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[UI/QoL Suggestion] redesign damage numbers

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Hello everybody. I’m writing this to suggest a very simple change to our UI that could highly improve readability of fights in pvp.

The problem: I have remarked that one of the factors that render some professions extremely difficult to read is the presence of huge damage numbers covering an important part of their bodies. Typically, if you fight an asura necromancer with a staff, at a >900 range, the damage numbers of your own attacks will completely hide his already hard to see animations. The numbers completely cover his hands so you can’t see when they move; you can’t see the only visual clue that tells you a mark is being casted. Also, when you put an AoE on many enemies, a lot of damage numbers appear that clutter your screen.

The solution: give an option to the players to remove or replace damage numbers by more discrete ones. A good alternative would be to do like in many pvp games where damage numbers are little numbers on the side of enemy life bars. When I attack an enemy, I often don’t really care about the exact amounts of damage I‘m making to him. I know my build, I can quickly recognize his one, I know what kind of dps I am meant to do to him. His life bar tells me all the essential information I need to fight him: what portion of his life my attacks remove, how much life he has left.

Of course, I still want to know very quickly if my enemy enables an Endure Pain, becomes invulnerable, if I’m doing glancing hits because of weakness or anything like that, so the corresponding words like “immunity” or “0” should probably still be displayed the way they are.

You can see in the attachments two screenshots. The first one shows how damage numbers can cover the entire body of an asura, even at a non so long range. The other screenshot shows an example of a pvp game with little damage numbers near life bars.

I apologize for my poor English.


Opening Chests after March 18th

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


  • We’re adding small, medium, and large rank reward boxes based on rank achieved. This means that ranking up in PvP now gives different types of boxes than previously.

Could we also get some little new reward for winning tournaments? like different and less rewarding reward boxes?

It would feel very unfair to receive no reward from winning tournaments for weeks, and getting Bags of Alliance Goods isn’t really exiting ^^

Stop targeting keybind?

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Note says that it de-targets when assigned a key/button.

Don’t worry! Bug fix confirmed for feature patch so you will stop being annoyed by this practical bug

You’re welcome

Man if they fix this “bug” without implementing a de-targeting key bind, I would be so kittened.

Oops, guess I shouldn’t have let the secret out.

Lol guys just kidding =b

Stop targeting keybind?

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Note says that it de-targets when assigned a key/button.

Don’t worry! Bug fix confirmed for feature patch so you will stop being annoyed by this practical bug

You’re welcome

Good to see eles

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


tbh… I don’t really like to see them the way they are right now. They just found their own version of the pretty braindead meta, S/F+arcane shield, be invulnerable and cast absolutely unreadable bursts at the same time. I’m not qqing nor saying it’s op of course, but it’s pretty cheesy.

Supcutie's Comprehensive PvP Shatter Guide!

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Osicat?… No offense but this build has been around since the 2nd month of release.

Alashya on Mesmer Changes

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


i started to read and then as soon as i saw you have to dodge to spam stuff i zoned out, im glad they changed mesmer i just wish they had removed vigor all together.

Please read carefully. He didn’t say that he dodges to spam stuff, but that he has to permanently dodge to avoid the stuff that other classes spam. i.e. for instance you have to dodge almost randomly as much as possible to necros to avoid all the condis they spam.

Alashya on Mesmer Changes

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


I can’t..i really can’t unterstand why anet nerf the vigor trait instead to move the trait to master or like a 15er trait. I have to confirm also, i don’t like the rnd dodge spam in the game. But as a shatter mesmer you have to dodge for the illusion…it’s your offensive and defensive at the same time. Furthermore you have to dodge so much spam stuffs, that you can’t see cause of the lack animations (necro marks, instant spells,….). As a shatter mesmer you have a really hard time versus a lot of the other classes, especially fights on a node versus soldier warriors. Mostly when you make a failure, you are dead. Other classes can make like 100 failures versus me…and still live.

This is exactly the main reason why this nerf has to be cancelled. Critical infusion is the very only little bit of “cheese” a shatter mesmer has, but he needs it to survive to all the massive cheese other classes bring to the game. This trait has to be nerfed some day, but absolutely not right now.

Regarding DE, here are some other examples you can add to your list:

->You dodge to create a clone to be backstabed by a thief instead of you so the thief is revealed.

-> This happened to me today. Imagine you’re on kyhlo, at the clocktower. You see there is nobody far, so you go to freecap it. You’re in combat so you’re slow. In order to reach far fastest, you double dodge, swap weapon, dodge and phase retreat, letting clones on your path attacking boxes. If some enemy comes to you while you’re capping, those clones will be useless and you will not be able to create others by dodging.

-> You mirror blade + blink to enemy + dodge + shatter very fast to burst an enemy.

It is definitely unacceptable if mesmers are nerfed while incredibly cheesy specs of other classes that define the meta are not changed.

(edited by teogeos.1364)

[Analysis] Confounding Suggestions

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


There is definitely a bug, and this is how it seems to work: the game calculates the 50% CS probability at every CStorm tick, so one of each two ticks stuns the enemy on average. The code behind the trait “thinks” that the CStorm applies a daze at each tick, so it calculates the 50% probability and applies a stun on the enemy if the result is true.

There is a behaviour you can easily verify that definitely proves the existence of a bug: When you drop a CStorm on an enemy, different things can happen on a tick:
-> A condition(poison, chill, weakness) is applied to your enemy and no cc – normal behaviour
-> A daze is applied to your enemy along with 5 vuln stacks – normal behaviour
-> A stun is applied to your enemy along with 5 vuln stacks – normal behaviour; this means that the CStorm procced its daze and CS turned it into a stun
-> A stun is applied to your enemy along with a condition (poison…) – this is not a normal behaviour. This means that the CStorm procced a condition, not a daze, but still the trait worked as if ithe CStorm had applied a daze and so calculated it’s 50% probability and applied a stun.

Personally i see this bug as a sad one because it’s biasing our idea of how viable lockdown builds became with the CS buff. It makes them feel stronger than they should be because we can have a great impact on any kind of fight by simply stunlocking people with a CStorm and bursting them down.

Imo this bug makes CStorm very OP: if you can press a button and stunlock an enemy for 5 sec there is clearly a problem. So this bug has to and will be fixed.

If i don’t post this in the bug report section it’s because I have a poor english and i know i made a ton of mistakes in this post =b so I would prefer somebody else to write a clear post in the appropriate subforum for the devs.

Obviously I like this bug =b it was fun but now it has to disappear so we can properly play lockdown builds and correctly measure their viability.

(edited by teogeos.1364)

[OMFG] Lord Helseth topic request

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Glad to help. I figured his new build might pique your interest.

Could somebody link that build?

Sensotix' Thoughts On The Dezember Patch

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Blind: make the skills that apply a blind instant (like we see on ele) but decrease the blind duration
Poison: remove damage
Chill: remove that it slows down enemies
Cripple: let it stack in intensity
Torment: change the skill so it does double dmg while the target is not moving (in a game where good positioning and movement is a key to win a fight moving should not be punished) it also can lead to nice combinations with stun and immobilise
Immobilise: max duration 5 sec
Fear: move the “terror” trait on necro to grandmaster
Weakness: let it stack in intensity and reduce the duration of weakness applied by skills a little bit
Vulnerability: Increases damage the target takes by 2% instead of 1% stacks in intensity.

How will that affect the Game:
Conditions will be used more carefully and we don’t see the spam we all hate

I think this deserves more arguments if you want it to be constructive and promote a discussion about it. You can’t just say “change this and that” and justify it with a non so obvious consequence. The torment change is the only argued one.

The blind change is clearly intended to make Blind a reflexive trait to avoid incoming damage. In other words, you see an attack coming and use blind to avoid it: rewards timing and counterplay. Good idea.

The poison change is an attempt to dial down condition damage overall and reduce it to a smaller set of sources. Removing the damage component could open avenues to increase its duration, which would make it better counterplay against heavy regen/healing classes. Good idea.

Removing slow from chill is another way to tone down the effects of condition spam. I’m not 100% sold on this yet.

Cripple change is married to the slow change.

Fear – we all understand the Terror argument.

Weakness – it’s insanely powerful (and undervalued by many). This is an attempt to tone it down but at the same time make coordinated use of it more potent.

Blind: yes it was pretty obvious, but this could end making blind a too easy counter to telegraphed skills, knowing that often blind skills have short cds. For instance, the iZerker cast for mesmers is very talegraphed. Sometimes, when I play mesmer, I’m blinded while casting it so I loose the phantasm’s dps plus an illusion to shatter, whitch is annoying. If my enemies were able to easily do this all day long, because of short cds on their blind skills, I would be a bit angry. Another example: personally, as a mesmer, very often when a war uses his hammer F1 without stab, I use my Diversion right before he reaches the ground, so I interrupt him. The only reason why this is fair is that Diversion has a long cd so I can’t just do that everytime. I will not be able to do it twice in a fight, but being able to do it once is enough to balance the fight. You say that it rewards timing and couterplay, but where is the counter to the insta counter? I don’t feel incredibly skilled when I use an instant Diversion to iterrupt a war, and the timing is pretty easy.

Poison: Yes, maybe it could be good to remove the damage, but I disagree with the idea of incrasing it’s duration because:
1) heavy regen/healing classes are also often those that can clean condis often. Maybe they will just cleanse your long duration poison like they cleanse the short duration one.
2) At the end, those that already have difficulties with conditions and that have only one heal will be the more affected ones, being poisoned every time they heal.
Personally, I think that poison is already a spammy condition. Some classes can put very long poisons on you (without you needing to stay on their poison fields), they just put it on you at the beginning of the fight knowing that it will still be there when you’ll heal. I would prefer short poisons having to be timed. 7 sec, for instance, would be a wide enough window of time where you can predict your enemy to try to heal (cause he’s mid life, has a defensive attitude, is hiding, disengaging a bit…).

Chill: chill is very strong but isn’t a spammy condi, you’re rarely chilled twice in a fight, idk if it has to be changed, I don’t see it as a priority.

Cripple: Again, we can’t see what version is better if you don’t give an idea of what a stack would represent in terms of % of reduced mobility. But yes there are a few skills that apply pretty long cripples or that renew them too much, idk.

Sensotix' Thoughts On The Dezember Patch

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Blind: make the skills that apply a blind instant (like we see on ele) but decrease the blind duration
Poison: remove damage
Chill: remove that it slows down enemies
Cripple: let it stack in intensity
Torment: change the skill so it does double dmg while the target is not moving (in a game where good positioning and movement is a key to win a fight moving should not be punished) it also can lead to nice combinations with stun and immobilise
Immobilise: max duration 5 sec
Fear: move the “terror” trait on necro to grandmaster
Weakness: let it stack in intensity and reduce the duration of weakness applied by skills a little bit
Vulnerability: Increases damage the target takes by 2% instead of 1% stacks in intensity.

How will that affect the Game:
Conditions will be used more carefully and we don’t see the spam we all hate

I think this deserves more arguments if you want it to be constructive and promote a discussion about it. You can’t just say “change this and that” and justify it with a non so obvious consequence. The torment change is the only argued one.

-> Regarding vulnerability: it would be way too strong. You’re just wanting to easily destroy your enemies after a good 3 clone Diversion (just jocking ^^)

-> Regarding terror: idk, maybe a too strong nerf. I prefer the damage to be shaved, then necro’s bleeding stacks to be shaved step by step. I think that how Anet is shaving necros (by removing bleedings one by one, and doing little skill reworks) is a slow process but will lead to a balanced state of the necro without the risk of an overnerf.

Also when you ask something to stack on intensity, specify what one stack would represent.

I agree that weakness should last less given how strong it is. A single condition that can pretty strongly counter a whole kind of specs (direct dmage ones) shouldn’t be able to last 10+ sec or 5+ sec with low cds.

Allie AFK for a while

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Feel free to ask any questions if you have them here.

Is it a boy or a girl? ^^

Minion Necros

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


I predict that even after my post people will continue answering to the OP without detecting the troll.

A surprise on the pvp locker?

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


omg lol i’ve watched so many times at my pvp locker i can’t believe i’ve never seen these armors

well ty now i’m going to withdraw an feel stupid for the rest of the day =b

A surprise on the pvp locker?

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364



maybe i should already know this but i didn’t see anything about this in the patch notes: why did cultural armors appear today in my pvp locker?


(edited by teogeos.1364)

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Ty for conducting this awesome project =]

IGN: Oviparo
Server: Jade Sea (EU)
Role: Scholar

Chaos storm

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Also put a base damage of 1000 per tick, please

I am sorry to say

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Nobody escapes the Purple Side forever. It’s just too much fun.

Fuchsia, it’s FUCHSIA for god’s sake.

Mesmer duel/training setup?

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


This is a great idea!! Here you have a scholar at the EU side =)

Hope lots of players will answer positively to this thread

Supcutie Mesmer Montage!

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Hi Supcutie.

I found this build, that is yours, in the all new mistpedia, and i wonder why you put a sigil of superior paralysation on the focus, while you can’t apply stun to your enemies. Does it have an influence on Into the Void?

Ty =)

Good ways to deal aoe damage?

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364


@Samiell No, he was talking about the fact that GS autoatack can hit up to two enemies in a straight line between you and your target.

[Bug List] Bugged Skills and Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: teogeos.1364



The tooltip for Null Field lists its duration as 7 seconds but the field clearly only lasts 3.5-4 seconds. The cooldown is 40 seconds and the field disappears when the counter is at 36.

That’s listed already.

I don’t see where it’s listed. Maybe you refer to this:
“Temporal Enchanter

Glamour skill tooltips show the duration when using this trait, even when not using the trait."

I think this is wrong. I made tests today with a chronometer, there is what i found:

-> Feedback lasts 5 sec, and 7 sec with Temporal Enchanter. In the
they say in the notes that the reflection lasts 1 sec more than the visual effect. I verifyed this with the ranger npc in heart of the mists: the reflection effectively lasts a short time more than the visual effect, even if i can’t say if the additional duration is exactly 1 sec. But if this is true, this means that Feedback lasts its intended duration of 6 sec, and 8 sec with Temporal Enchanter.

->Veil lasts its intended duration of 6 sec, and 8 sec with Temporal Enchanter.

->Portail Exeunt lasts its intended duration of 10 sec, and 12 sec with Temporal Enchanter.

-> Nullfield lasts ~4.5 sec. The vusual effect has a strange last “tick”, this maybe means that it rips 5 condis. Even with Temporal Enchanter, Nullfield lasts ~6.5 sec, while its intended normal duration is 7 sec.

So Nullfield seems affected by a specific duration bug that deserves to be put apart.

Thanks Pyro for doing this job

Pvp Chimeric Prism Focus

in Crafting

Posted by: teogeos.1364


kittenplease no! All my favourite skins are hall of monuments rewards =(

thank you ^^

Pvp Chimeric Prism Focus

in Crafting

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Anybody knows how to craft the pvp Chimeric Prism Focus? Didn’t find the recipe on the internet.


Thank you =)

Why no Condi Warriors in high end Tpvp?

in PvP

Posted by: teogeos.1364


Hi =)

What do you think about this build?;1RKVN0d4gL-60;9;59TEE;12;01783;05;0aoG4;2isXAiJG42VF

It’s focused on tpvp.

->With the warhorn, the signet of stamina, the berserker stance and the dogged march trait in defense line you will have a great resistance against condis. You can replace the dogged march trait by sure-footed or shield master if you prefer using a shield. You can also use only lissa runes to have another full condi cleanse on your 48sec cd elite.

->I think warhorn #5 can be pretty cool in a teamfight: it’s a blast finisher, it gives vigor to allies which is cool, and weakness to all enemies, knowing that in it’s current state weakness completely breaks the critical hits damage.

->With 15 points in tactics, which means +10% rezz speed and +400 toughness while rezzing, +berzerker stance (instacast so you can use it while rezzing), +last stand trait in defense line (automatic stability if somebody tries to cc you), +fear me (instacast), you can become an extremely good rezzer, at least if you are not focused by the whole enemy team. For instance, if you go to a node when an ally calls for help, and you arrive at the moment when he is downed, you can fear even the stealthed enemies that tries to get the stomp, and you are almost sure that you will be able to rezz him, even if you are focused by an enemy, maybe even two. Your rez will be faster than a stomp.

->But the main difference/force of this build is the Stronger Bowstrings trait in tactics line, as it does much more than it says:
1)LB range increased to 1200. This is in fact not so good because with the low arrow speed you will miss a lot of hits at a 900+ range if your foe is in motion.
2)According to the tooltip, the direct damage of some of the LB skills changes. I don’t know if this is true.
3)According to the tooltip, the duration of the burning applied by the #2 LB skill becomes 2 secs instead of 1 sec, which is false.
4)Here is the main thing: according to the tooltip, the #2 skill becomes a physical projectile combo finisher, and the auto attack becomes a 100% combo finisher instead of 20%. AND THIS IS TRUE!!! Each one of the three arrows thrown by #2 skill, and each one of the 2 arrows thrown by the auto attack will be a physical projectile finisher.

What does this mean? this means that almost everytime you will auto attack, you will put 2 stacks of bleeding that will do 1,128 damage over 7 sec (with your critical hits), and if you are firing through your AoE fire combo field, you will put your enemy on fire, doing 1,168 damage over 2 sec. So each one of your auto attacks will do 2,296 damage plus the direct damage. So even if your enemy don’t stand in the AoE, you will reliably put burning on him. And you will also be able to take benefit from your teammates combo fields, puting poison, confusion or chill on an enemy, or blinding him constantly.

Your burnings are strong because they only last for short times, but you can put them on your enemies everytime. Wars AoE don’t puts one long burning on foes, it puts a 1 sec burning on them each sec, and your arrows also put short time burnings on your foes. So if your enemy uses a condi cleanse, it will be useless against your burnings because you will apply them again at the next second. Your burnings will do high damage while being in some way “uncleanable”.

The numbers in the build calculator are wrong, so you may know that:

With full adrenaline, the combustive shot lasts for 8 sec. If an enemy stays in it for it’s whole duration, he will take 6,424 damage from burning over 11 sec (each burning lasts a litle bit more than 1 sec). Don’t forget that at each tick the AoE will also do direct damage to enemies, and if it’s a critical hit, it will probably also put bleeding on them.

The #5 skill does 10,677 bleeding damage over 19 sec. This arrow crosses enemies, so it will put immobilize and bleeding to any enemy between you and the designated foe, and to some enemies behind your foe.

So what do you think about all this?

Sorry for my bad english =)