Showing Posts For Anka.5086:
The only thing you have to be aware of: Distortion share has kitten icd. So if you see a green circle, do not summon any phantasms or use SoI, as it may block you from sharing Distortion.
Thanks for pointing that out. This no green circle tactic is extremely annoying. xD
(edited by Anka.5086)
Ok, so lets clarify the mechanics here.
Distortion share is accomplished with a minor trait in the inspiration line. The trait makes it so that when you, the mesmer, receive distortion, it provides 1 second of distortion to 5 nearby allies. This effect has a 5 second internal cooldown and can be procced by any source of distortion. The sources of distortion you can use include distortion on signet cast, coming either from actually casting a signet or the trait from casting a phantasm -> signet. You can also provide distortion from the actual distortion shatter itself. None of your distortion sources are inherently aoe. The only aoe is provided by the trait.
Now as for your general comments on it being a ton of things to watch when you’re the tank…yeah, it is. Ultimately you do have to pay attention to a bunch of stuff and execute the distortion share perfectly every time. It’s not an easy thing to do, and it takes practice and experience to pull it off.
Thank you for the clarification, much appreciated.
Hey, I’m trying to understand no green circle tactic at vale guardian. From what I understand each Mesmer suppose to give distortion to their own subgroup using SOI assuming the raid setup is mirror 5-5. My question is how do u time this as chronotank? You have to watch out for 4 things; blue circles, good rotation, green circle duration, time your SOI + move the boss at the correct time by keeping your eye on the timer. It’s like looking at your left and right at the same time whilst running in the jungle at night trying to avoid hitting your head to a tree. 1 mistake and u’re going to smash your face into the tree. It’s still bad for the 2nd dps mesmer but they can at least afford to just focus on timing the green circle since they don’t have to tank and move the boss.
I need few clarifications;
1) Mesmers give distortion using SOI to their own subgroup to survive no green circles
2) F4 gives distortion to random players so using this will mostly likely make you miss giving distortion to your own subgroup team mate so it’s better to use SOI.
3) You can also give distortion to your own subgroup by summoning phantasm using sword skill 5 and shield skill 4 which procs illusinary inspiration > blurred inscription >Inspiring distortion
4) Can you also maximise distortion time sharing to your subgroup by F4 shatter 3 phantasm and then SOI?
If all of this is wrong; Can a more experienced mesmer with no green circle tactic explain this to me in detail? Thanks.
for those players who don’t have the time to farm 600 crystaline ore
Hey, I finally got my 6 leadership runes. But i’ve been trying to find an alternative that is much easier and cheaper to get. What do you guys think of ‘Superior Rune of the Water’? It gives 20% boon duration which is 10% less than what you get from Leadership runes.
(edited by Anka.5086)
I apologise for using that word and for some of the inconsiderate things I said. You’re right, this game did change significantly since HoT. Some would say for better, I’m in that group. I suppose ANET should have thought more about casual players like yourself when they designed HoT content. Since in the very beginning their market strategy was to appeal to more casual MMO players. And raid content does require lot of time and effort in the beginning for players to attain necessary experience before they can start doing raids under 2-3hrs. I hope they will soon design a separate Lege armor that’s not hidden behind contents like raids.
Hit me up in game. If you want to do any raids I will be more than happy to add you to my raid run.
We already got the DPS-test Area in the Aerodome and we got a PvP Buildtest-area.
I would like to suggest a similar kind of Buildtest-Area for PvE in the same region as the DPS tester.
Pretty much the same system as pvp test area just that you can choose stats for weapon, armor and trinkets instead of just an amulet.
This way people are encouraged zo play arround with builds, without the fear of loosing money or time.What do you think?
I already made a topic on this subject
You maybe interested to read all the good ideas written by other forum users.
I mean people sell raid runs all the time, so people who don’t actually raid can get legendary armor. This is one of the arguments. Therefore, how is it prestige. You can’t look at the armor and know that someone wasn’t carried through raids.
At the end of the day though, it can’t be a prestige item if people can buy runs, so there’s no real point in locking it behind raids.
You don’t sound like a player who raids. But regardless of that did you look at the price for each boss? 150g/LI per boss. Good luck farming 30,000 gold. If you can generate that much gold than you deserve Lege armor and it will be a good prestige for accomplishing that goal. I doubt 90% GW2 players can generate anywhere near that amount. Jesus! I encourage you to read few books on logical reasoning.
If the stuff you need from raids would be sellable on the trading post, that would be better, because the game would handle the transaction instead of having to trust your gold to a guild you may or may not know.
Nope, again my dear lazy GW2 player. You either work for this ultimate prestige item by playing raids or you will never get it. Just because you have gold or money doesn’t make you a unique flower. Alternatively, you can pass your account to mr. lee from next door. I’m sure you know what i mean.
And if raiding is so easy anyone can do it, then it’s not a prestige item in the first place, thus another path to getting the armor is viable.
The part which makes Lege armor unique is you don’t just go around and craft items. You have to show your skill in raids every week and work towards a goal. Cooperate with team mates to achieve a common goal. Overcome obstacles in unique raid fights. Getting Lege armor is like shouting to everyone in Lions arch that you’re a successful veteran raid player. It’s the same story with PvP League. Lot of players can still get to high ranking by taking advantage of match making. But that doesn’t make other high ranking players in PvP league less prestigious. When I see a player in Lions arch with Lege or Diamon tag I immediately think ‘He must be a good player in PvP’‘. Or even PvP Legendary backpiece.
This Lege armor will be our prestige as raiders. And I repeat; RAIDING IS FAIRLY EASY! I organise successful raids every week on my own since day 1 of raids with pug players. The only challenging part about any PvE content is that initial time period for players to get used to high skill requirement. Once you’re over that barrier the overall skill difficulty never changes. It stays at that level. The problem with players like yourself is you either don’t have the time to do raids to overcome that skill barrier or you’re hardcore PvP and you don’t like PvE content. I also don’t like PvP but I like PvP Lege backpiece. You don’t see me going around in subforums asking for PvP Lege backpiece to be avalaible in PvE content. Because I know it’s a prestige item for good PvP players. Keep in mind that I have Lege PvE backpiece I dont even use it because I don’t like how it looks.
(edited by Anka.5086)
The question we should be asking is; Why aren’t they asking for a separate Lege armor that can be obtained outside raids?
And what, wait 2-3 years for Anet to make it? Thank you, i’ll pass…
Let me answer that question myself; they’re not asking for a separate Lege armor because they don’t have any guarantee it’s going to be to their liking.
No. I am not asking for separate Legendary Armor because i doubt Anet would ever do one, and i am certain that even if they did, it would take years. I mean, just look as long this one is in development already.
They should have started working on several sets at the same time. That would have avoided the whole problem (or at least most of it). Unfortunately they didn’t, and now we have to live with the consequences.
Or maybe you’d be willing to wait for Raid armor till the sets for other contents will be developed?
As raiding community we already did wait for 1 year by the time they actually get released it will be probably be around 1,5 years. If you want Lege armor so badly and you dont care about lege armor representing prestige; why are you so impatient to get it together with the raiding community? Mind you, the only reason it took this long for lege armor was nothing short of bad resource management. From what we understand they didn’t even start on designing legendary armor up until 5-6 months ago. If we look at ANET’s new legendary weapon release time span. It takes them about 4 month to design 1 Legendary weapon. I’m pretty sure next set of legendary armor will probably take less than 6 months.
It still doesn’t justify alienating an entire raiding community just because some players are either too lazy or don’t like doing raids so therefore we should do everything in our power to make them happy. I don’t think it works that way. I like PvP Lege backpiece but I don’t like playing PvP. Do you think it will be fair on PvP players if i get that item outside of PvP? That item will no longer be regarded as prestigious item for PvP and justifiably it will be unfair on players who got that item for representing PvP prestige.
Lol love when the OPs delete all their posts in a thread….
haha, I just noticed it. I wonder why he did it? Maybe he finally understood his shortcomings and bought himself a commander’s tag to organise his own raids. Good for him.
Yeah sure, let me find a guild for raiding on lfg. Requirements to get in guild 100li with tonic and eternal title. THX FOR THIS SUGESTION, NOW I NEED TO PUG TILL I FARM ALL THIS.
I got all my 184LI in PUG raids I organised for the the past 10months. I admit pug raids are more chaotic and players are prone to quitting after few failures. But regardless of that I still managed to defeat almost all of the bosses 90% of the time. I will give you the same advice I said to OP. Buy yourself a commander’s tag and learn all the necessary tactics to organise a raid which means watching few videos and doing some reading on how to organise good raids. You will no longer be at the mercy of others.
(edited by Anka.5086)
I haven’t seen that many complaints about differences between fractal and pvp backpack acquisition method.
That’s because they look different and therefore carry different prestige. If the PvP and Fractal back pieces looked the same, then there would (rightfully) be a lot of complaints about it. The same is true of legendary armor. If they add, hypothetically, a set of legendary armor that one can acquire in WvW, but looks different than the raid set, then no one from the raiding community will mind. I hope they do add more varied acquisition methods for different legendaries of the same type to different game modes! I still want my WvW back piece, and I still want my PvP weapon!
I wholeheartedly agree. I also made the exact same point in my previous comments that raiding community will not care if PvP players get separate Lege armor.
The question we should be asking is; Why aren’t they asking for a separate Lege armor that can be obtained outside raids?
When lege precursors were released in almost all forums pretty much majority of non-raid players were saying that they were glad Lege precursor looked bad because now they don’t have to do raids as they don’t really like it. I dare say most likely 90% of them changed their mind after watching Lege heavy armor trailer video. Most raiding community stuck with ANET’s promise to design good looking Lege armor because we knew they have talented devs and they will eventually deliver. We did raids every week for the past 10months without ever getting a glimpse at Lege armor design. Now you expect raiding community to let it go and allow non-raid players to obtain this without going through any of the hassle we did week-in, week-out. No freaking way!
Let me answer that question myself; they’re not asking for a separate Lege armor because they don’t have any guarantee it’s going to be to their liking. Tough luck, it means you have one option; You should start doing raids. Oh, you don’t like raids? Well then lege armor ain’t for you. Move on freebie players. There is nothing to see here.
(edited by Anka.5086)
I’m willing to go as far as to admit that perhaps ANET should have designed a separate Lege armor for players that they knew wouldn’t be interested in raids. But we’re well passed that point. If they make current raid Lege Armor available to players outside raids it’s not going to be fair to raid players. I started doing raids on the basis of Lege armor can only be acquired by playing raids as it was announced by ANET before HoT release. I put time and effort to get required 150LI, and because it’s limited to raids a lot of people like me concluded it as the ultimate prestige item in GW2.
If you’re going to ask for Lege armor than it would be best to ask for new Lege armor that can be acquired outside raids. You can bet raid players will fight back tooth and nail to prevent any concessions on raid Lege armor. Don’t forget most forum topics are always filled with raid players so you know we have the ability to be loud.
I"m not saying it shouldn’t be a component of raids. I’m saying there should be an alternate route besides raids. The raid component wouldn’t have to change at all.
If there was another route to get them, people from all sides would be in here kittening about how “other route” has it easier and how Anet is clearly personally discriminating against them.
As opposed to now when Anet will devote months of resources to something a minority would have. Someone is always going to complain. I’m complaining right now. It doesn’t make me right. It doesn’t make Anet do it.
The question is which group is larger and which, according to Anet has the most valid complaint. Saying we shouldn’t ask for something because another group my complain is pretty much a pointless exercise, because right now, there’s a group that’s complaining.
Deal with the idea that it’s not going to change and start doing raids. We didn’t see any of these topics up until Lege heavy armor trailer was released. Anyone can do raids, it’s not difficult to defeat any of the boss at all. Other players have proven you can 6-man almost every boss with decent gear. All it requires is time and effort. You don’t have that? Tough luck, legendary armor is not for you. It’s the ultimate prestige item in GW2 and it’s not going to be handed like legendary weapon and backpiece candies. Freebie players like yourself will be glad to know lege armor wont be out for another 3-4 months. You have plenty of time to get required 150 LI. Gd Luck.
(edited by Anka.5086)
I think it will be brilliant to have the option to change our stats in SFTA. We can test different builds more effectively. Players can compare different builds before committing their hard earned gold. PvP build system that we have in Heart of the Mist will be more than adequate for SFTA.
Feel free to add other good ideas and your opinion about this idea.
(edited by Anka.5086)
So after the topic of “Easy mode raids”, “Training raids”, “Story mode Raids”. Its the time for the “Fractal like raids” so we can bring the same argument over and over again. Modes should start merging this topics.
If you dont have anything to bring to the table besides the “i want” stop creating topics like this. And do some research and will see a lot of bad reasons why this is not a good idea.
I made that ‘training raids’ topic :p. And I had good intentions, I was hoping it would increase the longevity of raid content updates by adding more players to raid population which will incentives ANET to put more resources to raid content. + Low exp and new players will finally get to practice boss fights and stop making topics on how bad veteran raid players are at treating low exp players.
I was in your situation when I came back to GW2 from 2months ragequit. Having quit the game after 3 weeks of fail runs on VG when it was first released. But I found myself in a situation where i couldn’t get in any raid runs because I didn’t have enough exp and required 15LI. But then I told myself, it’s not fair for me to join exp runs because these guys spent the last 2months polishing their gameplay, boss tactics and strategy, and their own builds. But now I want the privilege of riding on their success.
Now I will tell you how i solved my problem, and this solution will also work for you. Are you ready? It’s a very simple solution.
I started organising my own raid runs ever since that day. I organise my own raids with pugs every week and defeat all 9 boss. Now I’m standing on 185 Legendary insight. Best 300g I spent in GW2. Change your mindset and organise your own raids. Owning a commander tag will improve your game experience tremendously.
You should do yourself a favour by buying a commander tag. You will no longer be at the mercy of others. But make sure you prepare yourself by reading about raid compositions and responsibilities of every profession in all of the fights. You will be expected to know this as the raid commander. You can start by organising easy runs like the you’ve been doing up until now; VG, Gors, Sloth, Trio, Escort. Once you develop your overall control and command of the raid you can start doing the remaining hard bosses.
(edited by Anka.5086)
Veteran players came up with ingenious solutions for storing items way before HoT expansion. Create your own personal guild bank + Buy character slots from gemstore and create characters that you can use as your storage as 4x 20slot bags will give you 100storage each. If you do go for character idea you should consider creating a character that you may think about playing with in the future as older characters get better birthday gifts.
But with HoT expansion creating your personal guild bank storage is very hard now. You need to spend significant amount of gold and materials to enable guild bank and upgrades to get full 250slot storage.
Alternatively, you can buy 14 Bank tab. 30slot for each bank tab. We also use permanent bank access express with shared inventory slot making this combination the ultimate convenience for players with multiple professions. This combination allows you to access your bank anywhere and everywhere. No need to divide your foods amongst 9 of your professions.
(edited by Anka.5086)
In GW2 you can divide PvP into two groups;
- SPvP
- WvW
For SPvP you literally don’t need to buy a single gear. In SPvP everyone gets boosted to default level80. This is there to make PvP skilled based gameplay. Whilst in-game, all you need to do to get there is click on crossed sword icon on top left side of your screen and simply enter PvP lobby. This will teleport you to heart of the mist main lobby area for SPvP players. In this lobby area you have the option to make up and choose any build you want. When you are in heart of the mist lobby area click on Helmet icon in the middle of your screen. You can use this build window to select any stats, armor runes, weapon sigils and skill traits you want. Obviously, every profession (class) have there own specific primary stats that works for them. Some unique mixtures of stats, armor and sigils are only accessible if you purchase them using gold currency. But that wont matter until you start playing high rank games. But one thing you must have are weapons. Quality of weapons don’t matter at all. You can just buy fairly useless weapons in tradepost which can also be accessed in heart of the mist. You should also have some weapons when you first spawn as level1. You can even use them SPvP and they won’t make you any less effective. Again, because you select your stats in bulk in SPvP build area your own weapon and armor stats doesn’t have any effect in your actual stats in SPvP match and the game will never use them in SPvP match. It’s just there to give you your skill 1-5. Once the game starts you can’t change your skills.
Things are little bit different in WvW. This pvp game mode is all about epic fights between 3 different servers from anywhere between 100-200 players. And in this game mode your own gear stats do matter. You can still play this game mode even at level 1 and you will be boosted to level80 stats again. And that’s it. You wont get any other extra stats you would otherwise get from high tier armor. So, even if you’re very skilled and some how get isolated from your main server group and end up doing 1v1 solo fight against enemy player whom has full tier1 gear and you only have tier 3 gear. You are most likely going to lose that fight. But you will rarely get isolated in WvW. It’s mostly attacking castles and keeps together with a group of players around 50-100.
Both game modes are fun. If you want to master your profession you should play more SPvP game. You need to be very good at your profession to get to highest legendary tier.
Now, what to play in SPvP; you can never go wrong with thief or elementalist in SPvP. Elementalist have some fun skills to play. How does it sound to change all of your skills to 4 different magic elements with the press of a button? Fire, Water, air, earth. And each elemental form will give you unique skills.
Thief is just pain-in-*. It can zap around the SPvP map probing the enemy teams defence. Going behind enemy lines to disrupt their points. Just a nasty little stealthy devil. They have the highest burst damage in the game. In the right hands it becomes angel of death.
(edited by Anka.5086)
Isn’t there already one of these in the gem store? I’m pretty sure that’s what it does, although it might also destroy the armor while it’s at it. Been a while since I looked in the shop.
The upgrade extractor in gem store is one time use only. And it costs way too much for consumable item. 250gem for 1 extractor which is around 65gold is not justifiable.
Isn’t this a few months out of date?
The AFK timer for enchanted armors now will not begin until the “Battle in Tarir” meta-event has started.
Haha! I always played Tarir meta up until now assuming that we still had 30sec afk kick. After 4 years I’m still a noob. xD
Wonderful ideas from everyone, and now let’s hope ANET will heed our constructive suggestions which will most definitely improve everyone’s game experience.
I organise raids every week. For me rev is still an indispensable profession for my raids. That 33% boon duration + fury + 33% damage reduction + good cc. Simply replace useless necro for revs in almost every boss fight except matthias and sloth. And for that boss fight just get 1 necro. gg
I think new meta for raids is going to be; 3ele, 2Ps, 2druids, 1rev, thief (necro for few fights and DH is also going to be good), 1 chrono. I still don’t think we need 2 chronos. Chronos have such bad dps that 2nd chrono doesn’t justify for that extra 100% quickness uptime. You’re better of getting another Ele.
(edited by Anka.5086)
Tarir pre-meta lasts 14min long. During this period players in each one of the south, north, east and west gates participate in ‘Trial by fire’ mini-games to win gold enchanted armor. This is all fine, it makes meta interesting.
But the part that’s most annoying is pre-meta mini-game lasts for 14min! And you’re expected to stay in front of your keyboard throughout that time. If you become inactive for more than 30sec you will lose your gold enchanted armor. All you’re left with is silver enchanted armor.
I do understand why we have this method which is to prevent afk players from hoarding enchanted armors. What I’m asking for is; okay let’s keep this system but can you also make it so that if the player who won gold enchanted armor comes back and interacts with the enchanted armor in front of the gates they can get the gold enchanted armor they won in ‘trial by fire’ mini-game.
Edit: spelling mistakes
(edited by Anka.5086)
Gold needed does not equal difficulty.
Pvp back piece is no longer obtainable, you can still get The Pve backpiece.
Again Gold does not equal difficulty!
And the pvp player has to learn how to play against players to get wins to advance to get the backpiece within a very short time window unlike the Pve player who can incrementally get there’s all day every day
‘’All day every day’’
Wow! I can’t believe you dont see the irony in what you just said. You must be irony deficient. Realistically speaking, you can pass the first two divisions in PvP under 1 day because you can play ‘all day every day’. I know this because I’ve done it. And I’m less than average skilled PvP player. If I can perform this veteran PvP players can do this at 10x the speed.
Learn how to play against players? All you have to do is cap points and win match. Is that what you’re talking about? Even ANET’s recently announced that there are surprisingly low skilled players in legendary division and that’s why they decided to limit match making to solo and duo only. Get your head out of the sand.
I can’t believe you’re insinuating that PvE is a walk in the park. Haha. Cute PvP player. However, I will say this; PvE skill curve inclination is high at first and then once it reaches certain point it remains at that level until new PvE challenges are introduced and then it requires you to improve your skills again. Whereas, PvP skill curve is low at first and then continuously goes up because remaining at that skill level requires players to vigorously improve their own gameplay and team cooperation. Just to clear things up, I wasn’t suggesting that overall PvP game is easy. The point I was trying to make is acquiring legendary items in PvP gameplay will be very linear. Kill this, kill that, play this play that, reach this tier. PvE legendary backpiece forces you to go on an adventure all across tyria and pull resources from as much diverse events as possible. But in PvP this will never be possible. Legendary backpiece is a good example.
Don’t get me wrong, I actually enjoy doing all those PvE achievements to get my legendary items. It makes this game come alive and makes it feel everything in the game matters. But the point is PvE players have so much barriers to overcome. Whereas, the same thing can’t be said about PvP players. Case in point PvP legendary backpiece, you can start working towards it on day1 of buying your account. Gold is not the point here. It’s the barriers that PvE players needs to overcome just to get to start line. If PvP players get the same amount of barriers than it will be fair playing field. And I wouldn’t really mind. But I don’t think that’s possible in PvP because it’s a linear game mode and there isn’t much there for devs to design something that is as diverse PvE legendary missions. We can see that in PvP legendary backpiece missions. It’s nowhere near as diverse as PvE backpiece.
(edited by Anka.5086)
Why only raids? If we can get legendary weps in a variety of regular pve content why not the legendary armor? Not everyone likes raids and a top tier of equipment shouldn’t be exclusive only to those who want to raid.
Will there be other options and ways to acquire legendary armor is this the only way?
Simple answer is if they put it in PvP it’s going to be extremely easy. Kill this many enemy players, play this much of this hero and get this many kills with this profession. Get to this PvP tier. Use the PvP currency to get materials from PvP vendor. Mystic forge. GGWP.
How’s that going to fair to PvE players? It takes 3 months just to get all the time gated items. All PvP players did for legendary backpiece is take advantage of PvP mach making mechanic by abusing it and jumping to higher tiers much faster. Easy legendary back piece.
What did PvE players do for fractal legendary backpiece? 3 Months of pain staking research page farming. If you missed 1 day that’s 30+1 more day to complete your backpiece. All you have to do in PvP is win match and get to higher tier. That’s it. How is that fair?Devs made a big mistake by making PvP legendary backpiece. Hopefully, this will be the last time. I suppose they had to throw some bones to ’’SLOTH’FUL’’ PvP players whom refuse to play main game content.
Seeing how it was a 3 month minimum time gate for pvp players to get their wings your argument holds no substance.
hahaha! my argument is dismissed because they both take 3month to complete? Most University Bachelor degrees also take 3 years. But as we know some are more difficult to study than others. It’s the same thing with legendary backpiece. It’s way to easy to get PvP legendary backpiece. There isn’t any item requirement to reach higher PvP tier. No agony infusion. You don’t have to spend 70g on agony infusions or 150gold on Ascended armor. All you do is join PvP match and get to higher. You can adjust your stats for free any time. Hmm, very difficult.
Getting wins against players is harder hanngetting wins against AI, gold needed does not equal difficulty just saying….. weakest argument ever
And it was 3 months minimum if you achieved Legendary the first season and got enough wins to advance, which the majority of people did not do and right now the Ascension is no longer available while you can get Ad infinitum without any restrictions on time or skill level
2 New player just bought GW2. Player A decided to get PvP legendary backpiece. Player B decided to get PvE Legendary backpiece. Who’s going to get it first?
Now repeat that part about ‘’gold needed does not equal difficulty just saying’’.
Why only raids? If we can get legendary weps in a variety of regular pve content why not the legendary armor? Not everyone likes raids and a top tier of equipment shouldn’t be exclusive only to those who want to raid.
Will there be other options and ways to acquire legendary armor is this the only way?
Simple answer is if they put it in PvP it’s going to be extremely easy. Kill this many enemy players, play this much of this hero and get this many kills with this profession. Get to this PvP tier. Use the PvP currency to get materials from PvP vendor. Mystic forge. GGWP.
How’s that going to fair to PvE players? It takes 3 months just to get all the time gated items. All PvP players did for legendary backpiece is take advantage of PvP mach making mechanic by abusing it and jumping to higher tiers much faster. Easy legendary back piece.
What did PvE players do for fractal legendary backpiece? 3 Months of pain staking research page farming. If you missed 1 day that’s 30+1 more day to complete your backpiece. All you have to do in PvP is win match and get to higher tier. That’s it. How is that fair?Devs made a big mistake by making PvP legendary backpiece. Hopefully, this will be the last time. I suppose they had to throw some bones to ’’SLOTH’FUL’’ PvP players whom refuse to play main game content.
Seeing how it was a 3 month minimum time gate for pvp players to get their wings your argument holds no substance.
hahaha! my argument is dismissed because they both take 3month to complete? Most University Bachelor degrees also take 3 years. But as we know some are more difficult to study than others. It’s the same thing with legendary backpiece. It’s way to easy to get PvP legendary backpiece. There isn’t any item requirement to reach higher PvP tier. No agony infusion. You don’t have to spend 70g on agony infusions or 150gold on Ascended armor. All you do is join PvP match and get to higher. You can adjust your stats for free any time. Hmm, very difficult.
And let’s not forget about the fact that most PvP players abused the hell out of PvP match making system when legendary backpiece was first released. Face it, PvP players failed the initial test with legendary backpiece. There’s no way devs will make the same mistake again.
(edited by Anka.5086)
Why only raids? If we can get legendary weps in a variety of regular pve content why not the legendary armor? Not everyone likes raids and a top tier of equipment shouldn’t be exclusive only to those who want to raid.
Will there be other options and ways to acquire legendary armor is this the only way?
Simple answer is if they put it in PvP it’s going to be extremely easy. Kill this many enemy players, play this much of this hero and get this many kills with this profession. Get to this PvP tier. Use the PvP currency to get materials from PvP vendor. Mystic forge. GGWP.
How’s that going to fair to PvE players? It takes 3 months just to get all the time gated items. All PvP players did for legendary backpiece is take advantage of PvP mach making mechanic by abusing it and jumping to higher tiers much faster. Easy legendary back piece.
What did PvE players do for fractal legendary backpiece? 3 Months of pain staking research page farming. If you missed 1 day that’s 30+1 more day to complete your backpiece. All you have to do in PvP is win match and get to higher tier. That’s it. How is that fair?
Devs made a big mistake by making PvP legendary backpiece. Hopefully, this will be the last time. I suppose they had to throw some bones to ’’SLOTH’FUL’’ PvP players whom refuse to play main game content.
(edited by Anka.5086)
We need permanent upgrade extractor for runes and sigils that’re difficult to obtain. At the moment price of one upgrade extractor on gem store is 250gem which is roughly 63GOLD!!. WAY TOO MUCH for an item that can only be used once. But I think everyone will agree to pay 2k gem for permanent extractor.
At the moment I’m nearly done with buying 6 Leadership rune which costs either 100 ‘’Crystalline ore’’ or 75 ‘’Proof of Heroics’’. In the future, when another update forces us to change our builds I would hate to destroy those runes since it costs so much currency to purchase.
What’re your thoughts on this idea fellow raiders?
(edited by Anka.5086)
This guy must be lying to prevent other players from buying ToT. He must’ve got at least few Phospholuminescent Infusion. Few friends of mine opened around 5k and they got 2. This guy should have got more than 10-20.
Think about it for a second; precursors have somewhere around 0.79% with 2901 trials chance of dropping. You mean to tell me this item has lower drop chance than precursor? 100,000 ToT= less than 0.00001% chance. Haha! Good try. Don’t believe this guy.
(edited by Anka.5086)
Hey, one thing I like about MMO games is crafting. But like many crafting enthusiast most of the time I craft more pieces than I need so I’m forced to either sell them or delete.
But why don’t we just have the option to salvage materials that we craft? Like ‘Wool Vestments Lining’ or ‘’Mithril plated dowel’‘? I’m not saying we should get 100% of ingredients used in the crafting of the materials but maybe 50% or even 30%.
For example;
‘’Wool Vestments Lining’’ ingredient: 1x Bolt of Wool
1x ‘’Bolt of Wool’’ ingredient: 2x Wool Scrap
Salvaged ‘’Wool Vestments Lining’’ gives you: 1x Wool Scrap
Example 2:
‘’Mithril Plated Dowel’’ ingredients: 2x Mithril Ingot, 2x Elder Wood Plank
1x ‘’Mithril Ingot’’ ingredients: 2x Mithril Ore
1x ‘’Elder Wood Plank’’ ingredients: 3x Elder Wood Log
Salvaged ‘’Mithril Plated Dowel’’ gives you: 1x ‘’Mithril Ingot’’ or 1x ‘’Mithril Ore’‘, also, 1 ’’Elder Wood Plank’’ or 2x ‘’Elder Wood Log’’
Comments and other suggestions will be much appreciated.
The real question is : What is so difficult in the raid right now that needs an extra mode to overcome?
I mean the encounters are already ramping up in term of difficulty during the phases so normally once you get the basic mechanics of P1, you jump to P2 and learn the new added mechanics and so on.
Why have an easy mode to learn P3 if one is not able to go past P1?
Let’s go scientific!
- Link to Survey made by Mind101 reddit user;
I’m going to copy and paste his highlights of the survey;
What has kept people from trying out raids:
I have no GW2 raiding experience, and despite having the right ascended gear for it, people refuse to bring me along and I don’t get access/invited to guilds that do or might do learning parties.
It sounds like (from posts on places like Reddit) Raids require top-notch skill and equipment, and you are considered a hindrance if you don’t have both. That’s a bit intimidating…
I’m a casual, guildless player who doesn’t play often, and more importantly not regularly (maybe twice a month, when i can?). I wasn’t there at the beginning, and now, if I try to join a group, i can only try find pugs who are training for the raid. Those groups never fill. The other option is to join an “experienced group”, well, I’m not experienced, that would be a lack of respect for the other party if i were to join such a group.
Why people stopped raiding:
The gameplay is not fun at all since most of the time, you don’t even know what’s healing you or where damage comes from. You barely even have to dodge in order to survive. Raids in general don’t take advantage of GW2’s combat system in order to create fun, engaging gameplay. There are pretty much no exciting moments during a boss fight, so I tend to fall asleep before the boss is even finished.
Bored of looking for a guild that I both have fun with and can raid with. I hate corner staking and skipping mobs in instances, finding such a guild not disgusted by raid is a bit hard.
Not out of choice – most of my friends quit the game due to the state of things and time differences are hard. I’’d love to get into it but am worried if I don’t have the ‘right’ gear or knowledge that I’ll be kicked from squad. Worried about the opinions of 9 other players and not letting the team down.
From that survey we can see that players that are willing to raid feel their lack of raid exp, general lack of coordination and know-how in pug groups are putting them off from actively participating in raids. Therefore, it might be a good idea to have some system in place for those new players to practice boss mechanic and improve raid coordination.
(edited by Anka.5086)
If raids lose popularity Anet will take care and turn them down (not before several new ones are out) a.k.a. making them easier. At the moment this is not the case so there is no need to take action.
Mini Liadri the Concealing Dark. It took me 3 days to get that mini. That achievement was a pain in the a**e. But the satisfaction that I felt overcoming that challenge was well worth that 3 day attempt.
If they start making raids easier I think those original group of players ANet was thinking when designing raids will be discouraged even more and after that everything will just go down hill. Most of us want raids to be on Anet’s top of the list agenda. And the only way to do that is to increase player participation not reduce them even more. Give players the tools to fill that gap between non-exp raider and exp raider.
So just explain this to me.
Why people that want another mode, be it training or easy mode, are not clearing W3 scort every week?
Scort is easy, no enrage timer, you can go with literally any build, have top rewards ( chance of ascended and MS and LI ) , you dont need to another encounter before it.. hmm… strange.
If people dont do scort why they would do a easier mode VG with worst rewards for example as if they would make an easier VG it would be like scort tops on difficulty ( if not still a little harder )?
You see people that dont raid dont wanna raid, stop wanting to waste resources on a dead end.
My biggest fear is after sometime most Veteran raiders may stop raiding once they achieve their goals e.g. achievements/ legendary armor etc. If it does happen we will need new players to replace them otherwise we’re going to have difficult time organising raids and raiding may end up being obsolete as player participation goes down. If we reach that point I fear we will have no more new content for raids.
I believe we need to have a system that allows new raiders the chance to practice raid mechanics in an environment that doesn’t blame them and discourage them from raiding. This will also keep raiding population at reasonable levels so that devs will be encouraged to continue to develop raids over the coming years.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have practice raid mode? Here’s my suggestion for ‘’Practice Raid mode’’;
- There should be no trash mobs.
- There should only be raid boss with significantly reduced hp and damage so that even 5-man can complete it.
- Obviously no loot rewards.
- Boss mechanics should be the same as normal raid mode
This will not only help players whom are finding it difficult to get into raids because of exp difference and also veteran players to learn different roles in raids e.g. tanking at Xera, canon duty at sabetha etc.
What do you think?
+ There should also be an option to skip to the boss you want practice. For example; if you want to practice Xera there should be an option to skip Escort, McLeod, and KC.
User Blaeys.3102 have summarised the main aim of this proposal very well:
The OP’s idea is about generating more interest in raiding – to ensure the game mode remains healthy and actually warrants continued long term development support.
Yes, the current raids are starting to get stale for a lot of raiders. That isn’t going to get better anytime soon. Unlike games like WoW where raids are the primary focus at end game, raids are just a small part of the GW2 developers endgame efforts (and will likely take a back seat to things like fractals and open world moving forward).
Long term, the only thing that will keep them alive is community support for the game mode – and that means getting more people involved in them. It can’t be the special club for a small group and expect to warrant large scale support.
I refer everyone to this raiding survey made by reddit user Mind101
Approx. 2k players participated in the survey, and Mind101 summarised survey findings as follows;
What has kept people from trying out raids:
I have no GW2 raiding experience, and despite having the right ascended gear for it, people refuse to bring me along and I don’t get access/invited to guilds that do or might do learning parties.
It sounds like (from posts on places like Reddit) Raids require top-notch skill and equipment, and you are considered a hindrance if you don’t have both. That’s a bit intimidating…
I’m a casual, guildless player who doesn’t play often, and more importantly not regularly (maybe twice a month, when i can?). I wasn’t there at the beginning, and now, if I try to join a group, i can only try find pugs who are training for the raid. Those groups never fill. The other option is to join an “experienced group”, well, I’m not experienced, that would be a lack of respect for the other party if i were to join such a group.
Why people stopped raiding:
The gameplay is not fun at all since most of the time, you don’t even know what’s healing you or where damage comes from. You barely even have to dodge in order to survive. Raids in general don’t take advantage of GW2’s combat system in order to create fun, engaging gameplay. There are pretty much no exciting moments during a boss fight, so I tend to fall asleep before the boss is even finished.
[i]Bored of looking for a guild that I both have fun with and can raid with. I hate corner staking and skipping mobs in instances, finding such a guild not disgusted by raid is a bit hard.
Not out of choice – most of my friends quit the game due to the state of things and time differences are hard. I’’d love to get into it but am worried if I don’t have the ‘right’ gear or knowledge that I’ll be kicked from squad. Worried about the opinions of 9 other players and not letting the team down
Let’s get one thing straight, significant number of players want to raid but they feel exp barrier is impossible to overcome. The aim of this mode should be to help new raid players and to some extent low exp players to develop their team coordination and boss mechanics. This mode will help players to transition from new player-to-low exp-to-veteran player.
New players can go through all the boss mechanics in this mode due to significant damage reduction. If they can regularly practice boss mechanics it will improve squad coordination, player movements and correct skill execution. As a result it will improve the chances of successful boss kills in normal mode low exp raids.
(edited by Anka.5086)
Still waiting for sale -_-
Thanks for clarifying Anet’s BLTC marketing strategy for everyone Behellagh.1468.
But I dont think there was any need for that, it’s not that difficult for everyone to see their underlining BLTC market strategy. In simple terms, MONEY! I don’t think anyone will be surprised if more than 70% of purchase made in BLTC consists of storage related upgrades.
I was trying to avoid calling out on what Anet’s behavior looks like which is exactly like any corporate gaming company putting profit before customer satisfaction. Hence the reason why at the end of my first comment I said ‘I do have few ideas…’.
The money question is the easy part to decipher. What I was trying to do is start community wide conversation and let anet be aware that we’re unhappy with their market strategy in the hopes of force them to change their BLTC market strategy to be more pro-customer satisfaction orientated.
(edited by Anka.5086)
We get all sorts of ‘USEFUL’ sale in BLTC every week. Regular players like myself will be extremely happy if you could put up other useful stuff such as bank tab and storage upgrade on sale more often please. Correct me if I’m wrong, for the past 3 years bank tab and storage upgrade have gone on sale no more than once or twice per year.
During ‘Everyday sale in the month of March’ BLTC sale I noticed something, just about everything on BLTC was on sale excluding bank and storage upgrades. I’m curious to know your reason behind this decision. I do have few ideas but I’m going to keep that to myself.
Combat mechanic + ability to change build anytime
Achievement reward description :
‘’*Ascended Armor chest : Double-click to choose a box of ascended armor.* ’’
I had to complete that boring HoT story with all my 9 characters to finally complete the achievement. And the saddest part is you only get 1 ascended armor piece. Achievement reward description makes it sound like the reward is full ascended armor set. ANET you should change the wording for this achievement reward immediately.
Example: Double-click to choose an ascended armor piece.
Furthermore, the reward does give you the option to choose one of the old ascended stats, HoT ascended stats not included, and then you get to select any armor piece you want.
Thank you for the transparency. I would have liked to see more legendary weapons, the first 3 HoT legendary weapons looks very good. Staff animation is well designed. I was looking forward to new greatsword and sword legendary weapon, and maybe craft them if they looked any better than the old legendary versions. But unlike most people on this thread I find legendary weapons waste of resources. Legendary armor on the other hand is something I’m definitely looking forward to craft. I’m relieved to find out that you’re still committed to delivering it.
But just to make it clear, even though I’m not a big fan of legendary weapons this is still disappointing. And yes, most GW2 players are in the same group as me not bothered by legendary weapons. Nevertheless, this announcement left very bad impression on us about your trust worthiness. As a company you advertised legendary weapons being big part of HoT. And you promised you will deliver all land based legendary weapons. When you fail to deliver on your promise people will start questioning your trustworthiness. Remember, this is coming from a person who always had the in-game gold and resources to craft number of legendary weapons but considered them waste of resources and not very useful.
Hey, one thing I like about MMO games is crafting. But like many crafting enthusiast most of the time I craft more pieces than I need so I’m forced to either sell them or delete.
But why can’t we salvage things like ‘Wool Vestments Lining’ or ‘’Mithril plated dowel’‘? I’m not saying we should get 100% of ingredients used in crafting materials but maybe 50% or even 30%.
For example;
‘’Wool Vestments Lining’’ ingredient: 1x Bolt of Wool
1x ‘’Bolt of Wool’’ ingredient: 2x Wool Scrap
Salvaged ‘’Wool Vestments Lining’’ gives you: 1x Wool Scrap
Example 2:
‘’Mithril Plated Dowel’’ ingredients: 2x Mithril Ingot, 2x Elder Wood Plank
1x ‘’Mithril Ingot’’ ingredients: 2x Mithril Ore
1x ‘’Elder Wood Plank’’ ingredients: 3x Elder Wood Log
Salvaged ‘’Mithril Plated Dowel’’ gives you: 1x ‘’Mithril Ingot’’ or 1x ‘’Mithril Ore’‘, also, 1 ’’Elder Wood Plank’’ or 2x ‘’Elder Wood Log’’
Comments and other suggestions will be much appreciated.
Because it is funny watching people panic and start listing lower and lower until the item comes more in line with a reality price.
Now I don’t mind the stacking of multiple prices you’ve done, you’re free to do that after all, but who are you (or we, or anyone) as seller to say what is and what isn’t a reasonable price of a certain item?
Everything is worth what it’s purchaser will pay for it.
Buyers. If yours isn’t selling because everyone is constantly undercutting but those are selling … you set your price … poorly.
Good one
‘’ We are talking about free markets, not completely free markets’‘. If i wasn’t talking about complete free market I wouldn’t have mentioned market regulation and taxes in my first post. Maybe u shuld have read my first post more carefully, thought about the reason why I mentioned taxes and regulations before you jumped on the wagon.
‘’A market economy based on supply and demand with [b]little or no government control.’’
So you think ANET have little or no control over the economy? Gold sinks, taxes, regulations. We’re coming full circle. If u dont have anything to contribute, and keep on ignoring taxes and regulations it’s better if we end this conversation.
All I see is a person who:
A.) never uses the word completely free markets at all befor getting called out on his wrong terminology. Words and term do matter and have meaning.
B.) does not seem to understand the difference between both and purposefully omits parts of definitions to fit his agenda wich in itsself is very scetchy.
C.) I think Arenanet have full control over the entire supply side variables in this market, and indirect control over the demand side while at the same time running a flat 15% goldsink tax and minimal price bottoms. Within this framework we have a free market enviroment and none of these factors have anything at all to do with the undercutting mechanic you have been arguing.
All in all, I do not see you as a very competent or honest market analyst.
It’s unfortunate u feel that way. I do apologise for not making my analysis more transparent in my second post.
(edited by Anka.5086)
Free market definition:
A completely free market is an idealized form of a market economy where buyers and sellers are allowed to transact freely (i.e. buy/sell/trade) based on a mutual agreement on price without state intervention in the form of taxes, subsidies or regulations.Please understand what you are linking first. And when using a definition, use the entire definition or you make yourself look very untrustworthy:
DEFINITION of ‘Free Market’ (
A market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government control. A completely free market is an idealized form of a market economy where buyers and sellers are allowed to transact freely (i.e. buy/sell/trade) based on a mutual agreement on price without state intervention in the form of taxes, subsidies or regulation.
How convenient you left out the first sentence. We are talking about free markets, not completely free markets. Are you seriously taking this disscussion in this direction?
‘’ We are talking about free markets, not completely free markets’‘. If i wasn’t talking about complete free market I wouldn’t have mentioned market regulation and taxes in my first post. Maybe u shuld have read my first post more carefully, thought about the reason why I mentioned taxes and regulations before you jumped on the wagon.
‘’A market economy based on supply and demand with [b]little or no government control.’’
So you think ANET have little or no control over the economy? Gold sinks, taxes, regulations. We’re coming full circle. If u dont have anything to contribute, and keep on ignoring taxes and regulations it’s better if we end this conversation.
(edited by Anka.5086)
I don’t, I either sell at price or 1c above the previous seller. Since he put his stuff on the TP first he should get first dibs.
Admirable act, I wish I had the same character quality as you do.
This is one of the basic principles of the Free Market. If you can offer your customers a better deal, they are more likely to buy from you than your competitors.
I think everyone by now including non-economists know free market principles. This is nothing got to do with free market. Free market principle doesn’t really apply here. Buyers/ sellers can’t transact freely. We’re forced to use TP to trade. At best gw2 have Regulated Market.
Funny response. It actually shows that you actually do not understand what a free market is. You can’t even distinguish between free market principals and trade platforms/mediums.
Trades having to happen on the TP have little to no bearing on if the economy is free or not. That’s like saying we have no free market since trading happens on the stock exchange. Aside from some minor points of taxation (which too happens in free markets) and price floors for certain items (2-7c for crafting mats) the gw2 trading post is an absolute free market.
Free market definition:
A completely free market is an idealized form of a market economy where buyers and sellers are allowed to transact freely (i.e. buy/sell/trade) based on a mutual agreement on price without state intervention in the form of taxes, subsidies or regulations.
Do you agree with that?
If you do, then Gw2 dont have free market. It’s regulated market. And yes, we don’t have free market in the real world as well. We have regulated market. Free market is idealized theory which we will never use. Unless we make radical changes to our way of life and culture we can never have true free market.
It’s like saying some of those middle-eastern countries and african countries have democratic ellections because they have voting system. We all know they rig all those elections. The word democractic elections is used in those countries the same way we use free market label for our economic system. To make it look good.
Then again our own democracy can also be questioned but that’s a topic for another day.
In gw2 we have taxes in the form of listing and exchange fee (taxes). We’re forced to only use 1 system to trade with each other (regulations). And if we use any other means we can be banned by ANET (state).
All I can say is we have elements of free market such as pricing etc. But the market is regulated. In my opinion, it’s wrong to define it as free market until it adheres to every principle.
I thought about exactly what u said for No#1. But why would u care about discouraging undercut price. What difference is it going to make to sell ur item under 1min or after 10min. To me item is sold quickly if it gets sold under 1 hour. All anything above 1c does is reduce ur profit for no reason. Because people even undercut sellers that undercut by 1g. Just today, I put up grow lamp for sale. I got undercut by 1g, and then 5 other sellers undercut that seller by 1c. Most casual sellers on TP dont care about flippers. All it’s doing is reducing ur potential profit.
Obviously what is or is not of value or difference to you, another seller has different opinions on.
Isn’t it great that he has the freedom to give HIS desire meaning through pricing?
I understand why they are doing it. And like u said it’s their right, i agree. But I still do find it wasteful (my opinion).
All it’s doing is reducing ur potential profit.
That’s what you don’t get. You don’t have a profit UNTIL your item sells. If prices do not spiral back up, you’ll be waiting a long time on that sell. Just because you’ve put something up on the TP, doesn’t mean it will sell especially if you get undercut. Just ask some of those legendary sellers who have to wait weeks or months..
I don’t have to ask them. I’ve been playing gw2 for over 2 years now. Sold about 5 Legendary weapons. And everytime I did, I undercut my competitor by 1 copper. Still manage to sell all of them under 1hr-2hr.
Nope, I’ve seen many sellers undercut 1g+ prices. It does nothing to discourage other sellers. U’re just reducing ur potential profit.
Are you psychic? Can you tell how many people might have been discouraged? I certainly can’t.
Again, someone felt he’ll reduce his profit in favor of less risk. So basic.
Not psychic, you can see the last 20+ sellers on TP if you scroll down sell section. You can clearly see someone undercut by 1g, and that person got undercut by few coppers by other sellers. You can check gw2spidy to look at the increase or decrease in item listings by other players.
(edited by Anka.5086)
maybe they arent as greedy as you are
Greed is good. :p
I’ve undercut significantly on high ticket items simply because I want to ensure a fast and easy sale. Undercutting by 5-20g means that I’ll have less competition and won’t have to relist my order every few minutes to make sure I’m still on top.
A lot of people will see that significant undercut and just decide to wait until my order has been fulfilled rather than try to match me. I’m paying a premium for this benefit.
The same applies for selling.
Nope, I’ve seen many sellers undercut 1g+ prices. It does nothing to discourage other sellers. U’re just reducing ur potential profit.
Interesting responses.
There’s two reasons that i’ve come across for wanting to undercut by more than one copper.
1. To ensure a quick sale, if you undercut a lot you are less likely to be undercut by others for 1c as they stand to loose more on the sale. Better to undercut the price above you by 1c and wait for your listing to sell.
2. TP flippers, this one is a bit shady as far as I’m concerned but as it only works based on player laziness i guess it’s okay. Basically you take an item that players are going to buy in bulk, list the bulk of them at a fairly high price, then you list one or two at a lower price. Players who don’t bother to check later prices will buy a bunch not realising that they are paying more per item than was first listed.
In your case i think it’s more likely number 1, people just want to be sure their items sell without having to deal with being undercut.
I thought about exactly what u said for No#1. But why would u care about discouraging undercut price. What difference is it going to make to sell ur item under 1min or after 10min. To me item is sold quickly if it gets sold under 1 hour. All anything above 1c does is reduce ur profit for no reason. Because people even undercut sellers that undercut by 1g. Just today, I put up grow lamp for sale. I got undercut by 1g, and then 5 other sellers undercut that seller by 1c. Most casual sellers on TP dont care about flippers. All it’s doing is reducing ur potential profit.
This is one of the basic principles of the Free Market. If you can offer your customers a better deal, they are more likely to buy from you than your competitors.
I think everyone by now including non-economists know free market principles. This is nothing got to do with free market. Free market principle doesn’t really apply here. Buyers/ sellers can’t transact freely. We’re forced to use TP to trade. At best gw2 have Regulated Market.