Showing Posts For Batim.9075:

Im on my breaking point.

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


I dont know why you assume that i dont know how to play in tpvp, or any pvp.
That is not the point.
The point is the unbalance in spvp, the way Heart of the mist is created i thought it was to make every class and player equal, but i dont think it does.

As I also said i don’t think that Thief’s are overpowers, but the way ppl play them makes a very boring opponents, that goes for mesmer as well.
I can’t see how anyone would enjoy fighting an enemy like this.

At least, i know i don’t.

Im on my breaking point.

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


So reading the OPs post, you spent 1-2 minutes fighting an ele probably even a bunker ele. As you should of known 30 seconds in that you are going to end the fight right now or that you are going to keep fighting and someone else from the other team is going to rotate/roam over and gib you. It really didn’t have to be a thief since you said you popped all your cooldowns just to fight 1 ele. You could of been 100 bladed down or even 100 naded down. The thing is the ele distracted you, and the thief finished you off which is the sole purpose of his class as the meta stands right now.

I agreed with that, this was one example thats shows 2 hits:9k+ dmg (it does not show time stamp or casting time unfortunately) But the point is that I had a long on going fight with the elemenatlist witch i suppose did his best to bring me down. He used all his skill’s, and also his experience as a pvper. Then a Thief comes in to the fight doing more damage on two hits than anything the elemenatlist was able to do in 1-2 minutes. 1 -2 minutes vs 1-2 seconds, and you still dont get to point here?
I dont know in how many ways I can explain this.

Things you could of done better:
1) Don’t blow all your cooldowns on an “epic” 1v1 fight with a bunker ele because sooner or later your 1v1 fight will turn into a not so “epic” 1v2 fight against you.
This was a fair 1v1 in a none populated part of the map (i thought)
2) Use your back camera bind to know who is coming behind you even when you are fighting the ele you should always check who is coming into the point you are at when fighting. Situational awareness is what separates the better players from others. * (Im using this, but im more focus on what skills the player Im fighting is using, than i constant treat from thiefs.)*
3) Position yourself so you don’t get stabbed. Get on a ledge get on some sort terrain to fight the ele and also defend yourself from a gank. Use ranged Necro has 1200 range, it is good. Also that flesh wurm teleport utility is your get out of jail free card, try using it. (I dont what to dedicate one out of 4 skill slots only to be able to avoid one or two hits from a thief)
4) Use your damage mitigators plague form and death shroud to absorb the backstab and heartseekers, you need to precast but in order to precast you should have known that the thief was there in the first place, again situational awareness. (As described above, and how can you know that a thief is there? should i always place marks around me?)
5) Improve your reaction time, this game is not forgiving like other mmos you need to have twitch and the proper conditioning to instantly pop death shroud or to stun break burst. The only way to improve it is to keep on getting bursted by classes until you have it down. (There are so many examples where they got this right, my toughs are that this is your first mmorps and you are playing a thief.)

Im on my breaking point.

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


Ohwell, if you dont want to get the point we can argue all night. I can tell you that a color is green, and you could answer me that its not blue… we are both right but you are not understanding what Im trying to say.

All my years playing mmorps ive heard that Guildwars 1 was a pvp focused game. I cant say that about Gw2, even if that is not a bad ting i just think that there are so many old games that managed to get the balance better then Gw2 right now.

Im on my breaking point.

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


No he did not 2 shoot me, and i would say im a decent pvp player. The thing with this is that everying thing is like on steroids. Its to fast to be able to handle. Even if i used a Bot to press the right commands it would probebly be dead.
To show the the screenshot was not only the thief damage, but also how low the damage on elementalist was compared to the thief over such a long time.

Im on my breaking point.

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


Okay so i know there is a lot of discussions about thief’s and mesmers and i can totally understand that.
1: as you can see in my screenshot, i was having a duel with a elementalist, it was very balanced and we both used all our skills and used everything we got. We was fighting for i would guess 1-2 minute, then all of a sudden all my HP goes down and im dead (2 secounds) . WTF happend? Ohh, a thief.

This scenario is okay with me, the thief is a glasscanon him self and uses stealth to get the enemy down.

But its not in a proper balance, i would say it was ok if a thief did that amout of damage on me if I had 50K HP.

I think i have around 25k HP, witch means that if two thief’s jumped me and only used one skill, "second skill with dagger (heart stopper?) 4500hp/hit. and they can use it 4 times in a row. 4500hp x 4hits x 2 thief’s = 36000 in 2 or 3 secound’s. How would i react to that? Use my deathshroud…..? still would be dead. This damage must be to hight if you have like 2-3 seconds to react before you are dead.

It is ok i a class have a very high damage output, but not x4, and not when there is no way to counter that attack.

2: Mesmers omfg, how many illusions, mirrors, reflections and stuff can they have. As a necro i use “Well of suffering” witch kills alot of there minions, but then they just spawn new ones, with like 0,5 reuse time?
Ok: they are killable, but as for my necro I have put over 300hours in to learning this class, and what skills to use and when to use them. Then i get killed by a pvp lvl1 mesmer. How can you think that this is balanced.

3: I have played alot of MMORPGS and for me there are basically two ways to define a good mmorpg. PVP, and teamplay (dungeon/pvp/siege)
With the current build, I cant sPVP in Gw2 it just kitten es me off because of the inbalance. Im cool with having classes do large amount of damage, but the other class has to be able to counter that attack/dmg output. This is not the case in Gw2 right now.
Dungeons: Yeah… do i need to say more. Everyone is asking for mesmer, warrior…. I like the way guildwars2 removed all the specific roles in team playing. But then, if you do one or two classes over powered. Why would anyone want a class that has lower dps with nothing special to add to the group.

4: I tryed playing a thief for a few pvp matches and i did not even read the description on the traits. I get the same amout of points on my thief as on my necromancer. Then what is defining the pvp level? 300hours gameplay vs 1hour?

5: As for the necro, the down skills on this character is a joke. The fear skill works one out of ten. Why cant we summon 5 fleash golams that are defending us, and the all use charge?

6: I love they way that you made Heart of the mist, with pvp gear and all of that. Everone have equal stats on there armor. I think its a shame because it is so well done and then the unbalance between classes ruin it all.

Please, please do something about this unbalance. I know im not the only one feeling this way. I really love this game, one of the best mmorpgs i have played…. But the unbalance is so lame that i cant play it, i just get mad and sad.
With some small tweaks, this would be awsome.


Post: "Why I Stopped Having Fun in GW2 PvP"

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


Agreed with op on the most part.
But not that Lineage 2 was a bad pvp game, its one the best ones imo.=)

Sick of 3v5, 4v5, and other unfair odds

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


I did not read all the comments so sorry if this have been said.

You could make it so that you get something for second place? It should not be much but enough to keep players in the game and not leave.

Also, place a timer on when you can queue a new match.
For example 5-8minutes between matches? (the time for a normal match).
This way players cant benefit from leaving one match to try out for the next one.

Then maybe it would get rid off some leavers that do it on purpose.

AFK In Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


Yesterday i played many tournament matches with random groups.
But two times there was some bad loosers in our team, so when we started loosing they did not resurrect them selfs.

Why is there no AFK auto kick function in Tournaments.

I understand that it would have no point sense we would anyway be one man short.
But then maybe there could be some function where people could join excising matches. There is sometimes where its 5 vs 4 anyway.

An other thing with tournaments, what is determining on what team you’ll fight?
Because some times there is 5 in one team and only 1 in the other. But most of the time you end up 5vs5 or 5vs4.

Sometimes i also see that there are many high level pvp:ers in the same team, (not premaid as of what i can see) vs many low level pvp:ers.
Why is that?

Koroshi - Thief vs Thief duels [Video]

in Thief

Posted by: Batim.9075


Nice played, all creed to koroshi.
But, Thief’s are just so OP i think. What other class could solo that many players in a row even how experienced that player was. And even if they was not stacked up in a group.
For me this just confirm that Thief’s take away most of the fun in PVP right now.

Upgrade from Trail to Full

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075


You can delete this thread. Problem solved, he just made a new account with a new mail.

Thanks for your help.

Upgrade from Trail to Full

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075


I have just talked to him and he did not receive any email confirming hes support ticket.
Yes hope so.

Thanks for you fast replies, really appreciated.

Upgrade from Trail to Full

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075


I will post it as soon as i get it.

Upgrade from Trail to Full

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075



One of the friends that i invited during the trail event recently bought the game.
But he cant login to he’s trail account. So he tried making a new account but then it says he’s E-mail is already in use. He have tried to reset password but he dont get any mails (have also looked in crap mail).

We have tried deleting cookies and a new web browser.

Yes, he have sent to the support over a week ago but still no answer.
Hes user name: Klej.8941

First off: Is the Trail accounts still active or usable? Or should he make a new account?

I have searched the forum and i can only find a post over three month ago that says that the accounts are still active.

Hope someone can help us here, frustrating when you buy the game and cant play.

Awesome cities, mostly abandoned because all the action is in LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Batim.9075


Another thing with everyone staying on LA is the Overflow, i like the idea of that and it works smoothly. But it always feels like the same amount of people. I dont know how many there is in every overflow, but lets say you always get the feeling that there are max 50 players in LA. But in truth there are many more but in diffrent overflows.

Would people spread out in different cities the game would feel more populated.

Necro build (My view of Hybrid)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Batim.9075


I can’t see any use off your critique when you dont give any suggestions on what to do insead. Its very easy to criticize, without giving you any suggestions on what would be better.

Hybrid is this not where you make use of both Condition dmg and Burst dmg?
And yes, i think this build cover them both, i also named the thread “My view of Hybrid” meaning this is not the typical build for hybrid.

Burst dmg is this not where you have a high dmg out put over a very short time?
My bursting is not only from one weapon but more from the complete build.

@Too Frisky: you are focusing heavily on precision stacking with a tiny amount of condition damage and power.

I have all my gear set to +Power / +Precision / +Condition.
So i would not say Tiny amount of Condition damage and Power.
I actually don’t know how i could get higher stats with only using Exotic gear?

@destijl: how is your survivability on this one?
I would say its pretty good. I have 1926 armor and almost 25k in health.
With the use of Lich Form and Death shroud it also helps you stay alive.
But so far I dont have any problems at all staying on my feet’s.

Necro build (My view of Hybrid)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Batim.9075


Here is what Im using right now.

I have watched many build on Youtube and read most threads about different builds.
I also see many threads of people complaining about necro’s are no use.

This Hybrid means: Condition damage + burst / Wvwvw + dungeon + pve
And I think this is suitable for all of them.

My gear is full Explorable gear with Coral Orb.
Power: 1813
Condition dmg: 1381
Crit chance: 52%
Health: 24995
Toughness: 1016

If have watched “Nemesis” and many more’s tutorials about different build but i could not get all i needed from it. They are near to perfect but does only suit me for like 70% of my game style. I dont like to change my traits every time i go from dungeon to wvwvw or from wvwvw to Orr for Karma farming.

The tactics of this build is just to lay down all your Wells on one spot and also your Staff Marks (When the time is right). When all is placed change to Scepter/dagger.
Necros dont have one good big hit skill but this will burst down you opponents meaning Burst=High dmg output in a short time.

In dungeon this is awsome, for example i love to do Cof dungeons and in Path 1 where you go to gate and kill the statue (“Go gate”). All my teammates just said “LOL – what did you do”
This does damage to structures and every other dead things that resist bleed (ofc dont use staff marks).

One of the highest dmg outputs on a necro is going Death Shroud, this is perfect for this build. You will get alot of kills so your life pool with gain very quick, plus that you can do dmg with your wells+staff+death shroud skills all at the same time. So in DPS i would say this outnumbers every other class, but only for a couple of seconds.

Please leave your thoughts on this build, its not that big difference from many other build but i think that the small adjustment make the DPS go higher.

For example the “Blood magic” (30) Vampiric Rituals is no DPS boost and does not heal you that much, but i think its worth it for the “Blood to power”

I would not recommend this build for small pvp 1v1 – 5v5. But in bigger groups than that most players will just stand in a big wells of death/blindness and all other bad things:-)

As i Said, please leave you thoughts on what can make the build better.

Someone thinks Necro's are OP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Batim.9075


Necros are a strong class but as a necro you are very bad at finishing enemys. My problem in tournament is to get the enemy stomped, I get them down but all other class are better in rezz and finishing. You don’t have Quikness and you can’t make you invincible to finish.

I have the exact same problem no matter what build i use. I get them down, but cant finish them off.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Batim.9075


I think that crafting right now is underpowered, there is no real use to it since you could buy all the items that you can craft.

One way to make crafting more interesting would be if some of the weapons/armors/jewels/ food and more was just slightly better then the ones you could buy.

And also making them Characterbound or Accountbound.

Or if lets say you have 400 in weaponsmith, then you get a recipe to enchant your weapon with 2-5%? Or maby as low as 1%?
Then it would still be some use and be interesting to invest the money to learn all the Discipline’s.

This could effect food and armor jews and all the other crafting Discipline’s.

IMO it would still be balance because everyone can do it.

A Grisly Shipment [Bug]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Batim.9075


Yes, as you can see all charges are set. But the quest did not continue.
I tried getting my self killed on the mines in the water to get to last set point. But that did not work.

Third time i did it, everything worked as it supposed too.

Thanks for your quick replay!

A Grisly Shipment [Bug]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Batim.9075


So Now i did it a second time and it’s getting stuck on.
“Place the ghost fire charges in the hold”.
I have placed all the charges, and nothing happens.

I if talk to Trahearne he is on the next chain quest already. But i wont get it updated.
And the ship is not on fire….?!?


(edited by Batim.9075)

A Grisly Shipment [Bug]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Batim.9075


During this quest there are some weird trigger points.
“Place the ghost fire charges in the hold”
I cant find more specifics on where to put the charges, so where are you supposed to place them. I placed alot of them and all of a sudden the quest continued.

“Escape from the burning ark”
When you should go to the main deck, not “Escape the burning ark”.
And also here you need to go exactly on the right spot on the stairs up to main deck, if not the quest will not continue.

“Get to the ark’s highest point”
This at first i could not find, because i missed the stairs going up.
Once i found it, i fell through the stairs and got stuck in the wall.

So, now i need to restart it again… Urch!


Font issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Batim.9075


I have the same issue. The problem is that the window is smaller but the font size is the same, so some of the letters is almost on top of another. Really annoying

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075


Is there any know reason to all this lag? I played the game since release and never experienced any lag at all. Last week it gone from perfect to unplayable. I have tried closing all programs in background, reinstalling game, reseting router and trying new settings and also tried with an other router. Allays get the same lag.
It seams to be lagging when using skills, if im just walking around i have no lag, but as soon as i start using skills PVE or WvW or Spvp I start getting lag or more of “Freezes”. The game freezes for 1-3 seconds the hole world is standing still but i can still move and use the chat and talk to guild and friend.

I live in Sweden and play on Far Shiverpeaks .

Would be nice with a comment from Anet, if there is a know problem or just “we dont have any known problem”…. Anything please.

facing heavy lag last couple of days.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075


I have the same Lag thing the last week. Get huge lag spikes.
How do you check you “lagency” / latence?

[Error] Black screen Report

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075


I have tried many things to eliminate the black screen.
In 95% of the cases i get it when closing my map or when joining WvWvW.
When joining WvWvW, it is not depending on with map i choose, and its totally random.
I can play for 1 hour, then join WvW, and get a crash. Or i can play for 3hours, or 5min.
Doesn’t matter.

An other thing is that 50% of the time I get Black screen. I can “CTRL+ALT+DEL” and the Gw2.exe is Not responding. I can close it, and the computer works as normal.
I can use the web, look at a movie, start another game but as soon as i try to launch guild wars 2 again, the computer freezes. So i need to reboot the computer before i can start the game again.

The other 50% of my black screen, i cant even “CTRL+ALT+DEL”.

This cant be a client problem, or if so I am very unfortunate.
I have tryed Buying a new Motherboard, CPU, Memory, HDD.
I have tryed with a different graphic card. I use GTX260SLI so i have tryed them one by one, and it seams like i get the error less. But its still there.

I have tried all known drivers for my setup, both older one’s and beta versions and nothing seams to help. Also updated Bios version, and firmware.

I used MSI – to control the fan speed of my GPU, and also added more fans to my computer. My graphic card temp are now at 62-66°C on full load.

I have repaired the game, and also reinstalling it. = Same problem.
Updated Windows 7 (64-bit) = Same problem
Reinstalled Windows 7 (64-bit) = Same problem
Lowering my resolution and lower details = Same problem (This helps, but problem is still there)
Tried Windowed mode = This seams to be the best solution for me, but then i cant set Gamma and the screen is dark. (Most often works)

Also, every time when i change to Windowed mode, the game goes Black Screen.

This is from my system log:

Log Name: System
Source: Display
Level: Warning
Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

So it seams to be a graphic issue, but is it client or computer based? (I don’t think so)
I have no problem buying a new Graphic card, if I am 100% sure that this will fix my problem.

If you have any suggestions on what to do, please help.
If not, perhaps this can help Anet in someway because it seams like I am not alone with this problem.

My Setup right now is:
Motherboard: Asus – P8z77-V-PRO
CPU: Intel i5 – 3570K
Graphic: Gigabyte GTX260SLI SOC (SLI)
Memory: Corsfire Vengeance 8GB @ 1600Mhz
Hdd: SOZ – 60gb SSD

Windows 7 (64-bit) – Up to date
Nvidia: 310,54

Nothing is over clocked atm.

100% Area complete

in Suggestions

Posted by: Batim.9075


Well, just meant that its almost as boring to delete one of your best quest rewards as deleting your character. I cant find any good reason to why you would like to delete all your four quest reward items, why does this option even exists….

100% Area complete

in Suggestions

Posted by: Batim.9075


If you going to keep it, I have a nice suggestion.
Every other week, change the position of the “Start” and “Delete” button in character select menu. And with no “Are you sure”… :-)

100% Area complete

in Suggestions

Posted by: Batim.9075


Why is there even a buttom for “Delete all” if your inventory is full after getting 100% in an area. I just accidentally pressed “the delete all” button instead of “take all”.
Cant it just be, “Cancel”= Send it to mail? or “Take all” ?

Im really kitten for loosing all that for one wrong mouse click!!!!!

"Black screen" and "not responding" This might help.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075


Each of those 0.5—1s black screens is the nVidia driver crashing and resuming, which will end up with GW2 crashing overall.

How long since you cleaned your gfx for dust? Have you checked the gfx temps while running the game?

I have cleaned the gfx just 2 days ago, so that is probably not the cause.

I logged my gpu temperatures when playing and when i got the Black screen.
Imo it looks normal.


"Black screen" and "not responding" This might help.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Batim.9075


I would like to start with my problem, and then with a helpful solution.

I bought a new computer just 2days ago, mostly for Guild wars 2.
My old one was AMD Phenom 9950 (Quad), 4GB Corsair ram @800MHZ, and 2x GTX260SOC SLI.

With this old setup i could not the run game last weeks because of the repeatably black sceen and the need for forced hard reboot.
I tried many different settings and came up with a solution that worked for me.
This worked 100% on my old computer. In game menu / graphics option / resolution ; set your resolution to “Windowed mode – Full screen”
With this setting i could run the game with decent settings, limited by my hardware for hours without problems.

So i bought my self a new computer:
Intel i5 3750, AsusP8z77, and 8GB Corsair @1600MHZ, and a 60GB SSD disc.
Im still using my GTX260SOC SLI.

With this setup i can run the game with max settings at 60-75FPS, but using limit FPS @60.

Now i cant run the game anymore, it keeps black screening on me all the time.
When playing for 5-15min it can be black screen for 0,5 – 1 second, then it goes back to normal.
This can happen 3-5 times, after that ill get a black screen and “GW2 – Is not responding”

The good thins is that if you run the game in windowed mode, you most likely don’t need a forced reboot.
Just ALT+TAB+DEL and close the game.

Is there any news on this problem? I cant see any staff from GW2 or ArenaNet commentating this type of problems.
Do they even know that there is a problem? Other that with the “Black Screen Issue (Nvidia)” thread.
Because I have tried that but with the same result

I have read some of the posts about this on the forum about this problem.

Please help if you know any thing that might help me, i would be very thankful.