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the game is a real economy. its supply and demand. less Ori ore is around the more your’s is worth. The more they crack down farming the more resources are worth. If you got what you wanted and could farm ore like this then everyone would do it.
Then your ore would be worth less. You would be doing more work for less money. Scarcity of resources and all that.
Anet doesn’t want people doing one thing over and over to offer the best return, at least thats what I believe all this DR stuff is about.
This game is not about drops. In order to really enjoy this game you have to get over your lust for gear.
Didn’t know you could get these from drops, I crafted my whole set in about a week.
I agree the the skill order change is lame, no need for that. But the retaliation change (SoW) was prolly needed.
All I’m saying is that guards and in a great place. and people shouldn’t over react. They will continue to nerf/buff things throughout the life of the game.
I am constantly doing events with 1-3 other people in the lower level zones. It actually is more fun than when I got my main thought those zones.
so I have no idea what your talking about.
also whats up with people not able to do events solo. I mean I’ve never in the whole time since beta had to skip an event because it was too hard (unless it was a [group] event). Even in orr I had no problem soloing events.
Still very much loving it. The game has delivered everything that was promised. The only people losing interest are the people who were expecting a game that was never going to be. If they had done just a little bit of research they could have saved them selves a lot of trouble.
wow you guys are over reacting. and I cant believe the OP thinks the hammer is useless. Do you even play a guardian? its one of the best weapons. RoW is amazing if you know how to use it. The ranged imm. is incredibly powerful. The hammer is arguably the best guardian weapon.
Symbol of wrath was hardly the best skill on GS, sure it’s annoying that they rearranged the skills and increased some CD, but good lord people learn to adapt.
Guardian is widely considered the most powerful classes in the game. They change one skills CD and all of a sudden its over, NERF they cry. The DOOOM, anet hates their own game! How dare they change one skill!
I love this game, and I don’t care what the naysayers say.
They said when its done, not when its perfect. And its completely playable and fun. less than 1% of the content is bugged. I’d rather have this imperfect game than wait another year.
Just starting up my ele, but yes i found that a mix of defense and offense has been the most beneficial on my thief and guardian.
I disagree. I feel like they delivered everything they promised. I’m sorry your disappointed, but I still am loving the game.
and I have a level 80 in orr so don’t pull that, “your still leveling you don’t know” card. And I have a full guild of like minded people playing every day. Perhaps ur expactaions where not realistic.
Gw2 is the best mmo I’ve played, but thats not true for you, its almost like one game can’t please everyone… who’d a thunk it?
(edited by wollie.9751)
Also try talking to NPC in camps and such. Sometimes this can start event. But ya 4 in two hours seems really low. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so low.
how high have you gone with each prof? I found I really like several that i didnt think i would. Now I have fun with every one but necro… maybe i’ll come back to necro.
There’s no part of the game that’s underwhelming, well I would criticize the story I think they were pretty bland with only a few highlights, but I wasn’t expecting much there.
Orr is a great zone, and you can beat almost everything there solo or with the people you find there (groupless grouping ftw).
There are people who complain that Orr is to hard and some people say its to easy. Its all personal opinion and expectations. Get there and decide for yourself. But the great thing about this game is you can never set foot in Orr and still have access to all the other content in the game. There is no zone, map or mode you have to do to get to anything else. Its freedom.
P.S. Does it seem like the forums have gotten a lot nicer here lately?
I played GW1 for a long time. I like the new skill system just fine. People really need to learn to adapt.
and… actually you have more skills at a time in gw2 than in gw1. Like alot more, combined with movement its actually a much more involved combat system.
You might complain that we lost the deck building aspect and while that’s somewhat true, we do have the trait system which can greatly change your skills. We didnt have traits in gw1. Gw1 had an ungodly amount of skills and talk about homogenization! Everyone could literally use every skill. They best players all looked up there builds online and it was actaully fairly limited. They have reduced the number of choice but actually increased the number of good choices. Some might not like it, but this GW1 vet thinks they did a great job.
Your argument to people who are 80 is invalid because you don’t even have a level 80 form a proper objective view on the subject they’re talking about.
It’s like when people talk about cheese, some love it some hate it, and you’ve never had cheese before in your life so you talk about how awesome milk is, because milk is used to make cheese.
I have a level 80 I play every day. I feel the same as the OP, I LOVE THIS GAME.
some people didn’t find what they were looking for at level 80. A lot of them are on this forum. But don’t worry OP there are plenty of people still playing at level 80 and having fun. I’m one of them.
yes awesome! where do you buy these?
In my opinion level scaling, groupless grouping and global TP accessible from anywhere are GW2’s crowning innovations.
Theres more but these make the biggest difference to me.
I can’t say much about level scaling, since I have no idea what it’s like to level from, say, 1-40 in comparison to 41-80.
But I think the groupless grouping, as contradictory as it sounds, is innovative as far as I’m concerned; thank you for bringing that up. In WoW, I don’t think I have ever informally/unofficially grouped up with random players on the scale that Guild Wars 2 does it.
In Guild Wars 2, not only do large-scale events just happen, they happen on a large scale!
Yet, I would like to play devil’s advocate and say: does this undermine community? After all, you could do any of these events without really having to explain mechanics or communicate at all really because the sheer numbers of people will ensure that any event gets completed, whether people understand what’s going on or not.
Level scaling as in when I go to an area I get scaled to that level. It makes it so I can go and play the game in any area I choose. It also makes it to where I don’t have to move on from zones I’m not done with just because my level got too high. Its basically freedom.
Why don’t you buy new gear with Karma? Its very easy to stay up to date with at least greens by purchasing them from heart vendors.
In my opinion level scaling, groupless grouping and global TP accessible from anywhere are GW2’s crowning innovations.
Theres more but these make the biggest difference to me.
I dunno, my thief feels pretty different to my guardian. Each class feels unique although they all have some skills that are similar. This is by design.
I really enjoy them, if you go in with a team that synergizes well it can be really fun.
Cool than it sounds like you have your games then!
The level scaling is the single best feature of the game. NEVER remove it! When you realize that there are no high or low level zones and that level is really an illusion you’ll start to feel much better.
learning the dungeons is the number one best way to beat them.
Thank you for writing this post. I feel the same way, and there are many of us out there that either don’t care about the DR or have still found ways to make money.
A little part of me thinks that the people who rail so hard against the DR on these forums are actually the people who it would hurt the most… (wink wink bots).
Either play the game cause you like it or don’t, I’ll never understand the entitled whiners on MMO forums. When I’m done with a game I move on, maybe come back in a few months. Why people need to complain that there’s nothing to do in a game they have spent literally hundred of hours on confounds me.
I’ve been 80 for a few weeks, and I rarely spend time in CS. Sure I might make a little more money there, but who cares? I’ve already got full exotics and t2 cultural skins (which took me a week of causal play to get). I explore the rest of the game because i want to not because it gives the greatest rewards. You’ll find this mind set common among people who actually enjoy the game.
This game is amazingly beautiful and completely different from every other MMO on the market.
Some people will always hate new things and try to make them conform to their old comforts, these people will either adapt or move on.
try to get some skill points solo if u are 2 lvl below…
get two levels and comeback. You can do it, its just not faceroll easy. Thank GOD.
everything thats not a [group] event is soloable. It might not be easy but its doable
@Mickey and Lagrangeify.
a) I genuinely did not understand what he said. I was sitting there thinking “What’s this work-time” then. I am really not trying to be facaetious about this.
b) It’s a forum on the internet.
c) People should be told if what they say can’t be understood by other people. Grammar Nazi-ism is relevant if people’s poor grammar renders themselves unintelligible, which was exactly the case here.
d) Potatoes.
grammar nazi and potatoes in one thread? are you trying to break the internet?
so work.time? is that some file extension or interweb meme?
I still don’t understand what work-time means, and why his wife has it.
I think old lady means wife. also he referenced wife aggro, so don’t quote me, but I’m pretty sure its his wife not his mother.
and he’s talking about the weekend, so I assume he works during the week. I too would love a weekend alone without wife and kids (whom I love).
does anyone know where to get this?
I’m not sure what your saying, but congrats?
“I think a better idea might be to have ecto, loadstones and t6 crafting mats available at the dungeon vendors. This way to get the armor from a dungeon you still have to run that dungeon, but if you help a friend with a dungeon you can trade your tokens in for something useful.”
It’d either be too expensive or too cheap, IMO.
Not possible to get it just right? lol
Why shouldn’t we be able to trade tokens for items/gold? whats your reasoning here?
I play with my wife (she’s level 25) with my level 80 guardian in full exotics. Yes I do more damage than her but trust me after you go out of the starting zone the scaling starts to work a lot better and you will find things that challenge you both. Those starting zones are just really easy to help new players, it gets harder.
I think a better idea might be to have ecto, loadstones and t6 crafting mats available at the dungeon vendors. This way to get the armor from a dungeon you still have to run that dungeon, but if you help a friend with a dungeon you can trade your tokens in for something useful.
In all my years of mmorpg playing I never thought a gamepad would be practical for the genre.
I hooked up my PS3 dualshock gamepad to my pc, and it’s amazing. I would swear it’s like the game was made for it.
Worked great with every class. The actiony combat just works so well with it. I’m untouchable now.
I was a “purist”, but now I encourage others to give it a try.
As a matter of fact, I need you too. sPVP and WvW isn’t a challenge for me anymore. My reaction times are just too fast to feel challenged.
And then someone comes a long that is not challenged by a M/K setup (like most aren’t) and steamrolls over you and your gamepad. It is nice for you that you can finaly handle pvp but you are still at the short end of the stick.
Its not optimal for PvP, but it is for PvE where you auto turn toward enemies anyway. Short of having a mouse with 10+ buttons on it this is the best way to play!
I use xpadder as does my wife and father who also play with me. There’s no going back once you try it. Moving while using skills is so important in this game and the controller is so much fun!
you have to beat story mode to have access to exporable mode, but once you beat the story you can do either mode.
I had this happen to me in the beta… I was like, “Why am I so poor!” then I facepalmed.
If they were better implemented, more people would use them. If the majority of players are ignorant, that’s the fault of the game for not explaining itself well enough.
i dont really care about people’s ignorance, as long as it’s kept to themselves.. i care about the condescending filth being spewed on these forums by whiners who arent bothering to learn the game.
Preach it brother! Our only hope is that they will become so frustrated that they learn the game better. That or leave.
If they were better implemented, more people would use them. If the majority of players are ignorant, that’s the fault of the game for not explaining itself well enough.
So you want your hand held basically? Heaven forbid we ever figure anything out on our own. Or you know look critically at something and solve the problem.
Combo fields are not unnecessary for the vast majority of content, but they sure do make difficult encounters more manageable.
I LIKE combo fields, they’re one of the best designed aspects of PvE.
What I’m discussing, is this:
“i see a lot of complaints about dungeon difficulty, button-mashing combat, shallow combat, weak builds, etc. i invite you to spend some time learning combo fields”
That’s a pretty huge variety of complaints, to be painted with the singular brush of ignorance.
I agree combo fields will not fix everyone’s problems. But if you have an explorable dungeon group and every member of the group is not: supporting, controlling, dpsing and comboing then your missing something.
(edited by wollie.9751)
We don’t need new skills: +1
people should read the many blog posts addressing this issue and why this game is different from gw1 (which I played and loved)
If I was dying a lot and I didn’t know why, I would post in Players Helping Players. I’m responding to the OP’s assertion that criticism of GW2 PvE mechanics = PEBKAC.
So your criticism that you don’t like them. oh ok. You don’t like combo fields so you shouldn’t have to use them. right. Well there’s no arguing with this profound logic.