Showing Posts For saalle.4623:

[Suggestion] Custom outfits, create your own!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Yeah right,forget that idea.

[Merged] Clarification on teleport skills?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Thief and Mesmer dont have mobility skills that requires target,except steal and mesmer short sword skill (which is in this case good,cause we wont be able to fail anymore).Shadowstep does not require target,so range does not matter,seems to me that this changes are good for thiefs/mesmers,dont know why you people complain about.
Perhaps pistol thiefs gonna have some problems,but im d/d so wont affect me.

We complain because Guardian has no mobility now.

Ohh ok then.

[Merged] Clarification on teleport skills?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Thief and Mesmer dont have mobility skills that requires target,except steal and mesmer short sword skill (which is in this case good,cause we wont be able to fail anymore).Shadowstep does not require target,so range does not matter,seems to me that this changes are good for thiefs/mesmers,dont know why you people complain about.
Perhaps pistol thiefs gonna have some problems,but im d/d so wont affect me.

New to GW2 and Some Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Welcome to Tyria Rod.Yes this game is Buy To Play = Buy once,play forever (unless you want expansion that we all wait with huge HYPE).
Even though game is free after you buy it,game is not even 1% PayToWin.Everything that is on market,you can buy with gold,and gold is not that hard to earn if you dont mind farming.
There are 2 PVP modes in this game = sPvp and WvW.
sPvP is mode where you are instant lvl 80 with all skills unlocked so only player skill matters.
WvW is massive battleground with hundreds of players,sort of like FPS games where commander leads an army against another1.
There is limit of 500 players per guild but Colin Johenson said that he will try to find a way to make guilds cooperate with other guilds more closely.In GW1 we had guild alliances so i bet its that.
Sadly but there is no proper 1vs1 in this game,there is no duels or anything where you can test your skills in open world – you can play 1vs1 arena.

You didn’t saw anything of GW2 yet,just wait to see events such as halloween.This game have by far best events in MMO world.

Still surprised how fastest selling MMORPG in history is not heard by MMO community,all those rewords,all those WOW – GW2 comparison that is spreading around internet.

Suggestion – make a huge guild here,you will need it when Guild Halls arrives
Note – this game is vary casual,you dont do endless farm for gear,you dont even need to play everyday to be good as others,its made more for busy people with jobs and such.
I was WOW player long ago,after GW2,i never went back =)

(edited by saalle.4623)

One Day Sales...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Good thing they removed it…before they turned this game in to AION.Since those wings come out,this game lost its feeling.

option to toggle off wings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Im with you bro,i always hated WINGS,no matter which game i played.Sadly we will have to bite a lip and deal with it cause they are gonna stick around,and we will get them in many and MANY colors. Fairy Wars begins…

Game still populated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Due to megaservers you might come and complain how game is too crowded actually…many people complain on that.

too much loot in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


If u dont want loot,just trash them.

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Leave,that’s what i would do.

Final Review of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


LOL ascended gear is nothing special.I use exotic like most of the people and kill ascended all the time.Ascended gear is only worth for doing FRACTALS,cause it give u stat def against condition that you can find only in FRACTALS.Ascended gear does not give even 5% improvements,weapons and rings are worth something but gear itself isn’t.
Anyway GW2 is game where win or lose is decided by player skill and not gear.

(edited by saalle.4623)

So still no LA?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I was vary happy when that town went BOOOMMM,but also sad that i could not help Scarlet destroying it.I disliked LA for many reasons (the most cause of people stacking there like ants,doing nothing) and i still dont like it.Still,it was lots of time since LA was destroyed and its time to see some signs of repair.

Do you buy boosters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I trash boosters,waste of inventory space

Dueling, where is it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Custom arenas or WvW for dueling

Thats not possible in WvW cause of enemy players who wont just stand and watch you dueling,instead they kill you.Custom arenas forcing you to play with pvp gear so thats not an option ether.We want pvp with our PVE gear,without enemy players killing us wile dueling.Also i want to duel my friend.

would you like PVP in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


YES i would love,but will never happen.This community is kinda scared of pvp

Would You Like 10-Man Raids (Poll)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I dont really care but i never liked raids much.The less instanced gameplay = better .Open World wins.

Male Legendary Bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I hate legendary bows as well.Thats why i dont bother making1.They all look like made for girls…yuckkkkk

What's the next GW2 killer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Every MMO come after GW2 was “Gw2 killer” and they all succeeded just to be “game i play wile im bored of GW2 and waiting for content”.All those games failed and dropping in community rapidly,wile GW2 stands on the top after WOW.Now haters are finding new games to “kill GW2”,but they will end up the same.

What those “haters” don’t understand is that GW2 have community size of millions and that most of those who dont play anymore just wait for something exiting (like expansion).GW2 still have huge playerbase and with launch of HOT it will explode.Nuff said

So i just bought this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Im playing GW2 on Nvidia GeForce 8600 lol so what you think now xD?Its like 6 + years old graphic card.I play on low but no fps issues at all.

Are you going to buy HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: saalle.4623


OFC i will buy it,if it have reasonable price ofc.

Quaggon playable race!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


So you guys are actually serious 0.o…..god…i wont comment here anymore and will leave this tread to die ASAP.

Quaggon playable race!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I hate this Quaggan “new race” treads.I dont know if this is a joke,troll or OP is just serious….Quaggan could never be new race cause they look kittened…..they cant wear armor,they cant fight and its not even funny to even consider that as option.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Cause they said many times that they are working on HUGE background patch that they cant talk about??They said about it on Pax east 2013 but people dont seem to pay attention on what Anet said,they just know how to rage and be negative about everything involving the game…

Great Job Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Its really vary well done.Point of NO Return is fun and challenging content,on top of that….THAT ENDING !!! HYPE !!!Every1 is already crazy hyped about expansion.Whatever they call it “expansion” or “feature pack”…whatever for me…1 thing is clear,and that is that something HUGE is coming and we will know all about it at 24.1. Great job Anet !

Most of us don't care about PVP

in PvP

Posted by: saalle.4623


Yes we do care about PVP.You are not entire world.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I like new trait system.In fact they should force us to do some other things as well.If we have everything we want under our reach,then we have nothing to do,no reason to play this game at all.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


+1 for dueling.Too bad that this forum community is against adding new content so will never happen.

New player - How do I make this "fun"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


OP you see….the thing is that,you are “15 minutes dancing for cows”, cause this game would be rather confusing if you would…for example had to pick an item and then click on cow.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


It had interesting environment.It was not just some usual fantasy thing that you see in every fantasy MMO (such as GW2).It had places that makes you say (WOOOW,this is unique).Asian stile fit to game alot.It also had vary interesting characters such us Shiro – Nika,even 1 of best trailers that i saw in online games.

Cantha means less fantasy and more new and unique environment.Fantasy got really boring.

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


So OP in answer to your question, it seems like a lot of people do want Season 3. Including me.

lol oh vayne, you and your white knighting. Thanks I can read. What I actually here hear is that people want another season if it includes actual expansion sized content.

What I hear is a bunch of elitists that want a ton of free content/stuff to burn through/earn in a month so they can come back and complain some more about how this game is dying.

Guess it’s how you read it.


Majority is still for LS on this tread sooo….Should Anet listen those 30+ people that says YES to LS or those like 5…that says NO hmmm?

Happy New Year!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Happy New Year =)

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


“Big background patch that we cant yet talk about it” – that is for me expansion worth of content.I dont care will they call it “expansion” or just some feature patch with LS but content is on its way.

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I want season 3 and stop already with this expansion treads….it got worse then mounts.There are like 5 treads on first page about this..

Skipped dailies, am still alive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I play this game for more then a year already and i never bothered doing dailies anyway,rewords for it are just not worth it.I really dont know why all of this drama about this.

New player having trouble with names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


LOL…you are 2 years late to complain on that.This game have millions of accounts with more then 1 character on it.You think its easy to find normal name?

Musical Instruments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I wish they add Viola in gemstore,i would instant buy it.

waiting on competition to announce Xpac

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


You people are soo boring with this expansion treads.Background project will be out when its ready.Anet does not wait for anything,they just dont want to hype people who will rush them even more for its release,release that would be full of bugs.

Ok, what is wrong with you anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


housing, mounts dont belong in gw2, its not that kind of game why is it so hard for people to understand that just because another game of the same genre has them doesnt mean every one has to.

Guild housing does belong to GW2

Ok, what is wrong with you anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Players been asking for many things,but there are those that object instantly on it.Anet cant make game perfect for everyone.You want mounts but some people dont,some people want duels wile others dont.I want open world pvp but it will never happen cause majority of people dont want it.
Its how it is,they cant make happy everyone cause people are different and they like different things,also lots of people here on forums are just selfish.
You ether play the game or just move to some that have mounts,that is how it is,that is how will stay.

Suggestion: Remove starter zone daily events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


No,game needs to feel alive exactly for new players so that they can see it.Do you have idea how many games i quit just cause i didn’t find any1 on the starting zones?First thing you get to think when there are no players in starting zones is,game is dead – uninstall.

I want to get into this game but can't

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I agree that this game is way too easy,whats even worse is that Anet keep making it easier and people hate it.I wish they start going little more towards hardcore,with punishments and staff.

Thanks Anet for new dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


First of all this is not troll tread,so everyone of you that are here to rage about,you already have couple of threads for that.Go there and rage.

Since long ago i was asking on forums for something like this,something that will give us reason to explore maps and do content that we just rushed during our leveling and never touched again.I think that is waste of time and money,to make a game where you work soo hard to make something that no1 plays.
In this game,you had no reason to leave town – Literally.Everything you do,you can do it from same spot you are standing.That sort of privilege made this community lazy,and i think Anet spoiled this community wayyy too much.

Im happy about new dailies,i like the fact that forces you do go out and play a game.Now for those that will reply – “i dont want to be forced”…..that is exact reason why is this community spoiled as it is and why is this game never good for them.

This game had dead world,i know that,cause thats how i was felt when i start playing GW2 for the first time.After that,they gived us Megaservers and now this…They made this world alive again,made it look like and MMO – finally.This game needs more forced content that will send us out to Tyria.

Great job Anet on this patch.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I like new dalies,this is what i was asking for since long ago.This game needs content that force you to do them.If we dont have content that we must do,even if we dont like it,then we will all become spoiled whiners as many of this community already are.

Anet spoiled us wayyyy too much…

Is "Living Story" interesting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


It is interesting,i love Marjory and Kasmeer but Taimi is the best !.Story is vary interesting as well,I wait each weak to see teaser trailer with hype !It sux that it comes only once per 2 weeks and usually dont deliver much content.
I have really fun playing LS each ep…but after a hour or 2,after its done,i have nothing to do again.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I would like to see Viola instrument.

Im soo excited for the upcoming releases anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


You people call every1 who supports game and like it “white knights”.Is it that hard to understand that some people like this game?If you dont like it then move on to some other game.
If those supporters are “white knights”,then all of you are simple ragers,whiny little kids and you are the majority,shame on you.
This game is not perfect,but i would always rather hear something good for a change then trolling of ragers from a forum.There is enough of you already.

Mail Carrier Customization Added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Now we finally have what to do in game.Farming for courier xD

This game is epic but not challenging

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Yeah its way too easy.Easy = boring

I am really craving for a sequel to GW1...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Guild Wars 2 is good game but GW1 was something unique,something totally different.Lore there was amazing,it had that feeling like you are important,like you doing something that really matters.Lore was about legends,mature content that was something not seen in any MMO till then.
After that GW2 come and brought WOW like world,full with fantasy elements.They abandoned all those legends,they made history not important at all.They destroyed GW2 universe and created entirely different game.

Now they are trying to build up entirely new game,but they doing it wrong.
I love LS but game lacks real content,it gives you no reason to login and play game cause there is no character progression and you dont feel reworded at all.Every event you do in this game rewords you with useless junk that you dont need.
So whats the point of playing?To have fun?You cant have fun without rewords,and there is no fun by just exploring the world or farming for useless items,sitting afk or such.

Its sad cause GW2 have HUGE potential even this days…2 years after release.There is still no game on a market that is promising as GW2.Many have tried and many have failed.People talk about GW2 killer for long time but still GW2 stand above all of them.People can say whatever they want but after WOW,GW2 is biggest game around and until Black Desert comes will stay that way.
But Anet is doing same mistake Blizzard is doing,they dont listen to community and they are ruining game.
They need to listen people feedback and then go on a mission of fixing the game and making GW2 universe the way players want,not devs.After all “customer is always right”.

Dervish the Next Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I would love to see dervish in game.People compare it with guardian but NO.As much as dervish is FUN for me,that much guardian is BORING.

think anet should charge a sub

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


This would be huge mistake cause lots of players are already on the edge of quiting the game,and only reason keeping them here is that they dont need to give money.Players lost faith in ArenaNet.Charging monthly fee would just cause that all of those players quit game.They even force themselves now to play a game…monthly fee would kill game.