Showing Posts For Atlanis.1473:

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


CDIs, what are they?

I see them as nothing more than a bluff, and it worked for the first 3 CDIs; they got people in and talking about what they want. But the 3rd one was just wrong, a lot of players asking why talk about EOTM when it has only been out a month.

We were expecting a 4th by now, but again it hasnt appeared. I believe this is due to total failure of the Season 2 rewards. The WvW dev only had one thing to do, make sure people got their rewards. But it didnt work, and they had to “quickly” get a fix out.
A lot of players, some of whom are new, were able to see posts from players who’ve been here since beta, and they were shown that nothing much has changed in WvW since launch.

Newer players posting suggestions on how to improve the game, only to be told we suggested it a year or more ago. People posting that classic WvW blog page on it’s future, only to realise that too is over a year old and nothing has been done.

So in the end anet have probably realised creating a 4th WvW CDI will cause even more negativity; just look at the Call To Arms thread, people demanding why they want our footage when they have neglected us for 2 years. A week later and still no answer.

When silence is their answer, infracting and deleting and banning, what exactly can we take away from this?
If they were really working on something, they still would not be claiming they cannot talk about it. If it was to be released soon, they would at least give us a brief description, but also stating the release date is not definite.
Saying they are working on something but cannot talk about it, it is now the same as they are not working on it at all, that is the state of the game for WvW right now.

So dont expect a 4th CDI until the mods do some clearing of the forums, i.e. for those who complain to much to obtain enough infractions to “warrant” a permanent ban from the forums.

This post will probably be one of my last due to the above, so enjoy whilst you can!

You know what, the delayed Rewards sucked yes, it was dealth with and done with.

Really i don’t care if stuff messes up now and then, it happens, it still beats Nothing by a long shot.

My Guild still plays on a Daily basis, it is still fun to WvW, i only wanted to express that standing still is already moving backwards.

GW2 has the Potential to be one of the best Competitive games on the Market, it is almost there too, but like a child if you don’t tend it daily with care and love it will not
reach its full potential.

Perhaps i did come across a bit Negative, but if i did i did cause i care about the Enviroment i play in with my Friends.

It’s just a game, i agree, but since they asked for Collaboration, and got alot of it from the Playerbase, they should really take heart and give us some Insights.

Can’t be done overnight, maybe not even in 7 Months, but show us what you fix, and what you work on, Involve the players, don’t exclude us.

At least the Path its taking, and a roughly estimate of time till new things happen.

Gives People something to look forward too.


Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Well then, i don’t think i have worded my Post negatively, i just stated some facts.

And no i wont sugarcoat those Facts.

You talk of demanding, i talk of asking for an answer, even tho English isnt my Native i do not think those are the same things.

Might or might not get an answer, my dibs are on not getting, still felt the need to put a post here and state my view on things.

Im pretty sure A-Net is aware that “the WvW players” generate a revenue for them, and that some of them are not very happy about the No Info Policy, im not here to make them like me, nor am i here to flame around, i simply ask for an answer.

As for the insults you posted, even tho nicely covered up, ill ignore them.

Not worth my time.


Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


The player base would LIKE clarity – this is not a sub game where you are constantly paying for the game – your attitude shows the ‘Entitled’ mentality. I, for one, would not respond to a post like yours – it would darned if you do and darned if you don’t.
If you don’t play WvW that’s fine, but those who do are “player base” as well, and while there is no Monthly Fee there are still purcases done by those people.

All modes but WvW get proper attention, i have played GW1 and i don’t see how the lore plays a role here.

Again were talking about a Game Mode, for many the “End Game”.

And your totally right, i feel entitled cause i purcase things and this is the game mode i mostly play, i did not ask you for your oppinion, but its astonishing to me that it doesnt take even 10 mins for some White knight to come here trying to derail the treat.

My post was neither rude nor nonsical, it was aimed for A Net devs.


Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Collaborative Development implied to me that there would be a collaboration between devs and players.

7 Months later we got not a single word on WvW other then a Mod saying we can’t talk about things in developement.

Correct me if im wrong here, but where is this Collaborative Development?

I think its time the WvW Devs step up ther Game a bit, and Take the 20 mins it takes to Answer some Questions of the Community, i asure you we will endure those 20 Mins you cant work on the Progress of WvW.

To me and i think many other People in WvW we feel left out, and only see Advances in LS SPvP and PvE, all importaint, and what a surprise, even communication happens.

I for one am not buying those In works can’t talk Excuses.

Remember that WvW along with GvG is one of the major income Factors in your game, and its also a large chunk of your Core Playerbase.

So again i ask you to take those 20 mins or make it an hour or a day week whatever, im more then willing to wait that time it takes to properly reply to your paying customers longer for those “works in Progress”

Your Playerbase needs some Clarity !

Keva Windrift
Wolfs Rain

(edited by Atlanis.1473)

Call to Arms: We want your WvW videos!

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


From Gandara a while back


Solutions to GvG arena and scene

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Yep its very nice, that way the PPT and the GVG crowds wouldnt eat each other, as its happening on many servers atm.

Will Anet listen, im doubting it.


Congratulations Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


See this is where you are wrong, everything youve done Legit i congratulate you on wholeheartily, but the invisible golem hacking all morning is just a no go.

It strains your server as a whole, and puts a good match overall into a lame match, you may come out first, but as long as you watch and abuse the invisible golems the way you did i cant respect your server. Aka letting them open stuff up for you then walk in, perfectly timed too, gotta admit it does reek fishy.

Cheating = auto loose.

Keva Windrift [Rain]

P.s. Arena Net deleteing those posts about those very real hacks which are frustrating for all servers, yes even those that house em, wont make that serious issue go away.
PPl know already no use in hiding them on the forum.

(edited by Atlanis.1473)

UW / FR / GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


This week seems more ballanced, i suppose having a 3rd party thats actually playing too helps.

I for one thank GH for all those Golem Rushes, it taught many ppl how to properly man Mortars and other Sieges.

Thank you for that, the only thing i see whining is whining over posts that point out morning PVD isn’t cool, it’s however effective.

We still will enjoy our Sleep, while you can enjoy your glorious PVD.

Then come here and brag about it!

Keva Windrift
Wolfs Rain [Rain]

Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

thanks for the nice week, for the many open field fights, and the less point orientated gameplay overall, i enjoyed it.

As for the impression of drama going on on UW, its in the past, aside of a few people that are vocal on the forum, we got the drama mostly sorted out.

Attitude is great, ppl love to fight, outnumbered or not.

UW is and was always known for determination and the never give up sentiment.

So dont be fooled by 2 or 3 ppl here on the forum.

Greetings from UW.

Keva Windrift

Wolfs Rain [Rain]

19/7 UW vs WSR vs RoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi there!

We came to Visit RoS Bl to get larger Scale Battles and to Test out how well RoS can defend at Prime time, you guys had alot of Bodies out there.

The open field fights where alot of fun, some we won some you won, leave it at that no kittening needed.

I had alot of fun

Keva Windrift [Rain]

7/5 FSP - AS - UW

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

im typing this from work, and yea it seems FSP is PVDing EB atm.

Really i dont get why so many of you FSPers cry about this all the time, you do it we do it, only Ar can’t seem to do it atm.

Match was ok, FSP was stronger last time we faced, not so much in Numbers but in Strategical gameplay, i find that blobbing rather uninspiring.

Keva Windrift [Rain]

Yes, we PvD when normal people are awake and came back from work.
If your server didn’t PvD at nights, maybe they would’ve been awake at mornings/middays? Just very maybe this is logic?


PS: don’t give me the crap about different timezones because FSP and UW are both international servers (Europe).

PSII: Just read you said FSp blobbed? yes, I do admit we blobbed sometimes.. But that was only needed when UW had twice our blob at times..

Stop being so ignorant.


Trolling needs to be mastered too, your a runt even at that.

Too bad you’re admitting defeat, ‘cause you know I’m right.

Yes you win Mighty forum warrior, i’ll stick to killing the likes of you in game.

If you find sarcasm you may keep it

7/5 FSP - AS - UW

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

im typing this from work, and yea it seems FSP is PVDing EB atm.

Really i dont get why so many of you FSPers cry about this all the time, you do it we do it, only Ar can’t seem to do it atm.

Match was ok, FSP was stronger last time we faced, not so much in Numbers but in Strategical gameplay, i find that blobbing rather uninspiring.

Keva Windrift [Rain]

Yes, we PvD when normal people are awake and came back from work.
If your server didn’t PvD at nights, maybe they would’ve been awake at mornings/middays? Just very maybe this is logic?


PS: don’t give me the crap about different timezones because FSP and UW are both international servers (Europe).

PSII: Just read you said FSp blobbed? yes, I do admit we blobbed sometimes.. But that was only needed when UW had twice our blob at times..

Stop being so ignorant.


Trolling needs to be mastered too, your a runt even at that.

7/5 FSP - AS - UW

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

im typing this from work, and yea it seems FSP is PVDing EB atm.

Really i dont get why so many of you FSPers cry about this all the time, you do it we do it, only Ar can’t seem to do it atm.

Match was ok, FSP was stronger last time we faced, not so much in Numbers but in Strategical gameplay, i find that blobbing rather uninspiring.

Keva Windrift [Rain]

[How To] FIX WvW Thief Stealth

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Let them Stealth all day, i don’t care, i have a thief as main Char. Im telling you the Blind is the bigger Issue, its easy enough to predict movement patterns, but it’s really annoying to land hits with all that blinding going on.

Remove that Blind after 1 miss, and for crying out loud don’t let blind stack up.

Noob thiefs go around in packs now, even if you predict where they are you still hit air, due to blind.

Blind + Stealth is to Potent a combo to be spamable.

Arena Net you reading this ?

I can still kill those FOTM easy on my thief but it’s becomming a nuisance for other classes that dont have as good conditon removeal.

(edited by Atlanis.1473)

UW vs RoS vs AS 28/6/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi there,

first of all, there is no evidence this even went down like this.

I know GUM and i also know that they hate cheating in any kind and manner just as much as we do.

I want evidence before i will scream hacking guild x y its just way to easy and come to forum and cry about it.

Individuals of RoS hacked into our towers, xyz did, its getting old, report it and move along but dont cry omg hacks each time you loose something.

Certainly its not all just lost to hacks, if you claim that you get the uncle sam reward for storytelling.

Good match enjoying, killing Riot Vyc Dex lots this week, keep it up

Keva Windrift [Rain]

21/06 Underworld/Dzagonur/Arborstone

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi there,

my stance on this is clear, and i was very vocal about this on team chat too.

No deals with the Enemy period.

I wont comment on the Situation at hand cause i was not on, i will only hint that these things have happened before, and i always voted against it.

I wont mention the names invovled you ppl know who you are.

Keva Windrift [Rain]

14/06 Augury Rock/ Fort Ranik/ Underworld

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi there,

mostly playing on EB and yea its fun in the evenings, some big fights and hardly a dull moment.

It is pretty clear we cannot compete with you in the off times and even in prime time you keep the upper hand.

Uw has coverage problems in the early day hours.

I hope you guys like the fight we put up in the evenings, i for one enjoy it.

Keva Windrift [Rain]

Underworld vs Ruins of Surmia vs Fort Ranik

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Err, I’m Outmanned on every bl everyday, even home at times lol.. and exploiting happens on every server mate.
RoS has a horrible reputation when it comes down to cheating (I know a lot of that is false or just due to individuals since RoS was my home..) but that sorta makes it RoS can’t complain about some individuals using “ac hacks”, because your people do literally the same and I see none of us crying about it (for a change, because I remember people accusing RoS in every matchup lol).

And yea i just replaced UW with RoS, fun eh?

See how easy it is to post some random junk, it proves nothing.

No matter how much Server X cheat’s, it doesn’t give you a freeride to cheat too.

Justifying it by saying but but but you cheat too, and your reputation is so bad, which it isnt btw. maybe in your shaded biased view it is, but only that.

I totally hate cheating, no matter if its done by an ally or by a foe, it’s foul play.

I enjoy the matchup, i don’t care who wins in the end, but stop acting like your the topdogs here, cause the few RioT i saw in eb where barley noticable.

Let the flaming begin!


(edited by Atlanis.1473)

Drakkar vs. Underworld vs. Miller

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Since Germans like to keep it to themselves, here’s one for us

Keep it clean, and enjoy farming.


FSP/UW/FR (thread #2)

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Well that makes 2 days in this week we are facing just overwhelming numbers during this time of the day.

As it stands we cannot hold our towers vs such brute force, so Kudos FS for now you get to be the winner, well just have to fill up those gaps with ppl from other timezones so we can cover those times better.

You will still face UW fighting to the last, well get you yet.

Other then those Cleansweeps its been a pleasureable Match, and i got to flesh out my countertrebbing to the max:D

There is no ranting in my post so dont feel offended ive just stated facts, and its how this was designed so its totally legit.


UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


More Serious play? You must have missed last nights SM Cap the tactics were over 9000 :P I got bored over caping UW Garrsion.. i tired Dzag Garrsion but it seems that Dzag is more prepered when it comes to Borderland defence.. they knew we were comming


you bore us for hours in EB then you bring a zerg by and golem rush sm while faint attacking Keep, GG i guess, your Bl was Green SM held like 20 mins, gave us something to do by upgrading it.

And before you start the few Gold it costs are laughable.

So yea, well played, pointwise it didnt bring you much if any at all.

Don’t delude yourself into thinking we cared much.


Lol such a poor loser… And our BL wasn’t green, it was blue, well hills and garrison were :/

And I bet you’re not the one who upgrades keeps and SM.

I upgrade stuff all the time, so your bet is lost.

Being called looser by someone who comes here and brags about every tiny cap they do is quite entertaining so keep going scrub.

Keep the insults comming all you can provoke is a smile.


Empty bluffs are empty, it’s pretty clear from your posts that you got anger in you and that you’re just bluffing all the way Seeing as you can’t even make a difference between me and Sajuuk.


UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


More Serious play? You must have missed last nights SM Cap the tactics were over 9000 :P I got bored over caping UW Garrsion.. i tired Dzag Garrsion but it seems that Dzag is more prepered when it comes to Borderland defence.. they knew we were comming


you bore us for hours in EB then you bring a zerg by and golem rush sm while faint attacking Keep, GG i guess, your Bl was Green SM held like 20 mins, gave us something to do by upgrading it.

And before you start the few Gold it costs are laughable.

So yea, well played, pointwise it didnt bring you much if any at all.

Don’t delude yourself into thinking we cared much.


UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


OH so thats why i spawned next to many dead SPGR…. :P

Oh so you wheren’t fighting while SPGR did?

Remember everyone in Combat dies…


UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Well go RoS Bl next time, just cause you need a base for your accusations.

To the rest of RoS, don’t feel offended, this was aimed at the whiney bunch here on the forum.

Keva Windrift [Rain]

Oh noes, please no RoS BG, we grow flowers there, and there’s peace and panda bears, we haven’t got invaders from uw there since ….. i even don’t remember, there are CHILDREN playing in our keeps now, please, no war. /sarcasm

Numbers are the same mate, BG is a choice, if you’ll be here, you will lose elsewhere.

Good at least you kept your humor, there is hope yet.

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


To all those people that seem not to get it: we took garrison in prime time from a server that outnumber us, not at night from a door. That being said, EB still feels odd, like we’re fighting both servers more then we should.

On top of this we’re in some kind of score deadlock, meaning we’ll get to do this again next week. I do hope for a “spring” pve event to see UW dropping to it’s natural tire, but alas, we may see wvw3 patch soon. I don’t hold anything against ze germans, doing what they could.

Hi all,

im not sure if you guys realize it, but what you display here is a disgrace for your server.

It’s saddening to see this cause i know a few from RoS and they are nice ppl.

So you took a Keep, big deal ? not really, saying for UW to drop Tiers by it’s own degeneration is saying you guys haven’t got what it takes to beat us.

Seriously chin up, stop QQing and start fighting, don’t rely on 2 or 3 guilds, and for crying out loud start enjoying the battle.

All i see of RoS as of late is QQ posts about this and that, that was RoFs job you guys are sportsman so behave like it.

To the poster above, we had an event in Dz Bl yesterday, saying we team up really man get a grip, your QQing is unbearable.

Well go RoS Bl next time, just cause you need a base for your accusations.

To the rest of RoS, don’t feel offended, this was aimed at the whiney bunch here on the forum.

Keva Windrift [Rain]

Underworld [EU] - Welcoming new guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

Underworld has indeed improved, our guys just need more Guidance on things happening.

Trolls are still here, but it takes a mere few minutes to shut them up, not the drama drama that used to happen.

I like to see Underworld like a Raw Diamond of Headstrong and Battlehardy Individuals that fight hard even when the odds are far from favorable.

Any guild that deceides to move here, has to work hard to get accepted and respected.

Flipping your tag on and shouting at ppl wont get them to follow you.

Once you earned your Name however, people do follow and you will have a strong base of people at your side.

IMHO this is a far better reward then being one of many Coms running around on the crowded WvW servers.

Here every one of you can, if you fight hard, make a difference and a name of yourself!

Keva Windrift

Underworld vs Ring of Fire vs Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Well, you could say we have more WvW players than you, but the raw pool you have (you’re even ranked Very high) is much higher than us. During events you can tap a lot more resources from there than we can.

Oh and, yeah, we’re not gonna stop trebbing you :p

Yea that’s ok, i didn’t ask you to.


Underworld vs Ring of Fire vs Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

heres a hint, Treb UW 24/7 and you will make us rush SM, even tho we arent particulary fond of SM.

I really hope Arena Net does something about the Tower to Tower Trebbing, it’s taking the fun out of the game.

Shorten the range, bring ppl out on the field again, and not only to Cap a bombarded open tower.

Give it more dmg to compensate, but make ppl come out and defend them, that supply House Balcony trebbing is really not much fun for either side.

Good fight RoS, and you certainly have more ppl then we do, been fighting wave after wave, since reset.


FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


I wish everyone on UW the best for your matchup next week, UW is a great server, I will miss fighting against you guys. You better rally up some extra people, because you have great guilds running around there, all you are lacking is some manpower.

I hope fighting your server in the future again and hope we can fight on even terms and then we can really see who manages to take the upper hand (I think if we had equal numbers we as FSP would have quiet some trouble).

Anyways, all of you randoms on the UW server that are not going into WvW because you are on the losing hand, I expect you to help out your commanders next week! It might seem like dark times now, but if you all would join in wvw for atleast 1 day a week you would definitely be at the top of your next matchup. would be a shame if we are unable to see eachother again in the future.

Live long and prosper, and good luck!

Kishijoten, Officer of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]

Kudos to you Sir.

Best of luck to you too.

You finally got our Keep in EB after hours of battling, FR came too from behind, taking Pangloss and orgewatch of us.

Truly showed your Numbers one last time to us

Until next time!


FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Dear UW,
if you need 10+ people to bring down 1 ele…dont /laugh, just walk away in shame
that you always need a small zerg

So you run a DD Ele and found a few Uw Randoms that dont know how to deal with it?

And then you come here to polish your Ego, and boast how good you are?

Did i get that right?


As for the laugh part, today i got Roflstomped by 30 ppl and 10 stopped to laugh at me, all Fsers, ya fun times.


If you just want to have some enjoyable fights then stop playing as you are, relying on other 2 servers in matchup to engage each other before capping something on other side of map. Otherwise I don’t know what you are trying to achieve. Snip

Like you guys did vs DZ?

Nope Uw doesnt back down, you may not like how we play, but its entirely up to us.

(edited by Atlanis.1473)

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


The moment we or FR put a fight in EB, you just go for the BL… indeed good, you’ll win and you’ll win by a lot. But when the faction with the biggest numbers rely on guerrilla tactics, you know they’re bad and cheap.

That doesn’t explain why we still have a queue on EB if supposedly our masses went for the BL from EB?
And why you guys are suddenly complaining about numbers and such when we still have the same queues as a few weeks back when you were all still positive about us?
Hate much because you can’t stand loosing anymore and try to blame it on numbers now?
Yes we might have gained a few but I also see a lot less of you guys around so maybe you should look at your own server’s population and take that into account as well? You might have actually less active wvw players around than a few weeks back which makes you perceive we have grown gigantically?

You speak of hate and stuff, your post is so full of it its painfull to read.

I suggest you take a small break have a good glas of whatever you fancy and chill a bit.

Bragging rights go to the 1st i guess, but it can turn you into a P"§$ really fast.

I just read you lost XXX, that will hurt you some im sure, they have been a good Guild, and a worthy opponent.

We have asked our ppl to keep it Civil, perhaps you guys see to that too, those kind of posts seem to attracht trolls, with a tendency to kitten to much.



FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

to the poster above, we all have those stories, our moments of glory, congrats.

Numbers aside, perma Trebbing aside, i enjoyed fighting FS.

Your certainly stronger in brawls too then FR is.

Enjoy us while you can FS, your next enemy will have the numbers to counter you at all times

Then your prolly in our shoes, and sometimes they hurt, at least pride.

I cant complain, got lots of good battles out of these matches, bags are full, badges pile, thanks alot.


FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


You can hardly call it nightcapping.
By 5am or so we only had 250 pts left, we just had a decent amount of people for the reset, something we have been lacking in for many months until last week.

When DZ did it they started capping at around 3/4am and had 500+ ticking for 5 hours straight till 8/9 am. And before and after that they also had a few hours of 400+ and 300+.
That’s not what we do.

But we have grown a bit and do have more people than FR and UW at any given time of the day.
You do however have to put this into perspective, we are in T7.
With blacktide falling like a brick and maybe ending up in T7 we get a free promotion to T6.
Once we are there we won’t be pushing both enemy borderlands at the same time anymore. WvW is for the most part a matter of having more people, and atm FS has more than UW and FR, simple as that.

Youre right, its not nearly that bad.

You still rack up a nice 40+ during nighttime on weekends and we cannot.

Didnt really wanna flame, cause for the most part fighting FS was decently fair.

So peace


FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Round 2? More like round 7 >_>

Again, FS just does a better job than UW. They captured our Bay and even fortified it… that’s just embarrassing. Well played, FS. Still, I can’t help but feel that we should be above FR tho, every time I encounter them we win. And not even that many night cappers, we were able to capture their entire part of EB a couple nights ago.

Seriously Dude,

we must be playing different games, you seen the numbers they pulled on us after reset?

I think not, Bl was lost to a Nightcap Zerg, yes a Zerg.

Something you blamed Dz of doing but now it seems ok .



in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

good week hard fights, all nice!

One thing tho, no matter how many bodies you throw at us FS you cannot stop our Dance Party at Reset.

Gotta get that S"§$ outa your !"§.

Fun needs be



in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Thanks for showing us who to Focus on.

Your guild is good, had a run in with you guys at our Bl yesterday. Until you left to do some other things.

Was around hills, good tactics but we managed to keep you stalled.



in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

the number inballance is starting to take its toll on us UW’ers you can kill 10 of FS and you wont even see a difference, that alone would be ok, but all you guys do is Treb tower open rack up a giant zerg and cap it.

It works i suppose but it takes forever, Langor must have been 40 + of you taking 2 hours.

With those numbers avaiable you should be able to cap stuff much quicker.

The good thing is my kill count skyrocked, and badges pile up in bank, i surley hope theres some nice stuff to buy with the new patch in feb.


Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


“Yeah with UW clearly working with with DZ this match up I’m just ready for the match up to be over with already. Not sure why both of you decided work together this time, but I swear UW we will make you hurt next week for the grief you’ve given us. You better pray that DZ stays in tier next week to save your kitten You better pray that DZ stays in tier next week to save your kitten loving behinds.
Godchewer – Charr Warrior
[DW] Dynasty Warriors, [TNA] The Northern Assembly, and [CIA] Caffeine Induced Addiction
Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.
(edited about 6 hours ago by metallkette.4831)”

Just gotta love those posts.


Inflict fear and trying to insult = Fail, bring it on, i have been fighting FS all week around Orges, you fear noone kitten.

Ally with DZ? = Wrong, they aren’t as persistant as you guys are but they attack us regulary across the board, cant help you if you cant take us down and keep failing.

What we did do is Defend our Hills till 5 am to death on Reset day cause we knew they where comming, thus we got 2nd.

The week before we got totally hit by surprise, DZ and FS ganging up on us, we didnt come here to QQ.

To all the others that fight without cheating or QQing on the forums, you have my respect.

See you on the battlefield

Keva [Rain]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


One more.


Short answer : NO

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

Yesterday was madness for us UWers, so many Fs players out.

Defended Bravost and Langor like 20 Times on which 18 Fs attempts and 2 Rof.

Then Danelon we Spotted 2 Golems marching to the supply camp so that alerted us.

Back to keep 6 Golems inc, we caught them cold marching to our keep including a huge zerg.

Raid busted, that had us laughing, not for long tho, call from our BL trouble.

We swap over Garrison and Hills under attack we deceide to focus our forces, yet again 3-4 golems.

Hills defended Garrison was retaken, back to EB.

The FS zerg grows larger and larger, we take Red keep of Green, no real numbers to defend it but wth:D.

It goes on like that FS still growing numbers attacking us on multiple spots, result bravost falls.

Now keep, another frontal and backside attack, busted. Now Watergate they break in but get nailed hard by our siege.
Another attempt, and now it gets weird, 5-6 Catas on outer wall (while watergate was open).

Destroyed those too, still having an open watergate they build like 6 Trebs on Bravost and nuke away.

Dont get the strat you had far superior numbers why all that wishy washy playing?

The whole fight took hours, and really it upset me cause it got boring after a while.


Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

unfortunatly there are cheaters on all servers, we all know it and i at least report findings no matter what server.

FS has had quite big numbers the past 2 days, we struggle and we fight back.

Good fights all over, well see how it goes when the holidays are past us.

Thanks for all the Badges :P

Good matchup so keep it civil.

Nothing is deceided yet.

a small P.s. I wish Anet would do something about those massive lags whenever you go to SM Lord room, prolly to many Cramped in small space, fighting is virtually impossible other then Autoattack, skills just don’t trigger.


12/14 RoF/FS/UW

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

my post wasn’t really aimed at you maloki, it was aimed at some ppl that think theyre so much better then the rest.

Im all for challenges and good hard fights, i just hate ppl who think theyre the best and hide behind were fewer or what not remarks, in the same breath tho talk down on the rest when theyre winning.

And yea i laughed over some badly placed ram myself a few times.

Guess what we where outmanned for hours today in EB we stood our ground.

Does that make us Gods’’? certainly not it just shows dedication.

Im done getting upset about some ppls manners.



12/14 RoF/FS/UW

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

it’s true shocking news, we actually have new people burning with passion wanting to try out everything there is in WvW, so they build a Golem and wander around aimlessly.

Edit: they still knocked down Orgewatch and Veloka, so while not perfect they did ther part.

UW is primary a PvE server.

OchrisO you have accursed us twice of cheating and it blew up in a swall of hot air.
(mostly when your loosing)

Might want to think before you post.

There is no need to act high and mighty, deceide it on the Battlefield ill make sure to be around to.

The strongest here is FS, they have given us a hard time all day long yesterday, RoF not so much.


(edited by Atlanis.1473)

12/14 RoF/FS/UW

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

at that time you guys of FS had a much larger numbers and RoF took the oppurtunity to strike us too, Bravost then Trebbing our Keep, took one of the Trebs down but they had another up in no time.

Weve been bleeded dry bs FS on Supplies, taken out ther Zerg at Danelon including 3 Trebs and a few Balistas.

So 2 fronts going hard on us, we countered by Raiding and taking down FS BL we did loose all in EB at that time but the counter still had 220.

Once FS went back home, we retook our stuff, and fortified our foothold once more.

One incident i would like to adress, and i insult no server of doing so, its always cheap Individuals that resort to cheap tactics.

A guy named Solarianson took all the Supplys out of Langor while we where raided and built Flame Rams right outside of Danelon.

Should you happen to know this person and he is on your server again please report him.

We got him reported alot already.

Today Fs had far superior Numbers.

Been a fun day, and curse you for taking away grubby!



12/14 RoF/FS/UW

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

thats exactly it, check a tower they all have a hole in the roof and thus if placed correctly you can shoot thru it.

If you call that cheating then i cant help you, and to claim its due to this that sm was taken, and not taking into account the 2 hour all out battle of 3 factions inside then you just dont get it.

But i suppose its easier to yell cheat cheat instead of saying GG guys.

Yesterday the whole FS force came to take Quentin marching over to Langor so we had to pull out of that battle to secure our own land.


P.s. let the flaming start


12/14 RoF/FS/UW

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473



while the SM thing was cool and all, it was LAG HELL. You couldnt even trigger a damn skill in there.

We knew the gate was open Smartypants, we just wanted to lay more pressure on you being attacked on both sides, it did pay off for FS a little later :P

RoF and FS you guys are more then us, but comming from the Bottom this time UW is holding its own very well.

Later on you nearly got our Keep but we pushed you back out.

Some heavy Zergs in this game, resulting in some nice large Scale battles.


Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi there,

since there have been some negative and imo sketchy remarks about Uw Zergs (ive seen those zergs on any server we played against) i deceided to post a reply.

UW is well on its way from being unorganized and caotic to a better fast responding war machinery

We do not have the manpower for Drakkar or similar servers in strenght but anyone with closer numbers has a hard pill to swallow with us.

There is also some Nightcapping issues that hit us hard, we simply have very few ppl on at those times.

Unlike some here i refrain from talking bad over other servers, we fought many and ive yet to see any server not worthy of praise.

Numbers are one thing, the will to fight is another.

Our core group of ppl are fun to be with, always a dose of sarcasm within even if we get the short end of the stick.

We have room to improve no doubt, but also no doubt we have improved.

So here goes, dont listen to the nay sayers here, make your own choices and if your up for the Challenge your more then welcome to join our ranks.


Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

@ Zippy it’s actually very welcome that you guys try and take stuff cause this week is becoming a little bit boring for us.

I wasnt in the Bls yesterday but in EB, and besides a few small teams of both sides and killing grub and arbo spirit nothing much happened.

So i encourage you guys to do more!

Come fight us


Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hey all,

the way you feel about UW we fell about Drakkar each 2nd week they have easy the double ammont of ppl then we do.

Something to look forward to eh, as for the save Zone camping ive seen many Drakkar players do it, but you gotta ask why is there a safe zone spot near a supply camp anyways.

I’ve had my Rage fit over it already, now i just leave the camp and recap it after a while.

Good Sunday fights, Dz was in EB in force, so it was bouncing back and forth at least in your corner of eb.

RoS seems to have a problem with Numbers today, and here i thought they will be a challenge, you guys had a strong start.

We now took your Keeps in your Bl Dz, since UW never leaves an open bill.



Shout-out to Underworld [EU]

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Good day as well,

im not a big fan of those attempts to lure people away, underworld hasnt got as many WvWers as you guys may.

But our tight core group would make any Gunnars guy or gal feel warm and fuzzy inside.

No matter the outcome, you got served last night in EB having at least twice the numbers.

That is what makes UW awesome, even tho its primary a PVE server.

If your up for the Challenge come and join us!

