Showing Posts For tmorrow.5189:
I was able to get back 3 books I sold before I realised they were needed for ad infinitum. Support were able to find the transaction in my history and restore them to me, I hope they can in your case too.
I’m wondering this too. The 3 incomplete books have all of the same entries as the complete ones too. The book art is different for the 3 incomplete books but all the same for the complete ones.
I suspect it is technically a bug, the incomplete books should have been removed automatically when you were awarded the complete book.
Anyhow you can delete the incomplete ones by hand. Consider them the typical left over, irrelevant gadgets you can toss out like in past festivals.
You can delete the complete ones too unless you like to collect stuff like that. I’m adding the 3 books to my stash where I have Marjory’s Journal, Scarlet Briar’s Journal, and Zinn’s Study Guide.
can’t get into after 10 tries, waste of time, not trying anymore unless I see bug release notes addressing it. Pathetic.
Bell choir has gotten worse since the new patch. It is now a joke and I won’t attempt to play it anymore.
Sometimes access bell maestro, select join, watch bell tower load screen, end up back in DR.
Sometimes get “game full” message for the games failure to place you in the bell choir.
Sometimes get into the game to see there is less than 3 minutes left, which of course means the game is over and only the free play segment remains.
Sometimes get into bell choir but when you try to access the snowman you will be told there are no other places to go (even though they are mostly empty) and there is no spot left where you are even though you can see not all 3 positions are filled.
Rarely you get into the bell choir and can actually play.
I have no idea why but the latest patch cannot be downloaded with the 64 bit client (or it will take years to do so). It downloads at 0KB/s. Swapping to use the 32 bit client and the patch downloads as per normal.
Your patch is downloading infinitely faster than mine, I’m at 0KB/sec. Strangely, despite a 0KB/s download speed I’ve managed to download 425KB so far.
I’ve faced the Taimi bug several times and it is majorly frustrating. Fortunately I found a workaround that has worked for me the 6 times I’ve done it since and I offer it up until a*net fixes their scripting. I think the bug is due to an interruption not catered for in the scripting.
- Play through until Taimi detects the first golem. Go forward and kill it.
- Return to Taimi as the second golem comes from behind. Leave Taimi fighting it and head for the main lab (Taimi & Canach will not die and Braham will eventually follow you)
- Clear every turret along the way as well as the 3rd golem that you meet near the entrance to the lab. This clears the entire path for Taimi.
- Return to Taimi and help finish off remaining mobs/golem/conversations/leyline powerups.
- Taimi will have an uninterupted path to the lab and will not bug out.
I finally acquired 28 Fractal Research Pages and double clicked the stack to produce a Fractal Journal. The Fractal Journal is described as an account bound trophy that can be sold for 20 silver to vendor. Is that all it is good for? If not, how do you use the fractal journal?
A*net are having problems right now. I lost connection swapping maps just now and can’t connect with the same error.
I have the same problem.
the description of this daily still relates the the old maps “kill veteran harpy, warg or wurm in the borderlands”. I’m betting the daily has not been updated (and was not tested) and cannot be completed on the new maps, i.e. is a bug. I killed a veteran wyvern on the new map (northeast) without getting a reward.
Sanctum sprint used to work fine, but not for the past year. Complete waste of time now. My ping hasn’t changed. What does ping have to do with an automatic lightning pull placing you at a predetermined target location? I simply cannot see how they could get it so wrong when it used to work fine.
There is server side problem here, I’m facing the same problem as is another friend. Just be patient and it will be sorted in time.
You aren’t alone, look at some of the other bugs reported in the past 1/2 hour, biggest patch mistake a*net have made to date.
Sigh, I too am have lost all of my completed season 2 chapters and it says I have to buy them again. This patch is pure evil, I hope they can fix this all soon.
OMG my collection are all gone too! What a mistake.
Ditto here, I’ve lost ALL assigned points, I had 214 spare ponts for each of my characters and they are still unassigned but I don’t want to use them until my assigned points are returned to me.
My client has been crashing several times since the patch. All of these crashes are in the new Lion’s Arch. Sometimes I can get into the game and it works for a while. I just tried to log my character into lions arch 5 times and got 5 crashes in a row. I have several other characters all facing the same problem. What can I do to fix this problem. I faced no such problems prior to the patch.
I have been unable to purchase the amount of gems that I wanted (with credit card). Over the past 2 days I attempted 5 times without success. The credit card is valid and has been used for other purchases during the same period of time elsewhere and the information entered is correct (I’ve checked several times).
I read on another forum thread that some people have been able to purchase by picking another gem amount from what they have purchased in the past, e.g. someone who usually purchases 8000 gems successfully buying 4000 gems instead. I tried this and indeed it worked for me although I only have half the gems I would have liked to have purchased.
Hopefully Arenanet can track down the problem quickly.
If you haven’t yet, please report this in the in game reporting tool. This bug has been abused all week by members of one particular server in my servers current match up. If enough report the bug perhaps it will get enough attention to get fixed.
The contagion is spreading. U.N.I.T. is now stalled at the end of the event near the Inquest Holding Cell (which can’t be destroyed).
As if giant slayer isn’t hard enough to get …
That appeared to be a perfect jump. A friend of mine did a much clumsier one a week ago and got the reward. Are you sure your successful dive counter did not advance by one? You only get achievement points for successful dives at 1, 10, 22 and 38 diving locations.
Several times I tried tapping 3 as I passed over the landing spot with no success. This entire area is majorly bugged like no other I’ve experienced in the game. I also find that I explode traps that I have not even touched, i.e. they are 2 or 3 steps away and they go off. It is as if the game does not know where you are located relative to items and positions where the 3 skill is to be started or finished. An exercise in frustration.
Since you can retrait anytime and without cost now, it seem silly that you can’t reassign or reallocate your world ability points whenever you wish. I would say however that world points are not that hard to acquire so it shouldn’t take long to get enough new points to correct your mistake with the exception of mistakes in “supply capacity” which is an very expensive line.
The lightning pull skill in sanctum sprint is totally broken now. I can no longer complete the course. The problem is when you reach the spots where you get an automatic lightning pull – one where you don’t have to select the target location.
Basically the lightning pull always overshoots now. This is the automatic lightning pull, the one that is supposed to automatically leap you to the right place. Doesn’t work any more.
I’ve tried playing with 2 different characters and tried several workarounds, all the were mostly a waste of time. Trying to do the lightning pull manually and targeting yourself does sometimes work in some places, but there are other places where you don’t have the option to do this.
This problem is does not affect everyone. I’ve seen some players that have no issues at all and I’ve seen others that have the same problem as I.
Furthermore the first of the last 2 lightning pulls places me over the destination platform and down below in the middle of empty space. I can walk in 2 directions along what seems to be an invisible beam before falling off.
I’ve given up on the sanctum sprint for now. I sincerely hope this bug can be fixed and does not propagate into other areas like dry top or bazaar and festival of the four winds if they ever come back.
I don’t believe this fight is bugged at all.
In solo, if you alternate your imbues, first to channel one of the “thingies” and second to kill one of the shadows then you will find it much easier. When a shadow is around the knockdowns make it almost impossible to do the channeling, if there are no shadows then there are not many knockdowns at all.
The only thing that will make the Annihilator appear is a bug fix.
The Annihilator is almost definitely bugged. I’ve reported in game and also in this thread:
Extremely frustrating since there is a title attached to the meta on this achievement.
I don’t believe the Annihilator spawns with the current player populations (even with the population upsurge near breach time). I’ve been camping red rock for 10 days now. Over that time I’ve completed the 4 collections associated with the area, all other achievements available and all the living story steps. I’ve bought everything extra I’m interested in from the bandit crest vendor. And still this boss does not come.
I’ve tried camping red rock from the beginning to the end, I’ve tried instance hopping near breach time, nothing works.
Over this time I have seen between 5-10 occurrences of the other legendaries that spawn at the other 3 forts.
The Annihilator will not spawn under current game conditions or has a disproportionate spawn rate against the other legendaries.
I can confirm this bug. All over tyria you only get tiny snowflakes using the frostbitten tools which are mostly useless. I gave up and swapped back to using my normal tools.
Do we have an answer on why this is happening and how to fix it? A further problem is when you replay any other episode you are told progress won’t be saved.
Many thanks all. Depending on where you jump, you will die, get rezzed and have to jump again. I had to do 3 jumps to get to the bottom and wander quite a ways due west over to the poi.
What a great map silver wastes is.
I’ve asked in game and searched via google and havn’t been able to find out how to get to the “sand dune caverns” POI in the silver wastes. My last hope was doing the jumping puzzle but after completing that I still didn’t have that POI. Can anyone assist?
It’s not about people close by. I’ve received the message with noone in sight.
Also note that prior to the patch people could use their minis with no problems in far more populated areas like lions arch, tequatl runs etc.
The developers have added a new safeguard and it isn’t working properly yet.
Has “mini corrupted quaggan” been renamed to “mini icebrood quaggan”? As far as I know there are only 2 mini’s with quaggan in their name:
- mini icebrood quaggan (which I think is from set 1)
- quaggan ghost trick-or-treater (from the special collection)
This is clearly a bug. Before patch, even on stacked maps like tequatl runs, everyone that wanted to display their mini’s could without any problems. Since the patch we are getting this “Miniatures have been hidden due to rising player population” error, even on maps that aren’t highly populated so the message is not reporting the reality.
It is quite annoying that I can’t display the mini’s that I’ve spent quite a bit of time and effort collecting, I hope this bug can be fixed soon. I’m liking all of the other patch features so far though.
the usual crap:
- rejuvenation booster
- black lion claim ticket scrap
- mystery tonic
Yeah, I’m holding onto mine for now. If the worst comes to pass and prices never recover, I’ll just open all of them and try my luck. (I used to open all of mine even when they were 30s each, and I’ve never regretted it. )
Beware of the tedium of opening them. It is very time consuming to list every one that you open.
I had around 1000 unidentified dyes after the patch (due to dupes on my alts). Since the price was so low (20 silver) I started opening some of them instead to see if could score any new unlocks. After only a minute my inventory full of common dyes I already had (going at less than 1 silver each) and only a couple of uncommon ones worth 0.5-1 gold each and of course no unlocks. I really could not be bothered wasting my time to list every opened dye for copper. Instead I just tossed out the cheap ones, listed the uncommon ones and just sold the remainder of 900+ unidentified at 20 silver each and called it a day.
I reported the problem in the bugs forum the day the patch came out. The puzzle is still possible but has definitely changed.
There are several SOS commanders/guilds that aren’t seen (and possibly not playing) during the T1 matchups because they don’t like the T1 game. Those commanders/guilds come out with a vengeance against T2 servers .
I play wvw everyday and have a fairly good idea how many SOS players and which guilds to expect to be on throughout the week. This weeks T1 matchup has resulted in a few SOS population on than I would normally expect. Personally I find it disappointing that we aren’t getting 100% participation from the usual crowd. It kind of sux to play under these circumstances.
Obsidian Sanctum is a WvW area. The puzzle is designed for the sociopath to have a field day, so you have to expect the worst. Our server had Maguuma camp the end section for several hours yesterday, no one on our side could get through during that time. A few hours later though I was able to get all the way through without seeing a single enemy and get that pesky achievement. Even the trolls and griefers have to take a break from time to time, take advantage.
This doesn’t surprise me given the problems with the LA puzzles that have occurred since the last patch. I do recall though the fire section was difficult prior to the patch too.
Beware spoiler alert to follow.
Note that there is second path (longer but safer) that avoids most of the fire section. Take the top entrance to the puzzle (climbing the rocks). Time the first red circle and jump over and duck through the opening to the right. You only face one red circle this way. Jump down onto a beam below and then basically work your away around to the left, hugging the wall (hard to describe using text). There are 2 big spiders along the way and several jumps before it merges with the other path.
I always use the above method due to the difficulties timing the flames.
(edited by tmorrow.5189)
I do this puzzle quite a bit. I KNOW it is changed behavior. Before today I hadnot died in that puzzle since before they introduced extra stalagmites in an old patch over a year ago to address the problems players were facing sliding into the cave.
Post patch I died 5 times in a row using 3 different characters before I decided to trait for reduced falling damage. It may be possible to carefully aim a different way now and safely get down, but the puzzle has definitely changed.
Before today, a level 1 character could slide down the right hand side, not take damage and be stopped safely by the stalagmite.
Prior to today’s patch you could slide down the right hand side of the puzzle entrance (sharkmaw) and be stopped by a stalagmite half way down, without taking any damage.
If you try this now, unless you are traited for reduction to falling damage, your character will almost certainly die. I tried this with 3 characters, all level 80.
Since there was no mention of a jumping puzzle change in the patch notes so I’m assuming this new behavior is unintentional and is a bug.
The remainder of the puzzle appears to play as it did prepatch.
All my characters are level 80, no cinematic after logging on or going into lion’s arch.
The higher your server is ranked, the more tickets you get.
Yeah, people will transfer but NOT to the lower ranked servers.
I don’t believe this is true. For instance the bottom of gold will be getting around 1/2 the rewards that top silver will be getting. Ditto for bottom of silver versus top of bronze.
The current reward system is an improvement over season 1. The choices of where to spend your tickets is a great idea.
However a good reward system should aim to fair.
Why does the bottom of gold and silver receive smaller rewards than the top of silver and bronze respectively? That is patently unfair. The bottom of gold and silver are battling harder servers for 1/2 the reward that the top of silver and bronze will obtain by beating easier servers. I can’t see how this situation can be regarded as fair.
So if only a handful can tag the boss and get the reward, then most of the 150 player zerg gets nothing. Bad design. Not worth it, not doing it.