Showing Posts For Akkarrin.3406:

LAG. DISCONNECTS. peak time BT ISP throttle?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


right im in an interesting position on this one

Im having the same problem as everyone else literally exactly and have been since the last patch (except i dont have a second laptop or computer so havent been able to test that)

but im not on BT infinity, the phoneline connecting my house to phone and internet is owned by BT but my wifi is provided by Orange (sometimes known as Orange BT, im not sure what the difference is or if there is a difference between the two)… so yeh, who exactly do i have to blame for this?

for me i crash out 19:00 – 23:00 gmt (guild wvw raiding time ¬_¬)

Underworld Battalion [WvW]


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


same issue, ever since patch

origionally i couldnt log into LA had to wait till it was quieter and run my level 80’s out but in the pve map i experience unbearable skill lag, i often crash within 5 mins, and i crash if i go into wvw

i have the same error code

the /ip gave

very near same as nindigo? is this just a coincidence ??

Edit: tried the fix recomended of add -prefreset at the end of the shortcut location, and it now works fine

Edit2: ignore the last edit, as soon as i tried logging in again at nearer a peak time im back to not being able to even log in LA, anet… please give us a fix… im starting to have withdrawl issues :’(

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

(edited by Akkarrin.3406)

Celestial gear and ferocity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Full celestial gear cost:
40 charged quartz, doing it the slow way of channelling once a day because i didnt get a mining node
at least 150 Laurels (counting infusions)
24 guild commendations
god only knows how much gold

gold comes cheap you can work to get more things like laurels, commendations and charged quartz take a long time to get, and now Anet are going to make the gear obsolete ¬_¬ next to sentinel this is probably the hardest armour to get, many people have worked hard to get it.

Anet are effectively saying tough to those people we made you work hard for good gear, now we’ve decided that gear needs nerfing to the point of uselessness regardless of how much effort you put into it… whats wrong with just leaving it as is, its not broken, dont fix it. either that or significantly buff the overall stats of the gear to compensate.

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Guild halls & *REAL GvG*

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


GvGs in Gw1 were 8v8, and I dont think the number of people playing that particular thing are enough for anet to spend so much resources on maknig an official gamemode, aside from the game not being balanced around it, guilds halls though sure why not

not expecting a miracle here

just give players a blank room, and a match making system where they can organise with other guilds to go have a 15v15 or 25v25 fights, that cant be hard to do surely ?

if it takes off which it will (cause there are countless guilds at the moment quite a few of whom will want to try it if its easily accessible, not to mention there are some huge guilds out there who do GvG who could have 3-4 teams, possibly even playing eachother) then they can work on making it shiney

1) it will stop clogging up wvw maps as people do GvG
2) people will be able to GvG fairly, as opposed to now where borderland bloodlust makes it awkward
3) people will stop having to jump server whenever they want to fight another guild
4) it will give guilds more of a purpose
5) it will generally improve pvp aspect of the game

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Guild halls & *REAL GvG*

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


8v8? thats a rather piffy GvG aint it

For now i think what the server needs is the ability to do GvG exactly as it does in WvW, with all the abilites of the players deciding numbers and who they fight etc. except in a seperate arena, with no obstacles!.

and just a straight out death match mode for now, over time can add in capture the flag and all that if people really want it

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Ruins are fail, leagues will be as well.

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


If they put some higher tier resources, maybe an ori node or some Orr resources, people might actually go into these areas. As it sits, its like pulling teeth to get anyone to go into BL cap points. No one cares.

Please no, the last thing we need is pve’rs running into wvw and clogging the map just so they can mine.

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Ruins are fail, leagues will be as well.

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406



Ruins have basically killed GvG, and no one is ever in the ruin, also for them to be worth while it requires groups of players to stay to guard them to keep the bounus… why would Anet team possibly want anyone to spend their time in wvw standing around? also the big text coming on in middle of my screen saying blood lust is irritating specially since its worth less then my food buff…

Leagues might be ok once they get going, everyone trying to lose to avoid gold leagues was a farce though

there are two things which anet should focus on in wvw:
1) give us some sort of counter for how many people are queing for EBG and BL’s, indefinate time queing is just silly and annoying

2) give us a GvG arena, which should allow you to wear your pve gear, and have matches of 15v15, 20v20 and 25v25 in an empty space, where players can spectate if they wish, with no objective other then killing eachother. firstly people wont block up wvw for gvg, secondly players wont have to server jump every time they want to play another guild perhaps in there own server, thirdly there will be no BL bloodlust, fourthly theres no chance of other players jumping in, fifthly it will give guilds more of a purpose and identity.

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


waiting a month and a half for exotic gear… yes i find that rediculous, i would be more then happy to delve into the deepest and hardest dungeons solo to fight and work for materials but just a massive long wait for exotics is a bit silly in my oppinion

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Um, to pretty much every response above please read first para of starting post

there is no way to get charged quartz crystals other then converting them at place of power once a day. (this is assuming you didnt unlock the node in home instances)

I know you can convert them once a day, and i know you could of got a node.

my point is that if you didnt get a node then this material is now silly, it takes far too long to get for what it is. a day for a fifth of a piece of an exotic insignia that is account bound… and there is no other way to get it now cliffs is closed!

meaning for one set of gear ive got to wait 45 days in total….

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Now that Labyrinthe cliffs is closed there is no way to get charged quartz crystals other then converting them at place of power once a day. (this is assuming you didnt unlock the node in home instances)

Is there any possibility of more ways being added, its not like im after ascended gear… and i already have to spend more on recipes then for any other set, at the current limit its possible to make 1 celestial insignia a day, which means for a full armour set and staff and d/d it would take 45 days to craft 1 set…

isnt this just a little bit unfair and too much work for an exotic set ? when cliffs was up it was fine cause you could do stuff to earn more, though now its just a bit over the top?

p.s. sorry if this topic has already been raised, search function isnt working

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Elementalist water trait XI bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Sighs gonna keep doing this till it gets some form of reply, it may be minor but i find it irritating

sorry to do this but… bump

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Elementalist water trait XI bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


not that i think anyone really cares about this bug except me…

but… bump

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Elementalist water trait XI bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Elementalist trait water XI says you remove a condition when granting regeneration to yourself or an ally

Dwayna superior rune 6 says grant regeneration to you and all nearby ally’s when you use a healing skill

Therfore if i have both of these things equipped i should remove a condition from myself and nearby allys whenever i use a healing skill, but it doesnt do that?

video link to demonstrate:

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

utility infusion purchasing in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


@Herr der Friedhoefe

you can buy the offensive and defensive infusions yes…

but there are three more utility infusions which are specifically for the amulet which arent available from wvw laurel vendor

in grand scheme of things i think both are pretty minor to be honest i mean for example +5 AR, i can get +100 toughness and 70 vitality with a food buff…

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

utility infusion purchasing in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Hey, why can we not buy utility infusions from WvW laurel vendors?

is this a accidental omission, or we just not allowed them cause they dont really add to a chars strength which is what WvW is about?

cause as much as im decicated to improving my chars strength for wvw, 20% MF is infinitely better then getting 4 power

other then this i love the update, anything that makes wvw worthwhile is nice (assuming the seige bug gets fixed)

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

IMO, Ele is dead - 30th April Patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


they may as well of just deleted elementalists

well done Anet you’ve completely killed the coolest class

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406



“You veil in and blind side a your enemy, you rely on your first push to down your target, you hammer over the top to stun, and you use your ranged dps to blitz down the target. "

Um yeh, if you have the ability to take the red things down with one hit then that sounds like a reasonable idea?

Use skill and tactics to avoid the veils and stuns and kill the squishy ranged people? Or gather more numbers to your group to make sure they cant kill you with one push?

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


all servers have the same map limit, therefore the same potential to get the same numbers (assuming its not night time or some other low pop time) , or choose to strategically divide those numbers to fight on two fronts…

the first two moves in a blob v blob is pretty obvious to all, as well as the moves required to avoid the opposition, then with chaos breaking out all arround and being able to get off the right attacks in right spot or support, and still surviving can be difference between death and life for your zerg as you take part in an epic battle.

By your reasoning, you could also say the small battles require little skill if your specced for it, and is beyond easy if you just pick on those who arent. Most who do it have there move combos pre-decided. and repeat it, in a rather dull small fight, whilst perhaps hearing chat of an epic fight happening elsewhere.

Ive been in zerg battles where we were heavily outnumbered and used skill and teamwork to win.

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


People here have been saying that blobbing is dull and wrecks the game as there is no skill involved

that may of been true whilst culling was on, then no matter the preperation you would die instantly and see the enemy 5 min later, or you would kill instantly then enemy would see you before it can hit

now that culling is off however, blob v blob is so much fun !

firstly you have to organise communication and make sure everyone knows what they are doing and that everyone has right build and buffs, which takes skill and good command. Then the commander has to have his tactics right which is not easy, and only a handful can mange it. Then the fight starts and all hell breaks lose as 50+ players bash at another 50+ players in what feels like a properly fast all out war, with commanders and players shouting instructions and warnings.

i know some people like the little intracacies of 10 v 10, but i personally find that rediculously dull and do not build my character for it. If i wanted that i would do spvp or a lower tier, instead i do wvw on gandara.

anyone who was at the bay battle on GBL at arround 23:00 gmt, with GA and AG and BB blob present who says they didnt have fun is either a liar or in the wrong game.

I didnt like blobs when every battle was decided by culling, but i love them now! I hope we do more of it and i hope the “skillful players” stop whining about it and try to use that skill to fight back.

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

(edited by Akkarrin.3406)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Akkarrin, answering your question on the screenshot. If i got you correct its AR BL bay, we attacked 2 gates at inner, one with golem and other with rams, the golem one took too long (switched to cata due golly loss actually). So when our guys appeared inside i was bit surprised myself and then found that wide open gate to walk through

yeh i know you were at all 3 for a bit we were outnumbered like 5 to 1 and communication is pretty poor so we sorta had to assume other two were fine :P as we focused everything on main zerg

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Let’s all join PS and get in on the fun!

Depressingly its actually made me really tempted to do that and try to join one of the guilds, zerg organised wvw guilds seem to be where all the fun is and where you should be going if you want to do well in wvw… but by jumping I’d just become a massive hypocrit and if to many of us do it Gandara is just doomed for wvw for now till end of days

Edit: woops meant to make last two posts into one post… failed miserably

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

(edited by Akkarrin.3406)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


grab a screenshot when the map is entirely green and post it plz.

These were taken after 10 of us in EB Gandara keep got pwned by RG

it goes:

15 min in to game (GB)

20 min

35 min (AR)

40 min


Underworld Battalion [WvW]

(edited by Akkarrin.3406)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


GL & HF guys lets have a good 1

When all the WvW guilds hop to the same server to beat up teir4 servers and unsurpriseingly take over all 4 maps within 10 minutes its kinda impossible for those poor sods left behind to HF and GL wont do much good either… thanks anyway though ¬_¬

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

Remove Rally ability from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Idea: Remove the ability to resurrect yourself by killing opponents in WvW, or modify it in some way

Reason: WvW is seemingly designed so that a new player can join in without being a hindrance (other than taking up space on the server which I’ve never seen anyone care about) and know they will almost certainly be welcome to play. But the system of rally means that they can be a negative aspect to a battle, because when they die the other side gets ressed. I have recently seen how seriously certain “pro” players can take this when a guild who hopped to my tier4 server were being rude anti-social and borderline abusive over team chat in their efforts to stop players following their zerg (cause they didn’t want “noobs” to rally the other side), I can only imagine how desperate these efforts must be on tier1 servers.
Since then I have been paying more attention to this aspect in zerg battles and notice that rally is a lot more common than you think it is when you first start out and have noticed players repetitively getting dieing rallying others getting ressed and dieing again who have prob lost us several battles.
It is my opinion that no one should ever have the opportunity to be a hindrance in PvP, and there should never be a reason for groups of players to want to exclude others especially on the lower tier servers.

Major change I’m suggesting and I’ll be amazed if it happens, but don’t ask then don’t get… and I still have the benefit of seeing the game through a new persons view of it

Underworld Battalion [WvW]