Showing Posts For zorokai.1486:
you also play against ambers that farmed diamond, no?
if youre lucky enough to get matched up against them, normally they have reasonably low mmr so the pair would essentially have to carry the. I dont believe i have high MMR but the game where they were all DIAMONDS (if the system worked from the get go) they should have been able to put up a decent fight against 1 leg, 2 ruby, 1 diamond + something. but they lost like 500-100.
Match making is broken as usual, nothing new there, but at least dont make amends DURING the season, unless its SERIOUSLY breaking your game….
Let me get this straight.
1. Manipulate the system to climb the ranks is “fair”.
2. Removing that ability is “unfair”.
No its unfair to apply the changes Mid season – as this means that i now have to play with Ambers(diamonds) who farmed their way up there.
Changing this after the season has finished would be fair.
Right now this system rewards those who smurfed their way to the high ranks, and any late comers now trying to reach legendary is getting rammed from behind by anet as they laugh.
they basically rewarded the legendary farmers (we all know who they are) while making it almost impossible for any solo/duo Q players to get to the top.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
Diamond is full of people who are maybe emerald level at best, due to them smurfing their way up the ranks for most of the season. Changing the algorithm now, when few people in diamond and above have any idea what they’re doing is completely ludicrous and makes no sense.
For example, I just got matched with four hotjoin level diamond solo queuers who spent the whole match dead, downed, and rotating like blind seals – vs a 4 man diamond and legendary queue who outclassed them in every way. This is unplayable and even worse than before.
Please, just revert yesterday’s changes. The season is almost over, you can carry out your experimental adjustments then. This really isn’t fair on your players
Just want to stress they got Outplayed by RUBY Division….
Diamond is full of people who are maybe emerald level at best, due to them smurfing their way up the ranks for most of the season. Changing the algorithm now, when few people in diamond and above have any idea what they’re doing is completely ludicrous and makes no sense.
For example, I just got matched with four hotjoin level diamond solo queuers who spent the whole match dead, downed, and rotating like blind seals – vs a 4 man diamond and legendary queue who outclassed them in every way. This is unplayable and even worse than before.
Please, just revert yesterday’s changes. The season is almost over, you can carry out your experimental adjustments then. This really isn’t fair on your players
My money is on 2
Them being a 5 man, blue a pair.
also want to point people to this thread where Anet themselves said it Will be punishable.
Right just had a Pvp ranked game 500-445 (defeat) Due to a player who Deliberately Tanked – how I know? simple, this ranger ran naked, left points which was ours to be capped by other team did nothing to support or assist the team, just died conveniently to allow the other team to Rally off his/her useless self.
2 confirmed people reported this player, but worst of all, my team lost Pip(s) for this? Total BS, feel bad for my team as we did well as a 4 man pug/duo and a person trying to make us lose.
More than happy to Pm people the players name and account details ingame (if they want to know)
Yeah, I hear ya Hetha. I guess I’m giving up, it’s been a week with no change or at least a response. Apparently they are purposely avoiding this thread.
Yea as the OP – I too feel like giving up lol – its soul dampening lol
Totally forgot not everyone has Hots yet – so these bundles are even worse than anticipated.
Like someone mentioned earlier, if they dont have Hots the glider skins are just useless to them. I thought the Hots players had it bad, gotta feel for those without Hots.
some sort okittennowledgement would be nice – at least then we might have some idea as to what anet thinks about this. i mean this has almost reached 5000 views 250 ish replies – this doesnt seem to be a minor issue for the gw2 community.
Hope they take our concerns seriously.
More choice More options!ANet almost never responds directly to posts like this, for good reasons (and maybe some bad ones).
Plus, you can’t tell how the community think about this — only about how many people on the forums are responding — mention SAB and you get tons of hits, too, but that’s only interesting to a tiny-but-passionate group (relative to the vast community).
Finally, ANet has demonstrated time & again that they read posts like this (even if they don’t respond). They don’t always agree with the community about the issue or whether its urgent to address.
For the record, I also wish ANet would offer things outside of bundles: I might purchase the outfit or the glider skin; I absolutely don’t want any of the bundles they have offered so far: too expensive and includes stuff I don’t want.
I have nothing against ANet offering bundles — that’s a good way to generate sales. I just think they should also offer items individually.
Yea im pretty positive there wont be a reply, but still the bundles as the only option is just silly.
Not much we players can do but hope the next set is not shoved out as a single bundle only.
To think that is what I have ended up looking forwards to instead of what actually might be the next glider skin or outfit is rather depressing lol.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
Yeah I agree, I was really hoping for a response by now as well. Even if it’s as simple as it’s being discussed or they have no thoughts om the subject.
They have a response to annoyed customers on the forum that they feel works for them.
Seems about right – other things have been replied to already – shame really. Would be nice if something was done.
some sort okittennowledgement would be nice – at least then we might have some idea as to what anet thinks about this. i mean this has almost reached 5000 views 250 ish replies – this doesnt seem to be a minor issue for the gw2 community.
Hope they take our concerns seriously.
More choice More options!
Bundles are not in Home page. You can find bundles in Promotions page and Style page.
Enjoy shopping.
yea no thanks – rather them split up bundles than hide them. Putting a band aid on the wound does little to help the deep cut the bundle has caused.
Appreciate people keep the trolls to themselves and keep this thread user friendly.
Well atm the bandit sniper outfits not showing on my Tp home page – hopefully there is more promising news to come.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
In case you missed it this thread is mostly full of customers who do not accept it
Oh well… you can not satisfy everyone. That would be perfect business. There will always be customers wanting more, and more, and more… for free if possible. This is the offer, take it or leave it, but be happy with your decision whatever it is.
I do not remember anyone asking for anything free from Anet in this entire post/thread. All I ask is that they do not offer Only Bundle offers with cosmetic items. Nor has anyone asked for more stuff – just that they give us options to Buy Single cosmetic items.
They had no problems releasing the butterfly wings – exalted glider skin, Balthazar costume, racial wedding thing (this list goes on forever) on their own, I’m sure the release of Hots did not adjust their coding in the TP to only allow them to “bundle” everything and their mother before it can be placed on the Tp for people to buy.
Well, the bundle was removed from the Gem Store so there we go I guess.
No i still see Bandit Sniper Appearance Pack right there for 2000 gems, so no it wasnt removed.
It’s gone for me. Then it’s a single time thing then. Doesn’t even appear on the little ad slide …weird. Thank you for letting me know
yea you can only get it once for 2000 gems then its base price is like 2850 gems. so yea options/Choices please Anet.
Well, the bundle was removed from the Gem Store so there we go I guess.
No i still see Bandit Sniper Appearance Pack right there for 2000 gems, so no it wasnt removed.
Crystal arbiter still there too.
The bundles are fine, it’s about marketing and discounts. In general, with bundles you can buy more products, cheaper as a whole.
Possibly they could earn more selling them separately, or probably not.
I am confident in the marketing team for making statistics on how is best to sell their products. So I am sure the bundles (as they are now) represent the best decision.
Yet Many people in this post are unhappy about bundles – also again just throwing random stuff/junk/rubbish into a bundle does not make the bundle worthy of 2000 gems.
Just because they made the junk cheaper for the players makes the bundle fine?? standards seem rather low lately.
Either way there shouldn’t just be the Bundle option, Give players choice. have a bundle and have single options without the discount if you must.
Its kind of worrying that people are ok with bundles, having looked on reddit and more. I mean its nice having loads of things given in a bundle as its cheaper than picking them up separately but that only applies if you want them.
like Rothius said bundles should not be a base Period. Its just greedy and money grabby if they do that, and then release the items (which people want, like the outfit and glider) as a standalone later.
Options and choices from the very get go Please…
There shouldnt be just One option provided to the players. They could easily have the 2k bundle next to the 700-1000g outfit, and let people pick what they want. If they want people to buy the Bundles – may be i dont know… Add useful things in them (bank expansion, bag slot, storage expander). If its good people will buy it, if its just a load of random stuff – ofc people will complain that they are being made to buy useless just to get something they want.
choices.. thats all i ask… choice, options.. its not much lol
I just don’t think it’s a good tactic to annoy customers through marketing tricks forcing them to purchase things that are unwanted in order to obtain the things they do want,
It is your perception that this is forced they are counting on.
when they could instead be attracting custom by offering quality items users would be willing to purchase without being coerced into it by a sales tactic.
They can get those people who refuse to be “coerced” later (if they prove sizable enough). Right now let them get those who want everything in the bundle or those who want that one thing and are willing to spend more money on it than similar products on the store. After netting most of the population they can move onto those who will spend 700 gems for a glider. And after that those who will spend 350-ish gems on a glider on sale.
Not too sure why youre defending this. This method is just silly and really just split up bundles – it benefits no one – and why would a company want to again like what skullfaerie said – annoy its player/customers.
Its not that difficult to offer Choice and Options for the fans. without chucking in so much unwanted stuff just to squeeze some more money from them.
Great way to lose customers.
These will probably become separate items later.
I hope so, because that’s the only way my wallet will want to get them.
Good. That attitude will only ensure they do this to finally net the market of holdouts.
I dont know – i mean have they released bundled items before separately? I cant recall them doing anything of the sort (i could be wrong) but releasing it now or later doesnt really make much difference – if someone was not going to buy the 2000 gem bundle from the beginning they just wouldnt. Feels smarter business-wise to give people options from the get go.
@Iason Evan.3806 yup its only a bundle – they give you the following for 2000 gems
- Bandit sniper outfit
- Soul river glider
- Immortal weapon choice
- total makeover kit
- (5) shadow dye kit
i just dont get why its only in bundle form – i mean its clear they can release outfits and gliders on their own. This just feels a little greedy to only put the option of a bundle for 2000 gems (which is also 30% off..).
An option to buy parts would be soo nice to have. You cant even gift the bundle, which also kinda bums me out.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
I mean its nice they give you the bundles as it does (i think) work out cheaper than buying most of the bits they give you separately. But sometimes its like – i really dont need or want them other bits… i just want X item and just X item…
I’m by far not the richest person on the planet, nor do i own millions of Ingame currency.
My issue is with all these outfit bundles coming out I’m left unable to play my fashionWars 2. Joking aside why are all these bundles coming out? why are players forced to buy all the other things in the bundle if they only want the outfit (which going by previous outfits costed around 700- 1000 gems). It just seems rather silly to only offer the bundle option.
My request is that you allow options for players to get specific items from the bundles so i don’t have to buy all the other things that i do not want.
example – make it so i can buy the glider on its own, buy the outfit on its own – Or i could Buy the bundle. But don’t limit my choices to just having to pick up the whole bundle because i only wanted 1 thing from it.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
lacks the painful/meaningful condition removal, such as burn, bleed. only way to half deal with them is either run jalis or mallyx (meaning that there is no variation in what you can play as the legendary are so gimmicky and so specific – considering that we cant even pick what utilities to use in these legendary heroes, i think making them more versatile will benefit the class.
Like the glint Elemental blast – you could have it so it removes 1 condition per pulse if stood underneath.
Generally i found that in pvp conditions was yoru kryptonite.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
Update – Its working for me now, Rev character can be created (i just relogged)
I can make a character in a beta slot but not a Revenant, so I don’t think it’s properly live.
Yea same here – i can make something, just not what i want to make – i think there’s a problem atm
Cant make the revenant for some reason?
Is it really up?
First of all, there will be more BWE to come. I don’t know why are you all complaining about. Did you expect the Devs to fix everything in one go?
Good job guys, that’s how you encourage developers to balance things, telling them they suck.
Pretty much did for the revenant….. reaper had major adjustments.,…
Just not the tempest
Ok forum warriors, time to calm down.
Remind yourselves that this is a BETA post. We will be having more of these. There is no point in buffing and changing EVERYTHING only to find you over cooked it. Getting the basics right first is obviously the dev’s priority. The traits are probably being looked at but won’t be available for the next upcoming event.
If you have read the feedback given, it seems the mechanics of these new changes are pretty complex. Give them time and keep giving them feedback like they have asked.
The dev’s have shown that they care and listen. Assume they are doing the same until proven otherwise.
Clearly a troll – Clearly does not play the ELE – Clearly does not see the major issues with the spec (super underwhelming, out classed by the D/D already on the ELE)
Dev’s level of care… well no comment i’ll just ssay have a look at the Revenants BWE1 feedback post. Ill let you judge for yourself.
LOL 2 day delay and only this was done – not even any REALLY needed changes.
Sorry but RIP tempest if they seriously do not put more love and care into this trait.
That said – Warhorn still no where near as good as a D/D ele so yea RIP spec anyway.
Ah ok – its just im wondering if it will effect any MMR’s on the account – as i look at my PvP browser I see there being a slot for 29 revenant games – 10 in unranked etc – I know that unranked and ranked mmr is different but lets be frank – during beta anyone running revenant was easy pickings so the win rate was rather low (luckily i got 50%) but as it shows up on my PvP browser i was just curious if it would be removed after.
In my opinion Revenant is turning out into something I wish to not play at all, unlike the reaper (so much more fun)
1 crucial problem for me is the skills which Drain your Energy, while i get why they leave you useless in a fight – Impossible odds – use that in a team fight and you’re dead, yes you pack a bit of a punch but you’ve drained so much energy that you cant do anything else but spam 1,- Unless thats what it was intended for then its fine – or if you’re lucky and have your legendary off Cd (even then you’ve switched out with low hp or whatnot and still die)
Eitherway i think the skills which drain your energy need to be re looked at. Right now they either not used often or cause deaths.
Problem i find with Stronghold is that all the mode has turned out to is Rush gate Rush lord – no strategies – no skill – just mass aoe.
Really liked the concept when they announced this, but now its just boring – and there is NO point even defending since attackers applying pressure you’re just prolonging the inevitable.
This concept was kinda moba like – they should may be use 2 lanes of mobs – for both teams. Or something
otherwise i can see stronghold just being a place to grind out pvp points.
Hello – my question is : I’ve read that the stats are currently being recorded for BWE1 and BWE2, So it makes sense that the stats are being displayed on my pie-chart, unranked, ranked games etc. Im not a high lvl pvper but will these be wiped afterwards?
Would prefer a Dev official post/notice.
Ty for any help ^^^
I personally think the Revenant needs a skill that can help mobility out of combat – its soo slow – no escape capabilities at all.
I’m not entirely sure it needs any more mobility. Shiro has a stun, a gap closer, and one fairly decent disengage. Add staff 5 and, yeah, it’s pretty mobile.
On the other hand, why does Phase Traversal need a target? Adjust the skill tooltip and make it like Warrior’s Bull’s Charge. Hell, it already shares the animation. Sword 4 is also a good disengage, but doesn’t help people that don’t use sword. I do think it needs an invul, but that could be solved with Glint/shield elite spec.
I’ve gotten used to self-blasting swiftness using mace and Legendary Inspiration. I actually think it’s kinda fun.
Unrelenting Assault needs to give user like evade, invun, or stab. Imo otherwise skill looks nice.
I think the Displacement needs to be looked at when in downed state – By this i mean many times i’ve displaced someone who was a foot of two infront of me and the displacement puts them basically more ontop of me. I think it should be displaced away from the downed player at a random location rather than a random location ontop.
The randomness can be a double-edged sword, and I’m warming up to it. I’ve displaced people onto terrain lower than me that makes them unable to get back up to me. I’ve also displaced them straight into their deaths on Skyhammer, and the middle of a nearby melee that doesn’t end well for them. But I’ve also displaced them right on top of me mid-stomp, which, yeah, doesn’t help.
As much as i would like to agree – the staff is still just too weak to even bother picking up alongside SS. Using the staff just for the mobility seems unproductive (double close quarter combat weapons also puts you at a massive disadvantage) even if you use gap closer (also the Gap closer (Phase traversal) atm – not sure if its a bug – only covers like 200 distance without a target it does not achieve its 1200. So realistically its pretty bad for an escape.
I do think Phase traversal needs to be like bulls charge that would be much better (multi functional).
Jade winds for a stun is Terrible – its so telegraphed that anyone with half a brain could dodge with ease.
only escape (Riposting shadows) 35 energy – you’ll be lucky to pull off 2 of these in a fight (as you use energy to attack.
As for swiftness – having Jalis for the swiftness – is nice but then the rest of the skills are pretty jank… Forced Engagement – 2s taunt, 2s slow, 50 energy (why is it as much as an ulti for something so bad?) Ulti (5s, 50% damage reduction) maybe useful, 5s maybe to run? but again conditions will kill you, + you’d need like 75 energy minimum for that to be any good – for the inspiring reinforcement stab – jalis ulti – + 5 for heal.
I dunno right now there’s not a lot of synergy with the legendary heroes, also its kinda annoying you cant pick what utilities to run – its set in stone for you. No choice whatsoever… that bums me out.
The class needs a bit more Stun breaks, and for me i think the Swords needs to be a bit faster if the damage stay this low. (in general all the weapons are lacking any damage even as a pure zerker SS you rely on the last hit on the sword skills for Vulnerability to even deal any damage) – got laughed at in full zerker gear hitting 700 normally… on a medium target golem.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
Quickness from Impossible odds does not effect stopping (sometimes animation is sped up but stomp is same as before)
Unrelenting Assault needs to give user like evade, invun, or stab. Imo otherwise skill looks nice.
I think the Displacement needs to be looked at when in downed state – By this i mean many times i’ve displaced someone who was a foot of two infront of me and the displacement puts them basically more ontop of me. I think it should be displaced away from the downed player at a random location rather than a random location ontop.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
My biggest problem with Rev atm is that :
for starters its annoying that Unrelenting assault hits ambient creatures. More of a pve problem, but still annoying.
I personally think the Revenant needs a skill that can help mobility out of combat – its soo slow – no escape capabilities at all.
(you’d think having shiro the greatest assassin in Gw2, he would have lent you the power to go invisible or shadowstep away) without having to have a target.
Most of the Utilities which you use to stay alive consume tooo much energy, considering they are like your only survival skills and you cant change them out. Its a little silly to have them take up sooooo much energy.
All in all I really like the rev – i want it to be my main but atm its still pretty lame in pvp and fighting in general -maybe to overcome this would be to give us options in the utilities instead of predefined ones. (allow for more creative plays)
Also Shiro’s Healing is sooooooo BAD – it takes a total of 7 seconds to get any healing – initial heal is abismally low that within that 6 seconds to get healing from the shards you’re normally dead. Or you wont heal enough to counter getting attacked by a normal hit.
(edited by zorokai.1486)
I find most problems with the power rev – is that once stunned your only real escape is with legend swapping (traited with break stun) and really Riposting Shadows, chain stunned and you have no chance of living at all.
I mean, Chronomancer also got an offhand and the shield skills seem pretty good.
It’s not so much about getting an offhand weapon per se, it’s about said offhand being the warhorn.
Mesmer+Shield is just in a completely different league, in that it always had the potential to be good (imo anyways).
I’m just confused as to why precisely warhorn would be worse? We don’t know its skills? Ele could use it entirely differently from other profs? I don’t get why it’s inherently inferior?
Well for now – All Warhorn skills on All classes are pretty lack luster and do not seem very viable, apart from the shoutbow warrior using a WH.
For me Id say that the WH is so limited in what it can do (apply wind to WH) about it – call birds, blast finisher, buff, (all of these the ele already has with the standard set of skills – may be not the bird but they can already summon Elemental beings to fight for them) So what is it exactly adding to the class?
IMO they could have given the ele like the sword or a combat staff (even if they already have a ranged staff) that would have been more creative or inspiring. a WH feels kinda Meh.
Locust swarm on necromancer is an amazing skill, it’s probably the fastest form of life force generation the necromancer has in a teamfight.
Meanwhile the ranger warhorn gives group support in pve. The shoutbow warhorn trait was actually nerfed for being too strong.
So clearly you don’t play these other classes if you think their warhorn skills suck.
My point still stands that MOST WARHORNs are pretty useless compared to their other available weapon choices. The WarHorn is stil llimited in what it can do , and animation wise what else can it do but get “blown into”? still a very Meh weapon to be given to any class.
You’ve clearly never watched top Necromancer gameplay, where they dote on how warhorn is by far the best offhand for power/minion/cele necro. This is because it has fast life force generation, CC and lets you get places faster. The other offhand choices for necromancer, especially focus, suck, really quite hard.
This is the age of ranged hammers and melee staffs and magical longbows and time traveling shields. You must be truly ignorant if you think that the ele warhorn is going to lack any flavor or uniqueness.
Good job you’ve latched onto One part of the comment – Reading skills OP here…
Again still like i said WarHorn is still BS on most classes (Not just NECRO FOCUSED).
Well looking at the History of skills/Animations from the Anet kitten nal for WarHorn, cant say they have a lot of “Flavor or Uniqueness” more the same – blow into a horn – Yea truly impressive and all inspiring. The new skin for the WarHorn Soo Flavourful and Unique – honestly just looks like ice cream splattered on the WarHorn….
The warhorn is a vibrational device which merely extend the breath of the one blowing the horn. Tying this in with what you know about elementalist magic you should be able to further enhance this effect. Considering what you know about breathing fire and cold while controlling air and vapor there is virtually no limit to what one can come up with.Elementalists can already make sandstorms, firestorms, freezing gusts and lightningstorms.
While adding the obvious speed inducing ang sound propagation into this mix the magic could be focussed onto these soundwaves and as such creating a multitude of effects.
If it’s possible to vibrate and resonate the magic and the sound in a fixed place that way you could possibly create multiple copies of the same effect.
you can butter it up all you like – still in the end blowing a horn. Like you stated ele can already make so many storms – so what exactly is the WH for? adding another extra tornado? whoop! ….
I hope we can have a sword-looking warhorn skin.
would be better if it was just a sword and not a warhorn
I think this sums up the WH on the ele well.
Taken from Reddit by a poster.
“Oooh, I see where they’re going with this. It’s another “high concept” theme. The Tempest is a class which utilizes the tears (water), screams and despairing wails (air), rage (fire) of all those ele players who cried for weeks that they did not want a warhorn. This faction of the elementalist profession will attempt to scare Mordremoth away by dramatically blowing into a horn. He will be terrified. In fact, that dragon won’t even know what hit him. What about Earth, you ask? Well, this will replace the Tempest’s skill bar entirely with a new summoned weapon, the shovel, with which the Tempest can dig him or herself kitten to lie in, and cry. This is needed for those times when other classes, with their shiny new Staves, Shields, Greatswords, Hammers, and Longbows laugh at the Tempest, for their questionable life decision of setting out to truly perfect the art of blowing into a silly looking horn in a most dramatic fashion."
Seems about right.
I mean, Chronomancer also got an offhand and the shield skills seem pretty good.
It’s not so much about getting an offhand weapon per se, it’s about said offhand being the warhorn.
Mesmer+Shield is just in a completely different league, in that it always had the potential to be good (imo anyways).
I’m just confused as to why precisely warhorn would be worse? We don’t know its skills? Ele could use it entirely differently from other profs? I don’t get why it’s inherently inferior?
Well for now – All Warhorn skills on All classes are pretty lack luster and do not seem very viable, apart from the shoutbow warrior using a WH.
For me Id say that the WH is so limited in what it can do (apply wind to WH) about it – call birds, blast finisher, buff, (all of these the ele already has with the standard set of skills – may be not the bird but they can already summon Elemental beings to fight for them) So what is it exactly adding to the class?
IMO they could have given the ele like the sword or a combat staff (even if they already have a ranged staff) that would have been more creative or inspiring. a WH feels kinda Meh.
Locust swarm on necromancer is an amazing skill, it’s probably the fastest form of life force generation the necromancer has in a teamfight.
Meanwhile the ranger warhorn gives group support in pve. The shoutbow warhorn trait was actually nerfed for being too strong.
So clearly you don’t play these other classes if you think their warhorn skills suck.
True I dont main A ranger or a Necro, but even I have noticed how bad the Warhorn skills are.
Sigh, yea great group support – still pretty useless, does it clean conditions? it better than say the warriors one… No… also Pve, thats the easiest content in the whole game, hardly fair to judge a weapons viability because it does OK in pve. everything does OK in pve.
Necro on the otherhand – its again ok – all you do is blow on it (same old animations – not looking promising for the ele) – it only helps you so in theory your horn is busted if only you get effected (troll)- Id say the necro one comes close to the being ok like the warriors, i mean it does daze/interrupt apart from that, not much more.
My point still stands that MOST WARHORNs are pretty useless compared to their other available weapon choices. The WarHorn is stil llimited in what it can do , and animation wise what else can it do but get “blown into”? still a very Meh weapon to be given to any class.
Yall realize IF we got sword we would have gotten 4 AAs very very similar to daggger I mean you can’t make it better than dagger, can’t give it MORE range than dagger OR less (a sword with less range than a dagger? can you imagine the complaints), can’t give it better dps (or why use dagger) …. see what I mean? edit only legit thing I guess is a bit more burst, still if it was hands down more burst it’d be like scepter melee….no thx
I suppose it could be a ranged sword and compete with scepter? But scepter is already kind of niche… SO that means we would have gotten 8 skills (2×4 since autoattacks would be like the same as daggers on sword) anyway. Same amount as warhorn.
Sure sword could have been a different melee choice…but dagger is already very good and balanced. Sword AAs at least, likely would have been disapointing.
HOPEFULLY with war-horn they will be more powerful than 2 and 3 than the one we would have gotten on sword.
That seems rather narrow minded at thinking about an Ele with a sword – Why not give it a Full on melee fight style – make it so you enchant your weapon to your element – giving off status effects or something like that.
Use the Zealot’s defense animation on the ele for another blade attack. even similar attacks as the Dagger would have been INFINITELY better than any 8 skills on the WH.
Id make it so the Sword is shorter than the dagger (well normal range as all other sword wielders, so same as the warrior). I mean the daggers are kind of like a mobile mini projectile-ish weapon, what i mean is, you don’t physically use the daggers to hit, but that can be the case for the sword??
Might be a new way for an ele to fight?
I’m so so sad… :_(
This is a crime against aesthetics.
As a fellow Fashion hunter i feel your pain.
Want to look good in my mmo R P G !!!
is that soo much to ask! (and yes none of the WarHorn skins look anygood at all!)
I mean, Chronomancer also got an offhand and the shield skills seem pretty good.
It’s not so much about getting an offhand weapon per se, it’s about said offhand being the warhorn.
Mesmer+Shield is just in a completely different league, in that it always had the potential to be good (imo anyways).
I’m just confused as to why precisely warhorn would be worse? We don’t know its skills? Ele could use it entirely differently from other profs? I don’t get why it’s inherently inferior?
Well for now – All Warhorn skills on All classes are pretty lack luster and do not seem very viable, apart from the shoutbow warrior using a WH.
For me Id say that the WH is so limited in what it can do (apply wind to WH) about it – call birds, blast finisher, buff, (all of these the ele already has with the standard set of skills – may be not the bird but they can already summon Elemental beings to fight for them) So what is it exactly adding to the class?
IMO they could have given the ele like the sword or a combat staff (even if they already have a ranged staff) that would have been more creative or inspiring. a WH feels kinda Meh.