Showing Posts For Bankai.3749:

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


My Necro that I have been slowly working on


Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Every 30minutes or so game crashes Mac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bankai.3749


crashed again showed report but I think that crashed too since it disappeared before I could copy it…it did show “dts.” as the problem.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

Every 30minutes or so game crashes Mac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Just crashed again didn’t get a report though…

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Every 30minutes or so game crashes Mac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Crashed again….
Heap, bytes=23828316
A serious error has occurred that prevented the application from continuing. A report has been sent to ArenaNet to help determine the cause.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Every 30minutes or so game crashes Mac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bankai.3749


@Psyches; Druitt: Thats interesting mine seems to be just in general and doesn’t matter where I am or what I am doing…I am hoping that the time stamps, of my crashes I am reporting, can help dev’s determine the source of the problem.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

Every 30minutes or so game crashes Mac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Crashed again without a report…

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Every 30minutes or so game crashes Mac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Just crashed again…
Heap, bytes=8389088
A serious error has occurred that prevented the application from continuing. A report has been sent to ArenaNet to help determine the cause.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Every 30minutes or so game crashes Mac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Just crashed again without a report…

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Every 30minutes or so game crashes Mac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Constantly getting error reports such as this recent one:

Heap, bytes=8389088
A serious error has occurred that prevented the application from continuing. A report has been sent to ArenaNet to help determine the cause.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Got a new crash report:

CtlView inconsistent page size. (was: testCount < 5
A serious error has occurred that prevented the application from continuing. A report has been sent to ArenaNet to help determine the cause.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Constantly crashing all reports are similar to this recent one:

Heap, bytes=42287380
A serious error has occurred that prevented the application from continuing. A report has been sent to ArenaNet to help determine the cause.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Crash on start

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Yeah I keep crashing and get these error reports

Exception: c0000005
A serious error has occurred that prevented the application from continuing. A report has been sent to ArenaNet to help determine the cause.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Is Starting a Necro a bad idea?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Necros, from what I understand, are frowned upon in PvE with the lack of reflects and self sustains/invulns that are demanded in that area of the game. Necros imo need a lot of work, they either suck or they are overpowered and have not found a median. This is a result of the game having unbalanced issues, because devs are trying to please the PvP/WvW community while simultaneously trying to please PvE community. This, again imo, is oil and water these two categories do not mix Anet is just going to have to pick who they want to appease, either the WvW/PvP community or the PvE community and from what I been told Anet has been leaning towards the PvE side since its an easier side to please. PvE doesn’t really need balancing, I think its just each class offering something to the table, unlike pvp/wvw commun….Then again those are my two cents of necros “As a whole.” I think you should just try it out and draw your own conclusion like I have and see if thats a class you want to play. Thats about as fair as it gets.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

nerf DS generation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


As a necro, we need our hand held since we can get shut down easily due to lack of sustains and invulns… Nero is a fight till death class we have no means of escape so if we get caught then we are just going to have fight it out till we die…nercos need a buff with some form of escape…

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

spectral walk was working as intended

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Clarification: the only thing that was changed was that you can’t use “Spectral Walk” in air. You can still use “Spectral Recall” which is the skill that returns you to your original location. This means you can still use Spectral Walk, jump off a cliff and teleport back.

What you can’t do is jump off a cliff, double tap Spectral Walk (and then Spectral Recall) just before hitting the ground to nullify falling damage.

Then how are we supposed to get away…necro can’t get out of any sticky situation… I can’t blink, I can’t stealth, I can’t do whatever the warriors do their survival running away build, I can’t do the eles d/d bolt and fiery great sword running away build, and ranger have some type of winged ability that lets them fly away… I have to absorb the damage and die… Nercos are frowned upon in dungeons, easily countered in pvp, and WvW you can’t roam around especially now that condi have been buffed favoring Condi mesmers and thieves… power mesmers are horrid now they have some crazy illusions burst that hit for a combine total of 12k+ and eles infinite reflect and absorbing projectiles that allows them to run glass and do their wombo combo 15k+ with phoenix, dragon tooth, and whatever else the put on that combo that equals insta kill…also still have to deal with rangers with their crazy rapid fire on an 8 sec c/d and knock back and 1.5k 1500 range autos with a pet AI equivalent to another player… Speaking AI why does the ranger pet AI work and not our minion AI…

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

spectral walk

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


It was a crap change… I enjoyed having spectral walk so I can escape sticky situations since after all necros lack a retreating ability unlike other classes…

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Death shroud- are you happy with it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Is Death shroud, in it’s current state, what you’d like it to be?

Little back story on my time as a necro, seeming i haven’t been active on these forums for 6 months or so. Been playing a necro for 663 days and 2701 hours total, been active primarily in WvW, secondary in PvE and ive done little to no SPvP. Usually play as a power hybrid necro.

I think that skills 2 through 5 are great, i wouldnt change these at all, i would however change skill 1. I personally think it should change depending on if you’re wielding a melee or a ranged weapon. The skill should remain as it is with staff,scepter and axe equipped but when a dagger is equipped it should become a 3 target frontal cone cleave. The slow single target attack, that is easily interrupted, isn’t optimal in my opinion.

With HoT on the horizon i don’t know how it may change, if at all. How it’ll change with the specialization or anything in that matter.

This thread’s purpose is to discuss weather or not you are happy with death shroud in it’s current state and if you would like to alter it in any way. (i also realize that this topic has come up time and time again but lets face it, might as well talk about something while we farm in preparation for the expansion)

Yes I agree with skill 1 of deathshroud being a problem out of all the skills. I honestly think that the cast time should be reduced to .5sec (similar to being under water) reason being given the fast gameplay of this game a lot can happen in 1sec.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

DS nerfed again

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Even though Anet wants necros to utilize d/s more they are going to nerf it…If they nerf necros d/s then they need to nerf mesmers damage output with phantasmals and PU scepter. Nerf Engi’s condi/blocking/ invuln/crate crap. Nerf glass meditation guardian. Nerf thief d/p and stealth and steal fear to 1 sec. Nerf cele ele/invuln. Nerf Hambow warrior. Also the very OP RANGERS. Once you nerf those classes then then Ill be okay with you nerving necros.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

keep death shroud or change ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


No, Death Shroud is the best ability a necro has if you do not like d/s then you probably need to relook your build comp. The majority of spvp, tpvp, wvw (I don’t pve so I’m not sure there) community utilize d/s. I would suggest you research some death shroud builds and see it’s true potential. My suggestions would be power or terrormancer builds. If anything I would like to see more d/s patches to further improve it’s ability, I think anet wants players to utilize d/s more given all the previous patches and I hope the buffs continue, since it needs some reduced cast time and further reduced degenerating life force.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

List your preferred Necro changes.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


1. Allow Necros to receive healing towards life while in d/s from outside sources and food.
2. Allow trait line that allows quickness on crit with life blast.
3. Remove C/D if the necro has above 10% threshold life force.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Omnomberry Food

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Aww that sucks :/ k thanks

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Omnomberry Food

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Even though the food activates? I relooked my combat log and it shows the food activate in terms of damage but the healing isn’t applied? So shouldn’t the damage not even apply if that were the case since I can’t steal health?

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Omnomberry Food

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


So I have been trying to work on a new build and I noticed that omnomberry food does not work while in d/s. Is this a bugg? It says on the food stats that it’s 66% chance to steal health on crit but when i crit in d/s I do not get health and out of d/s I do.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Rate the Necromancer look above you

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


My Necro let me know what you all think ^.^


Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

What are the potential implications of...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


I’m thinking like you Rennoko.5731

On topic : I think a buff to " Foot in the grave " to 4sec could really help us to not be ping-ponged around combined with Near to death . And imo it will promotes active play ( that Anet don’t like ) with flash-ds and smart play because the thing will be not to flash ds every 7sec like a robot but know how to manage it properly for sponge burst or anticipate a CC chain etc .

Well “Foot in the Grave” can be increased to 4 sec through Death Magic trait-line.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Viable Build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


You are to spread out between condi and direct damage, I would just focus on one form of damage.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Power vs Condi Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Honestly, stack conditions and use enviroment to break line of sight = win
He will have use his heal for a full clense at which point hes almost defenseless against conditions (signet of spite).
Sigil of ice on scepter + chilling darkness usually seals the deal in 1v1 situations (well of darkness/deathly swarm).

I wouldn’t say and hurry in here. First, you have to get that LoS. In tpvp it means leaving the point, WvW is vast open field with little cover.
Secondly, keep in mind Power Necros take conditions much better than Conditionmancer in many specs.
, for instance, run CC, Well of Power, Deathly Swarm having the same condition removal as condimancer and have outstanding health/LF pool with ability to regain full DS back within less than 10 sec.

Toe2toe with Powermancer is kind of weird for Condition necro.

There’s little possibility that you outlast him 1v1 if he knows how to manage Shroud. You have bursty role in here. If you manage to catch him in condibomb without preparation, that may be gg sometimes.
But there’s no way your bleeding will allow you to slowly kill him. Life Blast sustained damage is just higher and he can sit in Shroud for a loong time, keeping damage. You don’t.

staff (Putrid Mark), well of power, deathly swarm, Consume Conditions (healing skill), plague signet and the various trait skills… Necro can remove condi’s easily if spec’d for it. I would say that a Death Shroud traited necro can easily deal with a condi necro, since large health pool of both vit and d/s can be the undoing of condi specialist especially when running all the condi removal abilities. Also, don’t forget the negative condi duration runes and food…

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

My Power Necro GvG PoV

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Would you be able to supply us with a skill editor version so we can see it more in depth?

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Wvw? With a necro? How? Such wow!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


We would need more information on what YOU are interested in… Do you like condi over direct damage or vice-versa. Do you want to be more survivable then damage, do you want to be healer or terrormancer or direct glass/condi glass, nuisance condi etc etc etc… Just kindly tell us where your interests lie?

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Wvw? With a necro? How? Such wow!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


ascii wellomancer build:

this is really pretty expensive but its definitely an amazing build for zerg action.
for small groups it works too but maybe a terrormancer/dire wellomancer would be better.

play whatever you like, prefer and have fun with and youll be the most productive

This seems to be a support necromancer. I would use well of darkness with trait line chills on blind, since there is no real DPS output imo.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

What in the blazes is so good about Focus?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


I ran focus, the chills on I think #5 is nice because you are doing -66% to movement and skills CD. The #4 offers vulnerability to “X” amount of targets and I think it also stacks 4 or 5 times (its been awhile since I used my focus). Its not bad especially if you are a vulnerability spamming necro with epidemic and I would suggest using condi-duration.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Speed of Shadows

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Well there are sigils that offer dodges, such as superior sigil of energy and superior sigil of stamina. I would prefer sigil of energy since killing an opponent doesn’t always happen when you need an extra dodge.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

Flamekissed: Before and After

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bankai.3749


That’s a shame they took your armor away, it looked good on your character… I also have a sylvari and the look of the t3 flame kiss looked awesome on mine as well… I am now really looking forward to another game… Something like Star Citizen or World of Darkness.

Thank you!
Yeah, it really is a shame. I’d love to see some pics of your sylvari in the old armor if you happen to have any and want to share them.

I wish I did, but kinda glad I don’t at the same time, lol. Since if I had a picture of my old armor set up I think it would just make me disappointed…. Since I had a great set up and now it no longer exists :/ Forgetting about it just seems like the best course and having hopes that maybe ANet will create something that is equal or better then the t3 flame in future products.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

Flamekissed: Before and After

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bankai.3749


I intentionally left my character that I applied the skins to at level 73 unplayed and in limbo since the initial situation happened just because I wasn’t sure how they would handle refunds if I was not happy with the re-skin. I have plenty of transmutation stones to use to correct my appearance, but had I advanced to level 80 I was not sure I would also be refunded transmutation crystals to correct my appearance as I was not 80 at the time the skins were applied. I wasn’t sure how much they would cleverly get around supplying refunds. If we were only getting the 800 gems, as we were kind of told was all we would get as a refund, then I would just be forced to waste the refunded gems on transmutation crystals to correct my character’s appearance. I didn’t see that as desirable, so my character sat for over 2 months. :\

All I requested for my refund (that I’m still waiting for a response on) was the 800 gems spent on the initial purchase; no additional items whatsoever. I almost applied the skins over my sylvari cultural snapdragon skins. Thankfully I had the mind to put them aside for the future…just in case. I nearly used a makeover kit to change my sylvari glow color, but due to the situation reaching the level that it did before I used one, I was luckier than most others and saved myself that aspect in my refund request.

Per the topic of before and after, I will only include my before image as the after image is too much of an embarrassment to even be seen in.

That’s a shame they took your armor away, it looked good on your character… I also have a sylvari and the look of the t3 flame kiss looked awesome on mine as well… I am now really looking forward to another game… Something like Star Citizen or World of Darkness.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Flamekissed: Before and After

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Anet took a lot of time to change the armor, and they dropped complete garbage to their customers… as a customer who used real money to purchase gems IN ORDER to get the armor I should be entitled to my money back instead of gems, but i guess i am just going to get the run-around by customer support or on the forums with Anets contracts… now I feel like playing a different game. Tera online anyone?

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

Necromancer minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Necros are getting nerfed…? That is so stupid why doesn’t Anet nerf mesmers since when a MM necro is moa’d all the necros minions die… Mesmers can port, stealth(and get boons while in stealth), clone army (which spreads loads of conditions) and they can get almost every boon in the game… Mesmers are pure OP. Necros if anything needs a buff since clearly they are not the master of conditions, but MAYBE boon removal. Also Warriors seem to have some sort of OP condition warrior build and that class has ridiculous stats, for example, a couple people I know who have warriors were messing around with build editor and they where able to have 3,700 attack, 4,100 armor and 25k vit…

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

Starscream [IRON], R.I.P

in WvW

Posted by: Bankai.3749


There are no words I can express that can bring comfort from the passing of a close individual, so I hope my condolences to IRON and his family is enough. May the memories of Starscream’s funny and caring nature live on in the hearts of all those who knew him.

Ungo, Legends Never DIE

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bankai.3749


@ angelpaladin: What your saying is your more important then someone else on these forums? That your wants and needs trump others wants and needs?
What makes it right for anet to satisfy you the minority customer while alienating the majority? Wouldn’t it make more since to do what’s good for the majority and the health of the game?

What are you talking about? That is so far off its beyond me that you have even came to that conclusion. I am simply stating my issue on the matter, so that they can be noted in Anets decision on a solution. Furthermore, what I stated on my last post did not even come close in regarding to any form of lawsuit or any legal action. All I am doing is stating my frustration on the matter and hopefully reaching out to Anet in addressing these concerns so that BOTH sides of the spectrum are happy.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

(edited by Bankai.3749)

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bankai.3749


It’s not screaming it’s about being a satisfied customer.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Anet advertised a product, and I bought it. I spent $10 of my hard earned money for the 800gems on a student budget. I thought since the holidays are coming up I will treat myself to something small. Now due to the majority gw2 population disliking the new skin, Anet is going “door-to-door” to those who purchased the product and is asking for it “back” (by changing the looks and/or a refund of gems). I do not see why I should give Anet the product back that I paid for with real money. Thus saying what I bought is now mine. What gives you the right to change it for those who are happy with their purchase. If you are going to change it then I do not want the gems, I would want my money back.

Read the whole discussion, especially this page you posted on. You do not have any rights on Anet’s virtual created and copyrighted content. You purchase a license of using the art work. The artwork is and stays Anet’s property and can be modified at any time of the day due to the fact that they hold the COPYRIGHT!

You can however request the gem stones back that you spend on that design since it has been advertised, but only if the skin is 100% removed. That does not mean 100% removed from the Gem Store that means 100% removed from your characters. The removal of the gem stone could be declared as limited sale and the ending date does not even have to be announced. This also does not mean you can request a refund to your credit card, the contract you agree on is based on delivering in game currency, in our case GEM STONES.

Again the so called product is not yours and never will be, doesn’t matter if you paid real life money, in game money or donkeys for that item. Stop screaming for things you have no rights on lol.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bankai.3749


Anet advertised a product, and I bought it. I spent $10 of my hard earned money for the 800gems on a student budget. I thought since the holidays are coming up I will treat myself to something small. Now due to the majority gw2 population disliking the new skin, Anet is going “door-to-door” to those who purchased the product and is asking for it “back” (by changing the looks and/or a refund of gems). I do not see why I should give Anet the product back that I paid for with real money. Thus saying what I bought is now mine. What gives you the right to change it for those who are happy with their purchase. If you are going to change it then I do not want the gems, I would want my money back.

Legends Never [DIE]
Sanctum Of Rall: Ehmry Bay: Sea Of Sorrows