Showing Posts For Antigono.1258:
I want to provide information that can lead to deduce what the problem is
I’m from Argentina. ISP: FIBERTEL
I run the game with “Pingzapper” and the lag disappears, I mean, works perfectly. I do not know what this program does exactly, but the game, running it with this program works well.
The problem: The program will cut the connection every hour, meaning that each time it is necessary to re log into the game. Unless of course you buy the software, (I’m using the free version)
I do not know if I can leave the link of this program here in the forum, but using google I do not think you have trouble finding it
I had never had lag problems. Or at least not consistently.
Since the last patch is simply unplayable.
I can not call my ISP and tell “Mr. ISP, GW2 does not work well, please solve my problem”
1) they automatically I would say “we can not solve the problem with you,,,, game”.
2) it is the only thing on my pc that works with lag!
country: Argentina
since the last patch.
I hope will be resolved soon, for now, only logging to see if the lag is gone.
Whatever we say or do they will keep saying it is our ISP, even though everything else works just fine…
yeah, all the ISP from Latin America are working wrong .. yeah..
How high is the population of the server you want to go to?
Cause the 1800 gems is for a transfer to a server with a “very high” population.
For 1000 gems you can go to a “high” server and for 500 for a “medium” server.
Yes, the server i want to go is a “Very high” population. I like the server where i am right now. I mean, i dont care the server, i only want to play with my friends.
Anyway, right now i cant play because of the lag in Latin Amercia (well, nobody here can because of the lag here), so when the situacion be to normal, i will try the guest option.
How high is the population of the server you want to go to?
Cause the 1800 gems is for a transfer to a server with a “very high” population.
For 1000 gems you can go to a “high” server and for 500 for a “medium” server.Yes, the server i want to go is a “Very high” population. I like the server where i am right now. I mean, i dont care the server, i only want to play with my friends.
Anyway, right now i cant play because of the lag in Latin Amercia (well, nobody here can because of the lag here), so when the situacion be to normal, i will try the guest option.
How high is the population of the server you want to go to?
Cause the 1800 gems is for a transfer to a server with a “very high” population.
For 1000 gems you can go to a “high” server and for 500 for a “medium” server.
Yes, the server i want to go is a “Very high” population. I like the server where i am right now. I mean, i dont care the server, i only want to play with my friends.
Anyway, right now i cant play because of the lag in Latin Amercia (well, nobody here can because of the lag), so when the situacion be to normal, i will try the guest option.
Guesting is free and will let you do everything but WvW together as long as you are both on the same region ie ether NA or EU. Or you could buy gems with cash
ok, i didnt know that, i think this is a good work arround solution, thanks
I know it is normal to charge for this service, and I do not care what other companies do with their customers, it’s just that instead of deleting all my pjs to change the server, I can buy another half copy of the game. It is understood? no relationship or sense for the price. It would have to be proportioning to the amount of pjs to be transferred, ie only interest me one, my main. And it costs me 1800 gems? mmm
but I will try the guest option, thanks again and sorry for my English
(edited by Antigono.1258)
First of all I feel that including “WTF” in a post asking for help is a poor practice. Now to your question. You can delete your characters and transfer for free.
ok then,,, soo i reed this and again,, WTF!! delete all my characters? ok good luck anet..
thanks for reply JustTrogdor
……, I returned after months without playing.
My friends they moved to another server when it was free or at least cheap.
The currency in the game suffered a lot of inflation in recent months, so my purchasing power in the game, after months, is null.
I want to play with them but it happens to be migrated to another server costs, 1800 gems, Anet WTF?! is crazy for a service as basic as a server transfer. And I will not grind gold for months, only to change server.
anyway there any way to move server, discarding pay for it? (grind gold is not a good scenario for someone who wants to return to the game)
They’re frightening the players who want to return to the game, and also the lag is not allowing me to play.
1. Balance between classes and / or classes useless or do not understand the reason for being in the game in the state where they are. (Ranger)
2. (I copy the same as said Lane)
Transmutation. For a game that’s supposed to be centered around cosmetics doing lot One of the most unforgiving systems I’ve seen.
A ‘reverse’ transmutation would help a lot. A way to separate skins from gear so you can change your look more often. The fact That You Have to flat out destroy one or the other to look different is ridiculous, Especially With Their penchant for “exclusive” skins That means they’re irreplaceable and it’s your gear, runes, sigils, etc.. That will always take the hit.
A skin PvE locker like what exists in Heart of the Mists would be even better.
3. The story, as is told, the dialogues, like a Disney movie for children.
And well, i have a lot more, grind grind grind , alt unfriendly, magic find, wvw zerg fest
The problem I see is how it is bringing this up on the side of Anet.
That is, they first have to answer a simple question.
1) Ranger class is where it should be?
in case (1) is negative.
2) where we want to be the ranger class? What role within this world we want for this class?
once answered this.
3) what changes should we do in this class and / or in other classes for the Ranger class is where it should be.
I think Anet can not even answer the question (1). Should start there.
sorry for my English.
I would like to keep the skin replaced. That is, it remains stored on a “collection of skins”. In fact I think this would increase the use of tranmutacion stones.
duuu.. today was trying to get back to the game. Stop playing when they could not fix the Rangers after several updates unintelligible, back after months and nothing has changed.
It seems incrible .. is that they will never leave this working well?
Well back maybe in a few months. Unless you tell me it’s possible to play and enjoy a Ranger with any build, and not die in the attempt thwarted.
I have no problem with the lvl cap, provided that it is accompanied by new worthwhile content.
and with respect to gear, I think most MMOs is failing in its focus. At least, in my opinion, what we have today and what should be a thing of the past is :
Do something, many or few times to —-— (target) —-> get new gear.
I think the “do something” must be intended to end the “something” that we want or we like or, it’s fun, and the new gear is involved in the whole process, but never as a final goal.
And lately that’s what I get away from the mmo
woow that was very fast, thank you for your answers.
Okay, I think I’ll give the game one more chance .. I did a back up of the game but I can not get the installer to recognize it, I think I will have to fully download again: (
thanks again
Hello, I started playing the game since launch, and just stop playing when fractals were implemented because I disagree with the forced grind.
Also my main character is a ranger, and seeing the subforum, this class is still pretty useless and problems that have not known if they will ever solve.
I wanted to know if the game is following a line of grind and if you will continue adding more and more gear tiers.
I read the forums but would like an opinion from the players.
Should re-dedicate my time to this game? considering that I do not want grind, I do not want to be forced to do something in particuar and I do not want a festival of new gear.
Thanks and sorry for my English!
i think if they fix something for rangers, and after the rage of this forum with the last patch, they will notify us.
unless they have fixed something without realizing it. in that case, shhh! or they will roll back it!!
remember, we are rangers and rangers seem to deserve to suffer
the “crismas” event is comming,, that event is more important that this class,,, and hire more devs and testers seems to impact the millons of dolars of profits.. so until February or March dont wait nothing… you are losing you comunity ANet..
Yeah, the traits for rangers seems to be done for a drunk random boy.
Man this class must be fixed quickly , or just delete it, …. is an embarrassment.
what disappoints me is the lack of seriousness in all this. ok is a game, no one will die for this. But the choices they have made in the last patch does not appear to have been taken with reasoning.
is true that maybe the whole thing is related to the kitten bots, but at least be honest! I need someone, Jon or whoever, come and say:
“Look guys, this class will still be like this for a long time, apologize for the inconvenience”
And with that, I and many of us will have more information to decide to invest our time in another character, or just leave the game.
Please, ANet? a little honest answer?
Yeah, me neither. With thw new tier and this crappy patch, they ruined the game for me..
i finished my university examns last Wednesday, and thought playing all weekend, enjoying the new event, but the truth, it took away my desire to do so.
and now I have to spend more time with girlfriend jaja
Do what is fun, but for pete’s sakes stop putting real money into something if you are not satisfied with the end product. Nothing gets a company’s attention faster than lower profits, because in the end, they are not making the game just because they love making games….if they were, they’d do it for free.
Totally agreed, they worked in a huge patch for new content, with new tiers, new map zones, new dungeons, and they dont have time or resoruses for fix this broken class?
mm why? .. the response is in the profits.. they are doing and they will do the things to increase thats profits,, Rangers are not a priority.
I only ask to be honest with us,, thats all,, so i can decide if reroll,, if i have time,, or quit the game,, thats all
Just dont play with ranger any more or play oher game,, look,, they can fix the Ranger, they will lauch a masive update, new tier, new dungeon,, and they can not give us a simple fix,, or a simple buff?
they dont want fix this class,, for some reason,, bots maybe? i dont know,, but the reality is that crying we will not get nothing….to get something you have to take action… dont play ranger or leave the game,,,,
in my case,, i cant roll other character beocuse i dont have time,,,,
“aquaman” jaaja thats good
sorry for my english..
but… if you dont have time, to fix the game,,, why do you release new content?!?!?!?
(edited by Antigono.1258)
i dont have time to start other class and equip it… i was specting some kind of primary bug fix in this broken class,, and i have a nerf in my traps!!.. the only decent build i was playing…
ok,, thats all,, i whould love start a new character but i dont have more time to lose,,
i will see the next patch notes and will return when they do something good..
sorry for my english..
I’m hopeful that they will solve the problems that this class has.
I have not much time to play, so I have not thought level up and equip other alts.
In other words my continuity in the game depends on the next update on 15 or 16 November. Otherwise I’ll have to stop playing and I will look at some point if this is solved ..
… and the reality is I do not want to leave the game because I like it, I have simply no time to play alts … Please ANet: D
Sorry for my English!
i would like a personal and private damage/healing meter.
Im a full condition ranger,, and i dont have any idea how much damage im doing.
I think if Anet SweetFX not want us to use, they somehow notifiaran us before it becomes banneable.
Currently there are many people using it, including myself, and the truth, in my opinion, the game looks much better.
After using this mod could not return to play the game without it, seriously.
Among other things: SMAA, better looking textures, sharpening, more or less saturated colors, bloom and hdr effects.
Greetings and sorry for my English!
Is simple, dont play with our rangers until we have some news.
No more rangers in GW2 before.
i think that is the only way to be heard.
Sorry for my english..
I think some armors are pretty good, and other are extreme ugly.
If you are playing with a female Ranger (like me) .. My god,, the armors are very very ugly and without style.
The only armor that actually like me, but is not a greeat thing, is the lvl3 cultural,, but, for me, its too expensive.
I dont know why they did the medium armor like this.
sorry for my english..