Please do not destroy this game
Way too late. Too many managers, too many conflicting opinions, the lead dungeon designer got fired for trying to do his job… it’s all downhill from now on.
Yep,gw2………………….rolling down the hill..
How is ascended supposed to bridge the gap between exotics and legendary now huh? When we are required to spend those items on ascended instead. -_-
They should’ve just allowed us to ascend our current gear through some other method. They’re just killing the game for me personally. I’m regretting ever buying into their promises.
I pity the people who spent so much time on their expensive exotic weapons. Should’ve just waited and used that gold on ascended instead. :/
Well it should be a lot easier to get an ascended wepon then to make an legendary that means it IS a bridge the gap item.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like being lied to when they said exotic was the highest tier. And telling people to settle for 2nd BiS equips is silly.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
I started playing after November. Ascended has always been in for me. I don’t care about any of these issues or if Anet lied about anything (which is a little libelous).
Just putting this in to show another side to the issue – the “I Don’t Care” side.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like being lied to when they said exotic was the highest tier. And telling people to settle for 2nd BiS equips is silly.
Where did they say exotic was the highest tier?
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.
You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.
Momekas Namu
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.
Are you talking about wvw or spvp because in truth gear not going to win you fights its going to be more about your team comp or what land your holding. If your talking about pve GW2 has no means of looking at ppl gear nor are there any means or reading your true dps in a fight simply put GW2 is not made to be a max min game and if your going to try to play it that way your going to never have fun (in a way your never going to have fun in any game you play by playing that way because it becomes a very dry foumla that you must hold to or you will feel as if you failed but you will never feel rewarded for doing it).
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I think fractals may have been conceived before launch, but no way do I believe ascended items and the way to obtain were. Certainly not with any time-gating attached to them.
Remember, chest have changed since launch. Laurels came way after fractals were introduced.
Celestial gear (who is really going to put in the time for that stuff) was another test.
I’m not fooled by the “Ascended was supposed to be in the game at launch” line.
The difference between this ascended stuff and treadmills like WoW, for me anyways, is that when I did a raid…I almost always came away with something. Side grades are just as good as tier gear without the set bonuses. That was for gear, BiS weapons may never drop for you though. Thing is, those raids were fun so hunting for gear was just icing on the cake.
But, their whole game was built around Raiding. Here, you have three different communities. PvE/WvW/Spvp. Spvper’s won’t care either way.
WvW’ers are at a disadvantage for making gold. Going to need gold to buy “Named Exotics” for that dark matter. Already know those prices are going to skyrocket.
Skyrocket’s in flight, afternoon delight.
Once again. I hate crafting just because I’m held back at gathering many of mats to do so. First it was lodestones, now it’s going to be a time-gate.
Who actually had a problem with the way exotics were easy enough to get and you just hunted for skins that appealed to the way you want your character to look?
If those players are still here after essentially one year in without ascended weapons and armor, they didn’t stick around because of the prospect that it will be added. Did they? Must be something else about the game that they like if they are willing to ride along for a year.
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.Are you talking about wvw or spvp because in truth gear not going to win you fights its going to be more about your team comp or what land your holding. If your talking about pve GW2 has no means of looking at ppl gear nor are there any means or reading your true dps in a fight simply put GW2 is not made to be a max min game and if your going to try to play it that way your going to never have fun (in a way your never going to have fun in any game you play by playing that way because it becomes a very dry foumla that you must hold to or you will feel as if you failed but you will never feel rewarded for doing it).
Do you read the Topic of this thread? WvW.. and 10 % more damage in full Ascended Gear is high.
@defenders to ascended gear.
Lets make a fight if anyone meets Riverside realm in WvW. I will play full exotic and you the the full yellow gear. Lets say… 500 gold gets the winner?
Ascended Gear destroys Guild Wars 2 because Guys like me ave not the time to farm it for one, two or three characters. If I have it then, the next gear, maybe legendary Gear comes out and then? Grind grind grind. Hm
Momekas Namu
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.Are you talking about wvw or spvp because in truth gear not going to win you fights its going to be more about your team comp or what land your holding. If your talking about pve GW2 has no means of looking at ppl gear nor are there any means or reading your true dps in a fight simply put GW2 is not made to be a max min game and if your going to try to play it that way your going to never have fun (in a way your never going to have fun in any game you play by playing that way because it becomes a very dry foumla that you must hold to or you will feel as if you failed but you will never feel rewarded for doing it).
Do you read the Topic of this thread? WvW.. and 10 % more damage in full Ascended Gear is high.
@defenders to ascended gear.
Lets make a fight if anyone meets Riverside realm in WvW. I will play full exotic and you the the full yellow gear. Lets say… 500 gold gets the winner?
Ascended Gear destroys Guild Wars 2 because Guys like me ave not the time to farm it for one, two or three characters. If I have it then, the next gear, maybe legendary Gear comes out and then? Grind grind grind. Hm
And you can get +20% dmg on walls with a cata or +25% more dmg over all on that cata i am not sure how you see an ascended wepon or item helping some one on that cata take down a wall.
You can say the same for an AC treb soon the ram Oil pot (lol) etc.. You can even use supplies faster and more effectively your gear dose NOTHING to help you when it comes to playing the real World vs World part of wvw.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.Are you talking about wvw or spvp because in truth gear not going to win you fights its going to be more about your team comp or what land your holding. If your talking about pve GW2 has no means of looking at ppl gear nor are there any means or reading your true dps in a fight simply put GW2 is not made to be a max min game and if your going to try to play it that way your going to never have fun (in a way your never going to have fun in any game you play by playing that way because it becomes a very dry foumla that you must hold to or you will feel as if you failed but you will never feel rewarded for doing it).
Do you read the Topic of this thread? WvW.. and 10 % more damage in full Ascended Gear is high.
@defenders to ascended gear.
Lets make a fight if anyone meets Riverside realm in WvW. I will play full exotic and you the the full yellow gear. Lets say… 500 gold gets the winner?
Ascended Gear destroys Guild Wars 2 because Guys like me ave not the time to farm it for one, two or three characters. If I have it then, the next gear, maybe legendary Gear comes out and then? Grind grind grind. HmAnd you can get +20% dmg on walls with a cata or +25% more dmg over all on that cata i am not sure how you see an ascended wepon or item helping some one on that cata take down a wall.
You can say the same for an AC treb soon the ram Oil pot (lol) etc.. You can even use supplies faster and more effectively your gear dose NOTHING to help you when it comes to playing the real World vs World part of wvw.
1vs1. It makes a big different! Full exotic vs full ascended played by high level pvpers, 10% more damage make the different. Small Scale fights 2-15 players = ascended guys makes the difference.
Momekas Namu
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.Are you talking about wvw or spvp because in truth gear not going to win you fights its going to be more about your team comp or what land your holding. If your talking about pve GW2 has no means of looking at ppl gear nor are there any means or reading your true dps in a fight simply put GW2 is not made to be a max min game and if your going to try to play it that way your going to never have fun (in a way your never going to have fun in any game you play by playing that way because it becomes a very dry foumla that you must hold to or you will feel as if you failed but you will never feel rewarded for doing it).
Do you read the Topic of this thread? WvW.. and 10 % more damage in full Ascended Gear is high.
@defenders to ascended gear.
Lets make a fight if anyone meets Riverside realm in WvW. I will play full exotic and you the the full yellow gear. Lets say… 500 gold gets the winner?
Ascended Gear destroys Guild Wars 2 because Guys like me ave not the time to farm it for one, two or three characters. If I have it then, the next gear, maybe legendary Gear comes out and then? Grind grind grind. HmAnd you can get +20% dmg on walls with a cata or +25% more dmg over all on that cata i am not sure how you see an ascended wepon or item helping some one on that cata take down a wall.
You can say the same for an AC treb soon the ram Oil pot (lol) etc.. You can even use supplies faster and more effectively your gear dose NOTHING to help you when it comes to playing the real World vs World part of wvw.1vs1. It makes a big different! Full exotic vs full ascended played by high level pvpers, 10% more damage make the different. Small Scale fights 2-15 players = ascended guys makes the difference.
Why are you 1v1ing in an called WORLD VS WORLD? Are you a one man world? (Like the song World man world man from the song Particle Man by They Might Be Giants made an error wrong name but still fits what i am saying i think also its a good song) Small scale fights are the most uneven fights that you can find in WvW there always going to be something far more defining to the out come of that fight then gear.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.Are you talking about wvw or spvp because in truth gear not going to win you fights its going to be more about your team comp or what land your holding. If your talking about pve GW2 has no means of looking at ppl gear nor are there any means or reading your true dps in a fight simply put GW2 is not made to be a max min game and if your going to try to play it that way your going to never have fun (in a way your never going to have fun in any game you play by playing that way because it becomes a very dry foumla that you must hold to or you will feel as if you failed but you will never feel rewarded for doing it).
Do you read the Topic of this thread? WvW.. and 10 % more damage in full Ascended Gear is high.
@defenders to ascended gear.
Lets make a fight if anyone meets Riverside realm in WvW. I will play full exotic and you the the full yellow gear. Lets say… 500 gold gets the winner?
Ascended Gear destroys Guild Wars 2 because Guys like me ave not the time to farm it for one, two or three characters. If I have it then, the next gear, maybe legendary Gear comes out and then? Grind grind grind. HmAnd you can get +20% dmg on walls with a cata or +25% more dmg over all on that cata i am not sure how you see an ascended wepon or item helping some one on that cata take down a wall.
You can say the same for an AC treb soon the ram Oil pot (lol) etc.. You can even use supplies faster and more effectively your gear dose NOTHING to help you when it comes to playing the real World vs World part of wvw.1vs1. It makes a big different! Full exotic vs full ascended played by high level pvpers, 10% more damage make the different. Small Scale fights 2-15 players = ascended guys makes the difference.
Why are you 1v1ing in an called WORLD VS WORLD? Are you a one man world? (Like the song World man world man from the song Particle Man by They Might Be Giants made an error wrong name but still fits what i am saying i think also its a good song) Small scale fights are the most uneven fights that you can find in WvW there always going to be something far more defining to the out come of that fight then gear.
Given the gear already in the game, if you have a 1 on 1 with one person in full exotics and 1 in full rare, the person in exotics has a very distinct advantage.
Double up the people
Triple, quadruple, etc.
You get a 30 man in full exotic up against a 30 man in full rares and the 30 man group in full exotic will absolutely roll over the 30 man in full rares. Hands down.
Once you have an imbalance, if you put all those with the advantage on one team and put all of those without on the other team, this will absolutely amplify the imbalance.
Ascended Weapons.. ascended Gear.. buff for more HP and other stats in WvW..
Please do not destroy this game!Please no things like in World of Warcraft, no itemspiral!!! Guild Wars 2 is a wonderful game for PvP (WvWvW), because there is no itemspiral, no buff you get when you play more PvP (WvWvW) than others. It’s a wonderful game because you need skill! And thats why I play this game. I have a chance when I play three times a week against players who played every day five hours. And that makes Guild Wars 2 be one of the best MMO’s ever! So please Arena Net, don’t destroy the game with those alterations!
Why do you tout with this, and now you want to take it in the game? The reasons below were the reasons to buy this game. And now you change it? In my opinion the game will be destroyed with this.
So guys, don’t let this happen. If some guys want an itemspiral than why you play GW2? Make no sense. Arena Net, you had created a game which is different than normal MMO’s. And thats why I love it.
And whats next? Healers and Tanks? You cannot advertise with something, and then after a Year add things you never want to!At least, sorry for my bad english :P
Can’t tell if haiku fail or just trolling.
Dragon Steel [DSL]
Henge of Denravi
If the stat boost from ascended is ‘so insignificant’, as some of you are downplaying it to be…then why have the extra tiers of gear in game at all? It is just a distraction for a certain type of player to spend a little bit more time grinding out their character (which imo will turn away more people than it will bring in).
And then what happens after the ‘meta-pve-superhero-grinder-person’ finally has their ascended gear? The same feeling of emptiness sets in and “Gw2 endgame sucks/doesn’t exist” is heard again. ArenaNet should focus on strengthening their core game, which, at release, was brilliant.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.Are you talking about wvw or spvp because in truth gear not going to win you fights its going to be more about your team comp or what land your holding. If your talking about pve GW2 has no means of looking at ppl gear nor are there any means or reading your true dps in a fight simply put GW2 is not made to be a max min game and if your going to try to play it that way your going to never have fun (in a way your never going to have fun in any game you play by playing that way because it becomes a very dry foumla that you must hold to or you will feel as if you failed but you will never feel rewarded for doing it).
Do you read the Topic of this thread? WvW.. and 10 % more damage in full Ascended Gear is high.
@defenders to ascended gear.
Lets make a fight if anyone meets Riverside realm in WvW. I will play full exotic and you the the full yellow gear. Lets say… 500 gold gets the winner?
Ascended Gear destroys Guild Wars 2 because Guys like me ave not the time to farm it for one, two or three characters. If I have it then, the next gear, maybe legendary Gear comes out and then? Grind grind grind. HmAnd you can get +20% dmg on walls with a cata or +25% more dmg over all on that cata i am not sure how you see an ascended wepon or item helping some one on that cata take down a wall.
You can say the same for an AC treb soon the ram Oil pot (lol) etc.. You can even use supplies faster and more effectively your gear dose NOTHING to help you when it comes to playing the real World vs World part of wvw.1vs1. It makes a big different! Full exotic vs full ascended played by high level pvpers, 10% more damage make the different. Small Scale fights 2-15 players = ascended guys makes the difference.
Why are you 1v1ing in an called WORLD VS WORLD? Are you a one man world? (Like the song World man world man from the song Particle Man by They Might Be Giants made an error wrong name but still fits what i am saying i think also its a good song) Small scale fights are the most uneven fights that you can find in WvW there always going to be something far more defining to the out come of that fight then gear.
Given the gear already in the game, if you have a 1 on 1 with one person in full exotics and 1 in full rare, the person in exotics has a very distinct advantage.
Double up the people
Triple, quadruple, etc.You get a 30 man in full exotic up against a 30 man in full rares and the 30 man group in full exotic will absolutely roll over the 30 man in full rares. Hands down.
Once you have an imbalance, if you put all those with the advantage on one team and put all of those without on the other team, this will absolutely amplify the imbalance.
And the 30 man group that full of rialy bots (up levels) should lost hands down too i think your missing the fact that WvW always been imbalanced by a lot way before this adding a bit more power for ppl not going to changes things much.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
stats is nothing if you play crap.
and those who need ascended in WvW for 1v1 are bs. they just need bigger kittens.
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
~Krunch Bloodrage, Looking For Group
I think at the very core, many people are against Ascended because it just adds more things to do without actually adding anything. Whenever a new item tier went up in WoW, it came with actual content like raids or maybe a new battlegrounds or a new dungeon. Combine this with the fact that we’ve seen little changes to the world and the game over these past few months (unless you consider things like champ bags substantial content), and the little we do get to see is temporary- well, you kinda understand the disappointment.
If they’d done something like open the Crystal Desert, make ascended mats drop from enemies there and the raw materials mine-able from nodes, then you’d see a lot less complaints, as getting the ascended would also be part of the exploration of these new parts of the game.
Sooo very much this!
I think at the very core, many people are against Ascended because it just adds more things to do without actually adding anything. Whenever a new item tier went up in WoW, it came with actual content like raids or maybe a new battlegrounds or a new dungeon. Combine this with the fact that we’ve seen little changes to the world and the game over these past few months (unless you consider things like champ bags substantial content), and the little we do get to see is temporary- well, you kinda understand the disappointment.
If they’d done something like open the Crystal Desert, make ascended mats drop from enemies there and the raw materials mine-able from nodes, then you’d see a lot less complaints, as getting the ascended would also be part of the exploration of these new parts of the game.
Sooo very much this!
That is a good point but it sounds like there are ways to get T7 and ascended weapons to drop so there must be some new event or mobs in the works that they are not saying. They did add in a new event for the other ascended items so i do not see why they could not for the weapons.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Anet does a great job, ascended tier is a good thing and kinda needed, but not a must for wvw etc like some people are saying, thats nonsense. Take your time and craft it if you can/want if not then dont, and if you play 67 alts well thats your problem.
They are releasing them bit by bit as well, I now have like 4 sets of ascended trinkets, at 1st I thought I could barely get a set before they release new types of ascended, Im guessing ill have several weapon sets before they release the the ascended armor. And never have I felt a difference when playing on an alt which doesnt have any ascended trinkets, the stat boost is barely, if at all noticable.
Get to playing stop moaning so much, its in the game already theyre gonna add armor as well thats a fact. Get over it.You dont get it.
Now you only have trinkets! But what is if you have Weapons, Gear and trinkets? Against someone who has fulk exotic? You see, ascended is really bad idea.
The other fact you are ignoring, is that they said they will never make a grind game. Lie. Never make a itemspiral. Lie! Thats a fact, no one can ignore this. And thats, my friend not our problem! We will find another game, but hope ANet will do something against this, because GW2 is a great game.Are you talking about wvw or spvp because in truth gear not going to win you fights its going to be more about your team comp or what land your holding. If your talking about pve GW2 has no means of looking at ppl gear nor are there any means or reading your true dps in a fight simply put GW2 is not made to be a max min game and if your going to try to play it that way your going to never have fun (in a way your never going to have fun in any game you play by playing that way because it becomes a very dry foumla that you must hold to or you will feel as if you failed but you will never feel rewarded for doing it).
Do you read the Topic of this thread? WvW.. and 10 % more damage in full Ascended Gear is high.
@defenders to ascended gear.
Lets make a fight if anyone meets Riverside realm in WvW. I will play full exotic and you the the full yellow gear. Lets say… 500 gold gets the winner?
Ascended Gear destroys Guild Wars 2 because Guys like me ave not the time to farm it for one, two or three characters. If I have it then, the next gear, maybe legendary Gear comes out and then? Grind grind grind. HmAnd you can get +20% dmg on walls with a cata or +25% more dmg over all on that cata i am not sure how you see an ascended wepon or item helping some one on that cata take down a wall.
You can say the same for an AC treb soon the ram Oil pot (lol) etc.. You can even use supplies faster and more effectively your gear dose NOTHING to help you when it comes to playing the real World vs World part of wvw.1vs1. It makes a big different! Full exotic vs full ascended played by high level pvpers, 10% more damage make the different. Small Scale fights 2-15 players = ascended guys makes the difference.
Why are you 1v1ing in an called WORLD VS WORLD? Are you a one man world? (Like the song World man world man from the song Particle Man by They Might Be Giants made an error wrong name but still fits what i am saying i think also its a good song) Small scale fights are the most uneven fights that you can find in WvW there always going to be something far more defining to the out come of that fight then gear.
Given the gear already in the game, if you have a 1 on 1 with one person in full exotics and 1 in full rare, the person in exotics has a very distinct advantage.
Double up the people
Triple, quadruple, etc.You get a 30 man in full exotic up against a 30 man in full rares and the 30 man group in full exotic will absolutely roll over the 30 man in full rares. Hands down.
Once you have an imbalance, if you put all those with the advantage on one team and put all of those without on the other team, this will absolutely amplify the imbalance.
And the 30 man group that full of rialy bots (up levels) should lost hands down too i think your missing the…..
No you are missing the point.
People don’t want gear to play any more of an advantage than it already does. What ANet is doing will do the opposite of what people want.
You’d be a fool to think that throwing fuel on a fire won’t make it any worse.
They already implemented the itemspiral when they added ascended.. Sure it wasn’t exactly like the other MMO’s where an entire set is introduced. They just did it gradually. Starting from rings and backpieces, then amulets, then earrings, now we have to grind for new weapons, and lastly armors. It’s just a different take on the same thing.
People who came from GW1 will understand. I don’t expect the rest of you folks who defend them to get it.
I come from Guild Wars 1 and I don’t understand.
Well, I understand where you’re coming from, but you Guild Wars 1 players who think Guild Wars 1 did it this way so Guild Wars 2 did it this way are a bit like fundamentalists. Not everyone who played Guild Wars 1 thinks the way you do…and yes I played it for years. Got my 50/50 in the HoM, got my GWAMM.
But there was always something in Guild Wars 1 I was grinding my way to also.
I just don’t get this kind of reaction.
Vayne is here,gg post….
Let me just put something into perspective here for people who are arguing about ascended vs exotics.
Originally, we had only ascended trinkets. To do the math, this is approximately, 12 % increase.
Okay, so how much stats are we talking about then?
If we just consider the trinkets, that means that each stat gains approximately 11 stats per selection. I.e. each trinket gains an extra 33 stats and this is roughly the same for every trinket type regardless of stats. I use the term approximate because the stats vary a bit depending on the type and primary stat. In total, taking 33 as the true amount, we’re getting an extra 33×6 = 198 stats. with
66 more stats each in each stat category on average.
Let’s using a popular PPT example here.
66 extra precision gives about 3 % more critical chance
66 power gives 66 more damage
66 toughness gives 66 more armor.
Not too bad for trinkets. seems like a 12 % increase is significant (it’s almost like wearing an extra exotic trinket)
So how does this affect our weapons then?
so i’m not too sure what exactly the stats will be like bet lets assume it’ll be approximately 10 % based on a calculated guess from dulfy’s preview, similar to the trinkets. So that means we’ll get approximately 19×6 = 114. so no biggy.
Again if let’s look at how this affects our stats in for PPT.
so 38 precision is ~2 % crit chance
38 power is 38 damage
38 toughness is another 38 armor.
So what are we at now?
Power we’re at 104 extra, which is an extra 104 damage
Precision we’re at 104, an extra ~5 % crit chance
toughness, we’re at 104, an extra 104 armor.
Thinking about this as trinkets, that’s 1-2 extra exotic trinkets we’re equipping now. So think about this stat increase as having 8 trinkets or (7 1/2 if you want to be slightly more accurate).
Okay no problem, how bout lets look at far in the future, when the ascended armor comes out. I’m just going to crudely calculate them. Assuming a 11 stat increase per stat as per usual. We’re looking at about 33 per item and we have 6 pieces. So that’s 33×6 = 198.
The perspective is similar to the trinkets, so basically another ~3 % crit chance 66 damage, 66 armor.
So to add it all up by the end of all the ascended upgrades and we EXCLUDE the potential for infusion stats
That is approximately a total of:
170 power = 170 damage
170 precision = ~8% crit chance
170 toughness = 170 armor
I’ll leave it to everyone to decide whether these stats are enough to call for a significant advantage or not.
@ Deamhan.9538
But some do want advantage over ppl they want to win fights. And most want to be disadvantage and still win a fight. There a lot in WvW that will do this for any side at any given moment gear is not going to win your week of wvw nor will it make it feel as if you did a good job in that week nor will it give you more fun in that week of wvwing.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Let me just put something into perspective here for people who are arguing about ascended vs exotics.
Originally, we had only ascended trinkets. To do the math, this is approximately, 12 % increase.
Okay, so how much stats are we talking about then?
If we just consider the trinkets, that means that each stat gains approximately 11 stats per selection. I.e. each trinket gains an extra 33 stats and this is roughly the same for every trinket type regardless of stats. I use the term approximate because the stats vary a bit depending on the type and primary stat. In total, taking 33 as the true amount, we’re getting an extra 33×6 = 198 stats. with
66 more stats each in each stat category on average.Let’s using a popular PPT example here.
66 extra precision gives about 3 % more critical chance
66 power gives 66 more damage
66 toughness gives 66 more armor.Not too bad for trinkets. seems like a 12 % increase is significant (it’s almost like wearing an extra exotic trinket)
So how does this affect our weapons then?
so i’m not too sure what exactly the stats will be like bet lets assume it’ll be approximately 10 % based on a calculated guess from dulfy’s preview, similar to the trinkets. So that means we’ll get approximately 19×6 = 114. so no biggy.Again if let’s look at how this affects our stats in for PPT.
so 38 precision is ~2 % crit chance
38 power is 38 damage
38 toughness is another 38 armor.So what are we at now?
Power we’re at 104 extra, which is an extra 104 damage
Precision we’re at 104, an extra ~5 % crit chance
toughness, we’re at 104, an extra 104 armor.Thinking about this as trinkets, that’s 1-2 extra exotic trinkets we’re equipping now. So think about this stat increase as having 8 trinkets or (7 1/2 if you want to be slightly more accurate).
Okay no problem, how bout lets look at far in the future, when the ascended armor comes out. I’m just going to crudely calculate them. Assuming a 11 stat increase per stat as per usual. We’re looking at about 33 per item and we have 6 pieces. So that’s 33×6 = 198.
The perspective is similar to the trinkets, so basically another ~3 % crit chance 66 damage, 66 armor.
So to add it all up by the end of all the ascended upgrades and we EXCLUDE the potential for infusion stats
That is approximately a total of:
170 power = 170 damage
170 precision = ~8% crit chance
170 toughness = 170 armorI’ll leave it to everyone to decide whether these stats are enough to call for a significant advantage or not.
There goes the horizontal progression.
They already implemented the itemspiral when they added ascended.. Sure it wasn’t exactly like the other MMO’s where an entire set is introduced. They just did it gradually. Starting from rings and backpieces, then amulets, then earrings, now we have to grind for new weapons, and lastly armors. It’s just a different take on the same thing.
People who came from GW1 will understand. I don’t expect the rest of you folks who defend them to get it.
I come from Guild Wars 1 and I don’t understand.
Well, I understand where you’re coming from, but you Guild Wars 1 players who think Guild Wars 1 did it this way so Guild Wars 2 did it this way are a bit like fundamentalists. Not everyone who played Guild Wars 1 thinks the way you do…and yes I played it for years. Got my 50/50 in the HoM, got my GWAMM.
But there was always something in Guild Wars 1 I was grinding my way to also.
I just don’t get this kind of reaction.
What he means is that GW1 had a level cap and max gear that was reached extremely early on in the game. Only the first few hours were spent working towards stats. The other 99% of your time in game was spent doing whatever you wanted. If that meant grinding for better LOOKING gear, that was your choice. But in no way was that time spent working towards BETTER gear. That is the difference.
What Colin Johanson said (dated 7th March 2013):
One of the most prominent of these growing pains was the Ascended Gear debacle. Before the game released, ArenaNet made a manifesto video (which you should definitely check out, if you haven’t already) setting out guidelines the company hoped to adhere to when making and maintaining the game. One of these that players latched onto most fervently was the promise that there would be no “gear treadmill”; a common feature in MMOs akin to a carrot on a stick, where increasingly powerful gear is regularly added for players to chase after, with new sets coming every few months. Guild Wars 2 players were pleased to learn they’d be free from this sense of obligation that other MMOs foster when it comes to acquiring the best gear… until Ascended Gear was added in November.
Though Johanson accepts the huge outcry and accusations of betrayal from the playerbase were unavoidable, he admits the situation could have been handled better. In actual fact, Ascended Gear isn’t the most powerful gear in the game; it’s just as good as Legendary gear, but takes a fraction of the time to earn. “I think that ascended gear was something we should have had at launch,” Johanson says. “We didn’t have something above that exotic level that you put in a lot of time and earn it, but you don’t have to put in your whole life to earn it like a legendary weapon.
“Is this going to become a gear-tiered game where you’re constantly on this treadmill to chase after that stuff? My hope would be no. I think that certainly in 2013 you’re not going to see another tier of gear.”
(edited by Seraph.9635)
If you’re a skilled player, you don’t need Ascended gear. Period.
Please Arena-net I play 30minutes a year and am best player in universe unrivaled superstar, please do not add anything to your vidjagame and continue to let it spiral into disparity so I can read about how Mike O’Brien burns down his office building for insurance money.
People should relax about them putting out new gear after this gear comes out. I mean if we look at guild wars 2’s track record it would take them another year to even think about releasing a new weapon.
Guild Wars 2 shouldn’t cater to kittens just because they want things handed to them. Theres a difference between casual style and being catered to.
Jumping Puzzle Commander
Guys just rage quit! At least whiners will be lessen… or play the game as it progress. Simple problem solve!
I think much of the hate here, while not unfounded, is misdirected.
Ascended gear is an annoying progression, but is absent in spvp, and wvw already forces you to focus on a main character. Not to say these are good things, but they do not come as a surprise.
…when there has been a lack of updates addressing core pieces of the game, attention to boring, non-essential, content can make the developers seem out of touch.
You know what this MMO was missing? Grinding and Crafting UPDATES!
For many people who have been waiting on cooperative and pvp content, the update releases have been a wash. That being said, I think Anet has done a lovely job with them, disregarding the direction. Almost every update has been rather unique and endearing.
Yet, the game is starting to shallow.
Noting the design of the game, many expected updates relating to: PVP in PVE worlds (dueling ~party vrs party), Dungeon addition and depth, All boss mechanics, Fractals, Guild vrs Guild/Guild Halls, and WvW.
The updates spread the machinery too thin. Sure, the Living story is starting to come together, but the gameplay is not. Why are some LS elements not designed as permanent additions as world bosses, fractals, dungeon paths, and dungeon random encounters.
To continuously delete the vast majority of your content, your work, your art, is a strange strategy to say the least.
(edited by FellTablet.6879)
So much panic, so much over the top screaming. If you play the game after the introduction and don’t like it fine. If it becomes a question of the zerg with the better stats (funny in itself) ‘winning’ then complain.
The thing it that they have already done what you are telling them not to do. There is zero chance that the people responsible for the game will suddenly say Tuesday morning ‘hey wait a minute this will kill the game!’. They have already been down that road and feel that it will not ‘kill the game’.
It could very well result in people leaving. But that has already been taken into account and will probably be lost in the noise of people coming and going for other reasons.
What Colin Johanson said (dated 7th March 2013):
Though Johanson accepts the huge outcry and accusations of betrayal from the playerbase were unavoidable, he admits the situation could have been handled better. In actual fact, Ascended Gear isn’t the most powerful gear in the game; it’s just as good as Legendary gear, but takes a fraction of the time to earn. “I think that ascended gear was something we should have had at launch,” Johanson says. “We didn’t have something above that exotic level that you put in a lot of time and earn it, but you don’t have to put in your whole life to earn it like a legendary weapon.
“Is this going to become a gear-tiered game where you’re constantly on this treadmill to chase after that stuff? My hope would be no. I think that certainly in 2013 you’re not going to see another tier of gear.”
What colin said is a load of kitten to be honest. Firstly, if they admittedly knew ascended gear should have been introduced at launch, then why did they launch? Obviously the game was not ready. Even after one year, they still haven’t been able to launch this so called “true” end game gear properly and we only have the trinkets showing out so say what they may, but it seems very obvious that this ascended gear was proposed as a gear treadmill from the beginning. Other alternatives was to announce to within the first month of launch and make it clear that one new tier will be added soon after.
Secondly, okay, let’s say I buy that stuff for a second there, why is ascended gear implemented SO differently compared to it’s previous tiers. Why not just introduce them as a rarer drop to exotics (with a varies of skins) and have them craftable like normal (no time gating). It’s so obvious with the time gating and expensive materials that the ascended gears objective is to act as a psuedo-end-game content where it can waste or should i say buy them a few more months for players to feel like they’re achieving something.
If we look deep into it, you’ll probably realise that this isn’t worth the TIME or MONEY to make ascended weapons if the players end game objective is to craft a legendary. Since all that TIME and MONEY and MATERIALS that we used for making that ascended weapon, we would probably be 1/8th of the way there and is probably better invested in there and just skip the whole ascended tier completely.
In reality, ascended weapons should have been implemented as just another new set of craftable exotics with maybe decently looking skins. People would have loved and praised anet for it and everyone would be happy. Because really, people don’t care about having higher stats when everyone else is the same, people care about the cosmetic look! Why does anet think people want to grind for MILDLY higher stats in this game, it literally makes no sense when the game is balanced around the current exotics already. It’s either gear progression or no gear progression, if you try to kitten around in between, you just kitten a lot of people off. It’s like dammit what i’m wearing isn’t obsolete but i’ll be at a slight disadvantage when versing another player. Why do you think people made legendaries? It’s not like they had higher stats than exotics. It’s because people love the epic skins!
To finish it off, the worst of the worst is, no where will you be able to find a quote, that anet will claim, yup ascended gear is going to be the final tier. Hell, they even said there is going to be level progression somewhere down the line. Note carefully that all they say is 2013, you’ll only see ascended gear and no new tier. That means, they’re not even going to try stick with their promise at all and they’re purposely leaving it open ended. Heck, it’s probably going to take them the whole year to implement the full set of ascended gear, that sentence saying 2013 is the only tier we’ll be seeing is totally pointless. They may as well have said, because we wasted so much time on temporary content and buggy living stories, we won’t be implementing more than 1 tier of armor this year. Eventually, somewhere down the line, when anet has finally kitten ed everyone off and all that remains is the gear progressioners, then they’ll be pumping out all sorts of kitten armor on steroids.
Seriously, I used to be one of “those” guys who defend this company and game. But over time, I’ve seen their true colours, I’ve seen how deep the rabbit hole goes and I’m enlightened. Enlightened about the fact that they’ve strayed way off track to even recover, that what they do now is to keep their sales figures high and cash rolling in, there is no respect for the players, the story OR the game. I guess like they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian (me and anet)
(edited by Lafiel.9372)
What Colin Johanson said (dated 7th March 2013):
Though Johanson accepts the huge outcry and accusations of betrayal from the playerbase were unavoidable, he admits the situation could have been handled better. In actual fact, Ascended Gear isn’t the most powerful gear in the game; it’s just as good as Legendary gear, but takes a fraction of the time to earn. “I think that ascended gear was something we should have had at launch,” Johanson says. “We didn’t have something above that exotic level that you put in a lot of time and earn it, but you don’t have to put in your whole life to earn it like a legendary weapon.
“Is this going to become a gear-tiered game where you’re constantly on this treadmill to chase after that stuff? My hope would be no. I think that certainly in 2013 you’re not going to see another tier of gear.”
What colin said is a load of kitten to be honest. Firstly, if they admittedly knew ascended gear should have been introduced at launch, then why did they launch? Obviously the game was not ready. Even after one year, they still haven’t been able to launch this so called “true” end game gear properly and we only have the trinkets showing out so say what they may, but it seems very obvious that this ascended gear was proposed as a gear treadmill from the beginning. Other alternatives was to announce to within the first month of launch and make it clear that one new tier will be added soon after.
Secondly, okay, let’s say I buy that stuff for a second there, why is ascended gear implemented SO differently compared to it’s previous tiers. Why not just introduce them as a rarer drop to exotics (with a varies of skins) and have them craftable like normal (no time gating). It’s so obvious with the time gating and expensive materials that the ascended gears objective is to act as a psuedo-end-game content where it can waste or should i say buy them a few more months for players to feel like they’re achieving something.
If we look deep into it, you’ll probably realise that this isn’t worth the TIME or MONEY to make ascended weapons if the players end game objective is to craft a legendary. Since all that TIME and MONEY and MATERIALS that we used for making that ascended weapon, we would probably be 1/8th of the way there and is probably better invested in there and just skip the whole ascended tier completely.
In reality, ascended weapons should have been implemented as just another new set of craftable exotics with maybe decently looking skins. People would have loved and praised anet for it and everyone would be happy. Because really, people don’t care about having higher stats when everyone else is the same, people care about the cosmetic look! Why does anet think people want to grind for MILDLY higher stats in this game, it literally makes no sense when the game is balanced around the current exotics already. It’s either gear progression or no gear progression, if you try to kitten around in between, you just kitten a lot of people off. It’s like dammit what i’m wearing isn’t obsolete but i’ll be at a slight disadvantage when versing another player. Why do you think people made legendaries? It’s not like they had higher stats than exotics. It’s because people love the epic skins!To finish it off, the worst of the worst is, no where will you be able to find a quote, that anet will claim, yup ascended gear is going to be the final tier. Hell, they even said there is going to be level progression somewhere down the line. Note carefully that all they say is 2013, you’ll only see ascended gear and no new tier. That means, they’re not even going to try stick with their promise at all and they’re purposely leaving it open ended. Heck, it’s probably going to take them the whole year to implement the full set of ascended gear, that sentence saying 2013 is the only tier we’ll be seeing is totally pointless. They may as well have said, because we wasted so much time on temporary content and buggy living stories, we won’t be implementing more than 1 tier of armor this year. Eventually, somewhere down the line, when anet has finally kitten ed everyone off and all that remains is the gear progressioners, then they’ll be pumping out all sorts of kitten armor on steroids.
This ^^.
Ascended gear has to be the worst implementation ever to Guild Wars 2. It completely undermines the ideology behind the game and shatters the promises that were made a year ago.
I truly hope it will not destroy the game I love, and I hope for some golden fixes to be invented to revert the incoming damage. Perhaps you could make Ascended Gear different than Exotics, rather than better, that would help a lot for starters.
Whoa…someone explain something to me please. Aside from the whole “They stated no gearmill before launch” debate….
Whats the difference between…
White → Blue → Green → Orange(Exotic)
White → Blue → Green → Orange → Purple(Ascended)?
Cause I mean, all they are doing is adding another Tier where Tiers ALREADY EXISTED. There is a slight progression in the game. Games do that. However, there is more to games (and this game) then just Skins Vs Progression…Skill level of players, Skills in general, level of difficulty (NOT PROGRESSION/STATS, but actual how hard something is to do no matter the gear you are wearing) are all good examples to people trying to fight for one side or the other.
Even more so when the stat effects aren’t big enough that causes my level 80 Thief running around in White Gear to be unable to kill a Level 80 anything in Full Orange?
(Yeah, thats right, sometimes when I feel trolly, and someone invites me to a party after I killed them in WvW (mainly to kitten about being killed by a Thief) I’ll link them my level 80 White Cultural Armor.)
Ajini – Thief – Commander
They already implemented the itemspiral when they added ascended.. Sure it wasn’t exactly like the other MMO’s where an entire set is introduced. They just did it gradually. Starting from rings and backpieces, then amulets, then earrings, now we have to grind for new weapons, and lastly armors. It’s just a different take on the same thing.
People who came from GW1 will understand. I don’t expect the rest of you folks who defend them to get it.
I come from Guild Wars 1 and I don’t understand.
Well, I understand where you’re coming from, but you Guild Wars 1 players who think Guild Wars 1 did it this way so Guild Wars 2 did it this way are a bit like fundamentalists. Not everyone who played Guild Wars 1 thinks the way you do…and yes I played it for years. Got my 50/50 in the HoM, got my GWAMM.
But there was always something in Guild Wars 1 I was grinding my way to also.
I just don’t get this kind of reaction.
What he means is that GW1 had a level cap and max gear that was reached extremely early on in the game. Only the first few hours were spent working towards stats. The other 99% of your time in game was spent doing whatever you wanted. If that meant grinding for better LOOKING gear, that was your choice. But in no way was that time spent working towards BETTER gear. That is the difference.
So there were no skills that got better in Guild Wars 1 with grinding. I’m asking because I remember grinding a whole lot of luxon points in order to get MORE POWERFUL by having my “Save Yourselves” skill upgraded so I could run my imbagon paragon in DOA.
Oh yeah and I remember upgrading my technobabble so that was more powerful by grinding out Asura rep…oh and I definitely remember grinding out my Sunspear and Lightbringer Titles to get those skills up. I often grinded to get more powerful in Guild Wars 1.
I have no idea what game you were playing.
Now it is true that that extra power had nothing to do with armor and gear…but it was still grind for power, so please spare me.
(Sorry for the double post)
And for future updates when the content is going to require Ascended Gear just to live agaisnt normal mobs (Look, GW1 did the SAAAAAAAME thing) everyone is going to be so thankful for Ascended Items. Not because it boosts their damage a whole 1%-5% (Allowing them to kill something a whole 2seconds faster! Allowing them to clear the Dungeon a whole 1 minute faster!) But because that they don’t die from Spec. Agony. Yes I know that ANET stated that Agony wasn’t going to be outside the Fractals, but I really hope it does, just to force everyone to adapt I like new things. I like my enemies finding my weaknesses and forcing me to find theirs.
Sorry if my posts seemed kinda nasty. Too much prepretailgating drinking…yaaaay college~
Ajini – Thief – Commander
Strongly against the vertical progression system to be introduced in the upcoming patch.
It was introduced back in November. Once the Ascended armor is added then maybe they’ll stop there.
Maybe. I’ve got better things to do than wait around and see. Besides, forevermore, the shadow of more tier gear will taint this game. It could happen anytime.
And after the PR smoke and mirrors of the first year, ArenaNet could come out and explicitly say (they won’t, but if they did): “We will never add another tier of gear beyond Ascended,” and I wouldn’t believe them.
Strongly against the vertical progression system to be introduced in the upcoming patch.
It was introduced back in November. Once the Ascended armor is added then maybe they’ll stop there.
Maybe. I’ve got better things to do than wait around and see. Besides, forevermore, the shadow of more tier gear will taint this game. It could happen anytime.
And after the PR smoke and mirrors of the first year, ArenaNet could come out and explicitly say (they won’t, but if they did): “We will never add another tier of gear beyond Ascended,” and I wouldn’t believe them.
Aside from Legendary (which the Tier has been in the game forever, which offers no stat advantages) there won’t be anymore. Ascended was in GW1. I would actually be kinda shocked and sad if they didn’t ever add it to GW2. In GW1 it was made to be a big deal, after you got it you felt the affects agaisnt Agony. When I saw that Agony was added, I KNEW (as should anyone that played GW1) that Ascended was going to be a deal.
Ajini – Thief – Commander
It wasn’t so much the fact that they are forcing tiers/grinding on us(which I do frown on very much) that made be finally say I’m done, its that fact that the the op got an infraction for this. Rather disgusting…
(edited by Loubbo.9852)
(Sorry for the double post)
And for future updates when the content is going to require Ascended Gear just to live agaisnt normal mobs (Look, GW1 did the SAAAAAAAME thing) everyone is going to be so thankful for Ascended Items. Not because it boosts their damage a whole 1%-5% (Allowing them to kill something a whole 2seconds faster! Allowing them to clear the Dungeon a whole 1 minute faster!) But because that they don’t die from Spec. Agony. Yes I know that ANET stated that Agony wasn’t going to be outside the Fractals, but I really hope it does, just to force everyone to adaptI like new things. I like my enemies finding my weaknesses and forcing me to find theirs.
Sorry if my posts seemed kinda nasty. Too much prepretailgating drinking…yaaaay college~
I think that it is a bit of a stretch to compare doing a single mission, which could be run in a few minutes, to infuse your armor in GW1, which in and of itself had zero impact on the numerical values of your armor, to the sort of time gated system being used to introduce a completely new, and numerically superior, tier of gear in GW2.
The former was a plot device for the storyline of Prophecies while the latter is a mechanic designed to induce those interested in having BiS gear to grind more.
Not just grind actually. Do you want BiS gear and to keep the appearance that you have worked on for the last year ? Just head on over to the gem store for some of those level 80 transmutation crystals !
I’m no expert but they could just make the weapons scale down in PvP.
-Second: There is NO higher tier content being added with ascended weapons. Meaning you don’t even need them for any part of the game other than just having them with their MINIMAL stat increase. If you don’t want one, don’t craft one. It will not matter.
Capitalizing “minimal” does not make it true. An effective >10% damage increase on skills due to base damage and stat inflation on Ascended Weapons is most definitely not minimal. It’s actually quite large… especially in WvW.
They sure sound ridiculous to people who werent here before the game launched, to people that are uninformed or refuse to acknowledge the facts.
1. ANET lied. If they didnt lie about that they lied that the game would be feature complete at launch. Oh wait, what about this?:
“Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
2. Go read that article on ascended gear again. ANET said there is no higher tier being added this year. As to your “You dont need one”: Why do you or other people need it? There is no harder content in the game for it so why do people want it? They have no good reason for it but we have many kitten good reasons against it.
3. Yet new items are being added with significant time gating and now even large monetary requirements. Not to mention once you start this ride it can not end. After the tier is complete people will whine again. Guess what happens then?
People havent been quitting because of some gear but because ANET lied to them. See this blog post and compare it to how the game is one year later:
ANET is definitely not doing a great job.[/quote]
who is uninformed and who wasn’t here before launch? and how do you know all these people?
I played gw1 since beta and have followed gw2 since its first tease during the GWEN release.
I’ve seen and read interviews, watched their manifesto followed their blog posts. Sure, some things have changed, but that’s an mmo for you! they all change and they are always growing and developing into something new.
Sure, with all that Anet has learned from their first real MMO, I’m positive their manifesto today would be a bit different. They have grown into a stronger and better company now.
You have gotten over a year now of a AAA sub free MMO with 1 years worth of free updates, new stories and plenty of free quality of life features. The best part is that it doesnt stop here! Anet will keep updating the game through new living stories, new skills, new maps, new dragons, new dungeons and much more FOR FREE. How are people still complaining!
and by the way how can you say “ANET is definitely not doing a great job.” when it is now the fastest selling MMO in the west. It’s population is steadily growing and it hasn’t even launched in china yet! I think they’re doing just fine……
first off you quote can’t be be used for ascended weapons since you can craft one in 2 weeks time ( not 1000+ hours that players cant realistically acquire). this quote refers to something along the lines of a legendary or something harder to obtain, something that would match stats of the highest gear with is now ascended.:
“Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
Strongly against the vertical progression system to be introduced in the upcoming patch.
It was introduced back in November. Once the Ascended armor is added then maybe they’ll stop there.
Maybe. I’ve got better things to do than wait around and see. Besides, forevermore, the shadow of more tier gear will taint this game. It could happen anytime.
And after the PR smoke and mirrors of the first year, ArenaNet could come out and explicitly say (they won’t, but if they did): “We will never add another tier of gear beyond Ascended,” and I wouldn’t believe them.
Aside from Legendary (which the Tier has been in the game forever, which offers no stat advantages) there won’t be anymore. Ascended was in GW1. I would actually be kinda shocked and sad if they didn’t ever add it to GW2. In GW1 it was made to be a big deal, after you got it you felt the affects agaisnt Agony. When I saw that Agony was added, I KNEW (as should anyone that played GW1) that Ascended was going to be a deal.
I don’t recall Ascended gear being in GW1. Your character could be Ascended, which was something that just happened as you played the storyline. All it did was give you access to FoW and Underworld. It had nothing to do with gear.
There were no gear tiers whatsoever in Guild Wars.
And Spectral Agony in GW1 was a rather different thing than Agony is in GW2.
Edit: I still can’t work out why the OP was infracted. It makes no sense to me. I thought these forums were for feedback, yes?
(edited by Chuo.4238)
You are worried they are going to break the “wonderful” and “skill driven” WvWvW? Which game are you talking about again?
Anet will do exactly the opposite of what everyone wants, Realize that this game is just a Korean grind fest mmo with a money sink cash shop.