I could see that. I have been pursuing Sunrise. At this point, what left is to put the final 4 together to pop out that thing. But I choose not to. Got sick at looking at Sunrise while chasing it. Still waiting for these …. new legendaries they spoke of last last year.
Make it, sell it, and still have enough gold to make another legendary in the future.
As for the OP, I wish mystic clovers could be used in lieu of another ingredient for some recipes. Or they could be changed to a currency to buy essence of luck or something else account bound and usable.
I bought mine after I found a permanent hair stylist contract. But buying one seems to be the only way to get one. I’ve played since beta, and it gnaws on me that some jockey in my guild who playes for 4 months already has 3 legendaries. So the profit of the PHSC got me a nice Dawn and a start into the mats.
Haha same, minus finding a contract. I have a friend, who has played 5-6 months now, who has gotten three expensive precursors by throwing random rares in. He also got a hairstylist contract after farming a handful of keys. Meanwhile, I’ve played a little over 1.5 years and I’ve had to buy all 5 precursors. I go through periods of throwing all my rares., using all my t5 to craft rares to forge, and nothing ever comes from it. I got Rage twice, but does anyone really count that as a grand precursor drop? You get 70-80 gold for it.
For Christmas, I want a mystic forge in Rata Sum.
Looks great on humans, but I would like to see these outfits look a bit more girly for asura. Not fond of nipple clamps on any character, regardless of race or gender.
I made this post, and basically was told these have been bugged for a very long time:
I don’t understand why Foulbear and Dredge were taken off of the world boss schedule. I don’t even know how to get the events started, but every map for ogre seems to be bugged. GG Anet, putting an item in collections when you can’t even reliably complete the event to obtain it.
Norn females have long, almost masculine torsos and muscular arms. Males have wide, bulky shoulders. Once you’ve played long enough, you will learn hairstyles and can go by that
I recently looted Xanthium of Dreams, sold it and a few other things to obtain 1000 gold. I spent some of it leveling my last two crafts to 500, made a few ascended weapons, outfitted some alts, finished the ascended skins collection, bought a recipe so that I could craft and sell something for long term profit, used some of it to buy gems for things, bought a birthday present for a friend, started doing crazy stuff like crafting rare weapons to throw into the forge, and most recently placed a buy offer for the Lover which I may or may not remove (I like seeing hundreds of gold when I look at my wallet).
I’d assume it’s a glitch, like when a party member shows on the map with their account name rather than character name.
I used them back when they changed teq and people dropped like flies, because my PTV set was strictly for teq and I didn’t see a point in using expensive runes. I can’t really see them being useful anywhere else.
Sorry to hear about your dog. I worked for PetSmart as a manager for 9 years, and my store had a vet hospital inside. Experiencing the sadness and grief of a person who had to put a pet down, or just hearing a story from a customer, was probably the hardest part of that job. We share a special bond with our pet companions, who are the most innocent and honest beings in our lives. I assume he was put down as a last resort or only option, and I hope you and your family can take comfort in knowing that you gave him as much happiness and care as humanly possible.
Side note: I would like to commend you- I think it’s awesome that you took your dog with you as your career moved you around. I’ve had my cat for 11 years, since he was 3 months old, and have kept my promise to never allow any situation in my life to force me to give him away.
Staff fire ele is the highest DPS in game. It is the go to build for additional eles in a party, with one going scepter or dagger focus for might stacks. Just wanted you to know. You should be pleased when you see a staff ele not attunement swapping unless they need to stack swiftness or want to use their earth blast.
Spamming 1 all the time with 3 signets and not moving at all at boss fights? No thanks.
Staff ele on mai trin? Witnessed today it can’t last literally 5 seconds in a fight.
Staff ele is fine on www when you need to control the crowd with stuns and freezes, but it is useless because bosses go right though it on dungeons.
I run my staff ele in dungeons when I want to be lazy. I can, however, survive at Mai Trin, and run the trait to do more damage within 600 range. Maybe people don’t realize staff ele doesn’t lose dps by being close to the target.
I loathe people who have to switch characters during a dungeon, or make everyone stop so they can retrait/change armor.
I both love and hate running dungeons and fractals with my friends. I hate the intermissions in between paths, I hate waiting to decide what to run, I hate waiting for them to switch to an alt at the end, I hate it when they insist on bringing a class they’re bad at/running a bad build/not full zerker, I hate feeling obligated to res them when I know they’ll just down again in a few seconds. But I love that they also put up with all of this from me.
I used to pride myself in playing WvW 90% of my game time. I spent loads of gold upgrading towers and keeps, building defensive siege, defending, calling out for help in guild chat, joined a WvW guild. I have slowly become a PvE scrub.. and I think it happened when I found Xanthium of Dreams in Aetherpath. And it felt really good when everyone was jealous of me. Because in nearly two years, it’s the only thing close to a precursor I’ve gotten.
I lied. I have gotten three precursors: I won Rage in a guild raffle. Then I threw random exos into the MF and got Rage. The next morning, I threw more exos into the MF and got Rage again (and was so angry I just gave it away to a friend). I don’t count Rage as a precursor, so it really grinds my gears when my friends say, “You can’t complain now. At least you’ve gotten a precursor from the forge.”
I will not res the people who stack and die at fire elemental and golem. I just yell at them about how they shouldn’t be standing in the death stack.
I will not res people at the race in Dry Top. I get really upset and start screaming in map chat, “WHY DO YOU PEOPLE KEEP REZZING AFK’ERS. THEY’RE LEECHERS WHO ARE SCALING UP THE EVENTS!”
I bought a commander tag so that other commanders would know where my mesmer was when hiding in a keep/tower.
I join squad at world boss events, and then tell everyone in map chat to do the same, so that they too can see their mini maps again.
I love small (2-5 per side) group fights in WvW, yet I’m terrified of PvP. I am extremely jealous of PvP reward tracks.
I just want to add some advice: think about what you’re putting into your guild bank. If your account is hacked, the hackers can steal those items and Anet will not recover items from the guild bank. I’m speaking from personal experience. Don’t deposit gold or very expensive items. I believe the gold selling/hacking has decreased quite a bit, but it is still always a threat, and better safe than sorry.
I would just give bags, unidentified dyes (you know those are way more fun to open!), the mini pet is ok, and then stop. Offer to cover costs along the way if he needs it. When I was new to the game, a friend crafted me an armor set, which I thought was a nice gesture.
Bags and dyes are definitely the most appreciated by new players, IMO.
When I was farming grawl for large skulls, I got quite a bit of silk. They drop a salvageable pelt that often yields silk, as well as bags that contain silk. I also got a few rare weapons, tier 5 totems and bones. I farmed them in the southern part of frostgorge for about 30 minutes at a time using whatever magic find buffs I could get. I don’t have exact numbers, but I ended up with a nice amount of materials each session.
Mmmm good luck farming grawl now. They were nerfed. No farming allowed.
What do you mean? Source please. (I assume he was talking here about the grawl near the Jormag site between Earthshake waypoint and Slough of Despond waypoint).
I was talking about the grawl in the south of the map, near Arundon Vale. They seem to drop more loot than the ones near Jormag. I was farming them shortly after the patch to make the grawl weapons for the collection. Not sure when they supposedly got nerfed, but it would have to be in the last two weeks for my info to be outdated.
No! I think equipment should stay specific to each game mode. I don’t think it’s fair for someone who does not run dungeons to have access to dungeon skins. WvW and PvP need their own skins acquired through those game modes. I want to look at a player and know that they worked their butt off for a skin unique to pvp, or wvw. Why not special world boss skins looted from the boss? Why not wvw reward tracks for hero weapons and new armor skins?
Why does everyone feel entitled to have things they don’t want to do content for?
When I was farming grawl for large skulls, I got quite a bit of silk. They drop a salvageable pelt that often yields silk, as well as bags that contain silk. I also got a few rare weapons, tier 5 totems and bones. I farmed them in the southern part of frostgorge for about 30 minutes at a time using whatever magic find buffs I could get. I don’t have exact numbers, but I ended up with a nice amount of materials each session.
I liked meteorlogicus before the change. Now I have it equipped but default to running around with my alternate weapon because meteo just feels gaudy now. I have the bifrost and I like the soft footprints and aura. Please don’t make bifrost gaudy too (I’m looking at you, rainbow pony bow).
Just chiming in, in case others want alternate solutions (3 silver per sprocket can get expensive, not to mention I am disgusted that only one unlimited mining tool produces sprockets and therefore refuse to buy sprockets from the TP. But thats a separate conversation). Moving on…
I recently had to acquire about 400 blade shards to make a second backpiece. In addition to using the mystic forge recipe, you can run aether path of TA, park a few alts at the Not So Secret JP, and mine your home instance. If you were lucky enough to choose a watchwork mining pick, those will also produce sprockets through mining any ore.
Use them for the skins!
I run a full world boss circuit fairly often (maybe four days per week on average) and had gotten symbol of the inquest exotic several months ago. I did have a commissioner’s manifesto at one point but sadly salvaged it long ago.
Also realize the ogre event that drops Sam is nearly always glitched. The ogre and the dredge commissioner were removed from the world boss timers, and I’ve given up on ogre until they fix the event, which apparently has been broken for a very long time.
Plus, if you had the guild on another server in the past, you’ll earn back every single upgrade and be refunded for duplicate upgrades!
Side note: I don’t think the forum search works at all XD
It’s not the farming that is a problem. It’s this event in particular, which is part of a story mission.
Nah if coiled wasn’t attached to LS somebody will still scream exploit. Just like Blix.
It depends on the person. I couldn’t give a rat’s behind about Blix. I do, however, have a problem with players being unable to progress in their personal story. This has nothing to do with whether or not farming is against the rules. Make a similar event and plop it somewhere else; I could not care less.
I think we need to focus on the fact that players can’t continue their story, and not on the endless farming debate. Sad to see that Anet has no opinion yet.
And the farmers will just find another event. What does nerfing coiled solve? If ANet’s game design doesn’t naturally pull players to farm where they’re supposed to, then the design has failed.
I’ve been to CS plenty and got a truck load of porous bones to show for it.
It’s not the farming that is a problem. It’s this event in particular, which is part of a story mission. If, when people request the event be completed, everyone could be considerate and patient, there wouldn’t be an issue. We have:
A. Farmers who refuse to to complete and tell the other player to find a new map.
B. Players who request completion but become impatient and rude.
And lots of in between situations as well. It becomes an argument of entitlement. As long as champs are spawning and loot is dropping, the problem will remain.
Stop whining and let people farm for crying out loud. The rewards in this game are already nerfed to the ground. Is it so bad to let people farm the two spots in the game that are farmable? The two people who actually want to complete the event could just as easily move to another server instance rather than troll the farmers.
Also, what Joe said ^^. Where is the toxicity in this case other than a couple people yelling to stop attacking?
i agree, just move to another map.
You can’t always “just move to another map.” Very often you are placed into the same map repeatedly. I was doing map completion in frostgorge yesterday and numerous times people asked to complete the event, and every time were trolled by the coil farmers. One poor guy kept ending up in the same map, and after a long time still kept getting the same response.
I have nothing against farming. When something prevents other players from progressing, that thing needs to be adjusted.
Anet please remove champs and/or loot from the Coil event. This is the same behavior we saw in Queensdale and in Orr, and it needs to stop. As Coil becomes more popular, it will become more and more toxic, and impossible for players to complete their story mission.
I would keep it. In over a year and a half, I have never looted abyss dye. Even when Anet refunded our duplicates, I had 400 or more unidentified dyes and not a single abyss came out of those. I only have the dye unlocked because a friend gave me one he looted a second time.
That said, midnight ice, midnight fire, and pitch are decent replacements and other players will hardly notice the difference. If its hard to decide, keep it stored in your bank for later. I don’t think this dye will decrease in value.
Get rid of toxic farming spots, and people just find another. The difference this time is PEOPLE CAN’T COMPLETE THEIR PERSONAL STORY. One guy kept returning to the same instance, despite trying multiple times to change maps.
Make this part a separate instance, or stop the champs from spawning/dropping loot. I’m all for a good farm spot, provided it doesn’t interrupt the progress of other players.
I think the current process is fine. The only requirement outside of PvE is getting wvw map completion, as everyone gets plenty of badges of honor through achievement chests. One change that could be made is to allow a player to complete wvw or eotm maps. Eotm is basically a PvE champ train, most PvE players could easily complete the map.
I would like to see them add some sort of requirement from PvP, so that crafting a legendary truly requires all game modes.
“Unique” should be in bold red font with a short definition. Armor bought with badges and karma also need some sort of warning saying you cannot salvage or mystic forge them.
1. Revenue from server transfers
2. Get more people into wvw with achievements
Since we have a whopping 5 events per week to participate in the tournament, and those can be fulfilled in EOTM, I guess the only reason is #1.
Some jumping puzzles like this one http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Loreclaw_Expanse_ add routes for ele with lightning flash or thief with shadow step. I don’t know if there are others- I will leave reading through each one to you
I consider all three light classes to be my “main” for different game modes. I have played all of them in PvE, so here’s my opinion:
Elementalist is squishy, but also forgiving; you have several “oh kitten” buttons, and more than one way to heal. All weapon combinations are useful, and all are fast paced aside from staff (I use staff when I’m feeling lazy). Staff ele is probably the easiest to play of the three classes and weapon choices (you can do a small might combo and then pretty much sit in fire unless you need the defensive skills of the other attunements). You’ll also be useful in dungeons for stacking might and handing out those ice bows in AC. With bad ping and bad coordination, you might find ele too difficult because you have to always be aware and avoid damage- ele has a low health pool and can’t survive too many hits.
Mesmer is not my favorite for PvE. Tagging enemies at group events can be pitiful, as mesmer doesn’t really have aoe damage. They are ok in dungeons for utilities/defensive clones. You do, however, have stealth which can be useful for map completion. Plus everyone loves a JP port.
Necro might be your cup of tea. They come with a high health pool, and tagging mobs is easy. Necro got the short end of the stick with condition caps, but I find mine to be the best of the 3 for loot in PvE. You have access to a very nice skill, Epidemic (spreads conditions from the target to nearby foes), plus the marks from staff provide fast, easy tagging of mobs. You can even use a minion master build if you feel like you need something to take the heat. Your weapons have some nice defensive skills ( for example: fear on staff 5, condi clear on dagger 4). You won’t be the favorite in dungeons (there are some nice power builds if you wanted to go there).
Anyhow, in conclusion and keeping in mind “for someone who is not super skilled, or has great reaction’s or ping/latency – my ping/latency to GW2 server’s is not great, and I have bad eye-to-hand coordination and bad reflexes.” – I think necro would be your best option.
I would preview all the wupwup skins and just choose one for the skin. I recently crafted a wupwup shield solely for the skin. So there you go~
If you haven’t moved them since the patch, they should be in the bottom of your bank collection.
Don’t you earn points for stomps while your server holds ruins/bloodlust?
That’s the issue, no other classes have a chance to go back into the tower. If you pull an ele off the walls and down him, you shouldn’t have to watch as he floats back inside again and gets back up.If you don’t want that to happen, use immobilize right after or before they go down so it takes while they are not invulnerable.
Not every class has easy access to immobilise.
But this is a group play game mode. Somebody in your group should have access to immobilize… And if you’re stupid enough to fight an ele at their tower gate, then you deserved to lose.
Just make it clear in your LFG that you’re a newbie. That way, nobody gets their undies in a bundle when you don’t immediately know what to do. I never have a problem with any newbie if they are willing to follow instructions, and I think most of the player base feels the same way.
You can sell it and you will still have the collection credit. I sold and destroyed my spoons before getting the last one and I have the full achievement.
The game already calls them junk items, too. I think anyway. Or what does the vendor dialog say when you sell them?
It says nothing. When you select sell junk, it sells them all in one click.
I only use flesh golem, and it’s really annoying when I’m in combat and he’s just off to the side staring at bunnies. At least he reacts when I command the charge attack, but then half the time he still just kitten s around.
Visit vendor, select “sell junk.” Junk gone!
Yes, they exist to pollute the loot table. Sometimes we don’t have time to steal the boots or dagger off of a bandit, so all we get are broken lockpicks.
let me tell you a wonderful story about a time, gold, and money sink that has absolutely nothing to do with new enriched content. . . .
Nice. I had several of those things, but sold/salvaged throughout playing. If only I had known…..
I finished this collection today. It took me 3 fractal runs to find the fractal spoon. The only difficult to find are the fractal, wvw, and tequatl since they are RNG based (although they seem to drop fairly frequently). The others can be bought with karma. The only one that made me wince to get was the ascended spoon- luckily I had some guild comms saved up!
I’ve decided that I’ll work on the cheaper collections and let the other ones come to me. Most of the race specific weapons are fairly cheap to make (krait, hylek, grawl, etc). Plus running around screaming at grawl to give me their grawl paws is pretty fun!
Dulfy has several of the collections listed here, and some are bugged atm http://dulfy.net/2014/09/08/gw2-items-collections-guide/
Hmm well all I can add for the OP is that I always switch armor before tequatl, and the only exotic I’ve gotten from him is the spoon. I have been fooled into thinking I got an exotic zerker armor with superior rune of strength, because of the way armor looks like loot when you swap, but unfortunately I usually play with game sounds off and I’ve never heard my characters comment on their armor as loot.
I have noticed an increase in exotic drops lately (I’m almost afraid to make Anet aware of the situation xD). For the last month, and after hitting 155% magic find, exotics have been dropping more frequently. I had a week long streak where I was getting 1-2 exotics per day, and most of them out of chests. I looted Xanthium of Dreams (my first precursor priced loot ever) from aether path chest about two weeks ago.. A few nights ago I was joking with a friend about how I’ve never gotten a precursor, and “here let me throw these random exotics away in the forge” and out popped Rage. The next morning I threw four more exotics in, and got Rage AGAIN. It’s not the best precursor, but it’s an extra 80 gold anyway. The mystic forge seems to be upgrading my items slightly more frequently than it used to.
They say magic find only increases the chance of getting a higher tier loot as a drop from an enemy kill, but I have noticed better loot overall from chests and the mystic forge after getting over 155% MF. Edit: forgot to add, after a week long break from the game, it seemed like every champ bag was giving me t6 mats and that’s about the time my lucky streak started.
It’s really interesting that I came in with one theory in this thread, but that another seems to be emerging.
You say you took a break for about a week? With no signing in? And that all of this happened after that? Or was just the T6 mat stuff after the break?
Sorry that your thread went off on a tangent! And yes, all of this stuff happened after that break. It’s hard to pinpoint or come up with any theory, because I switch between pve and wvw a lot. Loot definitely seems better, at least from the one exotic every two weeks or so I was getting before
Hmm, well, with the bugs listed on the wiki I’m not getting my hopes up for a fix. I haven’t done this event since it was part of the old world boss timers, but since Sam is an exotic drop for collection, hopefully more people will attempt the event and submit bug reports.
And I also wonder if the NPC dying is really a bug? Or is the event meant to restart if the NPC dies, with the bug being failing to restart the event (like Balthazar temple)?
“Maybri Shadowstalker will get stuck outside the northern entrance to Hunter’s Gorge and block event progress if Legionnaire Slashclaw or the other Charr that travel with her don’t spawn or are killed on their way to the gate into Foulbear Kraal.” -This is what was happening yesterday, I believe, as Maybri was just standing at the gate with the Determined buff. I was not able to find an event chain to start the human side, nor did I find Vanguard Scout Finley anywhere.
(edited by rhapsody.3615)
Yesterday I decided to try to get this event chain going, and tried multiple times throughout the day but it always seemed to be bugged. Can anybody explain the timers, or how to get this event to succeed? The wiki has a long list of bugs, so I’m hoping there is someone out there who knows how to get this to work.
I’m more annoyed that my spoons don’t shrink down into the spoon collector box. Where did that box go? Did I eat it? Many of the collector achievements feel like a gold/karma sink, and hey bank tabs just happen to be on sale the time we get all of this account bound collector stuff that people will want to board.
Hmm well all I can add for the OP is that I always switch armor before tequatl, and the only exotic I’ve gotten from him is the spoon. I have been fooled into thinking I got an exotic zerker armor with superior rune of strength, because of the way armor looks like loot when you swap, but unfortunately I usually play with game sounds off and I’ve never heard my characters comment on their armor as loot.
I have noticed an increase in exotic drops lately (I’m almost afraid to make Anet aware of the situation xD). For the last month, and after hitting 155% magic find, exotics have been dropping more frequently. I had a week long streak where I was getting 1-2 exotics per day, and most of them out of chests. I looted Xanthium of Dreams (my first precursor priced loot ever) from aether path chest about two weeks ago.. A few nights ago I was joking with a friend about how I’ve never gotten a precursor, and “here let me throw these random exotics away in the forge” and out popped Rage. The next morning I threw four more exotics in, and got Rage AGAIN. It’s not the best precursor, but it’s an extra 80 gold anyway. The mystic forge seems to be upgrading my items slightly more frequently than it used to.
They say magic find only increases the chance of getting a higher tier loot as a drop from an enemy kill, but I have noticed better loot overall from chests and the mystic forge after getting over 155% MF. Edit: forgot to add, after a week long break from the game, it seemed like every champ bag was giving me t6 mats and that’s about the time my lucky streak started.
(edited by rhapsody.3615)
Be warned: you cannot salvage wvw armor bought with badges of honor. That means you cannot salvage your runes if you decide to change them. The best option is buying dungeon armor or buying from the trading post.
FGS #4 skill used to melt the burrows in one use. I tried it post patch and it takes the burrow to about 50%.