Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013
come on guys lets not act like ur server hasn’t had ppl do it when u were winning either way its wrong
now just report it or send out pms to guild leaders so they can handle it so we can move on no need to keep going on an create more bad blood
Here ya go. Break time, 8:20 PM PST Score Update.
If I may, to the EMP folks I tagged along with this evening in JQBL, it was an absolute pleasure. THAT was how the BLs should feel! Well done indeed all!
I always miss all the fun NA action
In order to have a competitive and fun T1 fights, we should encourage 1 another more than character assasinating other servers and wanting them to implode. Wanting them to implode simply means you do not want any competition I guess?
I understand and now you should think how many times and for how long SoR had to endure hearing all these things especially from BG…
We were always the underdog for 15 weeks in T2 and eversince BG came to T1 it was the same old song and dance. We were never taken seriously in this competition so please understand winning wasn’t expected. Everybody on SoR it’s just beyond happy this week and it is expected that some things get out of hand a bit.
I agree that we should start fresh and maybe BG will be the gracious winner in the weeks to come and set an example.True but its a vicious cycle, I for one never chest thumped or looked down any server (except cheating). Everyone had their chance for glory but I urge everyone not to over do it.
Newton’s third law of motion: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body.
In our case BG= first body and SoR=second body
BG always came on top of SoR, therefore some on BG chose to behave as you described above and some SoR responded.
Chances are that next weeks BG will be on the top again more than SoR and it would be your chance to put an end to this vicious circle.
Same applies for SoR if winning becomes a trend.
In order to have a competitive and fun T1 fights, we should encourage 1 another more than character assasinating other servers and wanting them to implode. Wanting them to implode simply means you do not want any competition I guess?
I understand and now you should think how many times and for how long SoR had to endure hearing all these things especially from BG…
We were always the underdog for 15 weeks in T2 and eversince BG came to T1 it was the same old song and dance. We were never taken seriously in this competition so please understand winning wasn’t expected. Everybody on SoR it’s just beyond happy this week and it is expected that some things get out of hand a bit.
I agree that we should start fresh and maybe BG will be the gracious winner in the weeks to come and set an example.True but its a vicious cycle, I for one never chest thumped or looked down any server (except cheating). Everyone had their chance for glory but I urge everyone not to over do it.
BG always came on top of SoR.
I can confirm, Blackgate loves “being on top”
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC]
(edited by MagiKarp.8201)
Pardon my cynicism Zen, but this thread more closely resembles a wake than a victory celebration. I don’t see why you’re apologizing to the Mudslingers.
I can confirm, Blackgate loves “being on top”
Are we coming from behind again?
Score update for the proletariat at work plz.
KnT Blackgate
Here you go pinot, ya pleb
Godzilla AKA JQ is waking up… ROAAAARRRRRR
What kind of support did SOR give you?
The same support that BG did to the guilds that wanted to come over but couldnt withouth our community help.
Is not a big deal, and there’s nothing wrong with donate gold to help new friends.
I still wonder why they keep saying that “BG is buying guilds” and trying to give us a bad reputation for so long and then they go and do the same!
Im surprised no1 is trakittenalking SoR right now and….oh wait!
Call me crazy, but mb when OTHERS do it, is not so bad!!! Lets see..BG donate gold to help ppl get in? How dare you??! Blackhole destroyer of guilds!! Shame on you!! Your reputation is the worst!
SoR donate gold to the same objective? Oh, this is a real community, tight and perfect!! You should all watch and learn!
The same logic applied on the “overtime” nonsense…think about it!
BG won? Overtime lifeless nerds!
SoR winning? Is just bc you’re so good! Again, we should all watch and learn!
I think the main difference is we don’t offer guilds gold to come over. They decide to come over and perhaps if a few of their members couldn’t make it, we help them out. That’s the difference between buying guilds and not.
Thats the same thing BG did. And thats why I am scratching my head after all the criticism that has come from SOR to BG (including youtube video rants about it) and saying how much better their server is for not doing this, when all along SOR does it as well.
Sorry, I’d been not on the forums, but what SoR did and what BG did is different. BG didn’t help out a little after the guild came over and said they couldn’t get everyone. They chose SoR and came over and SoR were like “Oh kitten, we got a good EU guild to join our server” and they were cool people, so yes, anyone would help them finish coming over.
BG: “We offer you 7 guilds 4k gold each to come over to our server… cool?”.
Pardon my cynicism Zen, but this thread more closely resembles a wake than a victory celebration. I don’t see why you’re apologizing to the Mudslingers.
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday BG’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”
What kind of support did SOR give you?
The same support that BG did to the guilds that wanted to come over but couldnt withouth our community help.
Is not a big deal, and there’s nothing wrong with donate gold to help new friends.
I still wonder why they keep saying that “BG is buying guilds” and trying to give us a bad reputation for so long and then they go and do the same!
Im surprised no1 is trakittenalking SoR right now and….oh wait!
Call me crazy, but mb when OTHERS do it, is not so bad!!! Lets see..BG donate gold to help ppl get in? How dare you??! Blackhole destroyer of guilds!! Shame on you!! Your reputation is the worst!
SoR donate gold to the same objective? Oh, this is a real community, tight and perfect!! You should all watch and learn!
The same logic applied on the “overtime” nonsense…think about it!
BG won? Overtime lifeless nerds!
SoR winning? Is just bc you’re so good! Again, we should all watch and learn!
I think the main difference is we don’t offer guilds gold to come over. They decide to come over and perhaps if a few of their members couldn’t make it, we help them out. That’s the difference between buying guilds and not.
Thats the same thing BG did. And thats why I am scratching my head after all the criticism that has come from SOR to BG (including youtube video rants about it) and saying how much better their server is for not doing this, when all along SOR does it as well.
Sorry, I’d been not on the forums, but what SoR did and what BG did is different. BG didn’t help out a little after the guild came over and said they couldn’t get everyone. They chose SoR and came over and SoR were like “Oh kitten, we got a good EU guild to join our server” and they were cool people, so yes, anyone would help them finish coming over.
BG: “We offer you 7 guilds 4k gold each to come over to our server… cool?”.
Give some evidence and just not conjecture to prove that – people claimed we got gold for transfering, which we didn’t. You can believe whatever makes you feel happy.
As much as I truly hope it will not be the case, with JQ and BG both full, I believe a huge amount of players will bandwagon to DB in the near future.
Pardon my cynicism Zen, but this thread more closely resembles a wake than a victory celebration. I don’t see why you’re apologizing to the Mudslingers.
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday BG’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”
crush the enemies, see them driven before you, read the forum QQ.
Great fighting in SoR today, especially the balancing act in Bay. Was several hours of move countermove, and got to say, your commander has some skills! Hope to see more stuff from your teams tomorrow, I know the wife had to pry me off the keyboard with a stick.
Great job all around, both our SoR scrappers and the BG/JQ opponents. Easy peasy taking the field when your roflstomping the crap out of everyone, but hats off to the commanders who are able to bring the heat when your not chip leader.
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron
As much as I truly hope it will not be the case, with JQ and BG both full, I believe a huge amount of players will bandwagon to DB in the near future.
JQ has been “very high” for a couple hours on and off today. BG has remained full from what I have seen.
As much as I truly hope it will not be the case, with JQ and BG both full, I believe a huge amount of players will bandwagon to DB in the near future.
JQ has been “very high” for a couple hours on and off today. BG has remained full from what I have seen.
No guild will seriously consider moving to JQ and risk splitting their guild up for who knows how long, possibly even never being able to fully transfer.
Mass log offs wont make a dent in the server status.
As much as I truly hope it will not be the case, with JQ and BG both full, I believe a huge amount of players will bandwagon to DB in the near future.
JQ has been “very high” for a couple hours on and off today. BG has remained full from what I have seen.
No guild will seriously consider moving to JQ and risk splitting their guild up for who knows how long, possibly even never being able to fully transfer.
Mass log offs wont make a dent in the server status.
Pretty sure PRX, SF, and lots of other guilds that came to JQ when free transfers were ending made it in when the server was at “Full” for over a week before ANet increased the cap.
“We have been successfully deterred by the possibility of not being able to transfer immediately to a server that is not full some of the time” – No one ever
Also its at very high now, been that way for the last several hours. Hardly seems like an obstacle at all
Hey, that server that used to win every week and be full is now steady dropping in the ranks and has space available. I’ll spend 20 bucks to see if history repeats itself…
You guys done with your break yet? The troops at getting bored.
JQ best NA! kittenololololo
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
score update – before heading to work!
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
JQ best NA! kittenololololo
You guys make me proud. If only there were 20 SF’s to fites
I have irrefutable proof why BG/SoR should be afraid of us and I shall present it wearing my stylish new silver hat!
Southsun Cove gives the tentacle backpiece and is all about fighting creepy giant bug monsters. Server name is Jade Quarry and by coincidence the bonus fractal boss just happens to be the Jade Maw, which is a creepy bug monster with tentacles… And green. Said SC bugs are red, and Consortium is blue/yellow. Coincidence? Add the fact it is the only place to get passion flowers from green brushes, which has a green name ,with stats which benefit necromancers the most, which just happen to also be affiliated with green!
In other words, we have a subliminal urge to get that backpiece and get rid of these phony bugs and the Consortium who are sabotaging us for the arrival of the Jade Maw, the TRUE terror of Southsun Cove! Upon achieving said backpiece , our urge to conquer W3 will return to regain our unofficial colour to worship the Jade Maw and things will be all good again even of it means siding with the phony bugs for a while to eliminate the Consortium
-Plush Griffon Recruit of the Jade Quarry Militia-
JQ best NA! kittenololololo
You guys make me proud. If only there were 20 SF’s to fites
There’s only 15.
Tempest Wolves[TW]
JQ best NA! kittenololololo
You guys make me proud. If only there were 20 SF’s to fites
There’s only 15.
Meant 20 SF guilds :p
Ladies can claim whatever size they like. Such things are between them and their tailor.
As much as I truly hope it will not be the case, with JQ and BG both full, I believe a huge amount of players will bandwagon to DB in the near future.
Atleast we won’t get any pugs. Most of them dont have the 56g needed to transfer…
SF only rolls 15 deep dawg, at all times, they dont even lets pugs follow them unless they only have 14, and even then, its just 1 pug. I only know that cause Cue yelled at me once on TS and told me to not follow them and called me bad words and said something about the 15 only rule.
Anyway. JQ is full.
Score Update before I disappear for work!
Please note: No scary tentacle backpacks here!
Here you go pinot, ya pleb
Godzilla AKA JQ is waking up… ROAAAARRRRRR
More like JQ is waking down. YAAAWWWNNN
I am aware!
I have been hugged by all 15 at once. Luckily I’d taken my Enzyte that morning
Here you go pinot, ya pleb
Godzilla AKA JQ is waking up… ROAAAARRRRRR
More like JQ is waking down. YAAAWWWNNN
You mad bro?
Here you go pinot, ya pleb
Godzilla AKA JQ is waking up… ROAAAARRRRRR
More like JQ is waking down. YAAAWWWNNN
You mad bro?
Not mad, glad.
Here you go pinot, ya pleb
Godzilla AKA JQ is waking up… ROAAAARRRRRR
More like JQ is waking down. YAAAWWWNNN
You mad bro?
Not mad, glad.
Nah, bro, you sound mad. All good bro. Heres a virtual beer.
Here you go pinot, ya pleb
Godzilla AKA JQ is waking up… ROAAAARRRRRR
More like JQ is waking down. YAAAWWWNNN
You mad bro?
Not mad, glad.
Nah, bro, you sound mad. All good bro. Heres a virtual beer.
Do you even lift?
But seriously, JQ has fallen, and will continue to fall. Lower and lower into the rabbit hole…
Waha said he is moving bye JQ
You’re drunk Stars, go back to your tier.
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
Waha said he is moving
bye JQ
Wait, Wut ?
Waha said he is moving :( bye JQ
If that were true, that’d be a shame as he’s provided us with the best fights we’ve had as a guild in WvW. Hope that it isn’t or I really worry for the competitiveness of the SEA timeslot.
can anyone on jq confirm or deny waha and foo moving ??
You’re drunk Stars, go back to your tier.
Post an update of your current score, please.
Waha is not Foo anymore. everyone should know that by now. He created a new guild called ATM
well not everyone esp thos like me who don’t really care or follow guild dramas
anyways it also doesn’t affect his standing on jq and his following in ur community so if he is leaving jq or quiting it will hurt them so I hope its not true
This thread is getting interesting.
We have ppl saying BG is dead, JQ is dead and then we have DB folk hijacking the thread.
PS. Waha is not moving from JQ. And yes he is in [ATM]
It will be sad to see Waha go. Hope JQ pulls back, they have a large number of players just that they are not active in wvw recent weeks.
thank u fuzzion for clearing that up man and that’s good to hear
Figured it was just a guy trying to stir drama, and as a bit of an observation the only people calling JQ/BG dead is SoR. If the servers were dead you wouldve heard from the guilds on those servers, not from trolls be them from DB, BG OR SoR.
I dunno, if I was Waha this week I’d be kittened. ATM kept putting up effort while SOME timezones declared themselves PvE oriented…..
But not to worry either way! With them go the T1 capability.
Dear JQ,
Please take Raw Noodles and RE back.
1-2 ppl doesn’t = sor calling ur server dead they rep themselves not SOR as a server
as far as bg being dead I think its more like a sleeping giant lol resting it up after the match got out of reach because they didn’t expect this big a push and they will be stronger Friday
for jQ I think ppl r just wondering wuts going on with them more then anything I hope they pull threw this I want health competition and u need three servers to get it