Showing Posts For Alnear Leavar.7453:

Does lore matter?

in Lore

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I think what they could do, is simply have Scarlet be defeated. Maybe not have her be killed, but have her be arrested and thrown in jail. Then you could hint at darker tidings which Scarlet refuses to talk about. Sort of like what Nolan’s The Dark Knight did with the Joker (he also got arrested eventually, only to escape again). It’s realistic to have the villain fail every now and then.

Usually when I write a villain for like say a DnD campaign, the villain tends to get rounded up pretty quickly. Then I place the players in a situation where they actually have to work together with the villain to achieve mutual goals. Or maybe the villain is set free by an ally of the players, for reasons unknown, and this turns this ally into a villain instead.

So imagine this scenario: We defeat Scarlet, and Kiel has her thrown in jail. A week later, Scarlet is visited by Queen Jennah, who talks to her in private. Weeks later she is set free by the demand of Queen Jennah, without a reason given. Kiel protests this, and goes rogue to hunt down Scarlet. Kiel becomes an outlaw, and Scarlet becomes a grayish villain. Jennah keeps her reason for setting Scarlet free a secret, and this leads to more mystery. As the new Living Story progresses, Scarlet occasionally drops in as villain or ally, but is no longer the main focus of the story.

Agreed. Or at least let us wound her pride or corner her. Desperate villains tend to do the most shocking things.

Does lore matter?

in Lore

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I think ANet needs to fire Bobby and everyone else on the lore team right now and rethink everything they’re doing, because Bobby and his buddies only know one way to advance the “plot” at this point:

Everyone is tired of it. The few who aren’t never give any good reasons they like Scarlet beyond “lol shes crazy crazy is kewl”

Hey, Dott. I get that you’re passionate about the game and that you’re not a fan of Scarlet but you’re not living up to the collaborative spirit of the forums. I’d take your feedback a lot more seriously if you weren’t so hostile and personal with your comments. Let’s keep things civil here.

I’d say a lot of that hostility comes from frustration though I agree people should be constructive in their criticism. Then again, cholerics exists so…

As for the topic… I think most of the anger comes from Scarlet character itself. Problem is a lot of players see her character as shallow. I’ll admit I don’t like her myself – she just seems too overpowered. Nothing we do in game really hurts her – we manage to uncover her tower and actually invade it, ah doesn’t matter because she knew that would happen anyway I guess… I get it, villains need some success in order to be threatening but Scarlet just comes of as someone who is trying too hard to look threatening.
Also, constant alliances come off as a little lazy and makes an experience of that particular part of LS a little worse even if the content itself is good. I think if she was a good villain no one (well almost) would mind her in Thaumanova fractal.
Just my opinion though and I’ll not go so far as to personally attack anyone. At the end of the day it’s just a game and I still enjoy playing it. Although good story would make the experience better by far.

Why Scarlet again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Next thing we’ll find out that Scarlett woke the dragons.

Mordremoth & Bubbles alliance!

anet has great customer support

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I agree, great customer support. EA should learn something from that.

Did scarlet give us a clue?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Hmm this seems very familiar somehow…

Will you choose to:
Destroy the tower
Control the tower
Send out a synthesis spore to combine all the races of Tyria into one master race.

Just remember not to put the genophage in by mistake.

Your choices matter!

You can use your gas mask skin to summon a Quaggan named Talihoo!

Us poor Solo Players

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

My main is a thief. As a person who enjoys playing the stealthy character, I do tend to favor running. It was always really fun when I could run through (with the assistance of infiltrator arrow and some traits) and then stealth, and I was safe. I still enjoy running jumping puzzles with my main because I can use stealth to grab the end chest without having to fight the mob standing on top of it. I guess I just can’t get over the fact that stealth no longer resets agro.

My main is also a thief and even in my golden rts days I loved stealth so yeah. It is much easier to run if you have shadow refuge and other tools at your disposal. However, if I ran into a group I’d join them and help out. It paid off quite nice when I helped one unfortunate soul who died – same person rezzed me a bit later when I was downed cos of a stupid mistake I made. I would recommend to my fellow thieves to NOT go in as glass cannons though. My thief has 17.6k health on SB and 18+ on d/d with traits which grant regen. It helps a LOT. That is until another runner pulls a to of mobs while you are resting in that air purifier bubble. Sure, the damage I do is smaller cos of that, but for solo running in the tower health>damage.
Final instance is easy enough to do and with sharpening stone + food damage deficiency is lessened anyway. And since I do only PvE I do not need a glass cannon.
I do agree with aggro on stealth – it also makes our downed 3 completely useless.
Sorry for possible spelling mistakes, writting this from my phone at work.


I do have to give a shoutout to an awesome commander I ran with who had a policy of leaving no one behind. With more people like that we wouldn’t be forced to run solo so much.

Does anet hate glass builds?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I’d like to know that also. My zerker thief has been yo-yoing up and down for like 30-40 times and it’s 3rd floor that gets me. Only time i’ve made it to the top is when i sumbled to a large zerg. Not that i’m complaining because i support challenges and all but it is beginning to hurt my wallet, i’m poor and 5 silver per yo-yo game times 30 makes a dent in my wallet.

All i’ve learned about the tower is in 3rd floor if you solo and stop to rez someone you’re dead, if you get stunned you’re dead, if you go with a small group to clear the path you will all die thanks to the respawn.

i like the instances tho, but the road to get to them is starting to kitten me off.

I play a thief also and I was able to get up ok without dying… Although I do not run a glass build. On 3rd level I was relying heavily on my stealth though and on SB skill 5 to travel very fast past the mobs. All this with some dodging should do the trick. I also gain swiftness on dodge and leave caltrops. It may sound like nothing but it can just sneak you by in the last moment.
How much health do you have? I’m running around with around 17.5k, 18 with d/d. But my advice if the zerg is not around is RUN LIKE HELL and hope all passages are open.

Black Lion Ticket Scraps

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Meh… I REALLY want that new shortbow but I will not pay for gems. I can’t afford it. I traded gold for gems a little and got like 3 minis (2 scarlet, 1 caithe) and only 1 scrap… But I’m not spending real money on gems, I’ve got a baby on the way and currently I don’t have an euro to spare… Do I want that skin? Yes, very very very much. But I guess paying for the game was not enough… I don’t except things to just fall in my lap – I know I will never own a legendary weapon, or ascended armor/weapons for that matter, but I can’t get one little skin without paying real money? Well… thanks

New legendaries coming? Pretty anxious!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I hope they will add more… serious shortbow. The dreamer is nice and all but I can’t get myself to make it since it doesn’t fit at all with my thief character.

Chat (exept party) not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I have a problem with chat system in game. All chats (whisper included) don’t show my or other players messages. First it started with map and say and now also guild chat doesn’t work. It bothers me very much and I would like to know what can be done. Thanks.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

For the gift section – I always go right second to last row all the way up… It never exploded on me… After gifts on that peppermint watch out for blowing wind – it can ruin your day. After that also watch for red circles (where the balls roll) cos they will chill you.

Overall it’s not that hard and you don’t need to have lightning fast reflexes. Most common mistake is to just rush and not think. Also, for me the snowman path is the easiest. If you are maybe on Gandara, you can add me and I’d be glad to help you out – I lead my friend who always failed also.

Bell Choir is awesome

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Oooh yes please keep it after Wintersday also. I like it very much and it’s nice to relax a bit after all the jumping and killing… It’s really awesome

Famous last words.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

cliffside fractal

“Here, let me show you how to avoid that wind blowi……….”

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Well I wanted to spend about 50€ on gems but why do I need gems for if I get the best drop in the game – POROUS BONES. It’s gotten to the point where porous bones are an inside joke in our guild. Porous bone, greatest and hardest obtainable item in the game. Yay.

winters day final event reward

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I have a question about this final reward, since I wasn’t really active in GW 2 due to work related stuff… In about 13 days I am leaving to my fiancee so in those 13 days can I do all the stuff needed for final reward or… How is it obtained? Thx for the answer.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Meh… I logged on today and wanted to gather vicious claws for my Ascended item but after i got nothing but some junk (didn’t expect vicious claws, just maybe also some stuff I can sell and then buy VC from TP) I just quit… There is no fun left in PvE sadly, except dungeons (for me) but after todays session I lost the will to play them either… So I’ll just go on and play Baldur’s Gate 2 + ToB… At least that’s not a chore…

Dec 3 patch notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I don’t expect this to be answered cos even the “official” theme is ignored but… Are PvE loots working as intended or are they bugged? Cos it’s really poor…

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Same for me, I just wait for friends then we go to dungeons, usually fractals cos the best loot is there. I just hope the “fix” won’t be to nerf dungeons to same level as open world…

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Let’s see, logged on and was just in time for Plinx event – didn’t do anything except killed two mobs ( :O ) before, so no DR. In Plinx event I got 21 (!!!) porous bones, some blues and one green and i think 3 bags… Logged out and will wait for my friends to come so we can go to fractals together and hope to gods someone doesn’t get disconnected.

I’m sorry I don’t like to complain but it’s really not fair that this thread got attention only because of the other thread which reported good drops, this thread is older… And that “this one SEEMS ahead” well it shouldn’t seem ahead, it should be ahead, looked at and at least someone could tell the players if it’s a bug or not. Oh yeah, before I logged out there was a champion abomination – didn’t drop anything, so…

It's great being a Guardian, isn't it guys?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I took a little break from my main thief and rolled a guardian… I’m low level but I can say I’m having some of the most fun I did in this game since quite awhile.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

18 (!!!) porous bones in half an hour. Other stuff included some blues and two whites.

Second FotM guild for Europe!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Add me too please Although me and my friend are only lvl2 but are looking to progress

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I was just in Orr doing the Grenth chain and I got 1 rare, ton of blues and some greens… And again a LOT of porous bones. I will go again to Orr later and see what will happen, but compared to Fractals drops Orr is not worth it :/

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I get a ton of porous bones… Other drops are usually just blue or junk. But at least I have a lot of porous bones -.-

Fractals Casual Club

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Yeah, I’ve been looking for lvl 1 group a bit long now can’t seem to find one :/

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I’d like to give a big shoutout to everyone at the EU server, it was AWESOME

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

had a problem with connection, up not accepting PM’s from EU

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I’m in the overflow in EU if anyone wants to join send me in game: Alnear

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

If any1 has on EU invite please: Alnear

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I am one of the unlucky ones too… But seeing that ANet answered and is willing to fix the thing for us, I am a bit comforted. I got to the second reinforcment, my armor destroyed then sadly things stopped working for me. Honestly, I liked the event up until that point even with reinforcments being a bit much and not being get in the game again it made me actually feel bad, even if usually I don’t care for that things much (didn’t care much for being d/c-ed at the boss of one fractal with him having 50% health and us being strong on him). So thanks for looking into it ANet, and being prepared to solve this so we will all be happy.

In my opinion, Fractals of the Mist is a complete fail.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

@OP hah you think you’re out of luck try having a friend who does nothing but constantly complainst, then says “i’m done” at the FINAL boss (legendary dredge suit) and leaves, him being the party leader btw.. :P I wanted to punch him over skype YET… I still enjoyed the dungeon. I am not level 80 yet nor do I have exotic gear but I really like Fractal… Shame that it has that disconnect bug though.

No one should ever go to Lost Shores..

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

At first when we all went to Southstone Cove I didn’t get any loot either, not from veterans or young ones… But after things got a bit “quieter” young karkas starter to drop some nice loot, including a consortium skin for a rebreather which was quite satisfying.

How to play the thief professionally!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Try that on a champion, see how it goes then

Not sure if bug but still...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Ah, ok thanks for answering it just wasn’t logical to me… Shame about resets though, the stacks should remain (even though it’s not SO hard to get them back, but still..)

Not sure if bug but still...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I purchased a sigil of corruption which stacks condition damage to 25 and ends on DOWNED… But it doesn’t state it also ends on changing zones? Is this normal or not, everytime i leave the zone (caledon forest to harathi hinterlands for example) I loose all the stacks :/

Why did you choose Thief first?

in Thief

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I chose thief cos I love sneaky and high mobility classes. Also I love the dynamic playstile of thief in PvE. And the cool hookittenep on transmuting every few levels :P

Thursday, november 15 - prediction for thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I predict soloing in PvE for my thief will be even harder… Seriously though I feel as if ANet listens just to PvP players complaints and then nerfs thieves not taking into regard its PvE capabilities :/. Yes (for now) I can solo in PvE although certain parts are giving me much trouble as opposed to my ranger friend.

As for Death Blossom I got myself sigil of corruption which stacks condition damage (25 stacks) and combined with calltrops does decent damage… But without any buffs to condition damage, DBs bleed damage is not really something to gasp at. Also using it on high ledges and narrow bridges can lead to some very humurous moments. I’m not running a glass cannon build and I still get in trouble with multiple mobs (I mix my playstyle with d/d+sb and s/p+sb) and it gets tiresome sometimes running in circles spamming cluster bomb while waiting for thieves guild to recharge again. I will wait though and see what changes ANet brings and will judge later, but for PvE players thief is becoming harder and harder to play on solo, which is a shame.

Phrases you'll never hear in GW2:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I have one!

“I love the drop rate of black lion keys!”

Next gw2 Expansion Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

This thread seems to call my name!!

First of all

a new Soldier Class:

Shadow Knight class

a new Adventure Class:

Demon Walker class

a new Scholar Class:

Monk class

let me know what you think of the ideas.

I need to update the info on them. Many of them come from pre-GW2 Mechanics info.

Wow, the Shadow Knight and Demon Walker are right up my alley, I love the undead theme (I was always gonna pick the undead in Warlords: battlecry series). I know there is necromancers in this game but they don’t seem very… necromantic. Anyway I’d also love to see some kind of race based on the undead but that’s just me being morbid.

Ask a quick question, get a quick answer.

in Guardian

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Quick question:

Any way to increase movement speed for exploring on map? Currently I play a thief on PvE and I like to be fast in going from point A to point B.

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Well the waiting sometimes was a bit tedious, but mostly we had so much fun while waiting it was quite nice. I loved Clocktower, played it even after finishing it for the first time just for fun.

Halloween Phase 4 Heads Up

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

I’m planning a wedding with my fiancee, planning a baby, finishing my faculty and also working… Those achievements didn’t take a long time to do (admittedly I didn’t do Mad Kings dungeon due but that was due to an illness). Then again I did warn my better half that she is marrying a gamer and to my delight her response was “we will play together”.

I think an hour or hour and a half per day you could do all 3 acts without much trouble as to my knowledge the dungeon wasn’t really long or hard and act 1 and 2 are easy to do.

Halloween Phase 4 Heads Up

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

We were like SECONDS from killing the dragon in Sparkfly fen -.-

Halloween Phase 4 Heads Up

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

Me too, I’m waiting for new build cos I don’t want to get thrown out of game in the middle of hostile zone

What got you motivated to beat the Clock Tower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

At first I just wanted to beat my friend to it. But then I found it incredibly fun and finished it more than once – first time without any boosts cos my friend “forgot” to mention that booster haste still applies in the puzzle :P.