CDIs, what are they?
I see them as nothing more than a bluff, and it worked for the first 3 CDIs; they got people in and talking about what they want. But the 3rd one was just wrong, a lot of players asking why talk about EOTM when it has only been out a month.
We were expecting a 4th by now, but again it hasnt appeared. I believe this is due to total failure of the Season 2 rewards. The WvW dev only had one thing to do, make sure people got their rewards. But it didnt work, and they had to “quickly” get a fix out.
A lot of players, some of whom are new, were able to see posts from players who’ve been here since beta, and they were shown that nothing much has changed in WvW since launch.Newer players posting suggestions on how to improve the game, only to be told we suggested it a year or more ago. People posting that classic WvW blog page on it’s future, only to realise that too is over a year old and nothing has been done.
So in the end anet have probably realised creating a 4th WvW CDI will cause even more negativity; just look at the Call To Arms thread, people demanding why they want our footage when they have neglected us for 2 years. A week later and still no answer.
When silence is their answer, infracting and deleting and banning, what exactly can we take away from this?
If they were really working on something, they still would not be claiming they cannot talk about it. If it was to be released soon, they would at least give us a brief description, but also stating the release date is not definite.
Saying they are working on something but cannot talk about it, it is now the same as they are not working on it at all, that is the state of the game for WvW right now.So dont expect a 4th CDI until the mods do some clearing of the forums, i.e. for those who complain to much to obtain enough infractions to “warrant” a permanent ban from the forums.
This post will probably be one of my last due to the above, so enjoy whilst you can!
You know what, the delayed Rewards sucked yes, it was dealth with and done with.
Really i don’t care if stuff messes up now and then, it happens, it still beats Nothing by a long shot.
My Guild still plays on a Daily basis, it is still fun to WvW, i only wanted to express that standing still is already moving backwards.
GW2 has the Potential to be one of the best Competitive games on the Market, it is almost there too, but like a child if you don’t tend it daily with care and love it will not
reach its full potential.
Perhaps i did come across a bit Negative, but if i did i did cause i care about the Enviroment i play in with my Friends.
It’s just a game, i agree, but since they asked for Collaboration, and got alot of it from the Playerbase, they should really take heart and give us some Insights.
Can’t be done overnight, maybe not even in 7 Months, but show us what you fix, and what you work on, Involve the players, don’t exclude us.
At least the Path its taking, and a roughly estimate of time till new things happen.
Gives People something to look forward too.