Showing Posts For meltdown.5870:

Siege Troll Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


how about not changing anything .. cause its not that big a problem….happends here and there ..but no big deal ..

Conditions and stealth, it's ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Play ranger with full zerker gear buffs food con cleaner….everything….
and you will experience GREAT duels and fights against overpowered chars..allmost all chars actually…but specially mesmers and thieves …you will fight hard and long time time ….
………………….between 1 to 5 seconds…………..and stealth finisher …….yeyyyyyyyy

so saying condi ruins the game ….nooooooo no no no no…you just dont do any duels.
and avoid anything that comes in sight.. my favorit attack/defense buttom is alt/4..

one lesson learned here is dont make zerker ranger or any other ranger chars for that sake and dont waste time creating zerkergear …

WvW Lag March 2015

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Had to give up playing last night again again again …wtf.

Tryed to ajust everything to the lowest possible graphics setup.. and my internetcon is 20 down 10 up there.

Commander coming back to game

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Narsissus aint dead yet..jezz

Mesmer solo a keep at WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


and a gamemaster can take it down in a splitsecond…its all about mathematics…
This just tells me that lords and guards needs to be upgraded in acccordance to the owerpowered mesmer builds and others for that matter

new Devona's Rest Diamond WvW + pvp dragon

in Looking for...

Posted by: meltdown.5870


ohhh and look how it can be uptained too…in the thread legitimate cheating in WvWvv

new Devona's Rest Diamond WvW + pvp dragon

in Looking for...

Posted by: meltdown.5870


and next thread will be about rank 10000

Roaming, ~ beating a dead horse

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Surprised and impressed to see so many intelligent comments on this thread.

For what it’s worth, OP, there are still folks out there who think like you do. I’m one of those types who likes to run across some random, /bow, and go mano a mano until both of us have cycled our elites 3 times with no win and finally /salute and agree to go our separate ways. It’s a good change from the sometimes kittenty scrapping you get in the gank wars.

I play some of my toons in a dedicated havocing guild and again FWIW, we often leave solo roamers alone, esp when the GM is leading. It’s not what we’re there for.

Having said all that, solo roamers know what to expect from a community of gamers.

annnnnnn ofc you use your thiefchar for this …try doing it with your ranger…huh.. maybe THAT would be a challenge… piece of cake running around in full PvP setup with a mesmer or a thief with food and buffs and everything .. and delute yourself that you are a great player…

[Q] will there be a WvW Tournament soon?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


i hope so …….with alotta gold and legendary stuff

Roaming is fun

in Community Creations

Posted by: meltdown.5870


no he needs a gf ..thats why

Conditions and stealth, it's ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Nobody uses cleansing gear in WvW…thats way theese kittens no good PvP build players are succesfull in WvW.

they shouldnt even be allowed to have stealth and the condition dmg should be reduced 50 % then WvW will be used and played as its supposed too,,,

Roaming is fun

in Community Creations

Posted by: meltdown.5870


you call that roaming …loooooolllllllll….
just a kitten due to the imbalance of the game …
anyone can do that with a mesmer…ANYONE..even in green gear…pfffft

Congrats Jade Quarry 3 years as top 3 server.

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Matchfixing for the win…pfft

We need PPK back

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


PPK..or KKP::PKK…KKK or just PKP

[Suggestions] Remove Edge of the Mists

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


or remove GW2 ..all problems solved in a sec.

Roaming, ~ beating a dead horse

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Roamers= run run run stealth stealth stealth run run run..find a 100% ceartain kill do that in 1 run run ..stealth stealth stealth ..find a easy kill ( due to anets imbalance between chars)..insta kill…run run run stealth stealth stealth ..annnnnn stealth finisher ….and run run ..and alt4……………..therefore…….

Roamers should be killed… ganked..camped..laugh about …cry over…and throw a ram on top of them. KOS….before they run …sorry kittens

Roaming, ~ beating a dead horse

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Roamers should be killed… ganked..camped..laugh about …cry over…and throw a ram on top of them

Nice to see you flaming both in and out of WvW

REXXXXXX my favorit Ranger….lol…im still at RoS …i spent all my gold to transfer there to excecute the hacktides lol…im grinding a lot to get back to my home sweet home… to do some Roaming.

upgrades camps

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


It takes a ranger less than 2 min to take down a fully upgraded camp with frogs ^^

Roaming, ~ beating a dead horse

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Roamers should be killed… ganked..camped..laugh about …cry over…and throw a ram on top of them

[Sugguestion] Remove Downed State From WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


at the moment downed is bs….cause you cant use it at all against mesmers thieves …so Why have the downed skills at all…they can just finish you in stealth ..its LAME

A Call for Roamers

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


and btw ,,,dont forget kids are roaming too …let them have a little fun too… chase them a little and made their day. Mom will be proud of them and give them a kiss and a hug.

A Call for Roamers

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


lol roaming…i saw roaming yesterday …condi mesmers 100% stealth..hitting here and there..mostly on lowbies..
WvW is not for roamers anymore cause nobody wants to fight roamers..running running running,,stealth stealth stealth…..zzz.zzz.zzz.. waste of time .
Who wants to fight that ..aannnnnnd stealth fisnisher tooo..pfff …hope for changes so we can have some fair and fun roamer battles….

WvW or MvM?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870



So we are really okay with confusion?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Mesmers 100% stealth 100%dmg 100% speed 100% bullkitten

Are we having fun yet?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


played RoS and UW …never seen a que..dont even know how it looks….

maybe a screenshot just in case i should have missed it

So we are really okay with confusion?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


its no problem realy …everybody dusted off their mesmers char ..and now its

called ……………………………………………….MvM ………………………………………………………

Always outnumbered

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


saw a beautiful exsample of that today. Two opponants side bye side hand in hand …beating the kitten out of us….

Always outnumbered

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


its easy to tier up a server …just place 2 hardcore guilds in two different servers in the same matchup and pick on the 3 server ….easy 2v1……transfer the troling guild to the next matchup the week after and soforth ….

Advice on Trebs behind gates/Remove?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


That being said we’ll stick to breaking walls in these situation

so why this thread when u allready found a solution to the treb issue zzz

[Oni] Discovers Survival Mode

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


just like you einstein

[Oni] Discovers Survival Mode

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


zzz zzz zzz zzz zzz

AC Exploit

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


maybe this thread is finally dead R.I.P

[Oni] Discovers Survival Mode

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


zzz zzz zzz zzz zzz

anet remove food in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


zzz food discussion again zzzzz

Dueling, really?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Lots of people in this thread who sound like they’re still bitter over getting killed by better players and are now digging for excuses to avoid a fair fight. Tichai, especially. XD

BS…they come inWvW in full PvP setup to show off against Zerk/blob..setups…Isay kill them eradicate them when ever you can

Dueling, really?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


i hate that whisper …dont kill him its my friend….WTF…friends ..go on skype or something

Always outnumbered

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


this weekend was bad due to the beta crab

When is it right to interrupt a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


to be honest im tired of those duelling happenings …

kill them all and jump on them

Too many mesmers?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


and there are no skilled PvP players in WvW..they simply gets bored of those 1 click kills…

Too many mesmers?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


i solo a lot myself ..camps /towers/ogras/frogs mm wich all contribute to the effort of winning the machups …but roamganking no

Too many mesmers?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870



i wrote “roamers ganking are just no good,”

Anet loves you BT/UW folks :)

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


I wrote this 1 moth ago… and hacktide deserved everything that they had comming

“Hacktide” has only one future in WvW…and thats humiliation and extermination….bye bye hacktide…too bad Anet still keeps you going ..

Tired of Playing Hide & Seek with Mesmers

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


WvW is all about speed much speed and its like EoTM. too little it dies..

mesmerhunting slows the speed…and mesmers summoning for fast retake is putting more speed into the game…

this is a contribution to balancing the capping speed and forces peoble to stop to search and to defend what they capped.. cause if they dont …they loose the capping points in 3 min or less. and dont forget WvW is about keeping your server ahead on points ^^^**

Too many mesmers?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


ohh and all this BS about lootbags..pffft have you ever tryed to sit on a morter while a fight is on you get 20-30 crappy lootbags in 5 min

Too many mesmers?

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


So many heros on this tread….roamers ganking are just no good, no skilled players who are scared of PvP or suck at PvP …so they come to WvW with an UBER class in full PvP setup with food and everything and 3 looser friends and gank peoble in Zerk/BloB gear. well done you are heros….Roamers are just a bump on the road and they do very little for their server to actually win the machups. So down to it im happy that most peoble comes to WvW to win the machups…imagine all were just roaming zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

using free accounts to solve WvW balance.

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Spies have allways been in WvW….double accounts…. nothing new about that …

it sux but anet cant do anything about that ….

Spies have a very little to none impact on populated servers.

Stealth Finishing

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


nothing is fair in WvW …thats why its so fun

Stealth Finishing

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


roll thief or mesmer…and you will post .."its fair they can do this "

Restrict free accounts in WvW to EOTM only

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


i love this …..more peoble in WvW….hopefully some of them will get hooked and continue playing WvW

WvW isn't PvE

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


imo …WvW shouldnt be changed in any way…i love the place …..and all the possibilities it offers…….

Only hackers and exploitation issues ..should be taken care of INSTANTLY
…keep your fingers off everything else,,,,,,,,