Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together
Like we said the evening: Guesting the bane of my plan
@Kaii good to see you again.
This rivals the Anet thread.
@Jia I feel for ya. I managed too 2/3 paths today. P1 bugged out at the bit just before the scepter pieces. Silly Hodgins just didn’t feel like talking and moving the chain along.
We’ll be running good groups soon enough with Guesting then this Op can be even better.
Welcome Eidoron! Hope you have a nice time chatting to us folks.
Also those interested about getting an emblem: We don’t need one. We got cookies.
I’ll see what I can do probably get it sooner or later.
(edited by Glitch.6849)
True guesting will make things easier I just can’t put the game on hold until it is added because I’d like to do the two dungeons before doing the rest of the game content I might be weird that way I don’t know but if we don’t have enough NA players then I’m going to have to find a good group somehow. I’m limited to these two dungeons for the monthly atm.
First thing I want to appologize for not being too involved during this weekend.
Apart from my family obligations, I manged to get to level 80 on my main, and wanted to clear the paths to the instances so I won’t keep people waiting if we’re gonna go to instances I haven’t done yet.
Anyways, now that I’m 80, I’ll be more than willing to help people run through the ones I did story mode, and would also like to complete some stories I haven’t done yet, so I’ll be online tonight at around 18:30 gmt, and I’ll try to form a group if one won’t exist.
I think I’ll go ahead and leave all my info.
Main Character(s): Jumoku (Ranger), Tei Faolan (Guardian), Ro Eclissare (Thief -not 80 yet-)
Current Server: Yak’s Bend
Interested Activities: Everything. At the moment trying for AC tokens for weapons.
Active: US – EST The times I am actually on are rather sporadic, suffice to say I come on when I can come on. It is ample time though, so it’s rarely a problem.
Additional Comments: I’m a very direct and honest person. Even though I love games and love having a good time, I do take certain things seriously. I greatly appreciate qualities like honor, loyalty, and kindness, even in a game…perhaps especially in a game…since it is so much easier to get away with NOT having those qualities.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
@omerk don’t worry. I’m happy as long as you drop in from time to time.
It’s not represent other else.
@Kaii look who decided to come back and take more of an interest again!
Sorry. I’m not allowing you to participate!
Seriously, glad to see you’re still here after a few hundred posts back from the first thread.
Akamon’s still here!
Also thanks to the new folks, me or one of the founders will send you folks an invite.
(edited by Glitch.6849)
Hello all,
I found this thread after purchasing GW 2 this week. This is exactly what I wanted to encounter in an MMORPG.
Name: Daemondred
Main Character: Daemondred Drakonys – Human Warrior
Current Server: Dragonguard
Interested Activities: PvE, Events, Dungeons
Active: Evenings and on the weekend in the evenings as well
Additional Comments: I’m a noob to this (I started playing WOW a month ago and I am lvl 35…Just started GW2 today!) I’m usually exploring but would love to explore with someone new as well. Usually quiet but friendly enough…so I think
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes
I would like to join the Guild if I am worthy that is.
Hello daemondred!
Cool that you’ve taken an interest!
We just look for some good hearted folks to join our cause
We accept all people as long as their mature, kind an up for a chat.
The only things:
Represent if with other members
Represent from time to time if in other guilds
Be responsible to everyone not just members
;) I’m sure you’ll fit right in.
I accepted the invite lol. Online as my guardian for the moment, doesn’t seem to be anyone else from YB but it seems like there was at some point, there’s a few influence points that somebody must have earned here.
Lol, I just noticed that the emblem on my guild armor changed. Haven’t joined any additional guilds until now. Of course it’s blank…which is also kind of amusing.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
(edited by Kaii.5149)
Name: Lionbeard
Main Character: Fauxstep
Current Server: Devona’s Rest
Interested Activities: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE, Occasional PvP
Active: Play afternoons, after work
Additional Comments: My buddies and I just started playing yesterday, we’re from Australia and are keen to have some social fun with a casual guild/friends. Having a hard time finding anyone around on our server! Are transfers free? Where should we go? :O
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?:
In case anyone isn’t aware you only see guild chat from the guild you are representing so if you are online and are wanting to participate with people in the guild you’ll be missing out on chat and requests for help if you don’t click represent. No need to represent all the time like glitch says just a reminder for those logging in and not doing anything else with their other guild(s). Or to periodically check in while online to see whats going on or what not.
thanks for the heads up Jia!D
ahh, so i’m guessing i won’t be able to dungeon with folk on EU servers? while i am on NA. booo. hopefully guesting will start soon, and that we’ll be able to guest across region as well (EU vs NA).
@Glitch – was looking fwd to doing AC with you! although i didn’t even get to catch you online :// lol
@Loperdos – hey sorry i missed ya! i’m usually strictly in Tyria over the weekends. lol. have you joined the guild yet? if not, i’ll send you an invite tonight when i get home. SoR woot!
@everyone else, welcome all new-comers! glad to see more servers being represented!D as this group grows, i only suspect that we’ll have small representations across all servers. and at large, a great community just having fun, chatting, and enjoying the game together. i’ll also do a sweep tonight when i get home and send invites to all those who expressed interest and are not in the guild yet. : )))
looking forward to chatting with you all! even if we’re not abel to play together for some of us, just having people aroudn to talk to while playing is great fun and can always ask questions and discuss the game, ask for advice, talk about the lore and just have someone to turn to, for whatever reason. just know, i will ALWAYS be interested in what you jsut had for lunch. lol.
WHO’S EXCITED FOR THE LOST SHORES!? (though, poor whales : (( )
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I guess I need to check in here more often. If anyone is on Tarnished Coast that needs help please by all means feel free to contact me, the name displayed is Xander toon name will prolly be Delona Oravia (my mes, i love my mes). Normally i fly my own guilds flag so most of the time i’m not in guild chat for this one, but please feel free to send me whisper.
Also sometimes i do get backed up a bit so please bear with me..
Name: Lionbeard
Main Character: Fauxstep
Current Server: Devona’s Rest
Interested Activities: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE, Occasional PvP
Active: Play afternoons, after work
Additional Comments: My buddies and I just started playing yesterday, we’re from Australia and are keen to have some social fun with a casual guild/friends. Having a hard time finding anyone around on our server! Are transfers free? Where should we go? :OAre you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?:
Hi Lionbeard – a warm Operation:Union to our Anitpodean friends
I believe the unofficial oceanic servers are Sea of Sorrows and maybe the Isle of Janthir, perhaps other members can confirm this for you. Transfers are currently free and have recently been restricted to once every 7 days, so you might want to do a bit of research before you and your friends make a server move.
Also, a lot of the servers now show as full when you look at the World Selection menu from the main character select screen – the trick is to check during off-peak times when more people have logged off. This will usual move the server from full to high population and allow you to transfer.
Here’s a link to the up-to-date server list, you can click on each one and it will show you all the guilds on that server and their nationality – this may help you find a new home.
Hope to see you on guild chat soon.
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
ooh, that’s a good call, Lexy, regarding checking during off-peak times.
@Lionbeard, just to confirm – Sea of Sorrows IS the unofficial oceanic server and i know a lot are on IoJ as well, as Lexy mentioned. I’m on Sanctum of Rall, from Hong Kong, and i know a bunch from Australia, Singapore, etc (similar timezones) who are on it as well. and if i am correct, has a strong US population as well, so it’s never too empty or lonely there. good luck finding the one you feel is best and SoR will always welcome you!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Yea SoR is pretty cool Lionbeard check out the ones everyone has already mentioned.
Also we are not ‘Listed’ on that guild site as I have not registered it. (Unless someone else has
I like to think of this more of a Movement/Opportunity for folks to socialise with others and be there for those that keep an interest.
I would also like to extend my appreciation to all members, those that stay and continue to be part of this movement. I know it ain’t much yet but maybe later.
It was good to see new faces last weekend too!
just a quick HELLO from my end. : ))) haven’t had the chance to get on and add people yet. but hopefully others have sent invites your way if you’ve been expecting one.
Glitch, none of this without you, so we appreciate your efforts as well!
and just to note, seeing a lot of other players / users recommending the UNION to other players looking for help, specifically those looking for groups, etc. e.g. i saw nottsgman post in another thread, pointing more people looking for help this a way. ; )) well done, buddy. lol.
glad to see people are “paying it forward”!
wish i had more time in the day to be in Tyria.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Hey people! It’s Noppy again!
Yes, i’m still alive! I’ve been swamped with work, bad connections, a laptop that had a major system shutdown (painfull, as it’s my only connection to you all at the moment) and some other stuff happening.
I haven’t been able to play at all for a few weeks now (can you imagine, the horror to not be able to play AT ALL!!) and even getting on the forums was hard. I hope all is settled down now and that i can come here a bit more in the next days and weeks. Playing will be on hold a bit longer (still having a lot off work, both in my paying job as at home) so i’m sorry but you’ll gonna have to wait a bit longer before i can storm the chat a bit
As for the MASSIVE grow in members, great to see you all having such fun and welcome to all that have joined or want to join us. It’s good to see so many like minded people in a game.
Have fun in Tyria, chat and help each other and we’ll meet soon on the playfield!!
I’ve succeeded at AC path one and two finally. It took quite a few PUGs before I finally got one that was good enough. So now I have path 3 to do then CM story and then explore. That should get me the part of the monthly done. I plan to do AC path 3 less than 24 hours from the time of posting this: around 8pm eastern time. In case anyone on NA servers is interested. Unless they fixed it since the other day so that EU and NA can do them together.
Name: Mouse
Main Character: Cyrus Snow Wolf
Current Server: Eredon Terrace
Interested Activities: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE, PvP, WvWvW
Active: Usually late evenings
Additional Comments:
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Y
Cyrus Snow Crusher – Guardian
[TAC] Tactical Terror -Eredon Terrace
@akamon, haha you folks for some reason decided to join my crazy scheme!
@Noppy good to still see you’re there! Hope everything works out!
@bri, Gunnar’s getting pretty big. Me and my bro our still strolling the Aurora front.
Also note to The Founders: If someone has time please invite daemondred.7305 been waiting patiently for a while.
Thanks to the awesome folks and making Op:Union.
Look forward to chatting later.
Just you folks wait till Guesting…
It’s gonna be totally awesome!!!!
Also I win 300th post!!
I win some pretty delicious double chocolate cookies right beside me…
Lol. I’m not sure chocolate chip cookies taste good in awesomesauce. Maybe though. I’ve never honestly tried the combo.
That being said, I just wanted to put it out there that I’m still working on getting AC explore runs. I only ran it once quite awhile ago back when tons of people were doing dungeons, and I only vaguely remember it. I read a couple of online guides, but nothing compares to firsthand experience.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
at some point in the near future, would anyone be willing to help me with the end of the personal story? I hear it goes through a dungeon, and the one thing I haven’t touched in game is dungeons (yet).
I’m not sure how it would work across servers, but just wondered if any of you guys would lend a hand when the time comes.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
lol I don’t know bri. I’m a complete noob when it comes to dungeons. don’t know anything about paths, why I’m looking for help really. need some hand holding type guidance. like I said, never touched the dungeons and I will admit they seem intimidating
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
I haven’t got there yet, but I am close. I’m doing Vigil story, not sure if that makes a difference because it doesn’t seem to anymore in the dialogues shrugs
I’m guessing it will probably be easier than doing the actual dungeon (whichever it is), but do know I can’t do it alone, or with one friend (although something tells me I would attempt it if that was the only choice I had lol)
so yeah, just looking for some good people to come along
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
It is the Arah dungeon for the end of your personal story, it’s also connected to a chain of events to open the gates of Arah. Took me my first month to see the end of my story since Orr was heavily bugged at that time on my server. It wasn’t to bad though.
@nottsgman I’m game for any dungeon, I don’t mind jumping to your server to help out, as long as it’s NA(I get to much lag on EU servers)
thanks Xander, I’ll let you know when I’m good to go, I’m on Isle of Janthir so it is a NA server. getting on it might be difficult though, it always seems to be full, but once I get to that point I’m good to wait if you want to try hop over.
I thought parties could be cross server for instances, as long as they were the same region (EU or NA), but I guess I could be wrong there.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
No you’re right, for dungeons we can go cross server. I’m not fully awake yet. First cup of coffee
can it be cross servers for personal story though? does that count as a real instance? its not something I’ve tried, but I’m hoping it works the same way
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
I’m not to sure about that, but I do know the end of every ones personal story is Arah. It’s kind of odd though that we get a “personal story” but then have to do a dungeon for the end of it.
So for this case yes, the cross server group will work since the end is a dungeon. Any other part of the personal story I’m not to sure.
(edited by Xander.9024)
Yea. The Arah instance counts as a dungeon.
I’m not sure if all instances are like that but it would be pretty cool and I think it might be probable as the story happens in an isolated section.
Hey Guys,
Spoke to Glitch as I thought something might have been wrong with the invite to learn that Glitch like most of us is a very busy person. When anyone has a chance to send one it would be much appreciated. And to anyone on the Dragonbrand server I am available most evenings from 10:30pm EST in the Queensdale starting zone and will help anyone (so really not much help) who maybe new like me or needs help with certain events and skill points (there’s a couple of tough battles there for low level people.)
Hey guys Eidoron here, even though I’m busy managing my own guild please shoot me an invite to the guild as well so I can help out with instance runs. Sorry for not being as active had lost internet for 2 days and now that it’s up I’ve been trying to finish up some goals within reach. Been Grinding Sorrow’s Embrace Path 2 and 3 to get some exotic pieces and just finished getting my second craft to 400. I’m willing to help out anyone who needs it on the Maguuma server, though I feel bad for the people on Yaks bend considering i transferred from there :<
In terms of exp in instances, I’ve done all the story up to Sorrows Embrace, meaning i havent done Citadel of Flames or Crucible of Eternity as well as ARAH [dont remember what the acronym stood for]. in terms of explorables I’ve done all ascalonian catacombs and path 2 and 3 of sorrows embrace. I’m willing to do anything between the two, nothing further since I’m ocd with storyline and map completion :l
Edit: Concerning the story quests, I assume since you can join other people’s instance runs no matter what server you are in the same would go with story quests. I’m willing to test this with anyone. When you do a story quest it takes you to an instanced area so who is to say that as long as you’re in the same map it won’t ask you to join? Whether it works or not we should check it out.
(edited by Eidoron.2694)
Hi everyone
Sorry to those of you waiting for an invite. I’ve just tried to send some out but our guild has reached its current membership limit. Please bear with us whilst we sort this out and get more spaces opened up.
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
Sorry everyone.
I’ve just bought some more space.
Whispered you ingame, mind shooting an invite?
I’m thinking I may make a server switch to TC. Not only are there a good number of people from there in this guild, but I’m also hopeful that the environment there will be more social. It is from what I hear. I get the feeling that having TC be the currently labeled “unofficial rp server” will lead the community to treat the world they are in more like an actual world than just a video game. I haven’t started recruiting in my own guild yet anyway. Although I hate to give up all the guild upgrades I spent so long acquiring.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
@Kaii do what’s best for you. It is a very good social server, but apparently it’s getting kinda long to wait for a space. If that doesn’t matter go right into it!
@Eidoron. Sorry, you’ll have to whisper bri/Lexy. I just popped in to get more space. Sorry!
Yeah that’s okay. Like I said since I haven’t started recruiting yet I can take my time and just kind of keep an eye on it. I haven’t really decided yet anyway, just considering it. It’s not that YB is a bad server or anything, in fact it’s got a lot of active people and for the most part they seem to be nice enough. I think I just need an environment that’s delving deeper into the lore and characters.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
I understand what you mean. Sometimes if you really enjoy some aspect of the lore there may not be a part on your server to really get a detailed explanation of the lore. I don’t know sometimes you think the server IS cool but may not click for you.
@Kaii I’m up for some AC exp runs. I’ve only run path 2 successfully. I haven’t had a lot of chances to run explorables up to this point. Also, I’m on TC and love it even though I don’t RP. The atmosphere and community are just really nice for the most part.
@nottsgman I’m almost to Arah in my personal story as well. I’d be happy to run the dungeon with you. I was gonna wait til my guild runs it but I don’t mind helping out. Also, if you wanna try the cross-server instance thing for the normal storyline quests, I’m up to try that too. I’m currently at “The Steel Tide”.
To all, I’m usually rep’ing my main guild, so just pm me if you wanna do something when I’m on.
Tarnished Coast
All invites have now been sent, if you are still missing one please msg me on the forum or in game. Thanks – Lexy
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
I was kind of thinking that TC would be that way. I don’t mind participating in RP, but what really matters for the most part is that I’m familiar with rp communities in games and they seem to know how to appreciate the game and take the enjoyment beyond just the typical “gameplay”. I’m getting on in a few to continue work on a video idea I had so I’ll keep an eye out for AC as well.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
Yea, I really enjoy that about RP players. You have a much bigger appreciation of all the landscape, sometimes I have a habit of blitzing past things without really appreciating all the hard work put into the landscapes and natural vistas (not really talking about the points.)
This is pretty cool. Op: Union’s for bringing everyone together. Sure you don’t have to represent but it sure cool to meet others because of it.
Also Edit: When did this sneak over 5000 views?
(edited by Glitch.6849)
Thief here who can never find groups for dungeons. Then again, maybe its because I play on pacific time. Either way I have a hard time getting a group. Anyone roll Henge of Denravi server or play late at night?
Main: Purity Blue (thief)
Hey there Rofl!
There are quite a few NA folks wanting to dungeon run. Akamon, Jia and such.
Dungeons work cross server but is restricted to either NA or EU only servers.
If you play on Pacific time maybe Sanctum of Rall is a better choice?
Talk to Akamon for more details.
Good to see you taking an interest!
:DDDDD i welcome all who play pacific timeeeeeee!!! lol. most of the time this guild becomes active, i’m off to bed. lol
i am willing to dungeons at all times! as long as i’m on and have time to spare. i’m no expert by any means but i know the “general” tips to dungeons, so if you guys are new as well and don’t mind figurint things out i would love to : )))
this goes for all @Rofl (whisper me or mail me!), @nottsg, @Xander and @Azurite!
@those who have been waiting for invites, i tried to invite people last night but yea, cap was reached. apologies for the wait and we appreciate you guys being so patient. i’ll try again! : )))) thanks. though am sure @bri and @lexy would have gotten you by now ; )) lol
@Glitch, for getting the extra spots. ; )))) i’ll send more awesomesauce cookies your way. haha
@bri – woah, i realize i need to catch up and get me full exotics as wel!! good ot know balthazar is not bugged on your server. ; ))) firs ttime we did that chain, i usually charge in (most bosses aren’t TOO bad in PvE) and i was one shot downed, lol. luckily i got back up, but yea we didn’t have enough people then (only a party of 6… lol) the second time we went, we had a group of 20 – 30. so even though it scales, it’s definitely more doable. one of the key things (which is kind of sad) is that for this fight, if you die, your best bet is to just run back. which is annoying cause of all the pulls and other conditions from runnning t hrough the Risen. most people won’t bother ressing you. :/// but it’s on a short time limit so understandable. make sure to kill the acolytes because i think the priest eats them to heal up. when it got done, i spent all my karma and got 110 obsidian shards, lol. not even half way for the legendary yet! O_____o
here’s another fun story to share – found a new recruit last night! (felt bad i couldn’t invite him after offering as well lol) i found him in WvW. was on my way to do jumping puzzles since i got off work slightly earlier. finished the one on our own map, went to the neigbouring maps. and of course, with SoS being the unofficial Oceanic server, it was pretty mcuh primetime for them lol. was running. saw a few show up. took cover. and then a group of 30, 40 come by to take one sentry point. O_____________o massive numbers. then spotted me and new friend, we owned nothing on that map so jsut started to run. ran into IoJ and they were building siege. so they weren’t happy we led SoS to them lol and they just ignored us two SoR’s… haha sigh. ended up going back to our own map and i switched characters and since our new friend hadn’t done the jumping puzzles yet, i tried to show him the ropes! we didn’t get to make it to the end cause he had to leave, but next time! : ))) always always good to be able to meet people in-game who are willing to chat with you. the puzzle (and jumping alone!) was hard for me when i first did it, but when able to do it, i think it pays off being able to help others. so t hey can keep helping others as well. same with dungeons. or WvW. or PvE in general.
let’s keep this thing going folk!DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
p.s. enemy forces have ben generally ‘friendly" in the jumping puzzle area. some beg to differ since it IS on a PvP map and you get siege blueprints from the chests.. but usually a wave a bow or a gesture is more than what it takes to let one another know, “we come in peace”. but i usually let ’em run as long as they don’t show aggression towards me. i had at least 3, 4 people run right by me after a bow. from both servers. : ))) i even moved out of the way for them to make certain jumps (even though it doesn’t really matter lol).
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
and yes, i brought the wall-o-texts back ; )))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
@RoflandRoll I’m on central time, only a couple hours difference. Most of the time I’ll be up ‘till 5 am or a bit earlier. I don’t mind having a thief in a dungeon, I have a theif actually. Anyway, Xana Oravia or Delona Oravia are my toon names, if you want to do a dungeon, I’m always game for that.
Currently working on explore of CoE, for some odd reason I kind of like it.
(edited by Xander.9024)