Showing Posts For Ahratan.1098:
I’m worried that population relevance may lead to new players being asked/pressured to leave the map.
Seems to me it might be easier to have three 2h prime time skirmishes, one 3h skirmish either side of that block, then three 4h skirmishes covering the off-hours. Then nightcappjng simply counts for at most half of primetime capping, because it scores half as often.
Boring mechanics and Stability
There are too many skills in the game which are frankly zero fun to be on the wrong end of. Knockdowns, knockbacks, stuns, etc. And there’s only two remedies, stunbreakers and stability: the former is usually a one-off with a long cd and the latter is not easily available to everyone.
So you see the problem: lots of boring effects and no good way of stopping them.
Then HOT came along and added a ton more of these boring effects. And also stability got nerfed.
You see how the problem got worse.
If you’re going to have so many boring control effects, stability needs to be widely available. On loads of abilities, on runes, in new WvW skills, everywhere.
Getting enough people to form a zerg
I used to enjoy roaming around in WvW during downtime, doing some gathering and grabbing small objectives. I could also fight 1v1 and feel I had a reasonable chance. It killed a bit of time while waiting for the zerg to start. And, because lots of people did it, it meant that when a commander tagged up, there were lots of people dotted around who would join him.
But in the HOT power creep, if you’re specced for it, its very easy to stunlock and nuke someone to death in about 2 seconds. So its super boring to leave your keep, because if you encounter someone there’s no feeling that you have any chance of winning in 1v1, because you either have an overpowered gank spec or you don’t. Also there’s less need to leave your keep, because the gatherables are inside.
So now you just go from keep to tower grabbing all the gatherables, trying hard to avoid the enemy like a coward, then you get bored and leave. Then a commander tags up and can’t find a group, because there’s noone around.
So the commander tags down. Then a new person joins the map, doesn’t see a commander to join, doesn’t have any reason to roam because there’s no gatherables, doesn’t want to roam because of power creep, so there’s nothing to do so he leaves. And that is why its hard to get anything started in WvW now – at least for me and my friends. There’s no reason or desire to stick around anymore.
Just to reiterate, as perhaps it wasn’t clear, I don’t care about the new icons. This thread was about the replacement of the old icons. I’d be fine with both, or just the old ones, but the point I was making is about the replacement.
Just been PvP’ing with a few people who were using beta characters. I think the new class icons for the new specs add unnecessary confusion. Is it possible to get both normal class icons and the spec icons (if indeed we need the latter at all) next to each other, rather than replacing the normal one?
As someone who told my friends (who are now trying the game as F2P players) about all the great world events in the game so far (marionette, pirate invasions, fight for LA, etc.), it’s a shame that their first impression has been this one.
A few thoughts:
1. Loot. The fact that the mobs drop nothing is a problem. Normal loot tables would’ve been fine, but dropping nothing is boring and encourages people to just tag and move on, because why bother killing stuff?
2. Rewards. The only way to get rewards is by blooms; the best way to maximise bloom gain is event-tagging (i.e. totally anti-teamwork style of play whereby you let everyone else do the work). Thus, this event rewards poor teamplay.
3. F2P experience. These players get no rewards, because they don’t know how tagging works, they have the naive idea that doing the event properly will reward them. So they don’t get many blooms, also they don’t have much gold, so they can’t afford the rewards anyway. They also die a lot, since points (1) and (2) reward tagging, this means that while new players are immersed in the idea of killing the bad guys, everyone else has abandoned them and moved on to tag the next event, so they get left alone and pasted.
4. Downtime. What’s the point of the 30 mins downtime between events? If you’re in the modd to play the event, then the intermittent 30-minute waits are annoying. If you go off and do something else during that time, chances are you get immersed in that and miss the next invasion. The result seems to be that people waypoint to the next area and sit around in frustration typing abuse in mapchat for 30 minutes about how much they hate this event (esp. compared to previous ones), which is probably not something you want to encourage.
5. It highlights the serious problem with disconnecting that this game has. When you log back in, you lose your progress. You lose stacking buffs like in this event and in the Silverwastes. You lose reward chests like at Vinewrath and Tequatl. You lose your place in the WvW servers and have to queue up again. It shatters the gameplay experience – and it’s made all the more worse by the fact that this game disconnects people moreso than games. Or maybe it just feels that way because of the progress loss.
When levelling an alt, I noticed that I was running past a lot of hero points and kept having to go back to them – I just don’t see the icon on the minimap. It doesn’t stand out at all.
(edited by Ahratan.1098)
I use the Tome of Wrath a lot in WvW, it’s a mini arrow cart
Aside from that, there’s not much a guardian can do from the wall when defending. Maybe the new bow spec changes that a little.
I completed the Ogre collection, got the Recipe: Ogre Sharpening Stone, but nothing happens when I click on it. It’s supposed to unlock the recipe so I can make them?
Hopefully they just bring back the first Halloween, not the lacklustre one from last year…
If you take a mistforged weapon for 300 tickets, does it also unlock the hero skin for that type of weapon?
I notice you can unlock both for the same cost, hero (100) + gift of heroes (200) + few gold worth of mats. So it seems pointless to me if it didn’t unlock for free, but just wondered…
Each of these cost 115 points to obtain, the only thing that cost more (300) it’s Supply Capacity. And you say its easy o obtain. If you invest in these, you don’t have points for other categories.
Let me guess, you don’t have AS and AF.
And btw AS and AF as a removal, just kill the guys that have it.
Of course I have them both, everyone does! That’s the problem :p
I could imagine a zerg running across such a trap and losing 30*500 life (or 30*5*500 if it removed the full stack) immediately as being pretty good.
Obviously its usefulness depends on where you place it.
I think there needs to be a new WvW trap that works similar to a supply trap but remove 1 of each of Applied Strength and Applied Fortitude from those who are affected when it triggers. (Reason: AS and AF are such a no-brainer choice and easy to obtain, I think there should be some way to strip them.)
I just came here to post about this very issue. I’ve been WvWing and PvPing with my guardian for ages (so I don’t know how long these problems have been active), but when I played today on my necro it was terrible. I didn’t have a single fight where my flesh golem did anything other than charge when instructed. At all other times, he just stood and watched. Even when an enemy ambushed me, he didn’t come to my aid (whereas he does in PvE).
22- When capping woodhaven, some people get teleported underneath the lordsroom inside the structure straight after the cap. Unable to get out they have to port home.
—> I have also had this in Ogrewatch and Klovan in EB.
1. When dropping off wall above a portal such that you land on the portal and port back inside door, it plays the ‘falling from a great height’ scream sound. Not major, but annoying.
2. Sometimes I get a short period of getting no credit for killing the lord in keep/tower/SM in WvW, even though I do a tonne of damage/hits. Like 3 or 4 in a row just won’t award credit/loot.
3. When porting to a specific waypoint in another borderland, often you just get ported to the citadel/entrance waypoint instead of the one you clicked.
4. Sometimes when you cap a tower/keep/SM the old lord respawns and duels with the new lord. I thought it was a timing issue where a warrior might have bannered him just at the instant when it caps, but then I saw it happen when there were no enemies around so I don’t think that’s the cause.
@ Ahratan , nope i’ve used unyielding blast for quite a while and lb hits targets behind your original target (that;s what you meant right)?
It wasn’t always like that. I remember when I used to zerg with my necro in WvW. Always had to target the furthest target in order to tag everything in between, if I relied on tab-targetting it would grab the closer targets and it wouldn’t go beyond.
I noticed that the piercing effect of Life Blast (DS #1) when under the effect of Unyielding Blast (Soul Reaping VI) seems to be better now than it used to be.
With UB, the projectile used to travel from you to your target and no further, hitting everything in between. Now, it continues to travel even after hitting your target, in the same way as Staff #1.
Was this a stealth change in the latest patch? Or has it been this way for a few patches and I only just noticed?
I think it would be a nice quality of life change to be able to read the tooltips of skills which are only available in transforms, without having to waste the transform or visit the wiki to do it.
Suggestion: when mousing-over a transform skill, the tooltip window that opens up also opens a new window for each skill which would be available in that transform showing its tooltip. Similar to how extra windows are opened in the trait UI to show skill details. They would just cascade in a line. Maybe have a settings option to disable the feature for the sake of clickers who might not want it.
Food deployables like “Feast of Orrian Steak Frittes” are great, but there’s so much food in the game that often I don’t remember what stats that particular food gives.
Suggestion: Make a feast tooltip window cause a second window to open which is the tooltip of the food iteself? (Much like in the new trait UI, where a secondary window opens to show skills, etc., which are caused by the trait.)
Same thing just happened to me on my guardian. I could not use any skill, except for my utility spells (shouts and signet of judgement). It happened after a zerg fight. I tried waypointing in case it would refresh/fix it, it didn’t. I changed weapons to see if that would fix it, it did not. I entered a golem, strangely I COULD use golem skill#3 (shield) but none of the others, also I couldn’t exit it (skill#5). Relogging fixed.
I also get stuck often when helping to build WvW siege items.
And when changing into (rarely) or out of (much more commonly) transforms on my necro (DS and lich form).
It’s worth noting that some people avoid the issue by quickly swapping elite skill to lich/plague before crossing a stream, then swapping back when after. This is just a cheap way to avoid the 60sec CD. So my suggestion above is already possible, but only by using a trick. Surely it would be cleaner overall if it were just the norm.
It’s really annoying having a flesh golem anywhere near water, because even crossing a stream often kills it. And then you have to wait for the 60sec refresh before you can summon him again.
In this case, can’t you remove the refresh timer? When the golem dies to water, just have it despawn, then the necro can summon him again immediately after if needed.
I have had the same issue over the last few days. I’ve only had it on my necro and only when I exit a Form (either Lich Form or Death Shroud). Then I am simply stuck in place, cannot move by any means, no conditions on me, just stuck :s
1. Bring back the myriad candy corn ore nodes in the world, they added a Halloween feel to the world and were fun for people who like gathering – especially now there is actually something to spend the candy corn on!
2. Bring back the old dungeon and the meta achievements that came with it, so people can unlock the Emissary title if they missed it. Could it not be phased content?
3. Bring back the mini DOTA game. Why disable content that people enjoyed?
4. Bring back the old skins – at the moment, the only people benefitting from their absense are gold hoarders making a mockery on the trading post. Given that people are actually willing to spend gems on these skins, why deny them?
5. Bring back Mad King Says! If it’s only active for one day, that just means there will be dozens of LA overflows on that day…
Last year’s update was great fun; this year’s is rubbish. I would’ve preferred a complete rehash of the exact same content as last year. This year’s feels rushed and tedious, there’s no ‘pull’ factor making me want to do it, the rewards are ludicrously out of reach, the fun things like candy nodes have been mostly removed except for a precious few, carving pumpkins is pointless, etc. etc. And Mad King Says is only for one day!?
When crafting an ascended weapon, you get so much bloodstone and dragonite that you end up throwing it away by the stack. But when it comes to crafting something in a 4-week, limited-time event, the mat costs are so insurmountably high that nobody can afford it? Ridiculous.
And what’s with the new infinite gathering tools? The people who wanted them already bought the other ones – who wants to spend 800 gems on a gathering tool skin!? At the very least, a player should get a one-time ‘un-soulbinding’ of their current infinite gathering tool when they buy a new one of that type, so they can give it to their alt, since it’s only the skin they’re after.
Really disappointed by this recent patch.
When we buy a new infinite gathering tool, how about the old infinite gathering tool from that slot goes back into the inventory and becomes unsoul bound so we can soulbind it to another toon?
My necro already has molten pick axe. I would love to buy the bone pick for him, but obviously I’m not going to because it would be a waste of my molten pick axe. If I could re-soulbind the molten axe to one of my alts, I’d be happy to buy the bone pick as well.
Due to the frequency with which ruins are capped and stolen, the Borderlands Bloodlust buff icon flickers on and off constantly. This is visually annoying and also hard to mouseover it to see how many stacks you have because it changes position with other buffs.
Could it not just display a small number in the corner (similar to a stack of conditions) to say how many stacks you have, instead of replacing itself and flickering constantly?
And when you have 0 stacks, either just show a 0, or maybe the icon could change to a grey version to indicate its inactivity.
A couple more notes on this lame issue:
- A necromancer with the Reanimator trait (spawns jagged horror) sees this issue a lot. If your pets kill something while you’re harvesting and a jagged horror spawns, it will ruin the harvest results (from the point when the horror spawns and all subsequent results from that node, unless you stop and restart harvesting).
- The bug is exploitable by malevolent players. If a guardian uses Virtue of Justice and gives you flaming attacks while you’re harvesting, this will ruin your current results. Same with theif’s area-venom, mesmer’s timewarp, etc.
In reply to your second point (refreshing buffs), this seems to happen when the new banner’s buff and the current buff are different values. For example, 5% Karma gain and 10% Karma gain. If your current one has one and the new banner has the other, it won’t refresh or replace. Even if the new one is better than your current buff.
When gathering ore/wood/herbs, if a jagged horror spawns (due to Necromancer’s Reanimator trait) during the gathering attempt (because your pets/conditions kill an enemy) then the attempt WILL fail, leading to a ruined resource being obtained (regardless of tool quality).
There’s a thread here expressing dislike for time-gated content:
I would be in favour of gated content if it was treated like a counter rather than a you-must-log-in-every-day type of thing. In other words, if you only log in once a week, it should count up the 7 days worth of creations you are entitled to make and let you create all 7. So if you miss a day, you don’t actually fall behind.
I dislike the fast-changing content, because: (1) if I actually do enjoy it then I don’t like the fact that I can’t play it again, (2) some of it seems rushed and lacking in the polish for which this game is otherwise renowned, (3) it suffers the same annoyance factor as once-per-day content in that you can’t just enjoy it when you want to.
It’s often difficult to see what you’re clicking on, e.g. in a zerg when people drop siege and it’s hard to know if it’s legit or trolling. It’s easy to press ‘F’ but harder to mouse-over the build site to see what it is. (And holding ctrl sometimes gets lost in a spam of yellow text.) It would be nice if it were easier to mouse-over things and see what they are.
Furthermore, it would be nice to get extra info from certain items when mousing-over them, e.g. group food buffs (it would be nice to know what stats will be increased by the buff so I can compare with my current food buff—for those of us who don’t remember all the food names!).
Personally I don’t mind dailies/monthlies that much. I just don’t want to see any more once-per-day stuff… the dailies are ENOUGH, we don’t need any more.
The really annoying one is the charged quartz. I don’t even know if I want to craft the charged quartz gear yet, but since it takes 60 days to get the mats I would prefer to get them ready rather than wait 60 days after I decide I do. That is poor design in my opinion. Surely they could just be once-per-day PER place of power?
Crafting should not be time-gated, since it’s already gated by the need for resources.
Nothing ruins a JP like a timer IMO, that’s why I hated the Xmas/Halloween ones :/
Definitely agree. Account-wide dyes ftw.
It is sometimes hard to click targets in this game and even when you do they sometimes untarget themselves. Here’s a few suggestions I had:
- Option for sticky targeting, so you only unselect a target with Esc.
- Increase camera distance when Downed, so you can actually select a target when people are standing over you.
- Tab-targeting should ignore necro/ranger/ele pets, so you can select and re-select a target in PvP/WvW without so much hassle. (You could still select a pet target with mouse if you really wanted to, just ignore them in the tab rotation.)
- During an event or world boss when a monster’s health bar is shown in the top-right display, you should be able to click on that display to target the monster.
An active MMO needs to have something to draw players to want to play even semi-regularly.
I think this game already has some of the best end game content of any MMO I have played. That should be enough of an incentive to play.
‘Log on every day to repeat the same mundane task’ is not fun and threatens to take the game down the same path as other MMOs.
The fact that it’s so hard to click on enemies (and the constant target dropping) is why I would like to see an improvement to tab targeting. I think the exclusion of worthless pets from the process would be an improvement.
I wouldn’t really consider illusions/phants to be ‘pets’. I was referring to the pets used by ranger/necro/ele.
Given that legendaries currently have the same stats as (much cheaper) exotics, I see no point in them. It’s just a skin and I’m not interested in the ‘fashion show’ side of the game.
Pets are worthless targets in most cases and should be ignored by tag-targeting. If a person wants to target a pet specifically, he/she can just click it.
If you lose your target (due to there not be a sticky target option…), you want to re-target them as soon as possible. Pets just get in the way of this.
When the worker NPCs in a tower/keep are idle, please let them build the oil/cannon/mortars so players don’t have to.
Perhaps limit this so that it only happens when there is a set minimum amount of supply in the camp, to prevent it getting in the way of ordering upgrades, etc.
There seems to be a growing amount of once-per-day content. A few daily quests were fine, but now we have personal ore nodes and once-a-day charged quartz creation, and from a look at the upcoming crafting rumours it seems it’s going to get a lot worse.
Can’t we just play the game at our own pace? One of the great things about the game mechanics and the payment model is that it allows people to play as and when they want without penalising them. Once-per-day content ruins this.
Please don’t let this great game degenerate into a repetitive daily grind, inhabited by nothing but lifeless addicts, like certain other MMOs which will remain nameless!
Really want a reset button/option. Perhaps it could cost one Siege Manual (cost one skill point), because a silver cost per point could get very expensive.
+1 to both. I also like to organise my own bags and never use Compact, nor do I want to. (Pressed it once by mistake, it messed everything up, never used it again.)
In summary:
This suggestion is for when one realm totally dominates the other two. In order to make WvW continue to be fun for all 3 realms in that situation, I suggest merging the two losing realms together so it goes from 1v1v1 to 2v1. This would mean that the dominating server’s population don’t get bored, because they now have a better opponent (well, a more numerous enemy at least) and they probably get the Outnumbered buff too! And the two weaker realms get a chance at breaking through by allying together.
Here are the details of the suggestion:
1. The alliance of two realms happens automatically, with a couple of tick’s worth of notice (e.g. “Red and Green will form an alliance soon” warnings + some explanation), and it only happens when BOTH of the following two conditions are met:
(i) the dominating server has at least 50,000 points, AND
(ii) the dominating server’s score is MORE than the sum of the other two servers’ points.
This means it doesn’t just happen immediately – it only happens when one realm is truly battering the others.
2. The two allying realms simply become friendly to each other and can no longer attack each other. Their camps/towers/keeps become denoted by dual-colour icons (e.g. if red and green ally, then all red towers and all green towers are transformed into red/green towers with half-red/half-green icons on the map). They each retain the points value they had pre-alliance, but going forward they BOTH get their combined score per tick added to their respective score.
3. There could be a new /alliance or /a chat channel for the allied realms to coordinate their attacks.
Same problem. Was totally fine before 3 days ago. Then, between 5-6 BST, lag starts. It lasts until about 10-11. WvW becomes unplayable, even casual PVE and gathering/mining has massive (10+ second) spikes. During an unplayable guild rush attempt, the timer was still counting down on the HUD even though the game was stuck in a lag spike, so I was able to see the exact time of some of the spikes – most were 15-25 seconds, one was 1min 14 sec!
ISP: Virgin
Location: South England
Server: Gandara
No problems in other games.