I personaly enjoy leveling new toons. I find it the best way to actualy learn their skills and adapt. Far as crafting in this game goes.. its a complete joke and havent a clue to why players even waste their time doing it. Way to many mats and time involed to get 1 lvl or craft 1 item. More when its far cheaper in value to farm the gold doing DE’s and buy the item on tp.
now what? now you get to try the other classes. Best part is tho all you need to do is get them out of the story quest after creating the toon to take them to the mists to check them out at lvl 80 with all skills and weapons.
Only 2 classes i can stand playing out of them all. Rest are garbage and i cant belive people like playing them.
i had a npc revive me once couple patchs ago..never again after that revive. Even tho the patch they introduced was supposed to correct the npcs to revive players.
its the carrot infront of the horse and you are the horse and anet is the carrot.
just another stupid term in skinwars2. Nothing more and everything less.
i havent played in over 3 weeks and here is why.
Long before lostshores was even talked about i was busy pimping my warrior out in exotics until i got bored of doing that so he sits at like 80% done then i finished my ranger from 60-80 and once i got her to 80 i was like meh this is dumb.
Then i went onto elem and had a blast from 1-80 and along the way i was getting my dailie karma jugs. Once i got to 80 lost shores was coming on in a couple days so id figure id hit cursed for some grinding. Nope not gona happen cuase its empty with the nerfs they did to timers and to make it worse every stupid wp was constested.
Then lost shores hit and day 1 into the event i get home from work have a beer relax then log on and only short lived to log out due to yet another event thats bugged in the endless list of bugs on this game. So the entire weekend i barely logged in and to make it worse the patches they did caused me to lag realy bad.
Havent played the game since and wont be back because ive seen the trend this game is heading towards and dont want anypart of it. Devs are getting greedy with each patch they do and dont give 2kittenabout fixing things that realy need to be worked on. Already went through that with blizzard.
Why is this in general discussion? Move this topic to the warrior forums.
if you read the tittle he is asking about proffessions..not just a single one but them all.
i use youtube maybe once a month to check out somthing. Realy no need for this. Just simply log in and look around then log out..same thing everyday and pray nothing breaks in your favor.
Good luck with that venture.
want easy mode level a warrior.
Greatsword/rifel hands down mows them over.
tons of life even if u dont spend into traits and just look at their skills lol..insane what they can do.
you are not missing anything bud. Trust me when i type this out that anet will eventualy make the new gear be sold at vendors once the 3rd new teir comes out. Just like any other mmo does.
You’re spinning your wheels over nothing.
enjoy that carrot dont you?
They must know jay wilson. Anet took grinding then doubled it. Its insane how much it costs to level a craft let alone even craft items.
w/e taking a break and currently installing rifts new xpac.
SKIN WARS! having fun yet?
point is, its boring. Each patch they do mess’s somthing else up that was working fine.
I agree with the op. Either give players resitance and blocking stat or skills. OR remove that BS auto attack that monsters do just like in every lame mmo. Sure we get 2 dodge rolls, whoopie doo. Spend them and then what stand there take more damage?
Basicaly the game is this. You take all this damage but get no real skills to deal with the damage recived and the skills that some profs do get are pathetic. 2-3 seconds and most time they dont work for the duration.
What got me hooked on this game before it came out was that i read the player gets to dodge attacks. My mistake for not researching it and didnt know its just another bad skill. Why is it so hard to alow the player to beable to side step and projectile incoming to them? diablo2 was able to do this. Ive yet to play another game that has.
Tell you what tho they need to do something epic to dec. As is im playing less and less each week. I logged in and finaly see that grenth isnt constested for no reason and head over there to get my elem some karma gear then i logged out. This 3 day event with their patching has screwed up my game play with the lag it created.
Meh dont care anyhow just waiting for somthing better to come along and casualy log in time to time.
The only thing you should so is this and only this.
Creat everytoon and get past the first storymode to get into the world. Click on the pvp tab top left corner and head on over the the mists so you can try out every skill and weapons along with the traits without having to level a toon.
Warrior can roll through anything same can be said for gaurdians but the warrior has awsome dps. Everything else is just kitten imo. Elem is the only other decent class with the conditions you can do from a long range and the rangers purely suck. You spend 90% of your attacks doing auto attacks.
Once you figure out a prof you actualy think you like to play and level then head on over to youtube and check out what they can do at lvl 80 in full exotics. This will save you alot of time and hassel.
For fast leveling hit all the heart quests and every event thats near by. Alot of events refresh after 10 minutes.
Just some tips to get you started. Happy hunting for skins.
dont worry you would of had the same chance of getting nothing for the final event as thousands did due to anets awsome servers crashing on the final fight thus kicking many many players and not getting credited lol.
cant belive it took you 800 hours to come to this conclusion.
Gonna play a white knight’s role this time. You don’t have to do those dungeons. You have plenty of other content to do. They might be a little deserted but you can always bring your friends/guildies! That’s the beauty of the game without a necessary grind and whole game being the endgame.
thats a bit tricky with the majority of the suckers chasing that carrot on a stick in the new dungeon to get anyting done far as group events goes let alone bigger events. Saturday morning i logged in and i was at the cursedshore. Only one too lol.
I dont do dungeons in this game and choosed not to do the 3day event after phase1 didnt want to work. w/e game is going downhill fast.
With all the negative topics, just thought I’d say I’m freaking enjoying this game. One of my best purchases EVER. Bought it 1 week after it came out and still enjoying the hell out of it. Grats Anet.
I do share some of the worries of my fellow friends here about ascended gear, being left out of groups or falling behind friends (pretty casual myself), but you know? not all that worried really.
I’ll keep my own pace, and trust this is just what they say it is, a mechanic to help introduce new high end stuff on the long run without sacrificing players that play casually like myself.
I also keep in mind one of the best features, no monthly fees, if this where a monthly subscription MMOs, I would never have even tried it, but now I’m pretty sure ill be buying the expansions too.
Anyway, I guess I just wanted to give a thumb ups to Arena Net on what they have accomplished so far Feels like you guys need a pat in the back after reading through the apparent negativity floating around. Then again, I’m sure you already know satisfied players like are busy actually playing than posting here. Looking forward to what they plan for the future.
Welcome to 1% of the games population, put your seat back and tray tables in the upright lock position, and enjoy your month or 2 of playing a game then moving to/back to another game that does the treadmill better (ANY game is optional here)
Are you serious? You think only 1% of the game population is enjoying this? Is that why since friday afternoon there has been overflow queues in LA?
More people are having fun playing the game than not. I’m 100% sure of that. The people who are kittening about it on the forums don’t count for as much of the population as you would like us to think.
That being said, while the actual events were a little lackluster and poorly executed the fractal dungeons are great fun.
Go look again on monday once the event is done and gone. Population will be back to what it was on thursday lol.
I urge you not to play SWTOR, you have no idea what you are in for with that game. I hope you like touching ‘X’ glowing panels and hearing NPCs monologue at you for hours.
You obviously haven’t played the Personal Story, have you? Gods, Trahearne just won’t shut up… Ugh.
emo with a flashy sword, what do you expect? Meh i havent used sounds since after the second week on any game i play.
i knew there was a reason to not log in..glad i didnt. Thanks for the reminder.
i wasnt knocking swotr or wow..just saying getting gear is simple and the way i feel it should be in a rpg like game.
ID probably play wow again if i didnt trash all my cds. Dont see a point in buying them all over again lol. And i refuse to play swtor..just cant handle that global cooldown. Makes trying to have a rotation in pvp super hard.
yep thats the patern anet is doing these days. trickling in a bigger carrot on a smaller stick. Next patch we get the donkey to carry that stick.
swtor has insane amount of restrictions for the f2p so research it. Btw its not a bad game but just sucks with the global cooldowns for using hotkeys. Cant even spam all your buttons when you want…global CD sucks. Basicaly swtor is going to nickle/dime you to push for sub.
Wow isnt any better then this game but when it comes to gear its supper simple to get and striaght forward. Loved crafting on that game. Unlike this game crafting is pointless and insane on the amount of mats it takes to even make somthing worth using.
I dont care about the new ring/backpeice either. Just wish they would do some much needed work on pvp.
I would say yes to a raid like dungeon but its a huge event without the kitten minions they have in dungeons doing insane dps with even more insane hp.
Events as they are im fine with when they work lol. Sure any large group you will get a couple players just draging their feet in terms of pitching in on the farm. Dont blame them, blame the fool that put it into the game.
theres a catch22 for the dungeon. You need to be above lvl 20 for actual drops. Enjoy the carrot.
most of these patchs have been failures.
When i got home from work i logged in to catch phase 1 of the event on day one. Ofc it was bugged for me. I loged out and didnt log back on until saturday afternoon to hit the lost shores with guild mates only to lag like im using a cell phone for internet connection due to the shores.
Basicaly their track record is like this. Patch to fix one thing and break somthing that was working correctly. Next patch to fix what they broke only to break somthing else. Keeps going on and on.
warrior face rolls to lvl 80. Use greatsword and win. Rifel on switch. Or for fun you can go sword/axe but GS has highest damage. My 80 warrior crits up to 22k atm and he isnt 100% done. They have good range to kite even in melee and for the pesky not to friendly melee fights, use the rifel.
Recently lvled an ele. Went with fire for main skills and had no issues and was even challenging myself by rounding up all the monsters in the spot i was in and burn them while i kite lol.
Dont be shy to use the TP for gear. Stick to the master works till lvl 80. Cheap way to get the most for your silvers when getting sets. I basicaly shelled out for rare weapons.
I feel ya. Fighting the vets/champs there and basicaly having to kill them twice to recive next to no loot for the effort. Pointless imo. Maybe it will all change once the 3day event is over and the zone becomes perm. Then again i doubt it lol.
guess not many people dont notice the power creep going on in the game or just choose not to notice.
Here is my take on this subject. I enjoy grinding for items i want and that i feel worthry for my time to get them.
When i do pvp i want to have the best stat i possibly can. PVP in this game is a numbers game duh.
No hate,no jealousy nada. Just a desire to be better then the next player.
Bottom line this game should be renamed to skinwars seeing as players aim for best looks (i did for my warrior) along with stats and ive yet to see anything releated to guild pvp lol.
nope just more microtransactions is all.
logic is items ofc. Just a new grind spot nothing more and your not missing anything. Unless they get smart and make those asc gear soulbound on pick up. This will force players to grind it instead of waiting on the TP to sell them.
seems like all rpgs/mmos constantly introduce more teirs as the game gets older. So yes ofc there will be more needless gear to farm for that extra couple stats then what you have now. Think its getting bad now…come back in 6 months lol.
Should never get into an mmo thinking you are going to play all the content. Or enjoy the dissapointments lol.
Besides you’re not missing much for the 3 day event as alot of people are getting bugs that cant even complete.
ironicaly wvw is the main reason why i liked the game before it was released and bought it when it came out.
Whats funny is ive only been in wvw few times. ITs horrible and nothing but a zerg fest with everyone using aoe range skills.
Seems like this game is turning into a bigger microtransaction for pve then actualy being a pvp game.
Same ol carrot infront on a stick. Finaly get my 3rd 80 and im ready to grind out some karma for gear and bam! This lost shore crap pops up and bye bye cursed shores.
Agree with the op 100% and yes this game is going in another direction it was going a month ago. Because of the direction its going im finding myself spending more online looking for better game for myself then actualy playing this now.
Enjoy your bait/switch hit n run game.
Theres no real point to team pvp at all. Cept for bragging rights, but still imo not worth getting into.
Typical result of having to many servers.
More players are finaly 80 and are focusing on that toon. Im on my 3rd 80 as i do enjoy leveling toons. For me its the best way to learn a class.
Smells like another burn out from playing to much with high expectations of the game they are playing.
Either get used to the game you are playing or just dont play at all. Sadly game devs these days just create the same game as some one else did with minor changes to them.
Its going to be years if not a decade to see a real game with no crap like in current mmos with automated anything and dev’s actualy standing up to the complainers and cry babies because they realy suck at a game. I realy hate this trend that devs do.
Personaly i paid for the game as is and im happy. If i dont like it i wont play it….however i will not go onto thier website and cry/complain and want things my way.
Dont like it dont play it.
Im going with, learn how to play. Im leveling an ele myself currently lvl 72 in orr with zero problems at all.
The problem many players tend to have is not moving and using dodge skills. This isnt wow or crappy games like it with auto mated features.
On my ele i never stand in one spot for more then a second or two. Im allways in motion to aviod melee range all i can and swaping attunes for off/def purposes.
My main is a warrior. Super easy to plow down pve stuff with all that damage. Personaly i find the ele more fun with the 4 attunements you get for 20 skills to use in all verse 5 lol. Keeps it fun.
Go hit some youtube videos and then the mists to try out different builds..IMO seems like you are just sticking to 1 attunement. Works fine at low levels but as you get higher up you will need to bounce around attunments to keep that damage going becuase auto attack damage just doesnt cut it.
Up until lvl 70 i was pure power/tough,condition damage and was alot of fun too. I could round up everything in range and burn them all while i kite around. But thats not the case in orr since those monsters tend to move faster then you can run lol. Now im going with the concept of bunker build but more dps side. Gives me more life regeneration vs pure dps so i dont have to rely on the super lousy heal skill we get for hp.
welcome to orr population of 5 humans to 50 bots.
its the holy grail of carrot infront of the horse.
With the rng ingame mf is complete crap and more so since the best drop you can get is a rare item. All the loot possible to drop will never be worth more then 1g and you are super lucky to get even 50silvers for a good item.
But hey lets face it. You kids put so much effort into hording currency and thats basicaly what mmos period design things around. Whoopie doo you got all the gold in the game and all elite gear..now what?
Seriously why is error7 popping up on my newly created toons when my main and alt from lvl1-80 never had an error. Why is this now plauging my new toon?
Ive created 3 new toons. First one went like 2 days then nonstop error7. I came on here and even used google for solutions and even did the recomended otpions. Nothing works. So i create a new toon same prof. Not even 1 minute into playing i see error7. So i delete it and create a new one. It lasted most of the day until now.
This isnt my problem as it is clearly anets. Please look into this and fix it asap.
I can jump onto an older toon for 30mins to an hour with no problems after i get error7 on new toon then jump back onto it and not even 5mins i get error7 again.
Thank goodness this is a free game.
Seriously why is error7 popping up on my newly created toons when my main and alt from lvl1-80 never had an error. Why is this now plauging my new toon?
Ive created 3 new toons. First one went like 2 days then nonstop error7. I came on here and even used google for solutions and even did the recomended otpions. Nothing works. So i create a new toon same prof. Not even 1 minute into playing i see error7. So i delete it and create a new one. It lasted most of the day until now.
This isnt my problem as it is clearly anets. Please look into this and fix it asap.
I can jump onto an older toon for 30mins to an hour with no problems after i get error7 on new toon then jump back onto it and not even 5mins i get error7 again.
Thank goodness this is a free game.
ok how do you get anti-social from currency cost of using a wp?
Seems to me you are just being lazy and looking for a reason.
Seriously currency in this game is easy to get. Just because its not fast paced like other games..its still easy.
Im allways broke because i use my currnecy to buy things and get around in the game. I know i will make it back and realy helps that im not a gold horder as the vast majority of gamers are..OMG i need all the gold!
Stop being lazy and just go play the game. You will make your precious coinz back.
wow that was bad..all i read was blah blah blah i cant blah blah cant do blah blah.
How hard is it to use a rotation lol. GS has the highest damage in the game atm.
My 100blades crits up to 22k atm and my gear isnt 100% complete.
With my traits and skills my auto attack does more damage then most profs usefull attacks do.
Let me guess you are the type of player that just sits there and only uses the best skill and waits for the cd… Well placed whirlwind can deal over 15k damage, throwing the sword can deal up to another 10k damage and charge up to another 8k-10k on crits.
Meanwhile your puiny axe/sheild deals damage in the hundereds.
Whats funny is people ive ran into allways try to say axe/axe best damage over all in dealing constant damage and GS is nothing but a burst weapon.
Then why does GS auto attacks do more then your usefull skills?…