“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Showing Posts For Akeldama.4738:
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Most guilds have auras that grant numerous buffs to allied players and NPCs within the claimed objective’s vicinity. If you click the objective’s green/blue/red circle icon on the map it will bring up a window showing upgrade timers and other claiming info. The claimed objective’s available Tactics (active) and Improvements (passive) will show up when the appropriate tab on the far left of that window is selected, but I don’t know if aura buff details are visible there because they take effect immediately and automatically once the objective is claimed.
Here’s further info on Guild Claiming that better explains the 4 different kinds of objective upgrades plus other details: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Claiming
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
I miss map queues on a few maps for all 3 servers in a matchup. You at least knew there was action to be had, and that opposing numbers map-wide were about as even as they could get. Thanks to the unforgiving server locks, T1 NA servers seldom queue a map outside of WvW reset. Yup, we’re definitely full.
Wonder why EotM turned into a KTrain factory almost immediately? Because there was no WvW queue population to spill over into it, which is largely what EotM was aimed at. If the health of WvW populations had maintained where they used to be pre-season-implementation, there would be 80s all over the place in there waiting for their turn in the regular WvW maps.
Granted, it’s nice not waiting in a queue when 4 WvW maps are full, but it really shows you how backwards WvW has gone, when EotM is run by uplevels and regular maps (which cannot handle most 3-way fights without skill lag permeating the entire map) are filled with crickets. And I’m not even talking about the T2 and under servers — their situation is even more dire.
I know HoT will bring back some old faces to more appropriately fill out many of the “full” T1 and T2 servers that their accounts are still parked on, but it’s just too bad that in the mean time the WvW experience will be further marred while we wait for the expansion’s launch. :\
excited with trepidation
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Unless there’s something I don’t know about, I’m fairly sure there is presently no options to temporarily pause the timer countdown for the remaining duration of food/oil/primer/other boosts.
It’d be nice to have the option of purchasing an account upgrade of some sort via the gem store that would essentially stop the countdown AND effect of any activated nourishment/primer/boost when not in combat (deactivating the effect would be necessary to prevent the infinite gain of benefits from non-combat related actions). This upgrade could be set to a manual enable/disable mode as well as having the option to set it to automatically toggle on when entering combat and off when exiting combat.
I’m surprised that entering SPvP doesn’t do something like this already. Presently, rather than temporarily pausing/disabling a nourishment/primer/boost the game instead allows the primer to continue counting down when entering a match and completely strips away your nourishments and most boosts (the removed nourishments/boosts do not return after leaving the match).
There’s so much waste involved that I actually find myself getting a bit uptight about what I do with certain characters due to the fact that I know a rare/expensive nourishment/primer/boost is ticking away on them when logged on.
Whatcha think Anet? I like pie.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Yes the cap needs to be relowered. Even BEFORE the caps recently went up by 10 there was still skill lag permeating the entire map anytime two full queue forces collided or even a 3way semi-heavy brawl. The cap raise might be appropriate for HoT, but unless the expansion is coming out in within the next month, why make the upper tiered WvW communities suffer in the mean time?
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Anet has a chance to invigorate the health of WvW with this system along with HoT if all is prepared for and done properly. If the top 6+ servers manage to maintain healthy and similar WvW populations after the HoT launch simmers a bit, then we might be looking at a fun fresh rotation of match-ups. We can only hope!
Thanks for this effort, Anet!
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
An incentivized system of grinding is a tricky thing to keep balanced while maintaining a fun experience. But remember that where there is an easy way, there is a train. EotM and Golem Week share this in common: When an avenue for much faster gains via some form of farming is made conveniently available, it will be taken advantage of. The farmer’s path of least resistance often overtakes the path of most fun.
Gamer psychology isn’t always so cut and dried, but this is a case in point in which it typically is and is to be expected if not taken into consideration when planning a week-long event that affects an entire crowning aspect of your game (WvW) along with its respective community following.
The concept of occasional world events for WvW can be welcoming to an extent, in that it changes things up a bit, adding the temporary hint of a new flavor. The Sneak Attack event, while maybe lengthy to some, was a small tweak which yielded interesting effects that didn’t really break the overall experience. Hopefully small tweaks with notable implications are the extent at which future WvW events strive to not go beyond. This will also help to ensure minimal bugs with the minimal testing that these events are likely to receive prior to going live.
I’m looking forward to seeing what potential healthy boost HoT may infuse into the WvW experience and community; that is, if the psychology behind a self-sustaining fun can be tapped into without reliance on “event” gimmicks.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
1- No rallying off of killing enemy players or NPCs (no rallying in wvw period) :
There would be Downed state but players can’t rally off of killing something else. They have to be rezzed or self heal. This is aimed to emphasize the importance of keeping your force up, having medic player roles, having healers more emphasizes as oppose to just straight dps, and to have a good balance between DPS and Sustain on your force as oppose to the current FULL DPS meta where healers and support roles and shunned and considered outcasts. This is worth an event on its own. It would changed WvW strategy and combat styles SIGNIFICANTLY in a GOOD way with very little change in game mechanics.
you could do a “no rally” but give outmanned servers the ability to rally.
^^^ This.
Also would be great if Anet trialed a week of “Going Green/Clean” in which they remove the pollution of obnoxiously long enemy name plates that obstruct the visibility of players, their movements, environment, and everything else that is obscured behind them. Replace them with the 2 or 3 letter abbreviated server names that players already use, while only the WvW ranks are spelled out or just an appropriately colored emblem for rank. On mouse hover the full text of server and rank would appear.
“I can see clearly now, the red blob is gone…”
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
For those who are leveling a toon, the act of using 20 Writs is better than 1 Tome. In effect, the only way that 20 Writs = 1 Tome is if the toon is currently at 0 Experience in their present level. Otherwise a Tome is a slow digression backwards, percentage-wise, of Experience Bar completion, even though a level has been gained. You will effectively be losing Exp% progress across your Experience Bar when using Tomes unless you’ve just started a new level and are at 0 Experience, in which case it becomes the same progress as 20 Writs.
So be sure you’re converting 20 Writs to 1 Tome only if you wish to use that Tome with a level 80 toon for the Spirit Shard. Otherwise it’s best to use your Writs for leveling as a means towards that end.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
This new BL is gonna give us new options since they’re emphasizing the importance of defending. A zerg with buffs will most likely get the upper hand compared to a zerg that doesn’t. Which means there is going to be emphasis on having group roamers alongside zergs. Kinda neat.
I’m excited for this potential as well, though the issue will still persist for EBG if they decide to keep that map in the rotation. But yes, I like the future incentives for splitting up the zerg in the expansion. That being said, hopefully they don’t feel that this new “thinning” potential will allow them to increase the total map population with the hope that those numbers will never clash in one giant fight somewhere “midfield”. Anxious to find out!
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
That’s what I’m wondering about on the new maps, whether the total number of players allowed between all 3 sides is going to be able to be supported fully when (not if) all 3 sides collide in a fight. Hoping for a hardware/server/system tweek or a map-population tweek. Currently a fight involving ~150 players will skill-lag-out those players and any remaining players elsewhere on the map. So I’m curious whether similar situations will continue to affect the fights of the new maps, as they affect the current ones.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
In the upcoming expansion do you have any plans to introduce server/hardware optimizations that can handle fights involving the numbers of players that are going to be allowed on a single WvW map at any given time? Since launch I don’t think I’ve experienced a single 3-way-map-queue WvW fight that hasn’t produced intense, lengthy skill lag that permeates throughout the entire map, affecting those who are not even near the causal fight (at least not until large numbers of players start to become defeated due to their inability to fight for their own survival because few, if any, skills will execute successfully). It’s never been a matter of “if” these fights will eventually occur, but rather “when”. I know this issue primarily only rears its ugly head in T1 and T2 WvW maps, but if you’re going to allow such numbers to operate on a single map simultaneously, wouldn’t you like them to be able to properly interact with each other when the poop hits the fan? Why introduce a possible problem into a system that cannot manage its impact? Thanks.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
I’ve tried this in the past but am now currently giving it another go based on your recommendation. Is this something that you currently use? If so I’m curious about some of your settings, such as whether you save the file types as FLV or MP4, your preferred bitrates and encoder, etc. I don’t know why but the success rate of saving the replay buffer seems to be very hit and miss and after starting/stopping replay buffer a few times OBS crashes. Any thoughts or experiences similar to this?
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
What is a good video capture software that offers an NVIDIA ShadowPlay-style recording option (stream-store/save last X minutes of play) that can be used while playing in Windowed Screen Mode?
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Very yes please.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
the original question was… why is T1 locked?
answer: so everyone can relax and not worry about server instability. ok but its still locked.
Nothing is “locked”. NA T2 servers can’t consistently compete in T1 long enough to stay in T1.
SoR isn’t locked out of T1. It fell out of T1. And as X T D explained, it’s possible for a server such as them to rise back up again. Is it likely? Not any time soon, but certainly not due to them being “locked out”. TC took their place in T1, and not because TC “unlocked” anything.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Like the idea, not to hide commanders though, but to clean up the red walls of enemy nameplate text. Change rank to an appropriate colored icon rather than spelling it out.
Besides, commanders will still get focused, as pin snipers easily discern character leader movements and portraits. And that’s if they’re not running multiple guild pins where another takes-over/resumes seamlessly if their primary leader is downed.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Possibly an implementation of an EotM-esque alliance AvAvA system using something similar to EotM’s current Green vs Blue vs Green alliance matchups. Maybe keeping home PvE server activities unique to themselves in order to continue a ranking system, assigning Alliance team sides via the servers’ colors/ranks for that week, kind of as they do now: Green (1st with 4th and 7th), Blue (2nd with 5th and 8th), Red (3rd with 6th and 9th). But they’d need to add at least 1 or 2 more full sized maps to house that many populations, while leaving EotM as the queue overflow in the event that all maps have a queue.
Who knows maybe they’ll just continue to foster the current bland “trio matchup” system. Time will tell. /shrug
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
NA Season tournies is where you’ll find the T1vT2 matchups. During NA off-season though a T1 server would need to be dragging 3rd consistently for a numbers of weeks as well as a consistent T2 1st place server (technically 4th) to trade places with for a week. That week the T2-in-T1 server typically gets mauled by the other two giants, while the T1-in-T2 server dominates over its two weaker adversaries. And all sides are bored. That division mainly exists due to lack of WvW population coverage on the lower tiers.
Servers in T1 must be able to provide 24hr coverage, if need be, and when need be (push weeks), in order to actually compete. But most lower tier servers have large gaps of WvW coverage and much of their week’s scorings goes to the team that has the most frequent WvW presence across their 24hr periods.
Sure, Anet may throw an off-season WvW-schedule-curveball to occasionally mix it up, but we’re then quickly reminded of why T2 doesn’t play T1.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Welcome to Jade Quarry, mate! The fights will be tough and the victories sweet.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Do your commanders/group leaders use TeamSpeak permissions that allow them to talk amongst each other to coordinate while not even in the same current TS channel chatter? Does your server have pin colors constituted? Such as:
– Red = scouts/tasked objective occupants
– Purple = temp/perm havoc
– Blue = main map force / secondary map force
– Yellow = field commander / secondary map force
– unpinned groups should still check in and/or communicate in some manner with their allies or, yes, toes may be stepped on.
This type of system is currently in use in T1, especially since the “Sneak Attack” (white sword removal) event. It takes constant communication to keep new and returning players updated on these things when and where possible.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
When 3-way map queues collide and everyone is running around with low health and no healing skills or health regens are responding, guess which skill is the only one working for staff guardians…1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1… I love it.
Outside of that context it mostly just tags everything while you wait for a skill or weapon swap to finish cooldown.
Retaliation, like most boons, can be brought to hyper level by TS groups. It’s gonna happen. Retaliation is for defense to make people think twice when hitting you. In large groups it, um, deters other large groups. Looks like it’s working. Stacking Might to 25 stacks can seem OP too the way some groups use it, but it’s mostly about how it’s used and requires a little organization for it to be effective and efficient.
Also try coordinating more Null Fields and other mass boon strips in careful conjunction with engagements.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
T1 and T2 do not typically have this WvW problem, and I promise you we do not have forever queues.
I know the feeling though, as I temp transferred to Kaineng for a couple weeks and yes, the map the OP showed IS what WvW is like for those tiers. But yes the WvW players on the overpowered/mismatched server do get bored of no fights and then the K-train folks move in. It’s the same thing that happens during WvW Season mismatches. Til something changes you’ll have to do the changing.
This is likely why they are testing an Alliance versus Alliance type matchup in EotM. If they did that in WvW then all servers, even WvW-light, would frequently be alongside plentiful allies. The problem then remains how many maps would be needed to contain populations of that size with a minimal queue if any, without forcing the overflow to EotM. This is why I’m nervous that WvW match lengths may eventually change into as short as 24-hours, if not shorter. At that point WvW turns arcade mode.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Random enemy players were also briefly struck with lightening for tiny damage and put into combat for a brief second. Always gave me a chuckle. Okay not always.
Knighthonor, you may also be thinking of “Novotl Grounds” near the center of the southern-most edge of EBG. It has water, naga, is in Eternal and is still there for you to enjoy. But the water is only Asuran-face-high deep, so these might not be the naga you are looking for.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Some great ideas!
In regards to the match lengths, how about simply this:
1 6-day match, the present Friday reset to Thursday at that same time. And then a 24-hour Thursday to Friday match for a bit more lax WvW, if a server wishes to do so. Or it can roll out another aggressive match. That 1-day match could be the one guaranteed way for a WvW addict to take a break from WvW and not feel the guilt of how close their server’s match may be.
I do fear for the day when WvW matches may be less than a 24 hour period, let alone several days. Alterac Valley used to be fun too, you know.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Noticed this as well. Difficult to tell whether that rectangular ground thing is the Veil I called for or a Ring of Warding. Only one way to find out…!
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
@Gaile Gray i do not want to know that GMs exist in any visible form in game and in any game-mode .
is that simple request or not ?
No, it is not a simple request. You are not the only GW2 WvW player.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
I run Windows 8.1 64-bit.
I’ve gotten the F8 click-through to function, but in order to see timers via mouse-hover it still seems that I must have the app selected (clicked either from Windows tray, or by not F8’ing and clicking the minimap directly). Once F8 is pressed and it becomes click-though there doesn’t seem to be a way of hover-mousing to see the timers until the app is selected again. Might just be me.
The other app that I usually use in conjunction with WuvOverlay is GW2BattleSupport for its 3D timers, but that app is overdue for an update and is having stability issues. Otherwise I wouldn’t mind the 3 yellow lines at all.
Really really digging the new voice notification feature when on the fly – works great!
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
There are yellow lines around objectives that have RI. Three bars means 1.5+ minutes, 2 means between 1.5 minutes and 30 seconds, one means less than 30 seconds.
You can disable the white background and make the overlay click-through by pressing F8 (need to press it twice the first time).
Check out http://wuvoverlay.codeplex.com/documentation for more details and pictures.
I do like the yellow lines, though it’s sometimes nice to see whether something JUST flipped (for times when audio can’t be used) versus 2 minutes ago (granted there’s gonna be a communication delay anyways). A thin yellow line per minute might achieve this, though I could see that being a little difficult to fit graphically. Not complaining though – still love it! I’ll see if I can get F8 it behave properly; probably something on my end.
also if you can make a section blink if it gets white swords that would be amazing.
I don’t know of any apps or websites that are capable of communicating white swords (during times they are in the game, unlike during this current swordless event). I might be wrong on that capability as I haven’t used Millenium and the like in awhile. Would be sweet though.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
(edited by Akeldama.4738)
I like the idea, however the reward amount I would like to see become a bit progressive.
Like for the 1st 15full minutes you have the buff, have it reward like a sentry cap would, next 15 like a camp’s rewards, following tower, and then last Keep take rewards. Once the level has been achieved for the rewards equal to taking a keep, have it maintain those rewards.
Could possibly revamp it to be a “quest” (Yes I said it.) Given by the Tower/keep lord and you have to complete the pre-requisites to move to the next one, which is repeatable for unlimited times. (Now on leaving a map, the entire set would reset, so players could just relog to do on alts at the max rewards.)
Now I would also state that the rewards highest level should be equal to the location being scouted. (Meaning Keep would have a highest level of rewards, tower 2nd, ect..)
This progressive reward system is a good idea, provided that the progressive nature of such is on a per scout basis so people just getting to the objective aren’t able to “horn in” straight away on the advanced reward. They would themselves instead have to scout the appropriate amount of time to achieve that level of reward as well.
Though I’m half in the boat on whether or not to have a differing ceiling rate for rewards depending on the objective though. While it would be nice to progressively reward higher at more valuable locations (i.e. keeps) that may detract from players getting “stuck” scouting a lesser objective that is less lucrative. Not sure…
Scouting itself is a very passive activity, so i’m not sure if rewarding something on a passive activity is a good idea. Ppl will abuse this and just park all of their acc at the same twr. At the end, the home server will have more ppl afking rather than ppl who’re actually doing wvw. I’d say leave scouting to those who are really willing to do it.
I agree, and that’s arguably the biggest reason there isn’t presently a scouting reward system in place. But as the original idea and those of others have shown, there are ways of ensuring that a scout is not completely AFK farming. There would have to be interaction with, I believe, at least 2 interactables (siege equip, NPC, etc.) to display such non-AFK activity. The reason at least 2? Because 1 would be fairly easy to bot and would allow AFK’ers to do that which you’ve rightly noted.
Here’s my idea: A telescope/binoculars bundle, and a flare gun…
That’s an interesting take! I think the “pinging” of targets might be slightly farmable if rewarded per ping, but that’d be neat to see maybe 5 or so seconds of a pinged enemy’s orange map dot for your map to see (GW2 already has orange dots for enemies on minimap as this sometimes happens to players temporarily after they respawn – believe it’s a bug). The thing with that though is that it doesn’t notify anyone of the activity, but I suppose that could still be done via map/team chat.
If white swords aren’t in the game in the future, something such as the flare gun you’ve suggested could be used to mark a yellow or such colored exclamation mark (“!”) on the map at your present location for a short time. Though again, the use of map/team chat would be needed to give further details.
Scouts were needed before white swords were removed as a test. This thread has a lot of good ideas for scouting and rewards even once white swords are back in game.
^^^ Yes.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
(edited by Akeldama.4738)
We do it all the time, the max we can get before issues arise is 10-11. The key is to throw the rams first then build, it appears that the limit is only measuring finished siege not those that are un-built.
The same rules appear to affect trebs, i.e. the ability to litter the top points on SM with 8+ trebs, which takes down surrounding structures very fast…
^^^ This ^^^
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
You’d think it’d be as simple as the World that delivers the killing blow gets the appropriate credit, whether it be via cleave or stomp. Though as is, in 3-way fights now we are essentially aiding in the direct increase of an enemy’s score by… killing the enemy. Also, I hope that when a player is “tagged” by an enemy from World A and escapes, leaves combat, that they are no longer still worth a point for World A when they are killed some time later by enemy from World B. Otherwise everyone is going to be tagging everyone all the time in hopes that the player dies eventually, somewhere, somehow. :\ That window of “worth” should be quite limited, imho.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
I’ve been using WuvOverlay for a bit now and really enjoy it. Excited for the recent mods you’ve made. Thanks for your time and work!
Any chance of a future feature to add the option of turning on timer countdowns around the exterior of the WuvOverlay “minimap” so that we can simply glance at it without hovering over the objective? Also, I’m not sure if it’s just me but I usually have to manually select the WuvOverlay “minimap” before hover timers will appear – then click back on anything in GW2 to resume control of the game. And is there an option to remove the white square background so that it’s just a 100% opaque “minimap”? Or just a white outline around the outer edges of the “minimap” to help it stand out without the white background?
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
New ideas are healthy, even if they never come to fruition.
A simplified recap:
- scouting buff acquired via dialogue with objective supervisor/lord
- scouting buff turns to timered debuff after receiving scouting reward at 15m PPT tick
- scouting debuff is reinstated to regular scouting buff upon interaction with siege equipment, if done before debuff expires
– some limitations apply (see original and subsequent posts)
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Long nameplates are useful for seeing that “Tarnished Coast Bronze Footman” trying to hide behind a tiny tree and thinking he’s doing a good job at being stealthy whilst his huge nameplate sticks out at either side. <3
I’ll admit that I do like it when this happens, especially when a large group is trying to hide, but that makes it difficult when we’re the ones trying to do the hiding. Realistically making the nameplates smaller wouldn’t completely remove that threat and there’d still be a great chance of being discovered early. I don’t think it’s worth the price of the over all mess it makes though. Especially considering that it’s already long enough to clip through walls to be seen clear on the opposite side.
They should remove the text altogether and replace it with colored icons. The background of the icon would be a circle, using the color of the server (red, blue, green), and the foreground of the icon would be a rank symbol (1 chevron, 2 chevrons, 1 star, 2 star, etc).
When you get groups of people 15 or more, it’s difficult to get accurate numbers, Nd eventually the text/names obscure the entire screen. It’s completely unecessary and could be condensed to a single graphical representation with all same information.
I agree completely. In fact coming back to GW2 from ESO was a big ugly reminder of what I had left behind here when going from ESO’s simple, small colored icon over the heads of AvA players + name back to a 30+ lettered nameplate for each player/pet.
If/when WvW officially turns into an EotM-like 3-way alliance-based system then hopefully at that time we’ll go to 3 simple colors/icons or something of the sort. But the current EotM nameplates are just as bad as the rest of WvW.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
True. Maybe the offer to acquire the scouting buff would only be available from 15:00 down to the 2:00 mark of PPT countdown, keeping groups like that from lingering. I mean they could still linger but hanging around 2+ minutes for a tick when the group likely wants to keep moving isn’t gonna be feasible for most of those players. Good loophole catch.
The main issue I see with scouting multiple objectives (and receiving multiple scouting buffs/rewards) is that during the PPT tick there’s really no knowing whether the other objective the player is not presently at is actually safe. In essence said player would not technically be scouting that location while away. That player wouldn’t lose their buff though simply by leaving the objective – so long as the player returns by the PPT tick, or instead get a new corresponding buff for present location for that present PPT tick. By being at the objective for the PPT tick that player is actually making sure that the objective is safe during the PPT rollover for their team. I get what you’re saying though, especially on lower tier servers.
I also think the opportunity for abuse with multiple buffs, or even a common buff for all objectives, is that roaming/purposed groups would be getting scouting rewards for not really scouting, per se. The result from those groups’ activity would just be them doing what they were already going to do but getting an “undeserved” bonus. At that point they are getting an additional bonus on top of what else they are capping which makes the notion of solely staying at the objective for a single scouting bonus pale in comparison to the roaming groups that are getting the scouting bonus plus their regular bits. It needs to be a reward for scouts only.
Player psychology can be tough to predict, especially when trying to prevent abuse.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
(edited by Akeldama.4738)
Just a thought regarding a possible non-AFK-farmable incentive for map objective scouts.
The biggest reason Anet is likely not giving direct reward-like incentives for scouting is that there is a great danger of farming abuse by players who are not in fact scouting. So this is a certain way that players remaining near an objective can “get paid”, as it were.
Scout Buff Option Idea:
Players have the ability to inform the objective supervisor/lord (via the dialogue window that already exists) of their intent/wish to scout that particular objective. After selecting the appropriate response(s) in that dialogue they are then given temporary buff only for that particular objective that persists until the next upcoming PPT calculation. If said player with said buff is within the “event range” of that objective at the moment the 15m map PPT is calculated, then said player is awarded WXP and/or loot equivalent to that of standing in a camp ring as it flips (or something like that). Only 1 such buff can be active at a time – acquiring a different objective’s buff would overwrite any current buff.
After the PPT is calculated and said player with said buff has been awarded (or not awarded if they were not within objective event range when PPT was calculated), the buff gains a 1-14m despawn timer that has 2 stacks. With this new buff the player has 1-14m to interact with at least 2 different pieces of any siege equipment that are within that objective’s event range (oil, cannon, arrow cart, catapult, etc). Doing so before the secondary buff expires will remove the 2 stacks (1 per siege piece), automatically reinstating the buff to its previous state for the next upcoming PPT tick.
This method allows a player to speak with the supervisor/lord once and subsequently needs to only interact with siege to refresh the scouting contract, provided the 1-14m buff timer hasn’t expired first. This also allows the player to leave the objective to get supply or other things, so long as they return to the objective by the PPT tick for their award.
The scouting award would also be affected by event/promotional/booster increases and the player would of course also receive any objective defense ticks from repelling enemies.
Why 2 pieces of siege to interact with? It would prevent people from standing at one piece of siege and botting the interact key repeatedly or at intervals. They would be required to move to and/or interact with a different siege piece to remove the 2nd buff stack. Sure, this could still be abused, but the chances are much slimmer at if it’s obvious that something is fishy then reporting players is the next step in that direction.
And the 1-14m range is just a suggested range. Anywhere from 1 to 14 minutes.
I’m bored at work – can you tell?
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
(edited by Akeldama.4738)
Nothing for roamers to tap
There’s more to roaming than trolling swords. Now you can troll camps and get WXP for it.
don’t want to cap empty towers because I don’t care who wins the week
You not caring is more about you than anyone else. Anet can’t fix your caring. What makes you care isn’t what makes everyone care.
Capping camps with NOBODY showing up to defend since they have no clue it’s being taken
From your less-than-1-day of experience. Also, camp capping is barely changed by this event as they typically were already easily flippable before defenses arrived.
Who honestly thought this was a good idea?
People who’ve thought of the possibilities in trying this. Not people who’ve stayed with certainties and monotony.
Also, it’s also a social test and some people are failing.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
If you want small group fights, and keep attacking the idea of PPT, what in the nap of all hypocrisy are you doing in WvW? Go play PvP. With every thing some of you are crying about, all you having nagged about is exactly what PvP is.
Mostly this ^^^
Also, simply put, there is most certainly WvW roaming in T1. But T1 roaming is not the same as T2 or T3 roaming. If you previously enjoyed non-T1 roaming and are hoping to find that in T1, then you’re going to be disappointed. T1 involves situational awareness more often. T1 WvW is more active, more populated, with higher chances of enemy encounters. And now with the white swords temporarily removed you have as good of a chance as ever to roam more successfully.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
I dont understand why diversifying maps is such a hard issue, its been asked for, for a long time, the maps are all identical and boring. For those concerned about any server getting an advantage, it would only be cosmetic everything else would be exactly the same. My only issue is they all look the same, why anet. Also Gw1 pvp maps had their own themes, Gw2 pvp maps have their own themes, Eotm sections have their own themes, and every pve map ever made has its own theme and design. Never heard anyone ever complain about any of those and they actually have differences that arent just cosmetic.
This is how I’ve always thought it could be accomplished without compromising balance. Keep the terrain models virtually identical but change the theme skinning. Could even mirror flip the map orientation left to right, or up to down as well to further mask the faux uniqueness.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Since launch there has been a big, messy red elephant in the room that has been only briefly discussed in the past without any real worthwhile dev input regarding the matter, at least not that I’ve seen. Recently I’ve returned to GW2 from an 8 month hiatus and am a bit surprised to see that it has not been resolved to any degree. I am of course referring to the obnoxiously lengthy WvW nameplates that hover above the sometimes 100+ enemy players scattered about our screens, and that’s not even including the pets who themselves are privileged to such a sight.
The blob of red text obscures so much of the enemy/ally character models that it detracts from the ability to accurately gauge numbers and their actions. Even terrain is frequently hidden behind the unnecessary red behemoths. Sure, we could just turn enemy nameplates off all together but why should we handicap ourselves from pertinent information that helps distinguish enemy players by guild, faction etc. just to clean up our viewable real estate?
For starters, there are many versions of abbreviations that could easily be used without introducing confusion in order to lend aid toward this endeavor. For example, since launch each world server has been appropriately known and associated through easy-to-understand 2 or 3 letter abbrevs, such as JQ for Jade Quarry, SoS for Sea of Sorrows, and so on. So why can’t players be given the means to reduce 100+ “Tarnished Coast Bronze Champion”-like nameplates to simply “TC Bronze Champion” ones?
Something like these:
AR = Anvil Rock
BG or Bg = Blackgate
BP = Borlis Pass
DH or Dh = Darkhaven
DR = Devona’s Rest
DB or Db = Dragonbrand
FA =Fort Aspenwood
GM or GOM or GoM = Gate of Madness
HD or HOD or HoD = Henge of Denravi
MG or MAG or Mag = Maguuma
I think one could get the idea of how those might be determined.
And to be honest, it would be nice if the option or extent didn’t stop there. I’d personally be in favor of the entire nameplate being abbreviated, if I had such a choice.
Fort Aspenwood Silver Colonel
FA Silver Colonel
FA Silver Col
FA Slvr Col
Some may find the final and shortest of the 4 versions above to appear somewhat cut up, but I know many many players would choose it in a heartbeat over the other 3 as well.
Just spit-balling here but some suggested rank variations could be something such as follows:
Brnz Footman or Bronze Ftmn or Brnz Ftmn
Slvr Major or Silver Mjr or Slvr Mjr
Plat/Pltnm Rcrt
Mith/Mthrl Assltr
While they may appear odd now, I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to say that people using such an abbreviation option would quickly adjust.
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”
Thank you for the impromptu GvGs [PF] and [WvW]. CB and BEAR had fun. Probably the only enjoyable part of this week.
Much love to the charr from [MERC]… I’ll be your ping pong anytime <3
Thank you very much from [PF] to you [CB], [BEAR] and [ART] of SoS, for closing this week’s lopsided match-up on a very fun note. You were all very accommodating and quite worth while – and happy it was you all who got to pop our GvG cherries as a guild! Take care and give them hell next week!
“Ah, the mind of an irrational gamer, where injustice abounds.”