Showing Posts For rhapsody.3615:

Lets Play A Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


In that case, I think I’m in the right area but I hope somebody else finds it xD

Question about skin purchases..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Make sure you’re double clicking the skin, and not applying the look from your wardrobe panel. Even if you have an unused skin, it will not apply it for free unless you click on the skin itself.

[Trading Post] Dye Trends Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


TP gurus: Do special dyes tend to increase in price once the kit is removed from the gem store? I recently acquired 5 of the Crimson Lion dyes, so I’m seeking advice on when to sell.

I give up... No Map Completion!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


If they do remove wvw map completion from the map completion achievement, I hope that they will find some unique reward for completing wvw maps (and in good business practice give it to my 8/9 characters with 100% wvw maps). Cheers~

Lets Play A Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


well,most good locations need leaps to get there

Can you tell me how many leaps it takes? I’m still trying to figure out if I’m taking the correct route, or if I just suck at leaping.

Lets Play A Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I did use a few leap skills(savage leap)
all you need is normal jumps and leaps from weapon skills
could be tricky getting to the exact location.

I am about to go looking for it, but figured I’d ask first: is this a location that some classes just won’t be able to get to?

Edit: Found it, but I’m looking at it from the wrong direction and have no idea how to attempt to look at it from your angle >.<

Also I can see RoseofGilead staring at it :p

Last edit: Tried for 45 minutes using lightning hammer to make the first leap. I think I found the way to get to it, but can’t seem to do it. Maybe in the future we should not use locations that require special weapon skills.

(edited by rhapsody.3615)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


There is nothing polluting or ridiculous about them aside from being too popular.

And, you know, heinously large and showy, at least for something that took zero imagination

They are probably a response to people asking for larger wings since the Dwayna back skin arrived. We complained that they were too small, now we will complain that they’re too big

I’m predicting White Angel Wings in two weeks, and Red Wings of Death shortly after. I’m not sure if I want to bet on Ghastly Green Wings yet.

will buy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Good thing they’re on sale for 19 more hours, then.

Making Players Feel Stupid is Bad Business

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Thanks. Maybe that’s the source of frustration…feeling forced to go the TP….just to do a collection…just to find something unrewarding to do during the “lull and hype” that happens between xpacs in every game. If I go after Gaze, I’ll try to remember that.

The point is that collections are meant to be fun. Some people really like grinding out tasks, others like to passively complete them. You can spend 30 gold on large skulls, or you can take my and several others suggestions to spend a few minutes per play session killing grawl.

I wouldn’t call this time a lull. I play several hours per day and still haven’t finished the new content (specifically silverwastes). I’ve got a backlog of things I want to complete before setting foot into the new map. The great thing about this game is you really get to decide how you want to approach things. Hopefully this collection will be a lesson for you to start approaching your goals differently; to do a little more research into how you want to obtain materials before blowing your gold on them.

Making Players Feel Stupid is Bad Business

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Collections are a great idea implemented in a very bad way.. They are the LEAST rewarding thing in the game bar none and some cost 500+ gold for essentially nothing in return.

It’s like if they added new legendaries and forgot to add new models for them so you’d grind 2k gold and gain nothing.

I find some of the collections pretty cool. The spoons, for one. I completed Exotic Hunter because I really wanted the Karmic Converter. I like the idea for the carapace and luminescent armor collections (though personally I dislike most pieces so I probably wont finish that one. I am working on the Ambrite weapons.. 13/16 finished, spent nothing more than a few ori and ancient wood here and there, getting loads of karma and pretty good loot… and it rewards your choice of an ascended armor piece. I hope we see more collections in the future that implement collecting via account bound items, rather than paying some lucky person on the TP.

Dogs of [DAWN]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Cute! But hey.. you stole my mouse!

Making Players Feel Stupid is Bad Business

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Some advice for players completing this in the future: I spent next to nothing on this achievement… farmed the grawl in frostgorge every time jormag was coming up (you get at least 10-15 minutes of wait time from the last world boss to jormag pre events). I’m a bit obsessive about time though, and don’t like to be idle in game.

They’re just rare weapons so I found the reward adequate. The real problem with collection achievements is that everyone rushes to finish them. If you don’t rush, you don’t spend nearly as much on them.

Stalkers in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


“Following” someone is an important tool in WvW. When you know of the driver or commander on the enemy team, knowing what BL they’re in is key to having good fights, or knowing where to go to avoid the zerg. It it’s really “stalking”, per se. In the real world, that’s illegal. In the virtual game world, it’s just knowing where someone is.

Now if they’re abusing you in game, that’s a different story. Then it becomes a reportable issue.

The OP stated that these people are abusing him/her in map chat. That is vastly different from putting a commander from an opposing server on your friend list. Assuming you don’t whisper them with insults all day :P

Highest DPS for PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Hmm, I feel like my warrior kills faster in open PvE. It depends on the place. I always prefer ele in dry top and silverwastes, because of my many “oh ****” buttons. But I do prefer my warrior in other maps and certain dungeons. Well, as you learn ele and compare, you’ll decide for yourself. I do notice that I could be killing something, then someone pops up and it dies in a second. And I realized that my initial hits take something at least 50% down, so that second person is just adding their initial burst damage, making it feel like you’re doing less (which you aren’t).

New to game .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Um well hit lv 80 in 2 weeks and still wondering what to do? I have gotten to personal story but have had more than a few WTF do i do moments as well as being thrown around like a rag doll in those moment’s . This is really frustating in im in a place and clueless as what to do . Any Help ? Bumded and no clue ?!?

What part of the story are you on? What level and quality of armor are you using? Have you discovered trinkets (rings, amulet, accessories, backpack)? What class are you playing?

Backpacksize on asuras

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


The size is fine…what bugs me the most is that the backpack sits so far down off the shoulders and half way down the back that it makes them look so out of place.

I’m not sure if that, or the size, bothers me more. I just stick to the flowers on my asuras. Flowers are way too big on other races, but perfect for asura.

How you guys save gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I never have more than 10g-20g in my wallet at all times. Whenever I get anything more than that I put it into my gbank at the end of the day.

It adds up fast.

Just remember if your account is hacked, Anet won’t replace your guild bank gold. I used this method when we could deposit gold into our personal bank, before the wallet. I’ve been hacked, so I do not trust the guild bank way.

How you guys save gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Do dungeons, world bosses, and sell anything that you don’t need.

I give up... No Map Completion!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I really really really suggest that you keep an eye out all week for Stonemist Castle in Eternal Battlegrounds. If SoS has it at the moment, you may even get lucky. They may have a waypoint in it. You won’t get lucky on reset night as the upgrade for the waypoint takes time.

And no, it doesn’t take 30, but those 30 want a chance at loot.

Just what kind of loot do they get that is worth that kind of aggressiveness? I haven’t noticed anything impressive in the loot I’ve gotten.

Bags bags bags. Bags which contain tier 6 materials, and any loot that would drop from any level 80 mob… And I think other players can drop precursors.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


If the same person is doing this day after day, then I would consider it griefing… and probably look at your follower list to see if you have a stalker. If it’s many different people displaying the same behavior, then you are probably interpreting it wrong. It’s kind of ridiculous to expect everybody to tag mobs and keep backtracking to collect loot, just to make sure everyone in the area also got a tap. I know when I’m out doing map completion or even running around Orr, I just attack things until they’re dead.

Edit: I guess I don’t understand what you’re farming. Where/how do you turn ambient creatures into golems? What is the purpose?

(edited by rhapsody.3615)

Daily reset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


And yet sometimes I go to a jumping puzzle that I haven’t completed in weeks or even months and the chest is already open >.< and no, I’m not parking characters at them.

Highest DPS for PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


OK, thanks all. I will try out an ele. I seem to understand they’re pretty powerful in PvP as well as celestial, but not so great in large scale WvW? I’ll be sure not to step foot into a dungeon until I have some exp under my ele belt

I’m just going to drop this here for you

It helped me a lot when I started playing ele and is full of good info.

I give up... No Map Completion!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Punkinkatt, speaking as a very similar player to yourself (100% PVE, only doing PVP content like WVW grudgingly due to the gating mechanisms in this game), I’d advise that you consider what you’re trying to gain by map completion. If it’s just the gold star and Been There Done That title, by all means, keep at it. With care, odd playing hours, and as many weeks as needed for your server to rotate through all three colors, you’ll get there.

However if your goal is a legendary, I’d advise giving up now and never going back. Legendaries also require the Gift of Battle = WVW rank 14. That’s about five months of doing the easy Master of Ruins/Land Claimer type dailies. During which time you will inevitably get ganked periodically by groups you never see coming. Totally not worth it.

It’s not really much of a loss anyway, ascended weapons are just as good and vastly easier to get (though still quite grindy; such is the nature of GW2).

I’m sorry but this is just bad info. You can buy ranks in WvW with laurels and badges of honor, without doing any WvW at all. You never have to WvW even a little for a gift of battle or level 14, because you get so many badges of honor with achievement point chests (and laurels aren’t that hard to come by either).

The real issue here is that the OP wants to get those skill points at a specific time. I tried and I was killed. I guarantee you those skill points aren’t camped 24/7. They’re not even camped all day prime time every day. If you can’t get them one time you can get them another.

The problem is it’s frustrating and people want it done on their schedule. That’s just not possible with WvW.

Actually, the skill points in my server’s current territory in the borderlands are not the problem. Neither are most of the Vista’s. It’s the PoI’s that have been conquered by an enemy server or are under attack. Albeit, I have had enemy players, who were in route to one of my servers encampments, break away from their group for the sole purpose of taking me out while I stood at a Vista… nowhere near the encampment or my fellow server-mates. I’m one person, and I get stampeded by 10, 20, 30, maybe more… people who felt it necessary to go out of their way to kill me. The goal of WvW is to conquer territories, not individuals.

Personally, I think they get a perverse pleasure out of doing $h!+ like that. On one occasion I did have the opportunity to deprive them of that pleasure. I was on a ledge and jumped to my death, obliterating any chance of them getting anything from me.

Hello! I just want to say that I really like that you’re following up with your thread and responding to everyone. It makes me feel like my comment won’t fall on deaf… eyes?

One thing you’ve got to understand about WvW is that if it’s red, it’s dead. WvW is about more than just capturing territories. “Roamers” as we call solo people running around, usually looking for fights, also play the role of a “scout.” Some players really love the job of scouting, and some guilds might send a player or three around a map to see what’s going on. You are being chased and killed because (1) you are a loot bag, and (2) because you might be tracking your enemies. It’s not really players being vicious or going out of their way to kill you (ok, sometimes people are jerks), but simply securing their mission. One person on siege or with a siege disabler can make it a real pain for smaller zergs to capture things. Don’t take it personally or think people are being malicious and trying to keep you from map completion.

Also, don’t get discouraged when you are killed in an area. Most small groups/roamers don’t camp a spot forever, likewise most zergs do not stay stagnant. Move on to another area and go back to the initial one in a few minutes. If they’re still there, well, they’re just being “kittens.” Don’t be afraid to just YOLO into an area just to get the PoI. If you see enemies taking a tower you need, try to hide and wait for the gate to open. Use your Signet of Stone or Rampage as One and just run in. No worries if you die, you got what you wanted xD

Sea of Sorrows should be rotating between T2 and T3 matchups. At some point, your server will be the big bully and you’ll be able to complete your maps. When you get down to the last few things you need, has a live WvW map, where you can see what your server owns at any time.

Good luck!

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


-Today I’m 28. Tomorrow, I’ll be 29. I am a female.
-I grew up in NY, but I haven’t lived there since I was 18.
-I have a fear of whales. Well, not whales themselves, as I do not think they mean me harm. I am afraid that a baleen whale will accidentally swallow me.
-That said, I often dream about having to save whales from apathetic humans. Most recently, I dreamt of people beaching a whale so that they could look at it and touch it, then forgetting about it. I had to round them all up to help put it back into the ocean.
-I love animals. All animals. I especially love reptiles.
-My favorite animal is the Tuatara. Google it; it’s incredibly cute and will probably go extinct.
-I’ve always wanted to go to the Galapagos islands. When jeopardy was giving away cruises, I entered every day.
-I have attended some college, but never finished. I want to be a veterinarian, or the very least a vet tech. I want to open a vet clinic with a reptile rescue attached.
-I have been infracted one time, because of a response to ozmaniandevil. I’m not accusing her of reporting, but I have felt bad about it since. I think we would actually get along quite well. I have seen her post about interest in casual pvp and wanted to invite her /blush
-Obligatory – my favorite colors are green and turquoise.

(edited by rhapsody.3615)

Teq - Lack of loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I usually need to go 30 minutes early to ensure success.

To the people that are able to just go in 5-10 minutes before spawn. Do you play at reset time? Since for me, if I go in 5-10 minutes before it usually is a fail.

I go anywhere from 30 to 5 minutes prior. Finding an lfg 10-15 min before seems to field the best maps. Being on a map early seems worse because you’re mixed in with people who are afk or off doing map completion. I play reset time, plus other times- usually 8am and 11am PST, sometimes the evening one if I’m on.

Got two ascended chests so far, over about six weeks of daily killing, but I don’t go in expecting one. I think his loot is fine. The event is fairly short and easy now, with everyone knowing what to do.

guild name change bought by influence

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


A guild name is just as important as a character’s name when it comes to reputation. So it should be very difficult (expensive) to change a guild or character name. Somebody with a poor reputation or a guild for that matter should not be able to done a whole new identity for gold or influence. Both are far too easy to come by. Gems seems to be the only realistic manner in which anybody should be able to change a guild or character name.

Fair points and agreed. It should be restricted by time and require gems. But the option would be nice.

Yes, I think most of us just want an option, no matter how Anet would choose to implement it. Sure I could just spend 50 silver and create a new one, but it can take several months to build up influence for the unlocks. The only reason I can think of for them not doing this, is that it would be very difficult (the same reason they will very rarely change an account name).

Please delete EoTM

in WvW

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


This experiment only made this map a joke of a game mode. All it is is a champ farm. Enough said. Please remove it

Others might respond better to your… Request? Argument? ..if you elaborated a bit. You don’t like it because it is a champ farm. So, you hate champ farms? Or do you hate that the map is considered wvw and gives better rewards than regular wvw? Maybe you think getting rid of eotm will improve your server’s wvw population. Your statement as-is will not bring in many constructive responses.

Spending ALL of your gold...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


You mean like…
I made Twilight to combine with my Sunrise to sell Eternity to fund the Dreamer, which I sold and made and sold again, to buy the Moot (to keep) and finish off the Exotic Hunter achievement, finish off my ascended armor collection achievement… No, I do not like the most expensive weapon in the game so I would not spend thousands of gold on it. I do, however, like having goals and clever ways to go about fulfilling them

Suggestion: No Dungeon entrances contested

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


The point is to earn your way into the dungeon when it’s locked, or wait for someone else to do it. I admit I will camp CoF until someone else does all the work.

A friend found out by accident that CoF can be opened while contested. I’m not sure if it is considered an exploit, so I won’t describe how to do it here.

That said, the only bothersome one is CoE. I will do the event chain, run a path, and because of megaserver you may be placed in a different map. I’ve run all three paths without having to do the event chain, and I’ve had days where it’s contested every time I come out. This didn’t happen when servers had a unique map. I tend to just check on this dungeon after each run of a different one, and run it when it isn’t contested >.<

Nicest community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I have no idea where all these toxic PvPers are. I never did PvP all that often until recently with the Dailies change. I’ll go into Unranked Arena often with a build completely unsuited for PvP, and I’ll see maybe one jerk every 3-4 days. Map and Say chat is pretty silent for the most part. As it is, this is the only online RPG I’ve been part of where I can PvP with any regularity and have a good time.

This is my experience in pvp as well. People who don’t even play the game mode like to spew off how toxic and miserable it is. Having finished 5 or 6 reward track now, wolf rank, 100+ games played… I can only remember two instances that were a negative experience because of our opponents’ behavior. I can remember quite a few more instances where we just had a good time talking to the other team, but mostly the chat is silent.

I have found people in PvE to be extremely friendly and helpful, and again the trolls bring few and far in between. And in wvw, I have actually only encountered friendly whispers from an enemy. My server mates are always nice and helpful, and thankful when others come to help.

Dungeons get their own special place. I have met some of the most impatient players here, even though I almost always make my lfg an “all welcome” or “x level+” description. I simply tell these people that they are welcome to leave and are easily replaced.

So yeah, that’s my experience and I think we have many really awesome players.

So how about Legendary...armor!?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Sure, as soon as they let me remove sigils and runes from legendary weapons and armor without using an extractor that costs more than the sigil/rune itself.

Can I lvl up a friends char (his account) ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I was kindly warned by tech support a while back that allowing someone else to access my account is a bannable offense.

That said, there is no way for them to know unless a problem arises that gets customer service involved. Or if your account is constantly logging in from different IP’s, as that is probably a red flag for gold sellers or something.

A Little Confused...

in WvW

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Ok, so whats the difference between Mist was and Edge of the Mists besides that EotM is smaller?
It seems easier to do EotM for EXP purposes because i’m in Mist War right now and cant find anyone.
What one is better for leveling?

Edge of the Mists is basically a karma/experience/champ bag farm. The teams are Red, Blue, Green – and the color you are each week is based on your server’s actual WvW color for the week. The matches only last 3 hours, and the only benefit to winning is that your home server gets a supply drop in its home borderland citadel. This map is better for leveling.

Mist War (simply called WvW) is a week long 24/7 matchup between three servers. Only members of these three servers will participate on the maps. The goal is to take and hold points (keeps, towers, camps), and scoring is based on PPT (points per tick). Every 15 minutes the PPT is totaled, and the points awarded to each server based on what they are holding at the end of that 15 minutes. Again, no huge benefit to winning, but people who play this game mode play it to win and for the fun that happens in between. This map is not good for leveling unless your server decides to take a huge zerg on a karma train. While you are upleveled to 80, you will not be on par with true level 80 characters.

[Suggestion] Less dresses, more pants!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


This is something that really bothers me in guild wars 2.
How come all (but one) medium coats are dresses? I mean, its not even practical…
Light armor leggings are mostly skirts.. Its kinda annoying when you play a male character.

I think they should make more slim looking armor, especially medium.
More shirt-like coats and more pants!
It is a “Pretty Princess” game after all… :P
What do you think?

whoever is in charge of the costume design has a strong distaste for butts, male female or animal.
You are right there is only a handful of complete sets that dont have a skirt of some kind.

No let me be clear, i actually like skirts sometimes, but i also like not skirts sometimes, and for those times, your choices are few and far between

He has a distaste for butts, but really likes cleavage… I don’t get it really xD

perhaps he/she hates butts imprisoned by clothes, but they wont let him/her make butt cleavage items.
perhaps it is a blessing.

May I point you to the Embroidered pants? I see a butt crack on my female sylvari anyway, can’t remember if it’s the same for norn and human characters xD

I change looks often. I do like most of the armor designs, but more options are always better. I’d especially like more pants for light classes.

The Walk of Shame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


When I’m feeling sassy, I mail the wp cost to dead players :P

No new weapon types in the expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Some are predicting that we will get to use spears on land. While not technically new, it would be an improved use for them and we would see new skills.

Bandit Crests and Geodes in Wallet!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


It’s been discussed a lot. You might enjoy reading this thread:

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Yep… One of the (many) reasons I moved from tier 2 to the bottom. I got sick of people soliciting in TS/map chat for donations and asking for volunteers to make legendaries (to sell) to help move guilds over. I didn’t feel proud to be on a server that was buying guilds.

lost content you'd like too see brought back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Moa racing! And more coordinated events spread out across maps, like this one: (just don’t let champs drop loot, so people actually complete the events).

What's a Bad Player to Do?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


A lot of veteran players purchased second accounts during the sale, so I wonder just how many of those low AP players are newbies? I’ve met quite a few low level/low AP, highly skilled players recently.

Anyhow, as long as you continue to try to get better, you’re doing fine. About melee and ranged… Mostly you’re expected to “stack and smack,” but there are areas where you need a ranged weapon, or where you can use one if you prefer. The key is getting to know the dungeon paths well, so that you can make that decision without compromising your group’s strategy. You should always keep both ranged and melee weapons on you. I’d go as far as to say keep one of every weapon type that your profession can use.

Black Lion Scrap Drop Rate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I do wish keys would drop from monsters… somewhere between exo and precusor rates.

My personal experience, in 4100 hours regarding drops (not forge rate)…
Exotics: Maybe 10
Black Lion Key: 1
Precursor: 0

In between exotic and precursor rate, check! :P
You will get some from map completion and story though, so I’d say their rate is truly in between exotics and precursors if you’re comparing every way to get loot.

Higher precursor drop rates?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Not precursors, but I have gotten a lot of exotics this week. I made 50-something rare swords and got 6 exotics from the forge. I’ve been dumping random rares from WBT and got at least 5 more exotics. Been looting exotics from chests, like Coldsnap, Final Rest, and karka queen daily chest had an exotic instead of rare. This is all in about 48 hours, which is not typical for me.

Face models.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I’ve been watching Arrow, and noticed that Katie Cassidy (Laurel)‘s face looks a lot like one of the human faces. Only on screen though; pictures don’t show the resemblance as well.

So what's your mf at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Hit 199% today. That is from playing normally, salvaging all whites, blues, greens, and most yellows.

Thoughts about Gem store? Wasted $$

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Every starting area rewards a transmutation charge for map completion. Divinity’s Reach, Hoelbrak, Black Citadel, Rata Sum, The Grove, and Lion’s Arch reward this 100%. Other maps give you a transmutation charge or black lion chest key upon completion. So these things aren’t locked entirely behind the gem store, you just have to spend a little bit of time if you want them for free. I know people who create a character, complete those maps, then delete it for free charges.

At least they allow us to convert gold to gems, so you can pick thing up that way as well.

Quick question about transmuting items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


You will retain the name and appearance of item b, while retaining stats of item a.

Transmuting has changed though, Idk if you’re just returning, but you use charges now and take the look straight from wardrobe, so you are no longer combining two items when you transmute. I hope that makes sense!

the dumbest thing you've ever done in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Recently, working on the Dungeoneer achievement, I wasted my tokens twice on skins I already had.

This wasn’t me but I wanted to share: I was at a teq map where another player accused the eles of dropping earth fields. I felt so bad for them with the teasing that ensued.

would you like PVP in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I would really like a place to watch others duel, something like the Queen’s Gauntlet, where players can queue up and wait to fight equal sized teams. Go to Obsidian Sanctum, you say? Sure, but there are at least ten servers of people I will never see. Go to hotjoin? Sure, but then I have to actually be in the match, and chances are the teams are not organized. I loved watching other players fight in the Queen’s Gauntlet, and I’d love the ability to watch 1v1 – 5v5 premade teams.

It would have to cost money, of course. Sell entrance tickets in the gem store or make players pay an entrance fee, otherwise it might compete too much with their sale of private pvp arenas.

Super Adventure Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I think a nice solution for them would be to have it open for everyone at certain times of the year, and make a gem store item to open it the rest of the time… Kind of like private pvp arenas, but keep it password only, or only allow the owner + party to enter. They could also add it to guild unlocks, queue up SAB to open it to the guild for three days.

New as of last week and have a few questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Practice your combos and skill rotations! Your job in dungeons will be maintaining might and fury for your party, as well as using that frost bow to freeze certain enemies. Berserker is going to be your end game gear, with Knight’s being your “learning” set (if you feel too squish). The following link helped me immensely when learning ele, and has multiple builds for each weapon set (you’re going to want to learn all of the ele weapon sets)

And for that ice bow freezing stuff, read up on Defiance if you don’t know what It is already

As for your heal, choose between Ether Renewal and Arcane Brilliance, situationally. Ether Renewal removes conditions, while Arcane Brilliance is a blast and heals for higher amounts the more enemies it hits.

(edited by rhapsody.3615)