“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Showing Highly Rated Posts By wauwi.9162:
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
There are actually alot more thieves in WvW.
You just can’t see them.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
in dungeons, any skilled ranger survives longer than a warrior and can deliver almost as much damage.
as a warrior, it’s just easier, especially with a guardian around.
they aren’t OP or anything…in every RPG, a warrior is the easiest to pick-up, straight forward with bulky armor while recklessly hulk-smash everything – so much fun.
but that’s not the problem.
it’s the bad dungeon design…remove any possibility of rush through everything by implenting a barrier behind every group of trashmobs until they are killed.
would it be that hard?
it’s not that i can’t find a group as a ranger, (i mean i can deliver continuous fury and stack 6 might every 25 sec.) but finding a group for some dungeons, where a speedrun is not possible/profitable or finding a group without intending to skip content had become almost impossible.
i don’t want to speedrun…it’s neither fun or challenging, it’s just boring work for fast money…not exactly what i expect from a game.
sure, there will be QQ’ers, once they’d nerf some dungeons to oblivion, because legendarys will be alot harder to get, but they are never supposed to get fast in the first place – they’re the ultimate goal in GW2.
i never did CoF, tho i’m playing since release, because i couldn’t find a clear-run group yet.
@all “elitists”: GW2 is not a random f2p tab-cycle-k-grinder, you know.
instanced dungeons on here wouldn’t take 3 days to fully complete like in “those” games.
yes, i’m kinda mad about some player’s mentality.
speedruns in GW2 are exploiting game design flaws and i can’t understand why this isn’t fixed yet. and please do not post stuff like “i can play the game however i want”.
that’s nonsense…would you just put hotels all over the board when playing monopoly if you don’t own that street/s? or would you play texas hold ’em and draw until you get your desired hand? try justify that with “i play however i want”…
a good game comes with rules.
sorry for my little rant. :P
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
are you sure, that you are actually playing “Guild Wars 2”?
if you’re mid 30, try out Ascalonian Catacombs.
or jump on a WvWvW choochoo karma train.
or do fractals.
or just explore.
do story quests.
hunt achievements.
train your skills at the sPvP.
guest on more populated servers, if you think that most areas are too empty.
this game got tons of different stuff for everyone’s taste.
and it’s far away from being a grind, unless you’re going for a legendary.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
I’m pretty sure, that i left way more typos in my insomnia-driven post.
Finders keepers.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Dear dwayna, now the memory of my “simin incident” creeps into my mind again…
Successfully pulled every spark in it’s place, with my pet out, without a problem and get stuff like “Please, ranger, don’t do anything, your pet gets aggro and you can’t pull the sparks”, he said.
Meanwhile, Simin spawned…
Oh and “please don’t attack simin, your DPS is too low, throw tears instead”, said the guardian, as he continued to mash 1 with his staff.
Topic title edited to suit the latest awesome reads of yours.
Love ya all. #puglyfe
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
…you caress anyone who sleeps, in the hope he/she will stand up
…you instantly start throwing dirt at the nearest living being in sight, if you slip and fall
…you leave your mathclass with the words: “this content blows, no endgame, always the same guys in PvP, i’ll go back to WoW” then walk back into the classroom after 5 seconds
…you throw 4 things with the same color into your washer in the hope you will get something awesome when it’s done spinning
…you pick-up a phone with the words “excelsior” and hang it up with the words “may lyssa bless you”
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
Could be a good thing – may be worth trying it to see how many players join the group and if the quality improves.
You realize, that i was joking about the dungeoneer title?
You would never be able, to fill a group with dungeoneers only, because everyone who has that title, which are probably just a handful of players anyway, either doesn’t do dungeons or starts laughing and crying at the same time, when asked “hey, wanna do a dungeon?”.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Sometimes, when browsing through the LFG tool, i just can’t help but think “Why!?”, whilst shaking my head, laughing or sometimes both at the same time.
I read masterpieces, such as “TA fw /lv80 /exp /zerg /10k+AP /no Ranger”, made by a thief. (yes, “zerg”)
Or how about “AC p3 teach how to solo endboss /any class /only 50g”?
A special place in my heart will always belong to simply “p1”, created by a LV19 necro with about 250AP.
What were your best LFG reads so far?
This thread has now also devoted itself to the wonders and adventures of PUGs.
Share your funny PUG stories and let of some steam of, about the frustrations of pick-up grouping.
You are not alone! #puglyfe
Note: Keep it civil and no callouts!
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
We didn’t do it though x)
Why didin’t you let him play how he wants™®© to, tho?
Also, “puglife” cracks me up.
Speaking of which, when in doubt, blame the ranger.
I was in asc p2 (I’m a ranger, pet stowed), at the endboss, waitin’ for detha to die – miles away from the boss – making my ghostbuster equipment ready, when someone pulled the staypuff graveling man towards the group, the one who pulled died.
A second later, i looked at the chatlog:
“WTF, Ranger!??”
“LOL Ranger…”
“GJ, Ranger…”
One of these was written by the guy, who actually pulled the howling ecto dude.
Note: I was the only ranger. Wasn’t a premade. Yes, they were mad towards me for that and not making fun of the ranger class for being the ranger class.
I was genuinely speechless that moment.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
GW2 advertised to get rid of everything, that MMO players got tired of, including lack diversity. When it launched, most players where pretty comfortable with the fact, that anything kinda worked, until they discovered “Why should i wear soldier’s, if i can just move out of way?”
Some people (like me) don’t see min-maxing as a bad thing. We see min-maxing for raw DPS and nothing else as a bad thing. Other mmo’s at least provide diversity.
Have you seen PoE’s skillboard? HAVE YOU SEEN IT!? O.O
It’s just that there’s ZERO reason to do anything else, but go full zerk and melee weapons with power builds in PvE, up to the point, where some professions can’t even find already rare groups to run dungeons with.
I heard, there’s alot more room for experimentation in sPvP and WvW.
Maybe the PvE needs some of the random nature of PvP, by randomizing mobs, giving the resistance to that sort of thing and weaknesses to that and i’m sure, it can be achieved without slowing the game down too much.
Bringing PoE up again: Due to how randomized enemy encounters are, there is no “meta”. Some builds work better on this, some work better on that.
In GW2’s PvE however, everything is weak to zerk.
PvE is merely a game of “Simon Says” right now, if simon would say the same thing over and over again, even if you restart and simon would speak in slow motion, unless you’re wearing zerker armor. :P
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
Urgh, just got kicked mid fractals for having a DC.
I wasn’t being kicked during the DC, when i got back and apologized, i got the kick in my face.
I’m pretty sure, they’ll do just fine without me – with the warrior, who claims to have a consistent DPS of 35k.
Sure didn’t looked like it, when he started rifling, but what do i know, i’m just a ranger peasant.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
before this patch: ranger —> zephyr —> longbow skill #2 + #5 —> gg
ranger —> zephyr —> revives downed mate instantly
ranger —> friendly mesmer does time warp —> ownownownownown —> zephyr —> ownownownownown
a little bit OP, no?
i, a lv80 DMG+Survival hybrid Ranger named Aerrith, approve this balancing.
once, an “instant death”-button got fixed, everybody screams “NERFED!”.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
Meta is for them kazuls.
A true pro dances with the bear. Shake it off, baby.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
We’d love to see improved dungeons, but give up hope now. Take from those of us who have been hoping for 2+ years, only to be disappointed and ignored time and time again. It’s just not worth getting your hopes up for.
I never gave up, hence why i’m still lurking the forums.
Since you’re also lurking here, you have still hopes as well for fresh and spicy additions and/or changes to dungeons.
Dungeons are dead, once guys like you and the rest of the bunch, claiming the dungeon-discussion thread their 2nd home, take the leave entirely.
But yeah, dungeons and PvE in general feels so broken, from battle-mechanic, build-diversity and fair and rewarding challenge, to accessibility, that HoT really is the last straw i’m holding onto right now.
To everyone saying how enganging and interesting enemy encounters overall are:
Like 90% of the mobs, that everyone ignores, because they drop nothing and are nothing but are pain in the, uhm, “kittycat”, to fight? Leave Arah for a couple of minutes to get some fresh air.
Fights like Lupi, Mai Trin or Thaumanova aren’t examples, i’d throw around to showcase how awesome PvE combat is, i’d throw it around to showcase how it could be. In the end, if you understood their mechanics, it’s all about “kill it before it kills you as fast as possible to avoid risks” anyways.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
I used to have 25-30 FPS in LA
…but than i took an arrow to the mainboard.
sorry…it was just too tempting.
anyways…such high drops in performance are caused by the user in most cases
what are your system specs?
did you changed anything on your system lately?
that includes, changing the clocks of your CPU or GPU, changed system settings on your OS, changed settings ingame, changed settings on your graphic-card’s control panel, installed any software which might running now in the background or even changed anything physically on your hardware.
or messing with your network. (network-card or router)
it could be thousands of reasons…but the lack of system information you provide us doesn’t help us much to help you.
i doubt that you want any help by looking at your last sentence.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
back to the roots. stick figures.
’nuff said.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
well, i’m lucky that my taste goes towards tier1 gear (sylvari).
the other ones doesn’t look as good as they do to me.
couldn’t afford them anyways…so win-win. still, i’m on OP’s side…too expensive.
either give tier3 culturals some nice animations/aura/whatever effect or reduce their prices.
if we’re already talking about tier3, why are tier3 fine materials (blood, sacs, bones, etc) as expensive or even more expensive as their tier5 counterparts? :P
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Ranger specific:
- Axe skill “Ricochet” bounces of and onto the same enemy 3 times, if no other nearby target is found and bounces back and forth for 3 hits between 2 enemies if no 3rd enemy is found.
- Shortbow: It’s actually viable now.
- One-handed Sword: It freaking works now.
- Swapped Dragonhunter specialization of the Guardian with Ranger’s Druid specialization. Somehow, we’ve interchanged these 2 specializations during developement. We deeply apologize for any inconveniences.
- Dungeon rewards buffed by 1000%. Enemies now have a 50% chance to drop 1-3 tokens upon killing.
- Added distorted Dungeons; New optional hardmode versions of existing dungeons for more reward have been added. Every 24H, each dungeon gets new modification to adapt to, with each enemy and boss gets new powers, resistances and gets sometimes even swapped out or placed differently. Talk to the keeper of each dungeon’s portal entrance to check, which modifications this dungeon has on it and prepare your group accordingly.
- Homing and bouncing projectiles no longer seek another target, if dodged and disappear instead.
- Light armor classes get +25% stamina regeneration increase.
- Heavy armor classes get -25% stamina regeneration decrease.
- Fixed the boring meta, without nerfing berserker or making them not viable anymore by revamping PvE enemy AI, so that enemies are actually fighting back.
I’ve just realized, that my post gets more and more bitter and cynical as i keep writing, so i’ll better stop now.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Did an Ele just complain about Rangers getting too buffed, ez and op?
An Ele?
I’m actually genuinely speechless right now.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
it’s the same with me and AION.
last december, i’ve wanted to give it a try again after months of inactivity and what can i say? it just feels so “stiff”.
i’ve enjoyed AION alot, but thanks to GW2, i can’t enjoy tab-cyclers or point’n-click MMO’s anymore.
once you’ve played GW2, you’ve got a one-way ticket to the dark side…and we all know the dark side got cookies for us.
so yeah, if i ever pick up another MMO, it must contain action-oriented battles without the need of certain builds (in most mmo’s, everyone goes with the same builds, since they are superior to others) or gear threadmill.
GW2 changed the genre, indeed.
it also got it’s flaws…seriously, it’s the most flawed game i’ve ever played, but for some reason, it’s also the best mmo, I’ve ever played.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
I’m both kinda sad and relieved at the same time.
One one hand, i initially found that annoying to enter WvW for my map completetion, but now, i’ll miss those epic moments, if you ran with a bunch of players to a tower, took it over, contributed to your homeserver AND got that POI and vista you needed.
The badges of honor are an extra bonus – speaking of which, don’t do most players go for world-completion to get the “Gift of Exploration” anyways? Because you’d still need to go into WvW for badges, to make a legendary, so i guess we still can call it “PvPvE”…? (aside from the fact, that you often need to kill vet or champ-mobs)
Makes the removal of world completion in WvW less of a big deal then.
At least, badges of honor encourage active particitipation in defends/raids.
I personaly think, making each borderlands share the same map-completion progression would have been the better change, but w/e. Most WvW and PvE players are probably happy about the upcoming change.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
for me, there’s a HUGE difference between a really good player and an elitist.
don’t mix ’em up.
and what OP describes, are simply good players.
man, if i wouldn’t have watched strife’s arah p4 run, i’d still be in there enjoying the wipes.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
Because players aren’t game designers, they come up with all kinds of gameplay solutions to a problem that’s basically social.
Edit: That came out harsher than I meant.
I think there’s a bit more to it. :/
I don’t go full DPS zerker, because a guide or players told me to.
I do it, because the game gives me no motivation to try out something else in dungeons.
Conditions? Boon duration? Going beastmaster on my ranger?
Why should i, if all of that would have no effect in dungeons, but lower my damage.
The solution for that would be so simple. It would even give ’ye olde dungeons, everyone seen a million times a breath of fresh air (i have suggested that a couple of times already, but it really is so simple):
“Mistformed Dungeons” (Lore to that: oh noez, the enemy has unleashed another plot device to call strange powers of the mist upon this place, yaddayaddayadda."):
- Enemy-encounters change in regular intervals of, idk, 24H, giving them new resistances and weaknesses everday.
- Normal dungeons remain.
- “Mistformed Dungeons” (really gotta think about a better name, tho) give better or different rewards.
“Dungeon Modifications” would be displayed on the entrance/portal, allowing to LF a healthy mixture of builds or an optimal mix of different professions and builds for experienced players.
This would include “Modifications”, such as “Enemies resistant to crits, highly suspectible to fire, poison and bleed” or “Strange powers from the mist preventing boons, 50% chance to daze enemies with combofinishers” or why not “+100% Number of enemies, enemies deal 50% more damage, enemies have 80% less health, some enemies may create AoE barriers, preventing any attempt to flee, confusion does 100% more damage.”
BTW, ^poor examples^.
But yeah, anything goes, sky’s the limit. Weeeeeeeh~
And the best thing is, zerkers can zerk efficiently normal dungeons and “experimantal mad scientists” can madly experiment with their builds in random-dungeons as well.
Your welcome, dungeon community. (k, that was way~ too smug)
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
I couldn’t laugh at this, even tho, the OP startet out promising enough.
3/10. “Almost entertaining”
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
keep in mind, that the rule of thumb about internet and password security is, the more it annoys you, the stronger the security is.
but it still should be an option, not mandatory…of course after a flashy red warning screen, which tells you about the risks of lower security.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
I don’t understand OPs question.
I thought, there already is holy trinity in GW2.
(In PvE, at least.)
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
agreed, cute ’n smexy with some #SWAG. :P
now look at my main and dissagree, i dare you.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
that really sounds like your system isn’t optimized and cleaned.
- try to keep your operating system’s drive usage to 60-70%
- uninstall all unnecessary programs/tools/games you don’t use
- delete temporary files and clean your registry. (make sure that the reg-cleaner of your choice has a backup feature!)
- after all that, defrag your HDD/s.
also, try to check if any background program/s are slowing down loadtimes by either performing a clean startup or using gamebooster.
if you’re getting noticeable faster loadtimes after doing one of those two methods, than some program/s is/are the culprit/s.
other things you can try or check:
- there might be something wrong with the game’s archive. launch the game with the " -repair" command line argument.
- delete the “local.dat” file at “C:\Users\”yournamehere"\My Documents\Guild Wars 2\"
- (rare and very unlikely) bad memory – download and run “memtest86”
- (very unlikely) bad HDD – check your drive with windows’ “chkdsk” (checkdisk) feature.
of course, buying a SSD is the easiest and most effective way to reduce your loadtimes.
but also the most expensive one.
well, that’s it with my knowledge.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
a fox. those are awesome.
they should have rather low stats, but have the ability to dodge here and then (chance to dodge do increase with traited beastmastery)
their F2 ability should give you and nearby allies vigor.
i wonder what it sounds like, if you would press F2 on that pet.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
“How to NOT get kicked – guaranteed!”
Don’t PUG.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
actually, WinXP owns Win7 in terms of gaming power. the FPS difference is game-dependent, but often a 2-digit number
i’m surprised too.
but Win7 owns WinXP in terms of multi-core utilization.
so, in case that you’re often running programs, which are capable of utilizing your 4 cores efficiently, Win7 is your friend.
anyways, i kinda miss WinXP, but i’m glad i moved on to Win7. it’s superior in many ways and not nearly as bugged as it’s predecessors.
wow…i’ve let myself getting sucked into that religious battle.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
you’ll be still member of your current guild
but keep in mind, you can’t play with your friends/guildmates during the time you’re on a different server and server transfers are limited to every 24H
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
try the command line argumend " -windowed"
right-click your GW2 shortcut, go to “properties” and go to the “shortcut” tab and locate “target”
the line should end with “…GW2.exe”"
at the end of that line, simply add " -windowed" (without the quotation marks and WITH the space) to it and run the game
now, the game should run in windowed mode and hopefully you will be able to reset the settings back
you can just delete the line you added or make a new shortcut afterwards, or the game always runs in windowed mode if you continue using that shortcut
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
I open with LB2 then hit LB5 then melee the rest of the time.
I guess you meant LB5 and then LB2?
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
it sounds like a graphic-card driver crash to me
your GPU might be overheating
what are your other system specs?
are you playing on a desktop PC or on a laptop?
did this also happen while your GPU’s voltage/clock speeds were at the stock-settings?
if you changed anything about the clock speed or voltage, it might be bad inputs
anyways, get the tool “GPU-Z”, it monitors your GPU and can save a log file of it’s temps/usage/fan speed/etc
just start the tool, go to the the “sensor” tab and check the box “log to file”
then start GW2 while GPU-Z running in the background and if it crashes again, you can close GPU-Z and upload the logfile
also, if you running alot other stuff in the background, like your internet browser when running a flash object or media players or other stuff which drains usage from your GPU, it might result in a driver crash if you are running graphic intense games
but that depends on your overall system, most PC’s should’n have problems with that
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
I’ve just realized something – no GW2 player ever 1-shotted lupi.
It never happened.
67-shotting, 71-shotting or heck, sometimes even 43-shotting lupi happens all the time, though.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
thank lyssa they scrapped that concept.
it’s just a regular elf to me, nothing special.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
some pets are useless…they’re merely weaker copys of other one’s.
signets do have insane cooldowns…
a point too for you about the longbow, but keep in mind the range advantage.
i’d rather have slightly increased attackspeed for longbow’s skill #1.
spirits are ok.
besides that, it’s a really nice profession which keeps it’s promise: “jack-of-all-trades”
as much as i’d appreciate more variety in making a build, it would kinda miss the point of the profession, since the ranger is not intended to “specialize” in one particular thing.
oh well scrap that last sentence…
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
- better ranger pets.
- better ranger spirits.
- tradable fused weapons.
- dungeon speedrun exploit fix/barrier behind every group of mobs. (yes, i consider CoF P1 speedfarming for instance exploiting)
- more performance optimisations.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
OP, i got a solution for your problem:
Don’t PUG.
Or, at least put “meta only” in your LFG description, so you can actually complain and/or kick later on.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
this happens to EVERYONE.
Lion’s Arch is not only populated but also full of the unfamous bugged reflections and shadows.
there is nothing you can do about until it’s patched.
btw…NEVER set shadows to ultra. it causes micro stutters.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Poor guard just wanted friends. #puglyfe
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
let’s find out…
it would take 6 billion years for my GW2 account, 377 billion years for my e-mail and 345 quintillion years for my steam account for the brute force method of an average PC to hack me.
septillions can be easely achieved when adding symbols.
i should be safe for a while (yeah i know, that site’s isn’t that accurate about that
btw…i didn’t got forced or suggested to change my password yet.
i assume, that a-net’s blacklist is created mostly by all the failed log-in attempts using popular phrases and names.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
it’s a supporting “weapon” and i’m using it as such.
i never join a party without it, because together with my red moa, i can buff the whole group with fury – nonstop. (that +1 might is also welcome – +6 might for the group in total, when having a jungle stalker out)
the ranger’s DPS isn’t on par with other classes, so i might as well do what i can.
fixing the sticky 1H Sword and the Greatbow should have top-priority for now.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
i forgot to mention: GW2 is the only MMO with an actual story.(a story which does not consist only of every NPC making you read 6 pages of microscopic text)
it’s even customized until level 60.
and now with flame&frost…then the storys in dungeons which are all flowing together.
also i still don’t understand, why GW2 is the only MMO that is B2P? it’s always either F2P or P2P which both aren’t what i’m looking for.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
I’m a ranger and i’m offended.
Please, apologize or i send my Juvenile Brown Bear after you.Oh, you don’t take me seriously? Well, you should.
You wanna know how tough i am? You wanna know?
I’m so tough, i rather use Path of Scars than PBS.
That’s how tough i am.Pssh, you’d never make it past my Line of Warding before I Wave of Wrath your kitten to the underworld.
Come at me bro.
Sorry, can you repeat that? It is difficult to hear you over the sound of my Super-Sword-AA-Swagger.
And pop goes the kneecap.
And while leaving the little guard crippled, the mighty ranger Hornet Stinged away – buh-bye.
It just got real man.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
So i’ve just reinstalled GW2 after months.
One of the reasons, i’ve quit, where the playerbase.
The first thing, i did was an ASC full run, just finished it.
-Took about 40 Minutes total
-No boss lasted longer than 10 seconds
-No leaver
-Forgot to rez grast at p3 boss, didn’t noticed until boss had been zerked down.
Group composition:
Ele, Ele, Guard, War, Ranger.
I think one or two weren’t even full zerk.
Is this…? Can this be…? The faith in GW2’s dungeon playerbase…?
Yes, it has been restored.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
my search for a balanced mmorpg lastet for about 5 years…my search has come to an end.
well, at least it’s the most balanced i’ve ever played :P
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
it’s hard for me to find a friendly, medium sized casual guild for fun, helping out, messing about, being random.
on my server, you can only find a guild if your are at least logged in once a day, having ts³ and if one of the following applies to you:
- being inside the borderlands for at least 72 hours a day
- making at least 9001 fractal runs a day
i guess i’ll be forever alone. :/
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)