Showing Posts For themaster.9802:

Temporary Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


To be honest I’d much rather see old stuff be worked upon and get fixed rather than this new temporary content getting pushed out each month. It seems that every time something is released for a limited time it’s trying to force people to play within the constraints of its limited availability and there’s always some gem store grab that goes along with it.

Meanwhile old bugs are pushed to the back collecting dust and there’s content that still needs polish. Each time I hear “It’s a separate team working on it” I want to punch the person in the face because there doesn’t seem to be another team or all resources go into forcing new content. The game has been out for 8 months, there’s no way you can tell me now that it’s being worked upon at any reasonable pace.

I didn’t mind it when there were odd seasonal events like Halloween or Christmas like in Guild Wars 1, but this seems to have something else in mind rather than appealing to players.

I’m hoping to see an expansion soon sometime in the next year to bring the game back alive. There needs to be more permanent content and new zones that have as much to provide as the current game zones do if not more (ie. not Southsun Cove). A couple new classes and new zones to start out from might be what the expansion needs.

(edited by themaster.9802)

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


Not much was done to other professions. Seems more just a content patch.

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


I’d like to see some acknowledgement from Anet about issues with the AI and that a fix is being worked out, but from the hundreds of threads I’ve never seen a response to this specific issue.

(edited by themaster.9802)

Can minions finally be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


I haven’t had problems with pets attacking on my ranger. They jump right to it and attack enemies. Minions however will literally do nothing and stand beside you before they jump into action about 5-10 seconds later.

Can minions finally be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


It has been over 6 months since Guild Wars 2 has been released and minions still don’t attack most of the time. Can they finally get fixed?

Required Password Change Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


I had no problem with my 8 character password with at least 1 uppercase letter and 1 number, but these new password requirements are ridiculous. I wasn’t able to change my password until after 10 tries and by that point it was at 13 characters long with an uppercase letter and number. It’s just as strong as it was before and having to make some long drawn out password is ridiculous.

This is more demanding than military passwords or what corporate Active Directory accounts have.

The Future of GW2, Loot, Population, etc.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


Anyone who dislikes the game in my opinion are the people who aren’t play the full expierence of it.

Killing the same stuff, or doing the same events over and over whether you get loot or not you’ll get bored and soon get a feeling that the whole game is like that.

It’s great to explore, meet new people, and if you truly get bored try a new profession and do something new with it.

I CANT experience the whole game, because I can’t experiment with builds, because since 11/15 my loot has been kitten on a stick, and so it has been with half the game’s population, while the other half rakes in 3-5 ectos an hour and are happy as clams, and this happens consistently and has happend consistently for months on end.

This is not RNG, this is not luck, this is a bug ANet refuses to acknowledge and actively fix, and, for the MANY people with this bug it’s taking the “game experience” out back, beating it with a tire iron, and finishing it behind the ear with a .22 .

I have also experienced this with my rare drop rate and ecto drop rate from salvages. Ever since about a month and a half ago, every exotic I salvage yields 0-1 ecto while rares are generally the same. More often 0. Then once in a blue moon it’s more than 1.
So not only am I getting less rares, but less ecto from those few rares I do get. Almost like a double nerf.

Mods have denied a change in drops, but that’s obviously not the case. I used to get more than 5 ecto per day and now I’m lucky if I get one or two.

(edited by themaster.9802)

Mark of Evasion enters combat

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


Still though. Thief gets away with it even though they have a normal Caltrops ability that puts them into combat which is pretty much the same thing. A large purpose of dodging (at least in PvE) is usually to avoid getting into combat, yet the fact that this puts you into combat is a little counter-intuitive.

I like this trait while using it in combat though (It’s a significant heal) so I want to keep it. Though the alternative would be a pain to keep switching it on and off.

Mark of Evasion enters combat

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


Just tested it, it doesn’t make you enter combat. So yeah…

Meant if the mark gets triggered. Even if a thief damages an enemy with the Uncatchable it doesn’t cause it to enter combat.

Mark of Evasion enters combat

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


How come the trait Mark of Evasion causes a Necro to enter combat while similar traits of other classes don’t? The thief trait Uncatchable that leaves caltrops on dodge doesn’t cause it to enter combat. This is very annoying and should be changed.

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


5 Salvages of Exotic items with a BL Salvage kit produced about 2 ecto in total. Normally this would have gotten at least 10. Also rares seem to be producing less ecto than they used to about a month ago.

Minions Shouldn't Be Killed.

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


The minion AI needs to be fixed and they should really be invulnerable to certain AoE as should all summons and pets be in my opinion.

I stopped playing my necro because minions are not functioning properly. Pretty much that simple. A complete overhaul is needed.

What’s happening with them is that there’s no way to control them and they can aggro anything which puts you into combat and can be very annoying. Then if you’re not commited to attack what they aggro then they may likely die if you can’t move away fast enough. Are you supposed to be their minion? Anyways, then you need to summon again in another 30 seconds after they die.

Then on the other hand, when you do want to attack something they stand there and do literally nothing. Well at least until the enemy mob is around 50 percent from auto attacks, then they kick into action. Plus there’s the fact that any AoE will completely decimate all of your DPS and the downtime after having them all wiped out is far too long.

(edited by themaster.9802)

Am I being affected by DR?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themaster.9802


People I’ve been talking to think I have a DR bug. Is this something worthy of contacting support about?

Am I being affected by DR?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themaster.9802


I’m beginning to think I’m being affected by Diminishing Returns. I’ve been doing Fractal level 10 daily for the past month and every single run I was getting around 5 to 7 rare drops which I would then salvage for 7 to 10 ecto. Then just 15 days ago and since then I’ve only been getting 0 to 2 rare drops from a fractal level 10 run and about 0 to 2 ecto from those rares.

My friends that I run Fractals with are still getting a regular amount of drops (approximately 5). So am I being affected by DR?

Ectos, how many do you get a week?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


I get about 5 a week. 1 per day from the 2 rares that drop in my Fractals 10 run (salvaged with mystic kit), and then I get no rares ever from anything else.

Are minions fixed yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


In the latest patch notes I noticed it said minions wont aggro so much now against unintended targets, but did they fix the AI to the point where they don’t just stand there doing nothing?

Minions and pets immune to certain AoE

in Suggestions

Posted by: themaster.9802


I think Minions and Pets should be immune to certain AoE. It would make them much more viable to have as the main focus in builds and would make it much better for Dungeons and WvW where they’re completely devastated in no time.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


All of this seems to be occurring through Level3 routing hops. Perhaps Anet should get in contact with them about it since it’s affecting so many of their users?

As support suggested, I tried contacting my ISP to in turn contact them and provided trace info with PingPlotter, but then they started asking me to do diagnostics on my own modem. Obviously they’re not going to be of any help. Can this get resolved?

I have yet to see a response from a moderator about Level3 being the issue.

I’m still getting constant issues every single day. Constant skill lag, loot lag, everything lag.

(edited by themaster.9802)

new toon stat menu still no magic find%

in Suggestions

Posted by: themaster.9802


Magic Find slogan: Do less, get more.

Pretty much sums up why I hate it. You get someone in your party contributing less while getting more.

(edited by themaster.9802)

January WvW culling & loading changes

in WvW

Posted by: themaster.9802


And then Fort Aspenwood falls 10 ranks in WvW.

“Everybody run away…. Now run back while they can’t see us”

Ecto drop nerfed or is it just me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


Past few exotics I’ve salvaged have yielded 0 ecto each time and as for rares I keep getting 0-1 and more rarely 2 or 3. Plus ecto prices are skyrocketing. Things can be quietly nerfed server side and I’m thinking this is the case.

Using culling to your advantage

in WvW

Posted by: themaster.9802


The theory of WvW seems good, but it seems that not all the tools are there to actually implement it. At least it takes only an hour to get the monthly done, but it’s severely broken with the culling so I get out of there right after that.

Using culling to your advantage

in WvW

Posted by: themaster.9802


Is culling the best tactic in WvW? Just hide out of view with 100 people and then pop out while your group loads. Or pull a group out and then run in behind about 1500 range away out of view? This is all I’m seeing in WvW. People abusing culling in every way possible.

How to get money back from order?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: themaster.9802


TY. Didn’t see the tab.

How to get money back from order?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: themaster.9802


I placed an order for 2 Superior Sigil of Battle when the highest offer was about 2 Gold each. Now orders have more than doubled that. Is there any way to get my money back from the orders or do I just need to wait and hope they drop back down?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


I’ve been getting less and less rares while doing Fractals of the Mists. On a regular basis I’d be getting about 5-7 rares per run of the daily level 10 which would yield about 10 ecto. So that was at least 15 runs or so of level 10 once a day.

Now just over the past week I’ve been getting less and less rares and 0-1 ecto from those rares (More often 0). Just today I completed a run without getting a SINGLE rare drop. WTF is going on here?

Colossus Rumblus Needs A Nerf

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: themaster.9802


The range on the attack is pretty short. Just use something ranged around 900 or more.

Honor of the Waves is too difficult. Help?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: themaster.9802


I’m having a lot of difficulty with Honor of the Waves. Each time I enter the dungeon, about 30 minutes in I fall asleep. Does anyone have any advice so that I am able to stay awake and complete a full path?

Level3 Communications causing network lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


After going through support with Anet using several diagnostic tools it was determined that my network lag in Guild Wars 2 was being caused by network hops through Level3 Communications. I was then told to contact my ISP so that they can in turn contact Level3 about getting the issue resolved.

Then I noticed in the forums that for a large majority of users complaining about network lag also seem to have trouble through Level3 communications hops. So has no one yet communicated with Level3 about this problem?

Less rares and ecto?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


I find it hilarious when people say “I used to get 7 rares per Fractal but now only 3” and they assume 7 is normal for a fractal.

I used to get 3 per fractal and the past couple of weeks ive got 5 or more per run most runs so does that mean theyve buffed my drop rate? Its just percentages playing themselves out.

I would assume 7 is normal because it’s what I’ve always been getting.

Less rares and ecto?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


For the past few days now I’ve gotten a significant decrease in the amount of rares and ectos being salvaged from rares. Has anyone else come across this?

In a typical fractals run I’d normally come out with 5-7 rares or so and about 10 ecto from those rares. Now I’m lucky to even come out with 3 rares and maybe 2 ecto from those. Has my luck suddenly changed or what is going on?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


This lag seems to be occurring through this “Level3” Anet support told me to contact my ISP regarding that. However, it seems I’m not the only one with this issue. I assume level3 is a routing service that certain ISPs use?

(edited by themaster.9802)

Do people Buy legendaries? or

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themaster.9802


Almost everyone who has a legendary have used an exploit at some point or have just purchased them using real money given to gold farmers. So shouldn’t they all be getting investigated and possibly banned?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


Just started getting a massive delay in game out of nowhere. It started since I began a FotM run and even after I’m out it has been continuing. It’s driving me crazy and I see nothing wrong on my end.

I’m on Crystal Desert if that makes any difference.

(edited by themaster.9802)

The Steel Tide Bugged?

in Personal Story

Posted by: themaster.9802


Yeah. It was easier than before. Seemed to only take 1/3rd of the time to beat even though you still need to use mortars.

The Steel Tide Bugged?

in Personal Story

Posted by: themaster.9802


Just came back to this after having problems 3 months ago expecting it to be fixed. Guess I shouldn’t have expected some integral mission in the main story to be fixed with some priority.

(edited by themaster.9802)

Terrible lag/fps drop since last patch.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


8 GB ram with no background tasks. This is clearly an issue with the new update though.

Also this:

(edited by themaster.9802)

Only 45 tokens for exp completion?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: themaster.9802


Just earlier when completing Citadel of Flame exp path 2 for the first time in a month I only got 45 tokens. It’s normally 60 and I don’t know why it would give 15 less. Does anyone know why?

I was in a group where we had just done all paths of AC a couple hours prior and we did path 1 and 2 of CoF in a little under half an hour.

Terrible lag/fps drop since last patch.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


It seems to occur after the game has been running a couple hours. Perhaps a memory leak found its way in with the last patch?

Sounds also like heat could be an issue. (See Part 4.1)

Nope. Definitely not a heat issue. This is a patch messed something up issue. Once the lag starts, I restart my client and I’m back in 10 seconds everything is fine for a few more hours.

Sudden low fps after latest patch...worried.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


Seems like the last patch did something to cause people to get lower FPS. Doesn’t seem like anything is wrong with his system.

Terrible lag/fps drop since last patch.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: themaster.9802


Does anyone know what’s going on or when it’ll be fixed? Ever since the last patch I’ve been getting massive FPS drops.

It seems to occur after the game has been running a couple hours. Perhaps a memory leak found its way in with the last patch?

(edited by themaster.9802)

Stealth changes to dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: themaster.9802


I know in AC there have been changes to some mobs. Scavengers for example will continue to use their knockdown/bite (which does massive damage) even after you’ve gone down.

Changes to dungeons in Dec 21st patch.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: themaster.9802


His attacks has always been wide 240-270 deg. The animation wasn’t correct so they fixed the animation to show the true attacking angle.

I’ve never been hit by that wide of an attack by him. I’ve had no trouble standing behind him until the recent patch.

Changes to dungeons in Dec 21st patch.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: themaster.9802


Why aren’t patch notes included in changes to dungeons? There are some obvious changes that make some bosses more difficult, but it would be nice to know some things. For example the Howler at the end of AC exp has had the cone of its scream attack widened significantly. Does anyone know of any other changes?

Combat/Movement options character selected

in Suggestions

Posted by: themaster.9802


Is it possible to have game options based on character selected rather than changing an option affects the account globally? Specifically combat/movement concern me. Some professions play so differently that they benefit from having different settings.

Redirected to forum home page on login

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: themaster.9802


Each time I click a link on the forum and I’m prompted to login, I’m redirected to the forum homepage and have to hunt down what I was clicking on again. Why can’t it redirect to what I was trying to get to before logging in?

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: themaster.9802


Can’t transmute Elemental Eyes at all.

Not possible to collect Minuatures?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themaster.9802


Is it not possible to collect miniatures unless you pay real cash? I was hoping to build a collection like in the first game through events and achievements, but now it seems like it’s only for those who want to pay.

December 14 patch notes - Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: themaster.9802


I was hoping to be able to continue play with my Necro. Doesn’t look like Minions are fixed. Looks like it’s shelved for even longer now. Guess I’ll start on a Ranger.

Trait: Uncatchable

in Thief

Posted by: themaster.9802


It seems to cover a significantly smaller area than the caltrops ability. I would say the radius is about 100 or less.