Showing Posts For Asthalon.6875:

CDI Format Proposal

in CDI

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Hi Chris (and all),

Long time reader, first time poster – it’s hard to find the time to keep up, so hopefully these format changes will make it easier to do so!

Regarding multiple CDI topics, I recall that the last time three were run simultaneously, there were issues that upset some of the community regarding the seeming difference in attention paid to each thread. As much as that was largely due to time constraints, I suspect there’s also an aspect of approach that was different between the thread owners.

It’s a bit presumptuous, but I’d like to suggest that you and the other thread owners try, if possible, to block off a half-hour stretch for a few of the first days of the new CDI threads to just sit together in a meeting room and each work your own CDI threads, even if it’s just catching up on the day’s posts.

I think the whole venture would benefit from opportunities to discuss the discussions among yourselves, and I think that (most importantly) the other thread owners will stand to benefit from some “live action mentoring” at the outset to maybe get a sense of how you’ve approached these posts and users and how you felt you were able to coax value out of them.

I hope that’s helpful on some level. Thanks for all your hard work; I think you’ve done a great job being genuine and candid (as much as you can be), and I hope the other thread owners have as much success.

GS evade off the chain, on to swoop.

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Im kicking all GS ranger´s who are waiting with AA3 out of my dungeon and PvP Groups.

waiting 1/2seconds will increase AA executetime by about 20% and lowering DPS

No, of course, you’re right. How silly of me… Not waiting on your evade and instead blowing it one second before the big telegraphed one-shot-death boss hit is absolutely going to increase your DPS.

(waiting is time where u do nothing, no dmg, no evade, that´s this evade is so bad).

Yes, waiting to use AA3 sure would mean you’d be doing absolutely nothing… couldn’t possibly have 9 other buttons to press to make things happen, right?

There would be little value in extending the reversion timer if you couldn’t use other skills, but since I don’t think using another skill right now inherently reverts autos, then that wouldn’t be the case.

GS evade off the chain, on to swoop.

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


The biggest problem I have with the evade is the lack of control over it, but I also find that when bashing through groups of targets I really do want the evade firing as often as possible.

If there’s not a technical limitation on it, what I think would be an easy change would be to extend how long AA3 is available for before it reverts back to AA1 if not used.

What that does is maintain its present passive utility (if you have it set to auto-fire, nothing changes), but let’s skilled players disable the auto-fire and have more control over the evade timing. Doing so would reduce your damage output while you’re sitting on AA3, but give you that added control over when you evade, which sounds like exactly the sort of low cost decision-making that makes for more interesting (and less passive) play.

It would also let you fire off another couple of skills without having to give up the evade, which I guess could even be an option with the auto-fire still turned on, as long as you’re good at timing your skill use.

A not so living world

in Living World

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


It would be nice to see them leverage this development cycle for both purposes. 2 updates of small-time DE chain development in zones across the world, and the third update is a major event similar to what we see now, but preferably with a more permanent (& evolving) consequence left behind.

A not so living world

in Living World

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Have to agree wholeheartedly. There’s so much available depth of content in the world already… why is it all fallen by the wayside? Stop trying to hard to think of new unrelated stories, and actually flesh out the stories that are already being told. I dunno what Living World is, but it doesn’t feel like Tyria.

I mean… how many more times are bandits going to attack the water pipes in Queensdale? How long does it take the Seraph to get a handle on that? Seriously.

New Pet Suggestion: Canyon Spider

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Meh, what about something with less legs?

You lack ambition.

How about something with more legs?

Can't enter world 2

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Yep, definitely. Also why I made sure to redo World 1 last night and try right after that (without success) to get into 2.

Can't enter world 2

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I had the same problem last night, though I don’t have all the achieves done, but I’ve beat King Toad a couple of times (and even ran through everything last night in World 1 again), but still couldn’t get into World 2. Nothing happens at the door in the hub.

I’m at work now so I can’t see if it’s changed, but it was pretty frustrating last night, and I couldn’t find any firm information on what constituted “Completing World 1” if it was more than just beating King Toad.

More Ascended gear vs. Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Change the Beastmastery bonus from a flat 1:10 attribute ratio to getting 1% of the master’s base stats (Core+Traits+Gear; exclude temporary buffs like food, might, sigil stacks, etc.).

You could run up some pretty potent numbers in a stat or two (+600 at 30 points if you have 2000 in something), but that would be at a similar expense to your own weaknesses. Would also allow to transfer healing/condi bonuses to the pet, which would be a nice boost.

I’ll admit that I haven’t really looked at how the math would work for lower levels. At work and too lazy…

Some good ranger advice on Chomper/Strugar?

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I found Swoop on the GS to be really useful on this fight; you have a bit of leeway in noticing the meat, and can get right to Chomper to deliver a stun (GS5), or you can cripple/chill/immob before or after the swoop and just run past him to the meat. He’ll get a couple but I really didn’t have a lot of trouble with this fight once I got better at tracking the meat tosses.

Pets Survival in Dungeons April 30 patch

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Another side to this is that Guard is now basically 66% uptime Protection on the Pet. Extending that to 100% really shouldn’t be too hard (not sure if +Boon Duration boosts it, it should though right?)

Signet of the Beastmaster question

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I won’t go so far as to say Signet of the Hunt is awesome, but it’s not useless – it’s good for bursting, and IIRC the buff doesn’t expire like Sic ’Em so you can load it up on your pet and it will still be active on their first strike even after the skill itself has recharged (so you can have them open with a powered strike from it, then pop it again for a second powered strike).

Game not displaying special characters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Hi Ashley,

Glad to see a Dev pick this up – I know you guys are busy! This has been reported in the past here:

At least for some users (including me), it seems limited to the “Large” interface setting; Small, Normal, and Larger (or w/e the really big one is, at work atm) display fine for me. I only get special characters on “Large”; it’s as if that size setting is configured to use a different character set.

Unfortunately I can’t offer a time-frame for when it might have “changed”, as it’s been an issue since I started using the Large interface about 2-3 months ago. It has persisted through patches since then, however.

Edit: Just noticed Kosmo said it happens for him on Normal, so I guess that’s out…

(edited by Asthalon.6875)

So, here we go with the pet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I think the problem is related to your build, but not in the skill sense. With a full melee build you’re not really doing a lot to create gaps. That makes your F3 almost useless against another melee because you’re not calling your pet away, and there’s no aggro table against a player; it’s still following you around and so still not that far from that warrior if they want to keep whacking away at it.

You probably don’t need to go fully double-canine. Jaguar/Hyena would be a good middle ground because you’d have both a burst pet & a solid control pet (since you can call the buddy for the extra knockdown). But without any ranged attack, you’re always going to have that weak point where your pet is easily accessible to other melee.

You might try a Devourer too, and turn it into a bit of a chasing game to discourage them from hitting the pet.

Getting tired of ''Please leave, duels''

in PvP

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


You really have no concept (neither do I) of how many people do or do not want dueling. I’d be interested to see the numbers on the portion of the population that posts on the forums at all, let alone specifically about a given feature.

Personally I don’t care about dueling, so I would rather see time spent on other features that I might use. Why should the stuff I want wait for the stuff you want?

In reality, I don’t care either way, but everybody who wants dueling ‘OMG yesterdays wtf’ needs to stop and realize that what they want is not necessarily the most popular thing.

It’s good that people care enough to post ideas for what they see as improvements to the game.

It’s not good when people demand changes as if they had some kind of entitlement to them.

Things to improve

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I think what she means is that if the spouts are down, and you stand on the spot where the spout is going to be, and the spout rises up, then you do not go with it, you just get shoved aside.

Rangers get some love?

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


GS got a little love in the last patch, more people might be trying it out. Overall I think the nature of conversation in our forum is starting to shift away from constant whining about us being broken, so maybe it’s just a case of people spending time getting better on their Ranger instead of wasting it complaining here.

You should be unable to switch pets.

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Change the subject line to “Your HUD should tell you…” and you’d be on to something.

Level 10/11 Tree Elemental - To level with

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Visit the Grove and find the Crafting masters if you haven’t yet. Crafting contributes a pretty significant XP amount if you stay on top of it. I got all my Crafts taken care of across 4 toons, I didn’t bother on my 5th and I was always behind on levels until I started crafting with it.

You know you've played to much Mesmer when

in Mesmer

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


…you wonder why you walk into one streetlamp’s circle of light at night and aren’t able to instantly move to the next one.

Positive Side to Being a Ranger.

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I was, ironically, a bit relieved to see the laundry list of changes made to Engineer. Aside from all the “we were told we sucked the most” drama-llama whinging that people will cry foul on with, I think it was a good sign to see that many changes to one class in one patch – that means it’s something they actually can manage to do, and hey, maybe it’ll happen in the future for us.

Devs do NOT check forums.

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I heard that the relationship between forum QQ and class change is actually inverse. The more you QQ senselessly (i.e. not productively and without respect), the fewer good changes your class receives each patch.

Consequently, I encourage everybody who is both not satisfied with the Ranger class and incapable of posting criticisms/suggestions in a respectful & useful manner to hie on over to the Warrior forum.

Use the strength of your QQ there to prevent further buffs to their class by complaining ad nauseum about it (and the devs), while the Ranger forum benefits from the serene quite of a natural respectful discussion and reaps some buffs in the process because we don’t look like a bunch of whiny tweens anymore.

The Living Story - far too vague.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I haven’t found the Living Story to be excessively vague – I think it’s doing a decent job of capturing the sense of the unknown.

I had a bit of trouble finding my first refugee item, the next three were rather easy after I stopped to think about where I found the first one…

Could be coincidence, but I managed to find all of my refugee items during or shortly after clearing out an invasion event. It just took me a bit to realize that’s where I found the first one, when I also found the second one.

If I had to make any complaint, I would say that it would be nice to have some kind of way to find out about invasions elsewhere in the zone if you are too far to see the event circles. Sort of like how static events have some NPCs that run out to other locations to call for help, but a longer range.

Otherwise, I like what I’ve seen so far. Sure, there could be more depth to the elements they’ve provided, but wall of text is not suitable for an MMO, and cinematics (good ones) take a while to make.

At least they didn’t put in any more speech cutscenes like the Personal Story has – those are disruptive and annoying.

Ranger 101 - the 0/0/5/0/5

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


The quickness can also be very useful with Healing Spring and a bow. Longbow is best for this, but Short Bow is good too. Drop HS, pop Rapid Fire, and swap your pet – Quickened Rapid Fire juices your Regen boon quite nicely.

Healing Spring’s CD lines up quite nicely with traiting 15 in BM too, since you can then plug this combo every second pet swap.

Condition duration and damage

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


As Dasorine said, PvE is hands-down duration; condition removal is rare on mobs and slow attack cycles make it a must.

In PvP I’d say it depends on how you’re applying it. If you prefer a burstier confusion and tend to load high stacks in batches, go for damage – condition removal will undermine duration gains.

If you’re running a more sustained application (generally less concerned about the damage, more about control), then you should probably focus on duration, since most opponents can only pop condition removal so often, so after the first couple of rounds are dropped you can start to lean on them for longer stretches.

In a big group I’d say damage over duration regardless, since enemies will either die very quickly (small group) or have condition removal constantly firing (big group); either way you want to squeeze in what you can quickly.

Request: Allow TP to use bank funds

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


This would be nice, though I would still want to see the first fund access come from the character, not the bank. But bank funds should be accessible via TP.

I guess for now you can use a bank access item to withdraw money, no?

Please change Buy Orders to forbid pricing lower than NPC price...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


4 months later and no progress on an inconsequential task. Where is this game headed?

There. Fixed that for you.

It’s a purely cosmetic change at this point. You cannot interact with them in a meaningful way. There are more pressing problems.

What is the future of the Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Hey, I’m not denying they said stuff was broken and it’s still broken. I’m not denying it sucks. I’m not denying that it seems like it’s taking a while.

But we don’t know why. We don’t know how much they have tried and discarded. We don’t know how much is in QA. We don’t have any right to that knowledge, and we certainly don’t do much as a community (as a whole) to encourage them to be more open about that process.

In all honesty, what did you hope to achieve by posting this thread that is basically a rehash of thousands of (unanswered) posts before it?

The horse is dead. Stop beating it. Give ANet the time and opportunity to raise that corpse into a half-decent minion.

P.S. – I do respect that you hived your complaint off so as not to derail the latest Dev thread. I just don’t get what value you saw in posting it at all.

(edited by Asthalon.6875)

Jumping Puzzles of the Mist

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Apparently they’re working on a doozy right now. Don’t remember what forum the posts were in though… but it was exciting news

Complaints Forum

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Pretty self-explanatory. Create a forum to funnel all complaints to, such as:

- WTF, the Devs promised to fix XXX, why haven’t they yet?!?!
- The Trading Post is a scam!
- I had cheese for dinner and have had gas all day
- ANet Doesn’t Care
- My kitten jumped on the keyboard and deleted all my characters. WHY DOESN’T ANET CODE AGAINST CATS?
- etc.

Moderators should lock/remove all such posts for all other forums. Devs should completely ignore the complaints forum (100% serious here… don’t waste your time).

- Complainers join ranks and feel ignored together; nothing changes here (since even if you don’t ignore them, they still feel ignored)
- The rest of us get to go to any forum and actually <gasp> engage in interesting discussions about that forum’s topic (well, at least not whiny discussions)!

- Uhm. None.

My tongue is firmly in my cheek here, but the idea itself is legitimate.

What is the future of the Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


1. I have friends in the dev business, Asth. After the bullkitten we’ve been subjected to, I think we’ve earned our right to ‘demand’ answers from devs. We rarely if ever get those questions answered seriously if at all(Devs ignoring 99% of the ranger forum, responding to only one issue maybe once every two months), and the answers we get sound nice but aren’t backed up by ‘practical’ or ‘sensible’ action, which is why we keep ‘demanding’ and ‘whinging’, whatever that means.

sigh No, you have not earned any such right. ANet’s pricing model sort of mitigates the kind of entitlement that subscription MMO players typically might justify. You bought the game up front, and that was your only mandatory cost to play it. Most such purchases (think single-player games here) do not have continued development and content additions, though more titles are moving in that direction. I doubt many can even argue that purchasing Gems gives that right, because Gem purchase is in most cases going to be fueled by virtual consumerism, not altruistic support for ANet.

If I were a Dev I would ignore 99% of the Ranger forum as well… because 99% of the Ranger forum is senseless whinging (an exaggeration, but you get the point). I’d love to come to the Ranger forum for legitimate Ranger discussion, but that can get pretty hard to find amidst all of these kinds of threads (which I’m even perpetuating, to a certain extent here, so hey, I suck too).

2. We shouldn’t have to wait until an expansion to get a POSSIBLE fix or see our feedback recognized.

3. Pfah, you just contradicted yourself. The feedback is from the community, if you claim that they don’t give a farrk about the feedback, then how can they care about the community? And you claim they care about the game, Asth? Probably, but they’re certainly not showing it with the way they’ve been leaving major problems unaddressed and still finding time to add some new dinky to the gem store every time a month passes.

You should read my post again, specifically where I said one of two outcomes was likely… not both. No contradiction. I thought I rather clearly intimated that I felt ANet was closer to the 2nd point than the 1st. I apologize if that wasn’t clear. Expansion comments were in reference to a certain other large studio’s idea of “balance”.

TL;DR – I’ll fully agree that ANet’s communication habits, with some exceptions, leave a lot to be desired. But I really can’t fully blame them for that – the community has not shown a willingness to be flexible in absorbing that communication.

Thousands of “WTF where’s my promised fix” posts does not create an incentive for open communication.

What is the future of the Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


People need to stop jumping all over ArenaNet for stuff like this.

You said it yourself, ANet admitted Ranger is the most in need of improvement. When you make a game as complex as GW2 is, and you come out with a statement like that, there are usually one of two possible outcomes, tied to the nature of the company:

1) The company doesn’t care about community feedback at all. They slap some stuff together and call it fixed. Don’t like it? Wait til the next expansion when they change everything again anyway.

2) The company cares quite a lot about the game and the community. They spend time developing, testing, trashing, developing, testing, and maybe implementing ideas. The last thing they want to do, after admitting (effectively) a kitten-up is to follow up with another kitten-up.

Topics like this are getting tiresome. People ask, nay demand answers from the Devs, and when they get those answers, if they don’t like them (no matter how practical or sensible they are), they whinge and moan and then go start a new thread to ask again. If I were in ANet’s shoes, I wouldn’t bother to say anything. Robert Hrouda is a brave (and well-spoken) man, in light of that.

Maybe you (general you) should stop before posting threads like this and ask yourselves this question:

Do you actually know how to develop, program, draw, test, and implement these fixes yourself?

Most of us cannot answer Yes to that question (I can’t). Kwitcherkittenin. Let the nice people who know how to do it take the time to do it properly.

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


But 3 is addressed already by the “call” function. Bosses are easy. Learn their tells. You know when AoE is coming, dodge or call your pet back! Dude, with 25/25/0/0/20, my black cat Chuck can tank subject alpha a heck of a lot longer than I can (signet of wild). You can do it without making drastic changes like you suggest. Why make everything hard and change the way all the good players play this profession?

Please don’t take this as a rude attack (I honestly don’t mean it to be), but you need to come down off your high horse. Not everybody has the time or the skill to play at that level of micromanagement, and for better or worse, that’s what it is – micromanagement.

Arguing that people should just learn to manage their pets flawlessly is not invalid, but it is especially narrow-minded. Other classes’ specialty mechanics have much lower skill floors than Rangers do. I don’t want to dumb down the ability to master the class, but I do think a shift is necessary to improve its health. I think a healthy class is one whose core mechanic is manageable by mid-skilled players, and masterable by elite players.

Traiting a shared dodge splits the difference. It lets higher-end players such as yourself continue to maximize build use through micromanagement, but it lets mid-level players opt to blow build choices (not to mention Endurance) on helping their pet through some of the trickier sequences. It’s called compromise – it’s a better answer for a healthier class & game than “L2P”, too, provided it’s a sound compromise.

Personally I’ve barely been in dungeons, but I work hard to leverage my pet in open PvE, and I will challenge any Champion solo with my pet. That doesn’t mean I win, but it does mean I feel like I manage my pet well enough to give me a fighting chance in most situations, enough so to try rather than just write them off. I can safely say that I can do much better, but it takes practice (and thus more time than I really have).

P.S. – Adding a trait is not a “drastic” change. I’m not asking for it to be default. And we have some pretty crusty traits, you must admit.

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Robert’s was a pretty good response regarding something I think a lot of pet complainers disregard (open world pet strength).

I feel like a lot the common complaints could be addressed and balanced via these methods (not exclusively, but broadly):

1) Reduce overall pet survivability somewhat (not a lot, but to balance point 3)
2) Share the Ranger’s AR with the Pet automatically
3) Trait to trigger a dodge for pets when the Ranger dodges – this must override whatever action the pet is in the middle of in order to have any value.
4) Further Improve pet pathing against moving targets.
5) Grab your CodeRAID and fix more bugs.

I would have previously also asked for some sort of stow option, not in the way that some people are for DPS compensation, but just as a tool for running around without drawing aggro when you hop off a cliff, etc. However, the last patch introduced the OOC 1-second pet cooldown, and that means I can hop the cliff, maybe wait a second if it hurt, swap my pet, and be ready to go without it grabbing a boatload of baddies running the long route.

Odd text bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


This is happening to me now, not sure since when;I just started using large. I switched to large interface, and punctuation or special characters appear as a variety of accented vowels. It’s like the large interface is using a different character set than the other three sizes.

Why cant we use staffs?

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Personally I would expect a Ranger staff implementation to be a melee quarterstaff, more than a magical staff… ’course, your typical fancy magical staves have fragile little doodads on the end, and those can be tricky to whack somebody over the head with and not break.

So much for the bag/bank slot sale!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Cheat. ANet can generate gems and gold in infinite quantities as they see fit. They merely choose not to. While I don’t see the specific need to discount gems in the exchange whenever there is an attractive gem store sale, if ANet wanted to do so, they would merely need to generate and dump a ton of gems into the exchange until the price dropped to the desired level, and then buy them all back out of the system if it fell below that. That the market does not currently work this way is entirely a design choice, not a design necessity.

The problem with that approach is they would almost instantly lose any credibility with reasonable folk about whether or not they are influencing the gem rates.

At this point, reasonable people have no reason not to believe ANet when they say “We don’t do anything to directly affect gem exchange costs.” All it takes is one adjustment, in either direction, and then even reasonable people will begin to question whether or not they’re telling us about all the moves they make there – the temptation once started is too high, so the only point of trust is at no adjustment at all.

New to guildwars switched from d3!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


GW2 is great for diversity. I hated how D3 was made because you play it through once on Normal and you never really see anything new (vs. D2 where the maps were dynamically generated, if with predictability sometimes).

GW2 is basically the extreme opposite end of the spectrum. There’s lots to do, and for the most part, those activities are fleshed out quite well (some bugs, but they’re being worked on).

The best advice I can give is try everything. You’re bound to find something you enjoy doing – there really is that much going on.

New to guildwars switched from d3!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


It sounds like you’d really enjoy Mesmer or Necro. Necro is probably the easier to introduce yourself to the game with, but both have some pretty advanced skillset opportunity.

I’ve personally only gotten both to 40 so far, so I’ll yield to experts on the specifics, but as I said, I think they suit what it sounds like you like to play.

1 dollar is not 1 euro

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


You euro people are cute.

Try living in Canada.

Our dollars are more or less on par with the US, yet we wind up paying a chunk more for the majority of goods and services on our side of the border than the cost of the same goods south of the border.

In fairness, though, you will find similar disparities on goods even between states within the U.S. where, to paraphrase, ‘1 dollar is not always 1 dollar’.

Suck it up princesses. Welcome to the global economy.

Gems too expensive

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Personally, I’m opting for a reasonable split approach – I like that this is the preferred revenue tool for ANet post-purchase, rather than a subscription fee. My criteria for buying Gems is simple:

- Anything I want from the Gem Store that makes gameplay more convenient or enjoyable (luxury items, minis, bank/bag slots, etc.) I pay for with gold
- Anything that extends gameplay, such as a new Character slot, I will pay RL money for

I feel like that’s a good happy medium – there’s enough variance in play between each class that, after I finish levelling my 5th 80, I can justify another bit of cash to keep on playing the game in a new way. All the other stuff is luxury, basically, and it makes more sense to spend in-game currency on it.

I don’t think crying about the cost of Gems by Gold is even something anybody with half a moral brain should be doing. Frankly, we’re lucky we even have the option to do so.

Could Sword/Sword - Sword/Focus be viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


On the off-chance that you haven’t actually gone out and tried it out (you probably have, but I didn’t discover this til I tried the same idea with a Scepter for confusion stacks), you should know that both MH Swords will share cooldowns – they don’t refresh when you swap, so you’re basically swapping OH items with a static cooldown on your MH.

It might be viable, but I think you’re probably shooting yourself in the foot w/ respect to potential utility from another full weapon set.

A way to Ground AoE without mouse?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


If you’re asking if there’s a way to make your AoE spells always hit your targeted target, then no, there is no way to do that (and there shouldn’t be, though I enjoy seeing a subset of skills that work that way by design).

If you’re asking because you’re tired of losing your target when you mis-click to drop your ground spell, then yes, there is. Instead of clicking to lay the spell at the reticule, you can press the skill button again.

So, for Mesmer Staff#5 (Chaos Storm) for example, if you are doing this:

Press 5 – Aim Reticule – Left-Click

Instead, you can do this:

Press 5 – Aim Reticule – Press 5

Doesn’t save you from having to aim the spell, but it does avert the target change dilemma. I think this is the “double tap” Gestankfaust was referring to.

Edit: Haven’t actually gotten in to play in a while (stupid life), forgot there actually already are AoE-At-Target skills – like Feedback.

(edited by Asthalon.6875)

Portal not working sometimes?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


yeah its not exactly written anywhere in the game that it has a max range… is it that hard to put the same red bar under the skill if you are too far away from your entre?

It probably is, actually. The red bar is tied to your current target, afaik, and it’s probably a pretty explicit code segment to do it.

There would probably be a not-insignificant effort to put in code that can track the location of your existing portal, override the native tracking functionality, and apply it to that skill only. There are a lot of factors.

You might be able to simulate it if the entre is targetable though – target it and it might properly measure range. Not sure if you can target it, or if it would work (at work, so i can’t test it), but it’s a thought. Not really ideal for WvW though.

Your guess on the function of the exchange

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I wasn’t disputing that, merely offering a potential contributing reason as to why they went with that system in the first place vs. a system where you just buy gems with RL money and that’s it. I think that this way they have a wider potential of making money, is all, which I certainly don’t begrudge them, because I want shiny content and I know that you can’t front that purely on retail sticker price of the game.

Your guess on the function of the exchange

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


I would hazard a guess that a contributing factor is giving players an out in order to increase their likelihood of spending real money.

This is an abstract concept, not statistical, but consider the potential fence-sitter group of gem spenders. That is, people who want gem-based items but would never buy them with RL money if it was the only way to do so. Give them the opportunity to play the game however, with a reasonable chance to accumulate enough in-game wealth to buy those items, and they are happier. Possibly (conjecture) to the point where they might decide to spend RL money anyway in lieu of the effort, rather than eschewing it entirely because they felt forced to spend it because it was the only way.

What Is Up With Increasing Prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


If gold is really getting harder to earn (I don’t think it is, but let’s run with it), then eventually there will be less gold in the game, and prices will drop naturally.

So your problem, by your own criteria, will solve itself.

-Little Ranger Tips-

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Trap Hucking

If you’re traited to toss traps (or actually, any ground-target skill would benefit), you don’t need to click to drop the trap. You can press your skill button, aim the reticule, and then press your skill button again to drop it (instead of clicking the ground).

This helps mitigate unwanted target-change/camera movement.

The Spirit Challenge

in Ranger

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


My intention was just to weed out the blatant “They suck” thoughts – specific ideas for improvement would tie in nicely to the same vein of thought, maybe along the lines of “This might be viable in this situation if…”.

Ultimately I just feel like we’re going to have the Spirits around as is for an indefinite period of time. GW2 proficiency ties back a lot to situational skill selection, and I disbelieve that the Ranger community can’t establish some situations where they’re useful (which clearly we can, above so far) and worth being on the bar, even in their present poor state.

Obviously they’ll never see permanent use until being reworked, but that doesn’t mean useless.

This is getting ridiculous!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asthalon.6875


Amen to playin’ both! I got my Ranger to 80 first, then rolled Guardian/Necro/Ele/Mesmer and have been levelling them up “together” in chunks of 5 levels – it’s been a blast (it helps to make sure to choose different story forks where possible). I don’t recommend trying to keep crafted EQ up to date on 4 toons though… ugh. :p