If they could find a way to make scouting as rewarding as blobbing, I would be fine with the removal of white swords. At least the keep waypoints still show up contested.
Top 5 professions in order or importance (IMO of course): guardian, warrior, elementalist, necromancer, mesmer.
I will not tell you what to play, as that all depends on skill level and what you are interested in doing. Here is my unbiased opinion of what I have observed each class to do in WvW. I have the most experience in GROUP FIGHTS with elementalist and mesmer, so please correct me if anything I say about the other classes is wrong!
Front Line players will always be on the commander using control skills, buffs, condi clears as called for.
Guardian: Guardians are tanky. They provide group stability and other buffs (might, retaliation) to allies. They commonly use staff, hammer, and/or great sword. Weapon skills and utilities control enemy movement. Their health pool is lower than a warrior, but they make up for it in defense. My only con to guardian is they are slow, but if your group is organized they should always have swiftness.
Warrior: Fairly tanky. “Shout” builds are common, which allow lots of group condi clear. They commonly use hammer or great sword and sword + warhorn. Hammer is for enemy control and warhorn for condi clears. Utilities provide self stability, condi clear, and buffs. They have an elite banner skill that revives allies from down state, which can save a fight. Great mobility if using great sword and sword + warhorn.
Backline players will only be on the commander before engaging an enemy. Once engaged, they will move around as necessary. Also once engaged, many commanders will not command their backline; . You are, for the most part, expected to know how to position yourself and be able to cast skills that are called for.
Elementalist: Does a bit of everything, and mostly will use a staff. Staff provides enemy control, damage, self-defensive skills, and most importantly heals (water fields) for the group. Being an ele can be tough at first, as you are the most targeted by the enemy’s thieves/any class built for picking off backline. It’s important to be aware of your positioning so that you can continue to support the zerg.
Mesmer: Is here for their utilities. For the most part, you can run any weapon combo you’d like and any build, unless you are running with a strict guild group. Most commonly called for are veil (a line that turns players invisible when they cross it), and portal (commonly used for “portal bombs,” where your group hides and you drop a portal for them on top of the enemy. Also used to move siege golems more quickly across a map). Mesmers have some really neat tricks, like being able to hide in enemy keeps/towers and portal players in so that breaking down the gate/wall isn’t necessary. They have access to some stealth and generally can get away from a fight when things go south.
Necromancer: Necros can be considered front or back line. They can be built tanky enough to move with the frontline (my server has a few necro commanders who do quite well in the thick of it). Their skills provide some enemy control and boon removal. I am the least experienced with this class, so I can’t say much more about it. Their offense can be really damaging to the enemy. Necros lack mobility, so if your side loses a fight you probably aren’t going to make it out alive.
Others These classes are not commonly called for in an organized group, but are not entirely useless either. The reason they are less popular is that all around, they have less group support skills than the other 5 classes. They are mostly used for small group or solo roaming, as they have great single target pressure.
Thief: In a zerg, they are basically there to pick off the enemy’s backline.
Ranger: Same as above, although their longbow can attack people/siege on enemy walls, as well as provide a water field for the zerg to heal.
Engineer: They are condi heavy with grenades, which I have found to be pretty effective at getting people off of walls and their healing turret provides a water field.
(edited by rhapsody.3615)
Daily puzzle jumper would be nice! Especially if they specify the JP, it would get people to do the ones that aren’t completed often. This would also help people get the JP achievement, because more people, ahem mesmers, are around to help.
I find the discount on obsidian shards too good to pass up. Grats on the keg! I’ve gotten 3 from enemy players in normal wvw.
If they gave it all in one go, people would complain that there was too much to do.
Asura male with a purple mohawk. Or male Charr with purple samurai hair.
My guardian turned a year old this week, and is still only level 70 (I have every other class at 80 and each one has at least one game mode I can use them in). I’ve struggled with playing this class; after all the others, this one feels boring and lackluster. Everybody says guardian is easy mode, but I seem to have a lot of trouble with it. I leveled her mostly with tomes, some eotm, daily experience, starter maps, and in the Halloween labyrinth, so I haven’t properly learned the class and have really only used staff and great sword. I will finish up the last ten levels and make an attempt at finding some area of the game I can play her in and have fun.
I’m basically looking for a dungeon build to learn guardian on. Something well rounded that I won’t have to change up too much. If you can suggest skill rotations, that would help a lot as well. I’m not looking for stat suggestions, just traits, weapon types, and commonly used utilities.
Click on the meta achievement and it will show you a list of what you must complete. And yes, ringing 500 correct notes is one of them.
I have to disagree with the OP about dailies. They’re headed in the right direction. A daily should be something you have to actively pursue, not something that just miraculously finishes without having even looked at the list. Previously, there were very few times I even looked at dailies unless they weren’t finished an hour or so before reset.
I am disappointed that I can’t complete Toypocalypse with friends this year
I usually find JP’s easiest on asura, but for this one I can only complete it on my human. My asura feels too slow and her center doesn’t feel correct to me. You just have to keep trying. Stay zoomed all the way out and get used to turning your camera for the snowflakes part. I try to go up the presents either alone or with just one other person. After that, watch the wind. You do have time to pause for the wind before going out to the boulders. I dodge roll onto the peppermints because, maybe it’s lag, but I seem to get knocked around even when I’m not in a red circle. Then for the last set of presents remember to jump on the blue ones.
So you want the Dungeoneer title, but you don’t want to actually earn it? What value does it hold at that point?
What value do any titles hold? I spent hundreds of dollars on gems over the course of making five legendaries, while a friend made over 10,000 gold in 3 months on precursor/permanent hair sytlist luck. Does that make my legendary shine any less bright?
Anyhow, I need 9,870 Arah tokens to have all skins. Divided by 66, this means I need 149 runs. Divide that by 4 = 37 days, and let’s say I spend 6 hours per day running/looking for groups = 222 hours. This is time I could spend running the other six dungeons (AC category completed), thus earning gold that I can then pay somebody for a path.
Can I complete Arah? Yes, I have personally completed all five paths for my Dungeon Master title, and I do run the dungeon from time to time to help people out. I am not willing to spend 4-6 hours per day for over a month running Arah. I would rather do the things in game that I enjoy, and pay somebody who enjoys solo/duoing Arah.
PvP is not my thing, either. Give me WvW reward tracks and I’ll knock out Arah skins in a heartbeat!
Also: Updated my original post to include region. Thanks for the responses so far.
I’m sorry if this sort of post isn’t allowed but…
I am looking for trusted Arah path sellers. I would like to finish the dungeoneer achievement track, and I am very far behind on Arah. I don’t have friends who are willing to do several arah paths per day and I don’t have the knowledge and patience to join pug groups… so I’m hoping some of the more reputable members here can give me names of trusted sellers. A friend of mine recently got kicked from a path after paying, so I’m afraid to join lfg groups for this purpose. If you don’t want to list names here, feel free to mail me in game. Thanks!
Edit: I play on NA server, usually some time between 8am – 5 pm PST.
(edited by rhapsody.3615)
I mostly get annoyed that some pieces look so great together, but have different textures making it difficult to dye. Then I switch maps, and the colors look off again. Main culprit: TA armor!
You may be playing it too safe. Take a risk and go for the stomp!
I had been hoping for the return of the Winter weapons, and that happened. I now have my favorite dagger in the game. Thanks Anet!
I’m excited for the return of Wintersday.
I’m enjoying the current living story, and I want the carapace light armor chest, so I’m waiting patiently for that.
I don’t have a source, but I believe something was said about a rework of Shatterer, Tequatl style, so I’m excited for that.
Lastly, I’m looking forward to the new Lion’s Arch, whenever that may be!
Things I remain hopeful for:
The return of super adventure box.
The return of moa racing!
I would like Arenanet to close this exploit, as it makes playing unenjoyable.
I want to talk about this “exploit.” Myself and a friend were killed by four others. One of them knelt by me, and whispered an apology for jumping us. We engaged in some friendly teasing back and forth, and became friends for a little while. Sometimes it’s nice to be able to talk to your enemy. Especially if a roamer is waiting around for fights, my friends have invited those people to party to duel and give feedback. Whispers aren’t always negative, so I would not like a way to talk to my opponent removed. It is your choice to engage in an argument with someone harassing you. They will shut up once blocked.
You were probably talking to some people who recently had guild drama. My best advice is to join a larger guild for guild missions and any other large group activities. If you have a few good friends, make a private guild with them which you can rep and talk when you aren’t doing something with your large guild.
Can you join two guilds at once? O.o Or did you mean joining on different characters?
Your account can be in up to five guilds, but your characters can only represent one at a time. So if one character joins a guild, they all do. Representing a guild will display that guild’s tag on your name, earn influence for that guild, and view guild chat. You can only view the chat of the guild you are representing. Switching between guilds is a quick click in the guild UI. Many people have several guilds for different areas of the game, such as one for wvw raiding, general pve, and other specialized guilds who organize tequatl, wurm, and dry top events.
Is you character a light or heavy class? Ele, necro, mesmer, and guardian all use staff :P
You were probably talking to some people who recently had guild drama. My best advice is to join a larger guild for guild missions and any other large group activities. If you have a few good friends, make a private guild with them which you can rep and talk when you aren’t doing something with your large guild.
On the bright side, if they do release these weapons again they’ll likely cost two tickets instead of five or seven. I’ve been waiting a long time for the Winter set to come back, and here it is
If one wanted to, they could buy gems, convert to gold, and craft all the way up.
Its not hard, its tedious.
Just give us something else. [/quote]
No you can’t. Empyreal Fragments Piles of Bloodstone Dust and Dragonite Ores can not be brought and you need large qualities to craft ascended, Obsidian Shards can be purchased for large amounts of Karma and as a player with a relatively new account I can tell you Karma can be a chore to collect, so all of these items take time and lots of playing the game to collect. Time at the crafting table is just 1 small part of ascended crafting acquiring the mats to do the actual crafting is a big time commitment and shouldn’t IMO be discounted the way you have. I understand you don’t want to craft but please don’t assume that crafting Ascended is something you can just pull out your wallet and buy because you can’t.
I’m curious: what do you do in game that does not give you loads of ascended materials and karma?
Crafting is extremely easy in this game. In fact, you just about can buy your ascended armor! Go to one of the crafting websites; it will provide a list of materials to get your craft to 500. Buy those materials, and craft as instructed by the website. Once you get to 500, you can purchase bolt of damask, elonian squares, and deldrimor ingots! You can even purchase the finished components (such as helm strap and helm padding).
You’re talking about crafting as if it is some impossible hurdle to cross. If you follow a guide, it should take less than 30 minutes to fully level a craft. I think you just want a cheaper way to get ascended, because crafting is expensive.
Frostfang. By far.
But the best of all is The Dreamer. It has everything I love in one beautiful package.
Haha, I made the dreamer and sold it to buy the moot
Frostfang doesn’t impress me, and I don’t use hammer on my warrior so I could never justify juggernaut.
My vote of the three is the moot! You are a disco! It’s only less popular because mace is not used that often, but it looks pretty kitten cool!
I asked Anet to exchange my bone pick for the equally priced watchwork pick and was told, “due to the nature of this item, it cannot be exchanged.” Having bought the bone pick before the watchwork pick existed, I feel I deserved an exchange. Despite pointing out that they issued refunds for duplicates of these items, they stuck to their guns and I will never purchase another endless harvesting tool.
I can help portal you if I’m active when you are, but I believe we’ll need more than one mesmer to actually reach from the platform to the bottom.
One mesmer alone can portal, which is what the two helping me did. They have to be good at the jump, obviously you can’t portal if you’ve died from the fall :P. One was porting from just above the well that you jump into. The other liked to use the horizontal pipes toward the start of that room (the pipes you jump across before reaching the ship).
Yes, you can transmute over a legendary and back again. I placed the bat Halloween skin over my sunrise, and back again a few times. The weapon will still function as a legendary with selectable stats.
I also wish the silverwastes had its own sand, maybe “coarse sand.” The chance of zephyrite lockpicks in silky sand was low enough without adding bandit keys and crests to the loot table!
I’m nearly 29, but my guild has a few “oldies.” We have our very own “granny,” as well as a woman in her 40’s who we even got to play cards against humanity (and oh the things we learned about her husband)! I find that I prefer hanging with the older folks, and I have no problem waiting a few minutes for somebody to take care of their children
After several days of trying, I finally told map chat, “20 gold to anyone who can port me for the not so secret diving achievement.” I got really lucky, and two players kept porting my friends and I for half an hour or more. My point: ask for help in map chat.
As one that is annoyed that I have to type in the kitten ed HoM Portal Stone every time I delete one on character creation, I would rather not see more of this in the game. There are invisible bags, a buy back function from merchants, and then there is also the ability for each person not to spam sell through their inventory.
But how often do you see yourself purposely selling finished ascended pieces? I’m talking about armor and weapons. A pop-up would work well, just one that says “are you sure you want to sell ____?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been moving items from my bank to bags, and drag the item outside the windows. I’m thankful for a pop-up there asking me if I want to delete the item.
Support is usually very helpful in these situations. I agree, though, ascended armor and weapons should have a pop-up or require you to type the name of the item before selling to a merchant.
The green quaggan backpack and mini Mr. Sparkles were a nice treat for buying gems
9 characters
7 level 80’s
4 with 100% map, 1 at 76%
All of my 80’s have wvw completion (and most got it at lower levels). Quit your whining :p
There is also a telescope symbol on every map. If you talk to this NPC, they will show you a missing heart. They only seem to uncover one, though, so only talk to them when you absolutely can’t find that last one or two.
I play with sounds off probably 90% of the time. The only thing that bothers me is that I opt to have speech bubbles off, and this thing gets past my settings. Obviously they need to fix the fact that enemies in wvw can see and hear this backpack through stealth.
A question, though. Some of you with the backpack state that you want a refund if other players are able to turn off its sound and speech bubbles. Why is it so important for you to have others hear and see it? You bought it because you liked it. Others do not like it. I think it’s fair to have an option to mute this item. I don’t see people with instruments complaining that other players are able to mute their songs, and I don’t see why this item should be forced upon players who dislike it.
Lately, I run world boss train from fire elemental to tequatl (8:45-11AM PST). After that, I do whatever I feel like (dungeons, fractals, wvw, or Dry Top). I don’t pay attention to my daily because it usually finishes just by playing.
Guardian isn’t the only class to use a greatsword, you know. Mesmer, warrior, and ranger use them as well, and are rather fun. Before you drown yourself in regret, I recommend trying the other greatsword classes.
hi , as the title says it would be nice to add solo mode for dungeons , one of the reasons is i loveeee lore and story i read every note and listen to any story and its nice. this game have dungeons wich have many cutsences and dialogs but sadly i never had a chance to listen or watch any of those coz other ppl wont wait and if i dont skip i get kicked ….
it would be soo amazing to add solo player for people like me im sure there r many players like me who would love it . also if u r afraid the solo mod will coz ppl to dont join the exploration mod u can reduce reward or even it can give no reward at all , only for people to do the story in dungeons and well get to know the dungeon and the tactics and …
Make an lfg: “New to dungeon. Watching ALL cutscenes. Impatient ppl aren’t welcome!”
Long live Meep: bring back the moa race!
Where did these guys go? I like to think a group rescued the racing moas and that they weren’t destroyed in the attack. Would love to find Meep, Motti, Monna, Mortt, and the mystery moas in a town or on npc property somewhere… With new moas being trained to race when LA is restored.
I started going to eotm quite a bit recently for two reasons: first, karma was the only thing I needed to finish a legendary. Second, my server recently is destroying other servers. I prefer playing normal wvw, but when your server holds everything and always ticking 400-500+ PPT.. I actually feel guilty taking what little the other servers have left on their maps. Eotm is fun enough. It feels a lot like the frostgorge champ train (pre nerf), just something to do when you don’t know what to do, with good conversation in map chat.
Well, I’ve only gotten Rage from the forge, which is not surprising with my luck. I was in a party with friends doing dungeons, and one of them was clearing loot and found Chaos Gun in his inventory. No idea where it came from, we suspect a champ bag, but what a nice surprise for him =)
And this is why the price of eternity is so low compared to the combined prices of Twilight and Sunrise.
Yep.. I did the same as OP to make some quick gold. Already had Sunrise, made Twilight, and sold Eternity, then skinned over ascended GS. It benefits both parties, really. I get gold and two skins, the other guy gets 3 skins at a reduced price.
Create tabs/folders within the wallet. Any item that is solely used for vendor purchases should be in the wallet. If an item can be used in a craft or mystic forge recipe, it should be in the collections tab (I’m looking at you, mystic clovers and icy runestones).
We get that you make money selling bank tabs, but isnt that what fractal rings, dragonite, bloodstone,and empyreal are for?
You’re grinding for dusk and your friend who just got nine greatsword precursors couldn’t give you one? What a guy…
I think a major question should be asked before this change takes place:
Exactly how event scaling works.Events scale both up and down according to the number of players who are currently participating. Events can scale in a number of ways:
Enemy stats can be increased
Enemies can gain new abilities
New enemy types may appear, including veterans or even champion versions
Enemy count can be increased
Objective requirements may increaseMost events scale for up to 10 players.Group events and large scale events such as the finale for meta events will scale much higher. For example, The Shatterer scales up to 100 players. Events can detect that players have not performed any actions relating to the event within a period of time and will scale down the event accordingly.
We need to know what actions qualify for participation in an event. If I res somebody and they are attacked by an enemy, does that count as participation? If a ranger is afk but their pet is attacking, does it count? If a guardian is revived, gets up, has aegis and blocks an attack before dying again? Someone’s rune procs a supernova in downed state? Tanky warrior outhealing the attacks?
There are many scenerios to consider. A wp timer of five minutes like the one added to wvw would allow the other participants to decide whether or not someone is worth reviving. Most people can tell within a few minutes of an event who is afk and who died because they made a mistake.
Also, keep in mind that appear offline does not mask any changes to profession or location in both social and guild roster, nor crafting disciplines for the latter.
This. Every time you switch maps or characters, the info in the guild roster will be updated, so if someone is watching they might catch on. Also, sometimes the “last online” info is a little wonky, so if you’ve been playing a little while and then decide to go invisible, it might show you were last online several hours ago, which is another indication that somebody didn’t really log out.
Another tip: rep a different guild, or don’t rep at all. This will prevent guildmates from seeing your name in yellow if they run into you (you’ll stick out like a sore thumb at world bosses).
Lastly, you might just want to think about why you’re hiding, and address the issue.
Access is not removed. Only the UI is hidden.
Use the keybind shortcuts to get into both PvP and WvW at lower levels.
First go to Heart of the Mists and equip your 2nd weapon set. Weapon swap is locked at lower levels in PvE but not in PvP. Once you equip in PvP, you can use weapon swap in both WvW and PvE. You have to always go into HotM in order to change to a different weapon set though.
Then go into WvW. Enjoy.
Thanks for the info. I thought I had read something about this when they made the change.
Very pretty. I would buy