Showing Posts For philheat.3956:

3 Stacks burning cap

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


With more than 3 burning stacks you have spike damage, not condi damage. This breaks the intial design for conditions. Not other condis in the game can reach the burning damage with only 3+ stacks (luckily)

With 3 burning stacks a condi build can deal more than 850 damage, is more than the old value (with the old unique stack) with 1000 condi damage.

If you want to do more damage in 1-2 sec with a single spell, use a power build, not burning build.

First 2 sentences, false assumption. They’ve never stated the design of conditions isn’t supposed to be bursty. In fact, ability to apply conditions from multiple sources to eventually get to high dps means they want conditions to be bursty if speced for it.

Yes, it deals more damage. That was the actual point of the changes they made and enforces my point above ^.

The last sentence is the kind of bias towards condition builds people who play conditions builds hate, while also being outright false in that no condition build can use 1 skill to do comparable damage to a power build in the first 1-2 seconds. Multiple skills are needed for high stacks of conditions in the overwhelming majority of scenarios.

We are talking about burning.

No other condis can deal the same burning damage with few stacks.

It’s not a damage over time, you receive a really high spike damage for few sec.. And after the burning application is all passive damage. And with some build the burning application is constant during the fight

Ofc multiple condis on u deal high damage, but we are talking about only 1 condi Who doesn’t scale well with stacks and damage in relation to other condis.

It’s a problem and needs a solution.

Op suggestion is good if you want an easy fix or you need to correct many burning stacks application of some builds or change the burning value.

(edited by philheat.3956)

3 Stacks burning cap

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Same value, burning can stack but at least we have a cap in pvp.

Considering 3 stacks with a condi build (and celestial with high might) is always a really good damage (850+).

In this way you shave ele dd cele damage and some other condi builds who can stack a ridiculous burning quantity in a short time.

You can modify the burning duration in relation to this tweak



Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Imagine all this new players joining gw2… and the game tells them: go find a team or don’t pvp at all… Great idea~ because you know, new players have such easy times finding a team /sarcasm off

When Josh said this we had a different spvp infrastructure.

Now Unranked replaced hotjoin like first step for new players and it’s a good thing and people will be incentivated to make teams because team leaderboard and rewards for team + direct access to major tournaments.

So I don’t really see reasons to limitate the solo experience with the risk of premades will be everywhere and will able to easy stomp soloers.

I really think with pvp leaderboard a solo queue is necessary to avoid a lot of complaints and to create a better pvp environment.

The majority of people don’t have time to handle a team and who will have time to handle a team will receive good rewards for his effort.

I don’t see problems with this.

Except you won’t get good rewards because unless you are top 10 you will get farmed by top esl teams and their alts accnts and whoever they are carrying for money 24/7

Speaking about EU, top teams are 3-4: Orng , TCG, 55hp and a random team created by other veteran players who sometimes play with one of these 3 teams.

Basically Top 5 – 10 is really open for veteran players who can make a 5 men team.

And so on

Ofc there is a big gap between top5 and the other teams but with a no super restricted rewards list many other decent/good team can do well in a Team leaderboard.

And with more teams, competition can grow.

Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


When Josh said this we had a different spvp infrastructure.

Now Unranked replaced hotjoin like first step for new players and it’s a good thing and people will be incentivated to make teams because team leaderboard and rewards for team + direct access to major tournaments.

So I don’t really see reasons to limitate the solo experience with the risk of premades will be everywhere and will able to easy stomp soloers.

I really think with pvp leaderboard a solo queue is necessary to avoid a lot of complaints and to create a better pvp environment.

The majority of people don’t have time to handle a team and who will have time to handle a team will receive good rewards for his effort.

I don’t see problems with this.

How to get Legendary armor outside of raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: philheat.3956


Honestly, Legendary stuff, and I repeat, LEGENDARY should be exclusively linked to challenging content and not tradeable.

So spvp and pve challenging content (Fractal and raids are perfect).

I support 100% anet design. For me weapons also should follow the same way and i’m very happy with new precursors (for new weapons) won’t be tradeable.

You need effort to get legendary stuff. And when i say effort i say skill effort, not grinding/time consuming effort.

Only in this way you have a true meaning of “legendary”

Is it an elitist vision? Dunno, but for me legedary means this.

Staff should compete with shortbow?

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Shortbow’s shadow step is still king.

For now yes, and it’s a little sad to be always stuck on weapon set for a single skill :\

Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: philheat.3956


Thanks for trying to make warhorns sound like they’re supposed to finally.

Unfortunately it wasn’t well executed and sounds comical. lol

It shouldn’t be difficult. Here are some examples I searched up on youtube real quick.

See, what you want is a majestic echoing sound that seems to carry for miles. It doesn’t actually have to be heard for farther away than normal sound effects, but that’s the effect you should have.

Also, it would be cool if commanders using a warhorn skill would sound around the whole map.

Really liked this collection

I agree, the actual sound is terrible.

[PvP]Davedevil. Behold the new meta

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Getting a full dodge (50 endurance) on steal is one thing I think a lot of people are overlooking the power of. It’s on a minor, too.

It’s strong for sure.

Another reason because you need trickery line 100%

[PvP]Davedevil. Behold the new meta

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


I have a similar feeling.

Staff should compete with shortbow?

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Looking Vault (staff skill five) I think if it worked on vertical axes like e teleport leap, it could be really interesting like mobility skill. It has a GTAoE and honestly it would be amazing, visually speaking, acrobatic moves on vertical axis.

Karl said it will cost 5 ini cuz there is no evade (atm is 6) i think to promote a better gameplay then just spam 5 it could be a bit reworked with lower damage and lower Casting time+ teleport/leap in vertical axes and maybe buff in damage some other skills.

Actually there is no way for staff to compete with other melee set, probably an alternative (who works in different ways but always have a mobility skill) to shortbow would sound really more interesting.

My 2 cents ofc.

(edited by philheat.3956)

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


i really really really really hope they will separate soloq and teamq or leagues will be huge fail due to
- premades vs pugs
- carries for gold
- uneven matchmaking
- faaaarmingggg
- soloq players (which are majority) having 0 chance to get any high tier rewards regardless skills -> no motvation to pvp -> people quiting

Yep, absolutely.

PvP Leagues will be a big shiny card for new players and new players = don’t have a team, so the option to be chain stomped by premades team will cause a fast quit and a huge rage for sure.

23 October is the date when the toxicity level will grow.

This is for sure. Simply fact, more competition = more rage/complains = more toxicity.

So for 23 October pvp needs to be really solid or lol jesus, this forum will explode for sure.

Escapist’s Absolution

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


This will be the best condi removal for thief, hands down, and absolutely mandatory.

Like many others, I’m not really sure if master trait is a good position for it.

[PvP]Davedevil. Behold the new meta

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


I was thinking at the same build.

but the fact you can’t dodge in SR is a problem.

btw is a general issue dodging in SR with DD.

True, but we can’t have everything right?

Yeah, probably.

I was thinking about the old s/d (with the old feline grace) dodge of course was a super great defense but EVERY s/d thief used SR.

Shadow Refuge is always a super strong skill to reset fight, to disengage etc, and thief s/d didn’t have so many dodges to survive in 1vs1 or teamfight without SR.

The fact you can’t dodge in SR (or it’s really complicated) + a lot of counter stealth skills inc. is a big vulnerability window in DD.

This will be a general issue for every DD build.

(edited by philheat.3956)

Channeled Vigor

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


The fact you can move doesn’t change the fact is bad for thief.

No one will use it in this state.

Need a rework.

[PvP]Davedevil. Behold the new meta

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


I was thinking at the same build.

but the fact you can’t dodge in SR is a problem.

btw is a general issue dodging in SR with DD.

Channeled Vigor

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Honestly it’s a bad heal.

There is no space for a channing heal for thief (in pvp), it makes sense on profession with stability/aegis but this is only an invitation “c’mon guys, interrupt me, is so easy”

Only in PVE could work.

Thief POI

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


So you can’t use Shadow refuge with DareDevil spec. because you can’t dodge in the SR? (and if you can, you land damage so u got reveal)

Take dash if you want to dodge around your SR, as dash does no damage effects.

Might also be an intended balancing effect.

You go out from SR with Dash, too much distance traveled

You can swap weapons. Same as with Withdraw in SR.

But you can’t do multiple dodges

Just one.

And you need to have weapon swap available

Thief POI

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


So you can’t use Shadow refuge with DareDevil spec. because you can’t dodge in the SR? (and if you can, you land damage so u got reveal)

Take dash if you want to dodge around your SR, as dash does no damage effects.

Might also be an intended balancing effect.

You go out from SR with Dash, too much distance traveled

Thief POI

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


So you can’t use Shadow refuge with DareDevil spec. because you can’t dodge in the SR? (and if you can, you land damage so u got reveal)


in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Nothing new from stream, besides the fact damage on dodge (power or condi) is probably too strong.

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Be optimistic guys!

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Official HoT Release date

K We believe in you, you have 2 months to do this stuff:

- queue outside hotm
- rework hotm
- solve soloer vs premade issue
- frequently balance patch

C’mon boys!

(edited by philheat.3956)

4 ele and 1 thief win ESL

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Here’s the party composition for those that need the info :


Ddos op

Staff should compete with shortbow?

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


If the skills are totally different, yet still end up doing the same thing, its not really different. ie, if Staff #5 has a leap distance that is proportional to the initiative use when compared to SB#5.

Every thief uses SB because it has superior AoE and mobility. I personally cannot see the point in having those two things together on a different weapon.

Staff is designed to have AoE but in a different way than shortbow. It’s melee aoe damage, not ranged, and with different effects.

Main issue is mobility, infilitrator’s arrow is too far superior to a simple leap, and it’s the main reason cuz thief uses sb (in pvp).

Without giving a true alternative to infiltrator’s arrow, thief will always use shortbow in one weapon set.

(edited by philheat.3956)

Staff should compete with shortbow?

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Why would you want two weapon sets that serve the same role and do the same thing?

I said this

1) staff in competion with the actual melee set will have hard life.
2) every thief uses shortbow.

So i think a different (not same) way to guarantee high mobility to thief in a different set + different stuff from shortbow would be better.

For example I see potential in staff leap 5 but not enough to be an alternative to infiltrator’s arrow

(edited by philheat.3956)

Staff should compete with shortbow?

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Speaking about thief (dare devil ) design, i think staff would be more interesting if it could compete with shortbow, for great mobility weapon and aoe damage.

Honestly thief has already good melee weapons and dd synergizes really well with sword ,dagger and pistol mh (at least on paper) and it would be really a little tryhard to compete with these set.

Everyone uses shortbow, it’s really good, and i think a really interesting way it would be changing staff to compete, in different ways, with this weapon, at least for mobility. It’s not really a good design, seeing a profession always stuck on the same weapon set.

It’s only an idea, probably today we’ll receive more details, but i think it would open an amazing build diversity on thief

(edited by philheat.3956)

Daredevil counterplay?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


It’s a bit too early to complain.

It’s all in beta, every other specs are in beta, there will be a bwe2 and probably a bwe3.

Numbers and other stuff will change.

The old s/D was pretty cancerous, noone wants a a full evade immortal beast, we need to wait and test stuff, not only for dd but for other profs too.

SPVP free for all?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


And this will be another bad reason they will claim for why they do not need to let us queue out of HotM again. “Look at how many people are there now!!!1”

Don’t think new people will be really happy to be stuck in the hotm during the queue.

Honestly is a terrible first impact, you are a new player, you want to discover things….and simply you can’t, stay in the mist for X minutes doing nothing.

It’s very limited.

“what a boring pvp, just /leave”

Anet removed practice button (and i think is a good idea) so unranked will be the first step to understand and play a conquest/stronghold match for new players.

And the queue time in the old hotm is really a bad card.

4 ele and 1 thief win ESL

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Yeah I agree, 4 eles is not enough, they lack of stealth for an unstoppable 5 eles comp.

Pls buff it.

SPVP free for all?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


I wanted to underline the spvp side but the entire core game will be free, not only spvp.

SPVP free for all?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


I think for example that reporting system should be improved with a similar step.

SPVP free for all?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Yeah, in general I think it’s a nice boost but probably some limitations are required on free accounts.

SPVP free for all?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


SPVP free for all?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


There is a big spoiler from IGN on reddit about one of the new anet announcements for saturday, basically Core Game Free for all.

Ofc it’s not confirmed and tweet was deleted, i’m pretty curious about how they will handle spvp daily and other limitations with free account.

Thoughts about?

Boundless dodge too strong?

in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


I think we need to wait for the final numbers.

Btw Lotus Training can deal really good condi damage for condi builds.

Basically there is a power and condition alternative.

Discuss Daredevils

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


I’ve the feeling staff will be underpowered in relation to other thief melee (or ranged) weapons.


in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


The fact thief will receive a leap on dodge it’s a really good buff for build like s/p, p/p and I think d/p too will receive some beneficial from a better initiative cost management with spec line.

I’ve some doubt about s/d and d/d but most of all for staff itself, it seems really underpowered weapon in relation to other thief melee weapons.

new stats on scoreboard?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


The rest of this feature is now being turned on.

It’s good but there is no really much time at the end of the game to see every stats and analyze it.

So i hope you can in future add a match history and maybe some general comparison between teams (damage team red, decap team red, healing team red, ress team red, downed, stomp ecc.)

16 Unseen PvP Maps.

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Conquest has 4 competitive maps and 2 casual maps

Tdm only 1 bad map.

Good options would be new conquest competitive map or a (finally) good tdm map.

Imho a good tdm map is better.


in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Don’t forget it’s a data mined, probably something has changed and in every case We will have a beta test for this.

This is not the final version.

Honestly it appears really weird they added 2 different combo finishers to staff and 0 field.

16 Unseen PvP Maps.

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Yeah, simplicity is the Key.

There is a reason because people like forest beach for 1vs1 and 2vs2: large space, spawn points close, some little los elements and some place where teleports dont work.

Really simple and work really well

Heart of the Mists

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


HotM revamp + queue out of hotm is one of the three main requested changes.

16 Unseen PvP Maps.

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


I think many maps have good tdm potential. The current issue with courtyard is the map is little and circular and there are too many Walls.

Some los element is good and necessary, same with kiting paths, but simply courtyard has too many los elements and kiting paths are bad.

I think with the guild hall and great chance to customize arenas, people will come to an ideal standard for a tdm map, and probably it could be exported to spvp.


in Thief

Posted by: philheat.3956


Staff = bad
Healing = bad
Utility = cool
Elite = super cool

new stats on scoreboard?

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Woops. Stand by.

Finally new stats recap?

Thief specialization traits

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


if you have Dash u cant dodge in SR since it will make you travel forward 360 units granting you reveal…

This is a good point but you can get the extra dodge with the minor trait, the new dodge option is an adept trait.

Thief specialization traits

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


About SR I’m not really sure it will be always an obligated choice.

With HoT there will be A LOT of stealth counters, so i think it could be alternatives.

Thief specialization traits

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Yeah but it’s a dash with a traveled distance, i think it will be easier to interact with it instead of usual dodge (like withdraw for example).

dunno, we’ll see. in general i think other weapons set will be viable with this spec line, not only staff.

(edited by philheat.3956)

Thief specialization traits

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


It also really depends if there will be a skill to replace Shortbow #5 or you are locked to staff/shortbow, speaking about tornament builds.

BTW they are datamined, probably there will be some change, we need to wait for friday.

(edited by philheat.3956)

Thief specialization traits

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


It sounds like an acrobatic 2.0 with steroids.