decay means people get their fat kitten going and have more fights and more activity
just jump a treb or repair a wall and you will be allright
repair a lot of walls
yesss time to get underworld back from slavery
took me 4.5 years to reach rank 2700.. 1000 days played prox
my guess it will take 3 years with 2-3 hours of wvw to reach rank 2000
1001 days that is
im rank 2700..and I played wvw only for 4.5 years 1300 hours prox
im number 165 in line for eb
Amazing to try to defend SM ..watching players walking through inner and outher walls like if the walls was not even there taking down defensive siege .and trying to kill them is easy NOT..when low they just go through a wall and reset healthbar ..
Id like to be able to do that it something you can buy for extra supernatural powers..
also i love to watch those players who doesnt get a scratch ..even if 20 people are on them ..must be very skilled people..
so please tell me how i can be as good as them..they are so fantastic..
we took some videos pr phone ..Anet doesnt accept complains without name of theese fantastic skilled players
yes and that would speed up the game
imo NPC should be removed from camps ..maybe peoble will actually try to defend them and we could have some fighting going on….
no it should NOT be harder at alll….if you want more PVD …go find an instance
im mostly on EB …havent seen any bugs at all…maybe u guys are just lucky ^^ or stoned lol
this game cannot and will not ever be a balanced game …..and it shall not be balanced this is the challenge——playing and unballanced game
but but but …when the unballlance becomes STUPID with stupid buffs and OP chars …then its time to rethink the unballance.
Work harder ANET cause things are getting more and more stupid theese days
hmmm…my point was ..that very few peoble can tag up on 2 different servers and for for 2v1…all depends how much gamingtime they are doing and how well they play…..ex…2 friends tag up at the same time on two servers…1 is taking the zerg far away for a pretend to attack mission…while the other one goes for sm or what ewa…this happends everyday 1 tag up take the zerg away …and his friend comes in and overtake the sm…happend now 4 times this week…….and screaming and shouting about this “genious” scam…wont help ..most players just follow the tag. its trolling of the worst kind ,,,and nothing to do its a 2vs1 game in like 50% of the time depending how many they are and how much they want to acchieve …
i hope that DBL will NEVER come back was horrible…jezz
in desolation i have no problems with lags even if theres 100+ peeps fighting …just saying
i often use a treb to remove all the siege …just a hint
seriously…siege in towers..are basically useless if you know how to take them down.
and just go for the walls if the gate is crowded with siege
All this stealth dosn` t belong in WvW….. soon the entire map will be stealthed.
and please dont bring thieves in WvW they are basically useless ..except for hacking
Sad to hear this is going on in NA too..but nothing to do about it.
Im just happy winners dont get a bonus for scamming the ranks…
Then again maybe Anet will apply that too..pfft
He must be trolling or new ..cause when Anet introduced the new maps ..nobody i mean NOBODY was playing at all…i ran for days and days alone in DBL…i only experienced 1 fight in DBL in 6 month against 10 peeps …..jezzz
Now theres alotta fighting going on and its so much fun to defend bay…
Is not something new . its evil and unfair, specially to dedicated and loyal players and to all the kids.
its unfortunale possible to have double accounts and make alliances accross the servers…some few elements are enough to win the week or be the number 1 server.
Its realy sad cause u have the feeling to fight and to win …but its all settled by a few lowlife persons who found a way to win every week no matter what. Its sad and i dont think anything can be done about this any game there will be exploiders and cheaters.
Its a tough job for moderators and gamecreators.. but sad it is …to see my server wins week after week …and i dont even have to move ..number 1 in eu every week ..yey,,,and trust me they cry when i command ..but only a few those chosen few are crying pfft… thing is ,,,i dont play to win ..cause if i cant win in an honest way ,,,then its worthless to me ,,,… this tread ..for you who think this ranking has fair play..its an illution..
goood hunting and have fun . play for fun not for winning cause its all settled allready..
Imagine WW2…
You are an American fighting Germany
BOOM………suddenly USA is gone………….and so is Germany
much there are real clashes and fights..instead of starring parties where ranged just aoe the middle between the 2 zerks
no way never bring that crab back
yes old borders back
Find it lame to run from top to bottom for 10-15 min to flip a camp..and get ganked when you finally reach it zzz
waste of my gamingtime
1. just turn clock back 6 months…and all will be fine…
Ts= bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
mostly for peoble who like to hear themself talk
and to be honest WvW isn`t rocketscience. No need for ts at all.
no way …commandertag should be 1000 G
Join Underworld …
if you love to bang empty doors and farm empty towers.
cause thats basically what we do there… good xp ^^
i mean seriously ..WvW is dead ..for sure …so if all just go eotm …we can have great fights
screw borders and eb …
Eb @Borders are dead anyhow
vaya condios ………………………………………………..
i want miss wet Tshirt contests in sm every happy hour
Well death has come to all tiers now…basically this has been life on lower tiers for years.
Only changes are now it takes 45 min to solo a fortifyed tower.
Good thing is catas are cheap on trade,,,cause no one uses them anymore.
and im happy we still have EB otherwise i was finished playing GW2..for sure
1 ….make all chars entering WvW siegerazor strengh x100..
2 ….speedbuff all x50
3….. automate everything
4 …. full auto loot
5 …free beers
sit back relax and enjoy the show…..
i fully agree the new map has nothing to do with WvW. Its just another EOTM. When they change the rewards …blobs will be all over the place running headlessly around like turkeys without heads..and if they dont change the rewards ..desertborders will be empty.
…….my days in WvW….has come to an end with this setup…too bad ..had a lotta fun in there
Soon Eternal battleground will be gone too im sure.
Ill go EOTM atleast theres still a chance for at fight. But bloobing is way too boring in the long run. But EOTM is actually smaller than desert borders. Less running for capping and faster cause everything in WvW is fortified 24/7..
well all said ..
vaya condios WvW R.I:P
Great we have now a new EOTM……
BUT wtff..did they keep the golems…lol..takes 4 hours to complete new borders in a golem ahahhahahahaha
This is great …
im tired to see 2 nabs clearing an entire map during nighttime …using guild catas…and i hope roaming is receiving even more nerfing …stronger guards /lords please….camps even ..should take 5 peoble at least to flip a camp.
No more solo roaming thankyou !!!!!!!!
first time i ever entered the old borderlands …i was thinking so much running around like an id.ot….
to day i spent 10 min on the new map ..and i was kitten this going EB…lol
seems to me gametime spend running just gone up 25 %…
There will never be a fix ..and im not sure it needs a fix…
BUT—right now we are ticking 450…and fow nightcrew came in and they will clear all maps in 1 hour or so ..and they will tick 600 for like the next 10 hours …lol….happends every night.
its kinda strange that GW2 developers ..dont spend a few moments to see how this can be done,,other game developers solved theese issues 10 years ago
Stealth is crab and should be removed completely…
problem is .. ..EU servers are mixed with USA servers and others …
and its kinda destructive …in many described ways …but beeing from USA or Canada on an EU server and virsa versa.. is crab
…all u can do is run around like a zombie and bang empty doors….
this is fantastic……….now all anet has to do is to stealth SM..towers and castles …and we will spent all our gamingtime looking for the gates……..
when we are at it ………………why not wrap the whole map in stealth ….