Showing Posts For Ash ketchum.2051:

Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Oh I miss you guys

It has to be said: THANK YOU Helseth!

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Yesterdaynight everyone went eating together. Before the tournament Nos and Helseth were laughing about that Nos should break Helseths arm. When we were eating suddenly they decided to armwrestle. Helseth won the first game. Than they did the same with their left hand. Nos litterly broke helseths arm. This seems pritty hostile to me.

Everything is on camera
Nos and Helseth are actually friends
Helseth will be fine after a few weeks

WTS Official Ruling: Disqualification of Majestic Capricorns

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Lol, whats with them alt’ing everywhere.. Some of them also alted in AG. Severe punishment should be given.

As a former player from Majestic I can say you that none off the original members of Majestic had anything to do with this. We wanted to disband, which we did. But because other players wanted a spot into the WTS we “gave” the team to them. If we knew these things would happen (and that 4k gems would be hand out Kappa) we’d never have gaven the team and just got some replacement players.

Seeing both lord's rooms at once? Yes Please!

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

I player with Swagboys United and after rewatching the game I saw how clutch it actually was. Having a “lord-spectate” button where both lords (with HP bar) are visible would make the crowd go even wilder at those points. I’m fully up for your idea!

MMR based Leaderboards. Now.

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Maybe there is still a way to pull the community out of the current state of apathy. Maybe it’s not too late.

A working leader board is the first step. Competitive community without working leader board is a joke. Please stop with the experiments. Take an already proved as working system. We all know where from.

You have all the data needed, make a class based leaderboards. Not big enough player base? Don’t bother with top 1K, make it top 100, 50 or even 10. The player base will increase when people start to compete for the spots.

Don’t tell me again this will tolerate the elitism. It is already here at it’s worst. Because it’s elitism based on assumptions, not on real data. Can’t you understand this? Now give us real leaderboards. Not “soon”, not “when ready”, now.


Duelling everwhere in the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Okay. As a response to most of these reactions.

>it’s not fair for pve specs
Well… If you dont want to duel with pve specs. Dont do it? But if someone challenges you to see how some build works..there is no reason anymore to go to pvp/get an arena… You van just do it where you want

>make an area to duel
Well… This takes a big part of the fun away. The fun about duelling everywhere is the diversity in environment. In the current pvp maps all the proper kiting/teleport spots are widely known already. It wouldnt even still call it skillful parcouring. But in a new environment. This will really test the potential of the player. Also this will give life to a lot of ‘dead’ maps!

>how about this in wvw
Well. This is kind of weird. In my opinion it shouldnt be in wvw because you should be united fighting other servers. And this will make the server full with Players not contributing to the wvw (dont shoot me for this opinion tough)

>it will separate the pvp Q’s
Well. Not really. Most people like to duel inbetween Q’s and the people who actually duel will do it as they want. Will it be in an arena (to be alone/or practice on points) or in the open field ( to practice in all areas for individual skill )

Duelling everwhere in the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

*types /Challenge *Player1
*Follows *Player1 around
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines

There just needs to be dedicated dueling areas, I suggested they use the old Lion’s Arch courtyard and turn it into an arena, it is already 1/2 way there anyways.

The area with the sand is already set up with a confined area + a gate, and on the opposite side of the piazza is an area that could be turned into the exact same thing.

Dude they just need to add a check-box “Accept dueling invitation” ON-OFF. It’s called programming.

ur the man. im gonna add this to the original thread.

Duelling everwhere in the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

*types /Challenge *Player1
*Follows *Player1 around
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines
*Ctrl-V + Enter
*Player Declines

There just needs to be dedicated dueling areas, I suggested they use the old Lion’s Arch courtyard and turn it into an arena, it is already 1/2 way there anyways.

The area with the sand is already set up with a confined area + a gate, and on the opposite side of the piazza is an area that could be turned into the exact same thing.

Okay, i dont really see this as an issue. let the person challenging only sent maximum 1 duel request et voila… And look for example at the runescape duel arena/ or just the trade system.. People can spam you aswell, nobody really gives a kitten about it right?

But yeah, everywhere might not be optimal. But i’d would be an amazing experience to be able to use the complete terrain of the game to kite/play with environment.. Like, all the dead content where not even a single lvl 80 goes would have a chance to get a duel atleast. Just so you can variate where you want to duel.

Duelling everwhere in the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

I generally dont like duels. They really have no meaning to real fights in WvW or PvP as I Play a thief and the element of surprise is part of my playstyle. (especially WvW where thieves can one shot each other for the most part) And if you try to duel other thieves, its almost always them trying to jack you while you are bowing. I pretty much gave up on duels myself but sure as heck do not run from a 1v1 in PvP. As that is where I am mostly.

With that said, the reason I dont agree with it, is that its just another grieving model to this game that is not needed. Especially the “public” duel. If the person does not accept the duel it will be public shaming for not doing so and so on.. If they do and get beat, it will be even worse.

That’s why the “challenge-message” will be private. And you can accept private aswel. But yeah, in case you dont want to get spammed by fanboys wanting to duel with you there should be a function disabling duelling. ( like the dance thingy or smth, so people can see if you’re up for duelling). And if you dont want to duel in public, you just can arrange a place where not many people are by yourself.

Duelling everwhere in the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

First of all.. Duelling is great, it’s the perfect way to test builds/waste time/wait for Q’s/ compete/ test skill / claim your argument valid/ win your court to save dwarfs

Implementing a function to duel anyone/everywhere would be amazing.

How should this work?

With a command ( f.e. /Challenge *Player1 ) a player gets an invite to accept or deny the duel challenge. This command would only be available if that player is near ( 600 range i guess? ). Instead of bringing both players into a new instance and letting them duel there.. let the duelling happen right on place, where people can see this. (=> in hotm add a 10-15ish arenas where people can duel in but other people can still pass by.

Programmingwise i wouldnt really know how this could be implemented ( maybe adding new method to the player class which implies if “the duel accepted” the player becomes an enemy to the other player, but remains friendly to the surroundings. Herefor each player should have a maximum of only 1 duel active. This duel is ended on death and is forced stop when a Q pops up. )

To prevent being spammed by invites, they should add a checkbox as an invite.

And i think i’m not the only one willing to pay 20bucks to just get this in the game.

(edited by Ash ketchum.2051)

Suggestion to make PVP more Noob - Friendly

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Im sorry, but do you even play the game?
At the right corner just above your map there is all the info you need..
Have some map awareness to see if someone is down. Look just above it to see who’s on respawn..

And adding respawn timers to see when respawn happens is just stupid. Why not add skill recharges of other Players…

Making PvP more appealing

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051



Pray for the almighty Anet!

Making PvP more appealing

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

This kranox girl really knows what she’s talking about.


[EU]Looking for decent Tol3 team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

She’s a decent engi. bumperino for this hot chick!

PvP community of flamers

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051



Bring back the glorious Hambow

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051


I’d like to ask for a revert on the nerfs to the glorious Hambow, the highest skillcap spec in the whole game. Not the adrenaline nerf, that’s fine because only crappy warriors miss earthshaker, but the other nerfs, like hammer damage and berserker stance. Shoutbow is an absolute crap build that symbolizes everything disgusting in this meta, bring back the strength and power of the glorious Hambow and get rid of this horn kitten sheet.

-Warr Warr Warr Warr, the best Hambow/Zerker Warrior NA until I quit the game 2 weeks ago.

… What nerf? Whatever you think happened to Hambow wasn’t Anet’s fault, it was the community’s fault. Hambow was still prevalent even after nerfs to the Warrior but Shoutbow came out of nowhere and was being used by the great ROM so all followed because we are all sheeps like that.
If you want to use Hambow, use Hambow. The build is still as effective as it was before.

Try duelling an engi, or an ele, or a shoutbow on point. If you’re at the same level you’ll lose 9/10. Try disengaging as a hambow in a 2v1, or even just kiting them for 20years till support comes. Just try it.
Hambow itself didnt got nerfed that badly ( besides the fact that no yolo-hammerstuns are allowed but that’s low tier problems). It’s the meta that switched to somehting where hambow just isnt viable compared to shoutbow. Shouthambow post patch will be viable imo. cuz insane support, adrenaline on demand, high cc for kiting and bursting. And the burst will be a lot higher than the shoutbow burst. But yeah, we’ll see.

New Guild Officer needed

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

are you lost my friend?

Bring back the glorious Hambow

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

stance hambow no, it gets beaten by all other builds

shout hambow maybe, the mobility is bad and that’s a big problem

The mobility will be chill with buffed warrior’s sprint

Bring back the glorious Hambow

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Shout Hambow will be born guys. Stance hambow may be dead, and yes, it will be a lot less skillful, but shouts will save hammer and gives the hambow a decent chance to compete against shoutbow.
Obviously there will be a lot less “plays” to make, but the dodgecounting, fakecasting, dodgeluring, even shoutluring will differentiate a good hamshout from a bad one very easily.

But still, i vote +10 for separating burst mastery and merciless hammer.
Also, make fast hands baseline. Also make cleansing ire a minor trait ( because nothing is able to compete with it, not even kittening torment and confusion on all your autoattacks f.e. )

What makes a good shoutbow warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Everything actually speaks for itself and can just be done by logic brain. => some things you’ll probably already know.

-Hitting ALL geo/doom swaps, (this can be done by cleansing blind before swap/or even just after the hit #veryEffectiveAgainstTeef)
-Actually using pindown when you have blind so (good) players wont dodge it, but cleansing it mid-air
-In teamfights try to line up your pindown to ther furthest enemy so you can double pindown
-spamming 1 as a mofo and ALWAYS being on the back of your enemy. ALWAYS spam 1111111111. you have to keep the pressure up
- actually being able to keep your enemy in your firefield ( by positioning yourself so that your enemy can only hit you while being in the fire field)
-Always leap trough your firefield ( fiery aura grants a lot of might + hit’s as much as an autoattack if you keep it up => more pressure )
-never using shouts on poison. Cleanse poison first with wh or burning field
-never use flurry in a 1v1 ( except if you can kill #cancel+finalthrust)
-Being able to actually burst. ( Cast pindown, and mid animation you use Fear me => arcing arrow 100%crit => final thrust(if lower than 50%) ) µ
-managing your bursts. F.e. only bursting an engi AFTER his heal.
- juking/kiting ( pretending to jump off things and not doing it, knowing all the jump spots, LoS’ing as much as possible while kiting) like a crazyfool + trying to never die. It never is usefull to die, even if you still have the point ( except if your mate is like 200%sure he can banner you)
-precasting banner. Every blind kitten can see a banner being casted when someone is downed already. That’s why you precast it on his spot when you see he’s dying. Takes some practice but is very effective

rest is kinda based on the class you’re fighting against. f.e. it’s really usefull to fake cast your pindown against a (good) mesmer because they will try to reflect it, wasting their distortion

for teamfights:

-be supportive as kitten. like, if you see someone casting pindown on an ally f.e. you can even blind him with your smoldering arrow. And if you’re on sword, you can just use Charge to cleanse him instantly.
-even tough you’re fast ‘n kitten, try to not be the thief who decaps. Let the thief just do that ( not in soloQ tough)
- map awareness => you can overextend a bit cuz you’re OP but the only reason why to overextend is to help someone disengage
- Try to be asd much as possible in the teamfights and call all your immobilizes.
- Use you immobilizes when you actually know someone of your team has smth up( if you’re with a necro it’s usefull to coordinate the wells and immobilize by luring their first cleanses and using the full immobilize+wells after )

Tl;dr? Hit ALL geo/doom and you’ll just do fine

(edited by Ash ketchum.2051)

Cleansing Ire

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

No Meta, Great, or good warrior build can exist without cleansing Ire. If you think I’m wrong, put up a spvp video where you win tons of matches without it. If you can’t make videos or can make videos, submit the build to to have it peer reviewed and watch it become meta. It is just impossible for warriors to be viable without cleansing ire.


Need more videos? Look for more on my stream on my highlights. It’s not “impossible” it just takes actual skill to play without it. But I guess low skill players will have to have Cleansing Ire where-as better Warriors such as Tarcis can definitely make non-Cleansing Ire builds work.

P.S Also winning a “match” in solo que is subjective. I would focus on mechanics and application if I were you, but you’re kind of simple minded I think so I’ll probably leave it at that.

AND If you want actual tournament play? Rainbows vs. Team Alpha. Lost to the second team but I did okay.

These videos are really not relevant. I’m sorry, but popping all your stances at once is just bad. Also, double dodging at random times makes no sence + you random dodge like a mofo, it’s insane. Hereby i assume your post as completely irrelevant.

Anyhow, on the CI thing. Dont you notice that you are able to use your burst skills like maybe 1 or 2 times total in a complete duel or teamfight because your lack of adrenaline? That you have to sometimes just kite at 70%p because you have nothing to actually “save” you if bursted?

Sorry to shatter you dreams, but CI is a must-have.

Cleansing Ire

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Burr, even if we had enough condi cleanse. The big problem would still exist in the adrenaline management problems ( since CI gives adrenaline on hit, which thus provides most adrenaline on warrior)

Cleansing ire has to be baseline, or a minor grandmaster trait instead of the retaliation.

Also, fast hands has to be baseline.
Now every warrior runs 3 in discipline trait (cuz well, we need this trait… ) and 4 in defence( cuz CI). This means post patch we’ll be forced into these 2 traitlines and only have the choice out of one other line.

Warrior feedback livestream ama

in Warrior

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Scooba, do you even have any clue what you are saying?
Warrior will just be a boring-to-play, non-skillful class to play shoutbow on.
My proposed changes:

-make fast hands baseline ( EVERY warrior uses it, like really, every one of them)
- Dont put merci hammer and burst mastery in same trait…
- So many useless traits, which will just force you to pick one you dont even like
-Why would you put leg specialist the only possible pick in the discipline line if you play hambow. while it only even has 1 movement skill, and we cant properly use it because adrenaline managment problems.
-Death from above( in pvp ,this is just useless)
-restorative strenght( useless, and even if we use our healing signet, we’ll get resistance)
-sweet revenge ( are we traiting for downstate now? )

I am very dissapointed because i want to see the skillful meta of hambow coming back instead of this shoutbow-build whom everyone who plays on high lvl pvp is forced to play because hambow cant handle well enough anymore.

TLDR; Shoutbow should be nerfed. Hambow should be buffed instead of nerfed.

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Also in Europe pluz

Now they are invading Hotm also!

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

So i went on my daily golem killing spree and i were disgusted by what i’ve seen. Now the virus of turret engis has been spread further than only ranked. xDDD They are even at the point where they are “practicing” already to kill Golems!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please remove turrets from hotm! I cant kill my Golems properly anymore.


[EU][PvP] thief LF team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

You forgot to mention your boobs girl!

Stop Golem Abuse! #Savethegolems

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

They should make a title named: Golem Slayer at around 10k golem kills.


Thief SPvP S/D- P/D

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Top trole !
Had fun laughing at you dying when assaulting a point which isnt yours, while being solo.
Great brain you have there ! you go girl !

Rifle: It got buffed, but it's not yet there.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

A thing they could do is introduce a new grandmaster-trait which makes killshot being able to be executed while moving. This should be in the Arms traitline.

Videos with voice chat?

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Mainly you want to call numbers ( where enemy is, how many they are, and if important who it is , f.e. thief ). Also it is important to call the enemy respawns.

For in combat just call out your cc’s and if you’re getting pressured/going down. so they can get ready to rez/banner/support you. Dont speak random kitten in chat.

Game Lost being 4vs5 ¬¬

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

hah! look what i just did today in unranked tough.


Rant: Please add Filter

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Maybe they just tried to give you constructive criticism and you denied being helped?

Turret engi underpowered! Suggested buff

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Remove the turrets from the utilities.
Make new kit : Turret kit.
Every attack skill is a diffferent turret you can place and will just function as a turret

This way engis can atleast get their toolkit and slickshoes to make it a bit decent.

I think this will balance the complete meta

Interrupt warrior/pvp/ teamfights

in Warrior

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

you’re kidding right?

Recent matchmaking issues

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Justin, could you watch my game history please? I should have a decent MMR and well, lately almost all the games i played i really felt like i had no opponents or no team.
Yesterday between 10-12pm CET, i even encountered a guy with rank 10 while i were duoQ’ing with a mate with a high MMR also. How is this possible?
Two days ago I even went to play pve because there was more of a challenge to find there… ( it was at around 3am tough… but still.. you know what i mean).

I’m really getting tired of farming players with a lower skill level and if soloQ’ing having no chance of winning because some people on your team just dont understand anything of rotations.. ( f.e. me and Kida were in the same team with 2 thieves duoQ’ing with a strategy of killing chieftan and svanir first,.. and even getting both stolen… >2days ago). Yesterday i faced those guys again (on the opposite team) and it was just facerolling… which is not fun.. i want a challenge Justin

Edit: i did get Q’ed up sometimes with/against decent people, but that’s mainly only 1 or 2 people from the 10 people playing. The fact that there are people who have no clue whatsoever is more the problem i’m having

(edited by Ash ketchum.2051)

PvP community

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Maybe it’s because you should go practice mode before going ranked mode.. and since the MM lets High MMR players balance with low MMR players, you’ll get with better players, who will hate you for not supporting/reetrotating ‘n stuff.
Protip if you’re really bad: watch streams. watch help videos ( of top players only, like srsly, there are some deep aids videos on yt telling you to kill bosses first. dont do that)

but please.. i beg you newlings, go practice mode, and if you ever feel better, go unranked. Stay away from ranked untill you atleast (as a minimum ) have your champion title idk. Even than you’ll still be flamed probably…

Solo and small group PvP really hurts...

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Great ideas.
Anyhow, since there hasnt been spoken about leagues on the part of Anet…. what is holding Anet from making leagues?

This is what we need !

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Can we get a killcount of how many golems we have been slaying please?
In between games the only thing we are doing atm is slaying the golems at the pvp area. A title “Golem slayer” or " Lord of the Golems" or something similar would be great.

Test Season Feedback: The Good, The Bad etc.

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Great post!
+1 for league system
+1 for HOTM-upgrade ( 1v1 / JP .. )
+2 for 3month meta instead of 6

Supply Crate Elite needs a buff

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Also the pistol autoattack isnt strong enough. I’d suggest adding torment to it.

Supply Crate Elite needs a buff

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

i know man. i have the same problem also. Craet really needs a buff. Same with the magnet pull. now it’s way too telegraphed, they should make the animation a lot shorter.

Supply Crate Elite needs a buff

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Yeah, or they should make a trait from it. Rangers can carry their spirits with them also by traiting. Maybe a trait that allows all turrets to have wheels? i think this seems balanced

[EU]Cooking Meta [MeTh] LF

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Bumpity doodely doo

Solutions on how to improve PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

We have all seen that there are problems with the matchmaking already. And that the new dailys weren’t the perfect idea. And that cele is kind of OP.
But let me get 1 thing straight. If you only whine, and don’t give a solution.. nobody is helped with your post.

Herefor I want to make a post to summarize what I think Anet is actually trying to accomplish.

The new PvP dailies
Okay, this was obviously to lure the PvE, and WvW community to PvP. And yes, this may result in some unknowns going to ranked arena and making the team lose. Altough, after a few games of losing, they will start to notice that going in Practice or Unranked mode gives them a lot higher chance of winning! Anyhow. This really wasnt the best solution anyways..

Make requirements for ranked gameplay. This really should be done by class.
What requirements?
- Set a number of games played in Unranked ( f.e. 500 )
- Make rank proffesionwise and let people join ranked at lvl 40

Okay. this may seem as a proper solution. But the matchmaking wont be fixed right?
First of all I want to thank Justin for his patience and courage to try fixing the matchmaking.
Second of all. The reason of why the matchmaking isn’t working out perfectly is because there simply are not enough players. ( this is why they made the dailies to lure people into PvP, and they give this much tournaments and mini llamas to make them wanting to improve)
To actually make the matchmaking work perfectly we need more players.
So instead of flaming a noob when they are not doing what they are supposed to do.. Just give him a friendly help. Tell him what he did wrong, but also tell him how they can improve.
You want the community to improve right?

The leaderboard
Okay, the last leaderboard wasn’t perfect. But this leaderboard is mainly focus’d on grinding. If you play a lot, you get higher on the ladder. You tried to improve the leaderboards but to be honest. It didnt work out like expected. Great plan in theory tough. The requirement for the leaderboard will get the the newly players already from the ladder, but this still wont separate the good and the bad players.

- A requirement will be needed anyhow so the new players with only like 20 games wont be able to get on the leaderboards. This is rather for the low tier leaderboards.
-For the high tier leaderboards there should have to be looked more to the win/loss ratio.
- Well… more players.. leagues… I cant deny it. The system like in LoL works.. But in LoL they work on a different way. They separate more than only the new players and the veteran players. First they separate those, and after that they separate the good players from the bad players. If these things are done. The old ladder would be able to work again, for each ladder apart.
short: Make brackets for each skill level. A top player should never be on the same leaderboard as a player with only 50 games played.

Tldr; Make requirements for ranked/ Separate the ranked players/ Get more people interested in pvp and willing to improve/ less flamerino , more helperino

[EU][PvP] Warrior Vlaanderen lft

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

I’m kind of getting tired of bumping every 3 days because you get on the 3th page after a 2 hours….
Please bring back the separated forums…

[EU][PvP] Warrior Vlaanderen lft

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051


[EU][PvP] Warrior Vlaanderen lft

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Bumperino Bumperina Bumperinum

[EU][PvP] Warrior Vlaanderen lft

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Hello guys!

As some of you already know I go by the name of Vlaanderen. I am an experienced hambow warrior but i can manage to play mainly all other builds of warrior. I have played all other classes for a while and i am able to effectively hold my ground in teamfights and 1v1s. For the soloQ ratings i’m usually around 100-300. TeamQ around 300 but only with organised random groups.
Edit: Before the new ladder

Why am i doing this/What are the goals?
- main goal: Improving to get it to top level
- learn to know some new kittens to hangout/chill with and get mates along
- Tpvp a lot together on fixed hours or just midnight farming

What people am i looking for?
-mechanically fully settled players. Being able to master your own profession perfectly
-People who have atleast a decent amount of experience
-You must be a chillball. If you care about wiping and making errors and flamin’ ’n kitten, just ignore this post. Best way to learn is to get rekt and knowing why you got rekt. Flaming ’n whining doesnt matter. Chillax brahs

Noticable: I am usually all night online. Herefor i prefer people who play a lot during nighttime. Tough if you cant, nevermind this.

Reply to this thread or whisper me IG: Ash ketchum.2051

Cya in the arena!


(edited by Ash ketchum.2051)

Hotm reworks

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

Actually, with all respect to pve and wvw, as a pvp player, we want to stay in hotm. And hotjoin is balls. Sorry but the system doesn’t work.
If started with even just a small patch where we could jump, with improvements over time ( by some developer who does this when he’s bored or something and wants to give some love the the pvp-community). This is really not a feature we want to be very soon or very perfected. We just want something… And that could be reworked/debugged every time that developer feels like..

Hotm reworks

in PvP

Posted by: Ash ketchum.2051

Ash ketchum.2051

How about duelzone in HotM? or Duel areas – just like that one when you can practice with NPC like Engineer NPC or so.

Duel arena’s would be extremely difficult to implement for actual training on real pvp. Or at least at some level. To make the AI interactive/using rotations according to enemy/doing stuff like in real pvp. It would almost be impossible to implement.
+ it still all has to be random. You cant just let it do always the same rotation over and over again. it’ll just be too easy when you know how it works. Or how working with AI dodging?
If you want a duel area, it should be to make the players who use it improve. Not to test damage and stuff. Therefor a surviving challenge seems way better. This way you could actually learn your defensive skills, to only pop them when needed so you dont have 9000+ cooldowns like every beginner. This could actually improve you on kiting. Which would make the pvp-level ( which is now averagely pathetic) improve.

Tough i’d prefer a jumping puzzle or SAB hotm. Easyer implementing, and so much fun jumping.