Showing Posts For Artemeas.8763:

Just to say, hey, thanks for listening

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Just recieved a Karka chest after not being ale to make it to the event due to living in New Zealand.

I appreciate that you guys listened and have responded to help make it a fairer playign ground. This defintely reassures me you’re not going to ride rough shod over your player base.

Thanks A-net, you’re all allright by me <3

No Dragons in Orr, solution

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763



On my Server which I am on everyday for at least two hours (for the alst 3 months) I have yet to see the Temple of balthazar uncontested.

I also notice that there are no Dragons in Orr, Come on I call upon the flavour police, in a game about defeating ancient Evil dragons, why are there none in Orr the ultimate source of evil under Zaitans rule.

Solution replace unbeatable Silly-Wizard with a epic amazing Dragon, that can be beaten by a Zerg.

It seems like people are currently resorting to server swaps just to get their obsidian shards, this cannot be what was intended, please consider a fix.

Maybe a dragon is not the way to fix it, but please at least make the event do-able or move the shard vendor elsewhere.

Gripe about Precursor Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I Enjoy Guildwars 2 a lot, I am on record as saying Iw ould never play an MMO ever after exp[eriencing the nosebleed which is WOW for liek 2 months.

I work full time adn have a family and even so manage to play at elast long enough to achieve dialy and monthly and do other stuff.

But lately I ahve stopped enjoying guildwars as I feel liek I am making zero progress on my legendary weapon, as th prices of the precursor continue to soar. I look back and wish I ahd spent 50$ on gold when they were 20g each. I know that theya re planning on bringin in a “scavenger hunt” for these weapons, but they also said they would improve the drop rate which if they have it hasn’t had a lasting affect ont he market with prices clmbing right back up out of reach to 300+ gold for dawna nd dusk.

This makes RNG king, and some people are going to be massively ahead (gold wise) just by gettign a lucky forge drop or a lucky drop from a chest or from Orr. This really annoys me as I play every day for at leat an hour and play the markets for 30min to an hour a day addiontally (while simultaneously feeding a 2 yr old) and I am up to 100g, the idea that someone can earn 3 X more than this in a single drop is preposterous and has a sense of unfairness about it.

While I appreciate the epic achievment of a legendary, I am pretty dissapointed about the current aquisition of the precursor weapon.

I am not saying the game isn’t good, or that the legendary’s are too ahrd, it just seems to me that it should be obtainable for people who play daily,a dn the RNG should be removed. There is nothing legendary about camping the BLTP, or running ORR for 8 hours a day. PLease bring fortht the proposed changes.

Super Bad for Australia NZ, OneTime Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I know that we are at the bottom end of the world, but for us to get on to theonetime event we needed to take half of our monday off.

I think it’s a great idea these one time events but why not make them several times over 24 hours to inculde the worlds backward cousins from Downunder.

Really lame that everyone else got a shot at the awesome loot etc. except us.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


pls invite me

Patch fixing precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Thanks for update Linsey, great to know something is in the works, =), love what you do, ignore the haters.

If you think prices spiked now

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


lawl, the teir 6 matts are so easy to farm, this is good news =)

Kamohoali'i Kotaki

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Congrats, lol, you’ll have to hope there will be a sweet underwater spot to show off =)

Mesmer is severely lacking in AoE

in Mesmer

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


You need to pick your spot, Plinx is bad for mesmers if there are 50 people doing it, but Shelter-penitant is pretty good for mesmers.

We ahve excellent AOE, it just works a bit differently form other professions.

Clearly Mesmers are the best profesison in the game.!!!!

King of DEs farming in Orr?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Remember when there are 50 people runnign plinx the problem is that there are 50 people running plinx.

BLTP App/outside of game access

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Yeah I’d roll this APP, but I cant help but wonder if it would wreck the game and destroy the margins at the BLTP, also allow for Trading psot botting, which could be horrendous.

Low level group event opinions

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I would like them to scale up the Karma rewards on lower level maps to spread out the current PLinx fest that is going on.

Overpopulated Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I’m a Mesmer and I suffer the same problems when doing the Plinx chain. But I dont think this is a design flaw, I think the flaw is that there are like 100people doing Plinx. I just hope that this will get sorted as endgame content gets released.

I still average like 13000karma per hour running Plinx (with booster) and get 1-2 rares per hour. How many rares/exotics are other professions getting in an average hour of farming plinx?

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


The trouble is, we (mesmers) can do amazing AOE, but it takes time to set up compared to some classes which seem to have quicker more efficient AOE.

The otehr thing is to famr Plinx only when you are palying at odd hours, easier for everyone to tag stuff when there isn’t 1 million pepole doing it.

Mesmers and DEs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Ok, plinx is bad for mesmers when it’s on peak, (unless you are specd for illusionary persona), I have found far more sucess in terms of gold farm with the other CS event chain around shelters gate. Can tag way mroe mobs, mostly becasue less people also because I find it easier to repdict when to drop my skills. often the mobs are invulnerable long enough for me to create 2-3 illusions to mind wrack.

Plinx is still overall the best for KArma, with karma buffs ona good plinx run I can get 13,000 karma per hour. Shelters gate only has 5 DEs compared to the 7 around PLinx. Also at shelters sometimes the events happen simultaneously at opposite ends of the run., but defintely more loot at shelters.

1 Clover Recipe vs 10 Clover Recipe?

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


It’s called statistics, the more times you repeat a single event the more liekly you are to get the actual rate.

For example you could flipa coin 10 times and show a rate of flipping heads of 70%, and you could flip a coin 100times and get a rate of heads of 55%, but if you were to flip the coin 100, 000 times in a truely random environment the chance of having anything other than a rate of 50% is exceedingly low.

With mystic clovers supposing both recipes have a similar rate o clover production the one that you repeat more times is goign to give you closser ot the actual rate of clover production.

With the 10X recipe you could easily do the recipe 10 times (ie ten chances at ten clovers) and only have 1 or 2 or even no clovers and you are not unlucky simply atthe mercy of normal distributiona nd fixed chance, yet witht he 1X recipe if you repeated the recipe 100X (the same cost as repeating the other recipe 10X) the chance of not getting close to 30 clovers is much smaller.

Endgame lodestone farming guides

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Have enjoyed your lodestone farming guides, thanks.

Getting approx 1 yellow + 1 lode stone per omnomberry bar in corrupted ice flow.

I wish Yaks bend server would properly give those undead orrians a good kittening in Melchors leap so I oculd start properly getting me some sweet charged lodestones.

not sure it is the best money making farming, as you do rely on making a few good drops an hour, but luckily I find it amazingly relaxing to slaughter gianted corrupted ice beasts, I am slowly getting it down to an art.

I am predicting lodestones are going to get more expensive as people start getting closer to legendaries,a dn as bots get owned in nov 15 patch (or so we hope)

Why a great sword?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


It’s just awesome, are you trolling, cause I am this totally lithe/petite/super hot Sylvari chick and I have a sword that is as big as I am, and it shoots lazers.

I think this is a good thing.

Help me decide on gear for my mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I personally I am not such a fan of hybrid trait build, and suggest deciding on what oyu wan to achieve, Personally I like to hit hard aned kill people and do tricky things. So my build is 30/30/whatever for last 10pts, and I go full berserkers (or magic find with best pwoer precision stats).

I reccommend 30 at least in dueling as deceptive evasion is ridiculous, and then you want to get as much power as possible as your crit chance adn increased crit are quite good.

You dont need to worry about survivability as much as some classes as you have 1200 range (depending on weapons) and many many tricky get out of jail abilities.

Also with this build you can run harmonius mantras with mantra of pain (which crits) and you can burst people down real easy.

Fights in WvWvW (so long as not zerging) go something like create clone, dodge creaste clone, dodge create clone, crit gain vigor, pop clones, mantra of pain, dodge create clone, dodge create clones, mantra of pain them,……they should be dead by now.

Also the mass swiftness field ulti is as broken as all kitten in WvWvW, and shines when you are in Gank groups as it doulbles the speed of finsihing an enemy.

Things you'll never hear about mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


Mesmer- I Run full mantra bomb, it’s jsut better

Official Response: Drop Rate of Legendary Precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


What would be awesome, would be if they increased the drop rate increasingly for precursor items depending on which of the gifts, you had already completed, getting to the point where you had a 10-25% drop rate on the specific precursor you are chasing (ie. when you get the legendary specific gift) from the mystic forge or a lower drop-rate from dungeons chests etc.

Obviously once you had gotten the precursor your “increased precursor magic find” would need to drop forever regardless of if you TP it or craft legendary, and you would need to repeat the gift achievments prior to gaining the buff again.

There are approx 1 million solutions to making precursors more attainable without taking the epicnes of them out of the equation.

Remember obtaining the gifts is epic, and grindy already, simply making precurors more of a sure thing for people who have put significant effort into getting these doesn’t make it less epic, just less RNG/Exploit/No lifer

Mesmer Passive Movement Speed Buff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I agree, passive move speed is super slow compared to other classes, this is something I know because people are always running from me in WvWvW.

I am not comlaining I think we are super versatile, but I am rpetty sure our base movespeed is super slow compared to other cvlasses, I cant keep upw ith my frineds when running around even with focus and blink.

Would be great if the traited skill that gives move speed for each active illusion also jsut gave a base increase in move speed.

So what are you flipping ?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I do it all, The BLTP is not what it once was where you could make crazy money of fast selling items, people who are palying are a little more sensible now and mroe epopela re learning to be aptient and not jsut sell now on the TP.

I do both TP and ORR and Forst gorge and WvWvW and make 2-3 gold daily form 1-2 hours of play, making mroe money as I have more capital. 2 weeksa go I had four gold now I have 24.

Also remember to buy up large on thursday and hold onto it for 24 ohurs and resell voer the wekeend, as prices spike over weekends, as the more casual (self controlled) gamers logg on and cause higher demand.

Official Response: Drop Rate of Legendary Precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Artemeas.8763


I really enjoy this game, which is a surprising admission after being swearing off MMOS (forever as far as I was concerned) after a brief 3 month dalience with WoW.

I enjoy grinding out map completions, WvWvW, crafting, PVE, Dungeons. I even enjoy doing 1-2 hour karma grinds on the cursed shore.

I can see that with regular low level play over the next 6-12 months, I could earn a Legendary Weapon. The cost is extraordinarily high, and will mean that I play basicaly no DOTA2 (the greatest game available to mankind), I will watch less Anime, and possibly even give up other “nerdy” hobbies.

What I find frustrating int he extreme is the horrednus cost of the precursor weapon and the RNG ways we need to rely on to find them. I am having to resort to playing the trading post and considering real life gold investment to obtain one.

I agree legendary weapons should be difficult to obtain, but I dont think 1 component of them should rely soley on a massive gold cost, that other people are pushing the price up, it doesn’t seem fair that people were able to buy them intially for 20 gold and now to obtain one you need upwards of 300. this cost of 300 gold seems far less obtainable than all the other extremely difficult but fair costs associated with a legendary weapon.

Please reconsider how precursors are obtained, the majority of players I believe would be grateful if this aspect was changed so that those of us with jobs and families could actually realisitically grind towards a Legenday of out own.