(edited by Alek Seven.2374)
Showing Posts For Alek Seven.2374:
You can’t change stats on ANY ascended backpack/ring/amulet, so yes, you are stuck with theses stats.
They removed it from Ranked, its still in Unranked though. Sad, at least it was different than point vs point.
1) Holosmith. I LOVE it. Great DPS, Photon Forge mode is well made (I took a screen and its my wallpaper now). The thing is, it lack Stability (unless traited), stunbreak and the Healing is poor compared to the turret.
2) Firebrand, Soulbeast, Scourge, Renegade, Weaver and Mirage : As soons as i saw they were condies, i didn’t bother to keep playing them.
3) Spellbreaker : I’m curious about this spec, i don’t know if i like/dislike, i want to play more to be sure.
I immediatly fell in love with Holosmith, Idk why but all the other elites became boring in 5 minutes. I’m still not sure about Spellbreaker, its a good concept to rip boons, even though i prefered to see the mesmer as the SB.
Yes, i think Kits counts too.
Replace the T by a N and look : (Sorry Anet/people, thats what i see)
T I G G E R.
In order : Holosmith, Soulbeast (along with a friend), Mirage, Renegade, Weaver, Firebrand, Spellbreaker, Deadeye, Scourge.
What is Grieving and how you get that ?
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/path-of-fire/ theres the infos
Mirage/mesmer : MH Axe
Renegade/Revenant : Shortbow (Kalla Scorchrazor)
Holosmith/Engineer : MH Sword
As I know, wasn’t Reaper supposed to be a pure DPS spec ?
if yes – Well, at least people managed to turn it into a condi ’’spec’’ so look, its gonna be a real condi spec and it will be converted into a Healing spec.
Also , if you plan on getting ’’stronger’’ stats like Viper, Trailblazer, Minstrel’s, DO NOT craft exotic of theses because with ascended you can do a ‘’stat swipe’’ in the mystic forge (it removes infusions and runes). I also made you a real fast-made list of how you can get ascended items.
Trinkets : Fractals (buy/drop), LWS3 Maps, Guild Missions, Laurels, Raids, Ranked sPvP, WvW skirmishs.
Armor : Crafting, Fractals (buy/drop), Some Achievements, Loot (mabye Silverwaste map) , Raids, Ranked sPvP, WvW skirmishs, Guild Missions.
Weapons : Crafting, Fractals (buy/drop), Some Achievements, Loot, Raids, Ranked sPvP, WvW skirmishs, Guild Missions.
Back Items : LWS3 Maps, Raids, Mystic Forge (go see the recipes), Some Achievements, Some crafts, certain Raids.
If it turns to be another P/P full kit condi / Hammer bunker (sPvP) build for 2 years after again , i will ditch my Engineer for good-oh wait, already did.
(edited by Alek Seven.2374)
Does /stuck and not moving works ?
What is your Division ? I heard Silver has a bot pollution problem and , yes, Bots do exist in pvp, there’s treads about that and the description you gave is one of the way to ’’unmask’’ them.
I had to ’’force’’ the opening by open it directly from the GW2 folder and it worked. How much time will it work/it is a good idea ? Good question, I don’t know, but for the very least, it works.
Windows 10 64bit, Gw2-64bit too
The game just shut down for no reasons and when i wanted to open it back this message appeared .
‘’This application can not run on your pc’’ ‘’To find a version for your pc, ask the software publisher’’
. Whats going on ?
It’s been a while since I stopped caring about my rating , now i’m basically doing it for the Reward Tracks (sPvP/League) but I won’t purposefully make my team lose (except one time because of this guy, don’t do what I did)
. See, there are people who really want to win that they start cheating/hacks/etc, thoses who had the competitive spirit but they lost it because of the reasons before and thoses who just stay in the background chilling and not even the worst insult will make them stop.
Do you have the build ?
At least thieves have another build that is not the overused D/P .
‘’Dragons were not always the main antagonists of Guild Wars 2. According to The Making of Guild Wars 2 book, original drafts for story included demons and angelic beings descending to the world to judge it.’’
I miss playing my old Power LB Ranger in PvP, back in the days, today, if i don’t play the Holy Meta build, i just need to shove my mother’s credit card in the arteries.
You are kinda true JT, I’m sick of Conquest mode, it’s almost being like that for 5 years. TDM ? It worked, in ranked ? I don’t think it got there . Stronghold ? Made his way in ranked, swiftly removed cause idk the reasons (can someone enlight me on this one please ?).
Where do you guys see Livia ? I must be blind to not see her.
If we are Lucky Anet will do the same for the new ones.
Hopefully soon
though to be honest ele determines whether I buy it or not
Engi, Rev and Mesmer are making me curious and Ele really need a real Melee weapon, not like that dagger posing as a melee with its 600 range.
If we are Lucky Anet will do the same for the new ones.
This is nice and all but can we get trailer for the next specializations soon?
There were ’’trailers’’ of the elite specs before they were released one-by-one . It was official released btw.
https://youtu.be/hFRDATOe6lE heres one of them.
Thats why you should never craft exotic HoT’s stats cause you might regret your choice and with Ascended, it costs way more expensive but at least you can change the stats.
‘’Mom : My new daughter is so beautiful. I’ll call her Sarah.’’
‘’The Doctor’’ : Sorry Sarah was already taken, but Sarah1234 is available.’’
i proudly named my female norn mesmer Siobhán McMahon after the same Siobhán in the novel serie ’’Sweep’’ .
Morgan Rowlands read a book with her boyfriend Hunter about Morgan’s ancestor , Rose MacEwans (by her father Ciaran MacEwans). Back in Ireland 1654, Rose fell in love with a man named Diarmuid a Leapvaughn (witches who are the most mischievous of the Wiccan Great Clans) , she tought they could marry but Diarmuid was already betrothed to Siobhan (a Vikroth, witches Warriors) by his parents. After Diarmuid’s betrayal, Rose turns to dark magicks before her execution (they were about to burn her alive) , she unleash a Dark Wave which completely burn Diarmuid’s and Siobhan’s village.
Because her executor died too, she was freed. Shen then goes to the village and she finds Diarmuid’s and Siobhan’s coprses, hugging before death.
If people are thinking : ‘’Hey there’s mounts in this game , i’m gonna play’’ NO! If you are playing this game/ came back from a break just for the mounts, you shouldn’t be here.
[Keep GW2 different] : This game was different before Raids came and now mounts. Am I playing GW or the clone of a clone ?
If people think it will be condi just because Ranger and Thief SB are condi , you might get a huge surprise (Minstrel Shortbow Renegade).
An hybrid weapon : power and the utilities can be the preparations from GW1 that will turn the skills condi . Thats my speculation.
-my always working PC crash as soon as i enter in pvp
-conquest as the only ‘’playable in ranked’’ make me feel like its not real PvP
-I got exposed to too much unstable losing energy atomic nucleus emitting radiations which the players call ’’toxicity’’.
Elite Specializations - were a terrible idea
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Alek Seven.2374
Elites should be Split from core in pvp. You play à core build in pvp, you’ll most likely get trashed by your team
or ,in some rare cases, death treathened.
Edit 04/07/5:13 am : Or remove elite specs from pvp and wvw and Only keep it to pve. Radical change to radical problems.
(edited by Alek Seven.2374)
Damage nerf on rifle = Rifle becomes useless (even if it is already ).
And where does it scream that it will be condi ?
Since Razah is from the Mists, technically speaking he can be potentially immortal? If yes : lets recruit him for Dragon’s Watch !!!
“I travelled with heroes what it seems years ago. You remind me them, it will be a pleasure to work with you.”
Edit : wait à minute, hé is from the Mists and revenants channels it, so if he comes back as a rev himself ?
(edited by Alek Seven.2374)
As I know , the Reaper was supposed to be à Dps spec right ?
The chrono quickness / alacrity is just like Lego : it looks really hard and scary at first but if you follow the notice, you can achieve good result. (I Was one of them Who got bored and used the books to lvl up , still funny to play tho)
I have all of them, but I way prefer : Condi/power DD (dardevil thief), Power Reaper, DH, Chrono, Revenant and Scrapper. I Cant give details, im typing from my phone, will edit when possible.
Thats what PvP need, more light angels ready to help the new souls to reach the Mists battlefield.
I might be slow but what is TOS?
They added à 5sec CD on Jade winds ( cause too much spams).
I’d like to see à poll for which class is your main, thanks to the one who’ll make it.