how can one be naturally unlucky?
anyway, i agree with most of what you said. i was in a pug with someone who is at lvl 30 and not seen a ring yet. but she did have the t3 fractal capacitor to show for her efforts…
Theres a T3 fractal capacitor?, i made mine at level 10 lol
There’s the underwater legendary too, because we all know how awesome underwater combat is!
Some of us do like underwater combat.
Are all the old threads up to date with all the newest patches and what not? Anywho i meant useful damage wise, in a support kind of way, maining the flame thrower, while throwing down some seige here n there.
Grenades, is the only viable build? i hear ;lots of people saving they love using flamethrower, and how much fun it is……..
Can i be viable with maining the flamethrower? i understand i wont be doing 30k hundred blades kind of damage……but can i still be useful?
1. Consoles have aim support, console gamers would have an advantage against PC gamers with the automatic lock on a target.
2. This game graphically is advanced. Porting it would mean dropping its quality significantly.
You do know there are settings right? FFXI for the PC had graphic settings, that the consoles didnt, MAYBE the consoles couldnt run on ultra, BUT they could run on medium, and your 1st answer is so full of wrong lol.
- 10% increase in longbow damage
– 50% AOE damage reduction for pets
– 20% movement speed increase for pets
Need alot more then 10% lol
Just did my daily 10 and got mine…..
any news, progress reports or eta on when gw2 will be available for a console release?
hopefully never…
Theres no reason a mmo shouldnt be ported over to a console, dont need to be an elitest about it. If anything it would help save this game.
Owns everything, so if anybody needs poi’s vistas Ect Ect. now is the time to get them.
Never have this problem ……
Yea, im mostly just talkin about PvE and WvWvW, have really no interest in Structered, to small for my tastes :P
I’m currently running a 20/30/0/0/30 glass cannon build.
I’m aiming for 50% Crit Chance from the build and gear. After that I’m going to upgrade equipment for more Power & Crit Damage while aiming to keep a minimum of 50% Crit Chance.
Between Signet of Rage and For Great Justice I can keep up Fury (+20% Crit Chance) a fair amount of time during my fights.
This with your armor socketed with ruby orbs and your jewlery socketed with exquisite rubys is the best you can get, get a total of 3,900 power around 80 something crit= consistently having your HB do 20k+, not really sure where else to squeeze the power. OH also run “On My Mark” “for great justice” “strength signet” “signet of rage”, keep every one of them up as much as possible.
Power Precision toughness gear with shout heals and ruins of the soldier to remove conditions
I am very tanky, help with a bit of small spam heals with my low cd shouts, small might and fury buff, cc, condition removal, elite banner to get up the downed, and am usually doing between 10 and 14k damage in dungeons each HB (not including the silly super squishy mobs you get crazy high numbers on).
Wile I think this thread is dumb and just an attempt to flaunt the OPs kitten… I felt giving an idea of a WAR who is built to bring something more to the group rather then making said group work to keep the glass cannon alive was worth bumping it.
P.S. 10 gold says my more supportive build does more damage through out a dungeon due to being downed less~
I am not flaunting jack crap, my HB numbers are alot lower then others, if i was flaunting i could just say ya the 40k i got the other day, i get that consistently, but thats not the case, i just want to see what everybody else is running and what kind of numbers they are getting….
What is the highest consistent damage you have had with HB’s? mine is around 28k, with
zerker gear
ruby orbs
all power,prec,crit
the main damage traits for Great sword and crit adrenel damage
or how about scale the bleed stacks according to how many people are around you, people argue that so many bleeds will kill way to fast….. i think not because of the massive health on bosses……and even if it did kill alil to quick……scale the health accordingly so it still takes 5-10 minutes to down said boss, all i know is just because others are using bleeds, my damage shouldnt be penalized for it.
Read the AMA, they are talking about introducing a way to exchange the rings you dont want.
i don’t know there forums tell me something different, but back on topic, server merges need to be done asap, or anet needs to make every event scaleable from 1 person to 50.(Sorry about spelling) because as it stands, i know im not the only one who really hates playing bymyself, in a group based area.
Hmmm not really sure how ranger can be a lrn2play issue……considering you only push 8 buttons, but maybe im doing something wrong, necro has no problem soloing……warrior no problem……..mesmer no problem……..ranger just must be to hard of a class to master :P
Exploration(ive already done on my 80 warrior, i have no desire to do it again) heart quests you will still be way under leveled by the time you 100% that area, killing random mobs? sorry i want to get to 80 in under 3 months. also personal story will also only get you so far, most the PvE exp comes from events. crafting? sure if your have the money. Also soloing the events? yea sure with my warrior no problem, but im playing my ranger, that couldnt solo opening a door by himself.
If you want to get to level 80 faster, exploring combined with the events would be your best bet. Just doing the events to level is going to take a long time.
Also, comeon… ive solo’d everything on my ranger (apart from groupstuff), theyre a pretty survivable class imo.
Also, not sure if you have any tethers keeping you on your server or not, but if you don’t you could always look around for a better fit while transfers are still free.
no lol, transfering even furthering killing my current server, shouldnt be the answer:P, and soloing events that are meant for multiple people also shouldnt be the answer:).
Also soloing the events? yea sure with my warrior no problem, but im playing my ranger, that couldnt solo opening a door by himself.
Seems like a l2p ranger issue tbh.
Not to mention most servers are high-full at almost all times.
LOL developers allready said full doesnt mean the server is packed with people, that only means the amount of accounts currently on said server, even if they dont play anymore.
Exploration(ive already done on my 80 warrior, i have no desire to do it again) heart quests you will still be way under leveled by the time you 100% that area, killing random mobs? sorry i want to get to 80 in under 3 months. also personal story will also only get you so far, most the PvE exp comes from events. crafting? sure if your have the money. Also soloing the events? yea sure with my warrior no problem, but im playing my ranger, that couldnt solo opening a door by himself.
You shouldnt be doing level 20+ without ascended gear anyways.
I have an 80 yay!:), but now im trying to roll a ranger, it has taken me allmost 4 weeks to get to level 33….why you ask? because im not rich enough to buy all the ingredients to craft my way to 80, also i do not like WvW, and also because i cannot find anybody on my server (Anvil rock), to help with events, i shout in /map…..and what do i get? 2 naked necro’s come running over, and i ask them…..wheres your armor? they replied “we are trying to earn enough to make repairs”……i logged off and now im here. I have tried waiting for “prime time” yea theres alot more on……but there sure the hell not in the maps, there all in lions arch. So anet i think you have 1 of 2 options….merge the servers, and hopefully this works, and number 2, make the events soloable, so i can atleast level up bymyself, because as it stands now it isnt possible unless i want to spend the rest of my life doing it.
Crafting is the quickest at the expense of cost. The quickest way without there being a cost is by going for world map completion.
Which in my case, isnt in anyway quick because, hearts dont level you up. You will be behind massively if you do just hearts, and events are out of the question because theres nobody around to do them. So from what everybody is saying so far is rolling an alt is only for people who can afford to buy there way up using crafting, and who like WvW.
Dont know if this helps but i reran level 10 8 times before i finally got mine, and on the 9th i got my second.
K not sure what you are trying to compromise in the post. Do you just want people to know that you got a legendary. Because if you did, you should know the basic, and fastest way to level up by now.
no i said that because, i wanted people to know im done with warrior untill more content comes out(so people that say your not done with warrior do you have legendary yet?), no need to brag with legendary’s as alot of people have them now.
K got my 80 warrior twilight, i now have all ascended so far……now i want a 80 ranger……im level 33:( how do i solo these events? theres nobody friggin around, i tried asking in /map and all i got were crickets……Dont really like WvW atm because by the time i see anybody im dead already, and crafting is to expensive. How do i level up?
They already announced a scavenger hunt method, not sure what it will be, but they said they would provide an alternative to just farming for them.
Expect to have to go to many places around Tyria and start collecting things from Champion mobs.
This, THIS will be nice, and exciting, if they implement this, i will be excited.
the only one that can actually be sorta helpful is the healer role, but then even the healer would be hurting the party, because thats 1 less person taking the bosses health down. people tanking and healing are bootable offenses imo, run with a guild for this and dont waste my time.
Why is everything focused on Lion’s arch? They are treating the game as if it has a tiny community that can fill 1 town.
alot of servers are ghost towns, so yea alot of servers need LA as the main event area
Go to, and when you get to selected armor, look at “named” and thats what all of the named armor looks like, yes i know, its a shame they all didnt have there own looks.
Lastly, if u think fighting dragons is still bullkitten, okay, the main thing is you have a chance of getting rares, in which 4 rares you combined MAY get you a precursor.
Someone got a precursor from Tequatl while I was mapping Sparkfly Fen.
i’m sure they were BSing. the dragons don’t even drop exotics, much less precursors.
Wrong get your facts straight, claw of jormag does, the other 2 dont.
And if you’re pro enough, no-one will notice that you have 0 resistance.
Wrong: Jade maw applies Agony regardless. You can’t evade it. It applies it multiple times as you progress through each Phase. He was kicked at level 20 which if you have 0 Agony resist it is very doubtful you will live through Maw’s Agony hit. Even at 15 resist it packs a punch and I have to heal through it.
I have heard that Endure Pain can help get by some agony, but still….
No endure pain does not work, at level 11 my +10 resistance, makes agony hit me for 216 damage, i used EP multiple times, and i still take 216.
they are cultural armor sets you should be able to get at your capital city. It should be Cultural Tier 3 set.
It costs 120G total, so be prepared for that.
no that is the guardians armor from character creation screen.
lets hope this event isnt plagued with rendering issues, and isnt 90% bugged………
I agree TC, i will purposly hold the group up untill they come back and kill them, i dont mind skipping past the respawning enemys, but they are a must to kill, it’s either kill them, or boot me and have to restart dungeon all over again.
The end boss im taking it is what your having problems with? Yes very difficult, group MUST be on there A game when adds spawn, if not you won’t be passing it anytime soon.(to me this is what each dungeon should be like), and if this isnt the part your talking about, idk what to tell you.
i disagree TC, everytime ive fought him, he seemed the same as elemental, its honestly not hard to dodge the few red circles on the ground. Seems to me your group is doing something wrong.
How much does that AoE fire blast hit for with this kind of build?
For a greatsword build made for just getting the highest numbers as possible… is it better to run with ruby orbs? or is there a rune set thats better?
Ok was looking, for a highest dps possible build…. is rune of rage, rune of might, or ruby orbs better?
(edited by karma.8763)
What sigil is that?
Ok i see warriors doing between 25-30k hundred blades consistently, i only get those every once inawhile…..i want those numbers(yes i know some people think i shouldnt just want big numbers), but in my guild i have one role and one role only, dps,dps,dps, we have support roles for a reason.Anyways…..i have all max stats(ascended doesnt really matter anywho, only adds what? 500 more damage lol), all slotted with ruby orbs, and some exquisite, i have all greatsword traits, with the average crits adrenal saving traits yati yati yati….is there a new build available or something?
player a – “LFM FotM level 10”
player b – “LFM FotM level 2”
player c – “LFM FotM level 12”
player d – “LFM FotM level 6”
player e – “LFM FotM level 9”
All in unison – “Link exotics or be kicked”FotM is the worst implementation of dungeon tiering i’ve ever seen in any game. Nowhere else have I seen everyone looking for the same thing but none of them grouping for it.
Ive been playing fractals since it started…… have my 2 rings and my backpack…..and ive yet to come across “Link exotics or be kicked”………..quit trying to make it sound worse then it is. im at level 26, and have yet to see or hear anybody ask ANYTHING about somebody’s gear.
Because it’s from the Fractals.
The developers stated that the Exotics from the Fractals are there so that you can use them for the stats or for the skin. Not for selling.
Not all exotics are account bound, only the karma gear and the weapons named…..longbow,dagger,sword Ect. Ect.
Since the new loot is influenced by magic find, those who have magic find gear will be the ones benefiting most while actually doing less. This is a huge problem, but easily fixed. Right now MF is a selfish stat, but it can be changed into benefiting the whole group.
Diablo 3 also has magic find and therefore the same problem. What they did (and since removed, don’t know why) was sharing the magic find. So, in a group of 5 if one person has +100% MF and the rest have 0, it would be balanced and everyone would have +20% instead.
I think this would be an interesting fix. This way MF could be valued instead of shunned and groups would actually look for someone with high MF in order to bring that small MF boost to the whole party.
Then if one person had 100% therefore everybody gets only 25%……..i would require everybody to be running MF gear, so we all get more…….that would not solve the problem.
Well i dont have those gems yet, and it wont let you just put in a number of gems to see how much they would be worth.
say i had about 2000 gems, how much gold are they worth on conversion?
3-4 gold fracta;l dungeons, exotics drop like candy in there.