The Anet guy could have also attacked the camp during RI killed a couple guards and then left. As long as they are still on the map they will get credit and have an opportunity to claim.
You can only acquire celestial gear through crafting. Celestial gear becomes account bound upon creation thus it cannot be sold on the tp or mailed to other players.
Iwill warn you that the time gate is pretty heavy. Is the wiki for the celestial insignia as well as how to acquire it.
Talk to Supplymaster Hanjo(The one with the unbound magic symbol on his head) at Mariner’s waypoint (first waypoint you unlock on the map). I think it’s the 3rd tab that’s labeled Druid Stone collection. You can restore any of the items for 250unbound magic per item.
I have seen the theory before where gold sellers use items to transfer gold. They choose relatively low supply items where they buyout the supply to artificially inflate the price. After that they have the customer either sell all the items into a buy order (if you notice 217shields were bought before the spike) or list the item for a higher price. Thus the gold is transferred.
The other possibility is someone bought a good portion of the shields to salvage for Ectos.
Regardless I personally wouldn’t list it for the current price unless you’re comfortable waiting until (if at all) the price spikes again. The supply of the item is already increasing again while the amount sold is almost non existent.
Welcome back~
Can vouch for Hadan and MR. They were a really decent group back in the day.
Just put a cap on it.
Say once you’ve reached 400 pips gained from that buff you stop receiving them.
No legitimate player should ever come close to 400 pips gained by being outnumbered so it shouldn’t be a problem.
You still need 1450 to cap for the week so that’s a good number to put a maximum cap on that buff, and require the players to contribute if they want to finish their tickets.
Odd since I legitimately play, and have well over 400 pips from outnumbered. Outnumbered makes up the majority of my pips since I am only receiving 3 pips (1 for level, 1 for WvW score, and 1 for getting wood).
i can see it making up the majority if you’re getting 3 pips per tick, but i seriously doubt the claim that having over 400 from outnumbered is legitimate gameplay.
Below is my final from last week… i played 73.6 hours in WvW and never broke 300. If you’re getting over 400 for outnumbered, then you’re actively farming it.
Don’t try to make of your personal experience as truth fact to all players. What you can experience may be completely different to what another player experiences.
As you can see, I have barely 10% of your game play this week, played 2 days only so far and already have 215 pips from being on an outnumbered map. I am a solo/duo or trio roamer and usually pick the less populous maps to avoid being chased over by blobs and so the outnumbered buff flashes frequent depending on the time zone.
Time zone, server, way of playing and other factors have huge impact thus creating different experiences to a variety of players.
My experience has been the same as Els. This matchup so far I have stayed in CD BL the entire time solo roaming (and ganking my ex-guildies who are on CD). 60% of the time i have had outnumbered due to my server having a weak SEA presence.
Agree that small quest was amazing.
Also for the fights i’m pretty sure the ring small attacks can be reflected back for a good chunk of damage.
I have not done the PS in a while but if I recall correctly you can do it with someone else.
The other people have to be in the a party with you and the same map. Then when you start a PS instance the party members will get a popup where they can confirm and join your instance.
If they are on the exact same story step as you then at the end of the instance they can should get a popup that says “Accept credit for this instance” or something along those lines. You the instance opener will naturally receive credit. If your party member(s) are not on the same step then they don’t receive anything.
Hope this helps!
Logged in just to say that MAD (Formerly TAL/SOL) is still here as well. But most of us have some real life commitments at the moment so we aren’t on as much…
But yes ET has been our home server forever as well. I was also monitoring the server website and saw it nearly going dark too and i was gonna be like.. rip ET 2012-2017 but guess we’ll get a couple more days…
Anyhow yeah ET is dead af but it’s still my home since launch so i’m staying as well
~ Yosh
What a fun way to bring more christmas spirit to Tyria
Yes it is possible.
There are some markets in the game where one can buy the raw materials > craft them into certain components that make a decent profit.
Another way you can craft for profit is making use of spirit shards. You can craft unique weapons for a profit there as well.
See the common thread in these? You have to go to the effort to collect mats and somehow add some value in order to get some profit.
Not entirely true. There are some markets in which you can buy the raw materials and convert them into items that yield profit. Such as the market for Ancient Staff Shafts. As of right now if I bought Ancient wood logs, converted them to ancient wood planks and then converted them into Ancient staff shafts I can make 14silver profit per shaft.
Can’t you just skin the precursor over whatever weapon you have on another character? They have the same stat distribution as any other 80exo gear…
T3 Norn Cultural
Might want to mention that you are on EU region (judging from your signature) I’ve been thinking about tackling some of these, but with the new map I have enough mastery points so i haven’t found the motivation to complete it.
Ummmm, isn’t this the engi subforum?
Thanks BG love you guys too <3
The recipe is also 3copper on the tp, pretty affordable if you ask me.
Edge of the mists is a WvW instance, so you’ll be fighting other players in case you didn’t know. Generally in EoTM you want to follow a commander and a zerg (large group of ppl) around to stay “safer”.
I would recommend for crafting since the prices are actually up to date. Just use the normal guides which will cost you about 27gold to level one of the disciplines to 400.
They are account bound on acquire. Meaning you would have to craft them yourself.
I pretty much made Twilight for my friend and sent him Sunrise as well to make Eternity, which he sent back to me. I’ve always stated the purpose of sending tons of mats and the gold to him in the message and never had an issue.
You can talk to Grandmaster Hobbs in LA and he’ll be happy to sell you a replacement for 10k karma.
That would be the issue then. You can only play with people from your region. EU and NA can’t play together because of server limitations. Either you would have to transfer to a EU server or your friends would have to transfer to a NA server.
If you would like to do WvW together be sure to pick the same server!
I think something to keep in mind is the fact that mystic coins are also used in a lot of other items aside from legendaries. The pvp reward trek method does work for laurels, but aside from login rewards there are no other sources of getting mystic coins.
That specific heart quest can transform you into a snow leopard as part of the heart. After which he probably jumped off the cliff the NPC that transforms you is on.
Personally for WvW i like Avatar of Melandru for the elite as a safe stomp in small group fights.
Hmmm care to share you main classes, builds? The way you spec is definitely important as some classes have close to no defense if they don’t have traits/utilities or amulets to use.
Then there are roles, are you dps? bruiser? support? After that do you know combos, not just weapon combos but also fields and their effects. There are also key skills to watch for that you should be dodging or interrupting etc.
There is a lot to pvp that it is hard to give general tips, personally I think the first thing is figuring out a build that works then moving to mechanical skills and rotations
1. Use movement skills to “leap” into a zerg or out of a bomb. Generally skills like Guard GS 3 or Warrior Sword 2.
2. Calls for group stability, mostly from Guardian’s “Stand Your Ground” (SYG). And yes stab 1 means guardian one, stab 2 means guardian 2.
3. AC generally means Arrow carts, so hitting the AC is using AC skills.
4. “Bombs” are huge AoEs that deal a ton of damage. Such as Ele – Meteor shower, Wells from Necros.
Or you can buy them off the trading post!!
My guild and I aren’t specced for such large zerg battles, and some of us can’t handle the lag that comes with it. But we try to make ourselves useful by stealing camps, backpacking towers, but I know some go our guilds love getting into the whole ZvZ action. Can’t speak for everyone but I’m loving the action <3.
Honestly it’d be a lot faster to just go around doing the hero points in HoT since each hero point gives 10hero points.
Have you considered using focus at all? It gives you almost everything you want except the mobility. Honestly when tempest first came out and I was fiddling around with builds I also found it extremely hard to give up offhand dagger, but the stuff you gain from focus is worth it. Personally I run lightning/water/tempest with zephyr boon as my primary boon source of mobility. I also run the trait that gives aura on successfully overloading, between these sources i have no trouble keeping up perm swiftness. The biggest thing is RtL’s CD is 40seconds (26.8 if traited) so you honestly don’t get that much extra mobility from dagger offhand. While you get 2sources of projectile defense, a knockdown, and an invul with focus.
Quick clarification for posting.
When we say level we mean your character level which goes up to level 80.
When we say rank we are referring to wvw “levels” Personally i got confused if you were asking about your level or rank at first :P.
You get between 6-9 proof of heroics everytime you rank up.
The exp unfortunately goes nowhere. It just goes poof and into thin air so it’s wasted unfortunately.
Well first of all that’s a 150 gold precursor.
Second of all if you crafted the Minstrel right now and sold it as a sell order at 2.9k gold you could make around 1.4k gold profit….
Sure it’s not as cool as the Legend or Dusk but it can go for a hefty sum regardless.
Of course you’d have to do some more research on pricing as the market does fluctuate a lot. So it could be a 1.4k gold profit or a 150g profit.
I recently got into SAB but find it really hard. I would love an infinite continue coin but i found it to be packaged with a bunch of other stuff. I would really appreciate an infinite continue coin package!
Edit: seeing a similar post asked for gold I’ll do the same. Right now 600gems is 132 gold X>X so i’m at 0/132
(edited by skyhawk.5149)
Hmmm between my friend and I we joke how one can never have enough gold :P. The game does have the nickname of fashion wars 2. But to me I see playing games as for fun so I play a lot of the content that gives next to no loot. There are several things I’d love to have that I would have to devote a lot of time too farming to get, but they are mostly skins (legendaries) and convenience items like permanent contracts and logging tools. So yeah i’m sure to a lot of players wouldn’t mind having a friend who farms for them :P.
Somethings you can grind are HoT metas, Silverwastes, and nodes. In some of the mid level maps you can run around and farm lots of ore, wood, and vegetables to sell for gold.
Anyhow good luck, hopefully you can find a couple friends to devote your time too, as I’m sure there are plenty of players out there who would a friend made of gold. XD
The guy is on AR….
I wonder if any of you read the part where he wants someone to pay for his server transfer…
The opposing team can have any number of premade groups. Matchmaking does not consider premade groups at all. The only exception is if all 5ppl on 1team are solo que they will never face a 5man Premade. Using you examples of a duo que.
Yes you can face a 5man premade
Yes you can face a 4man +1 solo
Yes you can face a 3man + 2solo or another 2man
Hopefully this clears up your question.
Hey i was taking the survey and noticed that you guys missed artificer in the crafting disciplines question, just wanted let you guys know that. A side note, that is also the discipline that i use most often.
It seems to have relatively low drop rate for sure. I remember killing 100~ savnir before getting it, not bugged just a bit on the rare side.
“Five-person premade groups will never be matched up against a group made up of five solo players.” –
Solo players… it never said groups of 2players, 3players, 4players. So as long as you que with someone else you can face a 5man premade…
Is the system flawed? yes imo. However it is not dishonest at all.
I feel so young compared to some of you X.X. I was born a couple months before the turn of the century.
Foefire Essence is another one.
Regarding those frogs… you can take aftershock which gives magnetic aura. Magnetic aura reflects incoming projectiles.
Other sources of magnetic aura include
Staff Earth 3 > Magnetic Aura
Warhorn Earth 4?5? (can’t remember which) > Magnetic aura
Focus Air 4 > Projectile absorb, absorbs incoming projectiles and projectiles fired within the sphere thingy.
Focus Earth 4 > Reflect, condi remove, blast finisher
Focus Earth 5 > Immunity from damage
Dagger Earth 2 > 1/2second (maybe a bit more?) projectile block.
You can also trait for magnetic aura at the end of channeling earth overload
Ele has tons of ways to mitigate dmg, but they do indeed have the lowest health pool/armor so traits and knowing what your skills do is very important. As well as selecting traits with good synergy amongst each other.
NA is prime is ok… when FoC and TFoR are running together we put up a good fight.
Ocx is like dead…. there is either a 8man AR group running around ganking people, or [MAD] going around K-training EB like no tomorrow.
In more advanced situations and if you have stealth gyro you can activate stealth gyro and apply invisible to yourself and the downed ally to prevent mobs from attacking (assuming the downed guy is smart enough to stop attacking).
If there are a lot of mobs you can start rezzing the ally and pop elixir S so you become invulnerable and don’t get cleaved by the mobs.
1clover is safer as the 33% odds are better. Although what was interesting for me last time I tried was my first 4tries I only got t6 mats back but then i went on a streak getting clovers 5times in a row. I spent a total of 14tries for my 80clovers. It’s all rng some people swear by the one clover recipe while other people do a mixture, i prefer just doing the 10clover recipe since i’m rich and lazy XD
I would want a guild name change contract.
However I would also agree with a limitation so guilds cannot constantly switch their guild name.
Regarding multiple guild leaders what if we let the guild “founder” be the one allowed to change it? It could lead to the problem where a guild “founder” is inactive for ages and can’t change the name, however that leads to another topic.
Finally iirc Anet has changed guild names in the past. Similar to reporting offensive player names, you can report guild names as well, and iirc there have been posts about a guild name being changed so Anet is probably capable of doing it.
Honestly your best bet is just farming gold and directly buying them. And to be fair the conversion recipe takes is about 40silver cheaper than buying the lodestones outright, so you’d save about 110gold over 250 lodestones.