up an interesting dilemma.
What if a site was only to provide a way to GET the data and analysis tools to analyze it? What I mean by this is that the site doesn’t actually collect all the data using it’s authorized account, but the user would have to request the data they want using their own account. The website just offers an easy way to do this and collects it on a per user basis, then also offers the analysis tools to the user. That way, each user would be responsible for the number of requests that are made…not the service provider.
I would be like eTrade offering up their feeds from the stock markets to each user individually based on the markets / stocks they want to analyze, then once the data the user requested is collected, they can use the analysis tools that are also offered by eTrade to analyze the data.
The site would only be offering tools….no actual data…just a means to acquire it.
The middle tier would still be the interface Anet provides. The profit would be made of a tool that is based on the interface- who uses the tool how is not the issue. The profit is.
No matter where it is made- as long as somewhere in the chain there is the access to the information that is currently provided for free by a company and you don’t have contacted afore mentioned company if you can use that automated access in that way you are open to get sued.
Simple example, Blizzard sued the hell out of people who sold bots for WoW.
Not because botting was illegal- but because they made a profit based on a product that had no licence for using there product as a source of income. This example does NOT compare botting with crawling their TP through an provided API.
It is simply to show that once a profit is made out of something that does not belong to you/you don’t have the rights to use in that profitgenerating way you are stepping on very very thin ice.
Provide your tools for free- no problem at all Try to profit by using even the tiniest part of work from someone else… and copyright will whack you.
(edited by goldi.3129)
That’s my worry. I love the work that’s gone into spidy, and the openness of its API has lead to some really interesting options for market enthusiasts. I would hate to see ANet tighten up the web access to the TP, thus killing spidy, because of sites trying to profit directly from that information.
This may be nit-picky, but I feel it’s an important point to make….
I don’t feel they are directly profiting from that information. They are indirectly profiting from it. Their direct profits are, or at least should be, coming from their analysis tools.
And the information that is essential for the automated tools is provided by Anet as a gesture of goodwill. Or was so far. Without the access no automated search with high profit analyzes and therefore no buisness model
If youd create the analyzis without the automatimns than your golden.
Yeah, it’s like what I see in baseball.
In baseball, statistics are heavily relied upon and you can generate a ton of analysis based on that data alone. Some people make their own analysis tools that profit of said data.
But the data is owned by the league, and as such anything that profits off of it starts to enter a dangerous area.
Like stated thats a great comparision.
The spreadsheats and the research may be the product of that site- but the access to the information was originally tolerated by Anet for gw2spidy, probably with the terms of making a nonprofitable site (except small scale advertising).
So I’d assume best case that site gets mail by Anets law department or worst case they shut down the availability of the interface so noone tries to profit that directly from their (virtual) belongings.
The only desirable items in the chest is Endless Mystery Tonic, Permanent Contracts….
I’d add the salvage kits and the chance to get a minipack (should be possible to get one from them- haven’t seen any myself) to that list
Why should they?
So that rune/sigil prices won’t go through the roof.
Not every item is craftable (take a look at all those exotic weapons/armors for example ).
Irrelevant, we’re discussing runes and sigils.
If everything was craftable the only items of value on the market would be crafting mats.
Exaggeration, we’re discussing runes and sigils.
Or you’d be forced to grind dungeons for the high end recipes=> gear spiral.
What the hell are you on about?
Irrelevant why exactly? Its an example. You say you want to craft all runes- why not all armor than? Just because YOU want to craft all the runes/sigils now- so you can get them cheap. Next day you want all the armor for a low prize as well.
Its a basic of an MMO that there are rare items. Which depend on rng. If you want all the items for free do sPvP.
You can aquire both the same way now- through rng, either by drops (in the rune/sigil case by weapons/armor with the runes and than salvaging them) or by rng in the Mystic forge.
So John, any chance of making every kitten rune/sigil craftable? It’d only make sense putting, let’s say, 2 molten lodes, an ori bar and an ecto to make a superior sigil of fire.
Why should they? Not every item is craftable (take a look at all those exotic weapons/armors for example ).
If everything was craftable the only items of value on the market would be crafting mats.
Or you’d be forced to grind dungeons for the high end recipes=> gear spiral.
Strangely Guildwars 1 had no Trading post, and its economy did great, yet 4 months into Guildwars 2 and its gone to hell..
Was there really a need for this in Guildwars 2..
Sorry but having to spam the channels for hours or coordinate in time on 3rd forums to trade was anything but great.