Ninja Fashion Contest [Winners Announced]
Silly people…Eles are the real ninjas! Who else can do karate, breath fire, summon hidden weapons, teleport and change forms, and throw hadokens from afar?
Here’s my kunoichi.
Head = Eye patch – Cuz every shinobi has battle scars.
Shoulders = Cabalist Shoulders – Need a scarf for those cold night stealth missions.
Chest = Vestment of the Lich – Only ninja cape available in all of Tyria.
Arms = Seer Gloves – Good def and still has the sharp fingers to claw your eyes out.
Legs = Profane Pants – Sleek combat pants that don’t hinder movement.
Boots = Sorcerer’s Shoes – Don’t let the name fool you, it’s the best East meets West pair of sandals. Now made of metal instead of straws!
Back = Wind Catcher – Bringing good fortune with you on the mission.
Weapons = Usoku’s Needles – Dual wielding sais. Only one more deadly with these is probably Raphael.
Dyes: Ash, Midnight Fuchsia, and Black, cuz Abyss is so 2012.
Ninjas used to be mainly two things: Mercenaries and spies.
Some ridiculous clothes… some mismatching colors… and…
There you have it. Ding. A ninja, disguised as a minstrel. Gods know how many minstrels are working for the whispers.
I vote the Minstrel-Ninja for best Ninja!
Shoulders – Whisper’s
Chest – Krytan
Gloves – Mist Walker
Leggings – Whisper’s
Boots – Protean
Dyes: Abyss, Indigo
Silly people…Eles are the real ninjas! Who else can do karate, breath fire, summon hidden weapons, teleport and change forms, and throw hadokens from afar?
Here’s my kunoichi.
Head = Eye patch – Cuz every shinobi has battle scars.
Shoulders = Cabalist Shoulders – Need a scarf for those cold night stealth missions.
Chest = Vestment of the Lich – Only ninja cape available in all of Tyria.
Arms = Seer Gloves – Good def and still has the sharp fingers to claw your eyes out.
Legs = Profane Pants – Sleek combat pants that don’t hinder movement.
Boots = Sorcerer’s Shoes – Don’t let the name fool you, it’s the best East meets West pair of sandals. Now made of metal instead of straws!
Back = Wind Catcher – Bringing good fortune with you on the mission.Weapons = Usoku’s Needles – Dual wielding sais. Only one more deadly with these is probably Raphael.
Dyes: Ash, Midnight Fuchsia, and Black, cuz Abyss is so 2012.
Oh my god, Aridia your ninja looks make my day!
+1 for this looks!!
Ok, here is my contribution
I have a 4 toons that can go ‘ninja’ and I could not decide between them, so here they all are.
First image
Human necro
Exalted Mask
Exalted Mantle
Illustrious Doublet
Illustrious Breaches
Student Gloves
Aurora Shoes
Dyes: Abyss, Midnight Fire, Midnight Red, Oxblood, Cobalt, Tarnished Silver
Second Image
Sylvari Mesmer
All armour is Sylvari cultural T3
Dyes: Deep Glacial Sky, Midnight Ice, Frost
Third image
Sylvari Thief
All arnour is Sylvari cultural T2, except for the leggings that are Sylvari cultural T1
Dyes: Midnight Red, Midnight Fire, Celestial
Fourth image
Human Ranger (with the new greatsword)
Subterfuge Hood
Shoulders and gloves are hidden
Sneakthief chest and leggings
Human cultural T1 boots
Dyes: Midnight Gold, Ash, Cobalt
I don’t know if this counts, but I modeled Ccari’s, my Sylvari’s, outfit after a Fantasy Ronin-esque style, even using the Ceremonial sabres for effect and colouring her outfits after them.
First pic is stylized, second pic is the regular screenshot. Third pic is just a full shot of the outfit.
- Head – Orchid Helm (Tier 2)
- Shoulders – Dryad Epaulets (Tier 3)
- Chest – Snapdragon Coat (Tier 1)
- Hands – Winged Gloves
- Legs – Conjurer Pants
- Feet – Orchid Boots (Not seen, Tier 1)
Thief – Duelist | Ranger – Strider | Engineer – Technician |
Elementalist – Spellweaver | Necromancer – Warlock | Mesmer – Trickster |
Surprised their haven’t been more sneakthief sets.
Here is mine, don’t like the anonymity mask but can’t find anything better yet. Might go for a face mask. Obviously I’ve already bought my sword so I’m out of the running
Head: Anonymity Mask
Shoulders: Whisper’s
Chest: Sneakthief
Arms: Human T2
Legs: Sneakthief
Feet: Sneakthief
Back: Quiver of Swift Flight
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
From my understanding, the original appearances of ‘ninja’ garb were little more than theatre prop-men who sneaked onto stage as concealed as possible to move/change sets (or to provide crude moving sets) during performances. Their stealthiness then gave rise to stories of black clad men sneaking about and doing nefarious things.
True spies and assassins would wear clothing to blend with their surrroundings, as any intelligent modern one would do.
A true Ninja hides in plain sight. Need to kill a powerful lord? What better way to do it than dressed as your average Samurai? :D
kittenake Tadayoshi
Head: -
Shoulder: Priory’s Historical
Chest: Ascalonian Protector (AC)
Hand: Vigil’s Honor
Leg: Forgeman Tassets (SE)
Foot: Vigil’s Honor
Back: Savage Guild Back Banner
Colours: Abyss and Wrath
Bonus: Ceremonial Weapons do feel right, but oh boy, that katana would be amazing.
Ah, what am I doing, doesn’t really fit what you’re looking for, but I just wanted to show that little mushroomhead to other people, I guess. Good luck everyone, I saw some reall nice character designs in here! ;)
"Ninja"edit: The forum has censored my character name. Oh my, hahaha!
(edited by Mouseheart.8672)
kittenake Tadayoshi
Thanks gw2forumautocensore. I guess.
Was that picture taken in TA btw?
kittenake Tadayoshi
Thanks gw2forumautocensore. I guess.
Was that picture taken in TA btw?
Your knowledge of the game’s Dungeons is pretty impressive. Yes, it was at the TA entrance. I was browsing the forums while waiting for guildies to show up for a run, saw this thread and though “might as well”.
A true Ninja hides in plain sight. Need to kill a powerful lord? What better way to do it than dressed as your average Samurai?
That’s the most ninja-like disguise I’ve seen so far.
A ninja is what you want it to be in your heart of hearts.
I love all the entries so far! Awesome
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Here is mine:
Evergreen should guard
Night mare court guise
Lawless gloves
Inqued legging
Sneak thief Sandals
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
(edited by vincecontix.1264)
What the heck, here is my ninja charr.
trapper coat
seeker gloves
seeker pants
wrangler boots
mistforged hero daggers
Image 3 head piece:
image 4 head piece:
visage of kodan
Entry: Lilith De Asph (Necromancer)
An ninja deals in death, so what better class than a necromancer?
She can often be seen patroling the wreckage of Lion’s Arch, “dealing” with the looters and criminals that the Lion’s Guard doesn’t have the time to handle.
When not being a ninja, she has been spotted taking her pet flesh golem Nomnom out for a walk.
-Adventurer’s Scarf
-Twisted Watchwork Shoulders
-Sorcerer’s Coat
-Heavenly Light Bracers
-Exalted Pants
-Council Ministry Shoes
-Chaos Daggers
Color Scheme:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Asura Thief
Head – Anonymity Mask – Abyss Dye
Shoulders – ???
Chest – Flame Legion Coat – Midnight Fire & Abyss Dye
Hands – Hellfire Vambraces
Legs – Auxiliary Powered Leggings – Abyss Dye
Foot – Auxiliary Powered Boots – Abyss Dye
I took some artistic liberties with the picture <3
Entry: Vorch De Asph (Thief)
Vorch was a special operative for the Ebon Vanguard over 250 years ago. An Elonian, he had traveled to the Far Shiverpeaks where he met a young, ruthlessly eccentric Mesmer by the name of Gwen Thackeray.
So moved by her leadership, he followed her and her husband to Ebonhawke. However, during one of his roof patrols, he was struck by a stray arrow from particularly daft trainee and fell to his death.
He now can be in Ebonhawke seen aiding vanguard trainees in their archery and checking patrols.
-Falconer’s Mask
-Vigil Honor Shoulder guards
-Inquest Guise
-Prowler Gloves
-Council Watch Leggings
-Prowler Boots
-Ebon Vanguard Shortbow
-Ebon Vanguard Dagger
-Ebon Vanguard Pistol
Color Scheme:
-Midnight Ice
-Antique Gold
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I took some artistic liberties with the picture <3
You just r—ed my eyes with that picture.
My bad*ss ele
Adventurer’s scarf
Diviner mantle
Illustrious chest, pants
Researcher’s shoes
Midnight ice, Wrath, Illumination dye
Helm: Sneakthief
Shoulder: Council Watch
Chest: Strider’s
Gloves: Council Watch
Pants: Strider’s
Boots: Zodiac
Back: Rox’s Quiver
Dyes: Midnight Ice, Midnight Teal, Glacial Teal, Deep Glacial Teal
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Need more Charr Ninjas:
Head: Sneakthief Mask
Shoulders: Whisper’s Secret Shoulderguards
Chest: Sneakthief Coat
Gloves: Drover Gloves
Legs: Whisper’s Secret Leggings
Boots: Sneakthief Sandals
Daggers: Komalie’s Sacrificial Blade
Midnight Fire
Midnight Red
Dye Remover (since I just made it plain)
Those are the 17th stories I mention. By “popularized” I mean worldwide, not just Japan.
Japan was a closed country for 200 years, so the only popularization that matters is how the image evolved and gained popularity within Japan. Which, as has been pointed out, happened well before the 20th century and any western media got hold of it. The concept of a “ninja” in stealthy attire skulking around with weapons was romanticized and popularized by Japanese art and culture at least 200 years before western civilization developed a fascination with it. Reducing that to “some 17th century stories” is an insult to the historical impact those stories and images have had on the world, as well as their importance in documenting the history of ninja; which if you are as much of a buff as you claim to be you will know very little historical documentation exists outside of that literature and art.
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”
I thought I’d take a crack at it. (I DO NOT have the great sword skin already, but I thought it fit the whole armor vibe so I preview coded it for the picture.)
Shinobi/Ninja Vibe Heavy
Helmet: Adventurer’s /Scarf
Shoulders: Protector’s Shoulder Plates (Tier 3 Human Cultural)
Chest: HoTW Chest
Hands and Feet: Braham Armor’s Gauntlets and Boots
Leggings: Illustrious Tassets
Back: Rox’s Quiver Set (on sale right now in the Gemstore!)
Weapon: Belinda’s Greatsword
Mix of Oxblood and Abyss Dye
Very nice looking!.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Council watch face mask
Council watch shoulder guard
Strider’s tunic
Sneakthief’s glove
Viper’s leggings
Viper’s boots
Spinal Blade Pack
Involved dye:
Head – Pitch
Shoulder – Pitch / Heirloon
Body – Abyss / Tarnished silver
Glove – Pitch / Abyss
Legging – Abyss / Blueshade / Pitch
Boot – Pitch / Abyss / Swamp Grass / Pastel Lemon
If I end up getting more than 4 pages of entries I’ll likely offer 2 prizes. There are already some amazingly done characters and I’m not sure I can choose one!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Head: none
Shoulder: none
Chest: hotw
Gloves: hotw
Legs: hotw
boots: hotw
Chest: Cobalt/Silver
Gloves: Cobalt/Midnight Ice
Legs: Cobalt/Silver
Boots: Cobalt/Midnight Ice
(edited by Not A Ninja.1980)
Head: none
Shoulder: none
Chest: hotw
Gloves: hotw
Legs: hotw
boots: hotwDyes
Chest: Cobalt/Silver
Gloves: Cobalt/Midnight Ice
Legs: Cobalt/Silver
Boots: Cobalt/Midnight Ice
wait a sec….arent you technically disqualified because of your name?!
Here is my entry with my Mesmer
Armor :
Head: Adventurer’s Scarf
Shoulders: Vigil’s Honor Mantle
Chest: Whisper’s Secret Robes
Gloves: Primitive Handwraps
Legs: Illustrious Breeches
Boots: Tribal Walkers
Weapons :
Sword : Lord Taeres’s Shadow
Torch : Nightmare Torch
Dyes :
Head: Wine
Shoulders: Midnight Fire, Wine Celestial
Chest: Midnight Fire, Celestial, Wine
Gloves: Midnight Fire
Legs: Wine, Midnight Fire, Celestial
Boots: Wine, Indigo
Entry: Lilith De Asph (Necromancer)
An ninja deals in death, so what better class than a necromancer?
She can often be seen patroling the wreckage of Lion’s Arch, “dealing” with the looters and criminals that the Lion’s Guard doesn’t have the time to handle.
When not being a ninja, she has been spotted taking her pet flesh golem Nomnom out for a walk.
-Adventurer’s Scarf
-Twisted Watchwork Shoulders
-Sorcerer’s Coat
-Heavenly Light Bracers
-Exalted Pants
-Council Ministry ShoesWeapon:
-Chaos DaggersColor Scheme:
I really like this one. Smokin’ hot but wish it used a different color pallet instead of black and white (let her silver hair be an accent, not half the color pallet).
What the heck, here is my ninja charr.
trapper coat
seeker gloves
seeker pants
wrangler boots
mistforged hero daggersImage 3 head piece:
snkeakthiefimage 4 head piece:
visage of kodanDyes:
But I might be partial to female charr :p
Asuran sneaky buff dude.
Mostly Asuran T1 Cultural, but the mask is a mesmer starter. Dyes are Iron, Turquoise, and Midnight Sky.
(edited by VPhantomWarriorV.2803)
Here’s my kunoichi, Akira Menai.
Mask is loosely inspired by the ANBU from Naruto. The rest is a mix of a bunch of other stuff. No pieces come from the same set of armor.
Light Armor
Head: Acolyte
Shoulder: Vigil
Chest: Koda (HotW)
Hand: Lich (Arah)
Leg: Profane
Foot: Wupwup (Ascended)
Greatsword: …
Back: Wind Catcher
Dye: Mithril, Black Cherry, Burgundy, Country Teal, Midnight Sky, Butter, Midnight Ice, Honeybutter
Edit: Added two pictures of Akira in her current look. Naturally, they won’t count for the contest.
Edit 2: Updated with list of armor pieces.
Edit 3: Improved the gifs.
(edited by jellyblast.6238)
No super original, but you just can’t get anymore “ninja” than the sneakthief set.
Armor: Sneakthief gear with Subterfuge Hood
Weapons: Glimmerfang, Whisper’s Secret Pistol, Ebon Vanguard Short Bow
Head – Burgundy*, Gold, Burgundy*
Shoulders – Midnight Red, Gold
Body – Midnight Red, Gold Midnight Rust
Hand – Midnight Red, Gold
Legs – Midnight Red, Midnight Rust
Feet – Midnight Red, Gold
*Hood is cloth, so Burgundy is used to be the same color as Midnight Red on leather.
1st image used as inspiration.
Medium Asura
Helm: Sneakthief Mask
Shoulders: none
Chest: Protean Coat
Gloves: Prowler Gloves
Legs: Viper’s Leggings
Boots: Ascalonian Sentry Boots (one of the few boots that covers all toes w/o cutting them off the asura)
if GW2 shaders are set to Low or Med – Abyss Dye for everything
if GW2 shaders are set to high – Pitch Dye for helm, Abyss Dye for everything else
(Emblazoned Helm, Medium Island Shoulder, Council Watch Chest and Legs, Force and Tracks of Koda)
[Midnight Purple, Abyss, Burnished Steel, Dusk and Winter Sky]
Usually run Abyss Dye but the details are hard to make out so dyed in red….
This is my Mesmer…light armor is tough to get the right look…
Adventurer’s Mantle (Helm)
Masquerade Mantle (Shoulders)
Acolyte Coat (Chest)
Zodiac Gloves (Hand)
Student Pants (Legs)
Whispers Secret Footwear (Feet)
Was suprised that i was the first one to come to this. Anyways
My “beverly hills ninja” pretty much as close as i could get to this guy
hope you like it, thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone
Here is my contribution,
Head: Predatory Mask
Shoulder: Wolfborn Shoulderpad
Chest: Wolf Vest
Hand: Viper´s Armguards
Leg: Predatory Leggins
Foot: Viper´s Boots
Dyes: Abyss, Charcoal, Black
One more day! Hope to see moar entries!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
This is my Ninja
Ninja’s not only are stealthy they also put foes off guard in any way they can. Like a very well trained thief that does not steal.
Everyone thinks thieves are evil so that’s why the devil horns lol
Was suprised that i was the first one to come to this. Anyways
My “beverly hills ninja”pretty much as close as i could get to this guy
hope you like it, thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone
I love this.
This is a medium armor Charr thief. I was going for a combat ninja type feel.
Pieces are:
Mask of the Wanderer
Whispers Shoulder
Aetherblade Chest
Heritage Gloves
Ascended Pants and Boots
Whispers Daggers
Colors that I used are: Kelly, Midnight Fire, Midnight Yew, White Gold, and Midnight Rust.
Human, Female, Thief
Whisper’s Secret Hook
Stalwart Shoulders
Illustrious Guise
Assassin’s Gloves
Sneakthief Leggings
Sneakthief Sandals
Tear of Grenth
Tip to all ninjas out there: if you show to much of your skin you are not a good ninja.
Was suprised that i was the first one to come to this. Anyways
My “beverly hills ninja”pretty much as close as i could get to this guy
hope you like it, thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyoneI love this.
I was considering a similar angle but Steplala beat me to it. GeeGee. Thus, I decided to go a more traditional route on my engi. Because engis make the best ninjas. Thieves might think they are, but they are just posers compared to what engineers bring to the ninja game.
Helm: Visage of Koda
Shoulders: Inquest
Coat: Sneakthief
Gloves: Mist Walker
Pants: Protean
Boots: Duelist
Dyes: A mix of cobalt, night shade, charcoal, and midnight purple.
Caltrops? Box of Nails. Smoke for that quick getaway? Man, engis got that in spades. Smoke bombs, flash grenades, smoke screen on the flame turret, smoke vent on the flamethrower. Plus rocket boots, slick shoes, and a wrench to beat people with. If that’s not ninja, I don’t know what is.
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”