Showing Posts For rhapsody.3615:

How can I completely delete all progress?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Thanks for the replies.

To satisfy the curious: It’s because I’m a bad person. I told someone I wouldn’t start playing til they got the game. Then I played anyway.

Haha, well, you can’t get rid of your achievement points and your friend will likely figure those out fairly quickly. Just keep your mouth shut about them until you’re close to the same amount

Casual players and the community.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615

Some people seem to forget lessons from childhood.

Laurel farming account worth doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I always find it a bit funny when gamers talk as if they’re poor or have no disposable income. $10 on a second account is nothing when you look at the cost of a gaming pc, your internet bill, and the fact that you can afford to buy games like GW2. In some cases add in the cost of a gaming mouse, keyboard, and head set. I mean overall, $10 is nothing when you look back at the other things you’ve bought for the game.

Ascended aqua breather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


There actually are exotic breathers with a decent attributes variation in GW2 – Rime-Rimmed Mariner’s Rebreather. Not that they are very easy to get, plus they only were obtainable during the wintersday.

How does that help somebody today? They were very easy to get btw- you just had to finish a pvp reward track.

I use traveler runes on four characters, and I always hate going underwater with the 3/4 that don’t have a rune on their breather. It’s personal preference; all the “nay sayers” can simply just not get one if Anet ever fulfills our wish to have craftable aqua breathers.

Having multiple infinte tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I have two sets, which I keep on the characters that I play most. If I’m doing map completion, I always make sure that character has the watchwork pick. It’s up to you whether the convenience of having multiple sets is worth it. One would suffice for me, but I bought my first set when they were rarely in the gem store so I didn’t have the ones that I really wanted. Finally broke down and bought the watchwork pick along with the logging axe & sickle that I wanted.

Teqatal Chest, Buggy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I decided to go after tequatl’s hoard. I did not miss a day for four months straight, often killing him 2-3 times per day when my schedule allowed. I commented on somebody’s QQ thread about RNG, and that very day at reset I received a hoard from the exotic chest. I hope you get one soon!

Just a thanks for the recent hairstyles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Yes! I love the female sylvari and asura new hairstyles the most- especially the long pigtails.

Perhaps, if we’re to see more highlights (like on the new asura style), Anet will finally allow us to dye our “accessories” hair part with our personal dyes. Please? Pretty please? With sugar on top?

can this be done with a bank?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I dont know it its still like this but i tried to delete all my characters before to be able to transfer servers for free and i didnt work. If thats what u are trying to do

You can only move once per week, so maybe you tried to transfer too many times within a week? I have a second account that moved 5 or 6 times very recently (last transfer was 10-14 days ago).

Please adjust the Fire Elemental event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Fire elemental’s last pre event takes place at its spawn location. The only people who should have issue are the ones who afk through the pre and come back too late. I went on a level 18 or so mesmer the other day and got credit without a party, with staff autoattack.

I agree that it is too easy, but I don’t feel bad for people who afk on the platform and miss it.

Confession: I don’t res people on the platform.

Best non-melee profession for PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Greatsword and sword/x mesmer can keep you in and out of the “mosh pit.” So can short bow and x/x thief. And s/d/f/staff ele. All classes have a ranged option you can swap to if you don’t want to be on top of your target. I don’t see a problem with engi but if you want to try something different, my favorite in PvE is ele

Dredge Commissar Dies Too Fast

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Ooh someone who knows the pre events! Can you tell me what they are? Last I checked the wiki didn’t have the info. I try asking the people hovering around his spawn point but they didn’t know.

And yes, if he spawns and you aren’t already at the gate you can easily miss the kill.

Fire ele isn’t a good comparison because it is on the world boss timer. Add foulbear and dredge to the world boss timer please, Anet!

Second account

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Yah. You’ll need to play the account or use the level up tomes to have the option to mail gold and items. You can transfer items through the guild bank after a few days but gold is heavily restricted.

Nope. My new account could access the guild bank but got the same message when I tried to deposit items as when I tried to send mail: I had reached my maximum allowance of transferring items and that I should play more for the privelage to send more. Something about account protection, can’t remember the exact words.

Any Reason to Buy Another Account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


How do you transfer the extra daily login rewards to another account? I thought they were account bound?

They’re mostly referring to buying T6 materials with laurels, which well makes up for the $10 spent on a second account.

Any Reason to Buy Another Account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I’m not sure they don’t know who owns multiple accounts, as over in Account Issues, they have posted, previously, that they would ban all of certain ToS-breakers’ accounts.

Having a second account might not save one from being unable to play. /shrug

How would they know? My household has three accounts and two computers for two players. There’s no rule about logging in from each other’s computers so I don’t think the ban on multiple accounts would hold up.

Second account

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I have had two accounts since the last sale. It isn’t against any rules or TOS to have a second account; many people do for one reason or another. If you’re doing it for login rewards keep in mind you are limited on mailing items or putting them into your guild bank until level 15 or 20 (can’t remember exactly). I bought T6 materials with my new account’s laurels and had to level up to mail them over.

Why armor repairs are still in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


It not like defeat should be an inconvenience or anything, right?

But the thing is this is an inconvenience that rarely affect actual gameplay. I mean, its really rare to see someone die so many times in a row (so that his equipments would start to break instead of being damaged) before he could reach or pass by an armor repair. Unlike, lets say, GW1 death penalty, which really had a major impact on the party perfomance.

it works in high level fractals where you can die a lot in a row if unlucky.

It’s a non-issue in fractals as you could just log out to character select, log in, repair, and then re-enter the fractal instance.

This is clearly not the intended way of playing.

I hold my tongue every time someone does that in fractals. It’s an annoyance and punishes not only the player who died enough to need repairs, but the whole group has to wait.

The real reason is repair canisters

Could You Play ONE Class Only?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Each of my characters has a preferred game mode. I play my ele the most, everywhere in PvE. The current state of my characters:

Ele- all PvE content and sometimes wvw
Warrior- dungeons
Thief- dungeons that need stealth
Ranger #1- world bosses
Ranger #2- wvw/pvp
Mesmer- wvw
Necro- pvp
Engi- wvw
Guardian- tequatl

Edit: forgot to add, I suppose if I had to choose just one, it would be my ele.

(edited by rhapsody.3615)

Lost 100g due to poor visual design :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I did that once with an armor box that dropped from fractals, I picked the wrong weight class. They had me destroy the armor piece then they verified that it was deleted and sent me the piece I really meant to get. Just be careful in the future because once or twice and they’ll fix your mistake, but if you keep doing it they likely won’t fix it again in the future. I now double and triple check what I want out of boxes before I say yes I want that.

This happened to me as well. Support is very good about trading them. I even got to keep the skin of the wrong one, but that was probably because they can’t/don’t want to go through the work of deleting the skin from an account.

I knew I wanted rabid boots, and I was so sure that I was selecting medium. And once I hit the button I realized immediately what I had done. Ignore the holier-than-thou comments.

(edited by rhapsody.3615)

Players with Titles: YOUR impression(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I like to use Miniature Collector on my asuras. I use Exotic Hunter because, well, aren’t we all? And my third favorite is The Sunbringer, because it sounds heroic.

I want the title Closer to the Stars. Just started playing GW1, so maybe I’ll have it some day.

I like seeing GWAMM. As I’m told it is difficult to achieve and represents people who have been loyal to the game for many years.

I dislike Twice Told Legend. Why should someone get a title for making two legendaries when I don’t get one for having six?

I would like to see a Bug Enthusiast title for the Ambrite weapon collection. It’s an achievement that can’t be bought and takes quite a bit of time to finish. It brought me to Dry Top and got me interested in PvP. And I really did feel like I accomplished something when I was done.

Fractals, you're doing it wrong.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I don’t want to see fractal skins tradeable or in the gem store. I do want to see a way to progress toward earning them that doesn’t involve RNG. Hopefully that’s what the fractal mastery will be about in HoT (and more skins)!

Suggestion: Makeover kit at char creation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I played a game that had a little shopping bag icon in the corner of the customizations you had to pay for. You could create your character’s look and upon selecting “finish,” it would take you to the PlayStation store to buy a makeover ticket, and if you did so you had your character finished. I don’t think this would scare players away. Do you think GW2 is the fist game to offer looks that you pay for? Many games have customization that you pay for. GW2 could simply have a pop-up asking if you want to spend your gems on the new look, and take you to the gem store if you need to buy them.

The problem with the current system is since you can’t preview the options in character creation, you don’t know whether you will like your face with a new hairstyle. So you don’t know if you need to just buy a hairstyle kit or makeover kit.

Returning to Twilight Arbor: Aetherpath

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I don’t consider myself “pro,” and I certainly don’t carry people, but I have run aether path dozens of times and have helped several guildies and friends get their achievements. You are welcome to add me to see if our play times match up and try to get a group together.

Lack of content - huge mistake.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Depending on how many hours you put in per day, any game will start to get stale after a while. Play something else! I started playing GW1 yesterday (never played before) to see what all the fuss is about and start earning some HoM stuff. I was surprised at how many festivals there are, and kind of sad that they all didn’t make it into GW2. Sweet Treats starts April 10!

Got all SAB Minis I can from BLC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Wow, I bought 25 keys with gems and 10 more with gold, and got none. Figured I’d be crazy to spend more than that. I did get a ghost pepper harvesting node, which put some.of the gold back >.<

Full Specialization weapon list

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Thief with a rifle is the most stupid thing ever, and i hope…i hope it’s not true. Cause if it is… kitten it i’m out of here and onto a new game. It doesn’t make sense, at all and it doesn’t fit.

Thief with some cool axes? hell yea i’m all up for that…but a rifle? NO NO NO NO NO

This is actually what i’m waiting on, as soon as they announce the specialization for thief i will know if i will get the expansion or not.

God please don’t let them ruin the Thieves even more with a freaking rifle….please…

What, you don’t want to be suddenly kill shot by a thief in stealth?

Legendary weapons will no longer be legendary

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Sadly, the prestige of a legend is kinda invalidated by the fact that anyone can buy one with a credit card. The new ones will fix this, so that’s good. As to how much prestige the new ones will hold, it all depends on how hard it will be to obtain them, but considering that most of the game’s pve (if not all) is really not hard at all, I dunno… But the prestige of the current legends will be indeed diminished, even if it’s only because new ones come out. On the other hand, their prestige might actually go up if the new legends are way too easy to aquire… Time will tell, atm we know too little to be sure.

That’s not entirely true. The only thing you can’t buy with real money for the new legedaries are 1) the precursor and 2) the legendary itself. Anet stated that the components for crafting a legendary will be very similar to what we use now. That means 250 of each T6 mat, 100 gold for icy runestones, and whatever materials are required for the other Gifts. These things get very expensive and can add up to the price of the precursor itself (or more in some cases). Also add in potential materials needed for precursor crafting. So it’s still very possible to spend quite a bit of real money on the new legendaries.

On the topic of old legendaries “losing their prestige,” who cares? The legendaries I made were made because I liked the skins and needed something to work on. Since I make my characters aesthetically pleasing to myself, I don’t care if someone thinks mine are second class because “gosh anyone with a credit card can buy them.” Each character has a theme, and their weapons and armor are chosen for that purpose.

400 gem item to double mail size

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I don’t want to have to pay to be able to send more mails. That would be a major ripoff. Anet needs to let us send more mails to friends (friend meaning both parties have friended each other). It’s a nightmare to give away dyes to guildmates. Link 10 dyes, 8 different people want one or two, and you spend the next 20 or so minutes trying to send them out. Before you say put them in the guild bank, most people who need the dyes are newer players without access to the bank.

Question about the new Precursor skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


The precursors right now don’t have their own skins, all of them share a skin with another weapon. When you craft a legendary right now you don’t unlock that precursor’s skin, you unlock the skin of the other weapon that the precursor shares it’s skin with. For example if you get Dusk and craft Twilight, the skin you’ll unlock is called Naegling, not Dusk.

Because of this I’m afraid we’re not going to get the update precursor skins automatically unlocked when HoT arrives, even if we already crafted some legendaries.

This isn’t true for the torch’s precursor. I bought that one for the skin only, so I’d like to know if that one is being changed.

Tomes of knowledge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Are you sure they weren’t just taking about how tomes will no longer be used for skill points because of the HoT change?

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615

and many more!

Seriously, stop being dramatic. Surely this April Fool’s joke was in the works for longer than one week. That plane crashed March 24. You really think they come up with this update in 8 days? I feel more like it is paying homage to the history of aviation.

Can other Infinite Tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


No because then the people who bought tools before watchwork ones won’t spend more gems to upgrade

And Anet won’t exchange my bone pick, bought before the watchwork pick existed, for a watchwork pick. They learned their lesson with this pick, don’t encourage them to have future tools give pay to win bonuses.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


This actually happened to me yesterday while mapping. I assumed it was a bug.

Minis from Black Lion Chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I bought 25 keys + 1 key rewarded = no super minis = super sad me. Super sad me would love to buy these from some other lucky duck!

Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Great changes! I have a character waiting at the last story step, so I’ll save it to try solo!

I do have one observation to share. Medium armor classes are rewarded CM dungeon armor at various steps in their personal story. Light and heavy, as far as I’ve seen, do not get to choose a dungeon armor for their reward. It would be awesome and really helpful if you added dungeon skins to light and heavy personal story reward, as it would help greatly with my Dungeoneer achievement

Drop System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I feel your pain. I have watched a friend over and over again be handed for free the things I have paid for (multiple precursors and permanent hairstylist contract). I’ve gotten Rage twice in a row from the forge… Not much once you realize I have bought 9 expensive precurors. I did loot Xanthium of Dreams several months back, which helped me finish a few collections after it funded the crafting and sale of a two legendaries.

And now, the only thing I currently want in game is Tequatl’s hoard. I have not missed a daily kill in about 4 months, and often kill him 2-3 times per day on different characters. Same friend I mentioned above got the drop though!

I see no reason why dedicated players should not have a way to obtain the things they want. I have no problem with people randomly getting good drops. I do have a problem with things that are ONLY RNG drops, such as Teq’s Hoard and fractal weapon skins. I see no reason why teq and fractals can’t give one token per run, and allow you to trade something like 200 tokens for a skin. At least there would be some light at the end of the tunnel. I think it is reasonable to reward players who are dedicated one weapon skin every 3-4 months.

Mystic forge..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


There are special weapons made from mystic forge recipes; you can look those up on the wiki.

I gamble occasionally. When I have enough T5 mats, I craft rare weapons to throw in. I know I’d make more gold from selling the raw materials, but I like to gamble. Sometimes I get a few exotics out, sometimes not. Sometimes I throw my rares from the world bosses in, sometimes I salvage them for ectos. Gambling is just fun occasionally and there is a very small chance that you’ll get something worth a fair amount of gold.

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


How people is supposed to lend money to a friend who urgently needs to buy gems because he want to get something that is available for only 24h if they are tied to that 500 gold restriction?

I sense that this restriction is also a way to encourage players to spend real money on gems. Whether you’re lending gold to buy gem store items, or guilds are helping to pay for transfers. The inconvenience of the wait time will make more players choose to just take out that credit card $$$

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


This is going to be a problem for guild lottos. Usually the gold is mailed to a single player, but with the restriction that person might not be able to access all of the entries/winnings. It’s not very fun to win a lotto and be told you’ll get your gold over the course of several weeks. I understand it will just take more organization, which is still an inconvenience to honest players.

As I understand it, the limit is placed on the receiver, not the sender. So as far as assisting others with server transfers, you would simply need to allow several guild members to have access to the gold storage to then mail the gold out. I’m just trying to get an idea of how this would work, and confirm that the amount of gold you can send is not restricted at all. It won’t affect me personally, but it’s good to know.

I think it’s good that it will discourage selling in the LFG tool. I think it’s bad that, should I get an expensive drop, I will not think to offer it first to a guildmate. I don’t mind friends owing me gold, but I’d rather not have an acquaintance in debt to me. I’d rather give a guildie who pays in full a discount than sell to a stranger. I’m aware that I can take it to the trading post and shouldn’t sell to people I don’t trust and blah, blah, blah. Save the lecture; I simply like to help others when I can. It’s a little thing, but it’s one of those things that can spark friendship and the sense that you are a part of something.

Unfortunately, honest people are always inconvenienced by the rules we put in place to discourage criminals. I hope this restriction saves accounts from being hacked, but I think the gold sellers will just find a way around it.

Belliegerence and Vulgar Language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Sometimes I’ll try to steer map chat in a different direction. Otherwise, I just ignore the chat. It usually isn’t bad enough for me to think someone deserves a ban, so I rarely report. The only place I’ve really had an issue is while waiting for tequatl to spawn. In pvp I ignore map chat altogether because I only play in a full party and communicate in TS

Legendary Weapon Skin and TP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


There is one special exception with Twilight and Sunrise. You have to make/buy both, throw them into the forge to create Eternity, which you can then sell. You’re losing gold that way, but you get to keep the skins which is a fair trade-off.

Freedom to reduce listing prices on TP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Just out of curiosity.. how many others did you undercut when you listed yours? What happened to you also happened to others.

Taking the listing fee away would be bad, for the reasons stated above. You’d just come back complaining about constantly being undercut.

A Legendary Journey - Precursor mastery!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


It was me! Sorry for the confusion.

Again, to confirm, the icons shown in the blog post are all placeholder. I am not requiring that you get Chaos of Lyssa or the Preserved Queen Bee.

^_^ Yeah seeing Chaos of Lyssa was worrisome..
I also hope that the weapons don’t have excessively elaborate craft recipes… Its my biggest gripe at the moment.
Also will we be able to trade old precursors when we achieve them from the collections? Will the game have 2 variants of the old precursors? One that’s unbound another that isn’t?

I mean i can see people trading precursors obtained like this with friends so they can have twins of their favorite legendaries (Twice told legend anyone?).

It’s my understanding that we can craft and trade the old precursors. I hope so, anyway. Would like to earn some of the gold back from buying 9 precursors from people who were simply luckier than me!

A Legendary Journey - Precursor mastery!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


It was me! Sorry for the confusion.

Again, to confirm, the icons shown in the blog post are all placeholder. I am not requiring that you get Chaos of Lyssa or the Preserved Queen Bee.

Thanks for confirming! I eventually want to buy the recipe for Chaos of Lyssa, and I was not looking forward to the price hike over the photo.

What is "experienced"?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Tips for approaching dungeons as a newbie is just to make it clear at the start of the dungeon that you are a newbie and you are coherent (will read chat and do your best as instructed). That way everyone gets the run they’re expecting.

CoF P3 so epic

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I just hop on my thief for the torches, and switch after if I’m with people who I know can run through the bombs. Otherwise, I just stay on thief so everyone can have a good time! I like this path a lot, I wish I could convince people to run it more often

Pls fix drops for fractals above lvl 30

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Rewards are just inconsistent aka RNG. One week, I got 3 ascended armor chests. Then I’ll go a while getting rings every time. Then I hit a dry spell, like now. I got nothing in my last five 30+ fractals. I only run about three per week, unless guildmates want help with the daily, so I shouldn’t be hitting DR.

Here’s to hoping the xpac fractal mastery has something to do with rewards. Cheers!

Wait, what just happened?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Unless the LFG said that it was a “causal” or “watch all cutscenes” run, he’s being entirely selfish.

OP says he wants the other four players to carry him while he watches the “only 30 second” cutscenes. Only 30 seconds, sound ok, right? But wait, how many cutscenes are there per path? How long does it take to run an entire path? We’re actually talking about a significant proportion of time here.

All due respect, that seems like a pretty harsh view to take on someone wanting to watch the story cut scenes in a story mode dungeon. If you were specifically doing speed runs of explorable paths, then yes someone holding up a run to watch cut scenes unannounced is an “offense” but this isn’t a big deal.

As for the OP, getting kicked for something so silly sucks but the best lesson to learn here is always take a moment to share your intentions/status with the party if you haven’t already said so in your LFG post. People are less likely to get annoyed if they know you are new and/or plan to watch cut scenes, and the ones that have a bug up their butt about it can leave before the run starts.

Usually these posts just get the usual: " no new dungeons means people play for the gold only and want to be done as fast as possible, so make your own party with your playstyle preference announced," but this guy literally said he expected the rest of his party to 4-man while he watched the cutscenes.

I don’t think the OP “expected” the others to 4-man anything. I think the statement you’re commenting on was more of a “if they don’t want to wait for me to watch, they can easily charge ahead and I’ll catch up.”

Wait, what just happened?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Sorry that happened to you. In the future, if you want your dungeon run to be anything but “ZERK OR GTFO SPEED RUN,” you need to make your own lfg with a small notation, like “first time story, WATCHING CUTSCENES,” or “newbies/all welcome.” Just listing the path itself usually works out fine, as people who join aren’t looking for anything in particular, they just want to run the dungeon… but even then sometimes I come across some jerk who thinks they’re running the show (and when they get testy I tell them they are welcome to leave and be replaced at any time). And always, always reiterate your intent to watch cutscenes/have non-80’s or newbies before the dungeon starts. Sometimes people forget to read what they’re joining.

Kind of pathetic to kick someone in story for watching a cutscene though.

A Legendary Journey - Precursor mastery!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I am just wondering will the new precursors be craft only? or will we be able to pick them up account bound as well from random chests and mobs? I would like to get lucky sometime and randomly get one that would be nice

I’m wondering that myself, with a few thoughts about it.

Why I’m against it: Imagine you are nearly finished with a precursor, and then that same precursor drops for you. I would be pretty darn annoyed, because my progress would feel pretty much, well, moot. This is assuming you can’t just switch your progress toward a different precursor.

Why I’m for it: You decide you want to make two of the same new legendaries for Twice Told Legend. You can only craft one of each percursor, so now you have to wait for dumb luck to get the second. You can’t buy it, but at least you have a next-to-nothing chance of receiving that exact precursor.

Guild Represent Feature (Suggestion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


In my experience with new players, the confusion comes from a player joining their first guild and not being aware that they have to do anything to represent it. The simpler fix would be that when you accept a guild invite, you automatically represent that guild.

I think Represent and Stand Down are fine words to define these actions. Also, representing a guild is advertising it. You are showing off your guild to all other players, and hopefully making a good impression that makes others want to be a part of it.