Yes, resetting traits should be something that is free and that was something that GW1 established from day 1.
If were being so different from all other MMOS and emphasizing the ‘fun’ factor than why on earth are we not following our own good example and are instead turning this into another money/time sink?
Restoring items isn’t that common, actually.
And gold too?
However like someone pointed out: I have the thing where if I log in from somewhere else I have to authenticate via my email, that will keep me safe right?
I know… has anyone SEEN the ridiculosity of the sheer amount of cooking recipies out there? You can make stuff like… onion rings, various cakes, many types of sandwiches, omelet and just about anything you could think of.
For people who are… ummm… ‘unique’ and really desire to have a chubbo for a hero then the answer lies right there in the cake mix! Say if u eat a few pieces of cake in the same 24 hours u put on weight, eat a dozen for example and you are on your way to Lard-Ville in a matter of days and your thighs are suddenly causing minor earthquakes when they rub together.
Of course with this brilliant system tailored to realism you should be entitled to all the health problems that come with this new, glorious… physique, Oh! as well as skills!
Such as:
faster movement down hills!
noxious gas that stuns enemies for several seconds.
projectile vomiting that causes blindness and has a 25% chance of the target to vomit on his allies
and of course: the ability to eat an Asura in pvp if you can actually catch one.Man I have all the best ideas….
Man this guy really DOES have all the best ideas
hold on while i make the quoting system actually work for me…
Ummm, if you get hacked in GW2 they restore everything that was stolen as is the custom in MMOS such as gold and items right??
Well, he’s beside himself worried about Jenna all the time.
Get it, he is ‘beside’ himself so the above screeny makes sense coz there are two of him -_-
But yeah I hate that guy, he can eat a D%#@
I think I like Eir the most out of the “Racial Celebrities” mainly because my Charr is the perfect height to nestle his snout right between her melons when they talk. Yes… Ziggy loves to cuddle
Of course they don’t understand because the majority of them have no idea why you are yelling at them to stay close in combat when they are maneuvering to try and effectively do what they do. It’s a rather new game and most of them have probably not yet played Guardian.
What you need to do is get their attention and explain why when you say that it is in everyone best interest to come close to you and receive the heal. If this still doesn’t work and most of the party does not understand or ignores you it is time to get a new party! I suggest a nice guild, that way you can run with the same ppl more often who understand what you are trying to do.
Also like someone said, have something like a staff in your secondary so u can pump out a few auto attacks and tag all the mobs for loot.
Haha, OP seems to be complaining about his team mates and not his class but he doesn’t seem to know that.
This game was made in such a way that there are many ways to pass challenges, such as dungeons. A dedicated healer is not necessary, however having said that I for one much appreciate those who can play that role well! So you need to find better and more organized team mates (might I suggest a nice guild) or simply carry multiple weapons with you and adjust where necessary….
I know… has anyone SEEN the ridiculosity of the sheer amount of cooking recipies out there? You can make stuff like… onion rings, various cakes, many types of sandwiches, omelet and just about anything you could think of.
For people who are… ummm… ‘unique’ and really desire to have a chubbo for a hero then the answer lies right there in the cake mix! Say if u eat a few pieces of cake in the same 24 hours u put on weight, eat a dozen for example and you are on your way to Lard-Ville in a matter of days and your thighs are suddenly causing minor earthquakes when they rub together.
Of course with this brilliant system tailored to realism you should be entitled to all the health problems that come with this new, glorious… physique, Oh! as well as skills!
Such as:
faster movement down hills!
noxious gas that stuns enemies for several seconds.
projectile vomiting that causes blindness and has a 25% chance of the target to vomit on his allies
and of course: the ability to eat an Asura in pvp if you can actually catch one.
Man I have all the best ideas….
I don’t really care to weigh in too much here as I don’t use “Map Chat” much.
However, I’d just like to point out, at least in my server (Stormbluff), I rarely see anyone talking in Map Chat at all. Whether it’s the same in every other server I wouldn’t know, I am simply stating, it sounds like ArenaNet is simply doing this as one of those “Just In case” scenario’s, I don’t mean to bash on them as well, and don’t mean anything by it. Simply asking, why do it, if the Map Chat, is rarely used.
I’ll maybe see it used for looking for groups for dungeons, however, there is no other manner of trying to look for groups period, other of course then the “Searching for party icon”, which I personally believe is absolutely useless since I’m going to guess a good few of the population have no clue how to use, or even that it exists.
I would personally suggest doing as many are saying, and remove the suppression, observe the situation a little more, and then if it “Needs” to be implemented, I would go ahead and do it.
Again, this is just coming from my server, I haven’t checked the server population in a while, and I seldom see people using Map Chat if at all.
No. That is just you, on Sea of Sorrows we get buckets of map chatter and very very few gold spammers, I was under the impression they were mostly under control.
What arenanet just did is a huge joke, what do you think you are dealing with 5 year old children? you think these gold spammers wont adapt in a matter of minutes and set timers that will spam their crap every 5 min and 1 sec? You think they will lose lots of exposure because they cant spam constantly? Jesus more ppl will probably notice it as it won’t feel like spam anymore if its a bit rarer this is a fix for NOTHING and it is ruining peoples ability to be social, have fun and find players for dungeons -_-
message suppression, fix it.
Don’t close everyone’s threads, this is a MASSIVE issue, I just hit 30 late last night and am looking forward to doing my first dungeon, and I will need to find a group!!
Turn it off, THEN discuss it, don’t waste days…. just don’t. Lots of people upset.
It seems mobs have differnet rules for aggro and there is really no way to control it or know how it works. Which is fine since there is no such thing as tanking in GW2 and their isn’t meant to be.
That being said I’ve noticed that there are four primary behaviours.
1. Attack the closest thing
2. Attack the thing doing the most damage
3. Attack the thing doing the most group buffs and heals.
4. Attack the weakest enemyThere are variations on these that I’ve noticed, like the converse or going for pets and minions first. Its impossible to know before the fight what sort of logic they might use, and even after you’ve fought them its hard to pin down what logic they were using. In my opinion this great as it has made fights a lot more dynamic and surprising as it always seemed the enemy was attacking in a smart way.
Yup, was gonna post something like this basically I have noticed most of those patterns, and hurting it more does tend to pull aggro relatively reliably but some mobs seem more… I dunno, intelligent than others maybe?
Another thing worth noting is that certain pets definitely have some hidden “tanking” mechanics, I noticed this very clearly on some Ranger’s pets, the bear for example (traditionally) is very talented at pulling big guys off us, he just seems to do this automatically and has saved our tail more than once on Champion mobs.
(edited by Bassario.3465)
Someone who mentioned tagging mobs in events… greatsword? ppffft try staff.
Staff is heaps of fun, your spam attack just hits everything in a huge radius around u and it has some funky utility skills like a sprint.
Over all its a fun class, you got access to pretty much everything, some mage-like abilities while wearing heavy armor or you can play like a warrior with better defensive capabilities whatever takes your fancy, or of course mix it up.
I deleted my Guardian because I liked it so much I am gonna invest a few hours in making a serious one, so I need to draw up some character concepts and blueprints when I have time, sigh it’s hard work making a character that sticks. Seems easy with Charr tho they’re all adorable.
That chat suppression is meant to suppress gold spamming bots, and others who are spamming the chat with their useless crap.
3 times in 15 minutes is an average of once every 5 minutes.
Maybe it is too strict, but would it be any better if you were unable to read the chat because there was 15 gold spamming bots spamming their messages all the time?If you have 15 gold selling bots, and each of them posted their message once every 5 minutes, that would be an average of 1 message every 20 seconds.
Is that preferable to what we have now?But if you are so upset about it, why not change the wording of your text?
How hard can it be to change your text each time you type it?Players have been complaining about the gold seller spam and literally demanding that Anet fix the problem yesterday.
When they finally do something about it, then that is bad too?Some people are just never satisfied.
You are completely out of your mind if you believe any of this.
One message per 5 min? What if you are having a conversation or asking for advice from others over Map? at this rate people will be reluctant to say anything at all in fear of being locked down. Two messages per 30 seconds… which is the restriction some other game uses, probably Rift or Wow, I don’t know I quit both that restriction is harsh, 3 per 15 min is psychotic! Even for LFG, there is nothing wrong with posting it once per minute and on top of all of this the gold spammers from what I have seen have been very scarce, they are yet to bother me.
Most of the body types are not too skinny and the bigger ones in fact are chubby, not average. This is what’s wrong with the world, fat culture!
@Imaginos: Why would the Sylvari need breasts? They don’t even mate or reproduce.
You are absolutely right with your first statement, the more we accept this state of “well I don’t even have to go to the shop for a sausage roll I can have someone deliver it to my door via the internet” the more the people and our children become doomed!
However on the topic of Sylvari breasts: You only need breasts to mate or reproduce? I assure you they are a world of more wonderful and recreational uses… I distinctively remember one of my stories introduced me to the concept of Sylvari “loving freely”
or something…
(edited by Bassario.3465)
wow, just in “map” chat or in general? I have not been on since patch that sounds INSANE! ! ! ! ! ! ! and just as we were gonna do our first dungeon tonight O_O
I was really glad to no end to see no stupid chat suppression crap from the start as I am still used to talking in short sentences unless there is a need for more clarity, if they just added this with the recent patch I’m gonna cry
I feel u may be exaggerating but I don’t know.
Having experienced this myself i can tell you its no joke. For a long while i thought maybe my character was bugged but maybe toughness/armor/vitality also plays a part in attracting aggro in GW2. It seems logical. But i suppose only the devs can answer that for sure. I may just have a bugged character.
Yeah that would certainly explain OP because to me the aggro in game feels very logical and natural, and can be manipulated in many ways to achieve victory in a group, it’s fun.
U have clearly not heard it often enough coz u can’t even remember the phrase -_- it is “I could outrun a Centaur” and I don’t mind hearing it, most of these things make me laugh for some reason.
Probably my mind safeguarding my sanity more like it.
Hehe, I still cant understand why gentle repetition on this level upsets anyone, I guess everyone is unique… but its very far from guy with pneumatic hammer RATATATATATATATATATATING away under your bedroom window at 6 am. In which situation your statement would make a lot more sense.
My Charr when he gets a speed buff simply says “FASTER!” in a quick and rough shout which to me still sounds like “BASTERD” and makes me laugh
EDIT: The B word is only spelled with a French accent coz of silly kitten filter :P
Ugh, I have this problem too but I finally discovered that u can just go to PVP and immediately try out all aspects and builds of your character (minus racials, meh) this helped a lot, I am sad to say I settled on warrior lol after saying to all my friends I wouldn’t do this in this game kitten it.
Anyway, yeah I have this problem but I am forcing myself to play my main at least half of the time, because lower level peeps do miss out on a lot of traits and skills which really allow you to actually customize how you play a bit. Also dungeons and being more effective in WvWvW! My level 20 scales nicely to 80 but with the lack of elite skill and trait points it is impossible to beat a player of the same skill who is 80.
Have you notice even on the largest body size the girls in GW2 is still very skinny? Is that because of the dragon war and foods are on short supply? But strangely the male can still be fat
Personally I prefer my girls a bit more beefier and more “gifted”
Oh I don’t know maybe it is because you RUN around the ENTIRE WORLD on your own too feet? Can’t even park your bottom on a mount and have the poor beast do it for you, nope. You walk. Everywhere. Always. Just try to imagine how many kilometers an average guild wars character would cover every single day of their existence.
If real life was anything like this you would be in dire straights with your “more plump girl” interests and the western world would be a lot higher regarded by the rest of the world. I would be a lot happier.
Anyone totally new to the forum who has just come on to check it out would be completely and entirely perplexed by this and would be worrying about the state of your mental health.
HAH!! I clicked on this expecting it to be a sarcastic post and almost started screaming “JUST F-ING NO” at you only to be refreshed and find that others understand this too!
The Random dungeon finder COMPLETELY killed wow for me, I can not ever return to that game as the feelings of nostalgia and togetherness that can no longer exist creep up on me and it just makes me sad. Nothing was better than getting together as a guild, climbing on our mounts and riding out to Scholomance or whatever it may have been, we talked, we joked, we were in it together and we had fun.
Introduce random dungeon finder: Suddenly you are grouped with a set of 4 random ppl whom odds are you will NEVER SPEAK TO AGAIN in your entire life, so what is the point? why even bother? Most ppl realized this subconsciously and it just became a pointless and mindless grind to the end of each instance for a chance at slightly better gear so you can do it all again.
I believe this is A-net’s biggest strength, they understand that it’s meant to be a social gaming experience, not a mindless and endless grind for better items.
First of all I don’t know what you are doing if this is true but from what I have seen aggro generally ends up falling on whomever did the most damage to that mob, not always but almost always. If u are rly stacking toughness then you are probably not doing the highest damage, especially if u are forced to dodge and run away. I feel u may be exaggerating but I don’t know.
Second of all anyone can be the tank, that’s the beauty of this system. Pretty much every class I have tried to test this at least in PvP and it became very apparent very soon that you can build every class in a style that is either capable of absorbing or evading HEAPS of damage, just as long as you know your damage output wont be nearly as good at the same time. Even on my mesmer I tried a funky build that can give him almost 15 seconds of stealth time back to back so surviving or running away is a breeze in almost every situation but again his damage was pretty average while running around trying this out but I am keen to try more in dungeons as I level.
One way of tanking for example is say, get a thief (and again most classes can do this in some way or another) and build up his health and toughness, give him evasive skills, run in and simply survive mobs as long as you can while your group picks them off one by one. Now that is fun! and it is only one of many options, I think it’s a lot more fun than the system we get stuck with in most MMOs where the dedicated healer sits there and watches bars most of the time, and the rest (tank and dps) just click their buttons in a rotation that gives them the best damage/survivability output. Sure most MMOs realized this and started giving bosses more cool environment attacks that u have to move out of the way of, but it didnt change the fact that the remaining 90% of the time you are still just following those rules I pointed out on repeat over and over again…
(edited by Bassario.3465)
Yeah I limit myself to only 3 per race if I love a race, otherwise u are just repeating too much and most of the story lines are pretty neat so don’t do it, just have 3 Asura that should keep you pretty occupied if you make them your main classes.
I also make sure I have at least one of each race, yes EVEN humans even tho they are the most boring and Norn look just like them only they have a much funkier culture and some kind of well of infinite steroids in some basement in Holbrak. <_<
There is no reason to have more than 8 characters… I think that is a bad thing but It’s not trust me, so I am looking at 3 Charr, 1 Human, 1 Norn and can’t decide if 2 Asura or 2 Tree Dudes coz I like them both immensely.
it is probably the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
If this is the uglyiest thing you have ever seen then I honestly congratulate you to the enormous amount of aesthetics and beauty that is surrounding you – I see a lot worse than floppy big Asura ears every morning on my way to work.
I also have to endure the sight of Charrs when in game, and their teeth and toes are a lot worse than my Asura’s floaty ears, tooOn a more serious note:
Imagine your Asura to be a dog – even those with floppy ears prick them up when attentive, and being in fight definitely requires attentiveness.
Once you’re back to relax-mode your ears can hang around, too
You sir are a horrendous racist.
Charr are beautiful and cuddly. You can actually reduce the teeth and horns and other features to make them look like an adolescent cub if you really want but they are Ware-cats what in the heck do you expect? They are absolutely gorgeous, I have loved them since the first game where they actually did look a touch shoddy at times to put it nicely.
More on topic: I love the Asura’s ears and love it how they stand up when they are alert, it makes sense.
Heh, Charr emoting stuff with roars and growls is the best!
Anyone here who has not done so needs to try /surprised on yr toon, it is most epic with Charr male and Human female.
U have clearly not heard it often enough coz u can’t even remember the phrase -_- it is “I could outrun a Centaur” and I don’t mind hearing it, most of these things make me laugh for some reason.
The only one I am sick of is “For Great Justice!” because it is very silly, not everything a warrior does he is doing for justice, some of us might be mean or selfish and yet if you are using that skill you will use it often coz its a good buff. For example you could shout “For Great Justice” and go on a rampage killing rabbits or other critters, and in WvWvW none of it is for justice, it is a fight for territory, yet in large groups you will hear it 30 times a min sometimes.
I rolled a human warrior a while back… typed /dance and within about 12 seconds of that he was deleted. Since then made another Charr and have never looked back.
However now it is time to make a wicked cute Asura and I was pondering Guardian but because she is going to be female I believe it just terribly unsuitable.
Still for the benefit of your choice I HEAVILY believe a male Asuran Guardian would be quite neat, especially since they have the options to use Scepters and Staves, making the character fit the magical background. Somewhat, and they cast spells as sell as hit things so its a fun balance. For me I am sure Elementalist is the way but am so very tempter to consider Ranger, as those tiny little bows are so adorable. -_-
Yeha u need to repost this in “cutest Asura contest” thread coz she is adorable! and look the eyes match the armor colour!
Anyway as to what you are arguing: You are absolutely right. Anyone who is arguing otherwise for whatever reason needs to understand that it’s just plain slack, the developers need to give us options!! There should be a middle ground, some of the heavy and medium gears, sure if it suits a “thiefy” look keep them the same but poor lady Asurans should get to look pretty sometimes too, not all of us have a one track mind that is focused on Alchemagical engineering 24/7. Especially cloth gear, these games have always put a lot of effort into armor design making us feel pretty fantastic. Heros need to look the part as well as act it, Some of the human ladies get to look just simply astonishing in some of the caster/cloth gear, typical that you males thinking this is alright fail to understand…
(edited by Bassario.3465)
Oh? Now that’s one way of seeing it…
The way I see it though…
While Asura’s are technological superior in terms of magical strength in comparison with the Charr their crude technology is far superior in terms of destructive force. But since an Asura is smaller than the average race we are not capable of carrying the gigantic Charr technology for the destructive force they possess. There for the AEC (Asura Engineering Council) have decided to replicate Charr technology at a smaller scale to prove to the Charr and the other races that Asura technology is far superior. Due to the fact at how easy it was to replicate and downscale Charr technology when they them self can’t accomplish this.
So only reason our Engineers are still using Charr technology is to rub it in the face of the Charr that whatever a Charr can build an Asura can not only build but build better and improve on the original design.
As for our turrets why should we waste our magical resources on mundane disposable turrets? Sure the inquest does it constantly but that has only lead them to stealing what they require for their absurd experiments. Besides there will always be some other dimwitted Charr engineer with more than enough ammunition to fuel the turrets while the magical resource for our own turret designs. Is actually quite finite due to the dragons presence which threatens our magical supplies.
Once the AEC has found an way to harness infinite energy to power our turrets and weapons with we are currently stuck with using the Charr designs for our weapons since the materials are easier to come by. Besides it’s fun to annoy the Charr that we’ve taken their designs one step further by downscaling them while still keeping the original destructive force of the full size ones.
That is cute, spoken like a true Asura. You seem to have a vivid imagination but again this is common amongst Asuran kind.
However the truth of the matter is that the Charr war machine can not be matched in any way, shape or form, there is no argument. The sheer resources, the man power, the iron and steel and the unwavering determination and strength of the Charr as a people has helped them prevail against all foes and has put them on top of the food chain, this is furthermore bolstered by the example as seen in this thread that even your adorable race of tiny geniuses are yet to come up with your own version of reliable portable turret technology that can out-perform our fool proof design.
While Asuran technology is very impressive at times, when it comes to practical application… well let’s just say that it continues to really shine brightest in it’s theory stage.
OooooOooOOOoOoOooo… this thread has sold me on finally making an Asura. Only 3 classes left, what u guys recon: Ranger, Elementalist or Guardian.
I will post a pic once she is made coz I would like to think I have a talent at making them look good, tho no idea how ill go with Asura will probably take me hours.
I am rly keen on all three of those classes, this is a rly hard choice. I doubt theres many Guardian Asura running around so I’m leaning towards that one but I dont know…
Am I the only one that likes the carlton dance? (Norn)
It is not so much about liking or disliking, I believe it is probably one of the LEAST suitable dances possible for the Norn. What exactly does a race of extremely large nomadic Viking peoples have to do with him?? O_o
It’s just a really poor choice, I thought they advocated for immersion and RP, I don’t think many Norn would chose to dance like that (if there was a flaming choice) I for once certainly wouldnt.
Someone here made a GREAT point that there should be like a bunch of dance options and we could chose/unlock them or something like that. I just hate being stuck with something that I don’t feel suits my character at all.
Yeah that sounds about up my alley for the most part xD
I will talk to my two friends tonight and we’ll see if we can all move (I am assuming free transfers are still available) we are all based in Perth Western Australia tho so we may be 2-3 hours ahead of you time wise xD
Yes, but WHERE is he?
Add up the lifetime cost of how much u spend on waypoints, your jaw would drop.
They are very overpriced, and just like the OP said, if u die u automatically have to pay up to rez AND for repairs.
If you continue to be stubborn and not add mounts so we can maybe travel logically the LEAST you can do is drop off those costs.
Thinking of moving here.
Australian Player who will probably bring 1-2 friends, looking for a… Hmmm, how to phrase this, ultimately I’d like to immerse myself a bit more in the game, looking for a guild that is mature and open to RP and of course… active.
I am a great addition to any guild, I level rather slow but when online am always open to hang with anyone, offer advice and/or help, and am always looking for something more or a chance to have some fun. Haha, now it sounds like a personal ad all of a sudden O_O
I mean, I can totally see the resemblence of Carlton and Norn right? … there has to be one… anything?
I don’t know but everytime anyone dances in guild wars 2 I have to pinch myself to make sure it all has not been a dream this whole time still… the idea that BOTH genders have the same dance to begin with?
The Charr being my favourite race by a very long shot… their end of the stick is just as miserable and short, oh my god does it pain me so.
I’ll just add that I have a friend who often carries a character accross from other games he is human and his name is “Manlius” and I wont go into it much but lets just say that the bottom line of the concept of this character is masculinity and testosterone. When he went /dance for the first time (and might I add it was also the last time) he had to go and lie down for a few hours and vomit into a bucket.
Lol! this post suddenly feels a tad judgemental all of the sudden but I’m barely exaggerating. They are mostly just that bad, ok some dances sort of suit some of the races but its only ONE of the genders when this happens.
Over all I just wanna know what happened to all the other cool options? Like /flute /guitar and other stuff I cant remember from GW1?!? That stuff was great, I guess they will add more dances soon enough but these original ones were just… terrible. I am sorry! but… absolutely miserably bad. I can’t retract that one bit.
My friend did and I never, ever stop making jokes about how large he is, and how he runs in slow moton. Which he does.
It is brilliant… he also ENDLESSLY complains about being unable to see in certain areas, and how some platforming challenges are made horrible because of his decision and his camera’s inability to fit his giant form and anything else in the screen at the same time in tight quarters.
A Norn stepped on my house and crushed it.
Zing! No really… it’s a serious epidemic… Sign the petition to keep Norn out of Rata Sum.
Our slogan is: Just think of the children!
Where is he?
Give me a kitten dedicated server in my kitten region and I happily will xD
Another one agreeing heavily on this here.
First of all, a lot of players are still very new and the average human being has to learn through doing, not everyone… no I’m gonna go ahead and say that almost no one has as much time to play this game as you (based on that u threw 100g at commander status) and therefore you will always see tons of ppl who are sadly still learning. This will happen on both sides and is unavoidable, so just organize as many ppl as you can, stick to a guild who know what they are doing and that is the most u can ever do.
Secondly… you threw 100g at something that gives u a little icon on the map and are wondering why ppl still dont listen to you? I apologize if I find it a tad ironic that you are calling others stupid
I just don’t see the point. There is a tele every 5 feet.
Maybe in dungeons though. The run back to group can get a bit irritating.
Lol, not only do you see the point but you are adding more reasons to it. Good work. WvWvW is an even bigger concern for me, as sometimes the battle will be over when u are done casually jogging for 5 minutes.
Anyway… thanks everyone for your input, I’m sure the devs are pondering how they can fix this one and we will be travelling sensibly and merrily soon enough, and I will ad that as insane as it is not having anyway to travel efficiently and being forced into sinking an exponential amount of cash into waypoints as u level, as insane as that is on almost every other front the game has proven to be a cut above and I am pretty happy with it over all.
Sorry I didnt read everyone’s post I stopped after something like 25 because WOW ive never had that many responses before, and I have a lot on. Barely enough time to play the game :P good luck and c u in Tyria. Where chicken legs are NEVER a problem.
EDIT: Also, Leon Trotsky: (great name by the way) Why does it have to be like that? I agree entierly, it doesn’t have to be like that and when Dev’s add mounts hopefully they will listen and be sensible and I have a feeling they will. None of that dirty “pay $15 for a mount made of the bloody stars” ***vomits*** Have a good day, and watch out for dudes with ice picks when ur at your local library.
(edited by Bassario.3465)
Be happy we have Greatswords lol GW1 all they had was War hammers for 2h weps
Guild wars 1 was a long time ago xD and for its time it was a pretty good game, probably my first to ever play online with people, so it set a great impression. Tho it was mostly about making 2 classes work together in one character and that unique synergy was why I loved it.
Here in GW2 each class has some unique perks and arguably Warrior’s biggest strength is a versatile approach to attacking through having many many weapon options. His access to more weapons is his strength, I definitely would argue it’s not banners, personally I think they threw banners in with the warrior coz they realised that without them the class would play a lot more “selfishly” compared to many of the others. Me I can always be seen running around with one in my hand for travel purposes or in huge WvWvW groups, thats about it.
At the same time when they finally give us those juicy juicy 2h axes/Polearms or whatever I have a feeling they will introduce other weapons for the other classes or something new for them, im sure they wont go adding content for one class at a time as that would screw with the balance.
But man I want axes now xD
Scary mods are scary….
I personally felt there was room to contribute and never worked out if it was serious thread or troll.
Just because personally I find the 2h hammer to be my last choice for warrior build it is awfully slow and lacking mobility, thieves will run circles around you and bleed you to death… fun.
Can I axe a serious question here: Where the bleedin’ heck are 2h Axes?! C’mon guys what happened there? was there a death in the family due to random viking raid in your city or something? Really how did 2h axes get the chop here, that is one concept that should never be axed in a fantasy rpg setting.
P.S. please don’t cut my thread. Peace and love!
Clicked on this expecting to see EVERYONE saying something about “ummmm 2Handed Axe please!”
Got exactly what I expected this time… no surprise there, nevertheless I am here now and feel compelled to point out the PAINFUL NEED for 2h axes -_- Seriously out of the 2hand options they are generally my favorite among all RPGs, Greatswords are already painfully in demand and seem better on both guardian and warrior over great hammers
Apart from that Halberds/Polaxes/Glaives (call it what you want) would be amazing, Imagine something that played like a Dragoon from final fantasy? AAA+ That would make me cream.
Hmmm.. May have to rename to WvWvWvC the C stands for Cardio….
I dispute this decision, and believe it is the biggest problem. I’m on the verge of putting it down until mounts come out at this stage.
Then you won’t be picking it up again I guess… because the developers have made their feelings abundantly clear on this subject – no mounts.
If that’s so game-breaking for you, then feel free to stop playing. No one should play any game they’re not enjoying, and if you require mounts for your enjoyment, then you’re probably going to be happier in a game that provides them.
This isn’t one of those games, and ANet has said it’s not going to be.
I’m enjoying it so much I want to play it through again, that is the problem at hand. The game needs re-playability to survive in the long run, do you honestly believe people wanna re-explore the whole world a second time on foot? I honestly find it impossible to believe they would do this to themselves. Can u find me a post where mods have said with 100% certainty that they wanna do this to themselves and us? That would be most useful, I was unable to find this, instead found a ton of players who said the mounts will come in due time, but the average poster is reliable as ever…
OAh, the generation of silver platter gamers decides to make a stand for yet another absurd cause. Gawd forbid you have to WALK, what a preposterous idea!
Seriously guys, condescending sarcasm aside, it’s really not that big of a deal. Use a speed boost skill or something, stop being lazy.
What condescending sarcasm? I’m sorry but to be condescending you have to at least make a valid point so try harder. Also you need to try your hand once more time at reading and this time try harder. The issue is not WALKING from a to b. The issue is walking there and again, and again, and then again and then some more.
Jesus, if certain simpletons are gonna play THIS card for the sake of trying to pretend they have an argument sure: For your sake so you feel special why don’t we make it you have to walk everywhere once, and then once you have traversed every inch of ground within a radius of 100 feet around you can then mount in that area… sigh, or you could grow up, either way.
I really like to take my time, ESPECIALLY in this game, I have no problems with going back and forth and re-doing content with friends, it’s all enjoyable and ANet have given me a beautiful world to enjoy in such a manner. However forcing me to go back to a low lvl area and pay high lvl costs for waypoints so I dont have to physically walk out to my friends? that is some heavily messed up stuff. really wrong. Mounts will happen, theres no doubt but please dont milk us too long and make them happen sooner then later.
You say he doesn’t have fair argument in his post, yet you don’t have one either. Because you have to go to a certain place “again, and again, and then again and then some more” is not a reason to have mounts.
Now I’m not saying I’m for or against mounts but I just don’t see how they would fit into the game or it’s world. It’s already easy enough (in my opinion) to get from place to place. Just use speed buffs and mobility skills.
The game was just not designed with them in mind and I really don’t think we’ll ever see them in GW2.
Yes you say that about WvWvW and it is probably the only compelling argument here, however if you have studied WvWvW you will notice that that simply does not deter people from doing so. Those who feel like trying to be sneaky and infiltrating far away places in small teams or even alone will continue to do so, some ppl just enjoy that, and why shouldn’t they? Mainly coz the game doesn’t facilitate you the capability to hold onto said location once you infiltrate it -_- this is a bit sad… but still WvWvW is pretty sweet and there’s plenty of time for improvement.
Having to go to a place, many times is indeed a very compelling argument to have mounts the game wants me to do that, it scales me down so that doing so remains fun and I can repeat the game again and again with new friends that decide to join, then goes ahead and charges me massive amounts for teleporting around in starting locations… I don’t see this happening in the long term, in this vast world of exploration if I have no means of comfortably getting around, playing my 4th or 5th alt will simply become a nightmare.