Gw2 FAQ:
What’s so special about Legendary weapons?
Cosmetics, prestige, and convenience. Legendary weapons are very expensive and time-consuming to craft, and typically have much more grandiose visuals than other skins. Their stats are identical to ascended weapons, but unlike ascended or lesser gear, players may change the attribute bonuses of their legendary weapon at any time while out of combat.It may have been their intent, but it was never in practice.
You misunderstand the answer. It is in practice whether you think it was or not.
No, medals are medals, skins are skins.
Uh, thanks for putting out a tautology but it doesn’t show anything. Look skins are medals. Got it?
Look, if they want to release two version, the raid armor and the not-raid version, and the skins are 100% identical except for a medal pinned on the chest, then I’ll concede the point, that would be fine. But otherwise, no, skins are not medals. Titles can be medals, nametag flair can be medals, there are various things that can be medals, but actual changes to the character model, no, NOT medals.
A false antecedent makes your statement vacuously true but again it doesn’t show anything. Look they never wanted to release two versions. See that? faulty antecedent. The fact of the matter is, they always had wanted to create just one version. So skin are medals. Got it?
It doesn’t REMOTELY prove that. The team you cited were very clearly not middle-ground gamers. Middleground gamers spend hours in the raid and don’t progress, and no matter how well the very top players do, that does not make it any easier for those below them.
Maybe you don’t understand math, but green gears result approximately 65% of damage output compare to ascended gear. Given the decrease in effective health is zero, dps is usually the only indicator in an optimal set up.
But this says that if the average player who has approximately 65% – 70% of the skills of the best player, equipped with ascended gear, should be able to complete the content.
Unless your opinion of the average player is so pathetic that you say an average player is not even matching 65% the skill of the best players (and this group is not even the best). Your opinion of an average gamer is pretty low then. It shows what type of person you are.
Again, you scale it to the level of the rest of the game. If it’s roughly as difficult as the rest of the game, then it’s a “take it or leave it” situation. If you can’t beat that raid then you can’t beat anything else, so what would be the point of playing at all? The problem with the existing raids is that they are tuned so high above the rest of the game, that there are plenty of players who can do anything else in the game easily enough but still find the raid more frustrating than fun.
No, the minimum level of difficulty is zero, maybe only a few people here want to play a game with zero difficulty. Roleplayers and farmers aside, we don’t want a game with zero difficulty.
No it can’t. Different taste/interests.
So, would you argue that hard mode raids are not for all players? That perhaps there are players who would more enjoy a lower challenge version? They should get on that.
Yeah, so you can go do your own tastes and interests. If you don’t want to raid, go do something else. Is that so difficult? Oh wait, there’s something called dungeons and fractals…
oh look we have an heir!!!
So please help me understand with my lack of economy background…. what would of happened to the supply and demand in gw1 if i was able to list goods in an AH and be able to continue nonstop farming instead having to have players stop to unload their bags?
Yes prices in gw1 weren’t set in stone but rarely did they ever fall to the point where you were better off merching the item instead of forever trying to sell it like the tiny snowflake. You must be new most of the lower tier crafting items, prior to the crafting updates, were in that same position.
If you got the time I’d love to read an explanation as to why the majority of items range from merchant value to 1.5 gold with the exception if it has a superior rune or is exotic zerker. Surely its not the fact that the AH crosses all servers or the fact that players are able to empty their bags and continue to farm pretty much unimpeded. There has to be some other kind of black magic wizardary going about :o
If you actually merchant anything but the green crests, i feel so sorry for you. Maybe read on How to Play Guild Wars 2 Course 101. There is a guide somewhere. Let me find you a link. Ah here it is
Good luck.
You do have to wonder why anyone would NOT want this.
Besides, it would be a great way to sell more HoT.
Please don’t assume everyone WANTS this. Everyone who doesn’t have the expansion certain either DON’T WANT IT or DON’T CARE, which many DON’T WANT IT. Please stop with the DLC charge. It’s not < Pay to Win > as “killing or winning a match” per se, but it’s certainly is < Pay or Fall > or < Pay to Win > as in “winning because we can glide”!
You’ve also neglected to mention one of the biggest selling points of HoT: Elite Specializations, each of which is a much bigger deal than a few extra skills.
Ah so this is what a HoT player is like. You’re ignoring the skills listing, didn’t bother checking the Guild Wars wikis. I listed the Elite Specializations as part of the “Skill per profession”, because it’s almost the exact same thing. Skills are skills, no matter what fancy wording you use.
Alright, then by your logic, trait are also skills. (Skills are skill regardless of which wording you’re using) that means each profession also gets 12+ “skills”-trait, which means it’s 30+ per profession. Your comparison is flat wrong by your own definition.
The moment you don’t take into account of price inflation, that line alone takes away all your credibility sorry.
Maps in GW1 are flat. So they have zero volume. You only travel on a two dimensional surface in gw1 even though it “looks” like you’re in 3D. Maps in Gw2 especially in HoT is 3D. So volume wise you can combine a million Gw1 maps (0 × 1 mil is still zero sorry) and still won’t be equal to 1 HoT map, let alone 4, so yeah. EotN basically added 4 planes? hulloh? And you call that 4 regions?
Armors: Actually this is a flat lie. Gw1 did not add 41 armor sets LMAO, it adds FOUR (Asuran, Norn, Monument, Deldrimor)! and an extra Silver Eagle that only applies to WARRIOR And a bunch of individual pieces. HoT adds Leystone, Ornate Guild, Plated, Bandit (Outfit but for armor count all races/genders can wear it), Winter Solstice (outfit but for armor count all races/genders can wear it), and Mistward
If you count the individual pieces then you must count each piece for all race x 5 and armor weight x 3, So pieces count those above would be 6 × 6 × 5 x 3 = 540 armor pieces alone for HoT (a chest piece on a charr warrior count different than a chest piece on a human mesmer lol. Like you said, name is name so different look count whether they are named the same or not). EotN adds 41? please!
either cases HoT adds WAY MORE armor (set count or piece count) than EoTN.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
Why is this just a 6 month ban? It should be permanent ban. They’ll just come back and sell their cheated loots. Or you should reroll their account back zero after the ban. Should teach them a lesson not to cheat.
He’s using poor language to convey a valid point of discussion.
He’s using poor language in order to grab peoples attention for a maybe valid point of discussion.
The mere fact that TC has to create such a smokefield just to get people interested in his complaint/idea should be indication enough of how much attention this point might have gotten otherwise.
He also does not address the issue of expertise actually caping at 100%. Forcing condition builds into their second primary damage stat and secondary stats(primary: expertise, condition damage. secondary: precision). Power builds have no caps on their primary or secondary damage stats (primary: power, precision. secondary: ferocity). Not even going into the damage loss for conditions that not run their full duration due to:
- cleanse
- enemy death
- immunitiesas is this is at most an issue in pve boss fights of a set duration and above (which TC also forgot to mention).
As is he just compares buff foods while he does not take into account the itemisation system of the game. That is an incomplete argument at best, and a faulty one at worst.
Critical chance is capped at 100%. Though Power is not capped, but neither does Condition Damage. Ferocity is minor factor in effective power. Then you should take into consideration that direct damage is divided by the mobs’ armor value, which decreases it further. True, condition damage coefficient should have taken care of the the balance between power (when divided by armor and multiply by the ferocity factor) vs condition damage (without the division). That left is condition duration cap vs precision cap.
It doesn’t change the fact that it is OP. Toning it down via normalization to +100 Expertise (6.66% condition duration, from 20%) +70 condition damage would do the job.
I also never mention that anyone should get banned for this. Remember those two days where the birthday gun gave +2000 to all stats to a level 2 when scaled up in WvW or in fractal? It is the same thing. No one got banned, but nevertheless was an exploit and it did get fixed. Same with this food.
blah blah blah
Having done one balance patch doesn’t mean it’s balance. It’s not. It is clearly not intended from at the dev’s perspective. Look at warrior 35-40k dps. Or look at condi necro 30k dps.
Toning the food down to +100 condi damage, +70 expertise should be one of the steps to normalize and tone down OP all condi builds right now. Anyone with a common sense can see that it’s not balanced. Too bad common sense these days is clearly not common as you said.
Yay, let’s throw around trigger words like “exploit” on every thopic or game aspect we disagree/dislike.
Let’s not give any care to what exploit actually means but rather generate a lot of buzz for this rant/complaint/suggestion we have.
I’m sure the inability to use proper terminology will absolutely make people take my topic seriously.
On topic, rare veggie pizza might not be well balanced against other buff foods for certain builds – true. Unfortunately this is not an exploit. Better luck next time.
And you wrote
rare veggie pizza might not be well balanced against other buff foods for certain builds – true.
So it IS not balanced, and overpowered. Hence it is a bug
And from the wiki
An exploit is the misuse of a software feature or bug in a way that allows a player to generate in-game benefits without the risk or time expected by the game’s designers.
Since it is a bug and if you use it. It is a misuse. Does it generate in-game benefits without any risk? Yes.
Then by this definition. The food itself is a bug, and its usage is an exploit., Thanks.
Yeah, that’s why I said it’s partly, not completely the issue, they’ll have to take a look at specifically burn berserker by itself.
Currently the rare veggie pizza gives +20% condition duration and +70 condition damage. Given the fact that condition duration scales directly with condition damage, it is basically a multiplicative factor.
Now that we have normalized condition duration with “expertise”, this food gives all condition damage dealer a way too huge buff. It used to be 40%. That was literally +600 expertise!. Even at 20% condition duration, it literally translates to +300 expertise. More than the primary stat of an armor set!
At higher level fractals/raid, direct damage and condition damage built without this broken food are already on par with each other. The reason why you see the new berserker viper is insanely overpower is partly the result of this exploit.
Now all most other food gives +100 primary, +70 secondary stats. You can see why this is broken. I do not see truffle steak gives +300 power +70 precision, nor +300 precision + 70 ferocity. There is no other food that gives you +370 stat unconditionally!!.
This rare veggi pizza is thus an oversight on the design part. It should have been +100 expertise, +70 condition damage or +100 condition damage + 70 expertise.
Please fix. Thanks.
They should make it so that aegis blocks 3 attacks before it expires instead of just 1. And multiple damage coefficients of both greatsword and sword by 1.2, that’ll about enough to save guardian otherwise this class is now abandoned in PvE.
Anet would have to refund over 16,000 gems to my accounts if this ever happens. so yeah.
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
I hadn’t unlocked that waypoint…
That wasn’t my ‘real’ problem. It was just a ‘darnit’ moment, so I thought I’d post on this thread, since I had read the first page or so, and agreed with quite a bit of the OP.
Ah, sorry. I assumed you unlocked the way point dying next to it. If you typed something in say chat explaining the situation, some kind soul would probably stop by
asc trinket: HoT stat locked behind RAID
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
This thread is a lie. It’s not a treadmill. Either change the title or lock the thread please.
Most people forget half of their equipment. Do you guys have amulet, two rings, two accessories and a backpiece of exotic or ascended quality?
Teq, fractal, raid, gather flower, gather flax, gather homeinstance node, gather guild node, pvp daily and wintersday daily.
Mesmer and necro really easy to play. Elementalist and Condi engi are much harder XD Have you tried that 30-40 skill rotation viper engi combo?
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
Well I was waiting for HoT to be cheaper, but Santa kindly brought it to me, so I wandered into Maguuma’s Breach this morning. Having equipped the Druid Staff and had a little go with the new skills along the way, I was feeling quite excited.
Then I entered..Which of the many new tasks suddenly facing me was I to have a go at first? Being daunted by the discovery that I would need to acquire many more ‘points’ of some kind or other, along with new items seemingly designed to fill up my inventory even more, I decided to do my favourite thing: explore.
This was not enjoyable.I’m currently lying dead wondering why no-one has rezzed me – people can fly here right? I’m hoping some kind soul will revive me, as I’m near a WP and don’t fancy running all the way back through the nasty critters/red circles and ‘lava’? all over the place… I guess I’ll pick myself up, dust myself down, and try again when I’ve posted this..
Being a ‘casual’, mostly solitary player, I feel that the game’s moving further away from me.. I did just about everything in GW and a fair amount in GW2 (no Ascended/Legendary gear, few dungeons, as they’re too ‘cramped’ and chaotic for my liking (I miss being able to grab my heroes and do them alone
): a fair few JPs) but I fear my time is running out
I don’t like grind, and I won’t be forced to do content that I don’t enjoy. I’ll have a go at it, and perhaps try it again later to see if it feels different, but I’m only going to do something repeatedly if it’s fun or rewarding in some way personally to me e.g. I didn’t ‘farm’ generally in GW, but I enjoyed ‘sin solo green farming, so did that for a while; I didn’t chase titles, but once I’d got a few under my belt by playing my own way, I thought ‘why the heck not?’. Of course I ended up doing a couple that weren’t very exciting – though I drew the line at getting all elites on one character.. What the……? Can’t think of too much use for Searing Flames on my Ranger for example .. :o
I don’t mind stuff like Winter’s Presence, because it’s just a fancy extra that we can choose or not: I chose not, but there do seem to be more things I feel pressured to do, and I think HoT increases this greatly.
On a plus note: there do seem to be more helpful, friendly players in GW2.. even in the pvp-type areas of the game
Sheesh, this has grown longer than I meant..
P.S.: Casual to me is when you play a couple of hours here and there, or maybe more on the weekend, when you can find time around work/school/family/life, and when, as someone else said, you play at your own (steady in my case) pace.
First, the reason why people don’t rez you next to the way point is because you CAN waypoint you know. It would encourage laziness. I would never ever rez anyone next to a way point. Dude just way point!
If you’re not lying and I hope you are not: that what want to do is explore then there is nothing that’s pressing you. You can casually explore all every nook and cranny at your own pace. If you die, just way point again and learn how to not die. Try a different strategy, learn your class so you don’t die. You don’t have to have 7 bots (gw1 reference) to help you get through stuffs. It was literally aids, I meant, I’ve been there done that. I afk through 99% of my vanquisher back in gw1, it was pointless. I mean if I want to do that, I might as well pop up my skyrim game and lead my 10 godly followers and destroy the world, having all godly gears and stuffs. Here you do things on your own and be independent. Only then when you work with a team, you can make sure you’re an asset, not a burden to your team.
Also it sounds like you were using a ranger. Don’t use staff. Use Sword/Axe – Longbow… Druid is only viable in raid and maybe, just maybe in high level fractals. Definitely not in open world.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
Uh, then you are not ready for the expansion then.
In an hour I (and pretty much all of my guildies across two guilds) can
1. Complete 9 fractal for all fractal dailies
2. Or Complete Vale Guardian + Gorseval or Gorseval + Sabetha, some group can finish all 3 within the hour.
3. Or max out two tier 1 mastery tracks or a tier 2 mastery track
4. Or do two Vine wraths and subsequent events
5. Or do Tequatl
6. Or Finish a 1/4 of HoT storyline
7. the list goes on etc..Maybe if you play casually then you shouldn’t expect to do what non-casuals can accomplish. It doesn’t matter which game, it doesn’t matter which meta. It’s the the game’s problem, looks like it’s personal problem on how to effectively handle time. Just don’t expect the game to hand you everything.
Do you realize that NOTHING you mentioned has anything to do with the topic I was addressing? We’re talking about HoT masteries, and I was specifically saying you couldn’t get through half of the first HoT mastery in an hour, and you need that mastery in order to continue. Now, I may be wrong in my numbers, but it seems roughly correct.
You should try to have at least a passing understanding of the topic before replying.
Maybe the person who need to have at least a passing understanding of the topic before replying is you. Or should I spell it out for you?
In an hour I (and pretty much all of my guildies across two guilds) can
3. Or max out two tier 1 mastery tracks or a tier 2 mastery track
And you’re welcome.
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
And I think I agree with you. It’s efficiency that’s the key but relaxing can be incorporate. Being efficient doesn’t mean you have to stress out. If it isn’t fun for someone, that person should stop doing what he’s doing and re-evaluate the pros and the cons.
Let me describe what’s my typical day in Guild Wars 2.
- 1 hour – pre-reset: figure out which daily is left to do, and finish it up.
- half an hour pre-reset: ask in guild chat if guild fractal group is full while afk at sparkfly
- Keep afk at sparkly til 3rd battery, read google news, tag the last battery, drop meteor shower on teq’s leg, get 2g and a chest
- If guild group needs a person, join the group, otherwise LFG the 9 fractals – This takes approximately an hour
- Fractal dailies done, gather flowers, log on all char gather flax seeds, gather guild node, gather home instance node – This should take an hour, while waiting for more guildies to log on, read some news, read some reddit, watch youtube.
- Guild fractal group should be done, 10 people on ts, get ready for raid. I’m still watching youtube.
- Beat raid, this should takes 2 – 2.5 hours if it’s progression day, 1 hour if it’s make up day for whoever needs whichever boss.
- Finish wintersday daily, do 3 pvp matches, chat on ts, afk at SW
- Log off
I don’t know but I consider myself a casual. Sure there are some part of my game time that requires maximum efficiency but for the most part, I just relax and afk a lot.
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
And can you not accomplish something in GW2 in an hour?
All you can accomplish in an hour is get roughly halfway through the first mastery, which is required before you can even move to the next step in the storyline.
Uh, then you are not ready for the expansion then.
In an hour I (and pretty much all of my guildies across two guilds) can
1. Complete 9 fractal for all fractal dailies
2. Or Complete Vale Guardian + Gorseval or Gorseval + Sabetha, some group can finish all 3 within the hour.
3. Or max out two tier 1 mastery tracks or a tier 2 mastery track
4. Or do two Vine wraths and subsequent events
5. Or do Tequatl
6. Or Finish a 1/4 of HoT storyline
7. the list goes on etc..
Maybe if you play casually then you shouldn’t expect to do what non-casuals can accomplish. It doesn’t matter which game, it doesn’t matter which meta. It’s the the game’s problem, looks like it’s personal problem on how to effectively handle time. Just don’t expect the game to hand you everything.
The ‘race’ to max level makes old content dead fast.
They could also pay an extra 50 bucks for a max level character.
People on here looked at me funny when I said WoW is a lot less grindy than GW2.
In GW2 if I had four hours of playtime I´d spend three and a half hours in the Silverwastes running from chest to chest because everything else in the game is completely unrewarding.
In WoW you get geared by playing the game which I don´t consider grinding.
You get gear by playing the game in gw2 as well. The gear you while playing don’t matter and are just trashed anyway in both games unless it’s the from the highest raid tier. In wow every expansion your previous gear are now trash and you have to keep grinding for the new ones. You have a hard time maintaining one or two bis character. Not so in gw2. My bis gear in gw2 which i obtained 3 years ago and 2 years ago are still bis. If there is grind its optional for extra characters
Ok, so after playing this game for two years, I decided to give WoW a shot. I did the free trial to level 20, and it was a blast.
And after level 20, WoW is P2W game. Otherwise go duel a level 80 with your lv 20 char. RIP. It’s leaking it sub like rain.
Leveling was fun, and not only did it not feel like a grind(as a new player to gw2 the first 20 levels took ages) but there were diverse quests, such as doing wave-defense missions, and there was an on-rails shooter section too.
I don’t know about you but leveling to lv 20 takes me literally 20 seconds if I’m fast and about 20 mins if I’m slow. Please!
On top of that, quests interacted with each other. For example, I did a quest for a demon, and then I had to do another quest to kill that demon, in order to atone for my sins.
Hulloh? Every heart in Gw2 has at least 1 event linked with it if not multiple event chain. Are you sure you played the game?
Another thing to note is the detail involved in the questing. Quests have tons of flavor text, and directly relate to the world around you. Guild wars 2 hearts give you maybe 2 sentences, and even then, most people miss out, because you are never required to go talk to the person giving the quest.
We have moved on from reading wall of text for questing. This is no longer 2002 gaming. Gw2 was released in 2012 last I checked. If I want to read a wall of text that’s remotely interesting, I’d go read a math book.
For me, a part that stood out to me especially was the rate of gear acquisition. From questing, you frequently received new gear that looked different from what you already had.
Did you check out the heart vendors after you finish the heart…
Another thing that WoW has is tangible class roles.
So does gw2. Just not in that terrible wow way.
currently, the split between heavy, medium, and light classes feel pretty weak.
What kind of split? You are talking about base health pool or base armor stat?
Guardians and warriors lack active defenses, besides the occasional shield block or agis proc, healing doesn’t feel rewarding, and you rarely ever have the thrill of seeing big numbers flash onto your screen from damage(besides DH or Reaper).
Uh, helloh? guardians lack active defense?… -.- Not sure if you even played guardian…
Healing is passive not active defense. Big numbers? What big numbers are you talking about? Like if the boss has 100 HP then 10 dmg is BIG you know. It’s relative…
WoW also has far more spells, allowing you to have more options, as well as adding more flavor to each class. Not that guild wars needs to add more slots for skills, but a few added skills to replace what we currently have would be nice. Maybe fighting techniques that you get when you equip a new set of traits?
Quality > Quantity. More doesn’t mean better. wow should be learning from Gw2 tbh. Like when you activate a skill in wow, your entire bar is on cool down. It’s bs.
While we are on the concept of traits, wow does them better.
Not really, it’s worse in wow.
for example, linking confederations to zeal for guardians. This would make it so that you would only be able to take confederations if you spec into the zeal trait line. This would shake up the meta extremely, I know, but it would force players to be creative, and add identity to the build that you run.
Not sure what confederation you’re talking about. The U.S civil war?
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
You know you can still get 150 AR (max) even when you have all the 5 stat/5 ar ones right?
You’ll need 14 slots of +5 that’s 70 AR
Then Anet has carefully made sure you have 5 other slots (2 on each rings) and 1 on the back piece. So for the last 80 AR, you’ll need 80/5 = 16 AR on each of those slot.
Yup. 14 of the +5 stats, then 5 +16 AR infusions.
People just haven’t realised how easy these raid bosses really is. The timer is way too forgiving. Raid is supposed to bring out the best ability of people. Those who don’t want to improve have only themselves to blame.
Currently vale guardian can be done with 3 mins remaining on the clock. The enrage timer should be about 6 mins instead of 8 mins.
Gorseval can be done with 1:30 mins remaining on the clock. Please tighten the timer by 1 mins.
Yeah Anet should start selling these guild halls for 10g each? or maybe 1g or maybe 1s or maybe 1c or maybe free? Yeah, all upgrades should be free too.
Calling no effort a strawman all you want but where’s the line between fair effort and no effort? You don’t know where it is. But you want it. Maybe it should be free? or 1g? or 10g? Which one is it? Tell me how much should a guild hall cost?
The moment you place down a nonzero number, doesn’t matter what it is, someone (there exists at least one person) will not to be able to earn it. Might as well make it free. So where’s the fair line?
I personally estimate the cost of a fully upgraded hall is about 50,000g. It’s not much if you take 500 man guild and split the cost. In this case OP is simply just on the left side of the line. If you lower the number then it becomes trivial for large guild and they’ll complain there’s no content to build. It takes longer for a 50 man guild to build but it’s definitely do-able for a 50 man guild. However, the game shouldn’t cater toward 1 person guilds.
TL:DR If you decide to be a 1 person guild you only have yourself to blame having to bare the burden of the 50. Life is tough.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
Do you think they have exploited the game because they have one?
It’s the spirit of entitlement in casual gamers these days. Anything strange or mind blowing is by their definition an exploit.
Sure respawns are normal, but there are respawn timers that are normal, and those that are hyper increased for an event to make it challenging. That combined with an otherwise abnormal numbers of enemies, classifies it as an exploit to take advantage of the fact that they give XP (which they shouldn’t when the event can be prevented from failing/succeeding) and keeping it in a standstill. You purposely make it benefit you by not completing it (which is obviously what is intended).
You’re being a bit too nitpicking about the word respawns. It’s obvious that certain means people have been using thus far, e.g., CoF and Mushrooms in Maguuma, are not intended ways. You’re not supposed to keep an event from completing just to endlessly kill something for personal gain. That, is an exploit.
Luckily, masteries don’t really give you any specific gain over another player, so it’s trivial in the big picture. But I find it disappointing that seeing high ranks is nothing like ArenaNet promoted it to be, something of prestige. Now I just see exploiters, and it’s nothing special about that, at all. Oh well.
Actually in the case of CoF the intended design is for the mobs to respawn indefinitely at the braziers so that you have to do the DPS to open the gate. No where in the game said that you can’t do CoF with 4 people. Hence there is no one to open the gate. The intent the design is if you have less than 5 people you would fail to do CoF. But some people take longer to learn, possibly a few days/weeks/months in there with 4 people at the brazier forever and can’t figure it out. You can’t prove that they intentionally go in with 4 so they can never complete it. There are some people that are slow to learn you know. Not sure about the Mushroom.
About the exp. Either mobs drop xp or they don’t. If a mob drop xp that is intended in the design. You’re free to kill it and let it respawn and keep killing indefinitely if farming is your way to play. It’s not an exploit.
If a mob A doesn’t drop xp then obviously the intended design is to not kill it for xp. So farmer will just move to mob B, mob C, etc. So as long as there is a mob that drop xp, people just move to that one. Anet might as well make ALL mob not drop xp anymore. But don’t call it an exploit because people killing mobs for xp and you fail to realize which one is the most profitable one to kill for xp. You only have yourself to blame for not knowing the game.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
The log in screen should only display the active crafting discipline
It’s not meant to be easier,cheaper and faster way. It’s a non rng way of gettingit.
Easier and faster are irrelevant, but it should definitely be cheaper. If it’s not “meant to be” that, then it was not “meant to be” what it needed to be.
Cheaper is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if it’s cheaper. The precursor collection is just meant to be a sure way to get the precursor. It doesn’t mean to compete with the market. In fact all of the items on that list you can obtain yourself. It costs less than 10g gold to make them. And whether it would have cost 450g on the market had you bought the mats is irrelevant.
Vague metacritic reviews and HoT feedback
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
What level is your gliding Mastery, Nuhoc Mastery, and Itzel mastery? You are obviously lying if you said you have finished all of your Hero points.
And your mastery level is 10? What in the kitten world are you in playing? Level 10? There are people already at level 111
I myself only play for 2 hours a day since and already at level 33 almost to 40 and that’s slow! You may want to revise your method of playing. If you want to achieve something, it’s ok to take 6 months to a year at your rate or you can do it right and be fast.
It’s only been 3 days. If you haven’t unlocked all the masteries it’s not the end the world. Just play the game guys.
Just play the game? This is exactly what I want! And i dont understand why annet force me to do stupid jumping puzzles.
Main core of every MMRPG is: PvP (unranked-casual and ranked). PvE (dungeons and raids). WvW (or “open PvP”).
jumping puzzes has always been… a some sorts of additional content (just for fun). BUT! In HoT JP has become a central part. Now it’s not MMRPG anymore… it’s crazy quest with jumping puzzles.
I bought MMRPG (not quest) and i hate JP. I can spend some time for specialization – np… BUT not in a stupid jumping!!! I gave good money for this game.
But i dont want ravings of a mad “super Mario”.
It’s not the same game though. This is why GW2 is different from every MMORPG. And these are more GP instead of JP. – Gliding Puzzle
Which guild upgrades got removed? or do you mean they don’t exist to begin with?
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
Being forced to beg people to come help kill a champion doesn’t feel very heroic.
Wait, you mean there are people who can’t solo champions in this game? Oh wait, there are people who at level 80 can’t even kill a -veteran- mob…
See I feel you should be able to buy HoT elite spec with your old hero points you earned in the core game. Rytlock started HoT straight away sporting his new elite spec. Yes, I know he had that adventure down in the mists and all… but our character, the pact commander, defeated Zhaitan, saved Lion’s Arch by defeating Scarlet, been fighting our way through mordrem territory as we follow after Caithe, so why can’t our character have picked up new profession skills during all of this…..
I see why masteries should require HoT content but not “elite” specializations
Yes, so the options I said above is either ArenaNet will compromise to the *old*players vs those who have zero hero points in the core games (like the new Revenants)
But as you can see this compromise requires a huge devaluation of the old points for it to work, which in a way is an inflation of the new points as you can see. and this inflation will spiral out of control. It’d be fine if you say oh screw it and 10 expansions along the line, I only need to do HoT + Core to unlock all the 10 elite specs on the first day they are released. And have these 800 extra hero points that I’d never have anything to spend on.
The lore has nothing to do with the elite spec costs really. It’s the design. They have to ask the questions.
1. Do we want our players to spend time in HoT to unlock HoT spec
2. Do we let our players just unlock everything and not step a single step into the new Area?
and if 1. How much of that is required? All? 90%? 80%? That is such a difficult question of balance.
That’ll be great two, but if it’s me i’ll make an extra character, collect the extra points unlock the skin, delete the char. And save those 200 remaining points for expac 2. Then Anet will have to make it so that… my HoT points are now 1/10 of expac 2 points, soooo….
That seems fine? If someone wanted to put the effort in just to do that, then why shouldn’t it be allowed? It’s not like it’s without effort. It’s not like the points will be going anywhere any time soon.
Yeah, except now you need 2000 points to unlock elite 2 spec, instead of the suggested 200 from elite spec 1, then 20000 points for elite spec 3…
I forgot to reply to the last part of your comment, sorry. Why would they need to lower the value of the existing hero points for elite specs 2+ because a few people might put in the effort to maximise hero points in preparation for future content?
It’s going to be a very small number of people willing to do that and if the hero points for future specs are raised higher then it may open up an even bigger can of worms in the forums.
Because they want people to do contents of the expansion A to unlock elite spec A, contents of expansion B to unlock elite spec B, etc. If a player can trivialize this process by using “left over” points then the design has failed.
So either you compromise, which in this case they did compromise, but it will leads to inflation and more of inflation in the future
Or you don’t compromise, which will lead to player backlash (“what the hell, why do these extra 6-7 points not used”) or if they need to use all of them, still leads to backlash (WTF I have to unlock ALL these to unlock my spec?), hence a compromise is needed. It’s a can of worms, and you’re right. And this compromise can come in the form of extra skins as you have suggested. But nevetheless the left over points need to be ALL spent.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
That’ll be great two, but if it’s me i’ll make an extra character, collect the extra points unlock the skin, delete the char. And save those 200 remaining points for expac 2. Then Anet will have to make it so that… my HoT points are now 1/10 of expac 2 points, soooo….
That seems fine? If someone wanted to put the effort in just to do that, then why shouldn’t it be allowed? It’s not like it’s without effort. It’s not like the points will be going anywhere any time soon.
Yeah, except now you need 2000 points to unlock elite 2 spec, instead of the suggested 200 from elite spec 1, then 20000 points for elite spec 3…
What they need to do is containment. Each Expansion including the Core needs its own “hero points” currency in which can only be spent in the proper subcontent.
Hence if one doesn’t like to delete all core tyria masteries? fine make it account unlock and give 1 spirit shard for each one.
The left over problem from HoT then will also be solved if only the hero points earn in hot can only be spent for HoT skin and carry zero weight into Xpac 2.
Then you can have a 1-1 ratio. Each HoT point counts as exactly 1 point and you can balance from there.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
I would be in favor of making all hero challenges worth 1 point. All existing hero challenges in core game and expansion would continue to exist. Make the elite traits and utilities cost the same as regular profession trait lines and utilities. Elite traits would be on its own upgrade circle… elite utilites would be on its own upgrade circle… just like the normal traits and utilities…..
Yeah but if I have 250 left over points, I don’t have to get any of the new points aka playing the HoT content to just KABAAM unlock fully all my HoT elite spec. Which if you ask someone, they might be ok with it. But the intent of the design is you have to play the HoT content to fully unlock HoT spec.
Mastery level 35 by Sunday morning EU time?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
There is a post from Chris Cleary on Twitter on this issue:
Central Tyria Masteries were designed with older content in mind, how quickly you level and obtain those masteries is your choice.
This. The only suggestion I have for the new elite spec is this:
1. Remove all current hero challenges from core Tyria – These are not necessary.
2. Make all and every hero challenges from HoT worth 1 point.
3. You still need to unlock ALL core spec before you can unlock elite spec
4. Rescale the cost to 1-1 ratio. You need all 30? hero points (from Maguma) to unlock the specialization
5. No hero points should be left over after you fully complete the elite specialization.This will remove floating, left over issues that create the needed to scale the 10:1 madness right now. And will set a path for future expansions…
That idea would probably be more effort than its worth.
Two ideas that get thrown around regularly that make more sense would be:1. Reduce the requirement to 200 points.
2. Keep the requirement at 400 points but have traits/utilities unlocked by 200, leaving the remaining 200 for skins etc.
That’ll be great two, but if it’s me i’ll make an extra character, collect the extra points unlock the skin, delete the char. And save those 200 remaining points for expac 2. Then Anet will have to make it so that… my HoT points are now 1/10 of expac 2 points, soooo….
Why would you want to trivialize hero points earned in core Tyria?
Yeah, but in a way, they are deflating these values anyway. It just makes the new system looks bad. What they can do is to make these account unlock and grant 1 spirit shard for each one and be done with it. Leave HoT hero points in HoT, that will count 1 point each and you won’t have an inflating system..
Well, here’s the rational behind the current 400 hp madness.
1. ANet wants you to play HoT to unlock HoT specs. Of course this makes senses. But how do you measure how much do you play to fully unlock the elite spec? To point number 2.
2. A hero point system like in Tyria where hero challenges are located at different places. This is fine except. Everything would be pooled together into one unit call “hero point” BUT
3. ALL hero points in core Tyria count for nothing. You have 250 left over hero points unit if you have map completion in core. => This is a problem. But some people don’t have all the 250 points
4. Hence “how do we take into account of some have little, some have all, some have none”? => “Oh let’s make all of them count 1/10 of their value compare to the new ones.”
5. Oh btw there are over 30 hero challenges in the new zones, so yeah… 300, That’s about right?
See, when you back up to an inflating system, it’s never a good solution.
So what’s gonna happen in Expansion 2? Each one of those will be 10 times the HoT ones and 100 times the core?? It will spiral out of control. The problem remain the same. Some have it, some don’t have.
That’s why the system I proposed above gives a much cleaner solution to this problem.
“Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining” – Judge Judy
This is how I feel about “elite” specializations. There is nothing elite about these specs…. there can’t be because of pvp balance issues and more than that there would be pay to win issues(expansion vs. non-expansion players) Anet just tagged on the word elite to these specs to rationalize a hideous 400 hp requirement…. The traits and utilities should cost the same as the normal traits and utilities…. The traits and utilities should be on separate ugrade wheels just like normal traits and utilities…. also keep elite skins out of the trait and utility process.
This. The only suggestion I have for the new elite spec is this:
1. Remove all current hero challenges from core Tyria – These are not necessary.
2. Make all and every hero challenges from HoT worth 1 point.
3. You still need to unlock ALL core spec before you can unlock elite spec
4. Rescale the cost to 1-1 ratio. You need all 30? hero points (from Maguma) to unlock the specialization
5. No hero points should be left over after you fully complete the elite specialization.
This will remove floating, left over issues that create the needed to scale the 10:1 madness right now. And will set a path for future expansions…
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
It’s only been 3 days. If you haven’t unlocked all the masteries it’s not the end the world. Just play the game guys. You can finish it in a couple of months and that’s the idea. And yes some people have finished unlocked all core masteries and most of HoT masteries.
Thank you ANet for not making contents that can be done in one day (for the vast majority of the players).
Except people dont play everyday. I play it for 2 hours a week and thats all. i cant even be bothered about the elite specs or the masteries. I just wanted to enjoy the story but the story is now gated behind a grind.
Yeah, it’d take about 6 months to a year maybe 2 years if you just play for 2 hours a week. That’ll be fine. Just enjoy the content as it comes. If you force yourself to grind, then it’s perceived grind. You shouldn’t be able to finish the story in 1 day or 1 week. The target should be a month to 6 months for an average player to finish the story. For a player that would only spend an hour or two, 1.5 – 2 years would be an ideal time to finish the expansion.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
The problem with the so called “hardcore” gamers is that they play the game as a profession but the remaining 99% player base have a real profession/family/RL commitments and play the game for the fun.
Yeah that’s why it’s ok for these 99% of the player base to keep at it for the next 6 months to a year to finish the story of the expansion. It’s ok to take your time and enjoy the content. You don’t have to rush.
Technically incorrect, I know of at least one person that completed Arah on a lvl 2 character(they tried to do it on a lvl 1, but gained a lvl just from being run through all the maps). That being said, it really helps to speed things up if you use Exp boosters, as much as people may not like to use them, they do serve a purpose in this game.
You can be in Arah at level 1, just need to have teleport to friend but being carried and being a leech is not the same as doing the dungeon.
Oh look another post that doesn’t address any of the issues that people are complaining about. Nobody wants everything in a day. People are complaining that it is going to take them too long to get to functionality in their classes that they thought was core in the expansion. They are complaining that a game that touted exploration feels more like a series of gated grind rooms. Do you even read the forums before posting this drivel? Honestly, I’m impressed with how bad peoples’ reading comprehension is these days.
People already maxed out masteries on day one dude. A slow player would take 2-3. If you’re really really really slow maybe a week? And I argue that it should take ppl months to finish contents of an expansion, not a weekk.