Showing Posts For Bedlam.3562:
I like GW2 because you don’t need dedicated healers unlike every other mmo.
The way they presented the druid sounded like they’re required to clear raid content and if you run wvw w/o them you’ll lose to a team who does. That sounds pretty mandatory to me.
Keep in mind I’m saying this from a pvp perspective. I agree GW2 PVE dynamics are one of the worst, but I’ve always said if I wanted to do PVE I’d be playing another game.
I’m not sure I like the direction the game is taking, but we’ll have to wait and see…
As of today icons have been restored. Huzzah anet!
It’s intended. SAB skins are only available during the event. If you didn’t buy then you’ll have to wait for them to do it again (if ever it seems).
PS. I also have a bunch of tokens sitting around.
Happy to hear yours resolved itself, not so for me.
It’s really annoying especially since I can’t tell which teammate needs help in spvp. I see party member’s health bar dropping, but can’t see their class icon, so I don’t know where I need to be on the minimap to assist.
Add me to the list, however I’m running Windows 8.1
A 9k mage strike is a rare, beautiful thing.
Just like the unicorn!
Anyone know how to force GW2 to use my windows 8 cursor skins?
I often can’t find the default GW2 ones during big battles with all the effects going off. I have read about GW2 cursor, but I’d rather not play in windowed mode or use the ctrl key to ‘highlight’.
This game could really use a toggle option to use the in-game pointers or not.
There’s one place I feel it’s wrong to kill people in WvW and that’s in the jumping puzzle areas. Unless of course they attacked me 1st.
That’s a shame OP, those who use hacks in pvp are just the worst. For people who don’t know what this hack is, it’s called a fly hack. You can spot a person fly hacking quite easily. They will appear to be severely rubberbanding (teleporting constantly due to lag) while falling. The best way to report them is to submit a support ticket as well as use the ingame system. Add as much evidence as possible, while Anet will not ban based on evidence you provide as they need to see the cheating done by a gm every little bit helps
Thanks, I’ve already reported said player(s) and have yet to see them ingame since.
It would be nice if some of the respondents who said “there are no hacks” would stop using logical fallacy arguments.
(edited by Bedlam.3562)
Post that is already over 2 years old.
I am sure that ArenaNet has improved security for their servers and clients greatly since then.
Haven’t seen any hackers in Gw2.
They don’t exist.
You’ve already said this more than once so I can’t tell if you’re being serious or just plain ignorant. Either way please stop being a troll.
ANet has even stated there are cheaters/hackers in this game.
After a careful reevaluation of orbs of power we have decided to remove them from WvW in an upcoming build. As implemented, orbs tend to strengthen teams who are already winning and make it even more difficult for underdog teams to fight back. In addition, the current implementation seems to be irresistible to hackers/cheaters and will require significant modification to prevent cheaters from having an unfortunately large impact
Source GW2 Forums
Everything seems OP when you first start, because you don’t completely understand how they function and/or how to counter them (hence why there is literally a thread for every class complaining that it’s OP).
When you see posts for nerfing every single class in the game, that’s when you know the game is fairly well balanced. There’re plenty of other games where there’s ONE class to rule them all.
And those expecting PERFECT balance are being unrealistic. No multi-class mmo has ever achieved perfect balance.
If they’re in WvW it’s fair game to spike them. That said I also think it’s poor form for 5+ players to chase a solo roamer all over the map, finally kill them then jump and laugh at said player’s corpse.
Here’s my statement now after 20 years of pc gaming.You’re naive if you think peoples reports of hacks are just bugs or skills in ANY game. I even went so far as to rent a hack for 24 hours 6 months ago. Cost me 2.50$ to rent a professional hack for 24 hours that covered every shooter on the pc you can think of. I just wanted to see a hack from their side for once. I used it for a couple of hours mainly adjusting settings until it worked fairly well.
I love that people call others out saying they’re exaggerating or naive when a Google search can pull up many professional hacking websites that sell subscription based hacks for every game you can think of.
Literally a Google search is too much effort for them.
One thing I’ll say though in Anet’s defense is that some of these hacks are almost impossible to stop. The dev’s dont want this happening. We dont want this happening. But there’s not much we can do without a strong report system and moderator’s who can investigate these reports.
I wish more could be done but so far this has remained PC gamings biggest weakness.
^ This.
I’ve been gaming since the Vic 20, played GW2 since launch so all those who think hacks don’t exist keep being ignorant. There’ve been bots, teleport/speed hacks since launch, however mostly in the WvW zones. Part of the reason the Orbs of Power were removed from WvW was because of cheaters (shame though as the Orbs were fun trying to legitimately take them).
DAoC had a great reporting system and GMs were very prompt, polite and professional in assisting their customers. Things like cheaters, verbal abuse, and death threats were not taken lightly and nor should they be. Nowadays many game companies fall very short of this level of service. Pity.
These hacks/cheats aren’t rampant yet thankfully and I’d like to see something in place to not allow them to be. At the very least have a report option for hacking and not simply ‘bug’ report.
For my instance the player was using a mesmer, which is more or less my ‘main’ (have all toons to 80), so I’m very familiar with what is and isn’t possible.
He was ‘gliding’ back (as in controlling his movements at slightly faster than swiftness speed) to the platformed area ABOVE where the home cap points are. You know the one you have to use the pads to JUMP onto? So definitely a hack. Took him about 4 secs to reach it.
When I called him out on it, he promptly left the game and went ‘offline’, but he was still there (you can tell because the name is still in white rather than greyed out).
Anyways still wondering where to report these cheating kittens?
I just witnessed a player who fell through skyhammer glass then floated up back to high ground not dying and taking no damage.
This is the 3rd person I’ve seen in SPVP using some kind of warping hack. It’s pretty easy to spot as they don’t run smoothly when you’re spectating like normal players.
I know it’s only hotjoin, however it’s discouraging to see nothing being done.
Given this game wants to be and is sort of ESports I hope anet will do more to get rid of these kind of players. I’ve tried reporting them ingame via “bugs” but I still see them joining games.
So could anyone point me in the right direction where to report these players? I have their account IDs on my ‘friends’ list so I can keep track of them.
Yes, this is pretty frustrating to get penalized because the other team has rage-quitting members.
This back and forth tit for tat is kinda sad.
Step back and see the real issue is anet needs to fix kitten on ALL classes.
Ya’ll must be bored as I am replying to this…
You guys rock, thanks Blackgate!
Any NA balth open now?
As others have said it’s not the same and nor should it be.
Thief short bow can hit a hard armored target (1.9k+ toughness = 3k+ armor) for 1.5k per shot (4.5k if you count ricochets)
If ranger short bow could do anywhere near this they would much rather have trick shot as their #1 rather than crossfire.
After playing ele and moving to the necro I noticed that the necro is very weak to the ele but I enjoy it a ton.
I have some solo play recorded(not in this video) but its a lot tougher to solo as a necro.
8 classes in this game and only 3 are really viable to run solo with. Necro’s not one of them.
It’s an underdog class and I give you props when you try to run solo with it. I have an 80 one which I’ve shelved because there isn’t anything a solo necro can do that another class can’t do, but better and with less frustration.
Also, I’m pretty sure I’ve fought you a couple times since I’m from BP and I see you’re using Snow Leopard as your elite.
But the biggest issues people have with thieves in general is their attitude and denial.
QFT. My 1st 80 was a thief and I am under no misconceptions that thieves are a scrub class and can pull of kitten other classes could only dream of. This is in a WvW setting.
I’ve been gaming since UO and you are absolutely correct. Stealth is a broken mechanic in this game. There are zero drawbacks to having it/using it. My thief can regen a kitten ton of HP, remove conditions and there ain’t kitten anyone can do about it since I can chain my stealth back to back when it suits me. I can do this and still dish out enough damage to kill decent players. And if I feel the heats getting too much I can always book it out of dodge and live to fight another day.
Don’t get me wrong it’s fun playing my thief, but I’m not disillusioned thinking it was all skill and not the class’ mechanic that allowed me to be victorious in a 1v3+ (competent players).
Anyone who does needs to wake up and I challenge them to try the same kitten on a warrior/ranger/necro (COMPETENT players, not underleveled, undergeared, underplayed, etc.)
Perhaps I’m not as well-informed, but where do you get Power/Toughness/Condition gear?
Arah and Twilight Arbor gives that.
I think you mean Condition/Precision/Toughness, because Hileron is right there is no Power/Toughness/Condition gear… yet.
No offense, you fought a couple kitteny players and in the final one, with a 3rd, who was clearing sub 20’s. In all of your encounters you used Lich form…
However for purely entertainment purposes it was great and I like the ‘Silent Film’ cuts you gave it.