Showing Posts For raseloc.6932:

Dye Preview

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


you can go to the TP and preview the dyes there.
but some kind of Dye Room that let you see all possible dyes and preview them would be nice

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Achievement Skin Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


totally agree.
we have the ability to keep the Zenith and Radiant/Hellfire. why not our Reward Skins? I hate having to choose which character gets the one and only event reward skin… doesn’t feel much like a Reward that way.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Recolour Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


at least let us color the Ascended and Legendary weapons

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Sort out rewards for races other than humans

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I agree there needs to be more race specific gear. I posted my ideas here:

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Ability to Merge 2 Guilds

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I like this idea +1

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

T3 Armor with particle effects

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


more customization on armor is always good +1

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Ranger pet names should be remembered.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


a minor inconvenience, but one that needs fixing!

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Have mercy on us and unbind ascended mats.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Kicking from guild shouldn't be so easy

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


yes. ive done this a few times. it is way to easy to kick from guild

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Make ascended items tradable

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


agree. unbind ascended materials

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Please bring back weapon dyeing.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I agree. we need weapon dyes

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

New Playable Race Suggestions: Guild Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


Stone Dwarves
they already exist in the lore, and it would be easy to bring them in and introduce the next elder dragon to fight (Primordus)

could go something like this:

’The earth shook and a great fissure opened up belching fire and stone! And behold! Out of the fire emerged the Stone Dwarves! “Primordus has grown in power and we can no longer hold his minions in check, we need your help defeating him” Said the Dwarf Lord. ’

boom now onto more maps, gear, achievements, and all thing awesome!



Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Need help picking a good solo class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I have leveled every class, and I will say my favorite is the Guardian with Vitality/Toughness/Healing Power for solo play. also the ranger is a good choice.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Trading Post Armor Type Filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


+1 to adding armor types to the TP

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Event Participation for Support

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


Now correct me if I’m wrong, but you get event participation based on the damage you deal while the event is happening. So just helping other players will not get you any participation.

If you have a support build, lets say a Water Attuned Ele, and all you did was run around on a world boss event and cast healing spells and revived downed players, not casting a single hit on the boss, you would not get any participation experience when the boss is defeated.
Or even more extreme is all you did was revive fallen players.

There should be event participation for those who keep everyone else alive. Why does everyone have to deal damage to be counted?

Maybe count a part of the revived players damage output after revival towards the person who revived them.
Or make the number of HP revived count towards participation score.
Other ideas?

This would count for buffs as well.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Unbind Ascended Materials

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


Crafting materials including Bloodstone Dust, Empyreal Fragments, and Dragonite Ore should not be Account Bound. Or any kind of bound for that matter.

I know many people who don’t craft and are sitting on piles of these items. They don’t want to throw them away incase they become useful at some point, but they are taking up a lot of bank space and are basically worthless to them. It would be nice if they could be sold/traded/given away to players who actually want to use them.

  • also increase item stacks to more than 250

Now Bloodstone Bricks, Empyreal Stars, and Dragonite Ingots can be Account Bound. But not the components used to make them.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


Definitely no flying mounts unless they have special maps for them.
PvE only.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


i think i hit most topics. if i missed anything just yell

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


So GW2 has been out for over a year and there are a lot of suggestions to improve the game. A lot of the posts here on the Suggestion forum is the same things. So I am going to compile a list of the most asked for changes that I have seen.

More Customization
This is an RPG that means players want to role play their characters. As it stands right now there are limited options for character appearances. The more personalization you have with your character the more you will enjoy playing them.


  • More body types- example: a few fat options. Not everybody wants to be a model.
  • More Hair options- this includes facial hair. Bearded Ladies!?
  • More Faces/face modifications- ugly them up a bit! big noses, warts, scars, etc

New Race
Again this is more personalization options. more than 5 options would be great.


  • Kodan
  • Dwarves
  • Tengu
  • Largos

New Weapons
There are many types of weapons that exist that are not ingame. adding more options will diversify the game and allow for more customization.

2 hand.…………………….1 hand
Great Axe………………….Javalin
Pole Axe/ Halberd……….Parasol
Great Mace…………………Fist Weapons- claws, brass nuckles
Double Bladed Sword……..Flail

New Armor
There are many armor types in the game already but more is always better! While not necessarily a ‘type’ of armor, different skins for each type would be nice. Example: scale armor looks the same no matter what race is wearing it. Why would a charr and an asura wear identical armor? Would be nice if each race had its own appearance for armor types. And some female armor is pretty skimpy/not skimpy enough!


  • Skin Options:
  • Have 2 different armor skin types to choose from (one that covers more, and another that reveals more)
  • Clean and grungy version, example is the CM dungeon armor, vendor is shiny while players is grungy. I would like the shiny version!
  • Basic armor types appear different depending on race that’s wearing it. Example: charr scale armor would be very hacked together looking, while Asura scale would be squares, and Sylvari scale would look like leaves.

New Maps
Many players have completed the map exploration and would like new areas to explore.


  • Underground maps
  • Shiverpeaks
  • Crystal Desert
  • Elona

New Classes
More customization (see a theme here?) More than 8 classes would be nice. Although I personally don’t think his is necessary right now, I would like more options in the future. Another Heavy class would be nice.

  • Monk
  • Ritualist
  • Paragon
  • Dark Knight type

Everyone wants more dragons! They are what brought most of us into the game in the first place. Killing Zhaitan was so anticlimactic that I hope we get another shot at him. There is so much lore about the dragons and it feels like nothing is happening with them. They are the main threat to Tyria we should be actively searching for ways to defeat them!


  • Bring back Zhaitan for one final battle!
  • Introduce Jormag, Primordus, or Kralkatorrik as the next challenge to overcome.

Living World
The current ‘living world’ doesn’t feel very alive. The 2 week release schedule is nice, but I think feels a bit rushed, and the content usually disappears after those 2 weeks. We want Permanent Content


  • Each map has its own main ‘bad guy’ and they will take over the entire zone if players do not fight them off. Example: The centaurs will take over all of Gendarran Fields, killing the NPCs and contesting every WP so you must travel from another map to get there.
  • Achievements are based on taking back/defending forts and POI instead of just grinding out kills.
  • Dragons!

Would be cool to ride something around to add yet more customization! Fighting wile mounted would add a whole new dynamic to the game.


  • Faster Travel only?
  • Combat abilities? Equip as an Offhand weapon, whole new weapon set, or added skill bar for mount abilities.
  • Flying mounts- would need special maps
  • No mounts in PvP or WvW.
  • Race Specific
  • Class Specific

    Other Suggesions
    Guild Halls- ANet has said this is planned
    GvG- tournaments and such between guild would be nice
    Guild Alliances- Having a larger pool to get help from would also be nice
    Change Race/Order- I think you should NOT be able to chance race. if you don’t like the race you picked, delete them and make another. Changing the Order you chose would be helpful.

Go back and read it all.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

(edited by raseloc.6932)

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: raseloc.6932


For the Living World concept to become what it can be, I think there should be more ‘Living’ and more ‘World’ to the content we already have.

A large part of ‘living’ is the players having an impact on the world. The difficulty here is the 4 months we have to wait for new content to be developed conform our choices. Remember we elected Ellen Kiel? That feels like a long time ago, and we should be seeing her again next month. I hope we can find a way to make players impact the world in a direct way, perhaps a way that isn’t dependent on a completely new batch of content. For example, when we finally get to discover the Crystal Desert, let the players actually build the first outpost in that area. There would be escorts of supplies, protecting the build site, maybe a raid on an enemy’s lair to lessen the attacks for a while. The building would only continue if there are enough supplies and the build site and if it isn’t overrun by enemies (enemies could even destroy what we already have built). This would fill a progress bar, which could even take weeks to complete. Sounds familiar? Yeah, that’s right, WvW elements in PvE!
If the real necessary stuff would already been given, the next update could expend on exploring the region, independent of the progress of building the outpost. Perhaps the local inhabitants don’t like us being there and will launch an offensive, making completing the outpost even harder, ‘punishing’ us for not completing the outpost faster.

Right now, I don’t think the world feels like a dangerous world but more like a playground. Any place in the world can be reached within minutes and any mob or event can be ignored. Want to go somewhere? Take a waypoint and run no more than 5 minutes. Bridge collapsed? There is probably a way to get to the other side, usually right next to the bridge. A mob in your way? Well, just walk right past it. Waypoint contested? Travel to the one next to it.
To be honest, I don’t have any realistic idea how to fix these issues. Removing over 90% of the waypoints is not something I think we’ll see happening. Perhaps a return to the ‘Ress shrines’ from GW1 would be something to consider. Another element from GW1 that might help: more larger mobs that actually patrol the area, making it more difficult to just mindlessly run past them. It might be a start looking into these things, although I don’t think it will be enough.

everything here would make for the most epic PvE Living World ever.
and for those who haven’t been on in days/weeks there should be some kind of replay option to get caught up on all that has happened. there is already the Herald that gives announcements, add it to them.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

end dungeon stats

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I like the idea.
You could have contests with your guild/friends to see who can heal or dodge the most, or whatever.
elitists will be elitists no matter what. and if they block you for not dodging enough, then forget them! works both ways in my book.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Suggestion about skimpy armour imbalance.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


What I am tired of is the imbalance between male and female armour design.

I admit I have female characters mostly because they are more enjoyable to look at.

That being said, I would also like to give a female character the option to have full robes/heavy armor in the same styles as the male characters have.
Maybe make a different skin that you can buy.
Want heavy female vigil armor that covers everything? give the option to buy either the current skimpy(ish) armor or a full suit like the male version. On the same token, the CM armor looks exactly the same for male and female. maybe add a skimpy version to them as well, just to keep things even.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Please remove/increase collection limit.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I agree. the 250 limit is a joke
especially when you have the items that require 1k-10k items to make them.. im looking at you Candy Corn

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Please -- Detail the Achivement Lines

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I think it would be helpful to include a Detailed Checklist for some Achievements. (i.e., Dungeon Achievements would keep track what paths you have already done; not that you need so many left).

This of course would not work for explorable titles (would spoil the purpose of the achievement) like Been There Done That or Dive Master, etc.

I agree with this 100%

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: raseloc.6932


What aspects of your favorite television shows would you think would be cool to see reflected in a game medium?

Here is a new episode(chapter) for you:

The pack is going to explore some new territory beyond Orr (a new map or 3)
But to get there you must accompany the army/caravan.
Right before you get to the new map BAM! Zhaitan is BACK!
make it an epic level encounter think Tequatal only bigger and better. No time limit, lots of strategy, weapons, spells and whatnot. If it takes 3 hrs for to kill him so be it. And once he dies (for real this time) you can enter the new zones.
No getting to the new maps unless you final kill Zhaitan.
And no AFK people taking up the map!

Ascended Armor/Weapon of your choice and opening the new maps.
or at least some special Exotic gear for the death of Zhaitan like a weapon made of his tooth/claw, armor from his scales or something.
(the only thing epic about his first ‘death’ was how anti-climactic is was)

Use books as an example instead of tv shows.

p.s. Do not use The Walking Dead as a good example. EVER. (zombies are boring and the show is like every other zombie show/movie ever.)

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

(edited by raseloc.6932)

Guild Hall ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


floating archipelagos… I like it.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Find new skills for your weapons!

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I think new weapon skills are a great idea. and fighting a master with that weapon to earn new skills sounds great!

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Backpack Skins & Engineer Kits

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I agree. I have the Slickpack skin on my engineer. but I like to use the flamethrower, which looks terrible because the two back items stick out of each other.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Nobleman's armor from CM

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I completely agree. if I buy new armor I want it to look new.
or even sell both options.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Racial Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


Now I’m not talking about Cultural armor, although it is related.

Lets say you have 3 warriors, a Char, Asura, and Sylvari. All are lvl 35 and have full set of Scale armor. I find it strange that they all look exactly the same.
What I am proposing is that each set of armor will look different on each race. (as the devs groan) Why would Char Scale armor look the same as a Sylvari’s?

Picture this:

Char Scale is very rough, imagine taking scraps and pounding them together to make a Scale maille suit.
But a Sylvari Scale armor set will look almost leaf like in the scale plates,
And an Asure would be squares.

This would apply to all armor types.

Now I know this would be a minor nightmare for the devs, having to model different armor for each race but I think it would add a lot more depth to character creation and give the world a more realistic feel. You cant tell me a Char would wear the same style of clothing/armor as a Sylvari!

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Player-Owned Houses?

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I am pretty sure Anet has said they will be adding Guild Halls.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Reduce AP awarded for dailies

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


the daily’s are OPTIONAL. if you want to ‘just play’ then just play. you don’t have to do the daily if you don’t want to.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Treasure Trove and Deep Cave

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


YES. there needs to be some rewards for moving up in a guild

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Forum suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


This would be incredibly useful. It’s a huge hassle to have when you see a thread that’s red-flagged, but then have to search through 10 pages or more to find where the rest post(s) is/are. If a thread is going on for more than a couple pages, it doesn’t take reading the entire thread to get the gist of what the community is saying about it, (at least on this forum,) so I’m really only interested in what staff have to say after the first page or two.

Agree’d, and bump.

I second that

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Regular Transmutation Stone Recipe

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I agree. I have close to 200 Trans Stones. It would be nice to upgrade them to ones I can actually use

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

More Body Types

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


id say more body types in general would be nice.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

The "crap" weapon legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


a warhorn, and call it ‘Brown Noise’

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


a cancer awareness event might be cool. with a special pink dye reward.
o and no more wings.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Dyes on backpieces?

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


it is silly that we can dye armor but not weapons or back items.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Dungeons: Measure to overcome impatient jerks

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


that idea sounds good to me

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


im not sure about MultiGuilds. or guild tax. but most of these are great ideas. Get on it ANET

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Remove soulbound items of characters deleted

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I think it best to just remove the “soulbound” idea altogether. What good does it do you. Just make everything that has that tag account bound and remove this function altogether. I mean if you are trying to level multiple characters that all use i.e. light armor and you want to hand stuff down to them you can’t because of this function. I don’t really see the purpose the soulbinding serves anyway.

I don’t like soulbound either. however I do see its reason for existing. They don’t want players to get one exotic/legendary item and then just swap it between each character. the economy relies on each character needing its own gear. Some items do not need to be soulbound though

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Incoming New Races.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


Dwarves. We have plant people, why not stone people?

I agree. The lore is already set up to allow an underground expansion giving us the Dwarves as a new race to beat Primordus and the destroyers.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Commander Tags (In Depth)

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


this sounds like a good idea to me!

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Gauntlets, wings, and any meta items...

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


yes I agree with this also +1

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

New Races/ Classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I think they should bring back the Dwarves. The map is already set up for an ‘underground’ layer, it would be perfect to have an expansion that creates a whole new explorable zone. And then include the Dwarves in their fight against the Great Destroyer.
Now I know lore says this:

“an event known as the Transformation of the Dwarves, their race was transformed into living stone, ending their status as a mortal race. Though the Transformation granted them the power to defeat the Great Destroyer, it also warped their personalities and sense of purpose. Driven to seek battle with the minions of Primordus, they dispersed into the Depths, where they remain to this day. "

but it would be easy to have some spell or something give them back some personality.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Salvaging Greens

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I agree. Being asked that question EVERY TIME gets annoying fast

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

New Evil Legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I agree, good and bad versions +1

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Last Online/Time Represented

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I would like to see this as well .

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Follow Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


A few guild mates of mine have noticed a lack of a ‘follow’ option.

When some party members know where they are going while others do not can sometimes cause problems, especially when the experienced player also as a speed boost active, leaving the inexperienced player lost. So having a simple command allowing party members to Follow the ‘leader’ would be nice.

If there is an option for this that I am unaware of please let me know!

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness