Showing Posts For ipan.4356:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


There isn’t, but it’s not a terrible idea.

Jumping and swimming buffs.

I have noticed that characters with larger models have a harder time doing jumping puzzles.

1st person camera would fix a lot of this, but jump buffs would also help.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


The wardrobe system is fine, the only think that bugs me is the stinginess of it, which feels once again like they’re pushing me to buy more gems.

I used to find dyes all the time harvesting from herb patches – now, none.

Transmutation charges don’t drop enough (I think Veterans should have like a 15% chance to drop one – champs even higher).

Make All Dungeons Open World

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ipan.4356


I keep hearing about how dungeons are being dropped as a development focus for Open World (presumably Living Story – seeing as how new maps are off the table as well) content.

Well, why not integrate existing dungeons into the Open World then, as a way to make them more accessible, and remove the problem of them being forgotten content?

What is a dungeon, really? It’s just an instance

You could remove the instancing part, and the cut-scenes (alternatively, you could have something similar to a Vista at key points in the open world dungeon, that play a video that brings people up to date on what’s happened here before).

All of these of course would be post-storymode.

It’s an easy fix to incorporating something you’ve abandoned into the world as a whole.

If you’re going to focus on Open World, then make everything Open World – don’t just abandon it.

If I could make a poll, I would.

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


They could convert all of the Dungeons into Open World Dungeons.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I think if it proves anything, this thread proves what players really want out of this game.

The CDI is coming back! Topics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


3: Dev’s create a list of topics, community votes on it.

The CDI is coming back! Topics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356



Voting would only work if you genuinely add an ingame vote. Otherwise you’ll reach at best a teensy tiny fraction of the playerbase on something this important.

But what if the votes – either in-game, or on the forums – were from a list of topics that the dev’s decided upon (based on what they are already working on)?

This actually combines the best of both – the dev’s make a list of reasonable topics, and then the community votes on which of those topics is most important to them.

The CDI is coming back! Topics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Might as well just give us a list of topics to choose from instead. Ones you are actively pursuing or are going to work on next. This way we don’t choose a topic and then have to wait a while before there is a window to work on that area.

That’s not a bad idea.

The CDI is coming back! Topics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


This is why they need to do a little of both.

It doesn’t have to be an absolute binary decision.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356



I know but a small update like “its not from the table” would be nice.

It is verboten.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Hei Chris
Did you can say something about directx11 support? Last news about this is 2 years old on facebook and since that there arent any news/updates about it….

Oh yeah i would also love to hear something about that.

They’re not allowed to talk about it – company policy.

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I found really great customer-dev communication at CIG (Star Citizen).

Sometimes I wonder if all of this would be different if GW2 was crowdfunded.

The CDI is coming back! Topics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Obviously, they should be doing a bit of both.

Some of the topics should be player chosen, to reflect community concern.

And others (especially things we have no knowledge of) should be chosen by Anet, to help guide the community in discussion.

Take the best of both and merge them into one beautiful thing.

Shouldn’t be a binary decision.

I vote for 1 AND 2.

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Can you see why there’s a conflict in that?

What you say you cannot do, is the only thing we actually want you to do.

We want to know what’s being developed, so we can decide whether it’s worth investing our time further in this game.

If new content is at least being planned (even without knowing how long it will take, exactly what form it will take – though a general idea would be nice, like “dungeons”, or “open world zones”, or “fractals” would at least give us a heads up as to what kind of material to expect eventually) then we can say to ourselves,

‘Hey, I don’t know when I’m going to get it – but I know they are on the same page and are working on it’

Right now, it seems like the answer to, ‘Is there going to be new content or not’, is simply ‘no’ (*unless you love Living Story and e-sports).

That IS the communication problem – you’re not communicating anything.

So you’re saying they should leave the forums and stop talking to us unless they plan on violating a policy they have little power to change? Likely, that policy was suggested from up the line (coughNCSofdspfhcough) so how do you suggest they get around something like that?

There is the fact that the devs are also players too. The reason, IMO, these threads feel so awkward is because there’s only that ‘demand’ and ‘deny’ mentality between us and the devs. I think this could change with time.

No matter where the policy came from – it’s a bad idea.

If it’s an NCSoft thing, then I truly feel sorry for the dev’s.

Do you every read blogs by game developers who left big companies to strike out on their own?

People like Tim Shcafer or Chris Roberts or ex-Blizzard employees, or Richard Garriot?

Have you read the things they say about the time they spent with their respective company?

It often reads like a horror story.

I can empathize with creative people being stuck with a stiffling corporate overlord.

But it doesn’t change the ground facts – this policy, no matter where it comes from will destroy all player trust.

They need to do the opposite – communicate more of their intentions (while leaving juicy details – i.e. spoilers – out). They need to give us an idea of the direction the game is going in (for example, do they plan on adding new open world content – and what kind, new maps? new dungeons? just more Livid Story?)

That way, people at least know whether the game is going North, West, East…or South. A lot of people want to know if the game is heading South for them…because if it is, we are wasting our time.

We don’t need to know so much that is heading North by Northwest….or whether it’s going to take a detour, or a go through a tunnel.

We just want to know the cardinal direction (translation: what kind of content is definitely being developed).

How can Chris say they want to communicate more, and then Colin comes and says they can’t talk about anything? There’s an obvious disconnect there – a cognitive dissonance.

And it appears to have kittened people off even more – understandably.

So, Anet – change your policy post haste.

You need to have an emergency meeting with whomever this policy comes from and remove it.

It’s better to communicate often – and clearly – including revising what you’ve already told people.

Players don’t mind switching horses midstream as much as you think they do – but they want constant updates and clear reasons why it’s happening.

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I don’t know why people assume the major jobs of these forums are for Anet to communicate with us, as opposed to us communicating with each other. Closing down the forums would be silly.

I’m just going based on what the proportion of threads seems to be aimed at. I guess it’s around 50/50 talking to other players and asking for official info? Dunno.

In any case, I think my point stands; Anet certainly don’t owe us a platform to communicate with each other, particularly if that platform is deemed to have become so toxic. What would be silly about closing them and leaving build discussions for build sites, fanart discussion for fan sites, story discussion for other gaming sites and so on?

Because this would be viewed as a sign that the game is ‘withering on the vine’.

It’s a terrible idea. It would be better for them to abandon the forums themselves (though this is not good either).

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I cannot play “anything” and get Citadel skins.

To get those, I have to platy Citadel.

You mean the dungeon skins? No you cna’t buy them directly, but you can buy dungeon paths to complete your armor.

“Buy dungeon paths” – what does that mean?

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


The community on these forums have proven repeatedly that if a dev says what they’re working on then the community treats it as a promise. And if it’s not delivered, they get kittened about it. They’re right to have the policy they do. It’s the only way to deal with how this community treats them when they do say anything.

Most of the time people merely want to know why – an explanation.

Did a volcano just erupt? Did local city ordinances change the way games are developed?

Did Obamacare force you to switch from Geico?

People just want the rationalization behind cancellation.

Let’s put it this way.

The dev’s tell us they are working something (let’s say a new dungeon for arguments sake).

Two months later, we get a note saying they are no longer working on that dungeon – it’s been scrapped.

Well, ok, but why?

Did money run out? Did upper management cancel it in favor of something else? Were there personal emergencies that reduced time spent on development (like pregnancies, family deaths that take people away for funerals, wedding, etc.)?

Did it simply fail internal testing and get scrapped for a more promising idea?

If the dev’s take us with them on each little step, explaining why some things end up on the cutting floor and others don’t, and where their priorities are shifting – I can guarantee you that people will be FAR more forgiving.

No one’s asking for content development to be the Ten Commandments – just treat us like we’re along for the ride – fill us in.

At bare minimum give us a general, vague development roadmap, as in “We plan to make x amount of new maps” or “Y amount of new dungeons” or “None of that at all – all we’re doing for the foreseeable future is Living Story”.

Because at least then I’d know what Anet considers a priority.

I know then, that if the only thing they think is important enough to spend time and resources is on Living Story, and nothing else, then I can move on – I can say, ‘Hey, they have a different vision than I do for this game, and that’s cool – I’ll go find another game’.

Instead of being strung along update after update – hoping for something substantial, and constantly being let down.

This last LS was the worst – I was incredibly excited when Dry Top opened up – only to find out it was extremely tiny, like really only 1/2 a new map, and that there were no additional maps. I was actually expecting 4-5 new maps – an entire region to open up – not necessarily all at once, but with each episode maybe.

I was looking forward to lots more exploration. But it didn’t materialize.

If Anet had announced, ‘With this next season, we won’t be opening many new areas – just a small one’ – I could have easily not bothered to log in to begin with, thus preventing the disappointment, thus preventing me from coming to the forums to talk about it.

A little communication actually would have gone a long way.

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Personally I think that listing some things being worked on, or at least listing priorities, would be a good thing. These would ideally be included in a stickied thread so that there is never a matter of disappeared posts being misquoted as promises and the like. If the message remains front and center it is much easier to point out that certain things were listed as being, “worked on,” or, “in consideration,” rather than, “promised,” or something of the sort.

Updating this, “developer’s corner,” on a monthly basis so that, even if it is not specific, players have some sense of progression and direction might be very helpful IMO.

This exactly^^

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


What is the reasoning behind the company policy to talk about things only when they are nearly finished.

The reason is pretty simple. It’s the same one for why they don’t make internal deadlines public knowledge or talk about future plans beyond ifs and maybes. Because when things change it is hard to retract any statements made and they will be viewed as broken promises regardless of how they were originally communicated.

The easiest comparison to make is probably to think how you feel if a game that you have been waiting to play announces a set release date but then as that date comes closer they announce a that the game has been delayed. It never looks good. Same reactions would be at play if ANet made announcements about future plans and had to later retract them.

However, I will criticize this policy on one front. Things you talked about before this policy came in place those have now just been left hanging in the aether. It would be lot better for you to take the blow and explain what came of those if anything rather than leave this perpetual uncertainty looming over the playerbase. Because, this uncertainty can’t be much better than the alternative since this uncertainty will never go away while any possible disappointments will only last for a while.

Essentially by not clearing up your old statements from before you stopped talking about things you are just misleading your userbase.

Why would they have to retract them in the first place?

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Can you see why there’s a conflict in that?

What you say you cannot do, is the only thing we actually want you to do.

We want to know what’s being developed, so we can decide whether it’s worth investing our time further in this game.

If new content is at least being planned (even without knowing how long it will take, exactly what form it will take – though a general idea would be nice, like “dungeons”, or “open world zones”, or “fractals” would at least give us a heads up as to what kind of material to expect eventually) then we can say to ourselves,

‘Hey, I don’t know when I’m going to get it – but I know they are on the same page and are working on it’

Right now, it seems like the answer to, ‘Is there going to be new content or not’, is simply ‘no’ (*unless you love Living Story and e-sports).

That IS the communication problem – you’re not communicating anything.

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I think a lot of people feel like “communication” merely means “placation” – because, in your own words, you can’t talk about anything.

So what’s the point? You come here just to tell us you can’t actually talk about anything?

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


But I think those kinds of examples from your D&D games are perfect examples of the way the dev’s need to start thinking about how they design encounters – especially in dungeons (though everywhere in the world would be good too).

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Yeah, I’m just saying they could really try harder with this stuff.

What I’ve seen so far is so basic – most robs run straight at you and start hitting – or shooting, if they’re ranged.

There’s no variety – there’s no attempt to make them do anything clever at all. They never mix it up.

That’s all that’s required to at least make it amusing. It doesn’t even have to be ridiculously challenging – just quite a bit more than what we currently have.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Living Story could delve into a new dungeon – I’m just saying it would relatively easy to dovetail the two together. Save some time on development.

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356



maby you should than not make a blogpost with things you will give us this year BUT

a blogpost with things you work on

i guess people would be happy to read things like: we work on housing but far from release, we have 3 dungeons in beta status, we had to restart work on precursor crafting and its back to alpha status ………

something like this

That would also break the company policy of what we’re allowed to discuss in regards of what is in development

Though I wonder if we went a little more broad and kept a rolling “top categorical issues” the community team communicated or owned that summarizing high level things the development team is aware of and might or might not be working on, but see’s as core fundamental issues to address, and players just had constant brainstorm threads on those topics – if it’d at least get us halfway there.

Company policy needs to change.

You cannot “communicate” when you are not allowed to communicate anything.

I can promise you that you will accomplish nothing more than making people feel like the wool is being pulled over our eyes once again.

Telling us that you can’t tell us anything is going to make things worse.

Either you can tell us you’re working on new content, or you can’t – if you can’t, then people will go right on complaining about the lack of new content.

I highly recommend that you go to your superiors (whoever “they” are – the one’s telling you what you can’t talk about) and have the take a serious look at this policy.

It will only cause more confusion.

You should at least be able to tell people what kind of content you’re working on (if any).

For example, “We’re working on the design of some new maps to be added later but have no date set for it yet” – would be better than saying nothing at all.

Many people just want to know that new content is in the pipe – that it’s coming someday.

That alone is enough to keep us going.

No word at all makes us assume the worst – which is why you get threads constantly talking about how there is no new content and everything revolves around the gemstore.

(edited by ipan.4356)

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Maybe one of the CDIs could be more of what ANet thinks is important and we sit and listen for a change? I can’t remember if this was done in the past, but personally it would help discussions in the future.

I think that’d be an interesting discussion, you’ll probably be surprised to find the “big” lists aren’t that different, it’s just that since we can’t share the projects we’re working on to solve them – it’s not clear we’re actually working on, or even aware of or worried about the issue. Worse, when people see work being done in other areas shipping rather than what seems like a core area, they assume no work is being done and no one is even aware of the other issue.

At its core, I think that’s a lot of the problem communication wise – it’s a tough nut to crack when we’re also not allowed to discuss what’s in development, but I’m sure we can find a better balance than we have currently and your suggestion at its core could be a good way to help find that balance.

Maybe the community team could keep a rolling “top over-all concerns” for core development areas of the game from the dev teams perspective? We wouldn’t be allowed to go into specifics per our rules about not discussing what’s in development, but certainly categorical summaries could help?

We hear a lot about “not allowed”.

May I ask, “not allowed” by whom? You guys are the developers. Who do you need permission from?

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Yeah, defiant and unshakeable are terribly lazy band aid design decisions. I could think of a dozen ways to improve upon that, that doesn’t require writing the code for Hal. I’ve seen better mechanics in games 10 years old.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


And, in the above example, a couple archers behind those ghosts with pushback would be perfect.

A very simple setup that works better off of environmental factors, without complex AI coding.

It’s more about encounter design.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I’ve always been intrigued by things like the Ascalonian ghosts (fighters) that have the shield block.

Why not add a little pushback (knockback – but minor) to the ability, and position them in a narrow corridor?

That way, when characters approach, the shield block works like a kind of collision mechanic (without actually having collision mechanics) – this isn’t a knockdown, or even a strong knockback – just a continuous pushback as the skill is in use, causing players to slide backwards a few steps – and then, shorten the CD on this ability to like 5 sec., and let them use it as a kind of combo – sword swing, sword swing, block – sword swing, sword swing, block. Make it last about 1-2 seconds.

Neat little things like this could go a long way to making encounters more interesting.

And then, they could also have enemies draw from a random pool of preset bases (the example above with the ghosts would be one – but the same mobs could have an entirely different tactic based upon a different set of 2-3 skills, that is randomly chosen for it before combat starts) – this way, you wouldn’t know exactly what you face until combat starts.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I’ve found that set design can often contribute to combat (if the underlying physical mechanics are there) as much if not more so, than actual AI.

Take, for example, Diablo 3. Now, a lot of negative stuff can be said about it, but let’s just look at some of the combat mechanics, and ignore everything else.

In particular, things like Zombies climbing up the side of walls and ambushing your character. Or in through windows.

Or shield bearing skele’s blocking narrow pathways.

You can give an enemy one or two abilities (like the ability to dodge, or climb walls, burrow, open and close doors, position itself near other enemies for defensive purposes).

Basic behaviors. Like, when low on health retreat and apply regen (and nearby allies have abilities that only trigger when one of their friends is low on health – for example, imagine a group of trash mobs, that when one gets low, the others have an attack that applies chill or immobilize or cripple, while the injured one applies regen – but they only use this attack when a nearby ally drops to 25% health).

I’m just throwing out the most basic ideas here – by designing the encounters around the abilities, you can actually squeeze a lot of mileage out of them.

Guild Wars 3: FF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


5x more content than GW2.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


“Rework huge portions of the game” is almost never in the agenda.

With the exception of FFXIV – the only MMO in my memory that was rebooted – I’ve never played it, so I have no idea how well that went.

Benefits of a guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Not much.

Guild Vault.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I cannot play “anything” and get Citadel skins.

To get those, I have to platy Citadel.

Wasted potential and terrible handling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Assuming you were in charge for this game, and you mentioned these problems, what would you do to address these? While these complaints of yours have justification and you are entitled to your opinion, it would have even more meaning if you write down exactly how these issues can be improved upon. Because if you are just going to mention problems without a probable solution, it would limit what the devs can work with.

The solution is to create more content.

New maps.
New dungeons.
New class.
New weapons.
New skills.
New playable race.

Maybe some new DE’s.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Far Shiverpeaks.

That would be my second choice – I really want to explore the Kodan and their culture in more depth – and of course, I’d love to face off against Jormag, and some of his stronger minions (the Sons of Svanir are total kittens).

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I love pvp to death here in GW2 and GW1, but I’ve never been interested in the e-sports aspect in GW2. I have yet to hear it in my guild chat either (large guild) or in other various chats. This makes me wonder how many other players are in this boat.

I’d be very interested to hear just how popular the e-sports aspect of gw2 actually is, what scale is it on, and what good comes of it (publicity?) considering anet is putting off quite a bit of development for it.

They want the revenue of LoL – but it’s not going to happen in this game. But they’ll keep trying.

So many whiners

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


It’s a great game engine with poor post-launch development.

GW2 is an awesome platform – now if they’d only do something fun with it!!!

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


What (major) region would you most like to see opened up in-game?

I would love to see the entire ‘Magus Falls’ region open up for play.

Maybe if we get enough support, the dev’s will have to consider developing an entire region for play.

Which region would you like?

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Need more content – and lots of it.

New maps/zones.

New dungeons.

Some other stuff too, but the above would suffice for quite a while.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Is some of the friction that’s out there right now a side effect of NCSoft wanting GW2 to go in a direction Anet doesn’t? By this I mean does Anet actually agree with us players, but can’t say anything because of the direction upper management dictates?

If that were true, they couldn’t tell you – so you’ll have to guess.

The Biconics cannot carry the GW Franchise

in Living World

Posted by: ipan.4356


This has to be the best thread I’ve ever read on these forums.

I have been playing GW2 for over a year now, and this is the first time I’ve heard of the “Biconics”.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


A repost from another thread because I think this should be seen by the devs.
Bare with me, the post is rather long and english is not my native language.

The (First World) Problem of GuildWars 2
The real problem with GW2 is that the flaws are multi-dimensional and sometimes that big, that they affect nearly every part of the game. Many of these flaws are so huge that they probably can’t be removed until ANet is willing to rework huge portions of the game to please players who have played this game a long time now, the non-casual gamers.
And I honetly don’t think this will ever happen.

Some initial information:

I’ve played this game now since release and dumbed more than 4k hours in this game. Thus, I wouldn’t describe me as casual player. All “flaws” I am going to list and analyze will only become obvious after multiple, multiple hours in-game time. If you’re new to GuildWars 2 or if you don’t want to stay “forever”, you can happily ignore my concerns, since you wont be limited by the “flaws” I’ll list.

But let’s look for the flaws:

GW2 Manifesto
No Grinding! That was one of the promises GW2 tries to achieve. But how?

  1. Currencies as reward instead of items. There is no content dedicated to farm special items. This bares the risk of dominating currencies. We have the problem with gold. Except of fractal skins, everything can be bought with gold or requires no preparations at all.
  2. RNG Drops. You can farm everywhere and nowhere because the RNG assures that you always have the same small chance of getting what you want.
  3. Diminishing Returns. This actively prevents anyone from farming anything effectively.

Casual Friendly! What it did to the game:

  1. Easy content. Anything can be completed with every profession or gear. It may take longer but it’s not impossible. This leads to the fact that there is no challenge in the game and many people get bored quickly. It also limits build diversity.
    Since there is no defensive required, everyone is compelled to maximise their DPS and there can be only one build for each class offering the most damage.
  2. Simple AI. Stacking in corners. Nuff said. If I’m recalling correctly, mobs used to walk out of AoEs as example. But this got scrapped before the game shipped.

Balanced Economy! This is how it backfires:

  1. Limiting item/currency creation. This ensures that the economy doesn’t get flooded with gold. But because of this, events grant almost no reward and dungeons also grant low reward. Entire PvE maps become redundant because there is nothing to do that grants acceptable reward.
  2. Everything can be traded. This also leads to the dominating role of gold. Everything can be bought with gold.
  3. Gems can be converted to gold. This, in combination with the dominating role of gold as currency and in combination with the low reward from in-game activities, leads to the fact that it would be more rewarding goldwise, to work in RL to buy gems, rather than to farm in-game to get what one wants.

ArenaNet as company
There are also issues related with the way ANet works as a company:

  1. Small Staff. We can see this being an issue on the basis of patchcyles and the age of the content. New content gets only developed in small bits, no huge updates since release, bugs reamin unfixed for several months.
  2. Balance. This would also apply to the small staff, but it deserves a separate bullet point. The amount of skills got reduced drastically compared to GW1, yet the balance is still a mess. Countless traits and utilities remain completely unused, there are only one or two “competitive” builds for each class and broken builds like HamBow Warrior, Decap Engie or PU Mesmer remain untouched for far too long.
  3. Wrong Ambitions. ANet tries to go it’s own way, tries to push PvP into ESports, tries to satisfy the PvE community with temporary content aka. Living Story, rather than working on popular modes like GvG or delivering permanent content for PvE. Most people would even pay for more PvE content. Not to say ANet shouldn’t be allowed to aim for those goals, but they should address the issues the game has, like old, stale content by delivering new content, rather than to stave off the community with half-baked permanent content.
  4. Missing Professionalism. I don’t want to upset anybody, I just suggest to read following thread: Biconics can’t carry GW Franchise.
  5. Unloved aspects of the game. See Dungeons. They almost never got (and probably will get) any love.

These are the reasons I think this game suffers. If you want to correct me or add something, feel free to do so.
One can see easily that fixing those flaws requires heavy investments, so I’m not very optimistic to see any substancial changes.

Spot on.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Yeah, for me it’s pretty much “new content or bust”.

Btw, I haven’t confirmed this yet, but I think the Oculus Rift is releasing in May.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Bye random person. See you in two weeks when you make another copypaste complaint thread.

This game may have problems, and it’s obviously not living up to the ridiculous hype it has generated back in the day but it’s nowhere near as bad as these “OMG THE SKY IS FALLING!” threads make it out to be.

No need for sarcastic comments. Im just painting you a realistic picture of the state and future of guild wars 2. If the living story can’t cater to more than one section of content then guild wars 2 will continue to go downhill. No big expansions, no big features or content that you wanted.

I’m not being sarcastic. You will be back in a few weeks time to complain some more.

What you wrote is a typical copypaste complaint thread that pops up on all MMO forums. It’s purpose is attract some attention, nothing more.

Disregard all the good things, exaggerate every problem, doom and gloom tone. If you are really leaving then just leave. There is no shame in getting bored of a game after two years, you don’t have to look for excuses or c/p them from some other forum clown.

Many points aren’t exaggeration, it is true. What we know is Anet is gonna to focus on living story, open world and its gem store. Everything else is gonna take the back seat. For people who love those, great news. Anet is gonna continue making them. For those that don’t, too bad. They aren’t changing even if it alienate and push away the rest of them. You can’t please everyone.

If by open world you mean entirely new maps/zones, then that’s ok by me. But if all that means is more LS, then I’m pretty much done.

As a primarily exploration and immersion based player, I live to open up new areas – this usually means new zones and dungeons.

What Happened to the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


That’s true.

Look, we agreed on something.

So many whiners

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Is FFXIV any good?

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


And that’s why the game will die.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Not sure that using mechanics, such as dodge, as designed and intended constitutes exploiting in the sense the word is generally used in gaming.

My point is that there’s always one “trick” to defeating a champ and that’s it. I’ve watched solo dungeon runs and solo champ fights – it basically comes down to a certain set of armor plus a particular build, and then dodging a lot.

Because champ design comes down to: lots and lots of health, immune to cc, and 1-shotting (or close to it).

Basically, combat design for PvE enemies is overly simplistic – instead of giving champs diverse set of skills, it’s just “let’s give them lots of health, make them immune to almost anything except straight damage, and then give them the ability to nearly 1-shot players so they have to make liberal use of the dodge mechanic in every circumstance”.

Or something like that – there may be some slight variation here and there, but the point being it’s always formulaic like that somehow.

Not interesting.

So many whiners

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


There is a difference between voicing your concerns, giving constructive criticism, suggesting an idea and simply straight up whining. And most people on this forum, the only way they know how to express themselves is by complaints only.

My thinking is these people are not very educated and have no real life social skills to begin with. Any normal person would understand that the devs are humans too, and that they WILL make mistakes, but it is up to us to let them know about it in a civilized manner, not kitten about it because it makes you feel better to talk to someone like that.

I’m glad the OP made this post, because people really need to open their eyes and see how much harm and negativity they are bringing to this environment.

Honestly, it’s people like you that escalate the so called “whining”.

If someone posts a criticism or a complaint about the game or any of it’s features – the white knights rush in to defend Anet – and this escalates into a battle of trying to get heard above the din.

If people like you and the OP didn’t feel like you had to start an argument over whether people’s concerns and desires for the game are legitimate or not every time someone makes a post, I bet there would be far fewer posts like it.

So don’t “white knight”.